.- fr'iftsUZn . ",j"3:jg-,i r -v?V V iC Tt"l Qlqv lEuimtluj Itormjk '. i".i -ra. ii'wi KLAMATH COUNTY'S KLAMATH FALl'r OFFICIALNEW1PAP1R OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER , . sr-tdj ,j j--l '--v3y?l Clwfli,y.-N.a-'w KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1916. PnM JFlf9 u FRENCH GENERAL IS LEADING RUMANIANS gUMMAM KKI'UI-HI GERMAN MDK OK HH.I'M.V I.N HALKAN8 -frsoiM Ktnid PIU.im Hoiilliewiit gtavy Urn WhHi ItwuUiw Munch Mmm Alik Ihtwwii luuyly mmI Heolov No lrnry Action Aramd Verdun Today. fslted Prcn Bervico nERMN. Oil 30. The French General llcrtluili'i has been appointed commander of tliu Rumanian army ud the BubbIuii (lenurol Hlolnyov an- iWanl.-accordlng to French newspa per The Rumanians repulsed tho Gor-iij-i tide column yesterday southwest ,c(8iurduk I'iiHH. Southeast of Hcd Tower Pas the Tculoni extended their gains, taking Mwal heights. Between Italcttes and Lamalsoncttc, In the went, the Gormans atormed the French icnltlon. The illicit took n portion of the ad usced tronrli oast of Lcsbeoufs. Ruailan mnHH attacks between Pus towyiy and Beolov have been heavily repulsed. United Press Service PARIS, Oct. 30. Tho French have occupied trenches north went of Sallly ud reached tliu fortified church near- Nr.'- .- " The Ovrniiiim havo attacked Malcacn and the Maisonette farm and penetrated the Inttor. There la no Infantry activity around Verdun today. IMP BEETS FOR SUGAR 1EST 81'GAK IIKI.TH GROWN MY NEL flOX, MKI.IIAHE AM) JORY WILL BK BENT TO FACTORY AT 0HANTS PASS FOR TEST. To icciiru a lost o( tho quality of mar beets grown In Klamath county, the, Klamath Commorclnl Club In hipping to tho beet sugar factory nt Crania I'osb.ob n consignment of becta flown here. It thebo beets tent high la material for sugar, It la believed a InveatlRatlon will be made and n uiu beet factory probably oatnb lUhed hero. fart of tho beets to be shipped era grown by J. w. Jory on blBck loam toll ii,or irrigation, nnd by F. T, Nalwn mid Al Molhaao on ro led tulo land. MOVABLE SCHOOL AT PLEVNA TODAY 'WT op FOUR SESSIONS OVER MONTY IIKGIX8 WITH TAliK MY HWT' AGRICULTURIST H. II. MlHYKH, .The flm of the four sessions of tho "ron Agricultural Colloge movable ,. oo n Klamath county opened to la ii Vloyn 8chO0, nou,,e' wlth I' ?fi aum?r of the residents of Ji.i- . ,e6 Profewora who are ( .i ' iqe 'M'tuiea and demonitrat- .4m.Jlrr,V01 ' Bbt from Lakd ..(ii "''I Wliere thnv liaua hu. 1,1111. aykwiB. ...!. '. " . " ""-' vw- .VTomorrow tho school will convene Willi w www .VrtvuWinjVWlj nt Mt, hukl, W(dmMdiiy lit Merrill, nnd TlitirHdiiy nt lloimnzii. Tho proRrnm for today at IMuvnii follewa: I'levmi, Odolr :io. Him 8Mn Why Wy Ar, lluiu II. It. (iliilsyer. !l:on.!l;ir. KHM'iilhilM to Hiiitohh Iii Dairying K. II. KlttK. li, uo.iicir. liilKitln flctuifis mid Koll MaiiiiRonR'iit J. K, l,nrxoii 1 1:00-11 :t," o.t i nnd lloi ei (lie Htnnll Farm- K, I). Klttu. . dlMMTt .li) I'arin 1 1.lm.;u rud l':i Hummer IV.'o . I'. I.imioii 4'inu2:ir,--?nt,ua nnd llamllliit: o- l-ref Cuttle i: II Flttn 3:003Mr( Cr s foi ,!m Try land Fi r. J. K. Iiiuui'. Hoiimi Iv40iic:iilc rntRnuii by Mis Aiiiui M. Turley 10:00 a. m. Food for the Family i'.'mI Pinrulng the Moiti l.cciiiio 1:00 p. m. Dairy and I'uultr) Products Food and ICcononilc Value Dcmonntrntlon. I'rlncltik'H of cook ing them, with Rlmplo and attractive dishes prepared. llnudltN HImmM nt Trnln United I'ress Servlco KI. PASO, Tex.. Oct. 30. Arrivals here say VllllHtaa yesterday II rod at n trnln and killed four pmuivuRcrti near Monterey. The tuiRliu'er sped up when ho saw the bandits. Tho arrivals say another train ahead was stopped and the pussciiRcrs robbed. MEOFORD WINS GAME 2110 0 KLAMATH MISKS SKCO.VD I'KJ HKIX 'XTi:sT OX TICII' INTO IMKati: KIVKK VAMiKV I'l.AV tiltAXTK PASS TODAV Klamath IiIrIi hdiool lost to Mi'd ford high school by a.cor of 27 to 0 In Saturday afternoon's football R.imo nt Med ford, according to n telegram from Coach HurrIiis. Tho telegram suys Klamath was outweighed and outplayed. Coach Ilugglns Buys (ho Klamath boys arc In fine condition and good spirits. They should defeat (limits Pass In today's game. They will ie ttim tomorrow. Flour (Jim t! United Tress Scrvlco HAN FRANCISCO. Oct. III). Flour Haturduy advanced 20 cunU a barrel. Family grades are now $8K0 it barrel and special grades JU.20. Further udvuuces are predicted. FORD RUNS WILD; TEACHFR UNHURT HUIT'. OF CITY SCHOOLS DUXIIAIt FAILH TO KKKI' HIS FOHD IX THK M1DDLK OF THK IIHIIMJH ACItOSS CANAL. A school teachor and n Ford had n mlxup at noon today that might hnvo resulted Injuriously to the formor. Ah It was. tho Ford suffered a broken windshield nnd bndly bout front axle. II. II, Dunbar, superintendent of city schools, and only recently the owner of a Ford, was driving tho car, Ho went off tho bridge over tho old Ankony canal on Fourth street and several men were required to lift tho car out of the ditch. It seems that Superintendent Dunbar lookod behind him and In so doing turnod the cteerlng wheel. Malta Dig Catch. Elmer Mllla and wato uuoruew spent yesterday on tho KJamath river near Keno trout fishing. Tloth mndo a n good catch. Austrian Premier Killed by Editor BanNRBasvavaaBBaMisNaaBainBBBjBVMSkBBMBMvaaM!' JM& - y ' COUNT KARt- SrUEftGKHirij Count Karl StuerRkh, premier of Austila Hungary, was shot to death by an Kdltor, Adler, In a Vienna res taurant. Kvery nicnns lins been taken by the government to keep back tho hlory of tliu causes which led to the assassination. The count had been premier for four years. TIPTON HOME IS AT T WIMI IXSL'ltANCK OX HOL'SK AXD ami OX HOL'Si:iIOLD GOODS WILL XOT COYKIt MJSS FltOM HAD Fllti: j- . U r BURNED NIG Fire which Slatted from K1,arls"MarInn did not try to escape Its pur allRhtlng on tliu carpet latt night con sumed the old John Uerllug liouse on on a by! Pine Htieet, near First, occupied John Y. Tipton. Tliu lioiibc and all it contained burned. The hotibc was covered by STiOO in- siirniKe and tliu household goods by $::ii( iiihurauce. This will not cover the loss. When the ill emeu broke into the luiiii-e last ulglit about K:l.r tho Moor directly In front of tho heating Btovo!TAKKS POSITION' OF SECRETARY was burned more than any other part of the hoiitju, leading to the opinion that sparks jumped from tliu opened draft In front of the .stove onto the carpet. Tliu opinion that the flro stalled in tho lluu is diseiudlted. keusi: nimr.LAii is AIUEKSTF.D IIV OFFK'HKS United Press Scrvlco OAKLAND. Oct. 30. Walter Har ris was arrested this morning. It is believed lie is tho burglar who tor lorlzed Alameda for two hours last night, burglarizing three homes. Ho hold up one woman iu her homo and escaped after defying ton officers, i Tliu polico 'say ho is responsible for seven other recent crimes hereabout. Can't Oust Espeo United Press Service. WASHINGTON, Oct. 30. The Uni ted States supieme court todny re fused to review the California deci sion holding that tho Southern Pa cific company cannot bo ousted from Ite Sacramento water front property. Farmer In Town. S. C. Eastwood, o farmer on tho upper Merrill road, transacted busi ness In Klamath Fulls today. Here fiom Algonm. Clay Howell was a business visitor hero today from Algomn. Here from Keno. Roy Nelson spent today ln Klamath Falls getting supplies for the Nelson stock ranch near Keno. Torker VIH. s. D. Tooker. n resident of the Dairy country, nttended to business affairs In the county seat today, m Go After Ducks. j. D, Chambers, John Ansoll and Henry Grimes left yestorday for the uppor end or Klamath marsh for a duck hunt, BRITISH VESSEL SENTT0BOTT0M BY A SUBMARINE IS HUXK WITHOUT WAHMXO, SAYS M)XIM)N DISPATCH $. DiiiiImIi, Greek, Kwwbiitanil A'onrc glau Ships Alm (Jo J Down Before AllJickH if (K'nnani dulimarlnes. Many of the CivwlofDrlllxli llout fjMt To on llotif-Weru Ainerl cans anil Five Fllipfcoii. Untied Press Service LONDON. Oct. 30,4-The Dritlsh steamer Marina wasj;junk without warning Saturday. Tht German sub marlno shelled and suik ber as she tried to escape. Thirty- four member of the crew or 400 have been UiMed. Lloyd's reports that part ofjihe crew has been taken abroad a patrorboat. A Danish steamer, kQreek steam er, a Norwegian barkand a Russian bark were submarined Sunday. 3t United Preaa WASHINGTON, Oct 30. Amerl Octf a; iii can Consul Frost atv Queenstown cables ttie state department that two Americans and five nilplnos w.ere aboard the Marina. ' Jt Consul Frost also reports that the steamer Kownnmore was sunk Thurs day. It was shelled while the craw was aboard. Later the" submarine shelled the life boat when the steam er was abandoned afte trying to es- tni.f. f jl-nter today Itjraa learnedthat the suer, alio was sunn iuu nines wesi of Cape Clear. REV. RICHARDS IS WITH UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION WITH WILLAM ETTE UNIVERSITY, METHODIST SCHOOL AT SALEM. Word received hero today brings the news that Itov. Ernest C. Rich ards, until recently pastor of the. local Methodist church, has accepted a po sition with Willamette University, nillng tho position of secretary of education, " t Itcv. Richards' now duties will re quire that he travel over all of Ore gon and parts of Washington nnd .Idaho, Tho position of secretary of education was offered to him at the Methodist conference at Lebanon a month ago, but ho declined It then to go on a ranch near Ashland. Later It was renewed and he finally ac cepted. Rev. and Mrs- RichardB will make their home in Salem. Almost 92 Wheat CHICAGO.O ct. 30. Gralnmen lieie predict '2 wheat this week. To day December wluat closed at 5i Iilj. Kerns Visits. R. E, Kerns, of the Keno Power company, was in the county, seat to day on business. Campbell Visits. David Campbell, pioneer stockman of Langell valley, is spending few days in Klamath Falls on business. Low Kills Ruck. Judd Low and Robert 8loan re turned last evening from a short deer hunt near old Pekegama. Low killed a flno three-point blacktall buck "- - v. To Hold Social. - The Epworth Leaguo of the Grace M. E. church will noia maaqueraae Hollowe'en social at the church next Friday, evening. AU.yo.UH people or tho city are cordially Invited, Insane Man Attach President Wilson ffit '"f&rYM y rtHABI-CULXENf Itlchard Cullen, a young mechanic of Pittsburg, dashed after the auto of President Wilson in Pittsburg tho other day and was knocked from tho running board several times by a secret service man. There was no evidence he meant to Injure the presi dent. It has since been found he 13 Insane. BEEF AND LAMBS SENT MARKET LOCAL 8TOCKRAISERS MAKE BIG SHIPMENTS LAST WEEK TO CALIFORNIA MARKETS- AND FEEDING GROUNDS Fifty-Six' carloaoV-br tTeef "eaU' were shipped last week to California by local stockmen. The shippers In cluded Louis Gerber, J. L. Beckley, D. M. McLemore and others. The stock wont to San Francisco, Athlon and Portervllle. Two thousand head of lambs also were shipped Friday by O. T. McKen dree. The lambs went to Johnson & Son and Henry Levi & Co. of San Francisco. , Tho foil shipment of livestock from Klamath county Is now In full swing, and will continue until late ln the winter. The shipments will include beef ready for slaughter, feeders, hogs and lambs. Most of the stock will bo loaded at Klamath Falls and Midland. SAYS JAPAN DOES NOT SEEK A WAR JUDGE GARY, WHO RECENTLY VISITED IN' LAND OF NIPPON', SAYS THERE WILL NEVER HE CAUSE FOR WAR WITH U. 8. ST. LOUIS, Oct 30. There Is not now and need not ever be any trouble between Japanand the United States worth going to war over. Judge Elbert H. Gary, chairman ot the board or di lectors pr the United States Steel cor poration, who has just returned trom a tour of the Orient, declared today at the semi-annual meeting ot the Amer ican Iron and steel institutes. "Whenever either government has doclded to provide an additional war ship some one In the other country has been prompt In charging that this meant preparation for war between the two countries," he said. "I. told the Japanese the American people did not want and would stub bornly oppose war with Japan except in self defense. The controlling men of Japan, Judging from the statements made to me, are anxious for continued peace with the United States. The .lananese sneak of the United' States aa a model government, whose friend lly Interest they court. They realise tho geographical location of the two countries should make them prac tically, a)Ueu thou $ Inde pendently." . , Concerning Japan's Intentions to- VILLA IN CONTROL OF SANTA ROSALIA MMAMWWMMMMMMMMMMMMAMAW ward China, Gary said: "I am confident Japan would like China for a continuous permanent friendly, profitable and satisfied cus tomer, with no political, social or financial difficulties, Internal or Inter national.' Judge Gary concluded his address by stating his opinion concerning present business conditions in the United States, saying: "No one can certainly foretell whether there will be a continuance of large business for many months or years after the war or whether there will be an immediate recession. Obvi ously the wise man will husband his resources, keep within safe limits, and avoid over-extension. "At the end of the war foreign countries now buying our products, because compelled, will in large meas ures withdraw their patronage. Most of the foreign countries will be thor oughly protected by tariff provisions. and we should be on a parity with them in this respent." Counterfcitter Arrested SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 30. H. R. Wllklos, the twenty-eighth person ar rested recently at Santa Cruz, today confessed to secret service agents to counterfeiting operations amounting to nearly $30,000. For a year he maintained offices ln Los Angeles as a commercial artist, and made a thou sand "f 10 bank notes. MURDER STORY S1iP SEARCH SCHOOL GIRLS SAY THEY SAW VICTIMS OF AGED FARMER SEVERAL HOURS AFTER MUR DER SUPPOSED TO OCCUR. United Press 8arrles) LOS ANGELES, Oct. 30. Whether Benton L. Barrett, aged farmer, is guilty of murder or whether, in turn, he 1b the victim of an alleged power ful hypnotist, is a mystery that may only be solved by a Jury trial, in the opinion of District Attorley Wool wine. A search for Mrs. Barrett and her 17-year-old son Raymond Wright, was started today following , state ments by two school girls that they saw them several hours after Barrett claims he murdered them and Incin erated their bodies. "We have sufficient evidence to con vict Barrett of first degree murder," said Woolwine today. His statement is backed by Dr. Lyman B. Stookey, anatomist, who declares the bones found on the Barrett farm at Santa Monica were those of persons recent ly dead, and possibly those ot Mrs. Benton Barrett and Raymond Wright, her 17-yenr-old son. "There is no evidence that Barrett is guilty. We will prove, him Inno cent," declared Lewis D. Colllngs, defendant's counsel. Colllngs' state ment is supported by Capt. H. R. Kim- mer, expert Investigator, who says the bones found ln an outhouse on the Barrett farm were those of a per son dead for a long time, Colllngs de clares he has information that a skel eton was recently stolen. TELEPHONE LINES ARE BEING OVERHAULED To spend two months in Klamath county overhauling the telephone lines, the Pacific Telephone and Tele graph company's patrol outfit Is here from Eugene, At present it is over hauling the line to Merrill and later will work on the line to Bly and the one to Ashland, The patrol outfit ,1s ln charge of A. S. Myers, district plant chief. Here- from Eugeae. Percy M. Collier and" Alfred D. Col Her ot Eugene arrived Saturday io spend a few days here on business. They are brothers of Andrew Collier of the First National' bank. " TAKES CITY WITHOUT BLOOD SHED, GARRISON FLEEING Main Force of Randlto Now Moving South Villa's Soldiers Are De- if- nuwding Pay and- to Fy Therm -I.-.- "Jyi i . Villa Seizes People, Moid Them For Raasome, aadPays Mm with ,. r T &. J Money Obtained by thl.M(M. - tf-Kl - - - uujivu riona onrnv ? Aj. " EL PASO, Oct. 30. Repertsji; ceived here by government agent say that Vliilstas have occupied.San ta Rosallla and that the main, force of Villa's army is moving soutk to ward Jimhtese Parral on trains. Santa Rosalia was captured Sat urday with little bloodshed, most of the garrison fleeing when the' Villi tas approached. Carranxlstas say they have reoc cupled Santa Ysabel, the Vlllistas evacuating. It Is reported that Villa did not at tack Santa Rosalia, but aaerely passed through the city. ' " Carranza soldiers declare that'Vll llstas who' have deserted the bandit king, say his men are demanding pay, causing Villa to seize people and, hold them for ransom, paylag'the ransom to his soldiers. - Mooney's Trial Costrlaeed United Press Service SAN .FRANCISCO,. Oct. 30. Su perior Judge "Griath. today continued h. trial nf "Thorn Monnev. bomb sirsWctruirfiioTO of the Illness of Maxwell McNutt, chief counsel for Mooney. DEPRESSION SURE 5" J? TO COME-HUGHES REPLIES TO WILSON'S PECLARA- TION THAT BUSINESS MEN NEED NOT FEAR TROUBLE AFTER GREAT WAR. United Press Service - - EAST LIVERPOOL. Ohio. Oct. 30. Replying to President Wilson' dec laration that business men of this country need not fear a business de prcsslon after the European war, Charles E. Hughes liukts speech Here today taid: f "The American worklngman will not be deluded by the suggestion that ve uow have a satisfactory prosper" ity. Twenty months ago there were hundreds of thousands of unemployed men throughout the land." United' Press Service CHICAGO. Oct. 30. Democratic National Chairman McCormlck aald today that Woodrow Wilson will get majorities ln Illinois, Ohio, New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, Dela ware and West Virginia. .This statement contradicts tnat-ot former Postmaster General Hitch- cock, which claimed all of tnese states except Ohio for the Republi cans. Chairman McCormlck said: "It looks like a landslide; Wilson gaining steadily." i n m SATURDAY WESTERN GAMES' University of Washington J8? Whit- man o. -,. ..' v, University of Montana- 0,'Wisain- mgjfyi ton State College JOT ' 1.JH W , V ' University of California TejK tal 14. T A ' T- ... i. .ri-i. a U'.r.J.'ut.v 7 ,i iviamain nun v, muio.' ..". .-7. " . ,r - fnM 1 '.., '&.f:c&4jW Wt-$tf&Hf Jv?&t3ma&- ?" TZ3EiZSst ior JudgegtHrttaatUfTey; Mt'aaAis taxes, awfawwj ?HiMrrfry: vMiK 4 rij-staaaSEI 2 5 . : y"" 'H: . h --? fit, ; ,-9 "! " !(. ffJ c ptl &n Pi - -V-4' '-.l SI -.! era - ..t "i V"l V rf . l i'".1 "r.r,j" ,--VHC.! 1