vsn.. f i;.,'- J cfe& V (1; .w.a SSi - iA- fv'M V ft"- Ij iEmntfngi Itaralli KLAMATH COUNTY'i KLAMATH FALW-i OFFICIAL NEWWUnUt f OFFICIAL NEW1PAPER Eleventh Year No. 8.181 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1916. Russians Begin Powerful Drive to Relieve Rumania TrytoWithdrawTeutons From Dobrudja Fighting Cunard Liner Blown up on Trip from the U. S. IMMMAMMMMMVIAMVWVVWWMM .xvbitmanian TROOIW STILL Do"au",0't. Arllllorylng near Fort IK180-RVNANIAN Iliwin BT,Ij,ii Douaumont continues. RETREATING Admits Loss of Bistritsa Heights and FaU to Gala at Lutsk. AMI Resume Offensive la Wot at Tiro Pisces After Lull Kalwr Narrowly Escape Death When Train I Bombarded. (Jilted Press Servlca ROMK, Oct. 88. German advice indicate tbe beginning of a powerful RomIid offensive In Poland and Gal Ida to relievo Rumania by eompelllng las Oermans to withdraw part of their fence from tbe DodrudJa front. Catted Press Service LONDON, Oct. 2. Russia admit Hke loei or the Ulatrltia heights to TUw'eraaM. " -""- 'Berlin announces that Russian at tacks west of Lutsk have been turned back. (felted Press Service BERLIN, Oct. 28 General Put- ksnhayn hss captured the- Important height south or Kronstadt. ' Tbe Russian and Rumanian forces today continue their flight from the DodrudJa front. After a lull, the allies have re SBBed the Sonne offensive, tho Brit s attacking between Oeudecourt and Uaboufs Bdf..the French northeast of Horval. Both assaults have been rseulaed. tWtad ireaaartlM SOFIA,, pett IS. The Bulgarians oe captured Harsova, 25 miles northwest of Cernavoda. Csited Prs Berrlew PARIB, Oct. 28. After a brilliant Mack this morning the French cap- ri a quarry northeast nr RWt i , United Press Horvlco LONDON, Oct. 28. Zurich report that Knlser Wllhclm niirrowly es caped death n few days ago when an aeroplane bombarded tho train on which ho was riding. Tho engineer of the train was killed. "Gypsy" i,i War ."no United Press Service I ARIB, Oct. 2S.-' Oyps Smith, who hus ovungclUod all over tint world, will spend tho months frum Novomber till April In Franco doing evangelistic work under tho auspices of the Young Men's Christian Asso ciation, lie comes ns a reprcBonta tlvo of the Wcslcyan Methodist church. BURDICK HERE TO MEET THE VOTERS IS NOMINEE ON FOUR TICKETS FOR JOINT REPRESENTATIVE FROM TIIK TWEXTY-THHHl DISTRICT. To meet tho voter of Klamath county, Donton U. Uurdlclc of Red mond Is hero for a few days. Hu ar rived last evening from Lakovlow and will bu hero until Monday. Mr. Ilurdlck hits tho Republican, Democratic, Progressive and Prohi bition nomination for representative from tho twenty-third district, which Inrludes Crook, (Irani, Jefferson, Laku mid Klamath countcs. Vernon A. Pvrbcs of timid has thu Republican nomination and Fred W. llyndmaii of Klamuth Falls has tho Democratic end Prohibition nomination. From theso thrco candidates two aro to bo elected. Mr. Ilurdlck is accompanied on his visit hero by M. A. Lynch of Rod mond. MMIHWWWWMWMWWWWytf VILLA CUTS OFF APPROACHES TO TOWNJN MEXICO AK MAIN BODY APPROACHES DE TACIIMENT DOES WORK HuntH RoNalla Virtually Isolated Ex cept from the North American AkcuIh Say Ilaiullt Chief Has 4,000 M'n in Several Bands and That Three-Fourths of These Are Very Well Armed. United Pross Service KL PASO, Oct. 28. After cutting at Ortiz the railway to Chihuahua City, Villa's main army Is rapidly ap proaching Santa Rosalia, '80 miles southwest of Chihuahua City. American army agents who have been investigating for several days say that Villa has nearly 4,000 men in his several bands. Three-fourths of these are well armed since the cap tprc of (iencrnl Ozuma's supply train a few days ago at Paloma. Tho troops also have several machine guns. - - Communication with Santa Rosalia from the south has been destroyed by Villlstas. A detachment or Vlllistas encircled the town, tore up tho rall rend tracks and burned the bridges whllo tho main body was approaching from tho north. Will Ask $50,000 for Marketing of Scenery The following U a statement of tho j Northern border to Alaska and the eject and purposes of of the Pacific other passing to tho South Into .in , . Tour't Association, which I Southern California. V SSK the leglslaturn for tan n. fettsl appropriations n isr. nnn ...h. The Pacific Northwest Tourlat As ' on was organised at Tacoma, wunlniton, October II, 1016, by i.i i? ,rom Commercial Clubs, uio clubs and ChanW. r r.nm. Not over 20 per rout of tho West ward travel has covorcd tho Oregon district, or what Is known as the Pa cific Northwest. That Is tho situation, notwithstand ing tho fact that Oregon, Washlng inir nnd nrltlHh Columbia contain tho .," i reon, Washington and grandest and most Interesting sconlc otllh ColumhL it. ......... i. .'". ....... .. ... -.ni,.r,ii .11. .,. . - puiyvra I. iu,eiuis, wiin mu wuoi uviio.iw... ... North Bcener'r cllsaate of the 'mate to be found In America. the hi ' t0 the tour,,t t0 o after! The explanation Is that we have ana .I8" ,n systematic manner, ' been working along the wrong linos H.' snare equally the expense of. in Oreaon. Washington and British w lW0 ye,r Pn. iicani anniiallv nn4 itaa . - 4N Twt , JJ-fAO to travel, wose Columbia. Oregon communities have under mirm tn xivurtlifi their Individual tt- Ohl.lr.lA JMKM AA t.-l. ... a. 1. .4 Ih. tH.IPAlltlff ska, .v '- vif ' ptracuop an,o o ihiipi io n.'... "UWB tOat tnilrllit. k. ... w . . .. ..t navlnar It II enml.. i ? not ii puniic 10 me evuui u w -f to theNorthWas. Tlie 'travel ,v"tait, when the attraction itself was W.b . 0MK rr Yallowstoueiuot big enough In any one instance "IBS, one otr,. m ".. .,.- ne stream flowing along th? Concluded on Page WESTERN GAMES TODAY INTEREST (J1LMOUK IMHUK'S TEAM APPEAR TODAY FOR FIRST TIME IN AN I NTER-COLLEU I ATE FOOTBALL CONTEST. United Press Sorvlce SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 28. Tho eyes of football fans ull over the coast aro today following closely the scores In the football gamos this afternoon, for today's contest at Seattle marks tho first appcorunco of Doblo's Wnsh lugtonlnns this year, and the result of their Drst game has a big bearing on tho Northwest championship. Tho gnnio has great significance In Cali fornia, too, for the big game of the Benson at Berkeley Is a clash, botween California and Washington. Doble, since ho began coaching, has yet to seo a team he coached defeated, and Washington fans feel they have n pormanent title to tho championship. With Oregon's eleven stronger than ever this year, Eugene studentB are hopoful or shattering Doble's hopes of another undefeated season. They proved their offensive powers by beat ing California last week playing straight football, and are developing a l.ow defense. Occidental's team trotted on Ber keley Hold thU afternoon minus Its stnr pluyor, Brandstetner. Howeyer, Coach Stanton expects the team to inpko a mighty tough scrap berore the game Is over, and a crowd of Oc cMontal rooters aro on hand to cheer the "Tigers." Occidental, howover,. is up against a harder team than that which beat Whlttlcr and lost to Oregon Thor oughly chastened by JOxsgoila wal loping, Andy Smith's squsd has been mis weea, WHIP iMSIfeli I i-mgmmwKaraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam':i- fy'skkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkm P' f'mm i f The Cunard' Light and sank or American pa 13,300 tons, and; er Alaunla, which lett the United States the day the German U-53 appeared off Naritucket ships, was blown up In the English Channel, Thursday, Oct. 19. She carried a number gcrs who, however,. had been left at Falmouth to go t o London by train. The liner was of as one of the secondary fleet of the Cunard Line. EAR DRUM HURT BY CONCUSSION W. PAUL JOHNSON SUFFERS IN JURY TO KAR.WHILE HUNTING DUCKS HEAJIING HE DESTROYED. WILL NOT The drum of the right ear of W. Paul Johnson was Injured last even ing when a shotgun went off near 'the car white Johnsoajwas hunting ducks on Upper KlamaaVJake. -Mr. John' son bad fired two shells, but the third stuck in the gun and when be set the gun down in the boat the shell was f.i'cri. accidentally. Johnson was sitting down in tho boat end tho discharge went straight up and close by hU bead', which was close to the muzzle of tho gun. No shot struck him, but tbe concussion from tho explosion injured the ear drum. Dr. E. D. Johnson, who was called to attend him, returned at noon today uud said hearing will not bo lost in the affected ear. (1,970,000 SPENT TO ELECT HUGHES i CONTRIBUTIONS TO REPUBLICAN CAMPAIGN FUND TOTAL OF l,007,O00, WITH 20,000 CON TRIBUTORS. LACK OF ROCK CAUSES A HALT IN ROAD WORK SHIPPINGTON ROAD CANT COMPLETED THIS FALL BE Rock Ledge at Cofer Brothers' Crustier Rubs Out and Crusher Must BeJMoyed to New Moving Will Require Tliret When Winter Probably Will Make Further Road Work Impossible. G. 0. P. TO RALLY AT PINE GROVE FOURTH OF SEVERAL MEETINGS IS THERE TONIGHT KLAMATH FALLS RALLY SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 1. The fourth of the Republican ral lies, being held over Klamath county ieaeheaiuleditor tonight at Pine Grove. The rally will be held in Gray's hall a-aadjBMic juratoBd..hx.Gray-oi Moving WU1 Require Tliree Weeks, lchestra- AU tne Republican candi- aaxes ana oiners iruui xviauiaiu ruiiu will attend the rally and enjoy the dance afterwards. Last nighla big rally was held at Fort Klamath. Over 400 or tbe elec tors or Wood River precinct attended and llstended with interest to ad CLUB COMMERCE MEASURE GETS A UNANIMOUS WE WOMEN ENDORSn SMALL LEVY FOR SUPPORT OF CLUB Because Cofer Brothers cannot fur nish the crushed rock, J. H. Garrett, contractor for' Shipplngton road, yes terday was compelled to close down So-Called Brewer ABseadaieat Is Snowed Under by Uswsdatorw Vote, While Prohibition Ameadsaea Get1 Every Vote But Oae Attorney Wiley Discusses Ialtiattve Measures for the Wotswsu Tbe measure for county maiatea ance or Klamath Commercial Club re ceived a unanimous vote yesterday! af ternoon when members of the Art Needlework Club and the Women's Library Club met at tbe latter'a rooms on Main street to hear the amend ments dlscusseti and to take a straw vote on them. This measure is 322 yes and 323 no, and provides for a levy of one-fortieth of one per cent at the total valuation of all taxable prop erty in the county. The so-called brewers' amendment, 314 yes and 315 no on the offlcial.bal lot, received a unanimoua negative vote by the women present. The pro hibition amendment prohibiting the importation of liquor Into Oregon re ceived almost a unanimous aatrsaatlve vote, only one woman voting so on this measure. k Tbe voting on these three measures was lively, but on the other measures and amendments the voting was rath er light. - - J Attorney Wilson S. Wiley discussed for the women all the measures on ,,- the' ottclal-allol-Hisltaaflarof'--s them was very thorough and. able, say K the women, who express-hereby, their sincere thanks. : ! ' The meeting yesterday was heldnn--der the auspices -of" theciv!crdep.h- ment of the Woman's Library Club. .,-al 'Tenth Juror 'Accented dresses oy Hon. w. a.r Tnompson M preM - U1KVV1VW auu xi. ill. .uauuiuB w Klamath Falls on the issues of this LOS ANGELES. Oct. 28.- for the winter, although the highway ', oung tooay was accepwo asiue is not yet completed. "S. Tuosd8y . raUy and Hol- f iu?Z?2&&Z Thursday Cofer Brothers found lowe.en party and dance w, be hetd murder a J " that the immense rock ledge from,,, Bona' . Wednesday evenlna the! would not vote for the death penalty I. L. at Bonanza. Wednesday evening the1 which they have been taking rock for' vn,HP . Klamath Fall will father! some time suddenly pinched off into' t Houston's oDera house for the bia- a chalk bank. Yesterday they began fcge8t 1K,utical rany ln Klamath county moving their chusher to another ledge durlng the present campaign. or rocK, nut moving win require ai m least tnree weeas, oy wnicn time Daq, BjSxER BROWN AND weather very probably will nave set In. For this reason, Mr. Garrett de cided to discontinue work now. on circumstantial evidence. Two Thousand Beat Mem" - i Two . . .. ... H. .1 ADout one mile or tne anippingion -nd hIs d0K TiKe. dlrect from 8t. road has been finished with macadam i LoujB. wiii be here Monday. Buster and the remaining three-quarters ofiand Tlge wU, glve a 8now at 4 mile Has been graded and made 0.ciock Monday aRernoon In rront of United Press Service LOS ANGELES, Oct.. .28.- thousand militiamen will, set; as -best TIGE HERE MONDAY; men Wednesday"at,the marjiage lot miss Beatrice luggios wfHw George Wells of Company IaayeaUi InranCry. Milltarr Mas wiiitay the wedding marcky Tbe real genuine Buster Brown United Pross Service NEW YORK, Oct. 28. Expendi tures already made on the campaign to elect Charles E. Hughes to the presidency of the United States total 11,078,934, according to figures given out today by the national com mittee. Contributions to the Republican compnlgn fund now have reached a total of $1,667,757. The contribu tors uumber 22,000. May Cure Paralysis United Press Service SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 28. It was lenrnod today that Dr. William Lucas of the University of California is per fecting a serum from blood recovered from Infantile paralysis victims. With thlB serum be hopes to be able to cure this disease In lta early stages. ready for tbe rock. This unfinished stretch will be used tor traffic all winter and after the rains will be a good road bed, says Contractor Gar rett. Had he been able to get rock as fast as be needed it, or 'had he been able to procure it for tbe next few weeks, Contractor Garrett could have finished the Shipplngton road this fall. As things are, he will begin work early next spring. the Regal Shoe Store, the local agency for Buster Brown shoes. This show will be public and will be of especial Interest to children. . .-, , Wheat Reaches $1.86 t -United Press Service. t - j . CHICAGO, Oct. 28. December wheat closed todar at fl,86-3-S;'tBe Mirheat fluire in years. Hurt Strahorn is on His Way for Final Checking f .. Mexican Knew of Plot United Press Service WASHINGTON, Oct. 28. Mexican Ambassador Arredondo declared to day that he had knowledge a fort night ago of tbe plot to bring' war between. Mexico and tbe United States' by bandit attacks on American soil wnrkliiK nlaht ana aay i.nrnina defensive as well as otensve Grain Grower Here. methods of tackling. The California William Tlngley, grain raiser of the varsity team Is today by far the Miller cHIll district,, la la Klamath Blronueat It Ims boen this season. Falls today tq transact business. 'Mine Foreman United Press Barries) GRASS VALLEY, Oct. 28. Thos. Breckentngton, foreman of the Gold en Center mtne, today was caught In n bolt, hurled 40 feet against a wall. His right arm was shattered and an artery severed wee sustained. Brecklngton may die. ' morrow nlaht for Bend. He will Dro- Iceed thence successively to all the Investigate Car Shortage , points on tbe survey of the central United Press Service (Oregon development, for a final ?i)n ; it ' . 'P-Ar -m Robert E. Strahorn, president or the Oregon, California ft Eastern railway, who arrived yesterday from Internal Injuries also his Spokane home, expects to leave to- WASHINGTON, Oct. 28. The In terstate commerce commission today commenced an exhaustive Investiga tion of the ear shortage on all rail- checking up of rights-of-way and other matters. Within a few weeks, Mr, Strahorn said today, he will be ready to ar roads. It has asked all carrier to ( range for the financing of, the ven fiirnlsb'"eomplete information .on the ture, a step which be has held aloof conditions on their lines, as regards ' from for a year until every other pre- the supply of freight cars. Premier Shot At United Press Service MELBOURNE, Aus., Oct. 28, man today entered the window of the home of Premier Hughes at Kew, fired at him, but missed. Tbe would be assassin escaped. llmlnary had been disposed of. ' Mr. Strahorn today received, tele grins from Klamath 'FaH's advising him dflclally of tAa adjustment. of the A ! dispute over th,e , bond election. Ha . ' ..ll....l Aft . .La wkl. fl.l.atlAn appeared to.hlm to be a mlsunder sUndlng which was settled as toon as the facts were, made clear. i-m - p .- At T.l tSCl 11. rf.t.'l .W The railroad builder today.'ex-, plained that ten efforts 'to' Tseen-, tral Oregon have been, maaa-r?tta' existing rallroadsMhe twpiii) .L.'n. u.... ...mn thn-Riutthera Pactflc'a line from Albany? eMt-f-.to;cW Hoover; ft.e Pacific BaaiernrajHHtjtir Tv line east from. Medford th;JIpo r Northern. aBouthern fjn!lt from CelltbYnla;, Mie Naa;cttt4n4 a& to wiaevjew i';,.f, . yf -tv f i.-jTK . i....:v tV'ifctkaap ssussaa. ZA.9 and the iisjWWSS? biys? an mm sssiaiM aaar. amai asssteaaswsw -rr - . . . " t'?L'9CrvSt21SS iSLSMUm. HUlvand .BjsKKSBV tbadvanUfaafl'.1iM the edie'ef;tflTiMC jl.ri i'BA" opwtvimfjpp wouio, im pyp p-W: AAZy,i v jPTdWP 'jtp- totastWIMi' ,that,.wo.M J!W "tfiJOTs Duui -i w'Essasn- born. oregoa joswam , if VT K MsW '' ''' ' .- . 1 ,.e 31 I i 1