. fjaaMMBMBjjaMBjfi' jjffliirw ,,,., i7 frT v ' ,v 3tf? lEueninn. Herald v i,; Kletriith Vwi X. i1. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGOfr, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1916. Price, Fle Oeat jCBMgyJgiwnalHB Says Americans Ace Engineering Raid JIEVICWS TO ATTACK HI.FORF. IXKCTION DAY Hfrrct'itr of War nker Inuin Htatr. mriil Wlil li InlliiwtcJi lUiulllcan Jim Im-IiIimI ,rmiiCMiirit Oill. cI.i'h Heny TtiU Intent unil itopul). II. mi (IiiiIiiiimi Di'mnmU I'rtmeru (Imi foi TrvuMrn. Dulled Press Service 4 WASHINGTON, Oct. 27. Secre tary of War linker Inst night Irhiio.1 a rtatcmrnt In which ho declared ho hail -Infinite Information Hint tin at tack by Mcxlrnn bnnilltM Iiiib been ar raiiKfd to occur before the election. u nil effort l discredit (ho ndmlnlMriitloii'H Mexican puller. Nlh hi- nnil Hooret-iry of State Lans lux tKiii denied thnt there wiih tho .llrflili'H political hIkuIHcuiico to the I'Ktm-iiv of tho ntittomi'iit, although tipnrtM have been circulated thnt Ho-)uililluin- lire behind tho biindlt nt inrk. liolh officials even went no fur thh uiornliip as to declare that Mcxlcnn mI not American plotter aro respon ulkle for tho border danger. Secro ity linker mild this afternoen: "I nnnot I maul no that any Amerl tmi ire io unpatriotic as to be be lil.d any such action." The phrase 1h tho statement Issued Inst night, ".'wrulo of the admlnlatratlon," re Irtrrd in the antl-Carrantlsta Moxl cm. tya Secretary Raker. The Matement of Raker caused rteat surprise and Republicans cukrip. that It wan made for "political t.rposcs and will probably be follow ed ."v m effort to foritall any bandit MUrk on the part of tho government Mid Unix Intimate that the Ropubll ct' are responsible and guilty of t'.orllnK to Niirh iMtbodx of Injuring e ndiiilnliiiratloii Serrilury of .Statu I.nnsliiK Hiild to dny: "Rwietary linker did not Intend to m.i?o tho belief that Amorlrnns wore. Imnllcnlod In tho rnulcinplatcd nt taK. fnliiK. 'It Ih liuonoolvnlilo that Americans would ally themselves lth br.nillU who plan In nttnrk their c.intry.' " T.V YORK. Ort. 27. Ropubll CiiiClinlrninn Wilcox today demanded th.it f lie government Imtiiodlntolv prcsfri.ti. for treason If Secretary t'flkcr hr.i lufni nmtlon thnt Atno.l cam nrc engineering n Mile.in raid. Kc flinrnctorbeil tho statement Issued I'J'.'n rotary linker as "another poll. leal iIiIm wlilcli will full," Jomceratle CMinlrmiin McCoimlck M,,l 'I'm iiinnliiK tho rntnpnlKn, ot the wnr department." WWMWMMWWWWWNWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW These Future Admirals of Annapolis Are Not Thinking of Submarines f"M"HMnr'"'Ti -n r-MMi 1 ir ff imMii hi miR vmOmm!y mkit' w (MpHimmfif i n iiiifniiii jjiiai t. y y(m :"H i MffiHr JjS-nWWrTW iw r t mttB''9m'mmmwnm LJ23HIK lr i Fb---rJ-------TB"HT-M---ttWT------------ffM rjPNKPiR lrlvKwiiH Syf'Siftoi- -3BI 'iKiiiiMS !r -SH ilUflriiH Mri---HHRBBHIV!PBHiVHH I MHMMnMMMH-li l ' DESTROYERS ARE SUNK IN BATTLE FOR TRANSPORTS CLAMH AT NIGHT IN THE ENG LISH CHANNEL From left to right, first row Arthur, tlobertx, Mill, Joorx, Wentphal, Orr, Hklnner. HecoBd row Whrlcliel, Ingram, Hut ler, Jarkaon, Harrlnon, Goodnfrtn, Woodaon, Martin. Tblnl row GllmiB, Johnaoa, Itrlfrl, Itavla, Ilartholdl, Holtman, Cald well, Haaafee, Vla HeUberg. Fourth row Garrett, Whelaa, M' er, HcaJfe, Allen. Firth row Fiaher, Fouler, Dwhlell. Sixth row McOare, Daafelt.- ,1 CUrlc. From this training squad of cadets at Annapolis 'the football team which will oppose the army In what will be one of the greatest football events of the year will be chosen. . Garrett, tye first nun In the fourth row. read ing from Garrett, left to right. Is Sterling son of Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Garrett of Klamath Falls, and a fp' mer student in tbe local High ecnoej, where be gained football honors. He Is Indicated by the star. - Two of the German Boats Are Saak One nrlttsh Boat Is Missing mad. Another Disabled and Eaptf Transport Seat to Bottom ler man Destroyers Were After Ttmih. poit Crossing the Clianael. ATTITUDE TOWARD MEASURE PLEASES I KLAMATH COMMKItriAL t'l.UII FINDH ItIDKNTH OF ItUHAL IMHTIIICTS AIM'UKCIATi: VAMfK OF CLL'll'S VOItK. and tbe plan submitted is recognised at a means to accomplish tht suv.-.. A large number, of outside resjr dent have declared that this organi sation could be relied upon to jerve the arled Interests of different r.ec tlons impartially, and thai they would now stand behind a move to seo It iei'ilves some support from ull of I'tore which It benclltrf. This spirit Is greatly appreciated by the club, whose members huvo i.fvoti substantially of their money i.-d much of tl "t trnc to hrlr.,; K.-ninth county I" tie rank v !.,-i V position na I ic-M:rces me-l:. 'j i? Villa Isolates Chihuahua" City fulled I'rnss Riirvlco El, I'aso, Oct. 27. Communica tions with Chihuahua City from tlui 'Jth lmu been destroyed by Villls- This bus pixvenUd nrilval ol reinforcements irm munitions from Inlco city and tho Houthern la-t of .Mexico Chihuahua City Is Isolated tocl.iy, w'l'l't rinm (ho n.uhcrn part of "hi tam or Chlhunhiin. Villa Is movlr.B fthwoid. Andii-H (in-In, tho diplomat' on foi'e lo New Yoik on bohnlf of Cat """ on " "mlfBloii concornhiB p.:iei' 'l Amoilca," says hla trip ha no wnncction with tho mooting of tho 'o'"t (oinuilsHlonora now in Boaslon. " declares that Vllln U being nnc,.,i hy Mexicans and a few erltaiiH residing In K laBo. m .. , p,ench March on Fort Un"d Prims Sorvlco PAIIIR, Oct. 27. The French to- VauCOntlnU C,8lnB ,n upon Port anrn8 florranns "o directing violent idryvflerraunn U, FrMlCh P',t,0U" Mouibeis or tho Klamath Club feel very pleased over the attitude villi which the outside districts io Kiuil tho hallii' mensuru for county ui'Hlnt'iui'o In Ih- development wir't whli h they :iri uirrjIiiK on In Hi's ti'i lion. '. hu npprccluth it exldenced I y i. i-ij of the r. '.MCE for the slue-to c.t "ts of the .Inn M.d tho ro1llll .c compllshod nloi ,i niriiy lines, li ..t pilsliiK. Many '! mo known to :o i clilodlj mlM'.-o t i any tav in- it ho on iho pn .'o hrnitlly omii i the .light loi'vnuo reuui'stud, as a iiioriia of ultlinaluly bihiKluK tho en tliu tu into miieh lower. It la uno the wish ol many M nniKo tho out side speculator, derives tho prof it of his lnwst incut hi'ie, fiom tho labor and delopment of the rosl ilont, pay his hliuio of tho expense Man is Sweetest When Rage Highest United Press Service . ST. PAUL. Oct. 27. Fi lend wife had a new reason today for buying that $10 hat. Dr. Walter 11. Cannon, piofehsor of phslology In Ilnixnrd uniwrslty, told tho Minnesota modi el ussoilnliou that man Is bweetost v hen his lago Is lilh'heht. Man's blood sugar Is mobilized when imko tjvns him, the doctor said, l.niotlou was doscilhed as n common Innguage, possethed by man and lower animals lloi-tou VKIts. Lawrence Hoi ton Is In Klamath Falls for a few days fiom the llorton stock ranch near Hlldebrand. IUR0PE WILL NEED LUMBER IN FIRST YEAR AFTER PEACE IS DECLARED Over 91,000,000,000 WORTH OF LUMBER WILL RE RLQUIRED. United Press Service SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 27. Eu rope will need a billion dollars' worth of lumber during the first ear after peace is declared, according to Dr. I.dwiml E. Pratt, chief of the bureau of foielgn end domestic commerce. "This will be a great opportunity for the Pacific Coast," said Pratt to day. "It will also be a duty that should not bo shirked, owing to the immense amount of work that must be done before scores of formerly piospeious towns can be tendered tenable, and tho people can bo in a position to begin to effectively recon struct their pat industries from the terrible wieckago of war." United Press 8rrte LONDON, Oct. 27. British aft ' German destroyers clashed In tha t English channel last night when tea German destroyers attempting to raid.",', transports crossing tho channel war . met by the English destroyers. ' " Two of the German destroyers wet funk .and the other routed. Tkm IfUsh destroyer Flirt Is missing mm. jfclltfM lost. Tho British deatrem Nubian waa disabled and forced to go aground. The empty trananort Queen waa !aak, but her crew saved. v Halted 1 LQNpONvlOct,, IT.-rThe. Brttia, , liner Rowanmpre was subataralf this morning and her captain takea' prloner. Two boats containing 32 members of the crew of the liner Cabotla ari reported missing. This Is the Irst intimation that the Cabotla has betb; also sunk, " 1 '. (Tnlted Press Service ,i"- BERLIN, Oct. 27. With General von Mackensen near Narsova, 25 miles northwest of Constanza, thai CALIFORNIA Klamath Loses 13 to 6 to Ashland High School is FOR HUGHES AS NATION LEADER lastaituja'flkn Frnelico."'lbt, 000 Republicans and only 36,000 Democrats were registered ," white" 30,odD" voters did not" indicate their 'partyaffilfatkm., ?Any. time, that Ban Francisco '.breaks even "the Republi can party is sure to carry .the 'state. Big Three Teams Clash Jomorrow By Hamilton , (United Press Staff Correspondent) NEW YORK, Oct. 27. Yulo, Har vard and Princeton, the "big three" l Slavs are evacuating practically all 01 me eastern loo.Dau tangte, win gOtne territory along the entire Dob Into the crucial points of their 191C rudja front and are retreating toward careers tomorrow. Yale is due to Tulcqa, Braila and Harsova. Th show its strength to the strong Wash- Germans are pursuing them, ington and Jefferson team; Harvard Following the appear yesterday by miibt tackle Cornell, and Princeton King Ferdinand of Rumania for aid. will be willing to call it a leal day's the Germans expect nn allied demon work If the Tigors are able to take a station on the Italian and Macedo fall out of Dattmouth. I nian fronts. It Is believed, however Inter-sectional battlos of more or that this will be short-lived because less importance are found on tho 0f the lack of munitions for a big at day's calendar, with Indiana meeting ' tack. Tufts, that surprising bunch of vet- u is roported in Berlin that King eran eastern warriors, in Indian-ipo- Ferdlnnnd is blaming tho failure of lis. It will be the second big meet- the Rumanian offensive and inva ing between eastern and western sion of Transylvania to Russia be elevens, Colgato having already low- cause Russia did not furnish prom ered the colors of the Illinois huskies. ised artillery munitions for the ln Illinois is considered stronger than vaslon. The Germans advanced today Eouth of Prcdeal and elsewhere in Transylvania repulsed nil Rumanian attacks. ' "" I II vo lndlann, so Tufts should have little ttottble in downing Indiana. CHICAGO, Oct. -Former Sen- Asliltiud high school's footbull team dofonted the team from Klumntlt high school at Ashland yestorday by a 13 to 0 score, according to a telegram re ceived from Coach Chester Hugglns of tho local team. Ashland scored a touchdown and goni In tho first quar ter, Klamath mudo six points In tho veroudi the third was scoreloss, but Ashland added six more In the last ported, lu tho fourth quarter, Hilton, tucklo for Klamath high, blocked a forwurd pass unci wont over for a touchdown, but the play was declared Illegal. Hod It counted and goal kicked, tho scoro would have been i;i to 13. Tackling by both teams was fierce, tho passing spectacular and the game clean, according to Hugglns. Kichl, Cecil Adams, FoBter and Hilton wero tho sturs for Klamath. Hugglns says tho breaks of tho gnmo wont to AbIi laud. Tho nttendanco yesterday was ono of the largest over at a, football game in Ashland. This indicates that the return gamo In Klamath Falls should be good. The entire Medford team and their coach were spectators at Ashland yos terday. Klamath and Medford tangle tomorrow afternoon at Medford, ntor James A. Hemonway, of Indiana, n membor of tho Republican national campaign committee, who has been ot a tour through the west, returned to Chicago yesterday. Senator Hom on way visited California, Utah and Wyoming, and voiced the opinion that each of these states will cast Itn electral vote for Hughes, and that each will elect a Republican United States senator. "California is against Wilson be cnuso ho forced tho repeal of the Pan ama free tolls bill; It is against him on the tariff because the Underwood law placed citrus fruits and other California products on the free list, and worked great detriment to the big Industries of the state. The lemon Industry, for example, has beon par alyzed. "At the registration, which closed Sprouto Denies Report United Press Service SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 27. Pres-, United Press Service Ident William Sproulo of the South-j PETROGRAD, Oct. 27. Stubborn em Pacific company, roturnlng today ly resisting, the Rumanians and Rua from Westwood, denied that his trip sians are retiring orderly northward, there had any connection with the toward the Harsova-Casapchlol line. plan to extend tho Modoc Northern Everywhere the lines of tho Slavs are. to Klamath Falls. intact. November 9th Is Day for Business Men s Festival November 9th has been decided upon as the festival day when the people ot Klamath Falls and Klam ath county will be the guests of the Klamath Falls Business Men's Asso ciation, This day might be termed as a community day or banquet day; It hasn't been given a slogan yet. This festival will not be only for Klamath Falls people, but those Ik the surrounding territory are espe cially Invited. It Is not a money making scheme, but an affair to briar the people together and establish. closer relations between the business, men and their patrons. All features of the day will be-public. r ", J t i i v H v h ''l -t fj h ' 'ft i Sit '"ill K "f li i. it- h iinw' hi ii" a-SKEI , . v """' " " ' ' .ii ' i '." ' -' "