s$g$K' 'j' 'j-' vr v, -tf;i,-sam few ' V" , 5 dM$s!&&; f-:' . tes:5gkj' .1 , f . lj lEimtttuj IteralA ? . KLAMATH COUNTY'! t: os t5 KLAMATH F OFFICIAL NCWI OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER s; $g MiHBMMHMMMBMMMMiM Ket rta .. w, i"rwM va jfj..rf-.; .frvWfc'MVj 1 . 'SlKOTlJ- rafWEW? W'BP i&r tftSffllSTtfiV &tffeK Jj VZ&y&frV HlfffDth Viwr No, 8.IIW KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1916. VILLA COMBINES WITH LEGALIST! '"'ksiij "aiSHit- aaw -'-- -rn-r " "mmrF.i'JM.hllr ; 4ki 1 V-rf r'-i'-W- - y7i-JT'l "14 ";, TM 'I KL"Z :vi 5f? UHH ?' '"",M',M'""' ,. VOTERS OF MERRILL ATTEND G.0.P.RALLY JU.XNI.VC fllVEM ENIKMWEMENT TO KUVKENDALL Mi sad W. Irtir Thompson of lkc view Itwlew Act of Ailmlnlstr,! lien awl Him" Why WHauu In .Not U Man ( lie at Oh Hrlm Under feadltiii Whit h Will Obtain When European War End. Probably the best attended un.t sunt luccemiful political moot Inn of tht present uunpnlgn was this rcpub lino rally lant night at Merrill. 1'rac Unity all scats In the Merrill opern koiiH were filled, and tho crowd Hi tened attentively to tho addresses or Hob. W. lulr Thompson or Lakcvlow ind Horace M. Manning or Klamatii Falls. I'mctlcally all members or the re stiUlcan ticket for county and district otara attended the rally, net the tlwtorate, and enjoyed the' social tM after the speaking. The can dMstes who were there wore Judge D. V. Kujrkcndall, C. It. DeLap, Aue Ua Harden, C. U. Low, Clyde Bran- - sMtarr. Joseph H. Kent'and W. Lair Thompton. During tlio rally music waa ftir uthtd by tho Harlow orchestra of Klamith falU. This orchestra ulso provided miinlc for the dance. Both Mr. Thompson and Mr. Man ning, tbo speakers of tho evening, re viewed the long lino or remarkable tthlsvements of the republican party daring the Ioiik term or yearn It was Is power, criticised tho arts or the Wilton admlnlHtratlon, outlined tho conditions America will race ut tho sd of the prwunt war, and showed hy Woodrow Wilson was not a man o could meet these conditions ubly d with credit and honor to those United Blntcri. Ilotli or tho uddresses rsvery able, both In their logic anil h tbelr (orcefulncHs. fcastor Thompson scored what ; In the crowd expressed as" u big potot when he explulnod why tho ro MsHcan speakers In this campaign Charles K. Hughes hlmseir wero "ItleUIng Woodrow Wilson's admln "Intlon. Benator Thompson did this f Quoting from an Imllanapolls WKh by President Wilson, In which iltii ' eTOcut,v declared tho ro WWIcan party had not had a new 'a la thirty yonru. nnd that nnil v. j- WWkwni wore misguided or Ignor- "" BenatOr Thnmn.n. ..IJ ILI. i.vihuivu tA mil REPUBLICANS AT MAUN TONIGHT IKHtlKH l.VOIVKI IX TIIIH CAM IMHJN Wll.l, UK lIH;i!HMKI IIY AM.V. HI'lv'AKKItH AM) DAXCK KXJOYKI) AITKHWAItDH. '' The people of the Mulln country are planning on n big tlmo tonight when they will gather to danco and hear State Senator W. Inlr Thomp son or l.ukovlew nnd Horace M. Man ning of Klstnath Palls discuss tho is sues of the present campaign. This was learned ut Merrill Inst night from several people who are going from Merrill tonight to attend the rally and enjoy the social good time, lies Ides tho candidates, or the Re publican party nnd tho speakers of, tho evening, sovcral other people from Klamath FuIIh nnd mnn from districts surrounding Maln-rrf plan ning on attending the rally. criticism by WlUon opened tho way nnd Invited criticism or his acts and those o( his party. Support of the ontlro republican ticket In this county on November 7th was urged by both speakers. Hor ace Manning particularly urged tho support or Judge U. V. Kuykcndall for circuit J ml go. "In the primaries I supported an other candidate for this office, nnt now Judge Kuykcndall Is tho regular republican nominee, Ib at tho head or tho county republican ticket, Is known to Hindis an able Jurist, nnd I hereby umiiialllledly endorse him for tho office," xnld Mr. Manning. Mr. Manning supported C. M. Onelll In the primaries last spring. "The republican party In tho nation Is no stronger than It is in the states, it la no stronger In tho states than In tho counties, It Is no stronger In the counties than In tho products," de clared Senator Thompson. "If you bellove In. the principles on which tho republican party stands, you can show that belief only by voting ror tho candidates representing that party. Your county ticket Is made up or strong inon who nro nblo to efficiently All tho offices thoy seek; you should endorse tho republican party by en dorsing its candidates." Army Officers Learning Hou) to Defend the United States jt it 1-ggggglgS SlHgggggggW:ggHl?"gMMa A HUHgjHJggliBgggB I ggHgggiggggggaPgggflggB & aB?agWHggggggggggFEawFaBB jggvgaPaBp i aHgggP '"'""f , y, 'If't'''f'CM' '' ''';'i' ''::ffJH ' V?'gaWhaaigl? I JJJgfhhgthjhjgahahjittialaaSaMiBihaMhMah L... . ' ' '''. '''' IgSagSafc! KL; Z tt-flafl sC . ghaiBBBBBBBJ, h "''''''''"jHaH . v . f v My vju s - a tuiuu va jtjj .fcuAj..-u.a.a. .l "- - ...--. -saBsapaaiiiaaMiaaaiiaaaaaB' aiaiiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiagrt jvyxaiaiaggMgasaaaaaaaaaaaap . X.'iJ.iag-ZgS5 rf' The best brains or the army are fre quently engaged at the army war col lege In Washington In Intricate ma neuvers on an exact scale map, where Imaglnnry battalions meet or evade each other on the field or battle. Two w . X men command eachnilde, playing In torn, while a director measures the ground, estimates tieje required ror movements and referees the fight. A secretary records the various com mands and scores the results. Those In the photograph are, from left to VzZZ2!l& right, Lieutenant Colonel D. E. Alt man, Lieutenant Colonel J. A. Ship- ton, Major L. Watal, Colonel George H. Cameron, Lieutenant Colonel E. D. Anderson and Lieutenant Colonel Henry Jervey. Klamath Falls to Have Better Lighting System fJBBaBaasassjaxsiaMSsafjsjaaafjaBasaBaa, entire now Htroot lighting aya-1 received immediate uunutlon, nnd aft- """or Klamath Paiu has been con- C !' for tUo "ow IK,,t,nK woro "Wed for by the eo..,.ii .m. .K.rrecelved from tho Callfornln-Oregon Catll.., - -".MrnI8.Or(!K0n ,,owor compgny " "' b0 '"tolled within a row ftS. " W1U B,vo far ""top c twer and Hllghtly Increaaed Uo?'Bn.? 8yatera ca,, 'or dUtrlbu . .,Tt.he "U or Klamath Falls , rr..!,"dl? pow" monthly - - ragn, Power company and Keno rower company, tho contract wns kiubou with tho forraor bocnuso its rnies woro slightly lower. This company waa nblo to go lower than the Keno Power company becauso the cost ot Installation would bo considerably less ror It, Under the new lighting system, A Hi.-i . I t- . a ...in tut nlfiAaifl rtn I) Hla ir i,,oeni ine city it: suspension iignis wm i..v- 41s 1J.! a montl ot ".WO can- Main afreet from Link river to the 1 Powsr. C .."r" .' 3 . of the !;. taitij . ' ' 0,ectr'in hlmaelf,' U rhwi ' -" wv lUBLLBr rop bauv " nd a few waiiir.t... NwHm ..:.. ."" Pil J, '; " "u,,,a" propoltk)ii, It depot. From Second to Nintn sueei light will be suspended In the mid dlo of each block and ono a each street UUraectlon. The lights on nU payed ttreeU will be very large. On U residence streets 60 candle power light Will bo placed, Instead or the 16 oandlr power now used, Kuykendall Makes fine Record in First Year on the Bench aBB--ssBBaBBBB-aiaBBaB-s-Maaaaaaai Fewer Cases Undisposed of on the Docket Than Since Early History of County Court Business Handled at Greatly Reduced Cost to Taxpayers. WILL COMMAND ALL V wmmmimmmm-t &.fr.'3 tfv,55.r ft j" r '.j a- msui x. Ms iffiii in mun nmiiN s ava'ami ami .' ..-; " - r ill r. is lis inr. rir.ui lllasui aav maai m mmmmmmi "m nm LAIR THOMPSON ' TO ASK OPENING OF RESERVATION HTATE BENATOR WILL KKQUKST MEMORIAL TO LEGISLATURE LEGALI8TA8 SAY ' TMKK Says at Republican Rally at Merrill Last Xlglit that Development of ReaervatlOB and Placing It oa Tax Rolls Is Sorely Xefded Influence of Thompson Would Give His Re. quest Great Weight. Tls unequivocal support or the movement ror the opening to devel opmept ofie Klamath Indian reser vation waa pledged last night by l & -r.l -3i5" --"J K?K fmmirtwmm 7 , Sarij3&r. OVERTHROW CARRANZA f $ 7jf? ' . 5S. tt" r a- TTi Villa Troops Now Are Retltis:W4 of ClilhuahuaCity, tmd riqiatly T ' - "fy. Will not Attack TW Place staaai " - .! " VUU Fears Occupy! It WhUs Mm American Troops An Stfll Ja'lfeg. lco Hunting Him. t j. k.j-:ss Ut ifftrf w; -vail ' j'3i -.m ''JVf.3 j ??! S.irik United Press Service V EL PASO, Tex.,rpcL8. sarles from Pancho VJHs for the laatj few days have been -eoBferrlJia; with! leaders of the legalists, movesteat' ia? ...... .i - .-. ' ; El paso, acoramg to inromauoa fir-k. , e-S en out oy secrei service ana tutmj, , men on the border. - - ' iiw &J It is confidently believed, that UsSs! agreement has been reached yheroWyj. ''S'j Villa is' to command the'leld reasi of the legallataa undthTlreUcTf, or a general junta, ana Mvmvmgm- la to be paid in silver.. Secret atrytea ,Ub8I& men declare the agreement ntmtTim.u.sSm effective. (r ttT: Thrnnvh thlr ncwinulir lk.laaBl..4'V. W.i-Tei.SriKaaftBeyBletirw hia address at the Republican ralfy at Merrill. ' "If I am re-elected to the state senate I shall use my Influence to get a memorial from the Oregon legisla ture asking the national congress to tho CamttTn mvernnMint-- The .&& ,..!.. - ih T.ill 7i'' icaucia w& buv n9wnwA"v &f. iSacrlI matniy tana owners exiie VieSSb. to m n cn m.. lil.. - i-IiTM.irt VHHsto troops are reported; aKf$yi be leisurely retiring west ot-CuR,s t5sfcj buahua City, with a little akiratlalilng VmJ- "'AI. ODen Klamath Indian reservation for i between the rear guard and the Car settlement and development." de-jran,8tM' the latter evidently fearing clared Senator Thompson. ja trap , . .,.."' t "This is something very much Government officials aay that Villa needed because it will place on tho does n0 ,ntend t0 attack tn roll, of Klamath rmintv tmmpnaB'y. uul "ereijr i unn. Wf resources that now yield no revenue. "tores of supplies now. .1-1 'S&l a This vast section rightly should bear its portion of the expenses or the county." Jiibt ono year ago today D. V. Kuy kcndall took tho oath ot office as cir cuit Judge, having been appointed by Governor Wlthycombe on the doath ot Judge ticorge Noland. During this one year Judge Kuy 1 vndnll has made a record that has been seldom equalled, and today lli.Te nro rower cases on the docket to be disposed or than since the early history or Klamath county. Of tho 194 civil casos disposed of by Judge Kuykendall not a single ap peal has boon takon during the en tire year he has been in office. Notice of appeal was given in one case, but It was. settled later In accordance with tho judgment ot the court. Notice or appeal has been given in one criminal case, but the appeal has not beefi per fected. In years past the printing ot big hi lefs necessary in cases appealed have boen a source or much revenue to the printers, but since Judge Kuy kendall has been on the bench not a single brier has been printed In Klam ath Falls. The confidence ot the members of the bar in the knowledge of Judge Kuykettdall and the tact that the rulings ot the court have lii-cn gonerally accepted by the attor neys as correct, accounts tor the lack of appeals from his decisions, The most rrlendly relations exist between the court nnd the attorneya ana mis Judge Kuykendall went on the bench, 56 law case and 7S equlty.cases, or a total ot 131 cases on the docket. During the year theto were filed 71 law and 97 equity cases, or a. total of 168. There wero disposed ot dur ing the year 79 law and 115 equity cases, making a total or 194 cases heard nnd Bottled by the court. There nro now on the docket pending, the December term of the court, only 48 law and 47 equity cases, a total or 35. This shows that the court has gained 36 cases on the docket, hav ing disposed or that number ot cases more than have been filed during tho year. Practically all of the law cases on the docket will be disposed of at the coming jury term, as they cannot be heard before ihat time. The court finally disposed of 194 civil cases during the year, not counting a number ot tax foreclosure cases. In addition, a number ot crim inal cases were tried and considerable naturalization work done. Some ot the criminal cases occupied as high ns ten days or more tor trial, and this vast amount of work has been accomplished at a much less expense to the county than tor a good many years past. - 11 ARE DEAD IN HOSPITAL FIRE 11HJ CANADIAN HOSPITAL WITH itSO INMATES BURNS, AND DE FECT1VE FIRE ESCAPES PRE VENTS QUICK DELIVERY United Press Service FARNHAM, Oct. 26. tote this at- has made It possible to dispose, or iternoon It la reported that at least cases coming up tor trial without un- twenty-seven are dead vlctlma ot necessary delay and thus at a much leas cost to the taxpayers! the coun- Plgures from the county clerk's oftlce show that the expensa.ot tho circuit court tor the year haa bn pmaller than ror many yeara and that there will be a large saving ror the yonr 1916 under the budget esti mates mado by the county court, tor that year. ' There we pending In 1915. when the fire at St. Elizabeth's hospital. United Prasa larrta FARNHAM, Quebec. Oct. 36. Five are dead, fifteen missing, ' and scores of children hurt m in result of lira which this, morning destroyed the St. Elisabeth hospital; and nearly all fjuHdlnga .close by. Three hundred and fifty Inmates were asleep on the third ooVwhsn the flro broke out. The patients and ,Jb ' " others fought wildly In an effort to escape. The Inmates allege that the lire escapes were defective. Chlldten were injured by jumping from the windows to the pavement. Dynamite Tours Up Two United Press Service ALTURAS. Calir., Oct. 26 Wilson Burnett and Alex Drummond were blown to pieces in a wood camp here today by an explosion ot dynamite which was slored In tho oven ot a camp stove. The camp stove had been borrowed from a friend while he was nway, and the men did not kuow the dynamite was In the oven, Puta Baa on Room -United Press Service ST, LOUIS, Oct. 85 The house ot deputies ot the Episcopal church to day passed a resolution asking that all members ot the church retrain from using intoxicants at public ban quets and gatherings. The measure goea to the hlshopa ror approval. Married Last Night. Justice E..W. Oowea last evening married Miss Marian David to Beisou Johns. A'A- (i Former Resident Here. John N. Napier, formerly a law partner here with F. H. Mills, came InJhls morning from Bend, on bis return to his home In San Fran cisco. Mr. Napier is practicing law in the Bay City, and has been up in this country on an' auto tour, and is saved spending the day here meeting old friends. He will leave for home in the morning; They '"any '-' . . t- i WUM . rears occupying toe ;iij www un eral I'ersntng's expeamonia msisv ico. Villa recently boasted.taat be;J'j would occupy Chlhuah-tUrn 'U"M Americans were withdrawn; fi " lit "Jn; , -fifi Mine Sweeper Sunk' LONDON, Oct. 2K TheiBrtlktlll mine sweeper Genista wastorpedoed $gi I.IUUUUJ. ,! I.UV UW.liWW..T.M,. utW - . S .4. 'Jiil m 3TH!V. S&-f& nt ilio men wam VIHaJB. TwaI VT WstTal l' ' Ai&Vf: wa lsw mvm wv t-j, w- -S-CW .:rm?l .. J3S W JRW..f!fI r .? .C5FlaSSa 141 S&ps go Bewn- i' BERLIN, Oct. 26 During' ber.141 enemy mercfeint . 4!.(L ' '.... AAH Tk Mumm nHnl. Kv n.vnvon uiilimavlnAa . MBit "T airer itoi. I duuiv if w,mbu -5-,.-- --T- Caarey Ramsby and Fred Houston mines. Thirty-nine neutral merchant-' Bffil .jmwr"! left yesterday for a short deer hunt men carrying contraband goods ware -aA In the country west of Keno, rix 'captured,- ".-Jffi 'TT.&,JSaS , . ,, ,. ., .. , ,- ..., - jt&Jf 35mSS SBBsr1 bb. BBSBBm bvbb vbsbsbi & ara arBHSi bbbsi ana araB i bbbbk BBraBa j'miiti r.'-f-ji Tk.flVieIBl!JlBTBaVJl -KMJI'BBlBT'MJiC MSXaiBI. Blii;'.-V, wU WM BAtM m w aral a Tli alHuT l.uuTdPSajj pj (BSSWSF AAfaMelSassiwv SS-F vSA VsK SSk f VveS 4sVK . r "'-4. itfiCS.- ?J3 All Right ot Way PS-?.. S5S&25sa mmm&? -i.u' tZS,r l'aWlMSJAt-ir- mm .uTJf&aW !;. TWT. .7.3S ' CfevSMvW gJ'MATf mP$M jS'Wjas., i rHMwm MiMioiiii Mj,rvf,vi 1 AraTion rnn oner 01. me bmw.w a?.' - j ,.. .,..-.. . ..-, . .. .-. 7i .' .' .-v.ws'.'W 1 l-The Bonanta! three termlua. sites. One la ?JMsV; l. fHnooK, on ine wwi "me A:V!f ;tei('J"-il ,iMm of ton arreii.T whleh Sil' .'Sir; W,WMW, wwm - ,- -, ' "T BONANZA, Oct, right of way committee for the Bo-nansa-Dalry railroad has secured the right of way through the bIx miles of acreage from all resident land own ers except one, which Is signed and will no doubt be handed in soon. The committee Is conferring with the non residents by mall. No serious ob struction haa been met with as yet. This railroad seems to be aprovi ilon trom some unseen hand that la to effectually eliminate all the hard teeU lngs and differences, heretofore exist- Ina- between the 'two factJena-' of, thai river, on ,BoasVteM tm -The commJthftaVM - i Horsefly Irrigation dlstrlet,. and the people arenow a unt on thl railroad, questionaneltthe epinmunlt;lanow of oaa vnlu'. Give ill a. railroad. '. The committee bWuiidK'wsJd.Abiai . V-; r-;-; make a fine location for tamlnalcf ail it would be an ideal' place telATf 1 yaros ana uepoi uhv, aa, n ym m, j,-, jg mM.' -r r4Wiz.-ewij'fiv- room ror all necessary Jjiee, .iff ssbsj; ', a. . i j- . border ot the townwtthi room tor all' necessary leld Ow is by Francis JVfarim'm.ik Vestslde orfthe 4rlver, ,aS.I 'ot.thrc'reamery Thf tlUri It city, and Is the oldJarKasji iou aawiaing 7'sisi'eeani which would make an Meal m le joc'ted a;wwmi,1siil js T-.V, r Wife ' uaderadvieeasent.- wUl '.&". t sr?a r:n""v 'h 4 a. ' -1 Tm, J - t-J H -ii f 4i cV jwt I 7' ' Sg 4 iQH J f w. 'W.kx5t3& 1-. Tij"-. Sv .."t a '!I,' - .Va ?B