Stye lEmmutg v - Herald KLAMATH COUNTY'S I KLAMATH. FAELf OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NEWSPifcjm r rtWi. 4o Kini'iiih Vein N. s, t s KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1916. Prlc, fit Coat WILL TOY TO OVERTHROW CARRANZA jjginnfir ..iiiii .- r .rvvvnrarinnnnni-innwuuuu. SERBIANS CAPTURE GERMAN TRENCHES "ww'w'w,'w'''WWWWWWMMMMwyw,coMniNKi Merrill and Malin Dates Oct. 25-26 M.iikencn Taki's Itiillroutl Junction' , .... '," j An error was made In yesterday Intniy Mllrt West or Coi.tni..i. Herald In tho datos of the llcaii rallies this week. Tho dates for lliltMi In Mtslit Gains ,,,,,,..., and Ma,n woro ,llcorrect Tw vf Htculi) Capital of Hutiiaut.i "oircct dates for these two meeting I arc: . A Sight London Never Saw Before IKt Ijiii's (ioniums Cot So Rooty .11 C(M1-(3IIII. .Merrill Octobor 20. .Miilin October 26. Won't Defend Mooncy ,. i ,.,.. o.. in i United Press Service lulled Press Sen Ico I I'ARIS, Oct, 2 'The Serbians In!" -AN FRANCISCO. Oct. 21. feiunhig the v'ranco on Monnstlr Uhnliman Walsh, of tho Federal tn- tme wpturcd tho German-Bulgarian .dustrlnl Relations Commission, today, tienches to the ilepth of n halt mllo aa'n declined to conduct tho defonso ilohK the Ccrna river. This Import-. of Thomas Moonoy, charged with 'complicity In tho dynamlto plot dur j Ing tho preparedness parado I ivt ! rummer. Moonoy's trial Is set for October 30. of n rnt grin followed repulsion leatnl attacks oy the enemy. Fr.rli German units aro eo-openil-lit; vitli the Bulgarians. All operation along tho Struma l.rne Lecn halted by floods. active. United Press Servlco PETROGKAD, Oct. 24. Tho Slavs Cornnvodn br'tMliead, iOid tl.x only In the Dolran region artillcrylng ts(nnvni by which tho Slavs rot. with craw into old itumanin. rno i;er inun now have over half tho railroad which supplies lb. Rumanlan)( ho German cavalry Is idvnnclng north f Constanri ng.tlnst who are opposing thi Teu ton right wing Tho capture today of MiljHl.i gives the Germans n stronghold on the Slav center I'no. Berlin docs 'tot claim a large l-odv with tho iiipturo of 0 jii -tnnrn yrafcrday, but rny 7,000 Slavs wcro t.i! n prisoners Tho real Intent of tho Gorman of fensive Is to crush Rumania from two sides, render her llko Belgium, and leave an example to other small powers that might feci llko siding with tho Allies. Tho Atistrians hnvn raptured Pre ni and nro attacking Red Tower pass, according to Berlin. Tho Rumanians claim victories overywhero in Transylvania. BBBBafeBBBBaraBk B" s .V K v t HTBBBar bE Bar&r u ji Hr wt vllLIIIIIBIiHIIIIIIIIIV9 JL J VIBnr&Br&Br&Br&Br&BBBr&Bar SBBBBBBviBBBBBBBBBlBaBBBBB; BY aBBBBDBBflBLNflBjB7ajl48jBBHBBBBY 'MBHUf Wav taaBBBaa'BBBBBBBBBBBVaB'BK'M m stbbTbbTbbbbbb vT''.bbTbbmsTbbW!': 't'lHilBn v aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBalfBKm s BBBBBaVBaaBBV-Y ':AtJ'aBBBBBnBB'BBV! IHImi ' XfF'raBBBBBBBBBK.'B tSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBB BlBBBBBBBMBBBBBk Yk VVSBBBBBBBBBBBUI . 'H A tm i aBBBBBBBBBBBc B ;aBSBBBBBWBBm - bbbbbBbbbbbk t vr iliiiiTBBaaaaaaaWBTi flBaamBaV 'HMI- .'; bbbbII 'affli, B KSbWbbbHKhbbBHHMbv! K'JbbbvI iBBBBBBaKilBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr MBjB. 1 " LBbMbbIbbV tUbW aBBBaBBBBBBBBWaBBBaBflHv'O: " . BBBLK PUflBBBBBHHBHWBl'' " t aB VfH V,lBiBBBWBBBSIH 4 S BBBBBBBB i. HfFKH3BB ; K tm BBBBBLHlBBBHflBB !" VbBBBBBBBBB 3 "l T'1' BBBBBBSiBVPBBB'BB'''' twHJBBftHf flBBBBLI F BBBBBBBbV!BBhL''BB7!BBBmBB s'BlJ,'v A' '' iS&BBBBBKBVXvf VTBBTBr vHiHbH': TV k "! Bf i? -1 'AJL-'bbbbbIIB sfJvyV By'"-I(; J V4 vBb1bBBBBKBBBK X'TBBBB . BbV y j . HBPBBBH1B V wV-fBl '?''Wi'i I BBBBBBBBBBbVA iBBHk'.' . Vfekk -..r -' A'''1BBBBBB .''?'' V-BM" ', ' I fafafafafH'BR. '. 'nZ.-i''' ' BBBBBLBLJ. s' 'JjtJ "''' ' It s BBBBBBBBBBnKtyrBT '".,.. , VM- Hi TXy&.y-Xsk-X i. fr BTBBll; M . , ITT B Pv 4S BBBBBFVaBM'. ' fl S . AT BBB-l .Ji: jvJ5 MBBBflBKO,r , j.f, ijv, tii, , . IflJ -tVttV St-BBft! r . . . ..' .y.'ajn t1 .. a i ys?. sjtwm. av s' ' v 5 j VV-Sn If., , , . S tfc 4 ?' .Jt.A' iBBBVir','Ni. ; X P.TW t " . A C: -KTi j, - ' C 7i" rt j. , ". i . VJ 4Wy v,ll. " . JJJ tJ 'VW "" ' in mIhii ii ii y--" r t . - ?. . : v ,. vits.n'' r'rs " a .. ? WMMMrVllMMMMMH GENERAL ROBLES IS ON WAY TO CAPITAL MANY BEEF AND LAMBS BOUGHT AND EXPORTED 1,021) lllv.VI) OK FKKIHvlt.S I.KK1' vi:hti:hiav for tiitox TftOOIft TODAV ARK MEXICO CITV AHT OP This photograidi of sodlors whoso legs were shot off Invito war was taken In London, In time they will bo given mechanical legs and will abandon tholr crutches. Tho British surgeons have followed tho general policy of cutting off limbs which seemed to thorn could not bo snvad. In Kinnco a much different mothod has been pursued. There every effort has beo i made to prcsorvo limbs of wounded holdlcrs. continue to resist the advance of the.rwlftly combined German, Turkish-andHul-rtht-Slnvs garlan forces at Dobrudja. The Atistrians have hado no -now attempts to lr.ade through tho Tro tus valley. The Rtnnnnlans have repelled at ' tacks at 0rsoa. Genera Von Mackcnson today oc upled Medjldis, the railroad junc tion 20 miles west of Constnnzn. LONDON, Oct. 21. Tho British last night completely consolidated the trenches won cast of Guedecourt Monday, Artillcrylng along the Som me Is Intermittent and of little con sequence. Admitting the capture of Contranza "ucharebt enys tho Germans have se cured little booty, a8 tho evacuation of the port was decided upon soma time ago. Kali-er Wlllieln. today tolegraphodT .- v- && avor's Veto o( Ordinance Meets With Little Favor Mayor C. II. Crlslcr Ut.rncd at List icuiillllrd ekHtors of tho city at a hpo-J tonight, or even before the ordlnauco ilght'ii meeting of tho city cou.uil.clal election, called for that purpose, W"B Passed." that his veto of the ordinance ff.rfnnd defines such (tiiillllcatlon to bo I Then Councilman Miller passed to i.a.ndlng the cllyV m that the owning of reil property within I l,,u. n""Jlv-1 "' ...".. These Were SlilpKxl by Mcl'liioiv & ItrtolittloiilMM llac Demanded Irnmf riiti.'c AlNllcatuiii of Carranui .inl Itch use of All Political Prlsonis". ( City May Oe Kvacuateil If Villa .Muke nn Assault on It, An Impeded. I, United Press Rervlco BKUMN. Oct. 24. Allied attacks 'fce izar of Bulgaria congratulating ( along tho Sommo havo been bloodily "m on the victory at Constanza yc I'Tilay. Dnltfd irPP!, service I0ND0.V, Oct. 2-1. Genoral Von VaikenBcn tod.iv captured Rnsivo. on " Danube, n nin 80utj, ,,f thn defeated. The fields are covered with rows of dead. The Allies aro socking to breuk through the Gorman lines in this sec tor at any cost. Attacks In tho Vordun sector also have been turned back. Reasons Why the Mayor Vetoed Bend Ordinance 1 tlio Common Council of the City "t Klamath Falls: C'cntlemen I herewith return to J. with my -eto, ordlnanco No. Jj. being an ordinance proposing n amendment to tho charter auth 'lzing the Issuance of bonds In the ""m of Moo.000 for tho purpose of "Hiding, equipping, etc., or railways, a'il give as my reasons for aald veto he follewing: I'irst Tlio charter of tho City of "lamath Palls as enacted by the le- vote.H on March 10, 1913, pro vlles that no wai rants shall be 1s jUcil upon the general fund unless unde ate on hand with which to pay uch warrants. Becond The charter provides that i" debt iinm of tho C)ty of Klamath a Is Bhnll not exceed 10 per cent the assessed valuation of tho prop er'y of the city. 'llr(l T!ln rlinftAw mmilJA lka " l,roP08ltlons to Issue bonds for any ( specific municipal purpose shall first be submitted to a vote of the quali fied electors of the city at a special election called for that purpose, and doflnes such qualification to be the owning of real property within the city. Tho ordinance which I am com pelled, In my judgment, to veto, pro vides for the issuance of warrants, funds for the payment of same to be subsequently provided, It further provides that the deft limit of the City of Klamath Palis shall be ret nulue, and leaves the debt limit of the city In a position to be Increased Indefinitely. The ordinance further provides that the common council may issuo the bond therein proposed, and, places the property owner and the non-prpperty owner on the same bails so far as. tho creation of muni cipal Indebtedness la concerned. Our Concluded oa rM 1 i railroad bonds could hi insiied was de-, '( cll' c'-kdly not In I'.ccovd vltli tho wishes of ili'. pooplo, the mayor's fluidity i-i his htand to tho con.r.iry i.otwitl.- standlng. Vigorous applaueo by the largo crowd of citizens at tho meeting to, cpocches by Councllmen A. 1). Millar and I. It. Strublo, Attorney K. I 101 liott and" City Attorney R. C. Ciocs bock clearly Indicated this. Immediately after Police Judgo A. .'.. Lcavltt had read Mayor Crlsloi's veto, Councilman Miller moved Mint it bo not unstained; Councilman Srruble quickly seconded tho motion. Several speeches wero heard and wlteti Miller asked Councllmen It. J. Shoots and O. I), Mathews Informally If thoy wero prepared to vote on the motion each answered no. Miller saw that to call fr.r the qucsllo'i would mean to logo It. Shoots pre viously had moved an amendment to Miller's motion, ns'lng that conoid- eretlon be deferred. After a confer-1 ence, Miller withdrew his motion and Sheets did tho same, nnd all council men voted for an adjournment uu'll 8 o'clock tonight. In the meantime, Kecler Brothers, v.bose attorneys drafted the ordi nance vetood by Mpyor Crlsler, nrn bring conferred with I y wire and on Tlir i ril I mi n co which I am I v.i led In my Judgment to veto, pto- vldoH for tho Issuance of win ninth, and lead two copies of tho Herald, i duo containing a statement from COni- , ir... IhIuI.lii .... (I. n.....t., nf I. . r.'ifiji'i vi inn-i ifii tnu ttiiiifuui ii iuu indebtedness nnd the other one from United Press Serrtc Eh PASO, Oct. 24. General Jose Roblcs and several thousand revolti- Wnlker Wllllts Buys Fine Helfeis tionlsts today started for Mexico City to ovorthrow the Carranza govern ment, according to General Robles secretary, who arrived here today after delivering to Carranza a demand that he abdicate and release alt po litical prisoners. Oeneral Robles' secretary says the revolutionists are now In Pueblo, enst of Mexico Cltv. These aro busy duys for Klamath More - rom f!hihntu. couutystock raisers and for buyers clty say another skirmish has lUrfed for Itiincli South of-Tow li Berkley, :l(M) llea; of Beef Fro:.. Bloomlitgctiiiip for Miller & Lux. Picks I'p Many IiuubN. City Tie.isurer .1. W, SiemeuH. Tho .,...,. .or u,u I.UJT...U.H .,. m.u.o 'iMnUo. ,t.,.iarc.l that tho Indebtedness subseuuently provided. It riirtliur,or , t.ty wtH fa. lowor th, tl)0 provides that tho debt limit of Oio, ,, K,Vl) ,,y tll0 miiyo,.t :iiy of Klamath Falls shall bo sot, ..w,. ,inVo yoll ,ilfiturtoI these iiskic, and leaves ii.o oe.ii umi o lie city In a position to bo Increased Indefinitely. Tho oidlunueu further provides that tho common council may I is no tho bonds therein proposed, mid places tho property owner and thu non-property owner on thu Jaun bnhls so far as tho creation of muni- Ipnl Indebtedness Is concorned. Our present vhaitor was adopted after dio aril oxt ended consideration of tlio provisions coutnluod thorclu, and It Is rny opinion that tho tin in u should not bo hustlly modified or repealed. The ordlnauco under consideration fiMitnlns tlio following expression And nny provision or provlslonj ot the charter or ordlnaucos of tho City of Klamath Polls which conflict wlt-h I ho provisions hereof, nro hereby re- figures?" asked Miller. "Evidently thu mayor has had tho vo(olng of this ordlnauco In mind .for several days; tho Htatement Issued last week would Indicate this. Yet he did not consult with the council on thu matter. 'I hold this: that If tho people ant n thing let thorn havo It; If i thoy want to turn it down, let thorn do It." 'Councilman Strublo then took tho floor, and Bald: 'Wo hired the best logal advice on munlclpn! bond Issues In tho country to propnre this ordinance. The mayor had tho ordinance a long time, but did not say a thing to the council itbnjjt Its faults If thoro aro nny. 'Who nro you or I, Mr. Mayor, ns Potty office holders, that wo can say for tho outside markets. During the Inst wcok many transfers of livestock have been made, and one large ship-villa's ranch. meat sent out. Yesterday Mclxsmore & Walker shipped 1,029 head of feeders to Tip ton, Calif., whore thoy will bo fat toned for slaughter. All of these wore Klamath county stock. They aver aged about 1,000 pounds, and 'were steers only. I.. F. Wllllts has just completed purchase of forty head of lino holfers from A. T. Langcll of Bly. He also has bought eighteen head of heifers fion. Tom Martin. Ho is moving all this stock to his ranch for feeding. J. 1-. Beckley, buyer fur Miller & ' l.ux, has puichaseu suu hoau ot; choice hoof from Bioomlngcamp brothers of Bly, and Is now moving this stock, toward Klamath Falls. O. T. McKcndrce of I,akevlow has purchased 3,000 head of lambs from Frank Bloomlngcump. Most of these In nibs wcro raised near Paisley. He Tilso has collected about 10,000 head of lambs from other stockmen, both In Klamath and Lnko county. These arc now being fattened nnd will begin to bo moved In January. botween Vllllstas and Carranilstas on the outposts of Fresno, which Is United Press Berne KL PASO, Oct. 24. Hundreds of refugees from Chihuahua City are arriving in Juarez. They declare Poncho Villa Is on the western side of tho city and that the Inhabitants expect nn attack at any moment. General Trevlo, Carranxlsta con mnnder, has sent his family to Juarez for safety. i Some people believe this indicates that tho Carranzlstas' will evacuate j Chihuahua City when Villa assaults pealed." . When Councilman Mlllor took tlio to tho people, 'You shall not vote on floor after his motion to not mmtnlii. this question or you shall vote on the veto, ho said In part: j that one?' If thoy want to vote this ' The mayor has picked idle Haws ordinance, give thorn a chance." fn the ordinance and raised polnlii When Mayor Crlslcr offered tjie thfelr renllea nrobablv will hanir ti.e 'hot can bo mot. His first objectloa , floor to any of the citizens present, fate of tho bond ordinance. The nt-l11"'1 funds must bo on hand before ' Attorney K. J Elliott was prevailed torneys are being Interrogated on tho ""J wurrants can bo Issued !) not , upon to speak, SPROULE LOOKS AT OTHER END HKAI) OP HP. CONSIDERS RAIL ROAD POHHIBaUTIKg OP THK HOUTHFRX PART OP MODOC NORTHERN' AFTER VISIT HERE Sanction Prohibition United Press Service ST. l.nniH Del 24 Tlio hoiifn of , . . j,ftc deputies of tho Protestant Episcopal Wjl cnurcn touny auopiea n-resoiuwon giving tho official sanction- of th church to any prohibition movement. Tho resolution now goes to the bish ops for concurrence. Won't Vacate Avenue, Tho council last night disallowed the petition for vacation of a portion of Johnson avenue. There were nine protestors to the vacation, SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 24. Preol dont William Sproute of the Southern Pacific yesterday afternoon reached etwood to Investigate the railroad possibilities of Lassen and Modoe counties. It is unconflrmedly rumored that this investigation may have soma connection with the recent visit ot Sproule to Klamath county, Oregon, where he considered the northern end ot the proposed Modoc Northern rail road. Westwood Is the present terralnuB of the Fernley line via Suttuvllle.' three objeotons to the ordnance sot forth In the veto message. These objectons aie: First The charter of tho City of Klamath Falls, as enacted by legal toters on March 10, 1913, provtdoa that no warrantsshall be Issued upon thu general fund unless funds nro ou hand with which to pay such war rat.ts. ( Second The chnrter provide tint the debt limit of the City of Klamath Palls shall not exceed 10 per cent ot the assessed valuation of the property of the city, Third The charter provide that all propositions to Issue bonds for any specific municipal purpose shall f,raj bo submitted to a vote ot the He said in part! good because tho people should have' "What Is there In our city charter u right to docldo, whether or not they j that Is ho sacred that woK cannot e mho to roponl this provslon of tho 'peal it or change It? Even the ch.y clmi'tcr and Issue warrants beyond! tor of this nation, tho United States the funds on hand. Tho objection ' constitution, has been amended and that the debt limit must be hold ut 10 per cent of the proporty valuation of the city is weak for the same ron ton. Lot the peoplo say whether or not tho limit shall be raised, "As to tho third objection that only property owners may vote on measures to Issuo bonds I will jay that able and trained attorneys pro pared tho ordinance tho mayor hns vetoed. But evou In this cuso the peoplo should have the say. It the mayor felt, na this "veto Indicates, te should havo Bald something boforo parts of it repealed. There Is noth ing inviolable In the charter. Let the people amend It and later re ennc t the amended provisions If they care to." Councilman Doty said! "The people are going to get a whack at this thing somehow." Move to Town, Jesse Siemens and wlfo moved to Klamath Falls yesterday from Peli can Ray, where they spent the summer. Klamath Team Leaves for 3 Football Games To play three football games In Ave c'nys, the Klamath high school foot ball squad leaves tomorrow morning tor Rogue River Volley. Coach Ches ter1 Hugglns, Referee V, T. Motschen bacber and Manager Carl Newbury will accompany the team, ' Ashland will be played Thursday, Med'ford Saturday arid Grants aPs Monday. Prospects for a vlctory'over Ashland and Grants Pass appear ' .', bright, but the local boys are 'father dubious about their chances against Medford. Ay'jffy. The men who will make th4rtK announced by Coach .HugilM,' are Motschenbacber and Delielli HJeater; Stenrns, Carl Adbaa ffiiOrfp, guards; Melhase and" Hilton, tackles; Rlggs and Elliott, ends-' Klal, Pla ter, Cecil Adams, 'Short " Mont gomery, back. "ce' i , IWSKSi i mm : m i ii