- .V -net- ,'l ft . " VL'. VW & ' ..$ 3 OV Etirifhg Btal& . i "- KLAMATH COUNTY KLAMATH 'f, . OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER :4j '- OFFICIAL SSVi& aaaaaaaaaaaaaJSaaBBBaflr ci- v XS, sv Iderrntli Year No. H.iao KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1916. Flft6 . -."A. :$r&fiS "S MV .. a"." -' 3 ' y&&I"W &rXv KirA. -.' 'r,sv FHIW-vJ Semens Siows Indebtedness M WWWWWWWIWWWI(WMMWWMM Gtv's Treasurer Gives Real Con ditions of the Gly Finances Declares Sewer Bonds Are Not Debt of City """ "-""n n"i"i i"nnn i'ii'"ii"mri rnrni.n.n.n.n.n.g'uvin.aan.n.ainn.an.n.n.n.in.n.n.nnnnnnnn'i'i Y"! innnnnnPirviaaarvvvTnnjvtnjvtn oi viiy j KP'W First Photograh of the "Tank" to Reach the Uuited States Since Its Introduction in War 'V Mltor Eu' nl tig Herald: Supplementary to tlio figures on ow clt's Indebtedness, ait given by Mr worthy mayor, 1 would Ilko to Mke theto figures still moro plain N u to ilvo tlio taxpayer really a correct Idea as to how thla matter Uses up to date. There Is ono class, of Indebtedness klcb Is being puld off In ten unuiinl iMUIIments, namely, tho paving as Mmcnts ami tlio Fourth Unit suwor MHssmenU, tliu total amount n( this U IJ19.4I6.4C. This Is claimed by our mayor to bo a liability of tlio city ud he Is right only In ho fur that tho flljr Is obligated to collect tho hhmins BWUind pay off tho bonds with tho anli m derlvul r?w",jiwwni' j'M';aaftiirx!m&i(i8OT ?mmt i . j.''k. I V tV. S Cr . . , 9 . O. i!ir'',g, ' nv? , ' ... -.ifSs.. j& A- ammui iii , . . iti i-Lf. ..jfe.Mi::vf A5a W.WS'AaiKf:.-; 6JMC(I.WjliUMHK.VJI .TSlWKW)WSar Vwuw.-v.: ri v . ' xvw ; s 5r -r' . ' v.? .' . . , " s .' : iaa-xcA'vSva r tiaiwiwtsJiWJsaJiattMS 1 . T-.3K-W cav. as-s vmscvfw$&3.j ttuvv :XScS;)eii: X&tytXiJ&iXiZ'Xl&k i -14l iU- , tOCrSWlNTON. lVNTt)-'C;FtTMC rTAHK;y This Is the real llrl(lsli."tank," which bus ovorrun tho German trenches in France. The "tank" is an adptation of an American tractor used on large farms. The actual photograph hIiowh it much different from tho photographs given out hero at the tlmo the story was cabled. The photograph was taken on the field of battle. MAYOR CRISLER WILL VETO THE ! BONDORDINANCE , 44i? PASSAGE BY COUNCIL oxwm VETO IS DOUBTFUL K Jif Siajror Declare That Keeier BntMNj Did Xot Make Ordfawaw RIM and Tliat Re la Booad by Jhttf Vet It la Message InnwpasijIagTKa XIUS CTCOIBB Set Forth. frf U .'V7 1 ;. 'KK "JSS sa vS tfi "Sl 1 Sfi:i A,SJ. A -, .r4;. -; . Ii'M Ki when found necessary. As 1 look at thlH hIuiio of IndcbtoiliicKs, tho city only lends Its credit and th" Keuer.il taxpayer docs not pay any Interest on this part; only those uhoso proporly Khoiild any of thoJs affected by street liupiovcinonla property owners uffocted fall to mcol havo to meet theso bills, ami tho value Unlr asscHsiiicnls, tho city veils the of their property has been Increased Hoptrty to rnaku Kood this share :uidrhy linvlng a good pavement adjoining tliweforc I do not aeo wliiiro tho city thoy havo valuo received. whole Is taking any rlmnr.M ofi Another Indebtedness Is tho 8hlp teTlag to pay theno bonds, w'.ion It Iplnptoii nd warrant Indcbledness, a tccuro Itself by jnl.j of property which will be pild In three annual In- Klamath Defeats Grants Pass by 46-to-0 Score Now what do you think of tho foot "'I teim? '" IlniH fnnliii...! ...in. ......... i, ...v.. n mi biuiiui;u- ly uuinunu in Hiuiiiimu. "' hut K,araul" County High Jury defonse worked pretty well, but ' i.u ' lool Grants I'ass High School could havo dono oven more by moot- Hlstuntly thioiigh that spot. Tlio other side stood up better, but large ly because of Molhnso. The scend k.!iC"!Ip 8turl"y nfternooiron tho' Ing the play on the lino of scrimmage In.. . u ture waa to loo. therr flr0t f0W mluue ' I'loy. would win. Klamath waa flght- CASK IS HUT I'Olt DKCUMItF.lt 11, 11! and 18t " ., 'L stullmcuts. Then there Is a warrant indebtedness outstanding of what Is known as tho Klamath Avenue Fill Fund, amounting to approximately $:i,000, which is not mentioned at all in tliu mayor's tlst and his stntomcut of refunding bonds is $100,000 too much. Tho bonded Indebtedness of Klum otli Fulls, for which we as a city are liable. Is a follews: City Hall Hands, r.0,00b, duo 1JI34. Horundlng Uonds, $76,000. duo 11IH3. Bower Uonds, $00,000, duo 1930. "Fourth Line Sower Warrant, $10, 000, approximately. Making a total of $186,000. Because these bonds are duo In 1934, 1933 and 1930 dooB not mean that wo will wait and pay thorn off then, but tho usual formula will bo gono through with, say a levy will bo mndo whon theso bonds have 10 to i: years yet to run and thoy will bo taken up annually, aa for Instance wo will say mat in iz we win coi-j The ca80 of Ule stato V0I,Ug p A loot taxes enough to take , up one- nbout tenth of tho City Hall fund bonds and , ' ' $5,000 thereafter until 1934, the res ot' Klamath county and bonds aro wined out, and as principal . Indirectly affecting the title to about KUYKENDALL TO TRY STATE vs. HYDE CASE Title to Over 57,000 Acres of Oregon Imlitl, 7,000 of Which Is in Klam ntli, Is Involved in Case State Claims Hyde by Dummy Kutrlcs I'urcliatrt'd Kcliool IjiikIm in ForotM for Lieu Lnud Selections. Tho ccore waa 40 toO 'instead of waiting for It two yard is reduced tho interest charges grow 50,000 acres in other counties of this behind the lino. lets accordingly, mis seems io mo gtat6( ,g to tr,ed bofore circuit The offensive worked smoothly. All, to bo the situation bIso " Judge D, v. Kuykondall this wlSter. In. . ""imam was ngni-,tne ubckb carried mo ou wow .. u. .c.r . .--. - ----- ,. MO, . lia , tnr nmh. urants Puss waa running often kept on going after bong hit! provided to take tne same up oy urn In th " I by tnck,,rB- Oralmm Klohl made sov- .v. e fln,t fow minutes of nlav. ernl nrettv end runs, aa did tho other " i urants Pnuu i.o.i .i. . .... i I.,,.. D..i.. WIdm ,-- . ...w,w u, iiihi. V,, IVMJ WMM "I " tliltor. i had tho on,, ,l10 ,,,u:li',' "lclIly Foster, ollth Klfhl (nt jT'00kcd 'IJUKoroui and inndojnnd Cecil Adams galnod through tho Vn ,0,r times. Then the lino. MoIIkhm and Arnold Motschon 4 mi'h ,0t tho baU on tt fumb'o oncher dd nice work on the line. t until ii U"W" tho 'l0,d Aftorf u wnH a c,onn gnmo nnd U' ,rC Wlors 1"8t m,nut0 of Piny tho ' quency of tlmo out only showed tho ill th" ere '"e defonalve-nearly I vlclousnass of Co playing. Several tain sv Twlco thoy tr,od of th0 vlaltlng boys "suffered minor Jown inlJ1! y',rUtt on th0 fourth ! Injuries. One sustained n broken rlior,' h,;, of l)l'ntlng to safe tor- wrist and another n broken rib. thep ", e8c" 'mo fnllod. Had O. B. Wllloy reforcod nnd V. T. wklhaveh ,,re,1H0(. Klamath Motrchanbacuor umpirea, Saturday's game augurs won Klamath High. Medford defeated Grants Pass 13 to 0 and Ashland won unover It 6 to 0. Th s gives the local IL r M ,11 inn MrtPAMJ ...- -1 I - i-i. - AJ. ...AM aIIIiah AF IIIABA ii,Hslh lh. u iuie, Hi- ooyg a oik cuo ui i.. - Mi. 7 "' on ntKiiiiui.. j ., ' . v.i ii-.AtmJi i in h rnnrnfl unagk ,i -- --"".?( n n-.ojms. in oufi ' -- II th ,i '"'! considerobiolas It played Kiamatn 10 a to iu JMVDbW '" yet tno Paying InUlo here on October 14, But anyway Yah'.. Was rnirira.i mi., i. II ." ,. 4i. .i....iinn If must --. 4v uaUKB.UIIO lUDMS Ul HW Piml " Tho case has been set for December Uinvinv fund method and maklnc a 11. 12 and 13. cnrtaln levy yearly. I Whenever the government esiab- cover buch of tho land as Hyde re-Inliit- nnd also to get title to the lieu 1,-iul where tho state land has ul ready been uied as base. If tho stato Is successful it is es timated that, about a half million dollais will bo added to the state political discussions. school fund. Tho land wus purchased by a Kirga number of defendants and they claim that thoy bought and paid f It in i;oOd faith before It was known to anybody that the entries were frau dulent. Hyde liad a very spectacular career as a land frauder and was con victed more than once after long and strenuous trials. Ho made a speo Inlt v of school land oneratlons and an- airangements made. " The Ave meeting re: Merrill, October :? Malln, October 25. Fcrt Klamath. October 27. P'nc Grove, October 28. Bonanza, Octobc Zl. Iu each of tb.es meetings, except ing fine Grove, tl,o republican cen tral committee will furnish orchestral niuplcand a dance will be held fol low tug the addressE Uy the speakers hriil candidates. The meeting at Pinj Grove will be held In Gray's hall and music will be furnished by Gray'e or chestra. The Bonanza rally will be turned into a big Hallowe'en party after the This town Is preparing to make the evening a real celebration, featured by a dance. The speakers for all these meet ings, asldo from the candidates, will , be Hon. W. Lair Thompson of Lake- view and Horace M. Manning of Klamath Falls, both speakers of ability and men versed la the' politi cal issues In this campaign. Asserting that It is ialsalcal to tk. lnterests of the people ul warranted tearing spot the ekarterv Mayor C. B. Crlaler anaoie4l tijr , that at the coancll aaeetimc tW'je-'" :c lag he will veto the orllimMdHicf 1 xor a special eiectum roaie -meK 'jafftjffl charter so that railroad ,hee, far sr'-.-J&i fltlt AAA .UIJ k immnXA 'LI j -.tjjrf!li,,TfeiMl The votes ot fewff0emwtHiw .iwt' rAniilriMl n 'ium th -- ' '-'; ' lh.. mar'i Ttn. Whthr araet.. "' ., . ,. ... A'-4il .KiW-rvl lo'ir cuunciimcm win ao vow a a. &,& kuown, but the general predleUo !- that the ordinance willBotriaiK:T.n M m r Acompanying his veto this eveaisc . will be a message frost Mayor. Cria-. ler setting forth in fall why he i vetoing the ordinance. la short, the message will say that Keeler brothers who prepared the ordinance, have aot ri:ed according to the understanding the city had with them, ( Fault is found with the ordinance calling an election to rote oa asaead-; "5 j si ,! Marshal Here. .T nve had uas, M "' '"ZZTVH r111"" th. ban ,."'"::.' .'"."" " (ani.kj Fiuuaoiy WOUIU LTuATWnor two loss. '. '"MSSlllfiP If, . uu:. "i iinain simivAii ; J"W .ii S wm, mr ,ivinnmflnt due to rail- IJib a national forest It allowed the .... -,...i nrt hitor rn-' owner of lands within the forest to.pieted the papers In tho case will . .,! r.MiuiAa mora manufac- soloct outside lands in exchange. The make I""""' .Oral lanil lo mllaJ iha "hoin" mill llii' tnrlii? nlnnts. more uuuuings ana, v..vu ,,.. . .... other?propert; of all kinds that fol-'outslde land selected Is called "lieu , i.. ti.a. nuliit nt lioflnr transnnr-. land. tntlon facilities of a city and an east-! ' township two sections, 10. ni for ,.r oroducts. I take It 36. belond to tho state for tha, that when tho tlmo comes to llqul- W of the publlq schools, and of date our present Indobtodnoss that," n the Cascade or any other our taxable resources will have grown, foret tho atate had a large number . ,u. ni nvflr notice the of school sections. HU UHifc "w - -' amounts paid off when due. t?innlr norm. rlAnntv ITnltAfl RfntAa ...u1.. U-J . ... .lk Kt -w..rf wt v... . iHMcuujr uu uu ."- - mr,r8ha, arr,vea a8t evening and celobrated Heney cases, where the eavea oday fm tne Ind,an reierva. Umber and stone act was used as qq offlc,8l buB,negg a cover for the fraud. U.llna MAnAn n ha VAnl.ia In nlTnAI. ctllllliai vann aiu inuuius ,u wiiivt t counties and n special assistant to the ' attorney general has devoted over two years to the case. A large part ot the evidence has already been taken and when com- the papers in the largest file ever handled In the local court. calling an election to rote oa asaeaa- . ,-vs; Ina- the charter in that the. aaiead-M: -SlsgM nnt, which is yoted upoa byjai et?vf,v J?i !. .lK.nHV.. 4k !' t. eaaiUAw JC" JT-TV iuc vicvuiid ut iud vu nr mtnj . ffi-vi'. tW." I A:5rf"ti-i t-,k.5- authorises the issuance, oH.9l9t).H ifefe in bonds by the coaBCUwMrKI ..w .--W. IV'. J5 i.jp?fi?i imsit jztKi tlons in tbe present charter, Is there. ,ifi V?SB eut time, only peralU;preeiw- ers to vote bopds. By adoptlagthui K amendment tbe .property uUtca-&? by repealed. , ?r m Austrian Presattr Shot United Preaa ferric. ' ii" A Sf kzm I t. i.n . ir Sl! ! fe?S BERLIN, Oct. S3. A- Bewisfwpw xIIIah hamaiI AiIIah AAmt Bhrnr att vuiiui unuueu auiui iwttj BirtiVWni. j Ks.rl Stuerkln, Auatro-Haagrrian I'M premier, while the latter sat at dta- t utr. ' 1 H j - ? . ITS V. "Vfe nvm ;vai . SfS JresSf; V5rf V Durum Wheat Reaches M J United Press Service ' I MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. ZS.TPttniir. .i t .Jftg$ wheat, used la the aaanufactare cf -i ;!S: niij A ',(.'! ' r.VtV2 .ri .a..a-I .-J - w I..I : , .,;fe-l suWituu, mu; mn w -; ' riqur 8 seiung rur tJ.tu.s.Biaw.i t! sfHI i-r.-,: 1 - i JIf V 'HZutl tm rf rvV I" 'J. W. SIEMENS. i lift ,'0,,ow the interference bo admitted that Klamath has mighty mk ii f U,e ,U'" W8a wo- or'"t ohance for the championship i Uranu Pw galnod con- of Southern Oregon. T'io" state claims that Hyde by dummy entries, purchased large areas of elate school land within tbe lim its of the Cascade forest and used the same a toaue for lieu land selec tions not only in Oregon but also some in other EtataD The fraud wra ' exposed. In 190 1 when Hyde was Indkted In the fed- nont this morning brought in oral cour.tn Wash!ngto.n,iJ&a.,.ai.a ....... it i. nt ttnliavnil ,hnl ' tlio unvernmont held u'u the selections tiny of the missing sailors are allve.jnnd the state is now trying to re- Storm's Toll la 4(1 (Tnlted Press Service ( LEVELAND, Oct,. 28. Jt Is prob ulU that the toll of Friday's storm -mS a. HimAliail AH ftflfa on l.aKo ne nan itovwu - senb REPUBLICANS ARE READY FOR RALLY AT FIVE PLACES I (fitkilit XatoliAAi Rflmr lljfi 'jeU.111fmI1j LJmjlMWM If Mu w' MMur' I . u F vfc j. T ! WY aVf -aTl sum nere next mm VvSrf. ' Final arrangements were compiotH yctorday for Ave ot the republican" r-i'lleg arhedu:i,l tor the few days ri raalning between now nnd' election da In each of there five places lb') hall has been eut.n if J and all other --s -w "if? ty,. wici 'mmi t . .FL-rtftf!l 4 X. '?A'?1 'fiipH. S'.'?: .?Si;rtS' iri;SnTS!Xr,JS'l ,i'VfJBF.i.,SEr-??l 3 The visit here last week of Bishop C. J. O'Reilly and Mother Ross, Su perlorness ot the Sisters ot Charity, Is almost certain to beget a girl's acad emy for Klamath Falls, according to Father Hugh Marshall ot the local Catholic church. ' ' Mother Rose was very favorably, impressed with the outlook tor a -school In Klamath Falls sad prom ised to send sisters to snuperlatsnd the building 'of the school, It oae.ls erected. Establishment .of .an aeas? emy here depeada on'the donatien of a1 piece of property by the local par Ish and the guaranteeing number of pupils,' "It Is likely that these ' . mL5as&tfi':: of'a:irtal;tMy- . , MtMf&m'Z. it-- BLiAS.avt-, i ; j . f can be met," says Father; "We raised sojBBjwaaAi Ity rairwita waieaj ; ground aad we hofe to,l once. , At the preseatjtl more than forty iwauti attendls" du tilde t'OsU We waattM"tfFij f Klaatha,?y-': , Falser asannan, ,!" conatructionoff.tb v surinlr'ar raoatMehu m&: 1 "A & .,'! 'SB e,.'v '--!. yM ' '-.." Ui mJBLM Wh ?!$ SVSSJSM' SH Hi AJaa SSHaaB , a S aaVaSflSSSSB " WHS OTaSSSWi jt. , rfttrfiii,iW.,i!3Sl acMaaVJHKic IrH raawsaa - ..-'jiiasBaa s - f K " - . . j