J ftf, 1 ,, rv x7fl. ?',.r'.u t's vrro ICLAMATHCOUNTY1 OFFICIAL NEWiPAPKR ?.. , .y-'ua-atfrsi .'-. UTOJM Sfe". OFFICIAL NEWSPAW?! -Jv!&Wlir, r-V Plerenth Year No. .!, KLAMATH FAUA OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1916. &Hwmk s. i r ) 7 "i w f v ggyg burning jteritif. i.i I "i. ." & '.' GERMANS TRY FOR SOMME ikmt MEk-zWi 'W Bombard Heavily 1 i ' nr" Baal'H-l-i a -- i-. UffliiWl 4X U t SERBIANS ADVANCE TOWARD MONASTIR AIJJBt R KKV TO DEFENSE OF MONAHTIR .' of Allied Fleet Now la ftiiMiiil of Atbeaw aad la Kep WUh Anti-Alley diatom Oerma Take teltlaUve M Doeradja Froat In Attempt to Cfcsrl. RamaalaB A-VMre, 0 reck troop. Ho bat been appointed "chief Inspector" by the Greek mili tary authortle. All la calm today In Athens. The Allied troops are resting while Ad tulral DuKournot Is negotiating with the anti-Ally faction of the dreek Jeo-ple. United Press Service i'ktkoohad, Oct. 21. A great I battle Is raging today along the en tire OobrudM front, where Oeneral usicm iuunbbmib AsxtBaM, voa Macacusen naa taaen tne oiien- l' - live, hoping to check the Rumanian f, ( ,, t counter In Transylvania. PARIS, Oct. 21. MlllUry-iove u The Oerwans yesterday afternoon ti;A few dates radleav laat captured Kobardju, but have not UMnBiH are trying to regain Ue. ""r ""' lu "ur . j MUeUve on the weatem frost. All . ' ' f' .f'l and Make Repeated Infantry Attacks ...-. -,,-........,. . . ,Wt,,lMl,wMMWMMIWM , ,www,WWAimmlJl. wll,,,,,lw- - -, n.i.-.-!.-L-L-n -l-l-lti-lvlW Great Liner With Valuable Cargo Defies U-53 tint the Somme ney ) carrying Tresa Servicei ea beivy artillery bombardsaent and NostMI'are iaaacalir lafantry and kvalry attacks. Thus fir all these attempt have am unsuccessful. ' LONDON, Oct. 31. The British r Mklng splendid progress south Of Bmubo. Kvery where" on the west ra front artillerylng is active, espec ially by tbo Ocrmans. ATHENS. Oct. 21 Tbo Serbian tott, aided by French forccit, la at wcklof along the whole front tfuuth Mt of Monartir. Thty are . approaching .rapidly tall, the key to' 'the defciiHO of Ifwastlr. from -both the south and . I " 'eMaaenaaaiaBBi ' -'ARW, Oct, ;i. The BcrbTaua am .'"TV JMr to Moaaatlr and South of Dorn Vatra the Teutons "have been repelled and 'forced' to nee. Fighting everywhere in the eastern theater during tbo last few days has resulted in 8lav victories. Ilcavly nrtilterylng Is being -.carried on today north of Klslelin and northeast of llio Tarnool-Zlocxof i railroad. Snow In hindering operations In the Carpathians. aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Despite the operations of l)-53 off Nantucket lightship, the Adriatic, White star finer, loaded with the aion valuable cargo of munitions of war 30 far sent to Knglaai,(nas defied the submarine and put to sea. It is be lieved she Is convoyed by British cruUfrs, but her owners' ani the relatives of the three hundred and thirty-six 1'sjweogers on board will not rest until she Is safe lasJBrjah harbor. TRAIN 10 KIRK . FRIDAYS ONLY XKW HCHEDULK, KFFECT1VE OX NEXT MOXDAY, CALLS FOR A DAILY TRAIN TO CUILOQVIN .BXCEPTIXG SUNDAY. A new train schedule between Klamath Falls and points north was announced today by the Southern Pa cific company. Beginning October 23, the train will run to Chiloquin and return on Monday, Tueaday, Wednesday, laursaay ana Saturday, it win leave Klamath Falls at 9 a. m. and return at 12:60 p. m. ' On Friday of each week the train will run to Kirk, leaving Klamath Falls at 9 a. m. and returning at 1:60 p. ra. No train will be run Sunday. The present schedule calls for three trail GOWEN RELEASES MRS.H0B8S;IRWN ORDERSREARRl 3 i ,w Tl4 a r X- !Str JJlUL x -. r?-isas 'V f 'I yr M IN HANDS OF LAW AFTER HOUR'S FREEDOM ' Justice Gowen Gave Woes Charsjed 1 WIUi Mnrder Liberty or TTirit iUriaa GroundB State Baakes Vl s Objectlen, aad Brlaga Akeiat oroHi aXa". im 3. '. ft? ' m Sijf Ml 1 ' J "s .. .. ...; 'm m lae ajweek Kirk. BKItMN, Oct. 21. General von Mackenson has forced the Uumio- Kunmnluu lino at Uobrudja and bov- oral other fronts In the resumption by the Germans of tho offensive in the Balkans. Slav positions on Tuxla heights, at Topra liter, L'ocirges and Mulclovs have been taken, with 3,000 prison era and a largo quantity ofmunltlons. British attacks on Lesara and the "etrly reached tho bend In tho ' French attacks at Sallly Salllceel have J""' ll'l oocn repulsed. TH British force luvo rcachcl Xalscr Wilhelm has appointed his Baldck and are directing vlo- oldest brother, Prlnco Henry of Prus- r" amiiery twmbardraent at the ela, grand admiral of tho navy ST" Pwuioti (along the Allied ?w wing. WNDON, Oct. 11 Admiral Du rwraot todsy assumed control of ."wet and oversea worw of the I R-LStrabor Owens Brings Srlm. Frank Owens of Bly has brought to the county scat tho hides of six coyotes to claim the bounty on them The aix will yield him $24. First Industrial Fair Brings Out 400 People Public Sn 1 W'nWFA'tl: Je following letter from Robert whorn, promoter of the proposed jnrt through central OragoD;ex J"J the road builder's feeling S?" tbe PPe of Klamath Falls rS.0.!f.'he,plnto troad for L.VM twni ."Hw article he -;. "PPeared ia the Fiaaaclal rieai B w weeks ago, and also n Writes of iritednessHere by organisation and strong commun ity pull; but tho general public has little, conception of the far reaching effects of such united and supreme effort. " "I think it Is due to the Klamath Falls Club that the public generally should know to what extent it is en titled to tbo credit of securing or In suring the success of the railway pro ject we have In band. Personally, I greatly appreciate the association With your public spirited men who have figured so prominently In this .... 7 at! ana aiso ffiff!? r6cw,r the Herald. vrns letter follows la full: tiilXdir w,th frwt "r,,t u? rnreciatlan vom. avtii 1. ,l. tB.. . - . . V...V.V W -VSl BMI.. l '1 i" m . , A ' -,""; , iea?Uf .! upea proneeea aevewppea. (Mas la iuch UeaHties a the lw" aio hrouh these , great con- rai."in.' .. r..: 1-.- :-- . r ... z u... "A Southern Pacific official re ii'iitly said ho didn't believe thero I). Chorpenlng, tencher of the Mt. are more than 400 hero now," said J. K. Light yesterday when speak ing at tho Community 'Fair at Mt. Lakl, elveu by the Henley, Falrvlew, Spring take and Mt. Lakl schools. Mr. Light Is freight and passenger agent for the Southern Pacific. Whether or not he was referring to President William Sproule Is not Lhnivn hut RnrnulA vtnm thrnnvh fthn n. ..,, .. W...W...W .. .H.W..B.- ..w alley with Light and others a week ago. 1 When Mr. Light said there were 400 people at the fair, not all who at tended had arrived, according to C. D. Chorpenlng, teacher 4of the Mt. Lakl school. Over 300 different exhibits were shown 'at the fair and about 115 dif ferent school children were contest auts H. R. Ql'ilsyer, county agri culturist, and O. I. Gregg, Instructor in agriculture In the - local high tlcular kind in tho county and la con sidered by County Agriculturist H. R. Glateyer a grand success. Next rear it is planned to branch out and Includo other districts. GIVES RECEPTION EOR REOENNEU GRACE M. K. CHURCH AND FRIENDS ARE HOSTS FOR NEW MINISTER AND FAMILY TUES DAY EVENING The members of Grace M. ,E. church and friends from the other churches of the city tendered a recep tion last Tuesday evenlna to the new Methodist minister and family, Mr. J G. H. Bennett, Mrs. Bennett and! daughter. The church was decorated in all the colors of the season, and school, 'Judged the livestock,) agrl- the program rendered waa spirited cultural and other products entered and pleasing. It was aa follews: by the boys. "Miss Clara. Elmer, In-j Opening Prayer Revv JV. H. Cox structor in domestic science in tho piano solo , .,... . Mrs. F. H. Cofer local grammar schools, and utsa Quartet Messrs. Mcrerrln and con- MURDERER MUST DIE EOR CRIME MAN WHO KILLED W. C. SMITH AS LATTER RAN AWAY MUST PAY EXTREME FENALTY. SAYS HIGH COURT SACRAMENTO, Oct. 21. Joseph V. Wilt must die on the scaffold for the murder of Warner C. Smith last year in Germaritown, Calif., the su preme court today affirming1 the sen tence Imposed by the trial court and denying a motion .for a new trial. Wilt killed Smith after marching him and J. T. Jansen to Jansen's store lu Gerroantown and compelling them, at tbo point of a revolver, to open the safe. At the time Jansen thought the motive plain robbery. After leaving tbe Btore, Smith and Jansen started to run away, and Wilt fired, killing Smith and wounding Jansen. Later Jansen suspected that j the "robber" waa Wilt, his brother-in-law, who had had trouble with bis wife, and that the real motive was Herjrra takevlew. . -'John Jr. O'Keefe of Lakeview is Klamath Falls on business. Uly.Mait'Vlsrto. , . D. P. McAuliffe, a sheepman of the Bly country, Is attending to affairs of business In tbla city. Rearm on Htmn (Tmim ' J 'StJv&Hl -vf ..5OT .,. fTJi?S JS' WIU Try Case Next Moaday Within an hour after she had been 1 -iT-riqS 'iJKJT'l V I released from custody by Jaatlee of $& uuwta, airs.- nmrrsxiVS,VA id jA McKendrce Here. O. T. McKendree is here from Lakeview for a few days on business. Here from Merrill. George W. Otfield, a stockman of Merrill, is In Klamath Falls for tbe week-end. . thR Par PJw - -. wt., Baw. w.jr.i U.LV. -1 A i.i..i ., .',Tfi sas,; .uuuD, tuatiea juiBur w.u. er.aae- i?.gj. iwiaiw IB ararv on tib l..wv. v-.r- w-.n.-i .ki.H .S,.. !. "M rTT-Si-. X - T".T" itii.. nwt BaB-MirinKB-aB sari.Ti--i'" 1 In I .ra . u. ,. ,..i,- rtafp S5 . , -, - -, W WJ W1.J UOT1 H-HJ i, ',i.l On the ground that Mrs. HoeWkaa 'tMs. two -sraall children to- care 'for, Jaa4s:Je&J .i.i -t. . . .. . ."i- " 1 .'s'-i ob ruuiu u nere' wnea waaiev, ? J.J'jt even "if -given her freedom;' '-Jiistiia'5;. rf &$ uuweo yesterday reieaaea ner rrom't;- i custody on motion by-the defense:'" Attorney W. H. A. Renner Inmaklag the motion, aeked tne court' to re lease Mrs.. Hobbs for humaaltartaa reasons and because the evidence tak en at tbe coroner's inquest-showed, that Hobbs himself Hired tbe shotC that killed Way: t vengeance. Here from Keno. F. T. Nelson and son Roy are in town- today from their stock ranch in tbe Keno country to transact busi ness. , m Makes Petition. Frank Louis Noll, a native of Ger many, has filed bis petition for sec ond papers toward naturalisation. fi '.. A ! 44 &1& l j-4-1; W-V j .Vf $ .? .ami . ., J T'iii'if ?iM Kills Coyotes. Frank Baker of Klamath Agency this week brought tbe hides of two coyotes to the county clerk's office to claim the bounty. , ' 1 Mabel Mears, who holds tbe same position lu the high school, Judged tbe work of tbe girl. PROSPERITY FAIR CLOSES TONIGHT well, Mrs. Con well, Mb Calkins Address of Welcome B. M. Cbllcote Response ReV, G. H. Bennett ! Prosperity fair will close tonight after four days of running. All prod ucts left from yesterday will be auc tioned off tonight, Dancing will be Ettthl. tt.7wV' w tt' tructiye,prpjecte, with euoh men, but T" thewe r --, are !' it la ihVwy helpful and Inspiring MV.ordla ,to,t, " Wft , .k . " "-iw initf appre-: tnoae line myseir, wuo must nwrwinr- v ireat thlag, aeeeiiiielie- rUr hake the leadUi.w.rt.v Roast little pig, no ordinary pork roast big bog, but little pig, will head tbe bill of fare at 'Prosperity Fair tonight from 530 until 8 o'clock. Those who eat at tbe fall this even ing will enjoy music'durlng the'dln- In the open competition for girls Vocal solo. .Mrrs.V.T.Motschenbacher( the main attraction after 10 o'clock. Mlsa Irene Lewis or rairview iook Reading and Address ueo. J. waitoni first prlie, Mlsa Grape McClay of Hen- instrumental duct Dr. C. V. Fisher ley second, Mlsa Louise Schrelner of J and Constance Fisher. Spring Lake third, and Mlsa Bertha Reading ......... Glen, B. Conwell Green of Mt. Lakl fourth, pair prod- Following the program refresh- ucts of baking and sewing were en-' meats were served. It waa a pleasant tered In this competition. In the" evening with the churoh workers, aud ' ner. - ...... MM.llAmi All VttllaF a MAi'II(hV IA th H.W Vall I DO UfOl! WHf-UHVII W wlw.M.w-Jt VW) VBWai4 W, ,, V WW. 1 and grains Cecil King of Falrvlew " ' 1 m - . .. ... t ..-. n !.-- ml u viw lacond. Dow Stewart of Spring, James Dixon of Fort Klamath Lake third, and .Vance Matnay of day filed suit against the Wiaaek Oo, buek aad Friday a smaller one. ac Falrvlew fourth. , ,t " , of that, place for recovery of f.-; cording, to H. M. Wambler. Both deer aA ' I JI.I.IL....J 1.11a. at .t.--1 a 1.- U. j.. A ...... . a. . m. . ADOUl SiOO was amnuuiro prises among theeehool children of the fourldlatrlCts. V. - The fair was the first of Its par- Kills Two Buck. j I P. K. Haaailton. homeaLeader. of James Dlxonof Fort, Klamath to-. Buck Island, Thursday kllleda big en Of Farmer Yttdts. , E. C. Ream, a farmer on the Mer rill road, spent today 'in Klamath Falls to buy provisions. Ship Exprem Horses . Two "carloads of Klamath county horses were shipped yesterday by Wells Fargo & company to New Or leans. Tbe horses were bought by George Manning, who will accompany Attorney Thomas Drake., in oblect-:, Ing for the state against. the motionti sli by Renuer, pointed out that a commit-' iSj-yft ting mugiBiraie is not ooiigea to use, recognizance of the verdict of a cor-.. niur'a Inrv that. Mrs. Hnhtia traJnt.' -- , . .-. .., - '-.- J'.,i n rlfln nn Wdv all hn lima Mr H V' :'i,A :."",:.;:' "" .: " :;:::j:.-j:wj wia 1WIHMUL UO K -, WH1 f- because of ihls sh'sgla 4wullty, as ane naa urea me death. He remarked v that serving of-Jus-. tice Is the, first duty of a committing magistrate, and that it was his duty' Iff I.A A1 Um Unkk. -t.a.Hl kH brought before the grand Jury, to see -.-M-i that she be on hand when1 the Juryi 'it M .1... " i" 5. 3 3b? ,; t:tm wVck brought;' iM . K "-vis k101 mi VVi - t'""l couyened, dren to the contrary notwithste.ndlng. t . . , j.j. ..L'-f- J' tne interests or ner can- -. v.-sk: ? Justice Gowen decided in favor of,v :";,k the defense, .and ordered .Mrs. Hobba1 Ti released. Immediately the state had $ her rearrested. The preliminary, hear-1 J& ing for Mrs-. Hobbs will Jte.beM Mon t;0 day before County JudgeeyJajloHVfcB Hanks, sitting istrate. as a'coramittIngsmag-rV 1 J f -''t, 'brongkd'sS;' KUls Coyotes. if.' Matlock ihls morning 'brought. .k.M kk m. aKM A a....!.. n..aMM l..f..W.iin4a'n..l.tnalBn itaaV aJrlMai The horses are 1,400 pounds and lot two coyotes killed la the'.Keaoi . fg heavier. 'colintry. 4. tr " - ml!-i : : 1 . I - "If I Must Hit ..:j i..v.il flSShSI .. Jftilt. -,i,rf I ta?.V-"i. S2t2i'm iiv e ?asr , tmim v t-j. : .1. y HjtMf'.Ht ?sjarj7' au man WmW$ I Will Knock HiraM 40S.05, alleged to be .balance, due on were killed northwest of Odeae. Jeea r!lt"VgTf.TJl,TB the Pert, ,tojik deadaatl J. U, Caraabaa repre,-'several ahou a,t a buck, but the buck Inci uu ruuuiuajt seats Dixon. Ueltei Freea Serrtee . PWBtCOTT, Arli, Oct, had been preeldent last - . , under no clrqi ai.-r-"w i mi spring I .knock 10 crcutMaeeoilii lf-ltit " '4i 1 t j j " tik. 1 . ; cklmv-alSOV;-7j- Wpuld have gone' into. Mexico to the hilt, V,r declared ex-Prealeat Roose ye)t, la sP(.heresthl:afteraoon for.sC-arleall, Hughes. r .,. - i ". . i. . . .'v '" ."V .. -1 -i -.''. ."". "- .. . ' - ' "if 1 u auae a, my mina to an waa. uctoner ex.;'; it' Coloael Rsapeii? W7''!tf ' irtioaaaa4 lor tbae)ttMaaM Mirt. '.He'la:d: 1 ," srwn JI4 f 1S "&. .-. s. X it -ii. . J5 J t 1. J " V-