a?! A KP -aV T" nw aw... 2 ff-WVirtfc jJJ If? iEvinlnn fteraui ?-" Vf-, KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH. FAfcL v "fjvr .x,, . OFFICIAL WHWAPHI V fmt 4r r - " - i;icu'iiili Year jjo. . KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1916. w,u-$ -fT ii. ''(i.Miy . t &4tv- 4 AMERICANS DONT COME; MOBS . -v.-J-- -J.. '. J GREEK TROOPS ARE CONTROLLING CITY J vvw. -v .,.,.,. .-'.- , ; . 1 int tuu innrn !nmrtn n ill ffiffitfnilil Americas German Envoy r mr is Welcomed Home i,i:.iti:it.H trying to m:oit(i.. 1.I4 TIIK MORS CRESCENT HOTEL BURNS TO GROUND LOSS I PARTLY tOVKRKI) IIY IX. si;i:,xci: mi: rixgo, pro piiiltoh, will rebuild tiii: STItl'fTtmi. AT OXCH The Crrhcciit hotel, operated by Joe IthiRO ut Crescent. Is n total loss iii (he result of 11 fire, yesterday forenoon. HiiIIiiuh Continue In the Ailvimtii on Trieste, Dwplto Htrnm Home Nn Ainilrlmin Have Lost 10,000 In Trifwt Offwwlvc Ttir HiiiimiiiIiiiih Irl Geriiunw From I'iihh mimI Arruvt Frontier of TmiiH) ivsnlii. United Press Service ATHENS, Ort. lit. Following the . ,.ni,M 1,1 iIhi MiimrlH itmt Aiiierk'iin wtirihlim weio coming to Intervene In' Tim origin of die fire Ih not known llu, Creek Hliunlloii, ll. Greek troops 'r,1 I'"'"' Wi, I'roloctetl with WIkiii lliuvi '"u" lllKuroiicu in wi -iimuviiim I l'.wl..i-v rlli.ra mill ml IllHt Illl'llt U (o that tlia Amerlinn Unit w:m . ,,. , .,., lltf ,,. Kinmti, not ruining, the molm jpc4iine UIh- County lienrtciM'tl, m thoy uellovcd the Aiih-i-IrniiH wwulil nrrUo In u few honrii nnil liind nmiliit'H, Tho leailew today conllnue lit IcmptH to rcorgunlie tho dUpersIng llldtlH. Continued domoiiHtntlonK urc rp liortod In Constantino. Aer confT .ii.i. l 1 1, iililml illnlniiinljir londers of " ' I the VenlzoloH government decline tlmti there l no caums for four of violence lire In control of Athcim luiirned local U n 1 1 oil l'res Service UOMi:, Oct, 19. I)cHiltu ttornii, the ItullaiiH nro continuing tli,elr ad vance toward Trieste. It Ih olllclnlly cHlliiuited that al ready -10,000 AuHtrlMiR have been killed In thin olToitHlvu, Abstract company, iiecntH for thl company. Mr. Itlngo contemplates rebuilding IiIh hotel In time to have It ready for next ncimon's business. COMMUNITY FAIR TO BET OMQRROW ' AND MRS. QERARP - 200,000 ACRES LAND PUT UNDER WATERTHIS DAY i:iii:riiA.T buttk dam vomiAfi' IA' DKU1CATED SWEEMM 1JV SECTIONS rii. vIi. ttti.l Sfc $Wf& M-j "The Ansel ot Antwerp AMBASSADOR I'nlled 1'ienH Service I'AUIH, Oct. 10. Tho Berblans have captured Hrod, M)Uthc.iHt of MomnUIr, from tho llulgnrlnus. In the west 'the French nro contin uing their l'orronue advance between l.iiinulHouett and lllnchex. Tim French Imvo repulsed (Jcinian (DiiiiterK mid consolidated their posi tions around Snllly Kalllesel. Hulled I'ross'Scrvleo , IIUUIIAHK8T. Oct'. 19. -Tito mutilans hao driven the (Jermans fiom 1'iedenl IMsa across tho Trail- n Ivaiila frontier. Yhey have alao gained In tho Dran ileftle. J'Ol It lll'IIAI. SCH(M)I.H WIMj (O.MHIXK TO KXHIIIIT THO- m;tTs ov ciiiiiUHKX - AMi AUK WKM.XMIK TO l-'Allt The tomniunlty Industrial fair, giv en Jointly by the Ml. I-akl, Henley. Faiivuiw and Spring l'"ko districts, will bo held tomonow at tho Mtrl.akl cl.iiuli. Products inlscd by tlm sthool children of tho schools, pro diets n.iido with their own hands, and pi cducls collected by itiioui win bo exhibited. Kcbldes tho exhibits, a program and hmjiw will provide eiitortalnment. Tho uilr Is free to eveiyoue. mi. ..- rominr of AmhasBBdoHd thertthe city lmtl. -Tho-ambas- , .... n fior nn niiaonro of sador may bo the bearer of Important ...'.. ...... . ImLssaeoa to President Wilson. He three years In neriin, was ine-ii"iii-1 - . u,r ' . ... ' lcfubed to discuss this matter, but est event of their lives. A committee Lansing made a of 100 well known men In New York ,utck tr,, to jjew y0rk city to meet city, appointed by Mayor Mitchell, J ,lVB and go over the diplomatic slt took them from their liner and escort-' willon. , (.tailed Press Sorvlce x liKUI.IN, Oct. lit. Tho Ilrltfsh and I'rencli gained In sovorul Hectors of tlm Hoiuniu flchtliiE yesterday, but li:elr Idhsob In men offset miy tyrrl lorln gains. TI,o battle between tho RusslaiiH and '.lUtmniiH north of Slnlawku con- PROSPERITY FAIR ENJOYED BY MANY MAXY ATTKXU KAMI KIUKT XIHII1 AXI UX.IOY CMIOI1 TIMK PHO- GUAM FOIl THIS KVKXIXW KX- PK TKII TO UK GOOD I.IOO Student at AnnnpollH Approximately 1.400 students aro enrolled at tho navnl academy at An npollo, Md., tho groatest In its his tory. Accommodations for nn expect ed larger number are needed. Unties, with tho Germans taking , a tow tienches. Tho lighting l t' Transylvania pass lending Into Hungary is success ful lor tho central powers HUGHES NEARING Ausbon Leach is Killed When Drawn Into Cogs Uy being pulled Into cog wheals nt, crushed, heveral ribs being broken. 4l.e box factory of tho Klamath Manu- The deceased was CO years ,oW, , facturln. comnsnv last nll,t. Ausbon ' native of Kentucky, nd loaves a wifo "Vi.iro wonderfully b.itUllcd with tho opening last night of Prosperity 1'ulr. 4.nd thank tho people of Kl.un iii h '-'.illtvory much for their uttend anee." tatd Father Hugh Marshall this morning. "The fair wiu well pnl rmilxiHl and supper was bought for many." The program for this evonlng pront ives in be good. Among tho numbeis me solertlons by tho meu's quartet, nm'infed ot V. T. Motschonbacher, r...winp.( Mehaffey. II. R. Olalsyer nii.i M.li. MeKerrln, A string orches . ... rPnHMAII .mi iiimiiofcod oi Mrs. . w and MlJrt Alice McCouit, llrst mando mande lins: Mrs. C. K. Soltz and Mrs. 0. N. Tvunn. vftoiul and third mondolins, END OF 25,000 MILES STUMPING llMSIIICS THIHO TU1P TO.MOH- t KOV .YT XKV YOHK l!a. Talkwl to More Than S.OOO.OOH in This Omipalgn, Hut Still Has Spin kle of KiilliusUisiii in His Kye. ltH,sovelt AYIH Talk for Hughes in Mai) land Wilson Tells People to Vote us They Think. 1,-nifl to He Covered by Wter. From llant Kxtends Over Xcw Mexico, Tcmis und Old Mexico Elephant IJuttc I)am Forms Largest Irriga tion KcKcrvoIr in the Worlil, and Irj f Jlncle of Cmicit'te and Steel. United Press Service , ELEPHANT BUTTE, N. M Oct 19. when tho golden key which ut-irud Uic waters of the Klo'Urmde j.Iver flowing through the eptiwajr. of the great new Elephant Butte, dam was turned today. 280,000 acres of fertile land In the chain pi viueys in New Mexico, Texas and Old Mexico were added to our acreage. The dedi catory exercises were held here at the dam, about 125 miles up the river from El Paso and about 17 Similes below Albuquerque, and markedthe, completion ot the reclamation ser vicers greatest proleet,ontah5 most pretentions of Its jkfnd .In'the history of the world. The Elephant Butte dam Is a mass of concrete and steel thrown across the IHo Grande River on the desert ot "Now Mexico at the point wnere a gienl rock, shaped like a mastodonlc elephant, seems to drink from the Rio Grande. This giant impounding dam has formed the largest Irrigation res ervoir In the world. More than forty five miles in length and eight miles across, the, lake stores me meueu snows of the Colorado and New Mex ip.in mountain ranges, and these wa ters are allowed to flow through the spillways of the dam when the land i.oods moisture. At tho conclusion of the elaborate dedicatory exercises, the first session of the twenty-third internationaUrri Piiinn ronercss was held at the dam. "Tho dedication of Elephant Butte dam today Is an event of world wide Importance, said James G. McNary, ihnlrman of the board of control ot the Irrigation congress. "It will Jus tify the faith of the people of the Southwest, who have staked their all on tho fertility of the soli and the ability of the project td carry waters to tho lands when most needed. It will lewnrd tho pioneer men and wo men of the lower Rio Grande valleys fiom Albuquerque to Old Mexico." i i IsHflBilHI iHiXVliiiV ivssssssssssssssssssjr'jr'7 'X--sssssssssssssssssssa ! mzmmmmmm Urn'--'' "" -is rsVA'f tR-f . Bxfe WfM ,Sri:.. s sK lsBK,ll1lTliVi!iBiBH iBJiWFt a 'I! mi9miiMt SiBV!iSllilPliilBiB iBKri viM 91 1 .m& VA, BiBB HSBSIanBlrvK.j; tSBSBSBal BSSSSMdSS'j3BI s tfoy Wx& r SSSSSSBfl sHPSil3?liiiit:iiM , miM&mmmit M, - bvovomu .: '$' t k i l fallal BSSSSJSr 5?rf4t5i.Sai J BSSSSSS1 SlSSSSM !. (W i &&''''; SPAVAVAf. DA t iSftf 1 ?5 "f,f5'l '. .. itT-.wii.il i iii ii'i .iat. .-,zart MIDDLK WB8T HIT BYXOWAI jJt. VZLn rife Ajfgi Stricken Arni Covers-. Wyotsifrii a . 'at. lJt -BKk- Gulf Storm Itechi North' il -- ij' ' JWtF. ill.n-i .ml ramAi haMMaa f ' ' $tfyK onnTlimut Arand Oi 1 1m Are AVaraed. a t gysfX United Press Serrlce j, gi LINCOLN, Neb., Oct. !.-! snow storms are raglX trtrnW inv tr. Inun nffprtlnr DractltoHr of the Middle West. ?3 'No cessation ot tne storss s .. 1 . . - ,- 6-1'. ed ocrore tonignt. i j i I,. wtsr fnlted 'Press Service W&f iiv.ourKriTniir DJ !.'. OH --'r-- . LT ' . .. j- y- t - .! . -..- c- t -..- w. i.im umciaisoi -uw-wewiw wiw -,,.,., " --"r--'--'- storms to the Great" Lakes ftbk fc. -Jr2v. Allanllp-r'rMUll ' , VfcPJ. . -'""' -'TT" - rf-l iZ.rTy3t- . The Gulf of Mexico stem 1$m, tag wwtwstW mg lnaiano. -. TJifiiri United Press Senrfc. . M NEW ORLEANS. Oct. ,l-: irom reasaewmt "'ij hat the" entire .loss iroKtM o? yesterday and lost night, flll .jj 'enn IMA . t J.;i.- exceea ovv,vvy. j- ugrwf Two deaths are re-perted. T J-'fl MSP-SI&SI . 'f ilLtSiAj Oetlt;4 toats -were ashore. sunk and y teari ir vs united Press Service BAY CITY, Mich., Oct. 19 Charles P. Hughes, G. O. P. standard bearer, cjienks here, In Saglnawnd Flint to dny and In Youngstown, Ohio, to night. 'I'hmorrow he will reach New York, Tyson, Kcionu un v - Mrs V II. Cofer. ukelele, and Miss closing another campaign tour and (113 r I ...t..ii af tt .tt,i cltiiiA Aitcriiut- Miuulo Neuhury. piano, will play, in, tomp.eu,.B . """?""" addition thore will bo a one acCsketch ..Hi, when he began his first tr P. eutUM "Whv We Didn't Marry." Hughes Is beginning to realize to- n. ......idin'ta Invited. Admission Is1 day that It is "u pretty severe con- Th King of England has decorated Stjter Maria Soraers, a Belgian nurse, with the King Leopold II medal !n honor of her distinguished bravery at Antwerp In saving three British ma rines. General Konlgs of the Belgian army has also decorated her with tho mllltalre war cross. m MH8. McCAUSTLAND HIES AT BONANZA YESTERDAY Mrs. Rosalie C. McCaustland died yesterday at Bonanza from pneumo nia. The deceased was an years om. ThB hodv will be shipped by Under taker Earl Whitlock of this city to San Jose for burial. WIMi URGE NATION'S . FINEST HIGHWi United Press Service . SAN FRANCISCO, Octrlt-rrP iiftiHtn. hlehway expert.'mest.li! J 111 nAArtxvm O Mm ikfiMlUK U tjl u7 u --- - .-izrr-r. -j city to urge co-operauonjm tfomla. OregoandWohlMW) fl,Q nntinm'a finest WihWaT ?tfll Mexico to Canada. VV, nnniNfiT Oct. 19. DnkSaftltft ninrtinr in M mine saaf tVloti 9m east of here today uncovered ,PW of gold worth 1,500:? ?&tfb w'rA- free. I -each w.iB killed.. Death came abmit . nn hour and a half after tho accident ft cm cruohlng of his Internal organs, The accident happened at D:t" o'clock lost nilht. The machinery -...i ,v ..iilliiran. They are Flou, IH, of lttdalng; Clifford. 10; Mabel, IS; I5esle H. " A,tn- ll' o11 of Khinmih Falls. The fuueral will bo lu.IO f unday, and burial will be made .... . . ... I i r.o inrai remoterv (i ueen ttopnea tor a moment, uw,m - Lrach sat upon the coring oi th. The KJsmath Mnu act. j ng com .m wheels to rest. Tho end of ,i rop- I pariy is under he tato workm eb whi 1. ....- i ui.. ..-.. ...uii hla rnmneiieaiiou cii "v - "vh ruiiiiuiiuu uin uwiuii ! ,- --- Wiil-it hoenmo entangled In tho coki 'id when, the machinery starlel Luueh was. drown Into tho coss mid ... i nnph ISO a month and to each child 0 n month until It la 10 yen"1 of ago. IUHTIHH STEAMER SAYS SUI1MARIXE WAN BUMV tract to attempt to nddressall tne peoplo of tho United States," ns ho himself puts It. . Today the candidate found his voice more strained than nt any tlmo since ho beg.in.on August 5th to lay his nolieles before the people. The formor supremo court justice United Press Service NORFOLK, Va Oct. 19 The urn- . . . vTA..tn. Dnnlfln rnnlluir I isli 8ieamr w - . " " . "-..'. J... ii.i. bore claims It has received from tno has cnangoa a great uoi wp ....... British government saying; "Ooimnn to more than 2.000,000 peopio oi tup Mill0 a .. ! ri i. it.. a.. ikaaId l Via Bubmnrlno sunk east or NantucKet, unnea mutes m mo . v- - - Tho captain of tho North Pacltlc did been slumping. The United Press , rnoit this until today, although , corrospondent In these dispatches has changed. Those famous whiskers are now trimmed closer than at any time -i., i.u iincoi. wparlne them. His piiPfiku are almost clean shaven. And this reveals a deep wrinkle, deepened tod'ty by the fatigues of his labors as n campaigner. His eyes are a little hollowed by the physical anu mental efforts of addressing audiences. These elements of fatigue, however, aro offset by a healthy sunburn on his choeks and a sparkle of enthusiasm In his eye. United Press Service rt. LOUIS. Oct. 19. Theodore Roosevelt, ex-presldent and Hughes supporter, declared today that he in tends to tdur Maryland for Hugnes after hla present trip to the West. The colonel plans to speak at Bal timore October 30th. "There Are No Bad Men in the Worm -UsMrj ho has bter In port since Tuesday, noted the fact that Hughes Is' now n finished campaigner, after starting .( mil. !.. lIlilA n III Ir 111 n !! fl II l ......i. int. u nine any. u mno .. lUIIBUUtK. .1-"" '.:.' J k,i -n. Horman Hunteman has returnea n tnno uacawuru iiuuu VW...B from Roeuo River with ft slx-polnt following six yoarB1 seclusion on the h " v beilch. But his appearance has also United Press Berrtea SOUTH BENP, Oct, 19. President wnan here today. In answer to a ae raand from the crowd at te station to speak, said: it iniva mrirutten how to make a campaign speech. My record Is made surprising. up. Vote as you think.'' By GEORGE MARTIN j (United Press Staff Correspondent) NEW YORK, Oct. 19. Out as "honor system" warden of Sing 81ng, Thomas Mott Osborne Is established In New York today aa consulting en gineer on pilsoniefsrm to any penal Institution In the world. Service free. "i m still convinced that there are no bad men in the world." aald Os borne today. "I um sure my method Is right. Some day It -will be the only one In use," irn von thlnk."Osborne was asKea, f'that Dr. Arthur Warren Walte, who confessed to murdering hla wtfos parents, Is a good man? Or Is ho bad, inherently criminal aua vicious j "I think Dr. Walte Is lusane," said the warden. "Not violently Insane, but excessively abnormal. He has control oyer his mental processes, but his mind Is so warped and distorted i.a i.u murderlnsr hla father-ln-Iaw and mother-in-law ny poison yj house at Sing Sing. HI Pf? , i...naipilm Braaseaaua.ll centerinB, m """"STT-TZrvi . ....HAao I'i . T'iiXB rreme HuiuauuuBucwB. iarv--. i .i- .... hlnV a man ltkAi r ,u" :'';tt - Af?MM can ue reneeuwu s.ii m.. nut that meaisl'i Walto'ls one ot his klndln i ion. He Is unique. He'ta not ei ,-.-, . f i T T1X- ryj. g "I h,ve studied Walte In the deutU s true. nn... Wnll lus undair death," I'suggestednfejWII fM i.o ohniiid die in the steewte easw he has been co4eiiM4t.1llM "No; I would notyoH wtw1 would not kin rbyA?M "In'soJltarytl"Tg "No'neAsnouw -, mlngre wl'th.OIBjtoJ will alwavs.bs MMvHg I "njftgys ?w VSFT W?.f ESsi-iKfcl ' " Tr " -Z&MCqt vtewMsmr..' i 'msm d . ....i.iJh 'C 'IJl' 'L- tr". i V y$ S&X$ : . . , . &