nff"-Tg-yfc H V3, TW Jf M" Jj lEuimtnrj Herald KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALLTJEi OFFICIAL NRWlMfUo- : vV"4" . '. Vw '-ISRffiW 1$ v V WV"J -z&mm rcnih VenrNo. :.-" Kiev KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1916. - r "' i "T .Sfir Ki -X "-" ';, I '5V" V. :?- ii-. 5,SJs AMERICAN STREETS OF ATHENS FILLED WITH MOBS CK.MIIAI' POWERS O.N OFFEX HIVi: IN CARPATHIANS AtficnN " ItiniiniilitiiN ami ltiiliuiN Are In Po-Ullon i IjiiiihIi Oirenlrc After Holding Gomiitim hi Trim) I- Ma ViiiIcIom WlllllH to IttTlllll lliedtek Aimlt'N From tliv United Slates. United I'ri'.m Service ATIII:NH. Oct. IS Molw Irntt night carilul tlio American Hag through tho Mucin or Athena, cheering for America. There crc no serloitH rhinites in Iho ktucla. Tlio Kronch marine luivu nbun- sonol tliu municipal thcnlur unit nru incamt'Cil near tlio royal palace, fol VliiR Ihruitonlug untl-nlly demon itrallcim. (Jrcok troopH nru putrolluK IhfivtKUH iukI guarding thu iinlncu. Tho uiitl-nlly agitators nro address ing thu crowds and attempting to ciiufv mi attack on tho French sol- r-fini. ' r v ",' United I'rWH Service HUCHAKKST, Oct. IK. Tho Alls-Itp-licrninn troops are attacklnK along the entire Ctirpathlnu front, but thuu tar hio Elavil nothing. All iiqwu from tlilu front In reassuring to thu allies. The Ituinnnlnns nru resuming thu onfcnsUo at PicdeuU Push, Honth of Kroiisttult, and hno driven thu unoiiiy back to tliu Tinnsylvniiln slope. Tlio battle luntlnucH, United I'rcMB Kcrvlco ATMKNK, Oct. J 8. Tho, KiiHhlnna ond HuiiiniilatiH are hohliiiK thu (lor mam in TraiiHylvanlu, nml aio bo llevcd to ho In a poMltlon now to a (,'roat olTdiiHlvu. M. Vutilzclos. huail of tho provl- fluinil KoMirnniont. has decided to ask' l.clvy bombardment, tho (.ernmns tho allies to recoKnlzo his govern- violently nttneked south of tlio Sommo mtut, biijIiib this alono can save ni HiIh mornhiK. A fow (lermiin attach chaotla condition. j meruit reach thu Kronch llrat trenches Infornml arraiiKomuntu mo boliiK but ciu killed or raptured. Screen mado tojiuiHt Amorlca to permit flto checked tlio second assault by ictruliliiK of (Jrcok armies In Amor- tho (Icrmnns. Ica If Hi., new Kovernment Is recoK-' Tlneo (Sormnn counters at Sallly nlrcd. United Ii chh Sorvlco I'AIUB, Oct. 18. Speculation tri toiieci out tho simultaneous arrival at Sn RebjHtln, Spain, of KIiik An l'lCTUOOUAD, Oct. IS. Tho Uus fouiimiii ambassiiUorri to hlnim and (lerniaiiH llehthiB In tho ''tine, lttibhlu tifU Italy and ottiur Carpathians aro bnttllim heavy ftiows lllilonints. , Loial diplomats profoss to know of no reason for tho KnllicrliiK. It lui rumored Hint Spain Is feeling out tho Timber on Reservation To Be Sold Gradually ' A pltin for selling from tho Klam . Indian reservation each year w8li timber to yield approximately ' 0,ouu 'h announced by Superln Ivndont William II. Freer. Tho n Munceinent conies following tho visit "ere lecently of .1. p. Kinney, ueslst- forester, and roilly tho blggciH "JJJ In the forestry dopurtmont of tho "MM Bliitun ludlmi sorylco. u l expected that within two months ndortlsomontB will bo pub . "ed nl(ii,B for bills on several JU of inuian timber, VISITORS I0 U-53 ARE QUESTIONED UltlTISII intimate THAT DIVER OliTAINKH VAMMItlii: I.N FOR. MATRIX THIS WAV HCFOHE SHIP DESTRUCTION t'nltf d I'roHK Service WASHINGTON. I). (.'.. Oil 18 Neutrality 'Xkm (h at Newport aro questioning persons visiting the Ocr iiiuti Mihmiirlno 11-3:1 following Intl tnatlou by tliu .llrlthdi roh unipiil that tlio diver secured valuahlu infor mation this nay lieforu ho hank the (freight steamers off Nantucket Octo ber Sth. This Indlaitui tho Intention of thu government to prevent iiuuculrii ln formntlou from reaching futuro Wa iting submarines. ., Olllclnlii of tho department of Htate do-not rxprct liiternatlonnl-compllcn-tfoiiH to grow out of tho aubuinrln Iiik. deHplte thu iIIbkubmIoii ycHtorday in the hoiiKu of lords at London. It l.i bolloved thu Intimations made In lliln dlHniKslon wero made to olTset tho American protest to Ilrltlsh mall MslzurcB. helllKcrenls as to their poaco attltuJc. United I'roKH Sorvlco JlimUN, Oct. 18. ItiiHslun at tnckH HOiithwest of Stanlslau have failed. Vlol'stit utreet IlKhtlnR marks tho haltlo at Sallly. ICverywhero aloiiB tho Sommo tho (lerniaiiH aru on tho oflenslvc. Allied attacks have been repulsed.. AltlS, Oct. 11.- KollowliiK it SiiIIIIboI woru ropnlbcd. South of Avio nml southeast of alliums tho French have captured iuiiimI Irenchcs. lull tho way to tho Uumnnlan fron- tier. (lorman attacks ou Dorm Vnlta and Koichmoso'liavo been repulsed. Tho timber Is to bo sold to provide money for tho Indians to use In buy ing bnodluK stock and Implements and generally Improving their homes. Tho Klamath Indiana now potentially uto very wealthy, but their woulth cotib'lsts of land und timber. It Is tho scheme of tho Indian service to boll porno of this tlmbor for wealth that nut bo used now by tho Ipillans. Thoro Is no liitontlon of soiling any large portion of (ho timber nt onco. but enough annually to bring ! ubout 1200,000, FLAG Bayonne Police, Guns Drawn, Ready 'wtimmmmtmmmm.)mmiw.miMMjmMmmm& $JxmtKixwmi)K& W4wAmmiwmiMiimtMimKmmttomimMK&.m v"mais&s3sxsame&M This rcmarkablu photograph of the police of llayouiic, N. J., in action, with drawn revohcrs, nwaltliiK the charfio of strikers In thu Stanil.irU Oil plant, wus t.ikeu at considerable PROSPERITY FAIR OPENSTIIS DAY IIISHOI' ('Ki:iM.V Wllili SI'KAK THIS KVKXl.NO AMI MItS. SAJ- ti:hm:i: wiui ylax sklec TIOX OX VIOLIX Tho IU. Itcv. C. J. O'ltellly will opon Trospotlty 'Fair this nf tot noon at tho,pavll!on nt fi:30 o'clock. Ho will deliver an address this ovcnlng at S o'clock. Wi. A. Dclzell will in- trodtico 111 m. llesldes Ulshop O'lteilly's nddress, tho program this evening will Include a violin solo by Mrs. J. P. Snttcrleo, accompanied by Miss Mnudo New bury. Mrs. Satterlco Is nil accom plished violinist, and has studied in Kuropo, A chicken dlnnor will bo sowed tills evening from C:ao until 8:30 o'clock. Aftor today tho fair will bo open each afternoon from 3 o'clock until Utu lit tho ovonlug. LEG IS TORN IN AliVEUD COPKLAND SUSTAINS KIIKlllTKUIi 1X.IU11Y TO LKO WIIEX IUDIXO ON MAXUHK SPItKADKIl YUSTKUDAY Airied Copolnnd of Fort Klamath was brought to lilackbum hospital inm evening with a severely Inccrntod and torn leg, Buffered whon tho log wni caught lu a mnnnro pprendor. Tim liov wns ilding on tho spreader MANURE SPREADER when it was suddenly thrown Ih gear.) To hold services. In Klamath Falls A tooth caught in tho calf of his lessor, the uext alx weeks, Miss Alice J. and torn almost tho ontlro calf away Knight, deaconess of tho Eastern Oro-c-nm tho bono. v .Ikoii Diocese of tho Eplscdpnl church, .......... Dtoin,i hv ti. .Tniin. 1 ''I. ".J,. hov'.nnd this morn'-, HLH, I.UVU I lug ho Is doing woll. CHEERED BY to Meet Oil r , risk to tho photographer. Neither tho police nor tho strikers wanted the pliotographcro there, aud several were III tro-itcd. 15 tit this photographer caug'lit the polIcu.wjth pistols In hand. IaWpaIsis . heresaturday WII.T; PI.AV LOCAIi HIGH SCIIOOli AT MODOC PAHK IX SKCOXD GAMK OF SKASOX THU DOPK l-'AVOP.S KfjAMATU v Grants Pass high school Klamath county high school V01SU3 is the football card for next Saturday after-1 noon nt Slodoc Park. It is expected to bo a and hard fought game, with the edds slightly favoring Klam ath high. Grants Pass lost to Mcdford 13 to 0 Oclobor 7, and Klamath played Mod ford a 13 to 13 tio October Utu. Last Saturday Grants Pass was beaten by Ashland, but only by a ti to 0 bcoro. Tho local boys aro practicing hard this week, trying to.correct tho faults which stood out in last Saturday's contest. v The iximo will bo called nt 3 o'clock. Admlsblon will bo 50 cents. UMTED WOltKMKX OP.DKIt IS IX FIXE COXDITIOX :J. M. Ulson, Grand Uecorder of tho A. O. U. W. of Oiegon, visited tho local lodge last evening and spoko to the members on tho flnauclal condi tion of this fraternal organisation and tho soundness of its In'suranco Olh.ll-h. Ho showed from figures of tho state iusuriuico commissioner that tho A. O. U. W. of Oiegon Is rated nt lOJ.'J per cunt solvont, which is tho highest rating of any fraternal insurauco or Uor in Oregon. Tho local lodgo has elghty-otio monitors who nro carrying Insurauco lu this order, and thoy ate among tho loading business men of this city und county. kPISCOPAL DEACOXKSS TO AII1UVK IIKHE FK1DAY win nrrlvo Friday. Services will bof held each Sunday morning nt .11 i-.IJ Klln.i,a hnll o'clock lu tho Odd Follows hall, Strikers' Charge Note tho bluecoat at the right with a rlllo Urawn, aiming at the strikers. Kory other bluecoat in the party! either has his pistol ready or is taking it from his pocket. INDIANS MAY GET BREEDING STOCK SL'PUKIXTKXDEXT FIIEEK IS AD VKKT1SIXG FOlt-200 VEABLIXGS AX1) 200 TVO YKAK OLD HEIF EKS FOK KLAMATHS Four hundred head of yearling and two year old heifers nro to be dls- irjuutcd among the Indians of the Klamath reservation- for breeding purposes, if plans of the Indian ser Vlco .do not go awry. Superintendent William n, Freer is advertising for these heifers. They must be Here fords or Durhams. The distribution of this stock is a part or tho plan of the Indian 3er viiu to glvo tho Indians capital in the form of breeding stock to make them selves economically self sustaining. It Is hoped that every Indian shall be come tin independent fnrmer or stock ralbcr. WOMEN PROTEST HUGHES TRAIN l.OS AXGELKS WILSOX WOMEN TKY TO SELL HUGHES WOMEN t WILSOX EDITION OF AFTEIt- XOOX PAPEHS LOS ANGELES, Oct. 18. The Wilson women's "Ulgnlllod protest'' against tho Hughes women's special train toUay consisted of clamorous offotts to 'sell to the women of the liulii copies of tho afternoon papers, which were Wilson edltlous. Tho Wilson women cried; "Extra: All about tho man who kept us out cf war!" Immediately the republican com mltieo took tho "visitors in automo bile's and staged a parade to the hotel Aloxandria Tho parade wn3 led by a .band, with Hughes banners prominent In the parado. m "-MMi'XM iH H Ww H m H -"is ' CORONER'S SAYS HOBBS GUILTY GULF IS SCENE OF WIND STORM WIXD IHiOWH AT VELOCITY OF 1)8 MILI08 l'EU 1IOUH, AXD IX HOME DISTKICT8 ItAIX ACCOSI. FAMES THE WIXD V United Press Service MEMPHIS, Tenn., Oct. 18. With the wind blowing at a "velocity of 98 miles an hour, a gulf storm is rang- ing from Florida to the Alabama coast. Great damage Is reported ' j Seven . Iersons were khicu wnen a nouse jn Mobile collapsed. The heaviest dam- age is reported at Mississippi City and Biloxf, where rain accompanied . the wind. - ...... . .- i Communication with the stricken' district rapidly is falling. An unidentified schooner is on its side In Mobile Bay.-., GERMANY'S LAST NOTE UNACCEPTED THIS GOVEItXMEXT WON'T AC CEPT LAST MEMORANDUM CON. CERNING SETTLEMENT OE THU LUSITAXIA AFFAIR (Tnltfd Press Service WASHINGTON. D. C. Oct. 18.-' Acting Secretary of State Polk, an nounced today that the last German memorandum, proposing certain terms for settlement of the Lusltanla affair, has not been accepted by this government. Officials intimate that the report to the contrary was Intended by those who started it to embarrass President Wilson, who refuses to mix politics with foreign affairs. WAY'S BODY 11URIED I.N FAMILY CEMETERY The funeral of the late Edwtn C. Way. who was killed Saturday afterr noon by Henry Hobbs near the Algo raa logging camp, was held this after- uooii at the Way 'home on Klamath River. The body was interred in the I Way family cemetery near the homen0j,0s, situated near' the Algoma lef- ranch. Undertaker Earl wnmocK had charge .of the funeral. Fine Grove Industrial An industrlurfalr similar to the ono at Mt. Laki next Friday, is to be held nt. Pine Grove on October 37th, according to announcement by H. Ti. Glalijj'ercounty agriculturist, who ar ranged both fairs.- Not only will tho school children of tlio l'iue Grove school exhibit their produots, but pupils from any other district not having a fair are invited to enter products, Exlilblta,frptu oth- !S-M i pm. vpiv:F' i mm mm mm?. $!? &, Vim I II. I! m 111 I m m m A " w . itv VERDICT JUltV UELIEVES CBDfR' BEK.N COMMITTKB - -r , " Only Two Vita AtePtiteaMMMI m ;.c --.. Aif4f at Coroney-B Iaqueat tUit BUter i I , j 'vjtri of Defendant TeUs of 8lraetlC at Ednlu C. Way, and Harry Tells of Feeling of Hobbs Toward Ui8 Victim. r 2 Edwin C. Way was killed by, a gunshot wound in the head inflicted by Henry Hobbs, and, "we believe tk said Henry Hobbs to be guilty 'of a .crime thereby" is the subataaee-of. the coroner's verdict. -returned -after tho inquest yesterday afternoon rr the body of Way. i?w . .. ... 'T .. fU'T."- ir uniy two witnesses, Miwiiiiayx- s ' kins, half sister'of Hobbs, and 'Harry 4 J si Mesner, bookkeeper for the AlfOBM f Lumber company's ioggfilf "et, were placed on the sUndby'Coroliar' "'": Earl Wnltlock. Miss AaltinmrtoW $$? the killing of Way, and Meaner: teat!- - uod regaratng auegea trotme!? WftH' $,&. &fi&$ll Miss Asklns' story was t Mbatfa- tlally as printed in Monday'a Herald iL-- She said Way drove wltbla. fifty fet of the Hobbs homestead eabiaUat Saturday afternoon;. tnatHobta.wairt. down to the car and convened about ten minutes with Way; that both re turned to the bouse with Way- a short distance behind Hobba; that Hobbs entered his cabin through'the kitchen door.; that Way approached toward the front door; that Hobba got a shotgun in the kitchen aad eat to the front door where Mn. Hobba stood; that after some Ulking bjr. -v i Air. and Mrs. Hobbs the .former, shot Way as he stood on.tbe .bottom atup; Vj ipadine im to the front door. Sh . '. ' alsot;wore that.HobbareturlwCto thd, ' KotneMeadfrom Klamath,1alls" Krl- ,M' day with a shotgun and,MTlTr. J', "Mfy Mesner testified that thi.AlgomV Lumber company. waB eutUBKinatar-f off the e Hobbs bomatead, but'lf - tlnued this work . week ago; that Hobbs wanted more timber, reaaoved iQ. -?- but Way wished to cut no mor thaa. Tho preliminary hearing for Hobba J . ... 111 .- i..iVa..w '' anu wiie wjii uc uciu iuuuuvh v-j noon a 2 o'clock. s, $ Following is the verdict of the'coh ... "k J.iSi'Sit onors jury in iuu; SKjS "We, the jury empanelled. aad Sag sworn by Coroner Earl Whttloekitii& Inquire into the death of; one Edwift: C; Way, find as follews: . v jjpsf "First That the persoa kiWad ,X is-Edwln C. Way. vsM.f & swond That he. came tO UN ' rteath at the homestead otffainrf v (ConUnued onJage ) Will Hold Fair ' " t' It' u j ' ir -tr : , . aJv . -! stii r lWVZg t ii asr -?;!-?,.1, . . . . - Yi.aUkM' .!y er districts snouia e ,MnK?gX . , tenaeni ot otuwi ""fT-fTif , see that they are ..dlaplayedVf- These falra are' bebag alMJhP' . tho lesults, of theladiWlflWiMw, work inaugurated by QregfA tural Collegejhua.qortyj t.iriat h. R.,aiiyer:i.TP ef who completes "the .'!' !$? ii win na hvh, ihi wjawmw t- '. -..v. i i--.-Ti.-ii yf '' 5fr?.ii. boy att',gira-ie;" be glve.VfrWfr. - lornx w& .305 9t . Mh, '- V "t.t r a: i; -jr. ' t0& - . . 1 M s. ?. 1.T ,fis 6&.WJ- m V.! I tSJ-ril 0 ' tf . i ' .! Al Huk.Ub J l M "j 1-51 i' 7A .3?