, i r 'V .$ V f, .!. tJffim- . rf , 2Mjj? iEinnmu HraU 0,7,-v (T KLAMATH COUNTY'S C-OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FAIXkfe. OFFICIAL NEWtPAe 5 SJQ uo,i ja. :Hra. Umlli Year-No. 9,iai KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1916. JftlMt JrsfV - ". v" 2ES&S 2SEK . ,vt. C rif3-, i i.i -&K VON H1NDERBURG STARTS DRIVE AT RUMANIA ON 60 MILE FRONT BfMAfdA ADMITS TEUTON 8UC CMMKM TODAY 0,Utrcd Aim ' Wrnwny ' " Crush Rumania, HImj Did llr. tan, That X '"rc ComitrK'a Will Ally Thenurf-lves ' ' IbK lu Keep Reinforcements jtoay From Rinnan" Army. PROSPERITY FAIR OPENS TOMORROW DINNER WILL 111-: SERVED FROM BMW UNTIL HillO A GOOD lllO- GRAM WILL UK OFFERED, AND ' EXHIBITS HOLD After tlirco montliH of preparation for tlio ovont, ovorytlilng Ib In readi ness for tho formnl opening tomorrow Uilled Pre Sorvlco LONDON, Oct. 17. Apparently Ctncral von lllndenburg'a offensive i... 'ii.inninln has started. Tho itttOMiro attacking on n slxty-mlle.""""'" c:30 of Prosperity Fair. IroDt along Northwcstorn Rumania,, A corps of workers hnvo been busy at iianavo begun hosvy nttacka on tlio th l1Yjn ' "'nk havo auc RgsiliR podlloM In tho Carpathians 'cccdcd In making tho building put on Bumanlft admits Touton successes'"" appciiraiicu It has never seen bo ll Northwest Rumania. Russia says oro- til German sttuckH on tho Russians nt j There will lyj a good tlmo for nil, pant Vntra, near tho Rumanian mid n profitable tlmo for thoso look frostier, have been repulsed. I Ing to make purchaHes. Tho articles Von ilindcnburg's heaviest blows 'on exlillilt nro of tho highest order in here, apparently with tho Idoa of and tho handwork of peoplo who took asking a wedge between tho Russian ' pains to inako tho bout. Any ono of u4 Rumanian armies In tho Cnr-Jthcm would mnko an Ideal Christmas pithlaos to prevent reinforcements of gift, tst Rumanians. Tho merchants of town, by their Tie Dobrudjh fight has boon re- presentations ot substantial gifts, iMMd along tho entire front. )iavo shown their keen Interest In tho MtiiiMai nf MiinaKllr the Barblaiis hiicc-ckn of tho fair. vA BRI06E BREAKS . CATTLE KILLED r FIFTEEN MOIIK SUFFER FROM BROKEN LEGS WHEN BRIDGE ' OVER CANAL SOUTH OF TOWN IVK8 WAV km repulsed cowUn. violent Dulgnrlan MMPmBtnlN ATHENS, Oct. 17. Allied marines tare been landed at IMarcus and are A feature of tho fair will bo Abe entertainment arranged for each1 eve ning at 8:30, TIiIh will liiclndp num bers from tho bent pcrforjniprsj In tho couniy. r or inone who enjoy a rem good home-cooked meal, no better w rente bero to reinforce tho police, could bo had than at the pavilion from he are hardly able to handle tho 5:30 till 8:30, served by the ladles threatened disturbance. !of tho parish, all of them experienced The rioting Is growing serious, housekeepers. , Trench sailors hnvo seised tho munlc- There Is Homuthlng for tho amuse Iptl theater and planted rouchlno mont of tho children mid n grcut deal tuni for action. Tho allies havo also for tho Interest "of tho men. Tho management of Prosperity fair has every confidence that tomor row evening will wltnosg a crowded nttAtt titty I '" " Two head of beef wore killed and legs of fifteen others were broken today when the brldgo across the Ir rigation canal near tho Burrel Short rnneli gave way and let tho cattle through. Thirty or forty head were on tho brldgo at tho tlmo, and when n dog scared them to the center the stringers gave way. Tho water In tho canal was only about three feet deep. Tho cattle were from tho ZX ranch In I.nko county, nnd were being taken to Midland for shipment. Tho brldgo was ono constructed by tho United States reclamation service, und Is said to havo boon well built and considered as strong and safo as any In the country. There were 1,038 head of beef In tho drive, and whon tho leaders became scared and turned back on tho bridge they caused a Jam with tho cattlo crowding from both directions. ' Uken orer three (Ircek battleships. Culled Press Servlro PAW8, Oct. 17. Tho French havo ttptnred a number of houses nt Ball llceel and northeast of Comblos, und ire repulsed numerous counlorn. COLORED FOLKS WILL HOLD MEET HAVE FORMED REPUBLICAN CLUIl AXI WILL A8K CANDL DATES TO TALK TO THKM TO MORROW EVENING The colored Voters of Klamath Bntlih attacks on Ouederourt and ! Falls. Htvllnc themselves tho Klntawa "Hen attacks on Snllly havo been ro- Republican Club, will hold a pollt rutted. The numunlnns nro stubbornly do Ending tho iiorthwo8torn passes. - The Hermans hovo captured heights wth of Dorna Vntra. UaHed I'rexu Hcrvlco LONDON, Oct. 17'. North of Au tre the Iirltlsh look trenches. The tiliure of Thlepval mndo this cxtou lloa ot tlio Soniinu front iKtsslblo. Villtd Press Berrleo BERLIN, Oct. 17. It Is seml-offt-tUlly announced that the allies lost frightfully In an unsuccessful attack north of the Sommo yesterday. Tho nnounccment says the "tragedy of the Sommo seems nenr a climax." It lw declares tho Iirltlsh woro mowed down near (liinncourt. Returns. C. R, DeUp, county clerk, return ' neicrday from a short Wt In Ashland. ley leal pow wow among themselves to morrow evening at Nick's place on East Main street. William Tlmms is the power behind tho throno In the club, and today is busy Inviting all tho office scokers to come out tomor row evening nnd toll the nogroos what thoy will do and not do If elocted. business Tlmms says -there are 18 or zo coi lorod voters In Klamath Falls erhaeuser Elected Director of Hill Road change In the business world that. Placing of Mr. Weyorhnousor. who en by mttny jocal people as high-! Is uow president of the Weyerhaotiscr 'inlncant for Klamath county Tlmbor company, on tho board of dl ,?l,n tn announcement that t'reetor of Hill's railroad Is consider. "Wick B. Weyorhaeuser, son of ' ed lgnJWt by some people .because 7.;Wte Frederick Wnvartn.nMr'lii m.v mean extension of the Hill Vwjnilonnirtlrabermaii.basbeen.Haei Into Southern Oregon, particu- It. K. SMITH IIUYH SMO SKWV& VALLKY LAM Two hundred nnd forty acres or fine valley farming land was pur chased ycatcrday by R. K. 8mlth' of tho R. K. 8mlth Realty company. Tho land belonged to tho J. C. Ferguson estate, and lies In section 10, town ship 40 south, ran go 9 east, or about nine miles south of Klamath Falls One hundred and thlrty-flvo acres of (ho tract Is Irrigated land. HENRY IS FINED FOR KILLING DOE MAKKH TRIITO MKDFORU TO PAY 92.1 AXI) COSTS FOR FIRST ItKPORTKD INFRACTION' OF THK 8KASOX Tho first nnd only arrest of the sea son thus far for shootlng'a female deer was made a few days ago near Union Creek when B. B. Henry, coun ty surveyor and automobile man, was ai rested. The violation of the law took placo in Jackson county. Honry returned Sunday from Med ford, where he went to pay his fine. He was assessed with $25 and costs. He made the trip to MeSford only to ray the fine. Henry was hunting with C. H. Un derwood .when he shot the dee. Un derwood killed a buck tho same morn ing. m 1XQUK8T OVER WAYS UODV HELD TODAY Shoots Rich Brewer tor "Greatest Wrong 99 fi amm0:WBL w "tit g HBiPii 1 1 - j$r'-'.H-4. - mm HK JVr 1 rWKtzZlSSEZX ?Xtt--Jy . f sjxB kakakB.- - sSs JkM rVh' ajw W HELEN tiOUCKtl EMPLOYER DEFENDS WAITS CHARACTER - t ni ,m&ai Hv-irrim iirsM-aa rP15? L "liBM- rrDffil ' " TT-" I Miss Helen Houch of Cincinnati In the note which she left explalnind shot Alphonso S. Wettercr, a wealthy her act, which was read later by the brewer of tho .same city to death, and coroner, "AI has done me the great then killed herself, because she said I est wrong a man can do." at j- ! m lll-lsT I AI MM SAYS DESTROYERS WATCHEI LORD UERKSFORD IX PARLIA MEXT DECLARtUi AMERICA VIOLATED NEUTRALITY DY CALMLY WATCHING DEED COUNCIL PASSES i bono mm i United Press Service "- LONDON, Oct. 17. Lord Deies ford In the house of lords this after noon charged that American torpedo boat destroyers violated neutrality laws by standing by and watching the German submarine U-53 sink British merchantmen October 8th, off tho American coast. , ORDINANCE IF ADOPTED WILL EMPOWER COUNCIL TO ISSUE fSOO.000 WORTH OF RAILROAD UONDS With passage by the council last night of the ordinance calling a spe cial election to vote on $300,000 bonds to help build Ihe Strahorn rail road, the last step of importance was taken toward getting a railroad from Klamath to Sprague River. On No vember 14th the people of Klamath Falls will vote on amending the char- He intimated that the presence ot.ter to empower the council to issue the destroyers was due to an arrange-, the bonds, and until that date little ment made while the U-53 wns In! can be done toward getting work Newport harbor. started on the road. Foreign Secretary Qrey said tlio Robert E. Strahorn, builder of the English government is withholding J new road, is expected to arrive In action until It can learn positively Klamath Falls within a week or ten whether or not tho destroyers watrh-jdays. -If the bonds carry at the elec ed the destruction ot the freight -Hon November 14th, work on the steamers and moved out ot range to road may begin, even though the time facilitate tho submarine's operations. , is late. VILLA 150 MILES FROM PERSHING 9,000 DIE FROM STAtt,.iTIOX IN MEXICAN TOWNS, AND JAUREZ HAS I1EEN ASKED 10 SEND FOOD TO REMAINING Tlio coronor's Inquest over the body of Edwin C, .Way, who was killed by Henry Hobbs at the Algoma logging camp last Baturday, will be held this ... . nt k nvfnrk. Numerous witnosBos have been called by Coroner itatai declare that General Villa, with United Press Service EL PASO, Tex,, Oct. if. Cnrran ' a director nt ik. .. u..k l..i.. i vi. math rniintv. where the L(.a fWlway comnanv ... .in.tiA. w.u..k..iiUi rnmimnv holds 87,000 BT , t... " r mi liniHva, ,vw oinvu-. lrj ,n Ht' ,au '"t week. Mr. acres of standing timber IIimI.!'u ,er " e,ect" to flIKthe! tT sypn wusedAy the death oOamw The Hill road already Is far south ns Bend and not a very long oxtcnslon Would put It lu tho Klamath timber. Whltlock. Mrs. Hobbs, who is a defendant with hor husband In the murder charge is being held In the city Jail. Dr, Hamilton Leave. Dr, R. R. Hamilton will leave next Sunday for New York to take special work In well Known ciinics nu i"i, graduate studies. He will be gone ro- 800 veteran soldiers and 1,000 crults, Is near Tomosachle, 150 nillea Bouthwest of General Perslug's expe dition SNUBS STRIKERS COMMITTEEMEN SUPERINTENDENT OF STANDARD OIL PLANT GIVES NO HEED TO DEMAND OF COMMITTEE FORM STRIKING WORKMEN IMPROVEMENT OF ROAD DOUBTFOL - ' ' COMMERCIAL CLUB OFFERS TO RAISE MONEY' FOR PELICAN CITY ROAD IF SUBSCRIBERS WILL BE REIMBURSED HAYS HE WAS WELL LIKED BY ALL WHO KNEW HIM ' E. i. Grant, Who Was Well AesjsMlat. ed With Ed Wy for Yews, to Speak for His Character- We. rtares He Wn Not Drkakt Ma l. and Never Spoke im Aafer er UttJ.- H isaa r ym -"" SOT J8 teraesa of Amy Oae. ,- Editor .Utraid; Despite the efforts of Klamath i have Just finished readlag tWim-. Commercial Club to get the branch tervlew with Hobb's attorney awd'tiw road to Pelican City finished with ' account of the manner In which M crushed rock or cinders, there Is yet ' mel BU aelD' " " only a rather thin ray of hope. The '""' , TJtV.i. . - " - . aid. I feel that this accent na- councii nasnt tne money to do tne .knowingly does a grave lajastlee ork, and when asked last night by the memory of a man who la lOS'i-V Paul Johnson whether it would in-, er here to defend bis own good MWte, " elude in the "next levy enough t& do 'and ' would like to have yea'iflve the work, the council gave only par-j publicity to a few statement - ' tial promises. Miller, Doty and Stru- as I know them Mncernlng ErtrWojr'g. ble seemed favorable, but Mathews ! character and rc?nttion.J' and .Sheets apparently were opposed, Theroare a. great many men at the or at least wouldn't give any encour-J Algo-.na camp who loved aad adatlred ageisent. .Nv Ei'. Way sufficiently to kave risked er - The Pelican City branch of the so iaid ddwa their lives tor his If the efi raiiea onippingion nisaviy u nui ris ing covered with crushed' rock' be cause the bond issue voted last spring ot $$0,000 Is Insufficient. Paul John son suggested that the $1,000 needed to Improve the' branch be raised by popular subscription now, and' the work' donsvat once, the city to relm bursi4esuberlbers next year when tax money came in. '-' -TfeA-eeiiacllt-didn't seem, eager to pledge itself to' Include- this $1,000 in the levy to be made In December. It was finally decided that Mayor Crlsler should represent the city and confer with the committee from the Commercial Club on ways 'and means of improving the road before winter. m i BISHOP O'REILLY WILL ' SPEAK TOMORROW NIGHT lrW -m "5l 'im f K' SI f jw&i 8$ yl ;S j m portuuity bad offered. It is leael,j x ,. ,.;. ble to put Into words bow th"eee;aiei( '' f ! feel now, and I hope that I eu eoeat :' 'uhf myself one of them. Bat tbey are Imj- v f? no humor, now that Ed has beem ti- t- .v',i. en away, to see 'that attacked wkltsv $$$ - i.i-v'.t..- i-'niK-Sf?1-',l!rA.iSa Is. his good name. it" ,?i$$ As hi. employer, LtanHTSt "ff Vay eight years and iurMCmy'M; time 1 bave aever, luieirauMM Mt.tMn'is a drink of liquor, to have lliier tM Ji i& him or to show the least evideaee ' J ever having taken a drink. I d sot v- occasionally take a , tj& wui&u&fcii&M r?l Rt. Rev. Bishop O'Reilly, head of the Catholic church in Eastern Ore gon, will arrive tomorrow afternoon with three sisters of charity to look oyer the situation la Klamath. The B.'3crn are here from the East to es tablish institutions either here or In Btnd.'or at both places. Bishop O'Reilly will address the people of Klamath tomorrow evening at 8:30. He Is a forceful and elo quent speaker, and whatever he has tn say will 1e a real treat to those who hear htm. An endeavor Is be ing made to have a large crowd of men out for the occasion. It Is need less to remark that Bishop O'Reilly never interferes in politics, and hence this is not to be a political event". say he did not drink, but he was eertalnly Botjav "drinking man." I have never knawa him to treat unjustly any man or man. He was a friend of all who behaved decently, and he . er &.,. l J-" Jii m vi W Merrill la Town. Perl Merrill Is spending today in Klamath Falls on business. He lives near the town which bears his name. m "TS " mi - ?r3 ' '"V cherished no III will against those who did not. I have never heard him apeak la anger or bitterness against aayoae. He was the kind ot a man whonr Klamath county can well be proud of; He was a good man, and true as steal. His character needs no defease. from those who know him. As for those who do not, I would ask that tbey withhold Judgment until the truth Is brought out' at thf trial, ef Henry Hobbs and his wife: J If It Is proposed to attack K4J Way's character, .every; BaiwBfeiL and child who knew Mat Is going tfj rise up and defend tWgoed aaaw a friend. I am. yourvery tralr? B.,: GBANT, Manager Algoma Lumber Co. ? " , t 1. M. Hnnnen today filed lathe CWr rait court suit against Ben S. Owea,' yf .. . I... !I9 uUawnA.it. W-dbi' f &mi - . - i ... inilth tn 3r'Ji as reni vu uw ...-.- - 1,. " 1 J ? IHlff i. munH aariMkanll !T4t , r. WfiLSt& wii?ia lit SV vWy ,f f, V tA i AjT vna :j1U. Fert H!lllncn C. LfLf V now Republicans Will Ten Political Rallies $?W5J k--'M vT Fl X--2! f0 ?.$ ml M United Press Service DAYONNE, N. J., Oct. 17. Super intendent Hennesy of the Standard Oil company's plant here today snub bed the strikers' committee, which had come to him to ask that the strike be ended by the company granting a, unvA Inprontm Arrnrdln to thA men , i ...o .-. - . - Geuoral Trevlno reports thnt Villa ney Bre not authorised to end the Is sending a psrty to rooinr a con-1 strike, .but only present the demand Slueraoie quantity or amiruuiuou uiu- . lor uisuer nsa m iu vvuifu den In the Sierra Nevada mountain?. Many shots were fired today In two Two thousand deaths fiom stai va-' clashes between strikers aad police. The dates of the meetlBga,lolw: .&SS Morrlll-Oetober 6ta. W fe Malln-Octobert6th. MM ..,i. nt ihn flrat of the year, but.tlcn In Zacatecas town nre reucrted , The strikers are accused or attempt' ' ' ' ... -a .- il. I L. n.-.:.i...w-- Jil.-- . .- i.-.oM J.. n l....r. itia tMnniAtai- nlant nf lht Dvr-uuimniBUMi im r,, M a i..v..hiuM hmm.m mw ..,.. w will have aomoono in his office to look nftor his business during bis absenee. ar.Vrd for food, company) ;' J N The executive committee of the re-County School Superintendent fPete$. publican county central m.ttee on, but the republican efcM been planned on, and the speakers se has completed arrangemenu tor prJor t(? m un ce.( meeiings at me ji'tca uw uwu- jjff peterson. . T tloned below. These meetings will be addressed by Hon. W. Lir Thomp son of-Lakeview, candidate for re eleotlon as 'Joint senator, and by Horace M. Manning ot this city. The republican candidates for coun ty offices will attend these meetings and avail themselves of the oppor tunity thus afforded to meet the elec torate. It la to be regretted that owing to thta schedule the republican candi dates will not be able la all cases to attend the meetings arranged, for by '"1 . vtsh ffi "". s-O. T Bly October 87th. ?? Fort Klamath oeieoer;sw Iifa7&-V!i ipC5W 1 f-Tw'&?P r i'' j.-h . &., m -- - - - t . -- .-9 fV, Hlldebraad-rOctoaer iwfk.fajrJS fc&M ft-wi-'riA...Alsrr-i''iH: OTU..-...---.; 'M!$& Hldland Noveer Keno Noxemnrfld.'! vi..il it tin TiTniiiaaaaf ' PlaeGroeNoyebr rihalvmnn SttUUBllaaaX ,.,...-. -. ,- -jmtj.J ' mlttee. ,??&&-: " - fl JiriT'r -1-1 il-TTWJII TfiiW .-() ?!M' :;st K-y , IVi-j Jr'f. WKb? i w, :' ? ', k. j.ior "1 v'W F .L &t. iKZ. rj l.y. iA,. J. . V ' Wi