xm iHi fv T" St."'" ' .13 M. H,' AAt MOMMY, OCTOH.;U m. ,.,. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Vi , feisi. Just arrived new lot of those Celebrated Oregon Cassimere fi r . Suits, with two pair, pants, for Seventeen Dollars. Some choice greys, browns, tans and blue patterns; all wool, finely tailored suits; a product of the Oregon Woolen Mills. The biggest suit bargain in the country. kzh '..V-SSO .",. " f I to. ? 1 rfc EW,I Sfy 4 , e f.-a I..T. yf ' . - 7 .- ra&x j V.csy"".' IKv I Mi I&'--5 I h? With Extra Pair Pants $17Suit with extra pair pants-$17 Complete stock of 'Top Notch" and "Gold Seal" rubbers; . pacs, rubber Soots and winter footwear now ready. t If K K STflRF. Leading Clothier, and A m JL m A m Ka A 'Vn Jk mWf - ,v... CVnHiM H!l Tk iiu f funi.MrMr . ! MMaMatfMaiManaBlBVBVBm m ri Ik fe ' bbbv AuA pBBiJ25 1 u MiPsftBnBaBlBBBnl " V V J IS Tl .BbIBbBbW aBnBaknW ?''mmmmmmmmm - BH H BntBBBflBnBflnVBn nBBf Bm BBBfl tBm O. G. from a forala. From California. Labarce of Bly has, returned short business visit to Call- for Week End. Miss Mattle Foster, cacher in tlio Summers school, spent the week end is Klamath Falls with friends. Leave Today. Mr., and Mrs. Ormand Doty, who havebeen Visiting a few days with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. 8mlth, left this morning for their home in Iowa. Sunday. Reverend Morrison, missionary on Klamath Indian reservation, spent Sunday 1b Klamath Falls. Degree Team Meets Tonight. The captain. of the degree team of Prosperity "Rcbekah Lodge requests nil members of the team to be pres ent at the meeting tonight. There is special business to come before the team members, and full attendance is earnestly requested. If it's worth having, it's worth in- curing. See Chilcote. 14 TO TRADE Have land with good water rights, two miles from grow ing town, will trade for stock of. mer chandise or a going business. Owner, P. O. box 296, Modesto, Calif. 16-2f WILL POUR OUT SEIZED LIQUOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY DIRECTS SHERIFF TO DUMB INTO MKKlHB pU,,ed the t0,,r " f I II re water Into Oreson. District Attorney Irwin stated this morning that no action would be tak en in this case, but the liquor simply dumped out. Under tho law no one Is liable for prosecution in this caso except Silas Kidder, the old man who hauled the boose, says Irwin. Kid dor is considered by tho authorities ins only a hireling, and not believed DIRECTS to be morally to blame for driving the BOOZE TAKEN FROM ITALIANS AND GREEKS Hayden Says Continued from Page 1 More booxo is going to bo dumped - ' Into the lake. District Attorney; '" """"ley, ana no snoum uu John Irwin this morning Instructed ! vUo them " far M he cnn do " Sheriff C. C. Low to destroy the 220l w,thout nnlctlng with his duties as gallons of whiskey or wine which the!" C0UBty offlc,,aj; l do not mean latter .nlzed near Aleoma more than tn, that ho should attend to privato a week ago. legal matters, but I do bollovo Unit initial udvlco on nonrly all problems could be given by tho district attor ney without hurting the business of any other attorney, and at tho sumo time holp tho Interested parties In their troubles. "I think that tho district attorney could attend to tho prcpnrntlon and filing of road petitions for the people, unless his position as adviser to the county court conflicts with Ills dolns so. Such matters could bo attended to moro promptly and with bettor re sultsilf tsken care of by tho district attorney." ill 'Ik of , uSi Oe AM. "9 I"! A. O. V, W. MeetlnK Tiiero will bo an Important moot- tho A. O. II. W. .Tuesday oven- October 17; nt A. O. II. W. hnll. Ulxon, the (triind Hocordor, will present, and ho dimlron all tho members to bo there, ns ho lins I'll Importnnt meMiign to deliver to thorn, tIKOIKU: T. KALDWIN, J. W. SIKMKN8. . tC-St Com mil tee. Phompt attention to renlal colter tlons. Cliilrpte. 1 4 United Press Sorvlco 1UICIIAHB8T, Oct. 1. The Ilu mhnlans In a now otfenslve hnvo oc- rupled Ktanagllgoniau au'd two other villages In Altv.illo. WANTKUMau with Kurd car; long Job. Call room 2oii HoIm'ii.h l.lt Klamath FaIIh, Ore., How many Itrd Seal Itewrdi 1 your collection? Hhepherd hit hu. ilrtNU'of them In dork. r Sheplicnl says Victor Red Heal Reo ords are conclusive cvldrnre of your Tlw TCtna compsnitw are at home friends muslcnl taste. Hear them 4-tr DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician Suite aio, . o. o. TeM ilKMKMIIKIt I never chiri (or examination and rotiKiiltatlon. IHIRTIIKIt This places you ai rier no obligation, uiul ynu will sot lie asked to take trentment. Heurs: 0 to 11:30 a. m.; a to 5; 7 to 8 p. m. lliune 831 in the Chilcote agency. It next door to pofttoflh. "- " " i-ni-i uwii tajLJ II T Viatt Frtakte. Mrs. John Fountain left yesterday for Dorris for a short visit of several days with friends. Moving Pictures ! HaceaUoB Tomonow. A reception will be held tomorrow evenlag at 8 o'clock at the Methodist church for the new pastor, Reverend JGL JL Bennett. All members and 'friends of the church are cordially invited. Ialfe laawwace written In the "dlvl dead payiag company of America." See Chilcote. 14 IfjyaH'want a new glass in your auto curtains come to Bradley Supply company. 14-tf OSfHEUS THEATER MwMrd Photoplay, Inc. 'Ai 1WAAn. ST. . vo sfTME EVIL WOMEN DO" latritW - Revenge Retribution ' Introducing i Wilson and Rupert Julian GOOD MUSIC Admission 9 Cents V PEG O' THE RING Kyery Tuesday and Wednesday H OUSTON' Metropolitan AmuMments ufai SI: The greater love of man is the theme of the' new' Holbrook Bltnn world Film feature, which will be the attraction at the Star theater tonight. ! h r- !" .v y- Hot Jane y-T IXffl1L8 r r :t . . i f-A - if - & '' ' II' ," w- II -"aV-iJj II aaVnBr alV ' ?-'. II I T-" ill' c,i i'? Rest mfy -1 rv"- Mr -'Ji'f BKalMwJai m aSaai aSaSar .Br-BSBBBHSV flJrE'&VBJBJlBjlSJS mv4M'-4P ivaBflBflaflSaVISl jjf ;ri- ibMSaSaSaSamal MMalBHI W:II1SJIBJIBJIBJ1 w; '.'- ii.:3XSbSbSbWb1 MoH?" 'naffJa'JHL9alKal HOUSTON OPERA HOUSE l EUiMm-Whlte Lyceum Iiarcau Season 1B10-17 Presents for the First Nnmber ' 'THE COMVH PLAYERS WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER SBTH Season Tickets Niw on Sale STAR THEATER - TODAY "THE WEAKNESS OF MAN" World TUESRAY "ARE YOU A, MASON 7 Return Engagement Although net wholly a happy ending motion picture, it is nevertheless a very gripping and interest absorbing film play, teaching a great moral les son. "The Weakness of Man," as It Is called, stands out as a distinct Hol brook Dllnn achievement In compar ison to other feature or near feature Alms. It is in Ave parts, directed by Barry O'Ncll and staged with great precision In an entirely appropriate and befitting atmosphere. WEDNESDAY "THE SINS OF MEN" Fox Production TEMPLE THEATER "The Secret of the Box Car," Hauard of Helen Series "The Higher Destiny," Three Part Essanay Drama. "Love and Trent," Vltagraph Comedy "Pathe News." MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION PICTURES TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS . Merrill, Oieaon the strenuous work of the. harvest V season take a -little V i - Pleasure - Profit I THANK YOU For the liberal patronage shown me during my Yom Kippur Sale and to say that the whole affair was a grand success would be putting it mildly. s i A AT 6SPERITY FAIR 18th, 19th, 20th, and 21 Jk V. i . AINT MAD AT NOBODY .aBBBaHalBBLv' HnBalaflP,B M '' " BaHfivaKalj&'V nnnnn::' v"Tcri tT '-' Vi f nnnnnnnL-f-A7'Vtvjm. . nnnnWvw-rf;'.aKJ? W. 1I1I1K:': 'im'i'k. nnnnViu. va.Pw'.bbV. nnnnnnnnnnnnF 'BnBnBnBnW FBb"? " V, BBBBBBW. VfWr BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBnw ;&J . J' "Ahik- ' BbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbW. BBBBk BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlk. BbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbb BbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBBBbBbBbBbBbBb I AINT MAD AT NOBODY I I 8 S I I THANK YOU I THANK YOU My only regret is that we were unable to give the careful personal atten tion to all customers that has been our custom, but the rush Was simply too great for us, and exceeded even our wildest expectations. 4 v K. SUGARMAN i aVi!Sir' 'KKalvaWNmai'' WvlUUvl B?' SJHHaVMalB Wit,' ' " V A ?.) vJL ' s " liiiiiiiiinillinHiikiiiitBiiiNUini"?