r W& .-slV IMifl THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH PALLS. OREGON PAGK! ..,.. nrVOllEIt 1, "''"' ' -- BGH SCHOOL NOTES j n. mt Tuesday tho nominees for ..-. allowed to vole bcforq . ... ncliooi mill f Wftm 1-53 San hMU Shipi in Amtrican Water, ' om Up American Steamer; location 0 Cwat Liner at noon, nnil nt 110 liuil voted. .....I... Ulu kl4AlAjl ;. . i...n 11 11111(11. i" vivuiww l I "" ... ..... '..7.. In rlllof. 1 1 ri'COIVOU Oil VOIPS, fll , Klein .,1 after di"l "" Ifi, ami fleurge Rlgg ?! iJirl Nowlmry. also ft Junior. was! iKtfd Uuliie iiimwwr, receiving, ,!,otO; Wn.li. Short 19 Mid riobortf SwW 'ri.orcHtoflhOK.affw.il ?"?. i,,l liy Hi" uilltor nnil th "k of iiililllilnK boltor nnnunl ever before will .Urt Boon. 1 luncheon wa given 10 iuniui-in 1 faculty iiy n "lrl8 of ,h0 Uo" Th "1"'' ",,nWH w,,nrt' "", (1'rm:'' "' ,it wloiifii rim n Tuesday, ut submarine U-r,3, which made the io- mellic ..,, .! ,, 'mnrknlllo vnvnirii from Wlllmltnu. TLUlMinoiT" "-..,,.. . :- ","."' II tin KIVI'II ly tHO mom-' ,""" "' "t.ii, iuuliiiiik more which Is divided Haiuruay nuornoon, a utile moro thou y'IIA,,JL Ji rr- I I JVi V MuAhry1 .3 JA CNU5ETT. W , -JMt-' NANTi inter O . CT 'r. j rXf .H? "XI 5 : ) w: sf -rf ..ji " 17 -I' e fF SOUND peon inncliroim i,h rlnirt Wlllcti is Uiviacn 'ui muu imiro 111111 ?? wr'tlomt. The Hoctlan glvlnn, twolvo hours Inter. sank tho two Ilrlt VtaMhooii w MyrlUi Wnrd, Erma, ' hlP". Went Point (nrrow No. C 01 IK""11 ..... ....... ......!.. mil... mail), nnd Rtrntliilimn (nrrnw Nn 7i Killlii nun,. v.,, . - --- - , -. w nml Helen DuFnult. ("" "'" v hi" American steamer lumber, yiry Tlinmns Th Riiot 'vel,i Mr. imd Mm. Mot- ' li Try These New Self-Filling Fountain Pens IIIAVi: IiihI rorolvod a HhliHiii'iit of Koiuitiiln 1,'cru, IncliidliiB BtyloH Tor women na well h men. I would W' to hnvo you try thro pciiH. Ily thnl I munu, come In nnd tt thorn out by wrltliiB few wordn with each, until yo Hud exactly Iho point, hI7 nnd ntylo you mii do your hint writing with. These pi'im tiro rolohrntod Watcrmiin'H Idciil thoy nro the bent 011 tho market. You nro Himi of MtUfnctory service from tho pen you delect I Kiuirmileo that. I'rlrcn niiiKi from I2.no to IG.CO. Frank M. Upp Jeweler Rnnnnn (arrow No. fi) off Nnntuckot llRlitHhlp, mImiiiI 120 mlk'H MiutlicaHi from Newport. At the amo tlmo the "73. r M 4 If r it VkJ NANTUCKET NT " s. fc V. 6CALL 1 ; u a i1, Hltll Alaunln (arrow No. 1), a freighter of the Cunard line, wag In the neighbor hood bound to Europe with n heavy cargo; the Philadelphia, a'blg Amer ican liner (arrow No. 2), wan bound for Kngland with many paHHongera; the Cameronla (arrow No. 3) of tho DrltUh Anchol line wan moving to ward New York, and the Khporiio (ar row No. 4) of the French lino wan hound for Uordeau. In nil twenty one great Jihlpa, owned by corpora tions In allied natlonx wore on tho ocean at the mercy of the U-fiS. "4 NANTUCKET UdHTSMI? "0 nchonhachor, MIkhcm Applegnto, Mnr- nhall, Moara nnd Hammer, nnd McxHrs Hnln nnd Mayor. I Tho high school orchoHtra played 1 sovernl nclectloiiB nt a reception given , In honor of tho now minister of the Cnrlstlan church last Tuesday even 1 Ing. Tho orchestra consists of ton I students and two members of the fac j ulty. It Is programing rapldy nnd a j successful year Ih looked for, Tho orchestra U under tho direction of Mr. Tuyior. Ilov. W. II. Cox of tho Kmanuol llnptlst church of this city gavo tlio Bludentn a very Interesting lecture Thursday morning nt assembly. Ills subject wns "The Uenl Things of l.lfo." "Above all things," nld Mr. Cox, "master tho studies you don't like." The talk wns enjoyed by nil piosont. Night school Ih now In lull bwIiik, mid ha a larger enrollment than tver l.ciore. Thorn nro twonty-uivj en j rolled, bealdeH the day students. .Ti.tro are eleven In tho typewriting cium, uireo in 1110 uookkoopiiik ciuss, el'tist In Hhorthand, soven In peninnn ship nnd four In rapid ;nlculalltin. Coach Hoggin's Injury proved to be a broken bone In the left leg, di rectly above the ankle bone, he hag been confined to hli room on account of thin, but expect to be In school at the beginning of noxt week. His placo Is being filled by Vernon Mot Bchenbarher, who was a member of lost yenr'n faculty. Mr. flaln Is couching the football squad. LORELLA LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Will Kllor nro the proud parents of a nine-pound gl:l. btrn last Friday. Dr. Harry Irwin of Wyoming isftlng his brother John. He Is tull: 111K 6f locating in Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Oscnr Stewart left Inst Sunday In their car for Ashland, where they will visit In the home or Mr. Stewnrt'g mother. They were ac companied by Mrs. Bert Chllders. Why Should Oregon Vote Pendleton $125,000 nnd onc-twonty-Ofth of n mill for a normal school only 21 iiiIIi-h from whoro the state owns a good plant nt Weston which requires but ono-fortloth of a mill annual mainten ance to put It in BiiccoHHful operation T Head page 28 of tlio voters' pamphlet; and If you want to avoid needless luxation, vote 309 X No Paid advertisement K. O. Domos, Weston, Oregon. Hurled Homes Found The buried homes of a new race of American aborigines have been dig covered in Socorro county, New Mex ico. The race is supposed to have In habited that section or the country before the Pueblo Indians. Wool to Go Higher Increasing difficulty or getting wool from abroad and Its heavy shortage in this country presage an unprece dented rise In the price 6f wool goodg in the near future, according to cur rent reports. Toe shortage of the This week completes the threshing In I-angell Valley. The grain crop Is unusually light. Tho frosts of the past week finish ed all kinds of garden truck, but Lan gcll Valley Is now enjoying tho beau tiful fall weather for which it is noted. A dance was hold at Fordney's ball at loretln, Friday evening, October 13th. Tho Literary Society of Langell Valley held Kg first meeting for the year Saturday evening, October 14th. year's crop is estimated at 200,000,- 000 pounds. A pio nnu conoo social ror the polit ical candidates will be held at the l.orella school House Tuesday even ing, October l?th. Ten cents will b3 charged for the lunch. The proceeds will bo for the benefit of the school. Everybody come, and hear both sides of the question and decide how to vote. W. D. Campbell Ig Improving his residence. He Is adding a bathroom, BawdUBt cellar and two porches. 'Will Prnkey ig doing the carpenter work and Karl Schoble the plumbing. Alio Plnson is the latest to acquire a now Ford. Louis Pankey and bride arrived from Medford Saturday afternoon. Their friends honored them with an old-time chlavarl Oscar Campbell bas been down from the reservation for a few days. Ho returned Wednesdny and took with him his mother, Mm. I). Camp bell, who will visit him and her ton Welter. Apples, Squash and Casabas Carload jutt arrived, and three more will arrive in a few days. We bought these direct from the grower, and for that reason are able to sell cheaper than l our com petitors. All fancy apples at $1.35 to $1.65 per box. Sweet potatoes and Hubbard squash at 2c per pound. Casabas at 2c per pound. ASHLAND FRUIT STORE New Haste Teaciic-r Klamath county has added anoth er musician in the person of Mrs. Ray P. Burke, a recent arrival from the East, and s conservatory of music graduate, who today selected a piano at Shepherd's Piano Depot. Her new home is at Bonanxa, where she will take a class of beginners and ad vanced pupils in music, thus tilling long-felt want In that vicinity. It OUCH! PAIN, PAIN, RUB RHEUMATIC ACHING JOINTS RUB PAIN RIGHT OUT WITH SMALL TRIAL BOTTLE OF OLIl, PENETRATING "ST. JACOB'S OIL" Rheumatism Is "pain only." Not one case in fifty requires Internal treatment. Stop drugging. Rub sooth ing, penetrating "St. Jacob's Oil" right into your sore, stiff, aching joints and muscles, and relief comes instantly. "St. Jacob's Oil" is a harm less rheumatism cure which never dig appolnta and cannot burn the skin. Limber up! Quit complaining! Get a small trial bottle of old, honest "St. Jacob's Oil" at any drug store, and In just a moment you'll be free from rbeumatlo pain, soreness, stiffness and swelling. Don't suffer! Relief awaits you. "Sj.Jacob's Oil" has cured millions of rheumatism sufferers In the last half century, and is just at good for sciatica, neuralgia, lumbago, backache, sprains. Adv, "aiBBMBBSBSSMBBBBBlBBBBBBBBBBMSBBBBBBBSSBBBBBSSS"SSMSSSSSMSBSB '" Don't forget JP WRIGLEYS ' after every, meal m ; m FEW TROOPS TO BE WITHDRAWN PRESIDENT WILSON HAYS CONDI. TIONW ARE MUCH IMPROVED IN NORTHERN MEXICO MILITIA SERVICE DECLARED GOOD.' fTnlted Press Service ASHBURY PARK, N. J Oct. 14. Owing to the Improvement in condi tions in Northern Mexico, the United States Government goon will relieve more border militiamen from duty, according to a letter from President Wilson to Governor Whitman of New York. In the letter the president siys the possibility or Mexican aggression, which called the militia troops to the border, still exists. He stated that he reared a new outbreak would fol low complete withdrawal of the! American troops from Mexico, but' that conditions were Improved. "The militia la rendering service of the highest quality, and one ur gently needed," gays the president. Our repairing is always a bargain the best and quickest in the city. Modern Shoe Repair Co., 14-tf jJJB'i yjt " - tlf. iVl Think of the Telephone v.. Let yonr telephone save yoa the worry aad Inconvenience which Jt, often occasioned by shopping during these warm days. ' Cultivate the habit of "(.hopping by phone" It qaick, tomcinlt and satisfactory In every way. When you phone us an order you may be sure of the sane careful service as If you visited our store In person. . ', i Call Three-Seven when you need anything la drugs or other drugstore goods. Gall when you have an emergency need and ask for "quick livery." Call when you have a prescription to be compounded. UtJtJ de- y$ EXJ KLAMATH FALLS OREGON tSCfiS where pakticulah pcoplc buv theii drugs 5s I : -tsf ft ..' flf'. .XyJ4 1&H :t y 'I H in the bmbm vm hnrtt tny. An'ajfi two jn help tobacco cotmdcr'bl A GEIiVa tw A Riff ImonA tunbear ant. An affein'm th wood This Natural Ageing Is the One Way to Bring Tobacco to Its Be YOU can prove it for yourself by smoking a pipeful of VELVKT the tobacco aged in Nature's way. . This two yean' natural ageing; gives VELVET a mellow tmoothneeethatciealooogivei to tobacco. Try it flEpjujeylHsjMSMBMS) flg) lOcTku " 5c MataUfaMct Baft Om Pbund GIbm HaaUtn w R) bJ f, n r-, . x.-.' kS". ii, J "31. CSt '-... ; SV' 'i ., i fel k". .11 & c : " ", J4; - .& f KW-fim jit ..i.: ,.M! -t'J4"'TOSaB u -. trnri.rMXj m-.m&m. !3K -aaP .. H ,"S' "I iti.fk.lY ;vc syinxtnierVi & ,mrimm s ii&w m g!Ilil JTvV- ' Vt.' V . .'?' Wpi tjjtrtt $& -HW .- -