,' ' ..- I J- " w U w r KLAMATH COUNTY'S KLAMATH F li'n. . - OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Lssb OFFICIAL NEW1F, i.uia i tJl "T.y i' Sffi "' Jftffl 3r " 'wa ;,' "WT jCfctcnlli V.i No. Jl.m . sJ?l, jcs. "W-,""! KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON,! SATURDAY; OCTOBER 14, 1916. Ma Jiniimvfaa B?&.' v ' J . I hhIm wsiKaMinstft .v l. ! . I - " 90 ALUED DIVISIONS ARE ANNIHILATED Lee Speaks Race for Assessorship PKCMIIKK THAT IIK.NKKTT HAH iiianvi: of jackraihiit lmJejitmli' jnHiio for ('.utility AMJ'rTIN Voter Wliowo Otiuli ilnlc Me Is and Who KcpitM'iil" TIwImt Mi'ii mill nil AImmiI Hit- Po llllrul Fight TcIIh Voter That lie Unt 'I'm All. Klamath imiiity polities iiru surely warming up. Home candidates are Kiting mightily concerned In their thancr ltli tlio voters, alwtyit an entertain Kt of people. It In fair to tUto tlmt i)lltkn became ratluir kralcd Inst night nt tint Upper Vim Valley hcIkmiI Ikiiiho when Captain J. I'. Lee, Independent candidate for county iMHCtuor, declared vorlfor eonly: ' ' Jip tlcntu'tt himi't miy morn show (bin a Jnckrabblt. Wlml hu wanta Ih a wife, that's why he's In thin rnco. And I want you good people to help rw flud onu for him. I know I mil In thi house of my friends, and I love ott all." ''I have been fighting tlin IiIk tlni- bermen over kIiico I've hcon In tho alienor's olliro. You hml bettor vatch out fur them, uuchiiho If they let In iKjwcr they'll riluo the t:ixiN B jour !i(rfs ninl lnci iitul land. Vn, ilr; that's what thtiy'll to.' Anil Ihfy hau a camlliltito now for tliulr Ir.tfrente, nml hu Im Atmtlu llnyduii, 'I'm the caiillilntc of tho Htochmcyi adarmorit." Jupcr Hoiuii'tt, ilomecratli: nom ine for nsw'HHiir, Bpoko tiofiiro l,i'o. He referred to hit rcroril whou ho kM thin olllfc Bovernl yoirs iiro, nml wlil he would try to reduce tho ex pensej of the olllco nml give tho peo ple elllclent hervlco. lltrt K. UiiukliiH, (Icmocmtlo uoin Inee for county clerk; n. C. (lroen IwV, ramlldile of tho 8iimo imrty for circuit JikIko, and Knrj Wlilllock, i!mocratlc immlnoo for coroner, 'alwi Wke o tho voter of Upper I'oo Vol hy lt nlRlit, All measures on tho ballot this ycur vere dlecussed hiHt nlRht, anda keen Interest nlwwn In thorn and In tho Mndldatca. ' Tonight the rondldntej will ko to Shasta Vlow school, whero an wtmalnmont will ho given nnd con dlditcs will spoak to tho votcra. No entertainment wn offored Inst W by tho Upper Poo Valloy school, S'll" f0,,OW,n ". Which WUB -- u, , mo .... Strahorn Willie Here to Check Progress Made 1 1 i 1 1 fl,rt K. Ktrnhorn will bo lu ?"-""" lla within tho next tun !7"'i, ccordliiK 1.. n,..tni.. w f " "ccoruing to cjutaln J. W. ,,IIU '" lU0 nu tu""1"- v, ,taen., ehalrn.,,,, , ., . ., Klamath Falls will vote Novombo, h i mailman of tho local rull- .... - ..... , ..- . ,.nouinl, nml !M coinmllt i. Vl "'. oiranorn win -oL!,. ''' tl,roiSh tho Central Oro-1" Me h U" U' l,rK',,s 4 cm. ,"rv,,'a "ro now complete, MP Engineer N. H, Daguo und W ro romplollni the contour V Mu BOClonlng. night of Plainly of THK C'AMMDATi: ,v "Kather who trfivelH tho road no lato7" HuhIi, my child, 'tin the candidate" Kit example of human woes " l.'urly lu! tonicH and Into ho koc, llo ttreetH tho women with courtly grace, lie klnt'n the IhiIiv'h dlrtv face. ' Hu callri to the fetUK the farmer all work, llo hoiea the merchant, hu bores the clerk: The blacksmith, white IiIh nnvll rliiRS, He Kteet, and this Is the. song he sings: t "Howdy, howdy, howdy-do? How Is otir wlftcjiiil how are 5011? Ah! It fits my list as no other The horny hand of the n king man." "Husband, who is that manual the Kate?" "Hush, my love, 'tla the candidate." "Iliihliiiiil, why ran't ho worHke Has ho nothing at home to Uo!", "My dear, whenever a man Is down, No cash ut home; jio credit lu town; Too stupid to picach, too proud, to Too'tliiilcnb'rol)" and.TuB'"ln8yto dig, 1 nen over nirt norue nig leg no iiiiiks And to tho dear people this hour ho sIiiks: "Howdy, howdy, howdy-do? How la your wlfa-and linw nr yod? Ah! It UtH my list as no other The homy hand of the wotklug umn." ' llrothers, who labor enily and late, Ask these thliiKx of the candidate; What's his recoid? How does ho stand At homo? No matter about his hand, Do It hard or soft, so It be not prone To close, oer money not hla own. Has hu lu view 110 tbluvhiR plin? Is ho lionojt and capable? ho Is our man. y Cheer such 11 one till the welkin rings, Join In tho chorus when thus he slugs: "Howdy, howdy, howdy-do? How It your wlfcuiid how tiro you? Ah! It llts my fist as no other Tho horny hand or tho working man." Anonymous. Cicta Mlg IHfr. M, J. Whitney recently killed n big mule tall doer nour Straw, Califor nia, nnd has sent tho head to Walter Donart to Imvo It. mounted. Tho big buck had twelvo points on 0110 sldo nnd eight on tho other and dressed 240 pounds without thu hcid. way Im being offeted at all points, o8oolully lu tho i.tiKeviow bocuou nnd In tho Itonu country ttm on l"o uuiiuiub ir t if tj,u bonds.ro voted, tno rniiroau builder him nromlsod llrst eonstnuj- tlon work on tho souinwosiorn ibk ui tho Contra Oregon system. ury mini , oiwi - ... ..... j .... .iiv i n. Johnson. farmer, and' Includes a single turnip weighing 27 ppunda, Walker, New Boston Plpyer, Sliding Into Third t i -jf' ?&s'7f.!iL& i&&fy ' $7& '"? 4 $&&'? w'-i j& 'rHfHP " lOWREy 3T, Walker, the llnston Amoiiinn l-onguo outllelder, who took the place of the groit Trls Speaker when that player was sold to Cleveland; covoru A himself with glory lu tho first game of the world's series with Brooklyn. Hu made two of llostou's eights and s cored one of the six runs, a run without which Doston would not have won tho first game. KLAMATH PAILS ROADS ENDORSED BY COMMISSION IIHillWAV COMMISSI! 1 V IHXO.M- mkxds si:vi: icoaos Tho IkilU-N to Khun ith IiiIIn Highway Ih (ilven Tlilril ('"nldenitiou lu ltocoinmcmllmr Apiiroprlations F10111 1'edoiiil (ioveiiiinenl, ami tlio I'loience Kugouo Klaiuath l-'allti Highway Heinin l'l.uv. SAI.KM, Oct. 1 1. The stato high way .commission W'-jdnesday after-' in on agreed to indem: soveral pro Jecta as main roads lor which forest irsorvo highway appropriations ha0 h 'Mi ksked. The matter was brought In tile attention f :hc board by B."J. Kl.'ich. bonlor highway OLijineer of the fcderul otllco of pnbl'c roads an 1 rurul engineering, who has boon as signed to tho forest service. Tho projects approved arc: First, I'ortland to Ashland, I'acitlc high way; second, Portland to Ontario by way of linker City; thlid, Tho Dalles to Klamith Falls; fourth, I'ortland to Ontario, via John Day; fifth, Flor ence (o Mitchell; sixth, llenil to Lake- view; tuvouthr Kugeuo to Klamath Falls. . , A Coos county delegation asked that tho commission authorize tho survey of n highway from Florence to Kugene, nnd after considerable dis cussion, tho matter was referred to the advisory board of tho commis sion. Amos Benson will act Instead of S, UuiiEou on tho ndvlsory board, during hla father's absence, it wbb stated. ' It -was explained that tho grades on tho Kugeiie-Flprnncojilghway, would be less than on tlmltosoburg-Coorulilo Myrtle Point route. Coos has f 274r 000 to spend jm-highways, and.lt la believed-federal aid can bo secured -- VACKER'45 t $ v-i OATS GO NINETY BUSHELS TO ACRE Ninety bushels to tho acre. That Is the oat crop raised this year by John Koontz, who lias a farm soveiol miles out on the Merrill road. Chcyno Drothcrs' threshing outfit bus just completed threshing Mr. Kcontz's crop, and vouch for tho lig urcs. Moiars. Choyno says several oat around 75 nnd 80 bushels per acre. I According to farmers and thresh- I Ins machine crows, many of the grain hnrvests this year are not so bad as lnu been goncrally believed. Deri G. j Hawkins statodnt the political meet lug in Poo Vnlloyhnt nlgjjt that ho ! had just harvested a eplcndld crop. 1 1-1 cm Kiviin lako. I Fied Applegate wnsVamong tho Swan Iako. Vnlley lanchers whp wero j trading with lonl rotnllcrs today. 1,eiive or Oregon Cltjf. Arthur C. Lewis and fnmily leave tomorrow for Oregon City, where they will make their permanent homo. through tho act applying to tho for est highways for tho Hugone-Flcronco highway. Governor Wlthycombe tlought Ru geno was well fixed, now that it bad rail connections with Coos Bay, and that ltosoiiurg was entitled to tho proposod highway connections. Ho suggested that brldgos over rivers would cost $100,000 011 tho Kugene- j Wlnrnnrn liiuhwav. It TV3B exillnllied (that It was proposod to have forrles. Acting on petitions of Coos county citizens, ,tho commission recently pro vided 5,000 for a survey of tho Rose- burg-Myrtlo Point highway, and tho governor said lib bollevpd that to tho project tho commission should com- , plote first. i It VBs explalnod b the delegation ilinii H waa tint nrniinRAH tn nhandoil the Roseburg-Myrtle Poln,t highway "project. r secretary of State Olcott.and State Treasurer Kay believed the mutter should bo Investigated, by the advis ory board before any actlqn v;as tak en, and Governor WUhycombe agreed. ::xypXv&fciZ - y. , 'yt- . t vsty "WHY I DIDNT MARRY" AT FAIR Present indications are that Pros peril Fair will prove a big event this full. Over two hundred articles have been received from outside points, and these, with the town articles, will make- the pavilion a little wonder In itself. An Interesting feature of the fair wilt be a high class 'entertainment competed of a mandolin club, male quartet, leadings and monologue, nttd a plajlct entitled "Why I Oldn'-t Marry " All mcmb.ers of thp 8acred Heirt parish, which to t'.vlng the fair, are .-cq.11 efcted to meet at the pavilion Siinuiy nfternocn at 2 o'clock. KIMHT CA1U.OADS OF .' ". ilEKF ABK 8HIPPK0 Klght carloads of Klamath county bcof wore loaded yesterday and ship ped to Miller & Lux of San Francisco by J. li. Beckley, local buyer for this firm. The beef were purchased from H. H. Van Valkenburg, F. H. Mc Cornuck, Barge Mason and Harry Stilts. Visiting Uncle. Nolo, Robert, Mae and Josephlno Lindley of Medford are here for a visit with, their undo and aunt, Mr,. and Mrs. George C. Ulrlch. Hriv I'ihiiii I-niigell G. M. Loomls and wife of Langell Valley are spending the week end In Klamath FallB. Another Political Meet. ) There will be political meeting nt tho Ione Pine school house next Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. The whole evening will he given to the J candidates, as this Is the first oppor tunity for the voters 01 noi iiri to bear 'he office seekers. Merc From IloaaaUt Dr. W. S. Johnson and Ray P. Iiurko of Bonanza spent today In the county mt, attending to Vuslneag af- fnlrsi K 1a l All of These Lost in Great Somme Offensive T ROCK AT RUSSIAN MAN IS SEVERELY INJURED, AC CORDING TO REPORT DEPU TY SHERIFF AND DOCTOR GO TOPOE VAUiEY A brother of John Sacrakoff, a Russian Is seriously Injured as a re sult of being hit in the head with a rock by Nick Hoxen, another Russian, I this afternoon, according to a tele-! phone message received at the sher-j Iff 's office late this afternoon. ' No other details were given. Earl Walker telephoned to Sheriff Low and j asked tbat an officer and .doctor be eat ai. van. ucjiui duci m u,u Low and Dr. Warren Hunt left, In an automobile tnjs afternoon. 'Tii .1 CAnfANAtBOWLS 245 LAST NIGHT J. H. Carnahan, democrat and law yer, la the best bowler In Klamath Falls. Last night he bowled 245 on the Palm alleys, and a year ago he made a score of 263, the best ever made on these alleys. Carnahan consistently rolls over 200. He was bowling last night with William Hagelsteln, who made 212 points, itself a-good score. Becauseof the fine weather, bowl ing hrnot yet taken hold on the en thusiasts, but when the cold spell sets In, the alleys are expected to be' kept pretty busy. LIBRARY CLUB TALKS OF PACIFIC COAST CITIES The general meeting of the Wo men's Library Club waa held yester day afternoon at the club a rooms. The subject of the afternoon waa ( Glimpses of the Pacific Coast Cities, The cities considered were as follews: San Diego, Mrs. R. C. Groesbeck; Los Anaelea. Mrs. C. P. Stewart, San Francisco, Mrs. J. C. Brockenbrough; RUSSIAN ROWS PortUnd, Mrs. W. O. Milllgan; Taco-, terlan reglmenU were wnouy anw ma. Mrs. C.R.. Bewman: Seattle, Mrs. bllated. - . Roy Moore. Return Home Today. Mr. and Mrs. E. 8. Phillips, Jr.,' who have been visiting the former's! parents, left this morning for their home in San Francisco. ' Local Box Shook Goes to London Receipt of letters showing that its product has been, fouad la London and the Hawaiian Wands shows that box aheok made, by the awauna-Box company of KUmath , llsrewhes just about ail corners oine earm. j Yesterday Manager Charles Mc Gowan received word from Ray Reed, formerly with the White Pelican garage, tbat,Re hu,plok4 up In pineapple cannery on the Island of Okau a -.place of box shook' made by ROME CliAlMS LOSS OF -" AUSTRIANSrT6 Thli Loss Wm 1b Cans Flchtla, Which CohUbbcb Today Amman-' Ian Resistance StMfeM, Step Tew tBA at Red Tower Paw, aA HbIU Advance Isto SoBtliem Trawerl Tsnla by Ceatral Powers. f w ' United Press Service MtV-VJ- BERLIN. 6ct. 14. A semi-official ' critic asserts that ninety fresh allied divisions, totaling about' l,jJM90 men, have been' practically aBathtl a ted in the fighting of the listfonr- teen weeks of. the Somme oCewive. These divisions nave completely iK appeared from the battle frost. j. a -' LONDON. Oct '14. RomewJr- . lessee that- the Anstrians lost 2a,Mi, i: men in the two days fighting at Carso. - 'V;;, The battle, continues. "?' jfy The Ranmnlamr ' Kave- kalMwa - '1 Teutons atRe Tower Paae,- after; the -r, "s? I m! " J . 1 w . aavs. ine leuion aarance ibiodohib-- . 4.1 - . . -.. .. ii 1 !-! brn iraosyivanui aiao rnaa bb ,; checked. . .iLiS24 An attack bylthenorthera wtoirof '$ tho German army ln.the eastern Inva sion has been repulsed, and elsewhere tlio Rumanian resistance has.'lieen i stiffened. ' I ' The British are .at the outskirts of Seres and the capture of the city M believed imminent. v Bulgarian counters in Macedonia have signally failed. , Xi King Constantlne continues tode lay active partlcipatlonfb'y tfie.Greeks in the War. It- Is reporte,that he fears Greece will be overrun'hy the Germans if It Joins' the allies i $ - -1 ' . 4 United Press Service -$ PARIS. Oct. 14 The GermaMjs" morning reccupIertoffAhlilsi-. court and nearby tenches, -but tke French counters soem ejede them. United Press Servleai-. i v BERLIN, Oct. 14. It is officially. declared that 1,000 French and Ser-' blans perished when a German r- marina sank the French cruisers Rlgel nnd Oallia last week in the Medltet- - - :. The RUAslans have lost l,00e,0 , men since last June. Some of the Sj- GoiBg HBBtiBg. i 1ii i J Garrett Van Rlppr,.Ed.vannlce, oy r Larson. Fred Westerfeld'and Har- car Larson. Fred Westerfeld'i ryTelford will leave. tomorrow aorjK ing for Eastern Oregou for a five days duck hunt. . -:-r 1 and Haw 'li t tue"Ewauna Box company. .The i r 4 1 '.h1 of shook waa mailed to MhMr'J Gowan. Okau. ,ta in the. graupjJf slaav rt, A. few days before,, Ml G owan eealvei: j tatt& MP!. In London which nUUdttai I of a box made;tn,iw aeen In: a, London' Frtl man asked'theTRwajiwt; for a quoUttos,TWriHa e) i?kf re si f $&$ HBrWiwHSfe 1 WptttfMti. vt-j;''.i v.n" . i.ift.4- l- 7S3SZ fKMI'JHRHB- uSI . j " -' 4 a j ,MBMI t JB larZMTTni.1 - E4 auooit. i;MJ. i.,.,, "..... ' ,'. ' - ' - 1 !S c "ta S8 J 5 M J "Si J : sjm -m. $$ , m - Issm WJ fel .&l J$l m " S1 41 ir,a 4I ' I " .-l m uS 41 f?"i , CJ n-ivpif: I 7m r tail Vttm J fal - M 'tr. ..v.S $mti Jk'Ct.ST.SiJBl M51i fWSH K'luffi arws?!.. Jfaaivi.- . XJM-'Xt 7S2te& TBCf AS W-i'jJr,SS', 1 c( V4 jv3 t 5. MflsV A ' -