pt "" vjyy ppy m f wy .sv 'wyip i,,-, !,., -i T&nk. ' Vs l,i ,Lr-t ' K ifr'V 2s --i-v 4 -'& ffiwSIBKm tiimfwjfism iSW(3fil:SSS!J ww 4t-f wi4f .SS'Mii'''. LL..LiL. J t I g " " '' " " "" ' " '' I II I II !-. l .....I.. !- .tbVnn TEUTONS SLAUGHTER RUMANIANS P SOX DEFEAT BROOKLYN 6 TO 2 MOOKLVX l"HK THREE PITCH. KHS, IILT MHE8 ft' , Hltil Hold m Through Gamp, At firing Hut Kirn HIU Continual UJIIlag (he Hall anil Four Errors J'lares Boston Within One Game of Title of the Worlds Champion , fc Baseball. Vsllea Trots St-rvlco ' BROOKLYN, Oct. 11. Tho Iloston Red Sox defeated the Brooklyn Dodg rt tola In tho fourth game of the world's terlrfl by n scoro of 0 to S, Tilillvi Huston throe ami Brooklyn oMfJme. notion must take but one ntrt fame to win the scrlca. Ninaier Itoblimon lined three (luktra in n vulu effort to atop the iluttipf Kill Sox. Murquard started but wu relieved by Cheney, nnd ho bjr Rocker. Dutch Iconard twirled throata (or the vlctora, and allowed ' bat five aafe blnglcti. The throe Dcdter pitchers wore niched or ten cloau. Tie weather lor today 'a game wnsj nttlltnt, Qulcjpy called balla nnd ttrftii, Dlncen watched tho buses! tU Connolly nnd O'Dny wero um piret on foul line. Botton could not score In tho first t IccIdc, but Brooklyn made two, Ita only two of the game. Johnson trip-( led, Meyer singled, scoring Johnston, j Vtt walked, Wheat sacrificed, and' vbtu Janvrln fumbled Cutshaw's; froander Meyer acored. h the aecond Inning Brooklyn rauldn't acoro while Boston made' 1bree. Hobllttel wnlkod, Lew la j doatled and Gardner knocked a J Itsmtr, worlng HobllUel and Lewis, tint or him. Ntltner team scored In tho third. ii ue fourth Boaton made one, 'h Ltwla singled, Gardner sorcl-l t(i, jCarrlcan singled. Brooklyn none, although Cutahaw dou- tM. Csaey replaced Marqdard In the; (tb, but allowed a run when. Hooper . - na sioie aocona ana hod Vtwl ilngled. Neither aide acored In the aixth. Beton annexed another run In the MWnth. Hooper walked, Janvrln wc4 Hooper, Walker ancrlflced and "OMltiel singled, acorlng Janvrln. frer replaced Cheney for Brook- 4,413 Voters Republicans Wth a totul registration of 4.431 ,"' tho i-eglatratlon books for 'Hatn county closed Saturday nf- rlT' Thta t.otnl ,g compiled by JJr County Clerk Chnrlca F. De f'rom the iigureg In County Clork fV. ' offlce The' d0 nt Include a been i ' Prec,DCt h h" "? heard from. liS!.esl8lrat,on ot 4-431 tbl8 yor ' "j ore than that for 1914. .""V1h wty la overwhelmlni- W t0 th'8 year' tton. 0r.lent,re C0Unty- '91( Wt Uis ere "P""16". Ut ho vote the democratic ticket. i having 8aB(l the other. waiye- voteri are, itlll follow EXERCISES FOR FUG TOMORROW V. A. WILL HIKAK FOil IKIAltD t)F KUUCATIO.V AND It. C. CmOKHBKCK WIMi HIKAK O.V I'ATIIIOTIHM The new flag ikjIo for tho Hlvcr aldo school will bo dedicated tomor row afternoon at 2 o'clock with ap propriate ceremonies. Tho patrons of tho school espe cially and tho public Rouerulty nro cordially Invited to attend and assist In making tho occasion the more Im pressive In tho minds of tho boys nnd glrla. The following program will bo given: Song America All Flag to be raised during the Hinging und saluto given nt close of song Hong Anvil Cho,ui BovenUjjtnd Klghth (Irade Olrla ilKiory o'fho Flag . Kddlth Condroy Song Flag Sous Fourth Grade Boys AddrosH on behalf of tho Hoard of Kducatlon W. A. Delicti Bon Flag of the Free All limitation Old (llorr James Manning K'xcrclse Ieaco Play aoiig First Orade Fourth Grade SoiiB F"th Grado Address Attorney B. C. Groesbeck Jjrllj Hod, White nnd Bl to Third Grade Song Columbia, of the Ocean. . .All Kxerclse We Iove Our Flag Second Grado Song ... 1 Ixve the Stars and Stripes , Seventh nnd Eighth Grades Itecltatlon Our F!ag Walter Hannon Song Star Spangled Banner ... .All lyn. Cheney had fanned Ave In three Innings- Neither side scored In the eighth or ninth. n. H. E. Boston 6 1 l Brooklyn 2 6 4 Tomorrows game will bo played nt Boaton, in County; Total 2,0 1 0 era of tho bull moose, twenty-five nro prohibitionists, fifty are Independent, forty-four are non-partisan and elx refuse to state, Klamja'th Falls alone has 2,214 votes. If It had two moro It would have a majority of the total voto of the county Outsldo of Klamath Folia Wood River precinct la tho largest In the county, having 235 votea In all pnr tlee. Tule Lake cornea second, with 18G. The araalleat vote tbla fall will be caat In Worden precinct, where there arc only twenty-alx reglatered voUra, All the above compilation! are bated on the -figures from the data on hand now, and do not conalder the fwf namea that are yet to coe In from outlying district!. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11, Removed After Allowing Fourth Hit, One a Homer -.. ii"! jmmSStT!rz!!ZZ!r " RUBE.Jlto,WRQOAR May Tell Germany She Can't Blockade Ports LONG BRANCH, Oct. 11. After a long conference between President Wilson and Secretary of State Lan sing. It waa learned that many tele grama have been ' received by the government from bualnew men of the country urging notification to Ger many that ahe cannot blockade Amer ican porta. It la believed probable that steps will be taken at once to ascertain whether or not Germany plana to make her submarine warfare on thla aldo of the Atlantic permanent. Neither Lanalng or President Wll aon will make any statement regard 1 BUILD NEW TELEPHONE LINE RECLAMATION SERVICE WILL MAKE PHONE CONNECTIONS BETWEEN IRRIGATION MAN AG K.It'H HOME AND FARMERS Ponding only permission from the city, council, the reclamation eervlce will build a telephone line from the main office on Eleventh street to the residence ot George Fry on Second street. , Thla line la to be constructed so that Mr, Fry, who la Irrigation man ager ot the Klamath project, may be reached at night and on Sundays In cat of a break In the ditch or other emergency. The main telephone llaes do not reach air part! of the project w Bm ing action by this government in re gard to the lubmarlntat of alz freight teamen off the American coast last Sunday. tlnUed Press Service NEW YORK. Oct. 11. Canad'au aeroplanes are reporting to be aweep ing over this side of the Atlantic for German'Bubmorlnes. Rumors are being circulated that British warships haye been ordered to escort the Philadelphia and Min nehaha, which sail simultaneously tomorrow for England. so the reclamation service must use Its private telephone for many pur poses. The reclamation service will make written application to build tho Una at the meeting of the council next! Monday. The line la to follow High atre,et to Second street. Go to Washington. Mr, find Mrs. A. B Brown ot Lan roll Valley were gue&ta last nlglu nf Mr. rnd Mrs. F. R. Matt. They are on their way to Washington for the Mjntf i, in hopes ot improvement in Mrs. Frown's health. I . . Clairvoyant Leaves. Mme Elsemore, clairvoyant, will leave tomorrow, but she expects to re turn In a short time. Shesays busi ness In her lino In Klamath 'Falls Is good. The ladles ot the Christian church will bold a stiver tea tomorrow after noon at 1:30 o'clock at the noma ot Mrs. J. M. Em as. Eighth and' High streets. All members and friis nda ot the church are invited. A 1916. LOSS TO INVADERS TERMED 42 GREEKS AND ITALIANS CLAIMS IMPORTED BOOZE BOLKO INNOCENTLY LEADS HIS COUNTRYMEN INTO TRAP Claim Made Covers AH of SO Gallon of Wine or Whiskey District At. today the first Rumanian army la tomey Irwin Is Probing Boleo sndvad,ng Tran8ylTan,a slauchtered u. Another Italian Tills Afternoon. ' second force before it could escape. iVarrantsBIay Be Issued forAU4a!The remalnln Rumanians are re- ; treating In confusion. Claimants of liquor. The booze seized by Sheriff C. C. Low last Saturday night near Algoma Is not going to be disposed ot so easily as was that taken In the raid t PeHcasr-City. twoiweeka ago. - No - body seemed to want' the few small .issue is yet-undecided, kegs of wine and six cases of beer; ' " taken In the first seizure, but no less j ll.-The Brltls. than forty-two Italians and Greeks e today wltWn tw0 j,, of g are clamoring for the 220 gallons of in the new Greek offensive, liquor taken in the Algoma raid. I The Bulgarian cavalry has been With a written request signed by driven back to Seres, and the British forty two of the foreigners, most of have occupied Topolova and Prcsmolk. iony iwo oi me lure.gneni. moi. ui The Serblang are battHn, fiord, whom live at Algoma. Arthur Boleo, for tne chuka be,gbtf and are aow Janitor at several business buildings dominating Monastlr, folowing tho In Klamath Falls, appeared in the capture of nearby towns. The cap office of Sheriff Low last evening, j ture of the height will mean the faU Low took the paper and turned it over of Monastlr. to District Attorney John Irwin. This j The allied right wing In the Bal afternoon Boleo and another Italian leans has captured eight villages, nre closeted with Irwin. j The Dobrudja fighting still is Whether forty-two warrants are Is- deadlock. r sued by Irwin cannot be foretold, al-, Reinforced, the Rumanians ars though such a thing is among the holding some positions in Transyl possibilities. The law provides for vanla. such things In Instances where thej s liquor is Imported In any manner , Visiting Fii.nds. other than by a common carrier, j Mr and Mrs. Ormand Doty ot Laks The names ot the forty-two Italians city. Iowa, arrived last evening for a and Greeks whom It would appear j visit witL Kr. and Mrs. R. E. Smith, have an Interest In the booze were Mho formerly Uted In Lake City. Mr secured by Sheriff Low through a and Mrs. Doty ure making an autoiao rcther clever subterfuge. He was bile tour cf the West, asked Monday by Boleo what he waB j doing to do with the liquor, and re- Huntr-is Iictuiu. piled that It would be emptied Into George P.iohn, Harry Stoeahler and the lake. Boleo replied that It was A. Hardonbrook returned last night not the sheriff's liquor, but belonged , trout I'nion Creek with four Kae to several ot his countrymen at At-.buck. One Is on exhibition at tho goma. Palace MuvKet. "Why don't you tell them to come , nnd claim It, then?" said Sheriff Low.' Here Fiont Pokegama. Nothing more waa said, but yeB- Tohn Griffith, a resident of th terday Boleo appeared with the slg- Pokegama country, Is spending a tew natures ot the claimant!. Rural Schools to Hold Fair for the Children An industrial or community fair to exhibit the work of the school chil dren of these districts will be held on Siptember 20th by the Falrview, Hen ley, Spring Lake and Mt. Lakl schools. The fair will be held in the Mt. Lakl Church, "i , Any product resulting from tho labor ot tho school children will be shown. This will include agricultural products, handicraft work, or relies ATr v. I 4l 1 jtt-fc to t a J .. 13 ... . . . 1 iiV.V &xn Fries, Win APPALLING BAVARIANS TAKE RED TOWER PASS ON RUSSIAN FRONT Serbkuks Are Battling for Height Which If Taken Will Seel! Fall of . J ' .MoaaaUr LosoVm Claim British Are Wlttla Two Mile of Seres anal Have Drive Bulgarians Back to Seres. United Press Service BERLIN, Oct. il. The force of' General Falkenyan. after defeatlms Tbetr losses in the fighting of that last twenty-four hours have been ap palling. The Bavariana, after capturing Re Tower paw' are fading Rumaml , ioil f rom, the f rth t I After a fierce bombardment ot sev aral ,,.-- .. ItailaBi at Gorlta war Trttacked;:to4ay by'tbe'Austrsaiis.ovl day9 in thla city cm hualness. and such things collected by tho childreivthemselves. The fair Is being arranged by tho children ot the four districts, assist ed by the Parent-Teachers Aasocla tloai. About 115 pupils are enrolled In the fonr sehook, and these arojmt. pected to asemble a large collection ot products. PmdI from other school districts or any part of tho county sio lavUo to visit the falr. it 1 ( : fl & Hi t 'itii 3BJ AeW,ul ,vflra( IP nW .f.i- ii ti i '. . j. . .. wkuu i m cr u .lt'.iU .. t.,-1 srsj"vi Vi 9lsWW",,',