t?&si)i-y.Kv:i1Wir"' f .C' 4 rivr , J v. .. i.'lYO' ;.r v f,.:? ?. iftt.f ,.VC t.n lii"'!. 1 s6y TCTWDAV, OCTcm .. .T w "CTrn THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON . Six of Brooklyn's Pitchers; y LOOK PEOPLE ITS COMING i TfeWJiaaJ -2 jmu. Coombs is Twirling Today flSJKS -4; ty$ IN SOUTHWEST VAhM !i V nrs X"s iT W Uf5S, . 411 Wftl , .'- VV )W --'' J, FMHIIKG IN IiABT WTi -' -' : - . M HOURS fii .i .'"'" "S1 T Si" AX" f i" Ui" , ,$ s" , nBU( ?''. - .- bbbbbbbbHssbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbsH aasssml ' nCftllllMillH H Am ATI All Jt rHnrrviiiiiax i.r,Joa-lllm'-l inVI VllnllUllU ir w&es&s 188 lkilVjBBBBBBSaaf IV m. iSf $ j a.f it " i Tc-wiea iKerce at VmIcmPms Takes (ffB S "f "' J W VV Wf l . j I- 'f 2? Si?" 3 - tZ 4 t rV. ? 'r- .? 4 Gateway to Upper and Lower Calk ' Bcgjoawi ; Bertha Claims That Km- V perwr Fiwm JMMV Soldlcra Huve ,eplwcd All AMMHlto by Both, thi fe ItMMim.aaa IU11r Armies. 0Hlt4 PreM Senrice -lBBRLIN, Oct 10. Tho German tprtlns against the Rumanians of tas last twenty-four hours have been successful. Iii3W The division fighting around Vul- "rnPaasvcaptured Negrolulx moun .'talaS; TraasylTanlaand took the gateway to the upper aad lower Calk :regw. Kroaatadt also has been recap- f TlMMAuatrlaM hare repulsed all -'Rasaiaa aad Italian attacks. T .UaMed Press Serrlce i iAMsOON.Oct. 10. The British uorcgepposwg us Bulgarians cap- .tured, KaJeadra aad Hoatodos. The .allies are advancing in Macedonia. "aVCT" iun "nDV" rnii nnu ubih TO BE TALKED 5 kSX5Si55 w:S5!W'R5HtS?SBBBBBl rmaM-lfl ,ssBiS!:ss.ii;j Si .5.& S. i . .Si M.vvxvV-..' tSSSSSSSSMSSSSSSSSS xiSiaMRffiMMR? V gS5KS&sv$5 - . tJlleMNC KNJPv; -. , NSBBaBBBBBBBBBBSlF:r t-SBBBBaPR'Wl.'i ''aiEJi iS X x L . W .JSSSfi tSSJSDlW LW JSS-. 5 , .j..v v . vS mM.' K-;d S&ME sr W "TJ X s s .1 WlUi MEET TOMOR- C1TIZENS 1 KOW JIVBNIXG AT METHODI8T CHURCH ,TO DISCUSS URBB ON BAIXOT MEAS- w. fri&- t a -4 Hr - X aaass meeting ofrcUlsena kaa '-ivft vy"yyjw'ttrw s J7:w-at-the Methodist, church to dis fcuas the wet and dnr measures which Jar"to be4 upon the ballot at the So- election, jaasmucb as a great "A 5? . ? r " deals of misinformation exists in re gard; to. these measures, this public discussion of then U expected to be , -interesting and instructive. The principal address of the even- lag b to be delivered by Phillip Deachner, field secretary of the Anti Saloon League of Oregon, who is making a' tour of Southern Oregon. A meeting of interested workers is to;WieUi in the lecture room of the MeMtdfltt church tomorrow after- at 4 o'clock for the purpose of fanning a permanent eounty organ- iMt'fikn" mmyr-z-. 1 jtJk K MCI j IT IWSvf SSf K. vjt flT.5' it v. XT K m !?,' US feS? AX, "S rt; PASSES IN ORDINANCE .-'HAHBS ; V jf IT POSSIBLE FOR PEO PLE OF CITY TO EXERCISE INI. 4 tjativ; E AMD REFERUNDUM AT ANY TIME ' a?x BS The city council last night adopted unamlmously the ordinance adopting for the city the initiative and refer yendum, aa provided by the state con .stltution. It was necessary to do this CbefoVe the initiative could be used by local cltlsens to get the council to call; a special, election to vote on a issue for the Strahom railroad. M, ,'sboad illaimedlately after Mayor Crisler "kadTslaxed the ordinance the council 'ftfM'&tooii ap consideration! of another ord- 5?,'rr iiance calling the election to vote the tiffixf' ' ni Pple of this city now may --.K;MHrelse'the initiative or referendum '- vSfcM'Wi time andt for any purpose. . 4 Aii f t.'-J-i'- .' A. "V v. P V. TiBlb LATE TO CLASSIFY FUJP-Capl style organ, suit- .Krayi,up to date school or ib?mm' -A,k Shepherd U.P mrSsaam tWp aMMMMHMMHMMWWI e;; . . w-:; .Bsssfe.o:voN s v; , aMiinmMi iJPPnfis& JWali Vsss.ilBr:.:' sts VswBSBiTisf3Ba9mT- :v ::;v: rSam v X" XJSSSBsb' 5 4-v3y " U iBwwwwitwwaggMgytwi.- mum' 'Hskki.ui ltMMcwelllllllllllWWww'llODllilal awiwnwwaiwyiimMiiy'iiLMMiiiii '""H Ef Jmaar ' V isT'1 MIWP!! "v! --' -:4amWsaa SSsSSsSw. V-,?1 v.V s 'liilMr"v " rmsaaaaaaat BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaiiSBeaBl MsBBslaaP-TiB aKall4JM KBSimml aasaaSSSVi Cd'?K MSMBi&m aPasww5-JWK) i i'v io8 s hi3 . n . -. - v '.w v w' iff'aFSx,J 'Si' In '?? Mr- c? I XT - ." M':uV:.si :SaMHWiittkrK I V-K BaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVPPSaBCS&. hadanaPahSaZRim,::,' S'sT IBaUaVBamBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBnr,lH'VnU J LbbbL BWamFrapT iT L;i bbbMsWbbbbb! aaaaBjBBjgaaf iBMMMiMMaj a Guild Will Meet. yThe Grace Episcopal Guild will meet tomorrow afternoon at 2; 30 at the honie of Mrs. S. Edward Martin, Sixth and High: streets.1 Hawxhurst Sells Market. ' J. W. Hawxhurst has sold his moat market on Main street, between 8ov- enth and Eighth, to V. J. Stelnmotz, ho has taken possession. Hincks in Town. H. W. Hincks, engineer In charge of construction work on the reserva tlon is in Klamath Falls on business From Silver Lake. James Pitcher, Tex Gennis. I. S. Hamilton and Bert Gerklng of Silver Lake are spending a few days In Klamath' Falls. t Moore in Town. Elmer and Ellsworth Moore, tw in brothers and farmers of, Poe Valtay, transacted business in Klamath Fall today. Directors Meet Tonigli The board of directors of Klamath Commercial Club will meet this even ing at the club .headquarters at 7:30 o'clock. J Hera From Marsb. ,. ' Charles Lenz and son, Charles Jr., and Len Royse are down from Klam ath Marsh for a few days on business. House and Lot Sold. Flora Edler today Mid to John L. Porter lot 4, block 209, Mills Second Addition, with three room house. The deal was made through the Chilcote agency. Goes to Medford. Otinr Stewart nnrt wlfeand Mm. Bert Cbilders were in Klamath Falls yesterday on their way to -Medford, where they will spend a few 'days on b!:neis and pleasure, "t Jj Chllrote Buys, Edmund M. Cbilcote, local real es tate operator, today bought' lots S and' 7, block 58, Nichols Addition, from Howard T. Lewis. Retaras Home. Mrs. A. L. Harvey, who has been visiting relatives and friends in this city for the past month returned this morning to her Ashland'bome. Girl Ik Hurt. Dorothy Short, daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. Hurrel 8hort, was slightly in jured yesterday when she was thrown from the horse on which she was rid ing home from school. No bones were broken and her injuries will not prove serious. Crisler Leaves, 4 Mayor C.t B. Crisler loft on the morning train' for California Mints 'to look after-private business. He will return the. last of this week. Mrs. Crisler and daughter, Vera, left to day for "Ashland by automobile, to spend a" few days. 'H : Mask geldings. Leaves for Home. L, wa4fkt 3.400; I Leslie Jones, who has been' work- gPfood mounting In the logging camps of the Pel- vjiaa a hvan4 luii Hat. TjimIim aammhmw 41.1a m..mi. "www m M.viMw Mwt vwfatywv bnt9 wist- ilre of W. merl'left today for hlatbomaln' wL'Mt lltpgtta Rim Vglliy, " , I'tarl'ilag Again. V. T. Motschenbachcr, formerly an Instructor In the local high school, but now engaged in the Insurance business,' Is teaching at the high school this week in the absence of Chfster Hugglns,wbo Is out with a sprained ankle. YOM K1PPUR SALE Saturday was Yom Kippur, the Jewish day of atonement, my store was closed all day until sundown. Every year, to celebrate this holiday, I have been giving my customers a great SALE FOR ONE DAY ONLY During which every article in the store is reduced in price. This sale it Saturday. October 14th It will be the Master stroke in salesmaking Its the big event you have been waiting for. Don't buy, but wait, you will find it well worth waiting for See tomorrow's paper for full particulars and be sure to get one of my extra special newspapers Closed Thursday and Friday to arrange stock I AINT MAD AT NOBODY Mail Orders for Yom Kippur Sale Will be filled if mailed by Sat. Oct. 14 Store K.SUGARMAN McGraw Disgusted With Giants v out to the bcttt,lyceum standards. Heart," November 17th will bring Robert others. "The Music Mailer," Hi i, .:.; Sutcliffo, lecturer, who will be fol lowed Ooccmlior 18th with The Orl- oIum, n trio of young Indies, who offer i delightful mimical prugrum, Inter xi'oiHotl with scloclcd rcndliiRM. All iiln TlicreHo Duvimll, a young womnn or iixirHopllniiry nttalnmcnts, will bo Hpcn hero In February In selections Tho llrowor Mimical KnterUlnm will clone tho hciihom In March with a program of cxreiitlounl merit. The above nttractlmm com rccoa mended an Hie bent tlmt will be mm on (lie Pacific Count tills fctaton. Mr. Houston Iiiih iirrnnKed to kII fieation tlckeU ul iiducttl priced, talnnblo from scliool children or it from "The Molting I'ot," "Peg n' My tho opera house. Election on Keno Power Franchise November 14 'UA : . ' t t my 5V' Aft : I V'i,? $t 4 & wss, ' rrr ws,i.vt b,tf.,S'Z'sif.s "'" . wrA;;' ??, . e: ; .rv-i w 2its"s-? After his second game with the Brooklyn club in the closing aeries of four games) in which the pennant in the National Leaguo was Involved, John J. McGraw, manager of the Giants of New York city, quit the fWd In disgust. Brooklyn won two tonight games from the Giants in which the latter club played very poor baseball. Whether or not this action will develop into n baseball scandal remaliiH to be seen. After the game Manager McGraw made u statement. "I don't say anybody did no! try to win," declared McGraw, "but I don't stand for tho kind of busebull the Giants played. They disregarded many of my signs, and Perrltt more than onco took his wludup with a man on base. Such basebill disgust ed me so that I left tho bench and did not rco the finish of the game." The iwople or Klamath Falls will vote on November Mth on tho ques tion of granting to the Keno Power ifimpiiny a frniichlso to distribute electricity within the city limits. This was decided lust night by the :lty council after tho ordinance stating tlio terms of tho franchlso had been Introduced and passed to Its third leading. The pcoplo on No vein bur Htlrwlll merely express to the city council Its wislios on tho queBtlon of the fru cblso. Then tho council will carry out these wIbIich by granting orp fusing a franchise. Only tno council can actually grant a frnuchlfe. Tb ordinance, read for tlio flrat tlmeltit night, cannot bo phsmciI finally ajitll sixty days liavo elapsed. At tho f or this period thu council will P the ordinance, thereby granllofiw franchise, If tho people hove so wW Otherwise the ordlnanco nvr ' come mi for a third reading. Si- STRIKING MINERS Property Is Vacated. The council last night pasted the ordinance vacating certain property in Bbipplngton addition. Tho Klam ath Development company petitioned to have the property vacated. A saw mill may be constructed upon it, Lyceum Numbers Will Entertain This Winter J. V, Houston kai Just completed . efforts of this bureau. The season arrangements with the Ellison White l.wiy open October 25th with the lyceum bureau for J. series .ofaUrac. I pomus P(ayers, a company of dra tlons which are said to excel all paitjmntic artists whoso work ' rpnform. BIOCK ROADWAY HHKUIFF AMI) PAHTV FAIL TO FOIICK OPKNING OK KOAD. SIIMTIA BIAV HK CAhLKD TO IMHPKItHK Mi.NRItH United Prows Service HUTTKIl CRKKK, Calif., Oct 10. Two hundred and fifty striking min ora this morning blocked the roads leading from here south to the Eure ka mines, 'and prevented Its reopen ing. Efforts of the sheriffs party to force a way were unsuccessful. The local authorities are request ing calling for a militia detachment. Up to late this afternoon, there have been no clashes, u is believed the miners are armed, CHANDLER BEST; RIDER AT YRFM Klamath county cowboy t good share of tho prlxe at the Trw rodeo, according to William B'a who returned from Vieka tody. Love Chandler of Mall- etfWj first prise in tho bucking conU. nnd Sims took first place al I JJ days In tho potato raco. He won race over nuffalo Vornon, one w bwitin.the world In this event. Chandler performed the feat of bulldogglng a eer ,r7 automobile., n.to 1 Fietchor. tno --, .. --- ., MMB IBS ,econd to cn"T. nna. The bulKKW" George negro, came tne Ducxing cuim. - - VMttt, vent was won by - v unanuier bibd" " . tl 1 iMMjMl, for twenty j the loagest rides evo. --- k..ll eutakaii nauid tay "' seconds, k, .m . J", r ' " "J .,- i .;.:'-