"8jW? VT rt raiK?: -. sttj i :"Wi " J il- "-J-J "" 3 1 "V" l -W J 3 '3rfg3K' ' ; "i ",. .f- . :j L , . jK". iS '1.il v 1V JWl?ir tv'.-V,i' ! SI ti-VtV tTP f! ',jW.VSjiSie -iSSJ '1- .'M r e-? ska -HbbbbbV -a .BBamaasw .aBBaa.! ' 1 "M'W- j &tlUFl t'u t KLAMATH COUNTY'! rijftfJLYl T it re- j. OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER fltar -J !SP T i J.. - .;?., 'viir jl'" ? a. . s.-s w k a. i s fv ' " t -T. ( r - r v. '.'W-',t' II I " KLAMATH 'PM&Mm i ! .f.'2:i?-Itfc')g' urrivini nabwaaaaBmr.-iv - r ? -iaBsiaaaaMC. -""' &gim& s&mz Itveath Veer No. r .. A mmmwmmwmmm Q aa waft. VM A Wat. WA VM 4a. ? .a WBaaaBBBiaBV a .eaaaa sagaa aamaw aaa aaa ., ammaw aaaa'aaaBaaai aaVaWi - .; aaa ar bt "aTlai BBa BBa BB BbI Ba BM BB. W bTwj BrwJ BT BT af BB BT BBrVjBrwaV bt S BBJ mmm. BrBm. BB Bar. aVX B-ak. Br"Bi aM Br Br Br "m B Ba B Ba Bl BBS BBI BM Ba Bl Bal BB B Bl B Ba Ba B BB. BBJ BIBI BBBgBa m m M Bal Bar Bk Bl a BBI BBi H fl BB. Bl B III Bl' Br-BB,.KBL',Fv' - VI KM AKMhVWA I IN I J hill Ml llIi VHIPK ICS.T k". B?f h. K Lf nww'"""l'l-lu,l""r"''"'"''""""" bh bbI fffl bbB ffaM Waal bbbI 1 bbB WaK bbWJ TbbbI bbWJ bb, WaBBT WbbV aVaaM bbM bbM bM "bbbI bbB bbb bbbI b1 bbB bbB WbbV bM bV bbB ffaffl Taffa aaal bM bWB b1 bbB rHT '.V? ifaaa- bbbI bbb! bbbbI bbI M bbI H bbI V bI bI bPI-H bbb! ' bbb! bbbTSbI Ibb! H bbb! bbI M V bbbT bbI ft bbb! ;;H. - - liulll JUL mmmJIA 1MJL If illllllVI R JRm LlRXJRmAJ IJRRR J Brooklyn Today Winslts First Game From Boston R SCORE IS 4 TO 3; (UTS ARE 10 TO 7 &" f. Iffi W I'lTtilKltM AIIK CHKD IIV 1 TIIK TWO CLUIW (le'Krror by lUmumfUtm Hon llcatifol Ttin In Flnit Two Omdn, IVwbrrt ClouU Out Tripto, Bat J0k Trylag to Mrrtdi It late a H. II. K. BrookliN , . .4 1 BROOKLYN, Oct. 10 -In n error. Iwgimc, ttie Dodgem this afternoon won tbclr flrxt enmo In the aeries tram the llonton lied 8ox. The gnroe wiBotdltliiKuUticd by any brilliant pfyiif. althouRh only one error was mitt taring the eiillro same. Mayii, (or Beaton, unci Coombs for Hrooklyn vim replaced In the box alter ouch hi4vil!owed evin hlta. Although the wenther was perfect, tha attendance wuh lighter than cith er of the flrat two game In Iloaton. It vaa catlinated that about 30,000 people wltnoBHcd the game. The batteries wore, Uoaton, Mnys and Thomaa; Brooklyn, Coombs nnd Miller. The umpires were tho sumo as In the flrat two gamoH. No aeorcH wero made by either sldo la the flrat or aecond Inning, although laBoaton'M flrat Shorten and Hobllt rttlBgled, hut neither scored. Beaton foiled to acore In the third H Brooklyn aevurod one run, Dau rt and Stengel Mingled, Wheat filed Ml, Cutabaw Blugled, scoring Dau hirt. Boeton failed to KVoro (tgaln In tho wrth and Brooklyn secured their jwd run. oiaon bunted safely, HHIar sacrificed, Coombs singled, wring Olion. . In the riftii inning It wa the same atery over again, excent that tha Candidates 13 Rural School Houses ' ? "r"t of n sorles of political 'WMIdalea' meetings, n. .the rural dls niof Klamath county Is scheduled vhL ,rmny cven,n uPPr till y ',choo, hou,e- Already h1en different meetings have been f'ltsied (or, 'faaW ,0et,n8 wore arranged by VS? 8c,100 Superintendent Fred il!:?on ' wrote to the various USr" ni Mked the to give their aeeoho ,nii iki.j .. .. ... -tw u uunr ria w ibv o2S H8hMta YJtw.ri y 22 -Lowiia,'-"'. f W F PS( r.iu wsar ii nn.... . ."r.... r II Unnav i...f(v.ii.v i " QaUbA. It . r iange raneyi He Couldn't Win Third for Boston - v t - Maya, a former NorthwcHt l.onguo twlrlcr, wau removed In tho sixth, after ho had ullowod aocn hlta. He was replaced by Foster, Dodgora secured two runs liwtcnd of ono. Wheat und Mowry walked, OlHOn tripled, acorliiK both Wliout nnd Mowry. Uoaton aocurcd th'olr flrat runs in tho hUIIi, when they mndo two tulilcs. Ilondrlckaon, batting for Mays, wnlk cd, Hooper tripled, scoring llondrlck pon, Shorten MliiRled, scoring Hooper. Uioiiltlyu failed to acoro, although L'Hibert knocked out a three baggor, but wa out nt pinto trying to mnko a homer. Foster roplaccd Muys for lii'don, who had allowed aoven hlta. In tho aevonth Uoaton made thoir third nnd Inat run, and Brooklyn failed to score. In this Inning Combs, who had allowed aoven hits, was ro- plnced by Pfeffor. Nolthor acored In ll.o eighth, nnd Uoaton fnlled again In tho flrat hulf of tho ninth. To Talk in OctoborB Spring Lnko. October 27 Pine tlrovo. October 88 Fort Klamath October 31 Donansa. November 3 Olene. , November 4 Keno, November 6 Henley. Sunerlntendent Peterson auggosted tn each school that' a light lunch 'be served at a nominal cost, and that no effort be mado to get, money out of ii.. MBdidatAi. He also suggested B$MMhWliit for county, offlce ;yvi,t!ire;lnutea In, wktoMo pnaresa tno wi -," c rr f onqtaersoflkes five mlntes,.and?fB VASitii'dlkefcHloa of the Inltla- ZJtJ?A thnt tlmae suggeatloua will (xbeeted tnni muse uv.w" 'bl TflWout Ib eaeh district, KLAMATH FALLS, ORECtON, TUESDAY, vm I, ii rn-u-Anj-Ln.nn.n.aaaru-u-u Red Sox DOTY DECLARES LOTS CAN NOT BE EXEMPTED MX'IjAUHH citv has no powkr IN TIIK MATTKK Council Fruiii Fifth AVanl Hays As NewmietiU and Uoud Iaauea Are Agalnat Property Sought to Be Exempted From Taxes aad That Interest on Tliesc Uoads Must Be Collected From Hahl Iiiid. A storm broke last night In the council chambers of tho city hall when ? Police .Judge- LeavlttThaoLf In' Ished reading a petition from the Klamath Commercial Club, nsklnc that tho council exempt from city taxes a tract of land near Shipping ton nnd another south of Sixth atrect. Councilman U. R. Doty of tho Fifth ward caused most 'of tho storm, but ho made up for tho silence of tho others. To quiet things, Councilman O. 1). Matthews moved that the mat ter bo roferrcd to City Attorney It. C. Oroc8beck Tor an opinion. The council voted yea on this motion. But the mater could rot be ua usldo until Councilman Doty had lot ii be known distinctively Just how ho aloud on the propoaitlon. "Aasoasmenta and bond laaues for Howors and tho city hall are agalnat that property and you can't remove It from the tax rolls. The holders of the bonds would bave you Into court In no tlmo," said Doty. "1 don't understand that It Is tho purpose of this petition to have the tracts of land cleared from any as sessments against It. Tho petitioners see only to hnvo it exempted from annuul tuxes," said City Attorney Orocsbeck. When bo asked it that wero correct, simultaneously from Fred Fleet and J. W, Siemens, secre tary and prealdent of the commercial club, came the respense: "Yea, that Is all." Judging from' City Attorney Qroes beck's statement .last night, he prob ably will report that there are no legal objections to exempting' the the property, from annual taxes. Mr. Doty has made himself unmistakably plain. A real, scrap is anticipated next Monday -evening. The Klnma'th Commercial Club is. asking, that taxes not be collected from the two .tracts inenwunew Inducement torsanufacturers .to lo-' cate In Klamath 3a)Mk, v v v ' , ;, ? ' r 'i HKCKPTION FOIt PASTOR ) ynvmn HBivDTOWaiiT A program of addresses'vocal and J ini.iniinffli music buu b, rnuini been arranged for the .reoeAloA, this evening for Rev. and Krt; W B. Rarabo at the Christian church. ' The addreaa of 'Welcome will be Klven by R. H. .Dunbar and the re sponse by Re Rasibo Mf' B, B. Henry will re'ndWT vdcaj number nd 'Misses' Joale Low Bd Maple """ ' . . . . a J-J Rambo and ! high f cuooi orenearaj will renaer j wo num; ! ah members and friends of the" church'are Invited to tfie reception l.i Stands by the President :k In the , ir'H' PHILADELPHIA, Oct.lO-Charles K. Hughes, republican nominee for president of the United States, today dprlnrod that he feols it his patriotic duty to"refraln from confmentlng'on tho Newport submarining, so as not to cmbarraB .President Wilson In this crisis. ' i 'This is a time when wo, must Bts,nd Furber Suataliw Injury. J. J. Furber, looat agent-for Wood Curt.Is'company, this morning suKered n deop laseeratlon of the scalp' when he (ripped and struck his head on an Iron Ico carrier. He was on tho tank at I lie' Ice factory when he tripped and fell forward, his head .striking; the carrier. A gash three Inches long und deop enough to reach the skull wns cut. Do?s lAis Prove i t 1 ' ,v -Here U a photograph of the life preserver-found tat Cape Bllsabeth, Me.,' which may or ma-fMt prove Vhs eraa- merchant stthnaarlae was loat at Mat .The navv"Breen" jiteafllled. Wacfc, ; $& sides of the buoy.. On pae side of the ieavM ttf'&M'WV'WW 1 ' ' ssfSPSSlBa. I s iuiBBBBBWaaVBBBBrf W,M(P'P'B!ESi5JC!aaa1 . b yi i"Sf iiaTiaisjsBPiMBaaa VBBBBBflPaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV BKHHBM M 'BaaaP" ''' ,"J " " jfjJ -. CHARLES E. HUGHES. Hnrrnirriiii ii m "- iisaissB vTifi'iVn y.-" t:i.i;..ww n r ritfvjaMsassiiiBlBaJ t ,, i I. . OCTOBER 10, 116. i MAMMMMWWMMMMWMMmMMMWMMMMMMWf Submarine Crisis Ijoiilnd the man who Is upholding' the re?pon8lbllrty- of our country," said Mr. Hughes. He stated that he may dlscusstthe submarining after ihe" tenaIon"Is- casedyMr; Hughes expects to con tinuelbis discussions, of .the principle oi pioiecunK Araencan uraiwu v"a rt- aen and all, other places . SUBMARINING RAISES INSURANCE ONSHIPPING ' '. 5-5 5- United Press Service LONDON, Oct. 10. As a direct re sult of the submarining of six freight steamers" off the American coast Sun day, insurance rates on shipping have materially raised, : according to Lloyd's. l he Bremen Lost? crown. Over this mark waa the word. "Shuiamarke." meanlna nat'sated of trademark. aWneth VerVthi wordi v" RnnlnvHniran. WilhalmahavaB Ai thU jn'dlpitfdrapparentry, the name a il.A babIpaW' TtiA nvauwAl amuiAVttd time, Yt' wii' atalsed 'with' bll! flrbViiiew1 and.'apBareatly had not been In' the' water' a great' length of .' BB-BBk "BBBT SBT "1H VBBT BrBBT.'lBBrBBkVlBBPrBBBil ' BJ'BV'T BaVw BBl"'B. BK'flaiTBBBaMKGf KPMIIiflt Wfh-Bal sV Jsl aaaaLBBV -4fcBTBlti. " bbb) 'BaaaBBa bsb bbi aaiBBnBBBj. v?bbjb"j fr ONE IS SIGHTED OFF NANTUCKET TODAY TT NO TRACE SEEN HIT ii M BY SUBMARINE M.KVKN DESTROYERS' SEARCH . AREA OF'DESTRUCTIOX Search WW Be Afaaadcmed If XotUns; l Vnaad In TvmK.rmir HnnHL j? ' i- - . 5J Gale aad Cold WeaUier Ts BeUeved to Have Made Fladaac Isapoaoible. Belle) That Oiily Five Vessels Were , - j ' .. i Torpedoed Grows Bttvagert " a, United Press Service NEWPORT. Oct. ndiEleven lor rtdo-Wtttfove-rs l4"a flTft lle - ?j li'"',! a.' T -; use iBomr-Mn.,wwBmfnMf,.iaa area-coc me uerasaa u riaie acnvmeajHt tat effort to find-the crew of taVateanier 'Klnaston dacersofthenafMl the des'trpyers-'wll'l meet'' with 'little success after' last night's 1 Unless the crew '$ found in the. next twenty-four hours' the 'search v.lfi W abandoned. ' l' a ''"; Rear Admiral Oleaves believes that 'the wireless received1 yesterday tell ing that1 survivors of the Kingston were found was1 erroneously '"trans mitted. The weather 'Is Wry unset tled, and many persons believe the w ireless operator rafafead. taenaao. Tiie jChrlstlanri Kaaiaonf auBaiaoiei aid after. being torpedeed: ?jil UnUed Pesa SerVtMf 2 J fTEW YORK, Oc?.10. There Is a grou-lng belief -that only wero submarined Sunday siibumrines owing to contradictory reiiorts regarding the Kingston and the Inability to" find any traces of her. 'Vessel Banis) I. Saved' UnUed Press Service, . t ; SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 10. The local Toyo Klshen Kalsha Is advised that the liner Seattle Macu tareach' tng Yokahoma, afire, but will-not be seriously damaged.. Murder, Charge DtaaaJased . BAN LUISOBISPO, Oct.. 10. Jus tice Mallagh today . dismissed -the, ciqrder, charge against, Vic Hanson, accused of kllllng.Mra eadle Sween: ey:,. The .grand, Jurx advised diamis-. sal cf .the .charge. m y jaj. - . as . 1 Bend Issue 'OBvNovtBsiwvim oiV,Pa-tlBWi theteleaaljhtlojirtlje , payers of KutFglsi: or not In'thV proposed Btraaorn railroad from Klamath Falls to gprague;Rlver The .city .eeunell iet thla, date lsAt sight, TJ,ypte.yahe Mt , could, beheld at the.aametlme ottke general elestWaybttt aa theolty. wardij do pot.corraaponeV wlh the, votlag preaWsr theralvele?tleii confusion would result from a double, !... "Vaa irHt taa'kaau' would ,.,-, . rT ,TJ OFVESSEL i , ' "iTt$ j ?'tfj- ..Jre- vn -isi,ariK; ra i- .. v At n- 4 s Clf-.-sT sfJjrait Ka HAin nn iiAVPmiipr ia MJXm KRAjWm MmmM.lWl VlaaVF" 't-... . f S J? A. . ifvAW i " . rtek.vai . tiaaBBBBgaaajaBBBBpaBBVBBBBaaiaH , '& tUfVw t'&fKfkA1i zm - .- ''" .v - -"'-rrfy: tf SwBjria kfhMfiM aaasvi vassa- sjbxsb. " ,-j.- &Si .:$ w SBSBSSBBBI ' .BsB aBSBB aBBaflBBB?SBasL V.jKsi ' r "w-. ! "U3iKJ. y ,wiwiH MXER CHAXG8S COURSK IfRB i Swl raVBRiWAJURKO ' its f y -pU- & Cuaierosda, liosa 1'i' 1 Mb 700 Course Wheat Sfce : JRwa . Mfc nice of CaliaMniaes ubcbk -r-w-eu.y er Arrivlaa; Teday OmVi ii Water Boat, BssleTJi , ' , 1 United Press Berrlee ---rs- " 1 NEW YORK, Oct 19 TaViaeiior line steamer CaxaeroHhv arrived tts morning from Liverpool with 7f passeacersv - Her, captain says., the Camfla . Jjanged her course wbea he keari.oc cjisnged.her course the. German aubsaariaes oCNarfctcat., The, Greek ateaaaer Taraa:alee ar rived, today, and i-eerte.'tlrsae. sighted a submarine ol NaaUBSsm;'-" ThteNrotild-ladlcate tat laej dWi a v. hlchdeatroyed sU,tri;s4afBers; osl. the AtfrjtjwfWWKZ;; TSCJ iatutae nun,.nw7 :Pp."3gaj aar-ja&iea-eariTis BamMff wmmm& Jiui. .BTHisaasTtaL' . " . j ii" il-g :r T "S -TTf .1: I &tf fVrf- A"?OTsftS racr" f . grr-Sr 'jf g-',S -i , v '!. bW5-: -. -"a PROPERTY IS ON iCAIN,irBn,TO ,.-, BBaBaas -L-. m . ,- - mm m. mm m- m j " i1lf?SHM?K IeIsaSsJsI FEET OF StfOHM . .ar i- 6Mnnu: llfn BsV ..'r AMONG MOST ''VALUABLE "'iM " Ii&liJl tjlUaib aAaTM JKCVaV PI J r KUMATH PAIM' , ,? .iSto f. s. g-!."4 "- f rs- .CS&..A;::;! . Showing hlsntWetoitlhitS lure oiwauaBBauK'evwawiafc, dr2w,Ser0Wl Main .street. ;fcej entk street!. baek'to theratler eaitVide of 'tbtlPalat' tha east aide of tha .BBBsitoaW XsWd & i.iH( JT" in? rK lilfwoCIMBampa IMKirlMBNH-W K"r . T J : T.t "! -.l-3fi j1'-!- 1' MH m MBBBBBBB tSflBBBBJBJ .vMBOj. ai uAmi.11 .M Jtn 47. fu-i J 'compaay'Volker MJMtMl -c The con8ldeVatIohwaVl.t,'- 1 ' Acquirement of UU property .sWfe Mr, Jacoos a wain ,vrei ajpBw JjrJr from the corneTbt Sixth aidMaisj, fjjiggm block, ... iA ... . it I- j. i - ?- j.i T'.;1 x -i"" i. t MA Jc9ba say. ,he(iwlll 'MtipK .vgaa ;i1tJ modern bulldina oa his new a.a.1.-... .aalf'"i-7li-1' bit;s,;ygt u ff&MT&z character., , tvjiINigrrg.' Vl " sjfX'r& Election &:& ibvh fas M.H. i - MwTWmw 5,.3TZ.3? --mswf fei4$SSF-i .v m&mmmmk r be. .yei.t.U :-w eleotten .tsailajSMp a4 aeaaed t.llt will se.iiaauy hrka esxJWea-rfii' teraeyaemateyeaif Idtlatnliht; Itlal the' ordlia'aaewilrii when Jt" oeajeVjifati next Monday .iyasja-v, ' i.;''lJ,'y' - .., "sn ysrim ww, SxMSSM rttafliw'- "'w. rf&jzri.'. hns"Zz& i"fM . a." r ,.3VR- in1'. m gri r:w ." i'St-s 'J3T ra i si r?m P "rofCJ'i.'' 1 .-.rri: 'nt! . 1j V-H iC4J 4 ! ( ' rf?sS" zw ?iK jT I a -j vii v !ft ZPt "if " ? A-- u fi 4$ 'vS .V ? J , Si"&a: SSTK.! mASS'. 2v'es! ivi- j?ic mm r sr!t 32a ,tr?jrtei"l. 'jag' f--r sscb 2TOI ik'-feMi yj' 'WSy .'! " Kff,l' -V !:" m ij1" . ii.w" x,-. L.a 1, w1 'xAt.