',w 'ik"": ' s'K. r" ,S5Cv'' j:.y' ,,:: 'VVffii Wy TO - . fcflK.LW&.; 'i...i i Asy & H wwsri - '.t j AK.-S.TJ J tt. ?. r . 93. ifLAIIATHCOUrrairt JJ j&2Ldi&A r."W'i KLAMATH f'3fK c.v:'''1 OfflClAL NBWrA- .aaMMlttVIB OFFICIAliN -. -.OT- tiftZii .iv- ; ri Svy A wiwj..ja' wm mwr9sf' jr t " wytrmsm .asgsgsgajs.- . ' i J ' &T jf5Kffl lUralB N I IF ,Vwr. No. 8.1 14 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGOMjiTHURSDAY OCTOBER 5, 1916. 3E W..I BLfc. - - Mgwwmtm pj, j . Hfw L, jiS j? " 7J! - 'ra,vi- !iriir-? .i.':i W.$J e?it 3SE rw - :" m SK. ?. ji ,f I M,IM . :, , ' .a. gav gfc. samv mm mtmmi sua ,tt ':. .. r 5t "."rwa 4 in, flfl asr astaV afssa. WsV W wB aw A wa WWM m WnV W? Wl silm. Wssaav mhm aaa amm mm( mmnmmmtmmwmmmkwmmmammmm hm" r--m m W MAMAMM !! M H 11111 -. Ml 11 W B W flllllll 1T1I lH MJUU KU V AN ANN JKh. MA iH KKM) 1NVEL0PED AND ARE CUfOFF FROM ANY ESCAPS IS SEVEREST DEFEAT SINCE ANNIHILATION AT TUFRAKAN mKRAb VIIXAUKH TAKKX HE yOREDKKKATtVMKM bMft (or KuirnpiKM InvHthNU Mitile tafowlbto liy IK'ntrucluii of I'oh. i and lkimbnrdniMit of Tknk- InH Clnliiw Alllc' Are Hnhf HucrrHN In Other I'urU uf IklkM rlRhlliiff. ' XSO.H Ptcm Service 80TU, Oct. S.Tha Dulgarians tu- I, kMTetopcd and unnlhllatod 15,000 iMujau, who wnro Invading Uul avta, lillctlnc tlic ureotwt loaa and km of tho Ilalkan flfbtlar aluco tat aulhllatlon or a larn force at iyhMtt,nr't,'''k''Ml W'MsS ft' n ' Dntnietlon of tho poutoona acrowi tkt rhw and bombardment of tho (nuaorU allowed only a few of tin RbMakni to cNcnpo acroHs tho Dun- All attack by tho Rniwlans ntul Biaulan on Dubrndjn have boon rtinlMd. Tie RaminlaiiH occupied Bnvornl Tlltntor HulRarla before tho 'Jul ririiM attacked them today. CilM Preig Scrvlco IARI8. Oct. G Tho nlllen nro Mtrinc MonaMlc, nud have occuplod Bal. Elsewhere In tho IJnlknni) they proircssed only allRhtly. ibila It hindering tho offonnlvo a the Sommo Itlver. Kim canon wero captured nt dny lak this morning by tho French i Komi, 00CTHALH TO KI,I INVKHTK3ATK IIII.Ij t . CIW Prew Scrvlco OMAHA, Oct. r.. I'rcaldont WIN will ask Colonol Goothals, bulld- of the Pauamn canal, Intorstuto Coamerce. CommUalonor Clarke and jw Rubles, federal trade coram If -Mr, to servo as membera of tho Ittoe to Investigate the opora wb of the Adamson eight hour bill to railroads. Other Militiamen Called "wd Press Service WASHINGTON, D. 0.. Oct. G. oPartment comraandera today "" orde',ed to eond all remaining uiusmen from tho vnrloua states to Z U bordor Thl 0,,' --. iwutlamen recently wam from the border. re- THOMPSON HERE SHORT VISIT HKNATOIt TH()MIH). OV liAKK. VIKW, CAMMDATK 1'Olt lUC KIi:CTI)., I'HKIMItl.VtJ lOlt C'AMI'AKJ.V HOU.V KILLED AS HE IS ENGINE F0RJHRESHM6 li:.Tll COMKH ALMOST INSTANT. 1A' TO V. I. .IONICS Wum Ijiclnoor of TIiickIiIiiw Kiiplnc, mill Was Stni'tliiu Up TIiIn Moi-iiIiik When ClotlihiK muKht in Wlievt ttHMJr9LlMMCAKilJSky,,:,J Ci-umIiIiik lli'iid-rlliMl 'iteeu Hero i:inliturii .'MoiiIIis. W. I). Jones wns -Hudilcnly klllo:! I hi;: moriiliiK when ho. was (Hurting .1 threshing niiichlno ciuln on Cio lion. W, l.nlr ThoiiipHon, Hlato xen ntor mill I'roBldcnt of tho gennte nt tho Inat fli'Hulon, l In Klnmnth Kalla on IiIk return fror))Bult'in, whero lie nrxut'd n runo before tho tmproino court. P alTTo'm Vwon'1wlTJ"ni t u r7t o Uako county tomorrow, whero he Is to at tend n nicotine of tho Stockmen's Atujoclntlon nt I'ataloy. lie will bo back in Klumnth county tho hitter part of tho month, mid expectx to nuikn n cnmpulKn throughout the county. Tho republican county cuii-.Tlm fc'ixiluck plncc In tho JHilin ilii tiul commlttro hnii been trying to st trlrt Mr. JoncH wns englncor In the cure. Senator Thoniiwou na ouo of tho tlirrohlng crow. Tho engine was on. flienkers In tho national campaign, an ceuler, and ho put Ills foot on the lk ho Ik lecognlzcil iih ouo of tho host wlicd to get her( off center. Tho public HpeakerH in thu ftale. lie may throttlo wag open at tho time, so coiiHint to niako a fow Hpcechci ) when tho engluo got off ceutor tho through tho county on tils visit hero v.l.ti turned rapidly, tho lntlcr part of tho mouth. Jones' clothing wiih caught, ami 'then his hand. lie wna turned over two or three times, when his head titruck tho wheel and wna crushed. I.'ratt. came almost InsUntly Tho deceased rnmo to KInmntn county about 18 months ago from Virginia for' his health. Ho had Im proved greatly, and Intonded to locate here. For sonio time ho liaa boen living with A. II. Hnle, who spooks of him as a estimable man. i Airs, .nines nrrimu iium yii '"'' 1IAN THIS KVKN1NO AT OI'KN- t, julu hor husbnnd only n month ngo. Several of tho threshing crow on a aa thtaa a, a. j. ..j. j. . . j. -. . -. . -. . . . . .-. j. j. j.aa aaaa j ... . . ..-..-. ..-. . LihS'r - -- . t - ' V ...!. Republican Candidates Meet in Indianapolis 34 1 vgh SkWmmWkmWkWmWf MWWMaHiiWi!iM i&&mBB$SmS&MM&mmmmmmmmmmmr lf'!"tfSaaiffffHivSi;RHki , wlM$WKmMmmmWSmmmmmmmmT- mmm nmMmfmKem(UmWlmmmmmmmmmmlm WmKSKLmWmWm 1 iMnHlHnaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiK: Wrii" BKrviraMBPHi1K3BllllWCBlllllllllllllllllllllllllHBlHBllllllllllll r &JUlia'ifak7lBKHaiffe3BfBlfffBBaifflBlfffff wigtf ?Tya4iHlTTiBraTgifWiBBHBBaitititit RaIBKfBfVBiiiiiiiiiiiii tilMBTi MwBBf -""" aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiWWi r waLF'jrBr vw'maii.'.. .. -, & fatEilSi&BXemmmT .v-. PH y, . tZ&rmmwwmMMFJi mBmmmmmmmmmmmmWKmmmmmmm mmmmmmm'.'-..v XfljeTanMaCJExr HHffaHaifffffBiBiffffffffiifffffffffffffff E -&l&mBm&i jmmmVBmmmmmmwmmmEi'i:':::i--iLl tftitMjB' MKMmmmmmmm3ln.ilm)Mm &4&&Mgm BBSSmmmmmmmmmmmwKmm yao Wmmmmmmmmmmmmmm-- WMtM v?'flfiwnf'. JtHKnPMHSMBHHkffftffllfiMaiffffV . l mmmmMSBFKmmmmmwm t& t swt&jLi 1 i ii in 1 1 ntm i' in frtir. .isy' ; " .ywy.7 i-). . yra.jarvyigiitrt..'iMT!z .' r, &.11. s. x x jw.l tj 'a4. t ...V. auBKVBBiBMM naanMHrnBaanBHaMMsanaawsiaafaMaaaaaaBaaaafai Sfi5 aw.- . rif s $$$ . A .AwTPVtWi. '.$ wswnygvrti.pjw.ni.iiriiyOTaMa! ROLL CALL WILL BE HELD TONIGHT AM, KKKS AUK UIUJKI) TO UK O.Vl IN OF TIIK WINTKU HKSHION)' OF THK LOIKIK Iho Spolaclc plncc, which is rented liy It. L. Dnlton and llurrls Brothers, wero present whon tho tragedy oo tuned. Coroner Whltloclc was notl- l.n nnllllnl f.lll M 1 1 II II ll nllnlllllC O f the winter session of tho Klks Ixdge,"' Immediately, and rushed to tho ... i.. i.-i.i i.i.i, i.. im iiwicn hnii . pcer.o. Will UU UUIU IVlllBiii .D- at Third and Main streets Several features In entertainment are prpmlsed for tho members, tho moat Importunt of which will bo n boxing exhibition botwoon two local bqya. All KlkB aro urged to bo present nt tho roll call tonight. No funeral been mndo. arrnngemoiits linvo Hughes Starts on Third Tour; to Make 36 Stops WUl: Presi service E J?K' 0ct 6Charl.a K. iSai? . th,rty-l tow and will ViILk Wch 8tpp tnm thrM to United Press Service OMAHA, Oct. 5. President Wil son makes three speeches here today in bobklf of his candidacy. Over 150,000 people are expected to hear the three, speeches, Owing to the gathering of enthu- fjuaifn crowda at the stations, wn ,Tk. ....:.. r- uuniir.n ..ju.. - .. . 'outn Dakou. uihi .j ,a.. At ... ! on the trlu west to "-, "wwm,sw mw i twnai w mm- wm -"- - P' Wr wim q c"M,o?w m this fclaallo crowds at ine aiauou, V kisi al. .LV8de N'l. North' Da- son's special train Is stopping at every WORLD'S SERIES DRAW BIG CROWD AM1KADY AMi ttKSBliyKO SKATS FOU AWi TI1RKK riAJlES IN ItOKTON ARK SOLD 30,000 M4UK IIOTKIi ACCOMMODATION - i Omaha. fjnltod Press Service UOSTON, Oct, !. Hotel men hero pay this year's world scrloa games w.ll bring tho ulggost outside crowl that ever nsomblcd In Uoston to sop a ball gnmo. It le ostlmated that before Satin dn'y 30,000 will bo seeking hotel ac commodations, President Han Johnson of the Ainorlcun Loaguo will arrive-tomorrow. All reserve seats for nil tliroo 'of the- local gamea have aireaay neon sold, , Copyright, Underwood & -Underwood. This shows tho first meeting of Charles K. Hughes, republican candi date for president, and Chnrlcs W. Fa Irbanks, candidate, for vice president. It was taken dining Mr. Hughes recen t trip to Indianapolis. Grand Duke Nicholas is Made Chief in Caucasus United Press Sorvico LONDON, Oct. 5. Stockholm re ports that Grand Duko Nicholas has been trnusfcrrcd from tlie command of tho operations In tho Caucasus to the position of commander in chief of tho Russo-Humanlnn forces' in tho drive Into Bulgaria. " , The grand duko will be in supreme command of tho operntlons at Dob rudja and along the Danube, and will ndvlso tho Slav commanders In. Trau sylvanla. It Is generally believed that this moans an offensive to crush Bulgaria und Isolnto Turkoy from her ajllos. Bucharest reports allied victories nt Dobrudja, and says the Sorblaus havo progressed In Mncodonln, In tho western flgthlng, artillery, action along tho Sommo continues. A British raid on Vimy has boon suc-cpssful. Fir Takes College United Press Sorvico . PT. LOUIS, Oct. 5. Four are dead r.nd ns many, missing aa the result of tho burning of tho Christian Brother CollogC today, Ten firemen were ln 'Jured In fighting- tho blare. , . m i Hero From Mcdfonl A. 13. Ueamea and wife' of Medford npeitt last ulght In Klamath Falls. Mr. lleanjes, is a brother of United Strttoi Attorney Cluyenco Reames. . . I t 'aSEBiriBfssssBT I ' ijfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgr BafssssMsSaafsssssssssssssssI PA -faJi "&! Av ViiitS . ft A.r "'-. ... J r y VVjsfs J Vi (JMud Duke Nicholas NlrbotarerUth of Rum4a WITHDRAWAL WHEN SAFETY IS ASSURED: . " - ." . in .1 ,V6V-J T IJiS-Kr J K'W?f '4 , y&M .i&k yf. J ar"'Jii : - H7K:x!i " CSC" "Z'TlSvj .s " m -Li -JV j?a ft-ys GREEK ARRESTED; MUST FACE WHITE SLAVERY CHARGES TAKEN TO WEED OR TRIAL THIS MORNINti Gust KutiHPcs Is Oiarged With Ab- ductiog Mrs. Mary Shaw of Weed, Transported Her aad Child Several Daya Ago.to TbJ City aad Heated House, Where He Kept Her House Frequented by Other Greek. Charged with white slavery, Oust Kutiupes, a Greek, was arrested yes terday by Sheriff C. C. Low and this morning waa taken to Weed by Dep uty Sheriff McKinney of Siskiyou. Kutiupes Is charged with transport ing Mrs. Mary Shaw of Weed from Weed to Klamath Falls, which consti tutes a violation of the Mann white frlave act. Kutiupea was arrested at Shipping ton, where he was working for the Klamath Manufacturing company. He brought the woman and her I -year-old child from Weed several days ago and tented a house in Klamath Falls. Besides himself and the woman, oth er Creeks lived at the same bouse. The warrant from Sheriff Howard of Siskiyou county does, not call .for the arrest of Mrs. Shaw. She ia still in 'town. Sheriff Low dqes not believe Mrs. Shaw is fully endowed, mentally.- Her actions and talk indicate this, says the iiherlff. MILK FIOHT BELIEVED ENDED; DAIRYMEN WIN United Press Service NEW YORK. Oct. 5. It U believed that the milk trouble has been ended by the distributors recognising the dairymen's organisation. The former indicated, this today. Aa ft result of the milk shortage for i-everal days the price of meals in restaurants roae, W& TXf: tfs- S5S2SS as - .,., i'TAJK THE AMERICAN COMMlSWONEBfi: STATE THETA POSITION t' Cunauza Must Show Ability to Pre.; tno?j of Geaeral Perahhsa; aadl Ms Mra CoataUssIonera Say Other Matters More ISBportaat 'Mast aWl Disposed of First. United Press Berrlea ATLANTIC CITY; Oct. 5'. Despite President Carranra'a insistence for ait early withdrawal ot General . Perth J. sxuS&.i i.5 H "W i:i:-m ing's expedition in.Mexlco, the expe- xMS&a dltloh wllL not be wlttewxwi4tf&$ Mexico is anie to assure aawty-otg-.i.K:: lives and property tKereaijswsiikaat liit aB;afe the American" members of the lolatf "4tfi commission. In, session her. $ rJ&tjx. jss? & .? Tf.'C-r-- as a are many other' Important matters to " - " 235-1 settle before withdrawal fa: oiuMM(" -tjt ered. ' ? ' Z?ZWM & The obligations upon Mexico. as nation are being shown, to the Mexl-v can members of the commission, at , the meeting. It Is hoped that7 Amer ican insistence of keeping these obli gations will bring Carransa Into line. mi '. f&SA s.sj ; v .. -.jcVI 3 -.- j FARMERS HOLDINfi FOR 52 HyWSSA -imi &!mi -t vStf&l 'S.K'J ar . ' JHfSF- UlUiiT v? Alawsi&SsJm HIGH PRICE CAUSE BY TINE CROP SHORSlGE MAND OF ALUBeVWOB r-,asl r,siK. s-feaji - K5 . r- sJt V sr-. DIAN AND AUSTRALIAN t -.j jt si.ii-. sr--." 'am-.uf i 'mrv r??.!& ts iW! iW,Vji .alfl ''Trxm mm fJafsmJaPB . -u- vsm:-m m$Mf4m United Press Service . CHICAGO. Oct.. 5. -Middle wpjig?i'S dnlan ara nredictlnc 118. a Urr-?rv-I?-', : , , i.-. ' - '- ' ."'K-? TVNOfl flour aad. tt a bushel; wheat,. m&$izm 'A - il.'.J11..l: I .KJitfli to, tne poor crop in Argeatiaw aaa saw -?ai allies demand for the, Csdlan?sJl; Australian crops. ,i?JsJ ,&Mi Farmers or the Middle 53H itoijm imtmMgm WlflvSJSsS! holding for $2 a bushel, causing flour' to Jump. The other commodities also, ara clfpM& f-itLT3ra .WLwit? ,:s"-a ,1-? !!-. " Li-n VVZiV ?.4 .. - . - . faw. '..- -r. ' .:2,'A sTfl - Slflr. Zr f ?Z ii LIAi ftsBleifaaaSf fLfTaaamfJM grl aTBsTJir m'aajfalfalgfalslsTVK.' bs aTBisrfll safgtgigigiBiaiBiw gf a BiVBajgiBjBiA a 'www as " Til ,- ,, vh,. U AAsssaaA I ' am i4mam fl'sTWsii'illi asm SLatvaisiBiBisisLsi aaiaiaiwawaiai' .' si'.si,Baa ww --. . -r ... .. , -" 461C-S . .!. -vtiVfe . .,',r"n- F ,Jl'f stubborn fighting continues.. tlU i . Laife'1 . ftu?SS ..! J " .ffiL.17 - nk.'V'ii.T'-. "" ., m&mMMi 6,-IWU jUlttSi!cg 'li.!.1.'!. V. .! WtS! MK PETROQRAD, Oct. 5, Resuming the Caucasus offensive in co-operation with the fleet in the Black jfea, the Russlana are, advancing pa a wide front. This morning they captured the r the sommo. tne T!l'g!j.;jf "'-tt -"?T.H fortlflcatton at Kalabuha- Turktsh dum. At several other Places they hae penetrated the enemy a line and luj fllcted heavy loates;- ? On the Teuton front several posi tions also have been captured. - ; East of Vladimir and Volyuska wm s?-J,vjaS " a.ft2affiffl 3K! ssi&asws2 , .al' . J.-3 '-!, ii" iicr,A.,2i."!i. f3lGv'gK tMJ... 3 United Press. Sexvlea. BERLIN, Oct. that the allies av:tlM,. i$$&f trenches between rwfowrt'f 4 'gfif wl , , " . . '.7,'-J'i.. 'A'tter .nearjnf LmUh)4. tne urmsn wece.awiws ! w'Taasylfaa;tlM retreating ia t. tenflvsluwlwea.b. ;.u'viLr liv thttBuhif . -v-v iSsvfe"H&g& -1 T. vmmd r.T ,.fc.,."' ,rs ajSBBaB&aaaaBMdahaHL.-ii -n sepssjpuswfajiw'wa-i - - ,.--.. ..r- '.13 r S-,. ..!.? .'! JiV i . f - an s ,11, r.'t . .r 'irfisWiSH'-. - . -r '...' t5ii. -!,. ,a;'.w..fev..?j.i .?. ; 4.li ,W. : ,:, -v V1 ' -- "TM-" Trf' - -' : -"'t-