r. rfe" ' .." f JiTV.t.' '$ timing Herald n&j KLAMATH FALLI ; OFFICIAL NEWSPAPlir f ,t .. ' KLAMATH couwiro OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER .mm (? w vMs''" j-i. 'V- "' y 3U?P. Ctolh Vrar-X. BRITISH BULGARIAN CKECKS RUMANIAN! ...u.vian isi.AM IN RANURB, is cai'iured Jo I. IIiiu'hipiiM'nt )' Gernmiwj toil IIuIMi-ltiH, llimwnlnn Force VltliIriu (ii'iiiiiMW AImi Remove Hmr .'r Macedonia llerllii Claim Knoiiiioii" lwnttt for Riw- .i.m lii limic Atbick on l.ulxk. I United I'rwu Service LONDON, Oct. l.Gonornl Hulg rtporteU this afternoon llml the Hilt Ish have completely occupied Knu court lAbbnyo lit the resumption or the western offensive. The Hermans hold partH of thin vll lue (or novcrnl dayit, lint wore forced to tvicuatc today. Rain agnln In liindcrliiK Infantry actfonln the woet. Artillery lighting l active south of Autre. l'KeL Press trvl85$p3 SOFIA, Oct 4. Tbo Bulgarians hare occuptcd tin; Rumanian Inlnnd of Milakkalafnt, In tliu Da mi be. It la admitted that "considerable" RumanintiH hail Invaded MulKnrla bo fore noidlnnt destroyed tlio pontooim lency for Cox, a boy of IS years. Itny atrou the Danube. (niond told tho rourt that ho planned Bulgarian artillery has balled tho;ihu robbery, and was willing to take Rumanian oftVntlvo at lleaaul-l'er- veil United Press Service t SALONIKA, Oct. 1. -Tho llrltlsh hare enptured part of JeulkoJ, south of the Seles road. tnlled Press Servlco DKItl.lN, Oct. I. Tho UuiuanlniiH InvaJlliL" llnti!:irl:i hastily withdrew thla mornliiK when the (lermans and Bulgarians attacked on three sides and threatened to envelop the Invad ing forces. The effort to Hank the Teuton army at Dolrudjn has rompleiely eollapsed W'cit of I'arajd tho Iluiuanlans nave gained since yesterday, but else where in Transylvania they Imvobeeu rf pulsed, The (lennnn right wing lu Mace donia lum been withdrawn. ' In nn unsuccessful attuc.k of sev eral days on Tutzk, tho Uusslnns have tort enormously. Tho Hrlllsh have captured Krassa N from tbo llulgarlans. United Vress Service PETOOailAD, Oct. 4. Russian Mrihlps, co-operatltiB with tho llua urn nmi Itiwdnhii nn( forces, me attacking (Jcnernl von Mackonsou'a iiy huutli of Coustaza rallroud. Tho IlKlitlng Is stubborn and undo dalvo In tho ickIoiib of llulnoc, Ohol- mm itorytnlon. "viiiH,ln uuiTUi; ivuiiu muu yvBiuona ulnnK tlict Conlojvlcn mil j inula, ir.ii iiniimv " . i Thn firr.n..u . i ...i.. .i,i'.i,.r ii, i.intoclloii of tho American New York Has Milk On! tor Babies' Hospi NEW YORK, Oct. 4. Mayor John tchcll 9 mMnK vigorous oN gtoena tbo milk fam.no In this ,JWy by irking for now ugroemoi.C ivecn Dm ,ini... it in. --.v 'WrtbutoTs, .in organization known Mtto Milk Dealers' Association, .. . ' " '"J.l.UII UI1U II U 4lll. f5 STOLE OAR ARE Pfi SENTENCE dm: gets ik .months, other t MONTIIH t'.ulli I'lciul Guilty to ItohtilitK llniy I'oMullUe Raymond, AIIiin Vnl Inn, I'Ii'ImIn for Leniency for II h 'tiling I'mtiicr N'l'Iilug Is lloiiii Aitnlci-t Mi'ii for Stealing George Miiiiijlnoy' Automobile. (llcnild Siiorlal Urn !) RACHAMMNTOCJct.'l.-r-Kred Itay- moud, alias Harry Vullon, charged j with liuriilarllni: tho holIoIIIco at :TtrrT-1wnnomtCtrnlnytrtis to servo olKhtccn months I cial ncnltentlnry. Whoa S. I. Cox, his partner, was asked to stand up to be scntmircd, MnvtllMMil cllKlllnlltlv llORCOd for lei)- lull the bin me. Cox was given ten months In tho penitentiary. Ilnlh pltMdcd guilty to robbing tho postolllcc. Raymond and Cox are tbo same moil who stole (leorgo Humphrey's Oakland Six louring car at Crescent it few weeks anti. They were arreat- I ed below Dunsinulr, but Instead of being brought to Oregon for stealing the car, tho pololllce authorities took litem to Saeraninto for robbing tbo Hiay pOHfollleo. They robbed tho post olllco after stoillng tho autoinobll, anil while they were on their way to California. ' COVIillNOII OK KOHKA IS Sl'Ct'KSSOK TO OKU.MA Ifnllod I'rens Service 4 TOKYO, Oct. I. Mnrahnll Tcrau clil, governor of Korea, today was appointed to mirrecd Count Oliuma, vvlin mutennd vestorday. Marshall Terauchl Is opposed to Iho policies supported by tho retiring picinlor. May Organize Anlatlcs KURI5KA. Calif., Oct. . The del egation from tho Alameda Labor ii i r,.,. n.ii inhor eonventluu Cblllir.il iiiii ii of all California Intends to introuuco re olutlon favoring organization of "., , i,..,,.n1H 1 California, uu - mi " i -- tFo:lorauou o unu. I The distributors Insist that tliey' I will not consider ii now """' and declare that the , a ,ym eu m. t ilcnl with them as l"a,iv,rt,l,iM""'J agreement, i 'ro.i..v Now York received buroly MEN WHO JAIL tals t .... . ...l,.. .In. ..'Mil .lllillllllll T.IIIWJ m -.. enough milk to murty tlio nospimw I for babies. . KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY FfkfP F 0 AT f 1 T1W r aTtpaitdt W' Si I, fsj m m 1& H M OHM M M III m W . I iii 1 r 111 1 ri r Alll.llllKI I ii i i I She is Nominated for Presidential Elector tfQS. CATHi WAUGM c. I Tim rt'tnocuu'c btiito convention In I Cllniils ban named Mrn. Cntlierlne I VVjiiigli McCiilloch of Kvannton, n ' prmnliinia nioinber of tlio National i Vomnii'H Suffrage Association, as a J presidential doctor In that Btato. Mr. MiCiiiloth fnmuMl tho prctcnt Illinois Uiiw on the mibject of wcninn uUffraKo. tthc was ono of thoco who took an lm l-i.i-lniii part in me io-xmii conveiuiuu of the National American Woman Suf- Ill WIU liU"iiiii .it. ." ....-.... .. r,.llRU AwsoelatUin at Atlantic city, I 1 iamw m$mmm' 1 IPw ' i ' Pld. 91 ItfQS. CATHARiNfc;,7! , I VAUQM msL.ULKUnj t I tiLtolllro at . . . ,.,,. -ii I fti.. ":;i000t!ftiltl-'- HIGHEST BIDDER oicts :t:ii,iit,(oo I'-i:i;t on wicst I'OltK OK HOOD KIVKIt l'OH MINI.Ml'.M l'KICi: NAMKD IN TDK ADVKltTISK.MKNT (Hci aid Special Service) PORTLAND. Oct, 4. Olllclal an mmnccment iu made today by District Korestor Oeorgo II. Cecil that tbo suc cessful bdder for 330,000,000 feet, board measure, of timber on West Fork Hood River, within tho Oregon National forest, was John W. Palmer of Hood River. Tho urea embraced In tho proposed snlo lies on the Upper West Pork of Hood Rlor. Tho timber, which Is medium slip, but rlpo for cutting, la chlolly Douglas fir. tbo detailed esti mate being 237,000.000 feet of Doug las dr. 58.0tl0.0p0 feet of Western liiMiiinuk. lS.r.00.0.00 feet of nmabllls r, S.000,000 fcot Western red ccdm1, u.uOO.OOO fcot or noble fir, and 3,- 000,000 feet of Western wblto pine. ' total of 330,000,000. This Is tho Juigost amount of timber In ono body placed on Hie market In this district by tbo forest Borvlco for somo tlmo. It wa cruised, mapped and appraised by tho government forosters in 1015, ,.i,,i linn heoii advertised for salo dur- . i,,g tno past two uiounm. j Tbo prices bid for the. "' .tho minimum prices named In tho ad- i vertlsomont. aM f.j kki:t tuu hits auto; TWO SUFFER INJURIES Hulled Press Service UKRKHLEY. Oct. I, Miss Emily liT.nk lost a foot and her daughter, Mrs. Alice (Ireonwoods, suffered in juries of tho head whon a street ear uivnek their automobile today. The automolillo was dragged 50 feet and demolished. The driver was unhurt. Ital.siii Crop. Hurt United Press Service . .vj-4nns r.A .( 'rim o "; ... ,-. ,.,,' niVr li1!! AIMI'ilMAi. UULt 1 'll' California raisin and Brapo Om i.i ()f Ui(j JttJi tWonty-four hours. Tho damage " . , i rpl.A .lnmnirA nun ....... ,,,,.. , .,f. - 50o.OO0. m,Jtcu OQRA SLY KILLS SELF YESTERDAY WITH REVOLVER WAS DAUOIITintV"' MIt. SI,V A.M MICK, emvi: tw i Deceased Was fiiMinu holy .Nature, lint Wiih Not In-Ml HciiKli, n I'ar iih Known Had No Tro and iih ulile.i I'lincrat Ih HcliiKI'eld Today in Hon Ik Coroner U'liitlotk Decides So liuiueht .Norcssar'. 1 For icaaona largt-dy unknown to her parents, Dora D&n Sly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver V. Sly, shot and killed herself yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock, at her father's ranch near Dorrls. Dentlij resulted from a wound In tho temple, made by a 32 calibro old stylo revolver. The girl returnedonly last Sunday from a visit of boyeral months in l.odl, Calif., and It ii believed she re turned to cud her life. So far as In , .. , .. nn. """'' "T 3 , 71 'r vc-y- mclrip3holy uK(ure. Tlio ucceaiteu wr,.i yeiire unu o .tiulitbs ixld. JJcslli!rSir,parcntsT.she. . . . . -. , ,ca0'3 fCitMl sisters and urotners. The funerai is being held this after Keoti at Dorris. Coroner Karl Whltlock went to the sceue of the tragedy, but decided that tin Innucst was necessary. Tho Sly ranch Is on the state' lino but tbe Iicufo is on tbo Oregon side. F AS HE PROPOSED AI'TKIt HKIXO Tl'UNKI) DOWN 10 timks, oklahoma trikl) to i;nact a wtti.b movik tuac;. JCIIV TO WIN 11 Kit United Press Service LOS ANOELES, Oct. 4. Thump-thump-thump! gounded thrco polico olllccrs on tho door of a Stanford apartment, following a. frantic appeal from neighbors. "Too lato, mates!" came a volco from within, breaking with emotion. "Too Into love wns cruel to me and I'm going to plug myself In the head." The polico worked In frantic haste at the barred door. "Rang!" A crashing report from within rattled tho windows. A wo man screamed, and smoke poured out from tho transom. When tho polico had methodically removed tho door It was not a ghastly tinccdv they viewed, but R. H. Rice. six-foot Oklahoman, sheepishly toying with a double-barrclod shotgun. Mrs. Julia Wilkinson, comely widow, had fainted: and a holo In tho colling let hi n shaft of daylight. "I proposed sixteen times, and sho rofused.'' Rice explained, "ami I trie.l to work a littlo movW tragedy " Neighbors revived Mrs. Wilkinson and the suitor accompanied tho po lice. - Flour Goes Up. Unltwl Pies Service ' LOS ANGELES. Oct. 4. Flour inmnn,! 'n routs a barrel hero today. Live hogs advnnccd 30 cents per 100. i..k rubinet Is'Out T.nNDON. Oct. i.- Tho roport that i - . j . tl.n rji-nnk cnllllu't 11118 reSIKnCQ IS COU--I 'vmn,i i nmiinr's dlsoatcb reeoived ..... ... - . rlato this afternoon. DOW AINTED OCTOBER 4,-1916. Reported He Has Demanded Withdrawal of Americans .e7&FJtr w ii-ioriann Cnrmiiu, Mexico's United Press Service MEXICO CITY, Oct. 4. Officials pf the constitutionalist government deny newspaper reports that Presi dent 'Carrnnza has demanded immedi ate withdrawal of tho American ex pedition in Mexico, threatening to recall the Mexican members of the CHARGES GIANTS THREWTHEBAWE McCJRAW SAYS HIS ROYS IHR.VT TRY TO KEEPHIE DODGERS FROM WINNING PENNANT. TENER MAKES DENIAL United Press Service NEW YORK, Oct. 4. President Tener of tho National League this morning told tbo United Press to glvo no consideration to tlio charge by Manager John McGraw 01 tne incw York club that tho Giants tnrew yes terday's gamo to Hrooklyn. "by wlcntng from tho Giants yester day Urooklyu cinched tho National League pennant. McGraw charges that his players woro anxious to seo the Dodgers win tho pennant, and so throw tho gamo to them . President Tener says tho charge Is wholly unfoundod on fact. Mission Society Meets. The regular meeting cf the Home and Foreign "Missions Society of Emanuel Daptlst church will be held tomorrow afternoon flt 2:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs B. S. Grlgsby. 1028 Jefferson street. "Rho sopie tho day will be "Cuba." Charles DaKley of Lnkevlew Is In Klamath Falls for a few days o bur,. Jneaa, .M-ia. n v s tr-1. - r r ' J ". ." .i '1 J. a. A".. W.'l VA 2W.1flJ i. Ui. "KM i.u' mmmmmmmmm!MMMmz& siiCf :?'mffiBffi$smmsmM&$ m;xy-- - - . s$ &H?mm&m4w!&mmimrt i.tti ?&.,&&,.- r. fcXtk'iasahfow'aaffUgi-w Coast! (uiioitnlbt Prcslrtear. joint peace commission, now sitting at Atlanta City. It was learned today that Colonel Harragan, Cnrranza's chief, of staff, will loavo soon for Washington to confer with the United States govern ment regarding patrol of the Inter national border. THOUSANDS MEET WILSON SPECIAL i-l.lfSlllKXT DOES NOT v MAKE PLATFORM SPEECHES, BUT HE WAVES HIS HAND TO CROWDS. . SPEAKS IN OMAHA TOMORROW Jntted Press Service MASS1LON, Ohio, Oct. !. Thoua. nuas aro greeting Prostdeut Wilson's slieCitl train at .all Its stops today, : T1e presnient does not speak, but hU ( nnnawnvings cause much enthusiasm He will spoak in Omaha tomorrow. Carr Ranch Sells 1,350 Cattle; Shipped Today Forty-seven carloads, or 1,350 head cf cattle are being shipped today to .,.. ., k , the wesieru mhv w.u, , -, """lare feeders, and wmae iai"'"'.g"fffef Carr ranch, chased from The cattlo were pur- the Carr ranch a few( Mays ago, - ' Of the 1,350 head, about wni .. ,..,.,..,, ..,,," niinnt 475 will- Price, Ht e vw VILLISTAS FIGHT CARRANZA ARMY REPORTJCLARES AltHIVAL WOUNDED OFFICERS INDICATES BATTLE 1 caring Attack hy Vll! at Aajr Tfaw, Residents of laim '. Flee ,to Kl Chlliuahua CItjr, Which He Attack ed Two Weeka Ago, aad la Not Be ing Molested by CarrmiBa. Pnlted Press Service EL PASO. Tex.. Oct 4. The ar rival here of wounded Mexican pflU cers from Casas Grandes strengthen the belief that a battle Is raging near there between Vllllstaa and Carraa- zlstas. For several days rumors or this batUe have been received, but no confirmation could be obtained. Residents' of Jaurez reached here las,t nlKht. They are fleeing from Jaurez because of fear t rom " Villa nltaek. , Carranzistas say Villa la now a short distance west of Chihuahua City nmi is recruitlnK his army rapidly. He olsaas addtBgiaamttBtUoatM3tJy supplies. Carranztsta troops have not re sumed their pursuit. of Villa:, PENNSY TO PLAY FOR THE W WILL- REPRESENT EASTERN A" FOOTBALL AGAINST WESTERN AT PASADENA ON NEXT NEW YEAR'S DAY d' I'aso Villa Reported to Be, Smt J "W United Press Service 4 ? PASADENA, Oct. 4. The Uatrer sity of PennsylvanlielevegiwUrep resent the East in tie.toeljpim here next New Tear'ai ay. &,? f AVestern team that will oppose.lt will be one of the Northwest's taetett, t probably the champions of the NortU- west Intercollegiate conference. iFk. nlmmnlnna re eiDeCted tO De Washington State College. UalreValty of Washington or University, or wa gon. . ' Ijist year Brown University Faff?" .,.,? .s it1 not hnre on New Year'e. clay against Washington SUte CeUejfcr ' ,; i representing the West. The fameW, ,ioc n crlnrloua victory lor iu nwv riss? Snow Stops Threehtag WINNEPEQ, Canada, Oct. 4.-r Snow that has been falling for the past three days ia preventing three Ing of grain in the Saskatchewa Kpctlon. ' '" VFPtm v ry. . av ii "' v: .&. r siv.i I f v a.," be shipped to Ah,J "" 71 W'mJt!tl8S& .!... 4 att. amniufl m LiKK UEwm , ,. mm ...'. c,,",c "" "". :, .i!Kiik-aa' , et pu,P( .f, . . ... j.t'HJas 'J -phis shipment otjorw- of" the fwgWi'Bliijk; wao- :?jr$3Z2i''' 1. W 1abAs1sT . BBaaBM'-. nien u .--- ZMg?1 ' P.lawath county. .Vig rF.' t&mm. " ,.-,31 -Gl l.l (A ;& vvpj M -tSl -1 K -i VLfewa,f-.eJ?ll B .tl ? " - II . t?i i M x 'M m a a .M c-4 m . y;S iA. M r. rit f"iiC pjTlFtiK. T,! yr mi .cr. , wh : 1W- jtmmm