V: & ., ?"i . ml i ,f KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER wrth Yw,r-yo.Mia lj? iu mtg IteraUi KLAMATH FALLT ' " OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER , 1 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON,' TUESDAY OCTOBER 3, 1916. ' ti: Price, Frr OMkT KAISER ASKS WILSON FOR PEACE RUMANIANS DRIVE BACK THE BULGARIAN TROOPS NACKENSON ORDERS FORT BE EVACUATED ITALIANS WARN TRIKHTK OT. ZKNB TO LEAVK Qatar of Italian Ubjwtlva In Few Beji U Expected In Zurich Hu laaakNM Aro Admitted In Berlin to Be oa Offensive Everywhere In lfcetrMarc'i Into IlulitarlM, WhU'i i Yrstetlty. Halted Prese Service ROME, Oct. 2, Zurich reports tilt Ktleer Wltliclm of the Goririin tapirs has ijerini:nlly appealed to rmMnt Wllsort of (bo United HttttOB toMd the wr.. In Europe. The :c porr nr PrHl.l-ii. Wilson "hi n (utu to Intervene now. rnltd Preu Service LONDON, Oct. ::.- K violent bt tU U wring M'l u( l.unlchuk, with (DC Bulcirlnm 'ixnrously attacxl v ibt invading iUffauhinn. A Home 'rclm messago mm f.'itrtl von MmIioih-.i: Imtt ordeicd Hie evacuation of Mile Trln, a Tut if.kin tort rest, :ik h oilt of tho l.u. wnltn Invasion started yetacrdny. Called Pnfn Borvlco PARIS, Oct. 3 The Serbian forces be captured tho drat lino trenches at the heights of Sfnkowgrah. Bulgarian counter on th o now Britlah positions atonic tho Struma Wrer have been turned back. MAAMAAMMAAAMAAMAAAMAMMAMMMMWWVWWWWMAAAMVVWVVWVWWWWVVVWWWMVWVWMWWVVVWVVVWWVVMVWVWMM Women Orators Leave Ion Hughes Special j !. !EaaMaaaMaaBs " '.'W". a f eeeeHaeeeeeflaeeHmBSMlw U BBBBBBBBBBBBBBiaBBBBBE-7KBBBBSBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ,- , mM2mmmmm?Mmm!mpmmMme-wmJfzw. wTm.sMs2?:irj?. a aWsaMnnMMBaaaH if BfiV'CieBSE99!??RR9Riale9aVla7i3W 'tgA H HaaawaflaVK$aB:':HeB sWTSn?rayi!ul " -r J'&P wllsiB HauBt'KaevBaKiaaaB''"' t tet1 rWS? 'Sari aassssY' . OaWaaaaassnl aawv" vcv ''4sal?sl':; ii - taaw-2 J' fcjKiSwswsjBnBam ansaat ' j T& "'"fcTHrBW t Wr SLjaB WP'"'t3t CV'-wfiSSaaS&i aaauM? .r$ BaaaaaV am THawT rZ&ffijftsfcn '$Hli BBfS'feSellaBaal'ai rssnanv saaHiaikaBaVBaninBat& aaaaaamaT' aaaaalaaaaaaaaaaW'' JaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaTVaVaavai FIRST STEP 10 ELECTION MADE COUNCIL LAST NIGHT PASSES TO Tiiiiti heading ordinance ADOPTING IMTIATIVK AM) REFERENDUM With nil memljcru vutlng afrinn tlvoly. tho city council lent iiIkIiI pusccd to tho third rcndltiK thu onll tmmo niluptliiu foV tho clly.of Klarn iitlt KiiIIh tho right to oxorclHO tho Inltlntlvo nnd referendum. Tho or- t'ltinncn will coinu up for third read ing nnd final ihihwiko next Monday. After tlic onllii-.nicc Ih paused next Monday, nnother ordluuiice, calling n Hpeclnl election to vote on .a $300,000 railroad bond Ikhuo, will bo Intro duced nnd rend tho xecoud time. Then on October lCth tho election or- ' dlnanco enn bo passed finally. Twen ty dnytt Inter tho bond election can bo held. tatted Prens Service BERLlNfl Oct. 3. It la officially admitted that both wings of tho llul Wriaai have been compelled to rc IfMt Into Mnrndnnla Thoy ulso wuated to tho Bcrblnng tho summit ol the Kamnkchnlan rldgo. After tho Hormannstndt victory of "t 8aturdny, the (lormnim pushed Mlb, and nro now'nghtlng south or Ik! Red Tower pass, noar tho liu Blan frontier. Buljarlan monitors on tho Dnnubo mm deitroyed pontoons. la their Invasion of Bulgaria tho "wanlsns aro on tho offensive ov 7here. t'td Press Service WR1CH, Oct. 3 The Italians aro TOleatljr bombarding positions nt wtttalcone, preparatory to attacking ISAII.ItOAD HHOI'MKN KTItlKK roit H ll()l!UH; MOIti; PAY KANSAS CITY, Oct. 3. Ovor SO pen cut of 32,000 Miopmon voted to dny to strlko, following refusal of two Western railroads to grnnt an t-lKht hour day mid Increased wages. 1'miiii Ktecl Huiitup. I. K. Muridiy nnd wife nro here from Stcol Swamp for n nhort visit. Trieste, tho objective) of tho whole Italian campaign In the Alps. Aviators nro eo-opemtliiK. The poopio of Trlesto hnvo been warned tc withdraw nt onco. United Tress Service PETROaitAD, Oct. 3. Heavy Gor man nttneks along tho Conluvkn Ulv. vv heights and along tho right bank of tho Zlotnllpn Itlvor have boon ic pulscd by tho Uusslaus. United Press Service PARIS, Oct. 3. Oormnn counto.-s coat of Combles Imvo been repulsed, nnd nnother attack was rcpollod ns tho Uormans debouched from tho St. Plcrro wood. Registration Books to Be Kept Open Evenings Running tonight and continuing 1 Saturday, the registration book, ' offlce of county Clerk C. R. P Will be kept open from 7 to 0 u k Men evening. The books will 7.2Md 8atur,,y "rnoon at 5 be ! ,Bni' threer no voter can ai.ni v ! t0 b0 ont,e f voto Ilea i Ve t0 be BWor " '- Wf Clerk Del,np U keeping the books open during the evenings this week to accommodate many vot ra whoso employment prevents them from coming to the court house nnd registering during the day. A registration for tho election this year of G.000 voters is expected by Deputy County Clork Charles V. Do Lnp. Of Into many slackers hnvo boon registering, nnd n rush business i. oi,wl tlin mat nt the WOUk. TtlO reglslratlon In 19H was about 8,000. THREATENED STRIKE IS ALMOST BROKEN KLAMATH REAL ESTATE TRAOED AND PURCHASED inr-Ai.s lyrnmR rrrv Avn rsftirv. TUX PROPERTY Vcll known women, under the d 'rectlon of th Hughes Alliance, hnvo begun a political tour such as tho country has novor before experienced. Orators who think they will be able to convince women of the suffrage states were sent out on a special train to make speeches In many parts of the country for Charlos E. Hughes. Shepherd Buys Lamb Block on Main Street A deal that Is taken by local real estate men and investors to be of much slguicnnco was closed today when H. P. Shepherd, local Investor nnd money lender, purchased out right tho 1). A Lamb block on Main street. This property is situated be tween Sixth and Sovcnth, itnd com prises tho room occupied by tho J. K. Swanson barber shop and tho dun Store, conducted by J. II. Chambers. The deal Includes both tho build ing, which is two stories, nnd tho ground on which It sets. This prop erty Is considered probably as val uable as any business property in Klamath Falls. The purchase by Mr. Shcphord of this property Is considered significant becnuso Mr, Shepherd Is not t, strang er lu Klamath Falls, but has lived here several years, is well acquaint ed with local conditions, and is gen erally known ns very conservative. He expects to put in an up-to-date heating plant and improve tho second story for rental purposes. Tho sale was liiado through A. A. Bellman & Son. BROOKLYN WINSIF LEAGUE PENNANT DKPKATS NKV YORK, AXD PHIL ARK1.PHIA IXSKS TWICE TO BOSTON', WHICH, CINCHES THE FIRST PLACE FOR DODGERS ELLIOTT RAISES 816 EGG PLANT SPECIMEN OF T,HI8 WARM CLN MATE PLANT MEASURES 1.1 INCHES IN CIRCUMFERENCE. (JUOWX IN HOT SPRINGS An egg plant, presumably a plant to bo raised In warm sections, free from frost, has Just been picked by J. S. Elliott from his garden in Hot Springs Addition. Tho egg plant measures thirteen Inches in circum ference, and is not touched with frost marks. Mr. Elliott says his garden was not. bit by frost until, last night, when everything had matured. Earlier In tho season Mr. Elliott i ...a.i ri-nntlnn aver 'three Inches In I circumference, G. H. BENNETT IS NEW PASTOR HERE COMES FROM THE DALLES TO KLAMATH FALLS, AND IS A SCHOLAR AND PUBLIC-SPIRITED MAX, SAYS REV. RICHARDS I .. ..., unucu ituss ourvuu NEW YORK, Oct. 3. Brooklyn cinched tho National Leasee pen- j nant today by defeating tho New York Giants 0 to 6. ( Tlio Boston Braves defeated the Phillies twlco, C to 3 and C to 1. If the Phillies win both of their re maining games and the Brooklyn ; team luses both Its romaining games, 1 the Dodgers will finish tho season three, points ahead of Philadelphia. Ab stated briefly In the Herald of yesterday, O, H, Bennett of Dallas, Ore., has been appointed as pastor of the Klamath Falls church by the State Methodist conference, in ses sion at Albany. "Rev. Bennett is a scholar, a pub lic spirited man, and strong in social work. I predict success tor him at Klamath Falls." wrltea Rev. B. C Richards, former pastor of the local church, Rev. Richards has been appointed to the Gold Hill church, with his res idence near Ashland, on his ranch. United Press Service NEW YORK, Oct. 3. Tho nation al commission today announced that the first nnd second games of tho world's series will bo played In Bos ton next Saturday and Monday. j Tho third, fourth and sixth games I will bo played In either Philadelphia ' or Brooklyn, and the fifth in Boston, lit a sovcnth game is necessary tho place for playing It will be arranged later United Press Sorvlce PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 3. In the first game of the Philadelphia-Boston Nntional Lesguo series here today, Boston won by a 6 to 3 score. Idlereet Lots, Sold George Blehn has purchased two lots In Idlerest, on Spring Creek, and Mrs. C. V. Fisher has purchased one lot nt.tho same place. Both parties will build summer holmes on the lots. Tho property was purchased from R. C. Spink, Some of the Transactions Are Trades of Real Estate Between Parties, But Otlters Are Outright Purchases for Cash -Moat of Country Proper ty Is In Range 8, East of WlHam ette Meridian. WITHDRAWAL OF POLICE PRO TECTION INDICATES THU Violence Occarrlag la Only Scattered Parts of the Great City Otilke by Tub Employes Is About Broken, nnd Although Window Cle Warranty deeds to Klamath county real estate filed during the last few diiy.? show that things are not so ' dead" ua many would have one he lieyi. At least there are a goodl, i umber of people wlui bnve such coa- fidence in the future of Klamath thatr they are willing to Invest their good money in local soil. The following are the deeds filed since Saturday: Ora W. Engle to First State and Savings bank, lots 3 and 4, block 49, First Addition. The north half of the northwest quarter of section 14, and tho north half of the northeast quarter of section 15, township 30 south, range 8 east. Ivy Lamb to B. F. Shepherd, that portion of lot 2, block 15, fronting 45 feet on Main street. H. H. Van Valkenburg to Mrs Lytlla Bushong, the northeast quar ter of the northeast quarter of sec tion 23, also tho northeast quarter of the boutheast quarter of section 15, township 39 south, range 8 etst. B. F. Shepherd to Ivy Lamb the north quarter of lots 9 and 19, block 84, Klamath Addition. B. F. Shepherd to D.' A. Lamb, the south half of lot 1, block '94, Klam ath Addition; also lots 4 and 5, block and Hod Cairlers Hare Btrack, Xe Significance la Attached to Action. United Press Bemce NEW YORK, Oct 3. The with drawal of police protection today from street cars Indicate that th threatened strike has collapsed. Violence is reported In only widely scattered parts of New Yerk: The hcaarrhus- thlaiv struck for recognition of their union. Tho window cleaners also aro walk ing out, demanding more wages. ' The strike of tug boat employes la believed broken. z a. Church Meets Tonight. The Bossloa of the First Presby terian church has called a business meeting of the congregation tor til evening at 8 o'clock at the church. Several matters of importance will come before the meeting, after which the time will be spent sociably. Re- r ' freshments will be served. Every one-' attending services there an dlnter ested in the work of the church is In vited to be present. W C. Dalton, manager of.tB Carr runch", is in town for a few days with Mrs Dalton on business. '. & 35, First addition; ajao lot If, Meek 53, Second Hot Sprianja AdUUon. Klamath HomeSite cora'pany "to. Anna Goodrich, lot '.T. 8, , ,10,, 11 and 12, block 15; also lot 4, block 10, Irvington Heights. Oregon Land Corporation to, F. C. Wilson, the southeast quarter ot the northwest .quarter" ot section 88, township 28 south, range 8 east. F. A. Fltxpatrlck to Chewaucaa Land and Cattle company, tho north'-t east quarter of section 10, iowhsdid S3 Boutb, range 13 east.. Engineer Here Thursday to Talk Link River Dam Ws 1 To look over the Klamath project and to investigate tho building of a dam across Link River, F. E. Wey mouth, chief of construction tor the United States reclamation service, will arrive Thursday afternoon from Denver He will spend several days here, and will be joined about Sat urday or Monday by several consult ing engineers of the reclamation ser vice. It la the plan of the government to! aet from the waters of Link River in some manner electricity for pumping purposes on the KUmath project, There Is much land south of Klam ath Falls, that can be irrigated only ... i by pumping from the main irrigation; '4 canal. This is unprotable unlets power to operate the pumps can be , obtained cheaply and on lonr'Um contracts. "V When the consulting engineer aro , here it U export d thit th-Calif of. nla-Oregon powrw win-nny wjhw j- a bid for i a dam across The power eo ath mense the pump lands on lbs 'WftA'- 3 the privilege u p?wwn MaltJtlma.mMrffe , company aantfta.doj r$ It can regulate ih 8tw-et?waiv ?.i..$& RlVjer at Conco-, Mrf:a.:.3' dam inn eioctrtai ""VJT"' jfv& .. .v i - iwij- TasisMaviBaa s "-.i.zs.v company wl.l roatHrtVWf.M eminent to furnish. fV;&1w vJwj -. &l W m a-r.-ta -V, .jTltf'M.V " J1 .A A .t?-