w.5";'i '! L? i -to. X? ,ir y t . .U.V. .. f hi? Euimlng Herald KLAMATH FALLT ' fiI MATH COUNTY'S . vr ivinu " o--i , , i - -m rggflQlilj NBW9rn" TO--. ,' ,vL.f f ',' 'I Is. r'-W ? Mm, iff CtM tyr. a vi KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY OCTOBER 2, 1916. C RUMANIANS BEGIN INVASION BULGARIA , , j " FKUFUSa HWil u THE ADAMSON BILL c aiv MAY CAUSE SHIFT OF GERMAN FORCES MHIIUUM HALTED IN TlttST YLVANIA INVASION M Learning of Clrwe's Join. M All Wholesale ' t ef Creeks in AU Minor, Bug galJnf Armenian Mmi-IW' . crowd Cheers When Ilumtaic Tumbles to Qronnd. of 1890 havo boon cnllod to tho col or by tlio ltiillun king. Tho Greek legation lioro In ndvlsod of a wholoiuiln massacre of (IrockH In Asia Minor by Turks, following re ports tbnt Grocco had Joined tho allien. United 1'roin Service RERUN, Oct. 2. Hussion nttneks on both sides or the Hrody-l,ombcrK railroad have fulled. The Germans yesterday rcrnplurud a position north of Oruberka from th() Russians. Fighting faiit of tin- Zclotnllpa III -r continues. President to Dedicate Greatest Dam Witt Frees Service BERLIN, Oct. I. -Budapest dls- Mltkei uy tho German victory at gmuwUdt has baited tho ontlra RuuUn Invasion of Transylvania. Tl Baaanlan losses havo neces sUetta a regrouping of all the Ru tata forces on the Transylvania. Tat Romanians havo Invaded Hul tfit, eroailng the Danube aouth of BMMiwt near Ruatchuk, the strong di of the Bulcarlan fortresses. A large form Invading Bulgaria mm force retirement of the Gor- lv,MMJron Uie Dobrudja front to te net the Bulcarlani. no aeiuis aro grow u to the alM of the Invading fere. . , Must Help Army Ualted Frees Service PARIS, Oct. 2. Using tho French ealtors on the cannla effectively, the French have juit flnlahod a bom bardnent of Mount St. Quentln, dom lutlii Peronno from tho cant. The French are etcadlly encircling Ptronne. Trenebci cant of Rpuchavcsncs hare been taken by tho French. United rrfKn Service I LONDON, Oct. ,2. Ten ZeppolliiH.j one of them a super-Zeppelin, raided I London last ulght. Tho Biipor-Zcp-ptlln was downod, and Its commander tosnd alive, but frightfully mangled. The bodlet of thlrteon of tho crew have been recovered. Wreckage wni itrewn over a wldo area whore tho Hr Igbter ttruck the ground. Thft tTimA wlilrli rltnittu4l tttn tattle cheered wildly after the rnldor tlungcd burning to the ground. In the fighting on the continent .tk British nro coniiolldating their ter advancing behind "tank" care. TnT have crossed wo highways kadlog to Uapaume. The British losses are small. ehyy. ir j i f f (EaB??KlIOjfiawraiKn)gagMiB fWHgaal MAY ORGANIZE TO SELL NORTHWEST SCENIC BEAUTIES rOIttXAND ASKS KLAMATH FAIJiS TO JOIN Plan Is to Combine Organizations or ItHtisli Columbia, Wanlilngton nml Oregon to Route Tourist Travel Through Northwest Much m Cali fornia and Colorado" Have Done, With Surprising Success. .4-5 'm m ev .. ! American Flier is Killed at Verdun Klephunt llutte dam. which will be formally dedicated by President Wll json October 14th.-ls the lurgest Irrl pntlon dam built under tho direction of tho United States reclamation ser vice, and tho largcHt mass of masonry In the world. It Is 1,250 Teet long, ".Ith a maximum width or 215 Toot at tl.o l:nso. tapering to n width ot 18 reel at tho crest, which Is 304.5 rect -annul twice the cupacliy or the laku f.ohnul iho Roosevelt dura in Arizona UiL,iuT timea. Un. cat!acity.p. Jthe, Etorage reservoir ueiium iuu umum irrigation dam at Assouan In Egypt. This would eo enough water to cover tho state ol Delaware to a depth or two rect, or tho state or Connecticut to tho dopth-ot ten Inches. The dam, which will cost $10,000,000, is des tined to reclnlm nearly 200,000 acres Klamath Commercial Club has re ceived an Invitation Irom the Port limd Chamber of Commerce to sent a delegate to a meeting to be held In Portland October 10th to talk over means or selling the scenic attrac tions or the Northwest to tourists. Tho meeting In Portland will be-only a preliminary one to a big meeting in Tacoraa on October 11th. when dele gates rrom Oregon, Washington and British Columbia will be present, 'in sneaking ol the pending plan to exploit the Northwest's attractions to tourists, the Porfland Chamber of roraraerca'siw - "We are going to try to do what the people or California and Colorado are doing pool our finances and our assets. California is getting $200, 000,000 a yoar rrom tourist travel. Colorado receives rully $50,000,000 iTiom the same source.. This year tourist travel has split and passed W? FLORA MC DONAH) IM&MOaI"! United Press Service ROMK, Oct, 2. Sailors ot the claaj A lea for recognition of Iioiiho koopliiK as ii miitlor of business and of Bclonco wlH made by Mrs. Flora McDonald Thompson, president or the Washington Housekeepers' Alliance, nrtor ii trip to the border, where sho studied Undo Sam's commissary methods. "Tho government supplies to tho nrmy excellent food material In suffi cient qunnlty, but for lack of proper standards of cooking It Is n serious question how far tho United States nrmv would go In a conflict." dho anys. Mra Thompson blnmcs this lack of nroner cooking standards noi on tho United States nrmy nor on mo irtivornmcnt. but on tho women of tho country, who refuso to study tho sci ence of food preparation, particularly tho utilization of Inferior cuts of meat. Sho declaios that a nation wide enthusiasm for domestic enter price would give n new Impetus to nntlonnl prosperity and to nntonnl preparedness. above bedrock. The structure con- of fertile land in the valley of the "l)!nroun(j the Northwest, one branch go tains G10.000 cubic yards of store Oraniie, in new Mexico ami i. and nibble concrete. Tho "lake tunned by the dnm, which stores only tlic 1'ood wnters of the Itlo Grande, will bo forty-fivo miles long, with an iivcrago depth or sixty-six foet. It will hnvo 250 miles ot horo line ana a Morago capacity of 862,200,000,000 pillions, or enough to cover 2,042, 29E lares ot land to tho depth or one foot ,ind 30 000 acres or land In old Mex ico. Construction was begun In 1'JIO and completed, so rar as the" laying or ttone is concernod, on March or this year. The dressing or the structure and the clearing away or buildings and other Impediments will be fin ished in timo for tho dodlcatlon by tho president on October 14th. B1GBEE PITCHED IN GAME FRIDAY v -rtt'O IN'MN'RH AGAINST VEIt- NON LOCAL PITCIIKIl HOLDS HAMPAT8 TO NO HITS AND NO HUNS, HAY PAPERS toad Down Klamath Is a Near Possibility NIGHT SCHOOL BEGINS TODAY SHORTHAND, BOOKKEEPING AND TYPEWRITING TO HE TAUGHT TO PERSONS DESIRING 8PL- CIAL WORK IN THE SUBJECTS lug to California and the other to Alaska. Our plan will not require i the direct contribution or a single .dollar from your community. We want you to be. hero at the meeting on tho 10th to go over the whole thing In detail, and to convince you of the necessity or getting into the scheme with every bit or weight you possess. It cannot fall to get Its Biiare..' Mm, ' 6838 ajgjHB7 BV.B 1IBBBBBBpr M - ' , v." PRESIDENT OF SANTA FE STATEMENT TO DIRECTORS a. Says Stockholdera Mnet Vae lafaoaco for Redlal Legklatloa Sfeacs AtM ' tratioB Hae Been Abaadoawd and Congreaa Has Establlahed dent of Hatrriedly Paying 1 of Workmen. , S yyw M: ( 1 f;Ffc'N'yATs nQCKvr.Ci. t United Press Service CHICAGO, Oct. 2. President Rlp- (Jey of the Santa Fe railroad today sent to all stockholder a statesaent proposing a fight for change in th provisions of the Adamson eight hour bill. In the statement President Ripley says: "Since the precedent of abandon ing arbitration to aettle industrial dimutea ha been established, and tho precedent ot hurriedly paying the demands of the railroad ferotBsrnooas H .tujtUI a awisteanll ABll nlBnUnuKnMK -heeeTtiD"llihea;:irTi6T- ""-TT j to exercise our influence tor remedial leglflatlon." MILK SHORTAGE HITS NEW YORK JZZ. V.4! irvi?JtiJ j?v SWil V Kiffen Y. Rockwell of Atlanta was shot to death the other day at the Verdun front by a German in a Taube while the American circled around in his armored battle plane. MANY SALES OF LIVESTOCK MADE IIECKLEY AND LANGELL BU LARGE NUMUKR FOR MILLER Jt LUX GERIIEK AND OTHERS ALSO PURCHASE BEEF. Rockwell is tho second American flier to be killed in action. Three months ago Corporal Victor Chapman of New York, also a member of the Franco American corps, was killed at Verdun in a battle with German aeroplanes. Soon after being appointed sergeant, Rockwell saved Chapman during a fight with German airmen near Verdun. I FIGHT BETWEEN DAIRYMEN AND MILK DEALERS CAU8B8 BIO GFST CITY TO LIVE ON HALF OF USUAL SUPPLY- - 5""A The night school conduoted each fall at tho local high school will open tonleht for tho 1D16 se38lon In tho second game In which ho has worked for Portland slnco leaving ii. t.ili., mfAtttli awrn. lvln Iile- .. .... ..mnifriv" nnnortilns o'clock, according to Principal Dow to tho Orcgonlttu. Blgbeo workod In man. All persons who doslro to taku tho gumo Inst Friday against Vornon, work at the night school are request pitching tho eighth and ninth frames ed to bo present at 7 o'clock to nr f..,r Kniiv and Hagerman hnd al- range for their work. lowed tho Vernon tenra seven runs in pr0m applications nlroady received "W wee a rather hard trip, hut I " Bllhty glad I went," said ,L. Jieobt this morning in speaking of U vlaltof the Klamath delegation to Huru Friday and Saturday. "The Northern California Countloi elitlon Ii Hve organliatlon, and jjL.' thM0 cuntlea co-operating ',ikirtt Ca,,,0,nl t ble to get " Y? tblt otherwise could not be wred." ;iPtn River to the Pacific Ocean ',., ""; or moat importance lwlWtth rointy discussed at the. "-- meeung. The counties or, 1 T j TtMiern cat rvni. .... . i,..iu arc S,7 w1lh monJr " the Shack- Rr.-';'-,-rwr fund and nair ,.f vi.m.n, ni that she imirovo tlint portion of the road from Keno to tho California, lino. When thin work la douo thoro will bo n good commorclnl highway from irfimuth Palls, or any of the North ern California towns, to tho Ocean beach. Nnrlhern Cnllfomla IllSO Is ttllX- lous, according to the local delegates at the Alturas mooting, mat inn ia from Merrill through tho Lava Reds and South to Redding be completed. Iustead of this road following the cast side of Tulo Lake, It Is plannel to have it follow the West Side through tho Lava nods, thence south to Straw and on Bouth 4o Redding. The Btate highway commission of Cal ifornia already litis approved the road from nodding to AUurns. us many Innings "l.ylo lllgbeo-twirled tho last two Innings for tho Mnckmen, ana mo former Oregon, collegian got oy swimmingly. Tho Hnmpats wore un- ablo to solve his speed for as mucn ns n singlo blnglo." says the Oregonlan Tne Journal speaks of Dlg'jeos work ns follews: It Is now certain that classos will bo organized In bookkeoplng, shorthand and typewriting. Classos in other commercial uubjects will be opened if the demand justifies such action. Bennett New Pastor United Press Servtce AT.HANY. Ore.. Oct. 2. The State Methodist conference today appointed G. H. Bennett as pastor or the Kiam- nth Falls church, succeeding E. C. Richards. Pnlted Press Service NEW YORK. Oct 8. As a. result v of a fight between the Dalrynaen's" League and the Milk Dealers'. Asso ciation, New York U living o-kpit its muni minnlv of milk. ? Vw During the shortage tkt'jwg hospitals for babies are recelvlBisnt, ronnlderation by the milk dealers, Farmers are abandoning milk shJ-. ments and are turning their ailk Into butter. Last night masked men at Utlen aelied 25,000 quarts of mllkcon ciiniii to the Milk Dealers' Assoc! 1 tlon and destroyed It. r" - A t at 'w t if Durlne the Inst few days several t 7 j inrco sales of beef cattle havo been i w made by Klamath county stocKmen. All of theso cattle are to be shipped to outside markets this fall. J. L. Beckley and A. T. Langell, buyers for Miller & Lux of San Fran cisco, havo bought from James Ed sall and Jack Watts of Ely 75 head or beer, rrom Charles Horton or Yonna Valley, 50 head, rrom Johnson Brothers or Sand Hollow 50 head, and from Bunting & Smith or Drews Valley 45 head. All of this stock will be shipped from Midland next Thursday. "Louis Gerber has just purchased J 10 head ot fine beet from L.B.Apple Diagram Will Show the Resources oi Klamath && -s fT-Vsl 3 'XS2jmtlxtM . iviili3 r .-;i. Hughes at World's Series United Press Service NEW YORK, Oct. 2. Charles E 1 . .. . i m .. i.nn.tx11 fan alan rAmirv - rKsiSM-rsrtfsrnur el? more, noi vuuhuud e- --- l--.. made off Kel. In other words, five avoid the rush. That Is, he wrote ii.. or, T.vi Rlcbee'PrAHidnnt Tener of the National got n chance to do a little work, hold-! League for a box at the opening game .. .i.. ..i.i,n hnth httiesa and run-. of the world's series. ing iuu ib"ii - f loss In the last two frames." Raises Dig Squash. . a 42.oound sauash. raised right here in Klamath Falls, Is on exhlbl- It wsb raised Mrs. Perry Recovering. .. r A Darn' U'llfl WAS DnCrilCU inns, u, , i "- i- - i , i-n ,.n la ronnvarlnz linn nt Keller's caie ' .... nt. i.. , ,i,x hnmo nt Mra. hv -A Frnklln on his garden above v A Humphrey, 702 Seventh street, the West Side school, a spot which whero sho was taken from tne oper-1 ne says una hvi, i-..v..w- -, ntlng table. j frost this year. purchased 200 beef and stock cattle from Shook Brothers of Yonna Val ley. J. 0. Mitchell and J. B. Mitcneu, who for years have bought large numbers of cattle In Klamath county, arrived last evening from California, and are now busy looking over local stock. 'Horn From Lake vie w. Fred P. Cronemlller Jr. of Lake View Is In Klamath Falls on business. To graphically Bhow the outside world tho natural resources tributary to Klamath Falls, Klamath Commer cial Club Is to have made a copper en graving to print on all Its letter heads nnd all literature. Local business men also will be privileged to use the engraving on their business sta tionery. The diagram was drawn by Secre tary Fred Fleet, and is circular in form. At Its center la Klamath Falls. One sector, the largest of the circle, show that tributary to Klamath Falls is the largest body ot white pine on earth. Another sector shows that tributary to this city are o,vuu noma nr fertile soil. Another, points out 400.000 acres ot land tributary to this city is irrigable. Still another hewn there Is sufficient wattrpowtr frih.wnrv to Klamath Falls te trm wj every wheel on the PaclflcCoMtAn- v"a other porais om iui. yw - -- ...imMt vniuea In the West are ,. ''itA; .. ot Vlamnih Falla. The lBtt carter of the circle shows thatlUan- f . ? ... i .- a n n B ' ! - hi K1 ' atn county cvmi" i,,' "v '.fjjy miles, or a territory ive umm .'.&, large as Rhode Ishud.- 4"j iy?m w pi., .it radii ot the eircleftanM-,,v nte reaoectlvely a,lrtUn,.WIe.J "- -' - . T - m -Be.V'.k'i' .r,. j-ii-V, i- inc ihe line of the Natron. i,n niiM. following thei mm A: at LskevlaW. fOUOWlng I kMn - - - - line of the wo-iwwiP2$jr' following the Modoc Mertlaeniv-, San Francisco, following tnen-j-iJT, em Pacmc, and at TT Wllf f: the oroposed eoereiti n wannnw i down the Klamath River, J - ti 741 r ; ! .. A x. . i H "1 v " " tk 'j( x !ri IAH2Z U J 'C'A",V it ';