nr"ES -.rjx-,' wT".?,Wl W. M 4'C?SV v- ?' v 8 sw &, 'ft h-. 4 j JT 1 J -. ! .- IS . .- 'Hf:.- vvaMATH COUNTY'! iV'' -aw'-v. . A '4 1. ' OfMClAL NEWSPAPER MUflMAill FAbU Ml: .T. M' LWSftSfft? . OFFICIAL NCWtPAPlR; ' a, HiJf.JSSSil .J:;!&L i I r 1 rtJT;' aaafl I aaafl aaaV .at. A . 1k.; H 'aaaaaW. inrraui SJ6TJ PAPERS Mares war . HWMUSIGO EHj-r 'ffKNOCKlUT HH KLAMATH PALLS, O REOON, - -V-l' I SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1916 A . a.i w.'j VA?'S. itoef! FOR BOND ELECTION ARRI - - " " :. tans rrrsso WsbY VIM CBBTj- !&a. . ;v ?.?aari . ;y w ". iwpi i.w , su i -ift' v 5. , ;.. "sts : lv MiniHi . ramanaar. -V T'r -'T."WBBBBBj. a aaTSla1 '.IMf sWi bw ," aaKa WbpBsI 1 ' m - aaV'al mv M&al gp VNITICU !' VtWt KX. fgMMON or KNGLJM V1KW I4sfd w. 'ii' IMrfMMr as Secretary, of MMplNr War, Dactaras KafJaHd '' No rwcrjrfcm She W la Early la r, and Hint .' mur XMi Not Appeal to MBtmls for ivoco lttimntvr.'MUfrAWt inwi nwi nnmMmp JwrUM, IM', by tbe foes. Copyrighted Ib Brtwls.) Untied Great MMPWMBtrTlce VIWIir, Sept. 10. tfctre 1 no s4ft'.-r la sight. ABy Meou MlfeM bf the VbH4 8UU tb I "tjihi;' - , ,. miliar ulMnl In tlia fNM of boaeo waM bo eo tnioo trliritMl u an uaeutrml, pro WMtMMWflU on so Iom antbority thia tbtt of tbe ,Urltlib bub or the bur, Hi. Mob. UbtW Lloyd Qeorge, wrUry or tttte for war, "BfKate'naa only begun to fight; tk jfrttkh empire haa Invented thuu- Mb, of U beat liven t. purclinrt .Mart laaunlty for clvlllutlen: this btbtotnt la too great to be thrown any" wu tbe Wctah atatoman'a abHiportbeeltuatlon. "Mart than at any time alnco the Nfcwlai of the war there la ovl mmi throughout Uogtand a popu lar mmbIcIoq (oward America, a buh I'Mettaat did not cxIhI r' year ago, Tab fatllng ancDara directly attrlb- taeWj to the notion generally cntcr- Uln UtatjPrcaldont Wilson might iaaacea tp but In, for the purpose atapalng (ho Buropean war. A " auiplclon of Spain and thv 'ttaa Is also maalfeitt." Uyd 0orgo, was aakud to glvo JJJ DHad Prose In the simple poa 2t IfhaTiage the attitude of thn -WUsh' toward tbe recent peace tall:. jJHW.'! JWuageT," bo Inquired, wrhair amllo, Then he thought 1MlrUt. "JriftlBg terms are protty well uu ""Jf" hrever English Is apok " .replied. ",l am quite sure UI be understood In America. . then, the British 'soldier U a w Hcrtsman. He enlisted In the the sporting spirit tbe best " that term. He went In to '3, rUjr i0 tlon tram- S br ' bll,ir' Ht to "'Uy In InteraatloBal dealings. " Us rought as a good aporUman f tt thousands He has died like i3MWB' He hM nawraaked roiag more than a sporting chance JVnt ,,w"3r that. When JM not let u, h0 iltnV qu,t He JjT e. He didn't squeal. mTTnIjr h0 never nyone wiisa,rorhlm." 'M?.'!fr,ry for WBr- wh ", kn.11: ,kl more Uk8 n Amerlcsn J T m" than any other nglUli K,l0'''' now, speaking real ' W gutes, with scarcely any trace li iff BrlU,h "ttlon of ac- hto iht cl"umtancaa, the ?aWk."OW th,t tne fortunes of the &S d b,ti w iJaaawV ,'nw tb nuaal 7 ky tha Oi... .' T. .i.. ...... .,..1, lWWl,Mw,'WWWWIMMMlMMM Thousands 0 dusta'an Prisoners Taken by It MAMAAMAAAAMMVWlJVWVWWWMtiVWVWyWWWVWV rc of Gorite - : . &W$&i?x- r. .. :.a:' ammmmmmgammmMgaamnflflgmmmfl ammmmammmmmmmmmmmmgsmmmmmBamVaSlgUgsnm '' mmmmmmmBglmmmmHrglmmmBglmmmmmUg gsmmmmmmmVsmmrft'VsflBmmmmm amrWysBlaOBsBHMLWKw ' - 1 . - .1. ,. - -- .i .- '.-. . .-: '---- 'A II II mmW I M IV !'' wkM VmM Bmmml f 'I. " mmtsal ami ammaSr wk mm! H H mm H Bml H 'Immml mnAml'mmt-A Hmm as..Brm -m as mi arsa aLB.amisB ' 'gaffl III aa ay m sa bjbf pa mj aTaa"BjBea'A PJm JrV ma aai v Bsbt ma st mi aaj ems aai 4a w 4a ma Ja sjpP; Jbjbf r 4- ;. ' ,jr.t -WmVMaVMtaaVaxTjiav absssbv fjlmTsv'Tm VVJv''?dBT''4Ul " lUil lalfl.B'HI.-jl l I mmSIm mmlmliBrmwmT ' Iml -l' mV-lmV',':BT-'a ..-'.ml,. mmm WwmM.m.M-mJm'.MmJ " aaamTmT-ii ' : a -a air i -aBi. ava r a- av:auaBun -i: v :t "- " . t asve.. a aJt. avns -- . -mar.. .jaarwayai IUU Will rgBILakMVjBmmTmBmmVTV.fB a-Vs-l .V-A'Tt Ma. , vMiiim i . ., Tbla photographnhows some or the many thousand Austrian prisoners taken by' tbe Italians w8n they captured Goritr. ffinrul prnwil Af Itrln.tMA lkt. t... k.I..An I 1. .- m. ' . 1 .? ' ' .n... w- ,. ...J..v.n iiiou mi u uwii iiiuiuiirBJiiuu uereiuiure vn a njr .iruui oi utTIGw It perhaps shows a. LIBERAL PAPER TAKES SLAPS AT tMW LLMRGE . "&-js- -.Vtk' KIYH UK HIIOUI4) TEM ONLY TO MIMTAIIV AFjrAIKH liWiilon Hayn Kl.iltnieiit by War Slin htcv U "HNroilc ItUnireato," aiul l.'llrrr Voire u' All llritlsli Kinpltn. (illit'i Alllrtl Counlrirw lv. ... to lci'lntitlnin Tint U:u .Mi t tio to KiMvkout. llnltrd Prom Scrvlco IX)NUON, Sept. 30. The ManchoH lor Ounrdlan, n liberal organ, In to day's Issuo disapproves of Moyd (loorgo'a Ktatemcnt to tho United Press, In which he says England U0U3 not wnnt noutrals to Intervono for care now. Tho Quardlau calls the slatomnet n "sign of "weak nos and violence," mid suggents tlmt tho socretary of statu for war tonnno hlniBoly to mil itary, und let I'romlor Asqulth han dlo tho foreign nffnlrH or Kngland. ICxcept for tho editorial In tho Guardian, Lloyd (Icorgo's Interview Is almost unanimously approved throughout tho alllod countries. It Is said to express tho voico or tho British people, and is called a "his toric manifesto." New System of Sijnals for Fire Are Exlaned .4 -.eause-TSMMiy-op)e or Klamattf Iskiettse Bean Crop Threatened by Rain United Prss Service. ' LOS ANQBLBS, Sept. 30. noln Is thieatenlng ruin or 6000 acres or un barvosted boanB near hero, most or which have been contracted for by European buyers. in ilaaS: :y. OwiBB or' Cor tbalrltlsh people werepreparlng to gITyrobablr aifanlog tbu price, we Uww wnnt b;pald ; fmaBm5mivSr PraPtW,": nd b,u tho tlma to get tla arioj' ready, iuEFn J 'It la ob thing to look back n oltluro of T0"1"1'''1' name flgh. the early stages or tho contest. "And at this time .under those con ditions, what was tho winning Ger man going to do?" he asked. "Was be worrying over the terrible slaugh ter? No, ho was talking or annexing Belgium as a result or his victory, (nd while he was remaking the map of Europe withbut the slightest re gard for the wUm or it peopie, pay for Falls do not understand the-system of flro signals, the Herald today Is publishing a full list of tho signals, together with tho dstrlct covered by each. Tho now syBteiii of signals differs from the old system of ono ring for tho First wurd, two for tho Second, und so forth. Under tbe new signals two tots or rings arc given, ono tell ing In what ward a II ro Is, and tho second telling In what part or that ward. For Instance, when a fire Is reported any placo In tho Third ward three taps nil! bo. Hounded, then thoro will bo an intermission, and thou two, five or six t&ym, according to tho particular part or tho Third ward hi which tho flro is reported. Following are tho first districts and tho rings for each district: Ring 1-3 Alt that part or town woHt of Link River. King 1-4 From Link River to Center street and south of High strcot. Ring 1-r. Uotweou High and Cook streets and woat of Conter strcot to Link River. Ring 1-7 North or Pine street and bctwoen Third nnd Centor streets. Ring 1-8 Between Third and Center nnd bctwoon Pine nnd Plum streets. Ring 2-3 Between Third nnd Sov cnth streets and south ot Klamath aveuuo to Klnlock streot. k. i , , , f- Ring. J-4Betifa, Thlrdf and Firth streets .from Klamath avenue north to High. ' Ring 2-0 Between Fifth nd Sev enth streets, from Klamath avenue north to High street. Ring 3-5 Between Seventh and Tenth streets from Main north' to McKinlcy stroct. Ring 3-6 Between Tenth street and the irrigation canal from Pine north to Franklin street. Ring 3-2 Bast or Seventh street and south or Klamath avenue. Ring M Betweon Seventh street and tbe White Pellcaan hotel, and from Klamath avenuo north to Pine street. Ring 3-7 From Irrigation canal north and between Jefferson street east to the railroad tracks. Ring 4-2 Between Commercial titrcet and the railroad track and from Elm north to Esplanade. King 4-3 All territory west ot street and south or Elm street. Rlnc 4-n Mills Addition. Ring 4-7 Hot Springs ajid Hill side additions. Ring 5-2 Betweon Lakeview and Lexington streets and from Uphaui norts to Van Ness avenue. Ring 5-3 Between Link Rlvor nnd Lnkview street, from Cook streot north to tho Irrigation canal. ISIng 4-5 Betwocn Angle end LnXovluw streets and north or the canal. Ring 5-6 All. or Shipplngton. PHILLIES BEAT 7 TO 2 DODGERS DKFKAT OF ROBINSON'S BOYS IX MOHNINO GAME GIVES 1IHI... DDLPHIA LEADERSHIP IN NA TIONAL LEAGUE RACK BROOKLYN, Sept. 30. Bydereat p.:g Brooklyn this niouilLg by a ncore of 7 io 3, Philadelphia took tho Ied ot! hip In tho raco for the Natlonil I obruo 'pennant and 3 chance at the v.o.ld's berles money. These teams are neck and. neck for tbe cuamptinablp of Frealdont Tener'B league. They are undergoing DUCK SEASON IS OPEN T 0M0RR0W QUAIL SEASON ALSO BEGINS TO MORROW, BUT WILL REMAIN OPEN ONLY FOR TEN DAYS OF OCTOBER Tomorrow at sun rlae the duck, gnete and quail season .will open, and mauy In number are the hunters who ROOSEVELT RAPS WILSON POLICIES IN SPEECH TODAY ;si -V-fei"-;. &.JAnSI2"' i'-m t ..3w T?aaL y.M j- wmm Y'&m . vftfLvi 5 AjS . ; tf V .i. M. mMWAh.r-7wMr'i;i.t W tin usei' Liiiiniifu 'amr r,r t- . . ,. . ,. .' - . . --A-v-Jii"" a?;reatietireiy,T5a0Br!avJ 'KRKNDUMCTOBKItm-GJhei s : ircrroBERTir tin ' - 4 f i ..-;1 1 1 OrdisaiaK; to t i . :i - - iJL ;Oa That Data Also Amead" Charter ! .laeaw -atomdB. iMtrodnced, ad 'After October ltb Bo-ad ElectJeCmvBe . PamiUm- Uato for WIIT Be Cdled--Fint Electiom la Noretaber Stfi. v. ' CRITICIZES WILSON'S PREPAR KDNESS ATTITUDE Says Chief Executive Him Dragged Our Souls With Narcotic of Meaa inKless Plirnscwtonglng Answers Talk of .Keeping Us Oat of War by Saying Lincoln nnd Washington Didn't .Keep Us Out of War, But Are Revcrrcd. fjnitcd Press Service BATTLE CREEK, Mich., Sept. 30. "I stood by the president for over a year, but have been forced to con clude that his stand on many Issues aro no longer compatible with the In terests of mankind or the honor or iho nation," declared ex-Prosldent Roosovclt this afternoon In an ad dress before the citizous or Battle Creek. Colonel Roosevelt scored Wilson's Mexican and European policies as averting his public duty "by adroit elocution, drugging our souls with a narcotic of meaningless phrasemong lng." He severely criticized tho presi dent's attitude toward labor and pre paredness, and la answer to tbe ar gument that Wilson has "kept us out of ar." said "WoHhlugton and Lin coln did not keep us ont of war, but are ntlll reverred by all red- bloodod Americans'." May Float Another $225,000,000 Loan United Press Service NEW YORK, Sept. 30. J. P. Mor gan sailed today for Liverpool. It Is believed he Is going to arrange for the floatation of a new 1250,000,000 British war loan. the acid, test now against one another, the Urge number of each this year Elks Alleys to Open. The bowling alleys in the Elks will go .forth for these different game , Temple will open ror tho winter aea- blrda: FartlOB of hunter will -be in on tomorrow, The two alley are every section of tba county where ! as good ae. can be bought, end juxr tho Llrds are found, sad beeausn ot veiy mw:ns ?. . . AaatA.B aah . - nini ar iniv ni i:au . ii,i. in intk hack An ?ne WNV l.M - . " " " vl. """JaTVI llaJka. . M T ' .... a. !.. r MWrA I AVaVa aiMaMMa.l ' a. J .U Yll1fltl aaitiniAP IflOK -?T? dMk it. tr,-. .. m. ... !1. .. iha. war. hut a twentytureo mm Bill, a " TpMU BVaBB UlULUi rUB II TBI B. IWU TDmiBl Wf Tfaw - MlwsB idr war nnii a. kA ua VAatra ot ciui wr La tia.t """"fl UV UHb l-IW v .- rT. "" n his char nnd I nodrers next meet McG raw's New. mauy good bags are expected. --' " . - I . . aa 1-a ; Giants, who have, jusi won Tne auca season wm riuiniiwt straight games. It until January lBtn, nut it wm do taw- axpetoed. this' winter. Only Elk can bowl, on tbe alleys.. (6"go after quail tomorrow and hunt twenty-three siraignt uioo. uu . hhii i "- i Hook rather dark for tba Brooklyn ful to shoot quail only until October ducka later,- when tb qual seaaon I . . I I 'inita ThU will raiiua mnnv hnnlitra tin closed. I club, 10th. This will cause many hunter tins closed. ' 'With ifae arrival from Keeler Bro thers of the proceedings Introducing an ordinance for this city to exercise the. initiative and referendum, .del nlte steps toward the: Strahorn .rail road bond issue, election, have, been taken5. 'Tbe proceedings arrived this mornlna- with coaanlete jbstraetlem .. Tba ordinance, for the laltiattTe and referenduBi will be introdsieai t the couhcirmeetiag. aextMaadajr, ad ran bepas iaaUyat theaOig r LRL " .-Tv 5TST jIIr tlattra and rT. ror an ssaiqatat'w-.aMana-wri j;-tsiLS2-ai- Itbeae' breceedlaxa. all to b: iia accordaace with taaUJsetioai.'Msl :the yellow covefrflBiM 3, retnratd to as: . ' .S-HiKiXH,' - "Cover No. 4;eotaljyBiarBTV copy of the prdtaax, ; wkteti slwtM - '. have ,tbe. aumber illed ;ijjm&& signed by the mayor aad poU.JliBX-, ' and then to bo 4lrrrW to tW wit. t P4, - - (,!- J'l J usher of- tho etty otjetal;, for pabllcattota lm:B aw paper. In aceoraaaeo with i slon of your cBarter.tBel have been prepared lor. the MraodBC- tlon ot this ordlnaike.'aBCloVftha first and aecosd ia41jw,-tBSfwf;it -CVS r2& the next meetiag, which w stand to to be held oa Memdavy. the 2d of October. Of course ;tla rl nance cannot be aiHalied iitn aftar tbe aaaetlnc at wlilc-Hf prised. 'T paper prevldlM'rVlto . final passage at'tha aasetiiajg-ttolia" held' October th:are -hatiif:Hii ; and will be fdrwaroadlto l-fim la !- for that &:?"' m " -c "SKte '-irtife! f, .....M wm I y- mi road "bonds and callfng'an electioa to submit tbe amendment to tho voter vlll be Introduced; This second or dinance can be Anally" passed at the meeting October 16th, and twenty days later the bond election can be hold. This will be November' 5th. The national election la November 7th, so It Is believed probable tbat the people will vote tbe $300,000 bond Issuo at tbe regular election. Following is the letter received from Keeler Brothers this morning, nnd explains in full what the proceed ings will be: "Wo are pleased to hand you here with proceedings introducing an ordi nance of your city providing for tbe manner of exercising tbe Initiative and referendum. J- arordanesNslthttlaMaBMOiflB) .. -r-.i-, lag iho BMutMr aiBtf BC Wii tBli Wt HBLaKJBnBafia.' V. JfTP. rnmsAJHBmJvtvtm IBWfSaWBw "iBW. ?. panpafM ' ', sou n rdiaaaco amendm'eattto thV-elairtBr. ' lng the com6nvcoaicll.t railroad boada of. waTraiat, ai obH-,-" lng an election sWnUUif U asps) ' ment to jthe yoter:' jThl eMteaBMp providing for' theaiTeBiesit, MratV -A understand It. can &'&&&mii$&-. at the beeIdoi IsoVdaV" '' October 16th. and'ir ill of !tjBef ceedlnga are Uken at'theUKOr ' vlded In the form belag prafftrai.hf' our attorneys we see no reaiektwhyt ' tbe election cannot be1 calW-bis-,-' held at tbe' same time and plan - ix a tbe, regular November elecUiwa.s-' "Trusting that these fpaptr 'iwiU'- -i reach you In due tlmejend ha .aatifr " s Jj" factorr in form, we reaaafa;' , .Vr-vj KEKLKRtBt04.''. v. , S -,p-i jt'sf3Fe "Very truly yours. Allies Take 30 SqUPi Miles Land in . 13 Weeks United Press Service PARIS, Sept. 30. In the flrst thirteen weeks of the allied offensive along the Somme River, the allies bave captured more-ground than the Germans took In six months at Ver dun, according to an official statement Issued at the French war office today The allies bave reconquered thirty square miles of territory and forty five fortified village. Beside this ground, 62,000 prisoners have been taken, with 300 cannon and 1,000 machine guns. llcln has hindered oporatlona .In the last twenty-four hours, although the French have gained ground north of Rancourt A1HBN8, ..-'ept. 30. -Tho entire Greek flying ioij.i today JoLnl the allies . United Press Service LONDON. Sept. SO. Tbe British have improved their positions north ot Thlepvol. During a heavy rain this aiornlBg tho British defeated desperate-Carman counters at the'HassiaB traaeb. The Germans ar shalllag ta Brit ish positions south ot Ancre, United Press Service .BERLIN, Sept. 80. After captur ing tbe Red Tower pass and-shutting off any possible KumaBBU;wM4iaw- v;, al, theOermana tbisrlfv!r., v ly defeated' the; RuBwIbbb'V" aanwatadt. ' , . ,. ).y ,' .r The Qerraan first edrcl4i;aaBd.i3iJ-' '''' then annihilated the first RaBuiBiaj.,. s army corps and oaused w raaaifar. ;a, to retreat south to the. bohbUIm. . , , South of Henndorf tho Obwuuib,, also were sucoesstuL. 4 i V British attack between Ancre, aad ( ., Corucellette,.i,n the west, haya heea repulsed. . M rev ataaaMMM m , '"i :f f it-'i ti Ww't Let Genmiy , Read Osn-t W-- . ' ' t y United Press Berries 4 ROME, Btept,-Jr-TfcUllw aattr. parlUmsBtiury mjtMg$ml postponed UBtll msb rii - will, be held 1b Leadon. -At IkaV rereaee the alllii ffwsrirl strlagent maaAurs1 to ceatral powr,Jsm.'jBi with thsoaUUe, world, ; m rl &J 4 1 -"" 31 .' - -r- I'B tt.'f 7 'Si I jJ,T . : ".T ''lV 9K i3& mmm :.!& vmmmatmm'' wust. mJWM 4oh at w4iySrf aaeatll-Mitfutom&&& TMna4B) . ClareBoatiaVt) Uv. tomorrow. aeospt tha lamntlrv.- .v. .'iit?lAiaaaiaV.aa: ttrfejfeii. Ms1" y tJ,'.ti iV" . 1 . .rJ I l I '" " at If seeing thural Concluded on Page S t'iiV. ..,ri W J.. .'viO s. ?.;&?JA, -A-, ,, 2& Lw. J- :-r.'l M