ffipzzxf? T ,' rw U lj iamtittg IteraUl F t K Klfnll' Vcai No. M KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1916 Price, Five CmU GREEK ULTMATUMGOES TO SOFIA I mmmmmmmm -lltvni MMMMAAMMAAMMMMMMAMMMMMWWVVSMVVVVMVWVVMVMVVVWVWVMWWWVVVWWWMMWMIi F W$Bk Hi ' 'I vtf Germany Expects War on Bulgaria in 3 Days I BULGARIANS I MACEDONIA ARK RKINFOHCING ftosrh Are Gradually Squeezing Out the Germane From Pernne, tlie Allied Ohjeillte in llic Great Of fewltr tlrltlnlt Capture Fortified Perm After Fhe Dayii Continuous AhsuII, Sn) lonihm .'W United Press Service LONDON, Sept. 29. It I under ' itood that the Greek ultimatum to Ralfirli will so to Bona today. It will demand Immediate evacuation by th Bulgarian army of all Greek lowni. Amiterdara report that Berlin ex pects the Greek declaration of war ictlnit Bulgaria to be made within tare days. The nulgarlnn army In Macedonia h heavily reinforcing. - United I'rcif Bon Ice PARIS,' Sept. 29. The Froncli km advanced between Morval und fredlncourt n the etttward swoop to Kieeie the Gormana out of tho Per- ease ilstrttit ,, ' Ualted Press 8crlce LONDON, 8ept. 29. No hnltlnK In "their Ave daya' aasault, the British this moraine captured a fortified farm touthwett of taaara. Part of the trenchen. near the Schwahcn redoubt have been cleared 1 British bomb. The Germans are bombarding the new British position Around Thlep YL United Press Sen Ice BERLIN Sent. 29. The allied of fcillre alone the Somme has slack wed and llrltlsh nttacks between Anere and Courcoltotto have boon re pulsed. The Oermans are progressing In Tramyhnnla, near Hermanstadt. The Rumanians have beon driven Into tho mountains. TUETONS APPROVE HOLLWEGMECH ARK IIKHIND CIIANCEIilxm IX 18 STAND THAT ALLIES AIW WTINUING WAIt TO GAIN ORE TERHITORV Colled Press Service HBKUN, Sept. 29. Tho pooplo or .rTy "ro 01,t'"'8ln8tlcally approv n the spocch of Chnneollor von ethinann.HolUes In tho rolchstaK ?!',"' w,," ho b,n'no'1 Oormnny ill. MT th0 U' :-'car8' contlnun t w of tho present Kuropoan slaug'i- ChMJCcllor Holing ead the alllej ler , .r co,,u''tlrn of the war la "Wtorlai nggrandUcmont. referred to England as Ger Wiay ..m',t "0'otlt,c nn bltterett fiK CRUSHES WAITIV8 HEAD WITH COFFER POT . CHlCAnn oTTTTT Ufel iZ i ,t',' a following a 2cru hed wilttr'. head wtth a F WILSON I0 TELL WHAT ARE ISSUES OE THE CAMPAIGN WILL ENUNCIATE THEM IN FU TURE SPEECHES ! Xante HimlncKM Preparerine, Pence, ProNperlty ami AiUiiiMn Hill In In Good lleallli, anil Anxlotm to Grt Into Vt for Vote Ilugliew In KnlliiiMlaxtlrMlly Greeted In 411 Cltleii lle'Vfadts In New Vork United Prrs Service. A8IIHUKY PARK, N. J., Sept. 29. Penoc, prosperity, business prcpnred lien and the Adamson eight hour ,1)111 will be enunciated as tho four , chief Issues of the present campaign by, Woodrow Wilson in his future apouchcH, according lb announcement made here today. Tho president Is In good health and eager to start on the western cam paign. Ills wife will accompany him. United Press Service ONEONTA, N. Y.. Sept. 29. Charles E. Hughes In his New York campaign Is traveling the same trails he traveled when he campaigned the state for governor. Everywhere he Is enthusiastically greeted. Ho continues to assail the demo cratic record of the laBt four cars. In his speech here today Hughes declared that ho was In favor of the "general principle of an eight hour day," but declared the Adamson bill to be a surrender to the railroad brotherhoods' strike threat. WITHROW GETS NEW UNO JOB WILL IIELP'CLASSIFV CALIFOR-NIA-OUKGO.V GIlANT IAXS. LEAVES SK)N TO REGIX NEW WORK IX TIMUER necnuso of ills fnmillarlty with Innds In Klamath county and other parts of Southern Oregon, ntul his ability as an abstractor, llert K. With row has i boon given a position with tho crow of men that is classifying tho Callforflla-Orcgon railroad grant Innds. Mr. Wlthrow has accepted, and leaves soon for tho camp In Jack son county to begin work. It la expoctod that tho work of clhaslfylng tho grunt landa will re qulro about two yoars, but the men now working will have- to stop In De cember or earlier. Mr. Wlthrow has not severed his connection with tho Klamath County Abstract company, but la merely tak ing little vacation from the office work for a few month. Parker Speaks for Wilson A8HBURY PARK, N. J., Sept. 29. President Wilson this afternoon ac cepted ao efer froav Joh Parker. progressive BOBlaee for vie arealr eat, to .seek for WlIeM 1 New Yrok, New Jersey am Okie, British and French Leaders of War in Conference 1 mfmiwGniMMWzi&SmBHufaBE torn InWlEOfTOBI "& eH fornix " l?HVHrKMRPISCil i'AOlBF , ; lr-B W r lKtJSKmLiJC.Jmy'' , aiOVlnniHBBfll Ihivld Lloyd George. ' To these two men, David Lloyd George, minister of war In the Br premier of France, tho allies look for victory more than to any other pal the last conference In Premier Brian d's offlcc In Paris. "When peace Is d occasion, "We shall have won a victory over ourselves as well as the Germ tyrannies; no more hatred of enure hsteeples;- There will be only one City is Captured By Bandit Chief CU8IHUIRICCRIC, SO-BULKR FROM CHIHUAHUA, FALLS 'rninjtst OMcUU Admit Their lxi5 se Were Heavy, Bat Say Car ranu'a Tormentor Also Suffered I.oks Details Come From Mlntnjj Camrm Nearby, and Are Meoci-e, Put Relieved Authentic. United Presa Service LE PASO, Tex., Sept. 29. Federal agents learned today that Villa has decisively defeated the Carranzrsta army at Cuahlhulriacchlc, and has captured the city. Cuahlhulriacchlc Is Qfty miles west of Chihuahua City. The Carranzistas admit that they lost heavily In the battlo, but Insist that Villa's losses also were ncavy. Tho battlo began Wednesday morn- Ing, nnd tho city fell last night. De- tails of the fighting are meagre, and are coming mainly from nearby oln- lug camps. ARMED MEXICANS ARE SURPRISED WERE .HIDING ON AMERICAN SOIL AND FLED WHEN CAVAL RYMEN APPROACHED CAR BINE TAKEN AT OARRIZAL United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. 29. General Funston reported to the war department today that thirty armed Mexicans were discovered this morn ing hiding this side or the Interna tional border. They were -found a short distance west of Yaleta. Texas. When United States cavalrymen ap- vroaeke the Mexloaeaee. On dropped car mm tatea as tae massacre ef tke TMtlt eavairy tree aiCarriiel. Noake ha hew arte ttroa It POLISH WOMEN CONTINUE EIGHT GATHER IX BUFFALO TO DIS CUSS METHODS OF SEXDIXG FOOD AND SUPPLIES TO THEIR V FAMISHED COUNTRY United Presa Service BUFFALO, N. Y., Sept. 29. Lead ing Polish women of America are gathered here to discuss ways and' means of continuing the campaign to secure permission from the ruling European powers to allow food and. other relief to be sent from the Unit ' ed States to starving Poland. The failure of a personal appeal by presjdent Wilson to the belllger-. ent poWerS( made for tho Polish Wo- mena Alliance and other Polish or- ganzatlon8. did not discourage the women gathered here, An entlro week wm devoted by tno delegates of the Polish Women's Alliance of America, In annual con tention, in formulating plans they hope finally will result in breaking 1 tho blockade against Polish relief. ) Mrs. Ignaz Paderewskl, wife of the famous pianist, who has been work ing unceasingly for tho last year In behalf ofhor people, Is here to ad dress the delegates, representing 1S, OOOwomen. Unions Admit Walkout Failure United Press Service NEW YORK, Sept. 29. Admitting that the transportation unions have failed to secure a walkout of nil members, the strike leaders plan to call a new meeting of all unions Monday to arrange a general strike, if possible. Others predict that at the meeting Monday the walkout plan will he def initely abandoned. Those union workmen who are now striking insist that theflgbt.agalnst the etreet -car oompaaiea is still oa. Tke Bollae believe .that danger et trewhle ever, butgre coattawlEg (Nsetr TigUeaee. J . Aristide Brland. Itlsh cabinet, and Arlstide Brland, r In the war. The photograph shows eclared," said Premier Brland on this ans. "No more divisions nor local France." JAPAN Will BE OUR MAIN RIVAL UNITED 8TAT STfcEL MAGNATE tM-. JAPAM ISHilENDLY, tJtlj WILL GIVE HIS COUNTRY' H 1RD COMPETITION United Press Service CHICAGO, Sept. 29. Judge E. H Gary of the United States Steel cor poration, who arrived today from Japan, says Japan is very friendly to America, but that after the Euro pean war will be this country's lead ing commercial competitor. He declared that sons of Nippon nru taking up the manufacturing of clothing, and will send Into the world markets goods that will make a good bid. POLITICAL MEET ISA? CRESCENT BALL AND SUPPER ARE TO BE ENTERTAINMENT FOR CANDI DATES WHO ARE AT NORTH ERX TOWN TOMORROW NIGHT Fire will be placed under the po litical pot at Crescent tomorrow night and several candidates will be there to watch It boll. A candidates' ball, followed by a sumptuous supper at the Hotel Crescent, are among the en tertainments prepared for the candi dates. t At least four or five republican office seekers and two or three demo crats are preparing to go, or nave already left for the political pow I wow. WILL NOT CREATE AN AMERICAN CARDINAL United Press Service ROME, Sept. 29. It la now prac tically certain that no new American cardinal will be created at the papal consistory to be held In November. Archbishop Hanne of Ban Francis co, It had been stated, would receive rat consideration If another Amer lean was awarded the Be Hat. The date of the consistory las tees let for November I0-XT. . . SAY VILLA M4Y ATTACK JAUREZ NEXT WEDNESDAY CARRAXKISTAS TKH, FRIENDS TO LKAVK TUESDAY Villa Has Boasted That He Woald "Drive the Whole Garrison Iato tb River" Tlieatem are closed Early, Streets Are Patrolled and Citlaeas ,,, Most Be in Homes by 10 at Niht or Be Executed by Soldiers. United Press Service JAUREZ, Sept. 29. The warning being given today by Carranztatas, telling all their friends to leave Jau rez by next Tuesday, is causing ta bellef that Villa intends to attack, this city Wednesday. If the bandit king does nttrck Jan rez he will be executing his threat to "drive the whole garrison into the river." 1 Carranzlsta officials are ckwtag focal theaters early, and have an nounced that anyone out of bis hoaae after 10 o'clock at night will be exa cuted. Troops are patrolling the streets. ' ' There la a wild ramortb&t part et -jvBr-AT.-Si.i-rc lJrSJ& Wednesday. LAVA BEDS ROAD , IS TALKED TODAY NORTHERN CALIFORNIA csoiw. TIES TODAY ARE DISCUSSING THIS ROAD AND ALSO ROAD. t IXIWN THE KLAMATH ALTURAS. Calif., Sept. 29 Work that Las lea carried on lit each it tho five counties will be outlined at today's session of the annual conveop tlon of the Northern California Coun ties Association, the big booster meet ing which has drawn over 200 dole- gates here from Northern California. and Southern Oregon. This will be in the form of addresses by repre sentatives of each county. In addition, plans for the further ing of the development of the north ern district and plans for highways will be discussed. This is also the day set for the election of officers for the ensuing year, A projected road down the Klam ath river,' connecting with Humboldt Bay, a road conectlng with Klamath county, Oregon via the scenic Modoc Lava 'Bods, employment of convict labor in road construction, and co operative work of other character by the counties will receive attention. Including extensive Irrigation pro jects. Today's session completes the busi ness session of the Northern Counties Association, which In Us year of exist ence has proven Itself a potent factor In advancing the Interests of this re gion. Tonight, a grand ball will be given In honor of the visitors, and to morrow, an auto trip will be made through the Surprise Valley, stopping at Surprise Valley and Cedarvtlte tor the day. Cooks May Go to Work United Presa Service 8AN FRANCISCO, Sept. 19. The secretary ef tke local labor eevaett as the preaitaat of tke restaerMt: council are eeaferrlag tkto arMraaeaL regaraiBg a aetuemeai ex tae an waiters etrtke. I I. ' -jr. u Tl J- m, 9 i .. .h vs 3 r " 'tfww