'&-AStr ti'rP-' & i 'jf V':V Uii ."V " k ' ; ij lEu tmftuj Iferalfc . .tk w "IF ln KLAMATH COUNTY'S . KLAMATH FALLT ' OFFICIAL NEWSPAF1H OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER -O! tf ' J? Klevrntl. Vr-N. MT KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1916 Fries, ? ' At i $U CAR THIEVES WENT THROUGH THIS CITY M,nTuiii: men with criminal iti;coins Will W rnw "J" fnmi-iij fur C'mckliiK PnMolllce Hifo at nny When AiioMed 'nr Wiih Udrd Willi Jewelry iimI Nltro Ulyierlnc ' "M" ArtlrW' H,", M Frt.m Miiity PIiikw. two criminals with luul reconlH md of uP''mto character were pltrcd In Un '"'""'h ' ' "w w"'" Harry Vallwi mid ' C()X- ",0 mun wkoitole (icorKo lltininry car in CrMCcnl, were arrested below Duim mulr, accordlnc t Mr. Ilumphpsy. Wllh Ills Oakland Hlx In Reed coudl tloB and nil paraphernalia about It Intact, Mr. Humphrey returned vos ttrdiy from lliiiismulr ami Yroka. Cox antl Vnllon, whoso iiIIiih Ib J. f, luiln, nre now In JH t Sacra penloawaltliiK lilnl for cracking inc ..r..i iim iimv iioHhilllr. Tlioy will be prcwcutcd by tho federal author-'''"''h lofro thousands In Canton Mm, and will not bo returned to till afternoon, ChnrloH K. Hughes Klamath to face a diarKO of stealing wilt Mulsh lila Ohio campaign. Mr. Humphrey's automobile, j u H estimated that In IiIh Ohio The men were caught a short Hh-( iti ipalKii ho una addressed $.'0,000 Usee iouIIi of liunaniulr when Dopu- voters, i tlM Calleck mill Fish of Diiiminulr mH volio Ih bad, and la becoming caught up with them on tho roatl to wio. Redding. Tliclr car w an a(niHid. undj Thin evening ho spcaka In IVun tbe deimllca asked If they needed Hlvanlii and tomorrow In New In Tim in, II until lll,V lllll. Tlln I M. ..w vvccni aui uui m iiivii vi hum Mit.vi loth under arruat. ln, an liwlnnt, yallou. ducked and Ta Into thu thick brush uIoiik tho raid before ho roiild bo atiipiod. (!nl leek and Kink rutiiniL'd (o Diiiiaiiiulr with Cox, anil nollllcd all train erouw to watch out for Vallon. Iloforo Ioiir Villon oiioiiri'(l at a urn ill atatlon od tot iimlvi 11 frclKht car to rldo to pnddlo., Tlir (ondiictor culled him cut and told hlin to rido In tho e.-i- bowe lo ItrddliiK. Whim tho train ICMhcd Ilfildlnir 1111 iilllrnr riitmi Intn' tho taLCKMW nml nrrnKl.wl V.illiin ulwi ill the time ttnH armed wltli a rp- oler which he had Hwrotcd under till ,hrl ( Mr. Humphrey broiiBht Vallon and foxfrom Iliiiisiaulr to Yroka, and on thu road and In the Yroka jail drew from them utorv I Thev Bald that after Htoillni; Mr. Hunii.lirora uir at Creaeent Hundny nlxht a wwk ami. iiiuv hi.i in !! hiiMi aboo Ohlloiiuln, and nlioiit 1 1 oiiock Monday nlKht pnaacd IhroiiRli wimalh Palla, on Main atreet, on Mr- ,,H10- IMr ty t iim, W,oro Hmy Biajodi II day Tuesday. Krom Hilt thoy ,,p JoliiiMtii VIkIIh. ut i Wce.l. and then north to1 ' w- s- J''" of llonanza Is "ray, where they opened tho poat- u "unity ae.M visitor today on bunl- oace aafo, and then drovo to Dunn- j ''"' Blr. It Vns ,.l0 dint tho car wns noticed by ,(,yii Alford mid tho nu- one Kolly lioiiRht a Rocond-hand tborltloH notified.. llulrk car of Oeorgo lllolm laat Juno When arrested Vallon and Cox had and then wont north wothout com weral gold wntchea, much other Jow- pletliiK pigment of It. Later tho trio 7. eonildoinblo money and enough 'koI Into trouble at Madras and Cul-nltro-ilycerlno to blow up u block of ver, hut Vallon and Cox escaped and yrapcrB. " I found tholr way back to Creacout, Humphrey uIko found ouL,that tho where tlioy purloined Humphrey's !n ,re tho nine peraong who with car. . Bend Election Cannot Be Before wauiso the city of Klinmth Fn.ls q?Vr Ofllclallv l,i.u i .I.-'.., formal "iiu inruiiBii iiaunu rciuruiiuuiu nu .-t - clti . ,)rl'CHS of at'"ltlng for tho ordlnanco applying to tho city tho ma one m 'nll,a,,V0 " referendum, chlnery for using tho Inltlatlvo nd htinI0 ttC(,k lu,l8t clal'80 "of"10 rofcrendum. But Keeler Brothora', the IT i tt""1 oU,ct,0 o lU uuild atturnoy, don't look nt tho mutter Howav. if" ra,lroa, c" be hold, that wny so aro requiring that tho j, ',' tho ordlnanco for doing thla council pnaa an ordlnanco adopting lwlBeWa', aocort"nK 'to tho foN tho principle. IWbvrn m rocclvo( this morn-1 This ordlnanco la expected to bo Mckr Attomoy Rollo C. Groea- hero by noxt Monday nlht and can "For r nroto''- I bo llnally paaaod a week Utor, or Oc- MoDtih? r1or,,,naPo Providing for tobor 0. An election cannot bo cnll 4iui .J" thUvo B referendum ed until at louat thirty dayB later, nnd -aiea today. , jwhch rankoB tho oarlloat possible N und b "'""y dttornoys' date for tho special bond oloctlon No- er t,,e tte law luunlclimll-'vpmber 8. ' OHIO CAMPAIGN IS ENDED WITH hughes speaks to no.owo in buckeye state Volte of Itcpiiblluin CiindMnle (tnmn Worwo iin KtrniiMtUN Sditxlnlo (if HKilicN In FuHUIcd WIImiii Con. fciN Willi Xnlloiuil Chairman ImiuI Hpeerlie of I'retddenl In the AVeMrro Stale. United Press Service AKRON, Ohio, Boiit. 27. -With an AHIIHUUY I'AltK, Sept. 27 Prca-fiK-ul Wllaon and National ClialrmJin MiCormlck aio conforrliiB today re GiiriliiiK tho presldtint'a weatein H'0'ChcH. The uiitional (ommltteu approvca Wlloon'ri aland lo not Ko on a atump Iiik I our, hut nwhiIh him to take laauo beforu iiou-polltiral orRauizatloii3 vitli hoiiio of Mr. HiikIics' itntcmcnls. IHJV.'I.IMI AMiKVK WIIJj HI J OriJXKIi VWl WIXTMK Tho I'nlni bowllni; nlloya under the Odd Fellow h Temple are to bo opened - oon for tho Inter Beason by Mc- l.R" "'. " ",,vc "'ikuici- ' lo f'r the Itwt few yearn. Tho nllc have been torn up, and are beliiK lewUed and amoothed. They w ' r,,l,, 80,)' u,ul now bMlH and other pnrnphornnlm Inatnllcd. ''"ho exact dato of opening la not known, but It will uo aoon, accoruiiiB November 8 tins ill i may make use of tho Inltlatlvo .... i ..ikn.i julnntliiir nil CAIfTON ADDRESS I. '- I Held in Great Extortion Plots hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmA GEORGE IRWIN , Vi 'f T CWOODWARP,.;- 1 Federal Hccrct service agents any) they hnve unearthed In New York,' Philadelphia. Chicago and Atlantic-) City one of the most extcualvc extor- (Ion pints tho nation linn known. A KiiiiR or men, ualug the Maun white slave act, which phues a penalty on taking a worn in from statu to an-l other, nbtalnccPlarBo ftulns'frbni'incii' and women, koiiio of them nald to Peronne and Bapaume May Fall in 14 Days United I'rcHs Scrvlco LONDON, JTe..t 17. Follow -ip .lu French cap i t of Thlepval, It h predicted that nnp.ii.iiie and Pennine the objoctlvo of tho whole allied of fensive, will fall within a fortnight. In tho battles of tho last two days tho British hnvo Imprisoned a, r,00 Oiinun soldiers. This morning they gained several new but minor posi tions along the Sommc. United Press Service ROME, Sept. 27. Home reports wholesale desertions fiom tho Clreek army to tho cause of the revolution Ms. Practically all girrlbons In old G recce have Jotnod tho revolutionists and are marching to Salonika. Tho Orcck crulsor Ixinchl, con trolled by tho robol forces, has Bailed REX CAEE SOLD ' BY LINDQUIST lOCAI. (XMHiS HUV IK)1ULAH HATING HOUSE AND HAVE TAKEN POSSESSION LINIL Ql'IST WILL NOT LEAVE CITY Tin. Box Cafo, conducted by J. W. LlndiilBt for tho past fow years, yes terday was sold to Ross Nlckerson, Con Black and James Pappas. Tho new proprietors took possesBlon to day. Messrs. Nlrkorson, Black and Pap Pub ne cooks who have presided over tho Wtehons of local reatauranU for aome time. Mr. Llndqulat will spend several week In Klamath, hunting deer and ducks, and then may go to CnllfornU for the winter. Ho likes Klamath, however, and doesn't expoct to aiwn tlon this paction. iucMDV UlKcci i-pfSi RWARP' zdqnhueJ hnvo been very well known. The de tectives nrrosted aoveral In connec tion with the case. Four of those weio ('corse Irwin Kdward Donahue, Henry Itussell and T. C. Woodward. Wood u aid was held In ball of $2,r00 after he bad willingly aurrendercd. It wih not known Ijatbcr or.npt, the dvlvctlvcs would mafie out a" case against any of those held. for Salonika from Athens. The (ircokf cabluct has decided to resign, although the king has not re ceived the resignations. United Press Scrvlco BERLIN, Sept. 27. It is admitted that the allies have captured Thlep val and hnvo advanced on both sides of Coureelctte after earlier repulses. tfitowhero along the Somme allied attacks have failed. United Pioss Service PARIS, Sopt. 27. The Germans In i the last twenty-four hours have mado no attempts to recapture the new French posttiops along the Sommc. East of Vcrmandovlllers the French last night captured a fortt iletl wood. DELEGATES TO LEAVE FRIDAY KLAMATH CITIZENS WILL HE AT IWUNTY MEETING FOR LAST DAY'S SESSION WILL RETURN HOME SUNDAY According to presout plans, W. A ilVUell, R. II. Dunbar, V. T. Mot- tclunbacher, Carl Schubert Jr. ,and Frod Fleet will leave Friday for Al- ' turns, to attend the meeting of the Noithcrn California Counties Asso ciation. Tho trip la expected to bo 1 made In Schubert's car. i The mooting will last three days, beginning Thursday, but the Klam- ,ath delegation will attend only the last day's session, and will return i Sunday. Funston Blames Booze for Skirmish; 1 American Killed ONLY ONE ONION STRIKES: HEADS ARE SATISFIED I'AINTL'KH AMXK WALK OUT AS I'KR ANNOUNCED SCHEDULE Union Men Having Contractii Said to DiMfavor General Strike In Sympa thy With Carmen Action by Many Unions In Deferred Until Tomor rowExecutlves of Unfons Predict All WIH Be Out in Another Week. United PreM Service NEW YORK, Sept. 27. With the exception of ono local painters' union, all union men reported for work this morning, despite the declaration of labor leaders that a walkout of sev eral thousand men was schoduled for this morning. It is indicated that all union men having contracts with their employ ers do not favor a strike. ' The labor .leaders pay tbey are sat- lufled .with Jthe.sltuatlonj. They .-will not state bow many union members aro expected to walk out if a strike is called. Many union men are not working today because of Jewish holidays. Some unions have deferred action until tomorrow or next week. Executives of the labor unions say all members will be out in another week, unless tho demands on the em ployers are met. CAN'T REGISTER AFTER OCTOBER 6 ELECTORS WHO HAVE CHANGED THEIR RESIDENCE SINCE PRN MARY SHOULD NOTIFY COUN TY CLERK BEFORE NOV. 7TH To avoid trouble to voters on elec tion day, County Clerk C. R. DeLap Is colling the attention of the -voters to tho fact that every voter must vote In the precinct iu which he lives, and that all voters who have moved their resldtnce since the primary election should notify the county clerk or any other registration officer. - This applies even to wards In tow ns, says County Clerk DeLap. For lurtance, If a voter lived In the Sec ond Ward when he voted last spring, but since has moved to the Third Ward, he must vote In tho Third Ward on November 7th. 'If he does not notify a registration officer of his change of residence, ho will find on election day that bis name Is not on the rolls of the Third Ward. He will not be allowed to go to tho Second Ward to voto, and before his name can bo changed to tho Third Ward rolls ho will experience much troublo and loss of time. Tho registration books will close at C o'elock on the afternoon of October Cth, and anyone not registered then must be sworn In on election day. ESCAPED CONVICT ONE OF GANG OF MOTOR THIEVES OAKLAND, Sopt. 27. By arrest ing Edward Carlyle, escaped honor prisoner from tho Oregon peniten tiary, wUh two others, one a garage nronrletor. tho oollce are certain that they have caught the automobile thieves who have been operating In Oakland, Reno and Los Angeles, IMSMHaHHBMia Says Fault is One Side of American Soldiers ONE TRAIN DAILY AFTER OCTOBER 1 BEGINNING THEN, OUTGOING TRAIN WILL LEAVE AT 10 AM. AND RETURN IN THE AFTER NOON AT 0:50 O'CLOCK Beginning October 1st, Klamath Falls' will have but one train dally each way. The train which is now leaving at 12:01 and returning at 3: S3 will be discontinued, now that the cummer tourist travel Is about over. The new train schedule says that tho outgoing train will leave at 10 a., id., and wjll return from Weed at r.:GQ u,-a. Reaving in the morning the Klamath Falls train wUl connect J-Yittt'loul,.nortiboun4..s at present. On September 29, the date of the Sells-Floto circus in Weed, the train returning to Klamath Falls will be held fifteen minutes, to allow peo ple at the circus to return on the train. There will be no special train for the circus on the Weed-Klamath Falls branch. BILLINGS DENIES DYNAMITE PLOT SAYS HE DUN'T PLAN EXPLO SION OF POWDER WORKS, BUT ONLY JOKINGLY SPOKE OF WORKING WITH GERMANS United Press Service SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 27 War ren IC. Billings, convicted bomb mm derer, today denied the story that when he was a prisoner in Denver, Colo., he plotted to dynamite the Du Pont powder works in Deleware. He said he only jokingly suggested apply to the German consul for work during the anti-ally activities of Ger man and Austrian agents in the Unit ed States. Sheep Man Here. D. F. McAullffe, a sheep man ot Lake county, is spending a few days in Klamath Falls on business. Many Women Attend ' G. 0. P. Rally Last Nigtit About sixty-five citizens of Fort Klamath and vicinity last evening at tended tho republican rally at that place and heard the political issues of the day discussed by the Honor able, Wallace McCamant ot Portland. That the women of Fort Klamath are interested In the national Issues and the coming election was evl rinAi hv the larze number who J turned out to hear Mr. McCamant. I Of the' sixty-five present, twenty were ADDITIONAL TROOPS ORDERKD TO THE BORDER (ilnialtaneoHSIr Comes Order Rewov. lag Other MiUtkunem to Betae "XtAttm CarranxJeU Commander la Ex ecHted'aiegaUetas,'' Haw Sac. Hon la Troubled ReaabUc, Hold Dnraago After Attack by 9000 Mam United Press Sarvla WASHINGTON. D. C Sept XI General Frederick Funston, ia charsje I of all military operations oa the Max- lean border, today aaia be Diamea me American themselves for the ,brt-sk yesterday with Mexicans sear Gen eral Pershing's lites in Mexico. General Funtou says the Aater' can soldiers bad been drinking. One of them was V"led ia the skirmish. Additional troops ot artUlary, in fantry and lu'litia nave beam ordered to:tne .froyUi;-. -- .safrs...:-.wni Simultaneously, the war depart ment has issued an order returalag home 10,000 border militiamen. United Press Service EL PASO, -Tex., Sept 7. News reached here today of the attack laat Friday of 2,000 men on Dnraago. The report received here says the "Legalists" are holding the city, despite the attack. General Gomes, a Carranxlsta com raander, has been executed. Army officers refuse to believe that Villa will attack General Pershing's outposts as a last eKort to discredit Carranza at the peace cojBmlssloa's meeting In New London. Yet It Is reported at Jauras that Villa himself is marching toward the American expedition, and it is feared that he intends to cut compuallllNll with the, border or attack northern towns. -i, 3ErI I. W. W. MEMBER, WRECK PRISON ATKORTaT YAKDtA United Press Bervlce NORTH YAKIMA, Sept. 87. Forty-six Imprisoned Industrial Workers ot the World this morning demolished Iho furniture and bars of the Jail here and this afternoon are continu ing the wrecking of the Jail. Citizens and deputies have sur rounded the jail to prevent the es cape of the prisoners when they hava completed their work. : . Aid WUl Meet. The Ladles Aid Society of the Christian church will meet tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the church. women, some with babfs U;Ue arms and others past the hajt otar mark. J-'-'-kh, Mr. McCamanfe aMresaj ,. by some of the Klamath falla eeeaj vho attended to have been " ter than the one delivered hw afti day evening. l '" f .toseph 8. KeaV rt " j.... . ji.t.t. .ommy latrainaaaV the speaker. He gave fJAH .ii...i,iob of the county eaaaJir.'.i-'i' d si" 5 "M m f V .'Mi m rj?&'; n iv