mrrrr- 1 Tft Q,T . 4 fcjr i v -" ?V. v-o JST . 'M KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Ktercntl. VC..-X". 'Mi VENIZELOS WOULD ALLIES WIN IN ALL PARTS OF BALKANS QRRKK INVOLUTION NOW IN CO.NTIIOli W CRETE IttmsnUi" Capture n,UUO Prisoners la Tnwijltaiitaii l'Mitlng ami IVoicre Alwi Danulie Both Wlnan of Kcrbl.wi Forres Storm HulK.irl.iit Defen-.i's Ni-Jir MoiiiiNilr. ArtillirjInK M-iikM Homme Plgtit United Prcm Service LONDON, Sept. 2"i. Athens llll contlrniably report Hint Premier Von Uolols in nt Salonika, and Ih heading t revolution which Hecks to over throw the Constantino government ind precipitate thu entrance of Greece Into tlio war against Germany. United Press Service ATIIKXS, Kept. 2.1. Following tlin occupation of C'nuca ami lloraclion the revolutionism li ivo gained control ct Crete. Tlio gnrrhtons Imvo surrcn dcrcd mul Jolueil tlio Insurgents. Palled Pre Servlco PAIU8, Sept 2.1. In tlio lust two days tlio nllli'H Imvo won UnH)rliinl vlctorlv- In practically every sector of the Macedonian lighting. Advancing tlio entire loft wing, the llrltlali" Iirno successfully nttickcd Jnnlnnh, The French took trenches went of Struma nml progressed northwest of Fiorina. The ScrbluiiH advanced north of Krutoxrad mid the IliiRHlniiH captured fortified hilt No. 916. Halted Prcm Servlco nuCIIAIllIST, Kept. 25. In the iMtUonly-rmir hours tlio Rumanians have enptured ,tnio prisoners north of tlio north went urn Traiiaylvanlnii 'font. They also liuvo progressed long, the IUiiuImi anil nt Dolinnljn. I'nltrd Press Service HOMK, Kept 2.1. The Uussluus ml T'.unuinl.itiA hne resumed the of fensive nt Vulcan Pass and letnln tlio Inltlatlvo nt Dohriiilju. V-H of the Vanlfir tlio allies Imvo wn repulnvd. Both wlngH of the Sorblan forces e advancing nml this mornliiK ue n a RturmltiK of the Bulgarian do 'Mes south of Kcnull. not fur from MonaBtlr. United PresH Servlco JElll.lN, Sept. 2r,. The Gormatw Penetrated tho Russian positions In "ca, but later woio rejected. Tho "Wan nttneks north of Jlallts re sulted unsuccessfully for tho offens ive forces. The Serbian attacks on Kumuclia 'n nave collapsed. ZennelliiH iiu, ,.i..i. i ,.. "ucharcst, llumaninn ntlackB on Szurzuk nnd Y1n Push Imvo failed. tolled prpBs Bm,co" rnSNM?N' Bppt' a5 in th0 W08t- "gating Gorman counters against &L DlltlsU I'ohIHoiib on tho "onrne continue. Counters oast of Courcollctte have Bruin, CM8fnlly repuUed by the - t!?!,,!1ci flgh,ln8 Is featured by Wen Urtniory duelling. mSt mUs tUo l0M of two ZeD" 5 BrS.i rnla Saturdnr nlht on 8 tleh positions. SLlj? Hamting FORCE GREECE MILK WAGON MEN JOIN STRIKERS; 180,000 READY AM. UNION MEN WILL UK CALL ED OUT, HAV LEADERS Willi ' IHO.OOO n I ready Agreed on Striking nml :I50.(MM OtlMr Pre pared to Quit Executive of Union IWIiete Imiirt'imloii Will Ik' Mnilc I 1 Without Help of All Union Men or Ntm Vork Arbitration Board Mis-t t.'nltcd Press Service NKW YOKK, Sept. 25 Kxecutlvea rt tho trnuHportntlon uiiIoiih are biiny tcitny arrangliiK tho detulls for tho v. iilkoiit Veilnenilay morning. W'ltli 180,000 memberri of tho cur mn nprccd on a walkout Wednesday, IcndcrH wiy 3r0,000 men connected ith other transpartntlon cnterpriccM m.iy iult work. Tho loaders decline thli number will have such n tremon iIiiuh effect that thoro will be no need to cull out other union men. The public Ih hopeful that tomor row's Hcsulon of the atnto board of ar bitration will bring adjustment of tho Iron bio. Milk wnKoii drivers guvo notice to day that they will walk out Wednes day unless their wnges are Increased. BOARD CREAIES 3 NEW SCHOOLS TO Mi: I.OCATICI IN HAItNKS VAI, l,KV, NKAIt IIONAXZA AND lA I'lNI--iXHINTV NOW HAS Ki KCIIOOK DIHTHICTS Three new school districts woro ciented Saturday when tho county boundary board mot In tho chambers of the county court. Number HO will bo the ofllclnl tltlo of ono of tho now districts, and Is in Karnes Vnlloy, In the extreme eastern part of tho county. District Number CI. Iho socond cre ptod, will bo nenr'lno In tho ex treme northern imrt of tho county, and not far from Crescent. Tho third new district Is Number r2, und la about flvo miles north of Bonanza, near the Uenrpo Maxwell place. Thoro are now G2 school dlstrleH In Klamath county. The county boundary board Is com posed of County Judge Marlon Hanks nnd County Commissioners P. H. Mfi Cornack, John Hagelsteln and Super intendent oPteVson. Ksnee Man Here. n. J, Smith, district freight nnd passenger ngont for tho Southorn Pa cific, Is horo from Sacramento with Mrs. Smith on business. KLAMATH STARTS GREEK REVOLUTION Warship's 14-Inch Guns Hit Target Eleven Miles Away BILLINGS FOUND LOW RAIDS WET These great 14-Inch rifles of Hhots at a dlstnucc of 20,000 yards tlcsblp In the world, not excepting carry M-lnch guns. The target was lies on" Tanger Pound in tho Chesapeake. Postmasters Exchange Compliments by Mail In tho following humorous nnd kindly spirit, Robert A. Kmmltt, for mer postmaster nt Klamath Falls, In- J Ktruits W. A. Dclzcll, present post luiMler, that no will accept freo de livery of mall nt his resiliency. In tho snmo spirit Delzell responds. Tholr lottcrs follew: To tho Pestmaster: My Dear Sir Freo delivery'' is n gieit thing It softens tho heart Hgalnat other delinquencies of tho U. S. government. The house Is numbered with tin let- VETERANS MAY ATTEND RFUNION I.OCAI- MKN WHO FOIKJHT IN CIVlli, SPANISH AND INDIAN WAH8 AUK INVITKD TO KK I NION AT DOHIIIS THIS WKKK Cinnt proparatlonc mo bolng raado for tho old soldiers reunion at Dorrls on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of thlb wcolt, tho dales of tho Dorrls fair. Totitu will bo pu'. up nnd furnished with all tho nccsnorlw necessary, to i hut the vcteraiw will bo better pro vided for than they woro iu tho "days that tried men's booIs." Captain J. W. Siemens, Captain J. C, nutenlc, Captain O. C. Appiegato nnd Uoutcnnnt K. U. Itoimes of Klamath Falls have been given spe cial Invitations to attend the reunion and legale the people with their rem Inscences, nnd ro much of the unwrit ten history made by these men and other pioneers. Early exploration of tho Klamath Uasln. Including Fre ,.,. ti,iimiiir nxuerlences. as they can bo sot forth by Captain Applegate, will be both entertaining nnd Instructive, PALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1916 INTO WAR AGAINST GERMANS tho United States battleship Pennsylvania scored five targets out of twelve In Cheaipcako Hay. That record may tho five Ilritlsh batUeahlps of the Waraplte and Queen Kllzabetb class, which tho sunken hulk of the San Marcos, tcrs on the porch post, and the side walk la In fairly good condition. A mail box has been constructed three degrees northeast of the front gato, nnd in case of efficient free delivery hcrvlce you nro at liborty to sell my P. O. box (G12) to tho first appli cant who desires to give something for nothing. My wife's namo is Flora, and as we nrc petting along very agreeable at present you may put her mall In my box until further notice. Wo aro tho only persons who deserve to rccolvo mall at our residence at tho present, but lu tho future my family may get larger. With sincere regards for n now pobtoftlco building, a twlco n day ser vice, n change of administration, and thereby In consequence thereof, a uow postmaster, v It. A. KM MITT. 1. a. My residence Is 728 Oak street, and tho strcot Is sprinkled onco every full moon. Dearllob My feco Is still n grlnnin' from r?adln' your kind noto, A' rskln' for my carrlors-your family mall to toto Around to whoro you're llvln', at stv- en-two-elght Oik. Your old box nt tho offlco, which you hno used for years, We'll closo and wreatbo In mournln' IJut wo can't shod any tears. For we'vo grown so used to smllln' over things In this Admin. Thnt our tears have changed to laugh ter, and we're koepln Wil son in. Yours, DEL. m Snow In Town. Charles Snow was a business visi tor In town today from his valley farm, Goes to Roseburg,, A, J, Powell, who formerly "con ducted The Smoke, left yesterday morning for Roseburg on buslnes. Herald make her the most formidable bat formerly the battleship Texas, which L GET STOLEN CAR OAKLAND SIX IS IlKCOVERED BE- IXJW DUNSMUIH AND THIEVES AHK AKUESTED AND PLACED IN JAIL AT YKKKA George Humphrey is expected-home from Yreka with tho Oakland Six touring car stolen from him at Cres cent on the night of September 17th. The men who stole the car. were ap prehended Saturday evening below Dunsmulr, and have been returned to Yreka nnd placed in Jail. Tho arrest camo about through Lloyd Alford seeing tho car In Duns mulr and immediately notifying the authorities. It Is understood that the two men will not bo returned to Klamath Falls, but will be tried In Yreka for crack ing tho safo In tho postofflce at Mnc tleol Friday night. Although It baa not been proved. It If i-uspocted that tho same men rob bed tho Jewelry store at Merrill a few nights previous. MORE CATTLE ARE SHIPPED J. L. "UICCKLEY SHU'S SIXTEEN CARS l'ROM CIHLOQUIN AND ONE FROM HERE FOR MILLER LUX OF SAN FRANCISCO Seventeen carloads of choice beef csttle wore shipped today to Miller & Lux of San Francisco by J. L. Beck ley. local buyer for this concern. Six teen cars, or 425 head, wore shipped from Chioqulnl and were raised by Mr. Beckley himself and by his broth er, J. H, Beckley. One carload was shlppod from Klamath Falls, and was purchased from George Watt. HUMPHREY WL GUILTY IN FIRST DEGREE BY JURY LIFE IMPRISONMENT RECOM MENDATION IS IN VERDICT Convicted o( Placing Bomb Tliat Kill ed Several People, Will Appeal To. morrow for New Trial Defense to Ask for Tluce Months' Continu ance of Trial of Others Suspected of Complicity in Bomb Outrage. United Press Service ' SAN FRANCISCO, Sept 25. Mur der In the first degree was the verdict returned late Saturday afternoon by the Jurry In the case of Warren Bill ings, -charged with murder through Avnlnalnn tf a lintnK riilvlnfr tlin tiro. pwedness paraded - ' - j The jury recommended life Impris onment. Hillings and his attorney. Maxwell McNutt, today are preparing an ap peal for a new trial. The appeal will be made tomorrow before Judge Iniin.e. At the same time .McNutt will ask for a continuance of three 1'ionths of the trial of Thomas Moon ey and others charged with Billings as perpetrators of the bomb outrage. Mooney's trial is scheduled to be gin tomorrow. Ex-Mayor of New ' York is Dead I " U.iito flMUIrWWl, klWWKI? T.ranrf a', . -1 Seth Low, aged 66, died after a long illness at his country home near Now York city. Ho had been twice mayor of Brooklyn before consolida tion with New York, for twelve years president of Columbia University, and once mayor of New York city. JURY FINDS FOR MRS. BENSINGER A verdict for tho plaintiff In the sum of $90 was awarded by the Jury Saturday evening In the case of Mrs. A. E. Benstnger against Stephen Her llhy, The plaintiff sued for (90 as u balance due on a threshing machine. Hollo C. Groesbeck represented Mrs. Benslnger. The case was tried tu Justice Oowen's court. Mrs. George Deal of Langell Val ley la spending a few weeks in Klam ath Falls with friends. KLAMATH FALL' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Price, Hra JOINT; SEIZES BEER AND WINE ITALIAN IS ARRESTED FOR BOOT LEGGING AT PELICAN CITY - Sheriff Low Catches Bootlegger s He Arrived From Dorrls With Load of Firewater Grabs stock Consisting or Six Cases of Beer, Four Kegs of "Dago Red," and Empty Beer Bot tles and Glasses. A bootlegging joint -that has been doing business for some time was raided Saturday evening when Sheriff C. C. Low entered the home of-A, Barni and wife at Pelican City. 'Four kegs of "dago red" wine, six cases of .beer and several empty bottles were seised, by SherJS Low and Po liceman H. S. Wilson, "who arrested him. Barni was placed under arrest and lodged last night in the county jail. Mrs. Barni, although charged In the information as an accomplice, was al lowed her liberty because she is about to become a mother. This morning Barni was released on $600 bonds, furnished by A.Comfortl and Julius Joseph. The hearing Is scheduled for 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. Barni and .wife are charged with a misdemeanor and not with a felony, and hence will be tried before Justice E. W. Gowen. Sheriff Low for some time has been av.cre of the fact that liquor was .be ing dispensed "at Pelican City, but postponed arrest of the traffickers un til he could get concrete evidence on which he believed a conviction could be secured. Friday he sar tw'e'.'isea from Pelican City In Klamath Falla drunk, and asked them where they obtained the liquor. Thar replied that they could get all they wanted at Pelican City, and were persuaded by Sheriff Low to return to the bootleg ging Joint and buy a bottle of whis key and one of beer. The men returned to Klamath Falls In about an hour with the wet goods, us per Instructions. After securing a search warrant Saturday from District Attorney John Irwin, Sheriff Low went to Barnt's house and arrested Mrs. Barni. Soon afterwards Barni himself drove up to the front gate In an automobile, and was arrested by Sheriff Low. A search of the car was made,, which disclosed that Barni was Just returning from Dorrls with six cases of beer and one Veg of "dago red." CROSS BORDER; MEXICANS SHOO? CAVALRYMEN WHO CROBWSD WO GRANDE WITHOUT AUTMORITx WILL FACE COURT-MARTIAL, SAYS GENERAL FUN8TON WASHINGTON, DCr. Sept. 25. General Frederick Funston nujrired to the war department that he httor HArArt court martial for the MHfti of Texas cavalrymen which e'OtM the Rio Grande yesterday without authority, ' Mexicans fired on the party wk It was across the boraer, aa osw horse was killed, m A' A M, 1 J? ' 1 - jrl fl t -" '4i -Mn.,t 2H1 t&5 ?$ - ;rcTi ' njl --. a f 4.-V; i " d- ' v'. ..j . v!?; rf.'wv- !ifi"l . J i -it--. t,(itC'L. -atc.x-.f 'v;'..! ... - c