KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Eleventh -N."" LEGISLATURE MAY PREVENT STRIKE 12,000 POLICE ARE READY FOR STRIKE iioMK : i-M i; .iii-: will iiixp ki.i:p itii :it Wiwtdir rniiwiiilt hicl-i on IUkM (dIN-iiI hull (dually Willi Mon "nil Xut Through I I'll"' I'"'""" I'n-Hl. drill (Junipers of Ainoiltiin l;Mlcni- llmi of IjiImu ) I'lKlX l Villi to Labor Unionism. I'nltcil I'rem Korvlcr NKW YORK Si'l'l -:1 Although they lint)' liwmd u letter (o tho public jiyliiB tliori i' ii' ri'iiiMiu to export tlolcnco an a leault of tlic Hyiupa Ihfllc utrU.i i Iti-il for uoxt WodutM thy, the 1 uhn ifi jinrt UK'iit will lino !,000 men ri'inlj for orvlro Wed nrfdoy moriiiiiK Twenty tlioiix.iiul members of tho Home Deictic e League plan to help prwcr order Member of nil miiIiiiih today nro totliiK mi the order of their oxoou the for mnniciinlni of work. Members of tho Now York legltl! turo lll inert Monday to. consider calling a npol.il -oflliin to pirns I.iah Hut Mill prowtit a tdilko. Tlio ItitiTlKiroiiKli Htrrct car com pany olTlehilM Kiiht iIiIh morning thole wiwirliaiiHi' in tlio decision to ilunl lth lliu rmiM" iih IihIUIiIhiiIh ami not thrmiKh tlii'ii union. 1'ronldout BhnntK lids morning iiddrojKoil ii lot tcrtnthi' kmiiiI J it i uhMiik on Indict went nf all l.ilmriti-s rcMpoiiKlhlo for the threatened xtrlko. Streetcar men In HUiimnud tiro Heparins to mrlko In sympathy with their fellow union nicmhorn In Now York. United Pros .Sen lc o WASIIINdlON, I) ('., Kept. 23 I'rwlilent K.miiii'l Gnmporri or ttn American l'Vdoiatloii of l.nlior says the New Yik unionist me prepared loetnynut ill winter. If mich itrtlou U uecKbiiry to win tlio light to orgiui he. He i)k unions In every city .uo I'talgliig tlicli hupport to tlio Now Vcrk workliiKinen. iih tlio tight Ih ioi onlie(iB Mta to unionism. Arrjiiur fm ('tlnK. A. I,. l.o;ultt. rliiiliiiinii of tliu republic-mi ri'iitnl imlttoo, and Clr- mil Juilgii I) v Ku1ou(lall loft IIiIh wnrnhiB foi Tort Klnnntli to irrniK3 " (In- icpnVlrnn rally tlioro Tuoa 'wan-ant will 10 tlio principal ipeaker. "no for KiipplliN. Carl Schmidt Sr wan In (own tn "V from IiIh lancli In tlio Midland !!itlon t" Bet mippiioH. Republican Campaign to Be Opened Monday Night T'e republican campalKn In Khm J county Mm ,in Ollll10(l nwt Mon J' m,lnK,ll"""slou'H opera bonso, uh"a,ta"y "r "" ".publlcnn will Theni i , M" lr ' '' riinilnliuil. Honnr m "'" ",1'"','8S w" niarto by litllB ," ""cnkcr ot national ropu- nl h?. ,,",l, lo nttond tbo bl n ',,1!H """ v,c,,,lty h " """wtlmnrHtnatloini election Qltyv lEmmum IS SHOT FOR DEER BY KJRKFNDALt j accident omits i:dmsi,v XHAIl mtow.vs cabin Klikcmlull S4-H Brush Mutiny, anil ItrllinliiK a Deer Is Behind Brush, I'Iiim Ilk llllli' Bullet Ciitrusl litw mill Cii Out Behind Eur, Hut Dlil Not KIM Victim In Hit Al'l'llll'llt of Will limiting KollSOII. Tile llrHt incident of tlio I lilt, tlecr hujihou occurreit Wednesday owning in Long'o pr.ilrlc, 'four and n half :nll(H from linns ii'h cabin, when II Ii. KlrKondnll of K linn it h Fnlltt nliol (I.'oiko Viiii Aiiki'M, u fill liter nuil guide of Meilfonl AuoiiIIiik to ii hunter loturnliii; to Kliiliinlli KuIIh hiHt owuIiik, KlrlU'i: ilull mi" wit ne IiiiihIi mine, unit tlilnlo lei; .i ileor mh imivlni; tlio lirush, llr )' IiIh rllle. Thu liullet entered V.i'i Atikeii's Jaw ami ciiioikpiI IioIiIihI IiIm cii TI.o arclilcnt will not provi futnl. Tlio hIiooIIiik ocriirii'il alimit (' iiMoeli Weiluemlay oveuliiK. wlirn IC'i keliilull anil Vnu Ailketi weie IiutittiiK hi tlio t'.tow'n'H calilu anil Kll v " en m p roiiiiiry. Mr !t It Ham I ton of tliltt city arilveil at lllileo Creek tlio Kiituo eenlni; to hunt ill er, .mil huh fottnil xoou niter tlio hIiooIIiii; Mo caieil for the woiiiiiUmI man until a doctor from Medford arrived nml irmovcil Van Aiilton to Medford. (ioes to 'l''ilsto. MIbs l.llllan KtlltH left today rnr Kin Pianclrtco to liny Btoclf for tlui HtlltK DryKoodH company. t'tiilorKxv 0M'i'iiilou. Mth, .InmoH A I'eiry w:ih operated upon H'Htonlny by I'm. JoluiHon uml Catboy. Tlio patlont Is doliiK woll. ToiihIIh Iteuiovcil. Hilly, tbo Kinnll Kim of Mr. anil Mis. V. II. Mason, uiidorwent an opora (Ion for removal of bin tonsils thla moriiiiiK. Oik. Johnson and Catboy porformoil tbo oporntlon. Vi'ccor VNIIh, William H. Froor, Htiporlntondont of Klamatb Indian losorvatlon, Is In Kliiniatli Fills today on IuihIdosi. at which tbo untnon of Oiuroii can 'voto and tbo hit front tboy tnUo in tbo ' iialloniil campalKn will bo watched by both portion, ! Tbo rally U sohoduleil for 8 o'cloc!;. On Tttnsdny ovonhiB tbo roimblir aitb of Wood Hlvor Valley and vicin ity will Rather at Fort Klamath to hear Mr. McCnmant and Judge D. V. Kukeiidl, randidnto for circuit Jitilt-'o. and JoBoph S. Kotit, camlldatu (or district attorney. Tbo rally will l.o tontlnuod at Merrill WeducHilny civcnlns, when tbo samo threo spcak ,ufB will uddroua tbo citizens, MEDFORO MAN KLAMATH To Prove All Suffragists Are ,- - m&w: m -;& av m 'mA . mm -. rx. 6.' y sXf rrl o:j -mrjo. 1W GU'LTOKP pUDLEr ' 'ANl CHILPKTN Ollli'lalri of the National Amvrlait Woman .SiirfniKe AHodntInii ofTer hN iilituio of well known woiiieu mil their eblldiuu to prove that he- '! f It. woman HiitTr.iKo does not make M''ni'ters of women nor tend aKaiusi Dobrudja Fighting Becomes TrenchWarfare;TuetonsLose United I'less Horio LONDON, Sept SSI - A hit ro Turk Ish foico tod ly is crossing HulR.irla to Join the (iormaus and HulRiiriaud on tbo DoliruiIJa battle fiout. I After Moriil day.s' desperato tlf;bt Ini: ahoxo tbo kiouikI, tbo hattlo of Mohiiidja has biicomo trench warfaio, belli shies rioiiuontly aUackliiB. Home ropoi ts that the Cei mans Jic ; tetieatiiiK from Humatila, and have, aliaiidoned tbo Rumanian fortress of Sllbti-.i, iiipttiiod ii fortulKbt iiro. I Unit oil Vress Service HICHI.IN. Sept. 2:t. Solla nn- 1 LAST SERMON IS TOMORROW; l!i:V. ItlCIIAHDS Wll.li ritCACH HIS FAKKWKI.Ii SKKMOV AT II O'CLOCK SI'KCIAIi SKKVICF. IN Till: KYKNIMl Hov. ICrnost C. HIchnrds, pastor of tbo Methodist church, will preach his farewell sermon toman ow morning ut II o'clock. Hov. and Mrs. HIch nrds loavo Mondiy morning for Leb anon, wboro tbo former will attend tbo Oregon Motliodlat conference From tlioro they will go to Hoguo Kiwir Valley to reside. Hov. HU'htirds has boon pastor of tbo Mothodlst chui cb for tbo last threo kiii'h, Mini lma formed many friendships, and won a placo of es teem among tbo citizens or tbo town. Tonionow owning a special sorvieo will bo bold at tbo Methodist church, The program follews: fj,mK Congregation I'rayor Pastor Quai tot Clara Calkins, Mrs. .V T. MotMiionbachcr, Mc Farrln and Motschonacbher. Solo Mrs. Ilorbort McCarthy -j'rlo Messrs. Mobaffey, McFarrin nnd Motschenbuchor SonK CoiigrcButlon .c-oiooo Dry Those Tears'. . .Hlego Miss Mabel Mears FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1916 J& l)J 'Q ' vi ; v i V ' i.feJl "DS '7 M"?J' U'AN'K-A-VAMPCk,l.lr' ANP SON niot'ierltood Thorp are uo stronger mhoiMtcs of woman toiffr.iKo in tbo country than Mrs. (Jullford Dudlpy, pieslilent of tbo Tennessee initial Suf- frane Association; Mis. Frank A Vi nderllp, wife of tU" iireBldent cf noiuies that the Htilgari.ius li;ie i.i'ituiL'd Calmish Sotlpula in Mnco Uoula, besides t.ot'i-al trenches held by tin allies' right wing. The- Hiilgailaus liavo routed thu Ti'ii-iaus and Humaul.ins near Kn glo. wlilch is not far from the Dob iiidja lighting. I'nltrd Picsa Service .'AH1.S, Sept. 23. Two German aeroplanes wore downed yesterday by French airmen in tlftyislx different battles In tbo clouds. Iiombs wore dropped on many Ger man stations. CLOTHING WILL BE DISTRIBUTED Cl.ril ItOO.M AT l.lltl.AltV IICII.D IN(J WILL Hi: KKIT Ol'KN SAT- i'hdavs to hi:ci:ivi: and ivb OCT t'LOTIII(i To reeolvo donations of clothing and to wait on poisons calling for clothing, mcmbois of tbo philan thropic dopaitmout of the Women's Llbinry Club will keep open oicb Saturday altcinooii tbo Main btreet loom of (ho club, Anj ono wishing to donate old cloth ing for uso of people unable to buy all tho appaiol they need siro asked 'to houd tlio clothing to the philnu (biopie depaitmeiit of tbo club. Tbo club will gladly piy transportation chin go on clothing to bo delivered to It. J Last winter many a family In Pti allied circumstances was helped by tho work of tho philanthropic depart ment mid tho department intends to do tho 8:tuio good samarltnn woik during tho coming winter. Solo Lawrence Mehaffoy I Piano olo Marlon Taylor .Anthem "Lift Up Thy Voice." Choir Solo Mrs. 13, C. ltlc'hardB I Violin solo-vCharlotto K.Satterloo ' Vocal sold Mrs. Don Zuiuwult Anthom "Jubilate Dee" Choir Song Congregation Mtvalb AA'AAAA""ViV""VAVViVVVlfYwVL Not Spinsters 'rm 3 yWkt MRJ VAlTr?,Meh'AB PllLLtR tlio National City bank, the strongest national bank in the United Status, ror Mrs. Walter MeNali Jllller, who was the tlrn auditor of the National American Woman SulTrsse Ai-socli- Hon. : LONDON, Sept. 23. Tho British haw advanced toward Bapaumc and 1 iiavo laptured fortified trenches on a ' half mile front east of Courcelette. A Corman attack on Thiepval has born icpulsed. Last night British aviators dam aged the German aerodrome in Bel glum, killing many soldiers. United Press Service TIIK HAtiUK Sept. 2. The Ger mans have captured the Dutch steam- i , or Prlusheiidrik, with eighty passen gcib The vessel Ins been taken "to IZeebrugge. ENTERTAIN EOR REV. RICHARDS whem: chukcii oivks iikckp tion IjAst Mtiirr fdii hktih. IXfi .MINISl'l.lS, YOUXfJ FOLKS i:ntkhtaiv v.i:inksiay kvi: The Methodist iliurch last evening was the sceno of n farewell reception for 'lev. and M, !.'. C. RIcha.'c.' who leave Monday. A largo iuuu'i3' j f tbo membei-s aid friends of tho , church attended. ! Wednesday evening the young wo men's and young men's classes of the Methodist church gave a reception for Hov. and Mrs. Ricliirds at tho homo of Sir. and Mrs, Widdoes. A short musical program was enjoyed and refreshments woro serovd. A beautiful cut glass vase was present ed to the guests in whoso honor th'i j reception was held. Thoso -present I woro Rev. and Mrs. Richards Mr,, and J Mrs. WIddoo3. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. M. (Chilcote, Mr. and Mrs. Will Wood, Mr. nnd Mrs. F. J, Erz, Miss Kather ilno Holloway, Miss Audrey HobortB, j Miss Marjoiie Delzoll. Miss Lulu Wat tonburg, Miss Clara Calkins, Miss Helen Pnxson, Glenn Conwell, Arllo Worrel mid M. R. McFerrln. AMERICANS DOUBT CARRANZA'S POWER ROOSEVELT MAY COMEIO COAST MAKKS OPENING ON SEPTEMBER 30 IN MICHIGAN WILL FIRE OPENING GUX TODAY IX XEW JERSEY CAPITAL NEW YORK, Sept. 23. Follow ing the announcement tint the Roosevelt and Taft reconciliation meet is slated for October 3, It was learned that Roosevelt will make his opening speech en behalf of Hughes at Rattle Creek, Mich. ' Colonel Roosevent may speak in ' several of tho larger Pacific Coast cities In October. ANDERSON, Ind., Sept. 23. 41 Hiouch er.v lioirso and advised by bis physician to take a rest. Charles E. lj.ughesr is making all scheduled speeches. .He is dovoting particular atten tion to the tariff and tho Adamson eight hour bill. LONG UEACH. Sept. 23. Presi-J dent Wilson will open the democratic campaign today, when he addresses the business men of Trenton, N. J. 32 KILLED IN VILLISTA RAID RAXD1TS RAID OIL CAMP AT TUX PA.M VILLA IS 'M MILES FROM CHIHUAHUA CITY', AND IS NOT ItEIXG PURSUED EL PASO, Tex., Sept. 23. General Tievino, Carranzlsta commander, to day made vigorous denial of tho statement th?,t Villa's attack last Sat urday on Chihuahua City was success ful. He declares tbo VHHstas were routed and captured nothing of im portance. It is reported that Villa Is now twenty miles from Chihuahua City. Carranzistas have not resumed their pursuit of him. Two Englishmen nnd thirty Car-; rauzistas were killed yesterday when. VHHstas raided an oil camp at Tux-, pam. I Tourist Season Brings $25,000 to This City By far tho busiest-tourist season In tho history of Klamath county is be ing cxporlonced this year, if the num ber of uutomobllos passing through this bection is an accurate criterion of tlio tourist trade. Crater Lake Park opened nearly a wholo mouth lato this year, yet tho stream of tourists during July, Aug ust and September has eclipsed any thing experienced heretofore. Conservative estimates place tho number of automobiles stopping over night in Klamath Falls at fifteen, with as many more passing In and out tho same day. An accurate count was kept at Fort Klamath during tho last week in August, and an average ot 50 cars per day were found to pass KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Price, Fire Cent COMMISSIONERS AT XEW LOX 1KJX GROW SKEPTICAL Failure of General Trevlno to Pnrsue VIIILstas After Clilhualiua City Ruiil Saturday Throng Doubt on Ability of Mexico's Provisional President to Help Patrol Intern tional Border. United Press Service NEW LONDON, Sept. 23. It was reliably learned today that General Trovlno's failure to pursue tho Vlllls tas after the attack last Saturday on Chihuahua City is causing the Amer ican members of the Joint commis sion in session here to question Car ranza's ability to control the border. This doubt may result In a big change in the tentative plana for co operative border control. United Press Service JAUREZ, Sept. 23. Tho Carranza garrison here Is heavily reinforcing, following Villa's threat that he would attack the city.- r . A large band of VHHstas are en camped twenty miles from Chihuahua City. Passenger service has been discon tinued between Jaurez and Chihua hua City. All armed civilians In this city are being arrested. HUMPHREY'S CAR SEEN YESTERDAY REPORT RECEIVED THIS 5IORX' IXG SAYS M-OYD ALFORD SAW CAR BELIEVED TO BE HUM PHREY'S IX DUXSMUIR Word that an Oakland Six touring cur, resembling the one stolen from George Humphrey last Sunday night at Crescent, was seen In Dunsmutr yesterday, was recelced hero this morning. Lloyd Alford, son of R. A. Alford of this city, is reported to have ceen the car, and believes it was Humphrey's. Alford Is said to be fa miliar with Humphrey's car. The Oakland Six was going through Dunsmuir when seen by Al ford, according to tho report, and did not stop in Dunsmuir. through that town, tho southern gate way to Crater Lake Park. About CO per cent of tho tourists carry their own camp outfits, and do not stay at tho hotels. Ten dollars la considered a fair average for the amount of money spent at the I rrn-taa hnlnld nnH trmCArV AtnrAB bV autos staying over night, and 93 for cars passing through. Hence the money left here by tourists during July, August and September amounts to $200 a day, or about 35,000 fer the season. By establishment of free auto camp grounds, where free wood, water and cooking facilities are provided, Klam ath Falls hns tried to show her appre- Icintlou of the tourist trade. I ft j4 J- A - IT