KLAMATH COUNTY'S 0FFICIAL NEWSPAPER 3ttj laitfttttuj iterato KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER t3Tf",h Volll No. a, i oil KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1916 Trice, Fire Centf GERMANY IS SUGGESTING ARMISTICE GERMANS TO START DRIVE INTO RUSSIA WUM.WH iik r:::lAB0R SITUATION IS OriMiM IWn-iit '' Miles From IWltun I'mmiI, unit Sllll A i imi the IbirkNard Mil"''. '" iHHiilun. llrilMi Tnko TiciiiIh-. in tlm W-M wl Cm Teuton In Hetivut Mr, KiM IWeiie of ltnMUiiic. NOT IMPROVED harvesting of iwm, uraix crop man increased re. MA.I FOR lailOHEHS, AL HEAR .MA 1)1 : ACUTE rnlltd Prw Service rOIKNIIA!i:. J-Vpt. 22. It In rfllablr reported tint Kaiser Wllhclm- t,- arrhoil nt Kowil and In conftjr ring with General on MackeiiHeii w the uropoted drhe against the Uwlini. The trio will be directed ij ven Mackriisen t'ulted Prcg Ben Iro LONDON, Sept 2'-' It Ih purnlnt ttlly rumored In London Hint (lur nivj li endeavor I iik to suggest an A scarcity of lnborcrn In Klomatli county, which luui existed nil Hum mer, apparently Ih still the conditions of nffalrri. Even yet men are wanted In many plnom, nnd at Crater Lake Park In large mimbcrit. Harvesting of the grain crop bus .'.uinliiatcd the deinnnd for men, J.ftc u slight lull In the demand bo- twt".Mi hnylng and grain harvesting. Farmers arc In town every day, call- lint: for two or tlirernd somctlt.im. Warship Memphis on Rocks in Santo Domingo Harbor fHffl BUILD BIG SAW MILL ON UPPER LAKE mm - - m rl i nnn , i.-i mi . a i nwiiiu iwwn.iii . . i mil ii.m ., Im ' 'w , , " 1iA vfH'. '"','' : ' V, - z?4 - , j ' w 7 ' J try&& UA Wi -p iJ 1 JHHBHHHHRHBSiMiiiMiftCMUHHRHH 'MWMMIWMHIMMimiMIMWMWa TIiIh photograph wiih taken a few hours after the United Stated cruder McmphlH, formerly tlie Tcnnecc, went iiHhore on the rock In the harhor of Santo DoiuIuko. In a heavy Ktorm the vcbhoI started for the open Hca to be clear, but the main Btcaiuplpu buret, killing many men in Rtuntly and InJurliiR many more, and hIic as helpless. She was banged aKnliiHt the rockn nnd badly damaRed, .. . irmUUce tlirough America ;n8paln, ,"."' """ uBtdlum. """ " I'teutenant fleorico K. (Joodwln has in .itimdliiR call for 100 men for work United Preiw 'Scrvlro 1" '" romlii In Crntor liko Park. I'AHI8, Rept 2'J The Hcrblaim HoyltiKton Urothcra today hpiiI In tnrlly ilcfcnled the llulKarlnun on ealpfor three men to work In the tbe SbrMkc front today. , wood In the OiIi-hhii country. Other The French iidvamed thori iiIho rumpH nlmi need men. nd raptured tlm reKlon uorthwent! '''' I'fllcan liny Lumber company f Armcwkl. Il tukltiK thU it-Rlim ''tnlly dlMeontlnued runnliiK iit the French line reached the height n,Kl becniiKe of liiHiifllrivnt iii"n donliuitlnx tlm Florin I'opllu roud, I RIVERS OPENED BY POLITICS IS CHARGE BILLING'S CASE GOESTO JURY TUB DKPHMMXT'S ATTOHXKV CHAKGBH THAT CASK OF l'UOS- KCUTJON IS "FnAMKD," Al LOVI.(i GUIITV TO KSCAI'B Vrbii- Tbe Bcrblnim Iiiimi reached tli, mirth of Kloilua In the ht a loluit fleininn conn ter on the new French lino iiIoiik tlm 6ommc a repulKed IIiIh n(turiiM)ii. tXM.MITTBK XAMBIl FOU m:.t hbiibkaii iia.nvii.t At the recular iiieelliiK of l'riiNpei- My Itebeknh I.odcc the follow I i-i luemberri were nuimd us the comiult- HllnlPreii8eniro ieo for the Imii'i lot lit the llrnt re;u. 8AIX)NIKA, Sept 22. Allied war- '"" mwlhiK In Oetoltr. Mim laat nlglit mil thin jnoruliiK' Joihlo l.lyo (el nlriiinn). A, J I.yle, 'belleii the Unitarian eunip7il Neck-''-!l linvw, Cluu. (inivim, Utile ':ir wrla, near the (iulf of Orfaulu, Tlio',,-,'t'n' ;hiH. Cii-ndnn l.lzzle Fltih, muiti are ninioiiuied torjr," IIH "HlltlHf.lC- tolled Preai Service IX).ND0N, Kept 22 The ItiiHulatiii Mlnarc uIviiikIuk In the Cnrpath , cccupyliiR (, HUiniult of Hmot W mountain. TheltuaalaiiHiilHo are nttaekluB on WhoKbollulkan fioniH. .Mary North, V. II. North, Mm. Town "H.'iiil, llose Kivhph, (Sreta llradley, !oiKe llradlej. Anuen MiiHten, Mav Tower, Alva Jlr.l'. 'Vlniile White, 1).-. V. M White, Aillo Worrel. I'llted Prena Service "KHUN, Sept ItiifMltin troops attacking tlm Teuton Hue at I)ub- ,, , . Vlgoro,' "KlitliiK marks tho Wliltlea all nlonK this front. Southwest of T.mllezti tho Rumin. ""Mr Hank ha8 been routed. WPrfMH7 t.lSlT' 8"1,, "-Oon-rnl HhIr WU that the nrlHl, ,mve ,,. J" """'' t Ancre along n mlln Here. Froni Oik'Nsn. James Stinw Is Npeudlui; a few dayn In Klamath Fall.s on business. Mr, Straw has n homestead in tho Oilcnsu country. THIS AXI ItBI'KAIi STASH AT I'l.AVKD AH TltUMl CAHOS I Clitilriiiiin of ItepiililiMiii (Viitrul ('oniiiilltiti ChiiiKw That Iteeenl Ails of WII.miii Ailiiilni(mtioii, I ! meilialely I'isTediiiK National Flec tion, Aie (ilaiiucly I'olitlcal in Tlieir Natmv. front, ciipturlui; two lines of tieuches between Flers and Miirtlupueh. The Ciii'iuaus are retiring iiIoiik the (iiiedeouit highway for n final do fuuee of llnpaume. A report from Salonika says the ClormniiH have retrcnted ovor tlvo miles from tho Dubrudjn front, nnd are titlll rotrentliiK. Tho Husslan-Huinanla advance In Transylvania continues, F. Worthington Charged With M of a Saddle ed and carried into effect. Graves mil Knapp's mill was compelled to close, as they had been Induced, by the administration, to build on tho rlor, and water transportation wns their only means of securing logs. I They, together with the other citizens of tills county, also tho Portland Chamber of Commerce, the Klamath Commercial Club and other commer cial bodies oer the st.ilo did every thing in their power in 1913 to in dtue the dciui tmcut to relieve this situation and rescind tho closing or-i der, hut to no purpose. Latterly certain laigo lumber iu .... li i m n,.i . i in lercais are saiu 10 nave Diown now, ,, , .. , ,. .life Into tho movement for tho open the Ironing Herald to the effect thatlng ((f tho rvcW ,()(I t tQok but tho kecretary or tho Interior had ro- worlI oI tleil. mKc v0ce to liiduco! hcluded his order, promulgated soon the department to rescind the closing j after the Wilson administration went order. It camo too late to relievu Into power, closing tho rivers of tho Graves and Knnpp, however, because Klamath Indian reservation to log- tho policy of tho WiUou admlnistra gliiR operations and other Industrial Hon hud utterly ruined them fiuan iihcs. Many people of this commun- chilly. Ity were doubtless glad to hear of ili, t ia8 occurred to leitaln citizens order rosclnding the olio closing rlv- r thiB community, as well as myself, ers on tho reservation, but in vlow of (i1)lt tll0 .l0 roROIis for opening the the f. ict this older is immediately pre-1 ,.V0r3 of t)l0 Klamath reservation at irdliiR one of tlio hardost-fouglit po- tll0 e0Venth hour hhould be made lit fetal campaigns that tho country has iowii. It will be seen that it is a seen for wears, It might bo well for combination of big business and dem tho voters to stop and consider tho cratlc politics. Theso two conslder- reiBons wny mo rivers uavo ueuu n(on8 combined had moro weight United Press Service SAN KHANCISCO. Sept. 22. The murder case of Warren K. Billings wnt to the jury this afternoon nt 'J o'clock. In his argument this morniiM. At torney McNutt for the defense, charg ed that tho state's cae was "framed," and allowed the guilty persons to escape. Prosecutor Ureunnn made tho clos ing argument for tho state. lly JOHN H. HBAIUjBV (United Press Staff Correspondent) ItOMK, Sept. 22. Popo Benedict will hold another consistory in No vember, when ho will make an im portant declaration regarding the war and tho prospects for peace, the opened at this eleventh hour by thewth commissioner Sells of the m-(United Press was informed by reliable Wilson ndmlnlstiutlon. This Is said d,n bureau and Secretary Lane thnn sources todny. In vlow of tho fact that tho repeal of . (no nl)Cais of Knnpp and Graves nnd I,ls holiness will create several for tho Wilson "stump net" and tho eight ( tll0 wholo community of Klamath eiBn cardinals nt this consistory. Arch- POPE TO TALK OF PEACE SOON WILL HOLD AXOTHEIt COX81S TOKY IX XOYBMUKH WILL CHKATB SBVBX FOItBIGX CAR. IHXA1.S AT THAT TIMB LABOR LEADERS CALL A STRIKE FOR WEDNESDAY ALL LMOXIZKI) TIIADBS OF XKW YOIIK AFT-'ECTED Major Mitchell Threatens to Cull Out Militia, Which Brings TcmporJry I'ostHnement of Walkout When leaders Go Into Secret Session They MUc Unanimously to Force Acquiescence bjr Railways. The labor leaders late this afternoon unanimously called 4 lor a. sympathetic strike, to be effective jjext Wednesday morn- ing. Thblnctudes all union- lied trades of New York, and the vicinity. " '" Uplted Press Service NEW YORK, Sept. 22. Following the threat of Mayor Mitchell to call the state militia, leaders of the car men's and other unions today began a final consideration of the sympathetic strike of 800,000 workers. It Is expected that the crisis will come before night. The state industrial commission has summoned officials of the street-' car companies and beads of the HUILDIXG DEPENDS OX SECUR ING TIMBER Currently Reported Tliat Mill May Go Up Xext Spring With Men Prom. Incut in Lumber Circles Behind It. Petition to Turn Land From Lot ami Streets Back Into Acreage Gives Report Sound of Trutti. While nothing positive will be ad mitted by men believed to be inter ested, it is currently reported on the street that a big sawmill is to be erected on the lower end of Upper Klamath Lake, somewhere' between the Winema Landing and Pelican City. Truth is loaned to the rumor by the fact that tbe Klamath Develop ment company is now petitioning the city council for vacation of several lots and streets In Shippington Addi tion, and by the fact that E. H. Cox, president of the Weed Lumber com pany, Tuesday held a conference with Indian Commissioner Cato Sells in Arash'Ingtonr'"cohcernTni,nie 'sale of timber on Klamath Indian reserva tion. The thing upon which erection of the mill seems to hinge is securing a large body of timber In the north ern part of Klamath county for the mill to feed on. If this is secure the general opinion is that the mill will bet built, and in the not distant future. It Is not known who Is interested in tho contemplated venture, but S O, Johnson, president of the Klaw t.tli Development company; Herbert T.l rt lull liOfllaK tf Gin PlHtnilBiw. 1. Y m. .wou..,...... i ,, i iwiunu, .. -.. unions to appear next Monday, in Cox of the Weed Lumber companj. hopes of effecting a compromise. r.obcrt A. Johnson, president of the Manufacturing company. Executives of blxty-iive unions art! Klamath in a secret session this afternoon on., and Charles E. Riley aro reported as the question of a sjmpathetlc strike, i being among the men who may hold It is not known whether they will de-'stock in the mill, if it is built. tlare an actual walkout or a boycott of the street cars. Horton Visits. Tho leaders are confident of their Jack Horton of HUdebraM-lon ability to call a sympathetic strike, Klamath Falls on business today. f rowith the street cars boycotted! they would not be able to reach .heir H. S. Newton, a farmer of the val- work, causing the employers to work, ley south of town, traded with local for a settlement. merchants for provisions today. hour law have both boon played as county dump cards by tho present numiuis- T,s scheme cf tho ndmlnlstra- bishop Uanna of San Francisco, is the only American whose name is being 1111... . - "f ..... ,-- -- , .HIS OlIIUlllli 1.1 !. UU.UDIIOII - 1 trillion Just preceding tho election, t0 to (),,en ,, ,le ,iNCrs of tho res- c0,,8Wered nt Present and nearly every official act of the ad- erVatlon at the eleventh hour, and Just piocedlug the picsldentlnl elec tion, Is in lino with certain other ac tions cf the administration In tho Papal couriers already aro en route to Vienna and Berlin to notify Aus trian nnd German cardinals of the coming conclave. Tho Italian govern- mlnlstritlon nnd IU minions called "deserving democrats,"" has been glar ingly political in Its nature. Mllburn Knapp and Charles Ornves, eaily In tho Wilson .administration, U8ll0(, lsta of mun0 inu8 opened to dcs "t object to tho holding of a censisiory, anu win liuenere in uu wny with tho entrance of tho Austro- Western country. 1 rotor to tho pub-j went has advised the vntlcan that It had been Invited to go upon tho Klnm-jou(,.y ath loservatlon and erect a saw nun on tho bmks of tho Williamson Riv er, with the oxpresbod nnd Implied as Rurnnco that they would not bo mo lested by tho government. They went Tho loaders of this articlo will re call reading In this and other papers Herman cardinals into Italy. notices of .lands restored to entry I Archbishop Edward J. Hanna of from tho forest resorves of the United San Francisoc is now in his 57th year, :... ...h irmn tlm United States " wus oorn in Mocnesier, in. i . ue Charged u in, , . .. . ..... k KIU,M examined the saddlehad. nnd In good faith put P their r thc8e navo UPCI1 ,)uull8ll,n, uut ,n'l907 was nominated co.dJutar.rcJ ?" Wi mornliiB ... ..-...J .. " ...i' "..:." n,m n,,d commenced operating It. LVnrvo.,n. when H.vestiR-atcd. it was bishop of San Francisco, but failed t( ' ,0 the rr..,.i i. . " ""Hiiu ovur lUiu uovmoy, ""'.. . .. ... rr,u .-., . '. . .. .. ., .... rulvn mnHrmnllnn nf Ttnmn hnmusn tnny 'H tho On missing tho saddle Beckley What was ne e, '--, rounu wn 'f"0"."1 ) X Tn ! ovo to Silver Lake Wednesday in first .usistam -., -. - - iprea d us o. - - :7" " -"" T.."! E.V,no 111. -.. I . inn nmlnliiAil a Inot In 1CC1 flnrl t ahead nnd Invesieu every cum ""? (reclamation withdrawals. A number """ " v-- . and In Reed faith put up their of thc8e havo bpen published, but In '" w"s nominaica co.ajutar arcn- mill and commencea oporauiiB n. everyone, when Investigated, it was i'wm.i.,hiiii High School Trims Town Team by 20 to 0 Score Nit -'(in "Is bonds wore rtrovo to Silver Lake Wednesday in nrat iubihibhi ''WHrnooa i ' and bolnK unable this j hl automobile, summoned Deputy lor, Alexander toBM-? .furn,Bh tlMm. ". a lu'Pherlfr-P. D. Reeder of Lake county, Secrotary cf tlv 'eoiintvi.n v"',u, """ u.fnerT . "Dth.,1, ' .. and Ceckley .u " . B,l,n" u,lB morning prlsono Vogeleane. Hlong with tho Interior Lane s broth land with only a fow acres of public agalnbt hlra. This charge was later 1nn.1i. Amhr.rnH therein. This was disproved. ropo rius .v appoiaiaa ""rrldin.0? Umt U' ""d"10- with '"nils 'Mromiu.Pftra."1,ur,"'J. wore .toU went MWotMrrni. lb er.MHIed the Klamath reservation op' aono (o fooI tho people and make him auxiliary bishop of San FrancU mer w brought K Klamath hMntlng and Ashing expedition andjtnem bellevo that tho w,iBOn .dmln.W. October 32. 1913 and on Juno I as evenS Worthington recommended the closing of Ha ,8.Htloix wa nllMlnti tula coutry 101 5, ho was appointed archbishop of I jasi oveiiuib' iiuiiiiiiuvb ,., ..nmnnininn I. it t....A ,. .... . . S-in Frnnclsco bv Pooo Benedict. Ho from Klumnth marsh direct to streams. Their 4 ""in hl ... . ' u,u Blu'" ."Pill iroui rviuiiiiiui mi ..- . ui.i,, Wllqnii's ""'''' ,m K,nnmlh """h'silver Lnko, nnd was riding nockloy'-.tundo to ono of Proal den W llso m Woilhingiou iinH benn'Miii.iin w!, P,.,icd. U'ablnet officers, wns promptly adopt- recuiiiuioiiuuiiwi., rrom tne Dugnt u una neon unaeri"-" '-" - - -.. ..-. , I WHO II1'1UII1VVU IAJUI.IIUQIUIIVI Vft ..4.I...' ilhlngton had boon ' Middle whon nrroitcrt (Continued on Page 4) 'ttratlon of California In 1913, By a score of 20 toO, the Klamath county high school football team yes terday afternoon defeated the team of town boys collected to provide scrim mage practice for the school boys. Three touchdowns and two goals af ter touchdown furnished tho 20 points. Tho school boys clearly had the un fnuied and unconditioned town boys outclassed In every department. Yet two of their touchdowns were "leaks," aud only ono made by buck ing. Tho town team would have scored ono touchdown it a perfect ppbs, Poll to Graves, had not been droppod by the latter. Graves was lenyards behind tho goal .lino whon he jecelved the bill, but allowed it to drop through his arms. The game yesterday was the first scrlraraige for the school boys this year, and initiated many of them who ha.-o not had football experience, Considering that tho squad has been out les than two weeks, and many of Its members aro Inexperienced, tho bChool boys showed up fairly well. Coach Hugglns has mapped out a good-looking offensive, and has some good men to carry it out. The quar terback U largely eliminated, and it is hard to dope out which way tho play Is going. The line could be Im proved by more beef. " Graham Klehl, captain and back field man, is the real star of the team He uses good Judgment in di recting the offeneslve, runs well with the loli, and can pass and kick; ho ocs hard, and will Improve with I.ractlce. Ho pulled down tho only fcrward pass completed by Coach Jl'iKcin's men yesterday. In tho line Koh I lliott at end shows up strong est at present. Those who played for the town team yesterday are Lawrence Mot schenbacher, Kennoth Perry, Cecil Weeks. Will Hum. Clarence Mot schenbacher, Forrert Pell, Alvsro' Deals, Read Bain, Will McMillan. Maurico Graves, Ira Orem and Noil Sbinn. Coach Hugglns used fifteen m desirlng to give as many candid! for tho team as possible a workout. .M ?f fi I m sn