"&.'-' . ta-i ? ? w D Stye iEuntuui HraU W.AMATII COUNTY KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER J V-r-X- . KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1916 Price, Sire Ceate ,'. i 4 Vultures and Jackals Are Devouring Dead in Balkans Germans Want to Learn Secrets of Motor Tank w"Br";:,rr ""iCARRANZA WILL Hay Gale-iiny Into Rumania from tlw NithrM In Iii (foriuan I. laluancM Tj t M .1 t HM rnm" ""-" Hiwww ii Arully Along ,CI N0,"", Al ibositi UwUm Claim Advance. (tailed PreM 8ervtce KONDON, Kept. 21. Determined tc discover the secret of tho now Drlt Uh machine "lank." Iliu GermniiK arc maklnc a flcrro llRlit today against the British forfeit for the possession of an overturned "limk" northwost of Comblei. Thearmnl mtlr truck construct ed to resemble n huge link, was over turned yesterday mid now lies mld tiy between (lie llni'H of the Gorman ltd British. South cf Am re tint British have nade considerable ndvnnro. A Salonika dispatch niiyii JuckitlM tnd vultures are devouring tho Bui prlan and Serbian dead nnd wounded Advancing forces In Greece nnd Serbia lire flndliiK only skeleton's shortly titer n battle. United Press Kcrvlco PKTnOOIlAD. Kept 21.--Tho Ruh iliu have raptured positions eaHt of I'ltttbermt, Inking aoo prisoners nnd rapturing many guns. United Prcsg Service- PARIS. Kept. 21.- Tho French tore, a the allied left wing In (ho Balkan flKhtlng toil.iy advanced to ward Illll No. l.r.r.o, which Ih south ern of Monaatlr a short dlHtnure. The Uulearlaim arc throwing des lrate countcra at I ho Hoihlnn nd nncei. la the Western flclitlnir Ihn French ke captured two trenched smith of TMaumonl. Rcniuse of nln there In little activity today along tho Soniiuo. TM Press Rervlre BBRMN, Kepi 21. The Auslio Qmao troopa attacking Hiiuintila JroB the uorthweHt Imvo occupied po lltlont on both uMr. ..r v..i,...n !..., n ... v l, (VIII, linn, Rumanian gateway, Just south of Pfiswu The RumiinliiiMi i.. !.., ...... i i.. . - iii i uiinivmiiii "'been forced to retreat ton miles, wblan attackn In northorn Maco- nd around KamiikcliBlun Imvo repulsed. J Dubrudja battlo romalns n g" Wit, neither nldo having gained Klamath Bank Deposits Show Healthy Increase JS C P00," of Klamath county , n7'nlroRpmlty h told In ll.o w na depoi(B of tho Klumnth Sir.ri!,k- u ,H ,he ,ncrcnBe mm ? year8' r3thor tnnn tnu tHU,.J .deP08Ua' tha lh ftbii;.T OI 1Jl5 posiu fekTir !P'rHh8tttt Saving, MS. ba?k0,MrlH amounted to Wl-,t Mo,,dajr th0 cow- HELP THE PATROL TKNTATIVK PROGRAM IIV tXIM- MISSIONKHS PROVIDES THAT AMERICAN FORCE UK WITH DRAWN IF ORDER ASSURED United Press Srrvlce NEW LONDON, Conn., Bopt. 21 -'1 ,o joint Mexican nnd American com iniKNlonurH today i.omplolcd n tcn'a lli program for i Hri'l of tho Inter niitloiiiil border. The program provides that General Pershing's expedition In Mexico not ho withdrawn yet', but that ,Carranza nt oiim to-oiwrate with the United States In patrol oflMiebordfr. Whon It In bolloved that Carranra Iiuh shown nullity to prcservo order within Mexico, tho forco of (lonoral Pershing Ih to ho withdrawn. Tho tentative program will bo sub mitted to tho war department for ap proval, nnd afterwards will go to tho Mexican and American governments. POLICE HALT KIDNAP PLAN llliAt'KMAII. HINU THIKS TO KID XAP AXI Mt'llllKIl MKMHICH OV TIIK AS WHO HAS TUUMIO KTATK'K KVIHKNCK United rrcss Sonrlce (MIIOAtiO, Kept. 21. Tim police tmliiv fniHtrated n plan to kidnap and murder Frank Crocker, a member of 'tho nation wide blackmail ring on Uiiut here, whiwn tonfcHHloiiH nro fiir InlHhlng the evidence for the arrest of the other incmberM of the. ring. Scores of victims from many parts of the United Htutes urn reporting cases and much additional evidence Is being secured. J nn advantage In tho last twenty-four , hours. Allied counters been turned back. on Fiorina have United Press Reprice BUCHAREST, Sept. 21. Repuls ing Teuton attacks, tho Rumanians nro now attacking along tho entire Iiubrudja front. h total of 11,510,017, or en Increase of two and one-half times. Tho Bank of Bonanza also shows a healthy In crease In deposits, although the exact figures are not available. The aseotB of the two Klamath Falls banks and tho Merrill iustltu- l t.. Mnnrinv amounted tO $2,- 364,000. Those of the First National bank of Kiamatu raua "" ' $1,361,000. This institution Is cap italised at f 100.000. The First Stnto and Savings bank at f 00,000, and tho Merrill bank at $25,000. WOMEN CAUSE FRICTION IS CHARGE MADE IIIIITISII FOREIGN OFFICK TKM.8 UMTKD rRRSH Allege That Women Catine (Irculi lion of Faluc Itoportn About Hrlt iili Coiioonihlp of News IKnla In Made of Charge Tliat Pension .Money for Civil War HoWlera la Held Up by Knghtnd's CcBaors. l.'nllcd Preaa Service LONDON, 8ept. 21. The British foreign office told the United Press today that women propogandists are trying to cause III feeling between Knghiud and the United Htites by cir culating falho charges concerning British censorship. Tho foreign office charges that the women are distorting news and circu lating charges about British censor ship of newH to serve Germany. Tho orBce denies reports by the wo men that pension monoy to Grand Army of the Republic veterans In Kn rope has been slczed by the censors. STATE WITNESS PAID W POLICE HWKAHH THIS OX WITXKSS STAND THIS MORNING ARGUMENTS IIKING HKARI) TODAY, AND CASK WH.li KFAfll JURY SKX United Press Service HAN FRANCI31.0 Sept. 21. Tho ine of tho prosccellon In the trial of Warren Hillings, ch.nged with mur der whon n bomb exploded during tho preparedness parado, suffered a Re vere setback today when John Mc Donald, star witness for tho state, said he was being paid by tho pollco for his testimony. Tho state submitted rebuttal testi mony this morning, disputing the alibi of defendant, who sworo ho was not near tho scene of tho explosion during the parade. Both sides rested at noon, and ar iMimoiits began nt 1 o'clock. District Attorney Flckort opened for tho state. Tho caso will go to tho jury about noon tomorrow. Both Bldee are confident, nnd a quick vordlct Is expected. CONSCRIPTION TO BE VOTED ON PEOPI'E OF AUSTRALIA W1M DE CIDE IF SOLDIERS SHALL HE RECRUITED IIV CONSCRIPTION United Press Service MELBOURNE, Australia, Sept. 21. Conscription of Boldlers from Aus tralia will be submitted to the voterb. This was decided this morning when the bouse of representatives pane a measure providing a special election for the purpose. The measure providing conscrip tion .Is expected to carry bocauso wives and mothers of meu now at tho front will support it. L4ter Wis Visit to Plattsburg Camp "&i i i t mi wmKmm feCHAW.f5 tVAN HU6Ht5.PGEN. LEONACP WOOP Charles E. Hughes, ruimbllcan candidate for the presidency, visited tho Plattsburg, N. V., camp the other day, and saw several hundred men In training. This photograph shows him with General Wood, chief sponsor for the camp, after the candidate ma de his inspection. ' DISCRIMINATION IS CHARGE OF McGO WAN 1KSTIFII'J UKFORK COMMISSION ON CAR SHORTAGE Manager of Enaumi Box Coinimiiy Hays Shook Conrblimtion Gets Suf ficient Curs, While His Concern Gets Far IjCks Than Number Re quired Spt-oiilc Charges Delay in LomIIiik Cni-s; Schalloek Denies It ( Herald Speehil Service) PORTLAND, Sept. 21. Testifying before tho Stato Public Service Com mission, which Is making an exhaus tive Investigation of the car shortage on the Southern Pacific company's lines lu Oregon, Charles McGowan, I manager of Ewnuna Box company of Klamath Falls, said his company was sufforing great loss each day from Inr-lr nf Biifltrlnnt ears to movn awav Its products. I Tcslca und approved recipos will bo ' .... u a read tomorrow afternoon, when tho Mr. McGowan s testimony -howed. economIca department of the that the California Pine Box company, Womon.s u c,ub meoU The an association of about 75 per cent of w, b(j fU 2;30 O.c,ock , the tho box shook companies of Callfor- cJub room8 uln and Oregon, got all tho cars It wanted for hTndllng Its shook. The I, Miss Clara Elmer, Instructor In Ewiuna Box company Is an lndopond-, homo economics in tho Klamath tails ent concern, and not a member of grammar schools will give a talk on the association. fruU cannlnB tne mak,n of "This enables the California Pine , Preserves and jellies. Box Shook company to make deliver-) All members of tho club are ro les to customers when we cannot," .questod to bring to the meeting nt said Mr. McGowan. "Another Klam- least one good recipe, nth plant, half tho size of tho Ewaunal Mrs. Z. C. Kimball Is leader of the Box company In output, gets as many home economics department of tho cars as we do." library club, and invites all friends of President William Sproule of the the club to attend tho meeting tomor- Southern Pacific, who Is appearing row. ' before tho commission, with John M, Scott, passenger trnffle manager.1 NEW APARTMENTS TO promised relief. Ho said tho traffic j OPEN NEXT MONTH department of tho Southern Pnclflo 1b rrBninir for nn Interchange of traffic: Tho second story of the Jacobs with the Northern Pacific aad Great Northern railroads to help the car shortage situation. He added that shippers are helping to cause a car shortage In Oregon by delay in loading cars. "fhls statement by President Sproule Is absolutely untrue as far as the Ewauna Box company la concern- ed," aald Fred 8challock of tho com - pauy this morning, when shown Went Sproule's statement before tho faZEzs&rF. if. jH . . ' "?. tU,i& ;is t i t ' v s- IV 1 ' Y Zs4h commission. "The records of the railroad company will show that we load our cars the same day we re ceive them. President Sproule must have been referring to the general condition, and not particularly to us." Mr. McGowan left Tuesday to at tend the investigations of tho com mission. WILL TELL HOW TO MAKE EATS TALK ON FRUIT CANNING AND MAKING PRESERVES AND JEL LIES AT DEPARTMENT MEET ING TOMORROW building at Third and Main street has been loased to air. ana Mrs. . r. , Hoyt of Aden, Calif., and will bo con- verted Into an up-to-date transient rooming house. The apartments will ibn thoroughly renovated and re- j plumbed, and ill be open for bust- ness about October 15th. J ' Here for Supplies. i Martin Pernoll, a farmer of the t. i. i,svt, nt; ' :$ Pres-,vjuey souin oi town, uougiu suypi.c of local merchants today. 500,000 MEN TO QUIT TOMORROW HUERTA POLICY OF WILSON WAS WEAK SAYS TAET SAYS HE WOULD HAVE RECOG NIZE HUERTA Hugliee Scheduled to Make Thlriy- tno Spceclies in Indiana Alone. President Wilson Will Fire Opealcuj Gun in Counter against G. O. P. Standard Rearer Next Monday at Baltimore. United Press Service PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 21 In the "Yale Review," which came off press today, ex-President William H. Taft writes that he would have recognized tho Huerta government of Mexico, but didn't, because Woodrov Wilson war to be inaugurated only eleven days afterward. In Ills article Taft characterizes Wilson'aBoUajr; oward Huerta as 'amateur diplomacy." He-calla-tne Laaltanla policy iweak and vacillating." United Press Service LAFAYETTE, Ind.. Sept. 21. Tbo cimpaign of Charles E. Hughes in In diana includes twelve speeches today, thirteen tomorrow and seven Satur day. He is attacking the democratic tariff record. United Press Service ASHBURY PARK, Sept. 21. Pres ident Wilson Is busy preparing the speech he will deliver in Baltimore next Monday. It Is believed this will be tho opening of the democratic counter attacks on Hughes. BUSINESS MEN TO HOLD BANQUETS The first of a series of social ban quets contemplated for the winter by the Klamath Falls Business Menfc As sociation was held last night at the White Pelican hotel. About thirty-five of the forty-five members of the association wcro out last night. Short talks were made bv most of the members. Charles I. Roberts was chairman of tho evening. TRUSTY ESCAPES FROM OREGON PENITENTIARY (Herald Special Service) SALEM. Sent. 21. Joseph Guoyn, a trusty, escaped from the peniten tiary this morning after starting to cook breakfast at the warden's resi dence. Over Thousand Beet to be Shipped This Week Large shipments of beet cattle for California markets are being brought to Klamath Falls this week from out lying sections of Klamath and Lake counties. These cattle will be ship ped from Midland and Klamath Falls, but some of them will be held a few days on good pasture before being snipped. Edson Foulke of Gazelle Is on his way with about 600 head or choice beet, which he bought from Charles Drew of Yonna Valley and James Small and Mr. Klttrldge of the Silver Lake country. RIOTING GROWS MORE VIOLENT AS HOUR APPROACHES Special Police Squads Collide With Strikers Committee of Citizens la Trying to Aagin Persuade Carmen to Postpone Walkout, Pending Fur ther Negotiations All Street Cars May Be Tied Up. United Fresa Service NEW YORK, Sept. 21. With to morrow as the date for the general sympathetic strike to aid the striking carmen, 500,000 union employes of the street railways have not changed their position, despite the efforts of Mayor Mitchell and the public service commission to avert a strike. The strikers say a walkout tomor row noon Is certain unless the rail way companies yield to the employes' demands. Rioting is becoming more violent. Many pitched battles between the strikers and the special police squad formed to quell the trouble have tak en place In the last twenty-four hours. The citizens' committee is exerting every effort today to secure another postponement of the general walkout. If the strike Is called tomorrow practically all street cars in New York will be tied up, and much trouble may, result between the atrlk-., ers and strike breakers. MOB TAKES LAW IN OWN HANDS BECAUSE KANSAS DOES NOT PROVIDE DEATH PENAKTY, ARMED MEN LYNCH MURDER ER AFTER CONVICTION United ITess Service OLATHE, Kans., Sept. 21. Break ing the jail door after the sheriff's wife had fled with the keys wjjejija mob threatened her husband, fifty armed cltjzens of Olathe this morning repelled the guardaaround the Jail and secured Bert Dadley, 'convicted of murdering Heniyaluller and wife. The mob then led Dudley to the de pot, nd there lynched him before a largo crowd. The mob said Its action was due to the fact that the Kansas law does not provide for capital punishment. TOPEKA, Kans., Sept, 21. Gover nor Capper is expected this afternoon to order an investigation of the Olathe lynching. Conviction of any member of the lynching party carries a sentence of from five years to life Imprisonment. George Swauson of Sacramento is expected soon with about 400 head raised by James Small of Silver Lake and Bratton Brothers of Paisley. Dan W. Ryan of Wood River Val ley this week Is shipping nlae car loads of fine beef from Cbiovtfa4o Roth Blum & Co. of California. These beef are declared Nby stocksaao t lie. as choice as any in the Klajaata coun try, and will average ver , rounds per head. Forty-eight head of horses for tM United States army were ahlppe oa Monday by J. Frank Adama 8om. . t A ;. M I J r h ? f frtc y s