! T I m! lj Euntnn Herald KLAMATH COUNTY'S KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER VrivNo. JI.IOI jflerwiH' KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1916 Price, Kite Crate BILLINGS DEFENSE GROWING STRONGER ".ADAMSON Bill HW He W"M Hewnil Hlok Ay I'mm KM'I""1"" w,,rn u 'Mr,'''' Older WIIhwm lwlrc Hiillcnw CVHtllilK ' W" Ml ''A1' Hrrnr l""K ',,l"" Dcfor H'M Claim IIIMImK" I'IjhwI H There. BCAN KIIANCISCO. Bept. 20. Dr. Moa.w,,nt,m fl,r tl10 ii)tonno ,n ",0 tie of Warren Hillings, tetllfled to dir that he "" n fyHm'rlcal bomb ftlllDg l "1U l,lm't J,IHl ,,;f')ro tho Hplotlon ttuil marred lliu preparod mm parade Other wUiiwm'h today testified ttmt (he illltOUH rmitnlnlllg III" bomb net t the corner of Mnikct and Btouart itrla loi'R tltuo before tho Mtntit tlilnw IWIIiik placed It ttivrti. UllllnKii on I lio Miami lat ilcr 4ir afternoon traced IiIm movements daring the tiny or tliu explosion. He uld he tod on tin- runulng board ot in automobile nevcirnl bloeM away from I lie fit.il (oritur during tbo paradi". The defeiiiliuil wan rool anil conll-ck-nt while on (lie stand. A iliteMii-Mw of TboniHti Mooney, iIm under lnilltiiiiiit, sworo Hint hIic, Mooney and Mr Moonoy wore on tat roof of a building sumo distance iway.from I lie cxploHUm when It oc curred. Answering tln prosecution's ques tions as to wind she was told by thn inllre, Mihiiioj'h slstcr-ln-law hi Id Policeman lltcmuui bad told bcr Hint "he had to got nomo ono or tlioy would 'get' lilm." Ilrcniinn denied Ihli. 18 CELEBRATE ItMil'MII Mi:i;il.Vi (K I'llOHI'Klt ITY IIKIiCKAII I.OIKli: TOMOlt WW MfillT WILL V. H)LMW. K IIV WK'IAI. HKHHION Tomorrow iiIkIu being tbo miniver wry of tho founding of the Hebokiih frfrteof Odd IVIInwBhlp, lroniorliy Rebekah IjiIk will colobruto the vntby holdliiK an open mcotlng fol lowing tho regular ImihIhohh hivhIou of tbe lodge Tim rogular hckhIoh lll "Ut of imiiKht but routine biml e. and will probably cIoho whorlly Ilw 8 o'duik. Following HtlH will m a program, arranged by tho com bMm In tlinrKc, and tbo remainder the evening will ho enjoyod In n MtWicMlon, with mrilH nnd dancing. Odd rcllowH mid their wIvoh nnd nkahg and tiit.r ,uBbandH aro cor Wly Invited to attend. Ommih In Town vk, 0,W"H' "K,,"t for ,ho Bouth ni annc rom,liniy ,u MU,uu( w, KUmatli Flt Hy buH,ll0M ANNIVERSARY Republicans Will Hold Rally Monday Evening , repubiua,, rity ,, t0 bo ,,, ftt r MC.Dj,nWt,fiV' ,,0"orab' Wallace Mr. Mm. " principal gpeauor, Sl ,H n 8peakar of na- N toTU,ton' m,d n treat U prom J t0 '0bo who turn out to hear K81 l,,",,,u,pd for 8 'cock- I0 A. l. Loavltt, clmlrinan HELD AN ISSUE WWCSIOCIT lO CIVI IT MICH TIME IN HTIMP ! HPKF.f 'tl.s WIImmi'n Wrfttern Tour for Vote Will lU'Klii About First of Xct Month. Iliiitlifc Make Seteti I'Utfoim HixhtIm-n In AVIwonnln TiMlsy, I'ln InIiIiiK Tour of Tlmt State Tonight Willi NMH'iliet In Milwaukee. I United Press Service A8IIIIUKY PARK, Kciit. 20 lit Itttf campaign sprfvliCB I'rcHldrut Wll run will give mui'h time to IiIh posl tion on the Ailnmrnu eight hour bill for inllrind eniii.ni-mi, It was imi nounred today. Ho considers thin on of IiIh rcil achievements, and will nc- . ccpt It an an Ihkiic In (tin campaign be- 'iiiiiHij HiirIii'h ban made repeated at tacks on It, j Tin- president's Wcatcm tour will begin about October' I at. J'bc Itiner ary U unannounced. iUnllod Prrnn Service ! KHKIIOVOAN Kept. 20. Cliarlc I!. Hughe will nnlnh IiIh campaign in WIhcoiihIii (oiiIkIiI, with n Hpocch In Mllwauki'i', after delivering hovcii iipri'dicM from tho rear platform of ( IiIh private car In iun different Wis- cousin townH today. Mi:niiii.i itnua..iiH AUK NOT lOCATKD No trace of the person or portions 'ilio hmglarUed the .1. A. Murrnj Jewelry storo at Mim rill Monday evim lug has been found by Sheriff C. ('. Vow or Marshall Tom Durham of fiprrlll. A rloxo wnti h has been kept nt Merrill, Klnmalh Fulls and DorrK nnd other (owiih have been notluod to watch for suspicious looking ilmr rclnt. l'iiio (ictM Deed Two iIi-ciIh, ono transferring from Klamath Korpnratlnn to J. II. Potter .till another transferring from J. II. J Potior to Dennis Provo, lot 641, bloc!: nil, Mills Addition, wero mea wuu County Clerk Dol.np todny. TIlHll l-'ltON I'UlMlt Tho patent to his timber claim, do htrlbed as lots 2 and 3 nnd tho south hnlf of tho northeast quarter of sec tion ft, township .IK south, range U uiht, wan lllod today by Thaddous Mr llntlau. Tho claim Includes lfil 1 I'.CICH. ThouMtnil Diinuicil United Press Service IIKHMN, Sept. 20. It Is bollovod more than 1,000 persons wore diowned when tho glgnntlc Wlilto llesso dam In Holicmla broko but night. of the republican committee and be bIUch tho addrcsa by Mr. McCamunt ood music will bo furnished. Mr. McCatnant will speak at Foft' Klamath Tuesday evening and at Mer rill Wcdnesdny evcnlnif. At these places, D, V. Kuykendall, candidate for circuit Judge, und Joseph S. Kent, cnndldnto for district attornoy, aluo Escort of Suffrage Leaders for President Wilson at I UL 'tt 1 wri "Vlt. .& . -fW M V.J. A3 K J? m W. . FA f : & .'vivjj : I- ' rwwmt . . t v. aM M Hero are the IcudcrH In the emerpency convention of the National Woman Suffrage Association, held at Atlantic City. They formed tho com mittee of escort for President Wilson when he addressed the convention on his suffrage policy. It was belloted that this speech bad much to do in keeping the convention from cndorsln g Charles B. Hughes, who has tome out for natlon-wldo suffrage. RAILROAD MEN GO TO WILSON KM-X'UTIVKK OF IIIIOTIIKKHOODtt NK.ND OUT HULLKTINH, ASKING MKMIICHM TO ItALLY TO HUP POUT OF PltKHIDti.NT United Press Service CI.UVHLAND. Sept. 20. The exec utives of the four railroad brother hoods which threatened a lutlou wide rtrikc Inst mouth, today began a cam paign for Prchideut Wilson foi re election. The brotherhoods aro sending bul letins to all members, saying: "It is the duty nut only of tli" trainmen, but of nil workingmeu to support our friends at the coining flection. ' Tho bulletin requests that tho posi tion of President Wilson and congress ilinlng the btrike negotiations bo not forgotten. BACK 10 G. 0. P. m;w yokk hull moohkks sup pout WHITMAN, UKPUIILICAN CANDIDATK FOK DENOMINA TION Wilt (JOVKUNOlt United Press Senrle NKW YORK. Sept. 20. Complete returns today Indicate that 60 por tent of tho piogresslves in New York Hiiiinortcd Charles Whitman, who was renominated for governor 011 tho ro- publltan ticket. Tli lb is taken as an Indication of a icturn of tl'o progiosslves to tho fold of tho (I. O. P., and muy assure this hlulo for Hughes In November. Klici'iiian Act Again. United Press 8orvlce. WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. 20 Tho United 8tates government 4oday tiled suit in tho Bupremo court, charg ing the Uhlgli Valley Coal compauy with "Instrumentality lu tho Lehigh lallroail," thereby violating tho Shor miu autl-tiust act. Ilrlilge Steel Herd Tho stool for tho new bridges acioss Lost River near Merrill and acrosa Link Itlver at Klamath Falls, has ar rived from Portland. It Is bolng un loodod and hauled to tho bridge sites iiv Mlko Lavenlk and Otto Arnold, A contract for oroctlng the brldgo acrosi 1.0m River has been let to C. u, A ill- eon and Alex Davis, and the couuty, court today Is advertising lor mas for electing the Link River bridge. vn.i Hamilton and family returned Inst night from the huckleberry patch, - 1. -.. i.lnl l,tn liaiti laa where tnoy nave ocvu iiimiui. '"" PROGRESSIVES '8o m '&i SiPSJ 1 Yt"?r". m: & m: . && ktei V'-fe y-Si Wri-j. sF 6 A" :Z.c A JW'i m . vm v X . " ... ,. Us ' 4sk ?! i1.V,7J!i "TXmem ,ViBr ,l -:Amm w ila " &V.&: im f-iin&jy Mt&6Z SAY TREVINO IS A COWARD CAItltANZISTA OI--Ci:ih UK- nol'ncb mk.xicax (jkxkkal who ik f1i18t o.n ox 1 1 hidk and thh;n on tmi: otiu:k United Press Service CL PASO, Tex., Sept. 20. Until communication wltlihlUuaUua City was restored this afternoon, It waa re ported that Villa again had taken the city. All is quiet there now. Carranzlsta officers are severe in their denunciation of General Trc vlno. The commander of the federal forces nt Chihuahua City declares he I either a Villista or a coward. rilltKATKNS PltKSIDKNT; KXAMINKD FO SANITY United Press Serrtce PITTSUUIIO, Pa., Sept. 20. Mor ris Dlimond, nge 62, will be examined today for sanity following his arrest lor writing threatening letters to President Wilson. He admits that ho threatened to kill the president, nnd says the spirits I romptcd him. J. Hull Is Sorry WASHINGTON. D. C, Sept. 20. The English embassy hero today for mally expressed regret that a British destroyer had stopped tho Philippine steamer Cebu in the Pacific Ocean. New P. 0. Heedsman U JOHN , C .KOCW33 J John C. Koons, who twenty years ago ontered the poatofnee department as a railway mall clerk at a salary of $1,000 a year, Is now first assistant postmaster general. In that position he baa the selection of many unim portant postmasters, and his hand will likely be felt during tho campaign. Lm ggraaSiPNfpN '"J ggggW i aW9lgl angajBaBBaaaft a i ,4 Ifrr l? rjV'JZJAW 4sfts v Sy&f sfr'trSb yiKiwV ''si -?! ,'y ; "y. . . sVl vLir'!rMfo!Msl&''iAirsJXjZ. TRAIN LEAVES RAILJ KILLED KLKVKN OTIIKKS I.VIUHKD WHKN SANTA FK WKSTliOUXD UOF.S OVKH A HIGH KMUANKMKXT NKAK KINGMAN, ARIZONA United Press Service KINGMAN, Ariz., Sept. 20. Two trainmen are reported to have been killed and eleen passengers Injured early this morning when the west bound Santa Fe passenger train jumped the track. The engine and three cars went over the embankment. Particulars are not obtainable. OLIVER CATCHES CHICKEN THIEE DIG OWL IS TRAPPED WHEN HE LIGHTS OX TOP OF POLE TUT UP IX CALE OLIVER'S CHICKEN YARD A chicken thief that has been prey ing on the flock of C. T. Oliver for several weeks was caught last night. It is u big owl nnd was caught ill a steel trap. Mr. Oliver placed the trap on top v.C a pole stuck up lu tho chicken jaril and Mr. Owl was foolish enough to light on the pole. Only its toes eo caught and no bones broken. Mr. Oliver may keep the owl. Washington HoXinc Change! Hauils. A deal was completed jesterday by w htch the Washington rooming house on Sixth Btrect pisses into the hands of Mr. and Mrs. Nato Ottcrbeln, Mrs. Stella Mang having sold the fur nltuio and fixtures of tho place, nnd leasing tho building for sixty-six months to tho now owners, who will take posession October 1st. Kill ei Iniu Thatcher. At tholr meeting last night the dl- icctors of tho Klamath Commoiclal Club decided to entertain und arrange for a meeting of Colonel Charles W. Thatcher, tho good roads apostle, when he arrives In Klamath Falls. The exact date of bis urrival is not known. Dogwmd Ford. A Ford nnd a dog became entangled 'on Sixth street yostorday. Little dam age was done to either, although tho dog made the more fuss over the af fair. The Ford was coming up Sixth street, toward Main, when it ran Into aevoral dogs. The orank caught un der the collar of one ot the' canines, the dog bejng dragged over a block before the driver discovered that he had picked up the dog. Atlantic City ''.'.,., v.jV'yjm; i -. YZ&.: ? -frW r, &, , 'ySSfr . Sff 4,'n '' r'2l '?! && ify. 'sS ' t lYTKZl FOOTBALL GAME TOMORROW AT 5 HIGH SCHOOL SQUAD HOLDS RKG ULAU PHACT1CK FOK TUSSELS AT MODOC PARK WITH TEAM OF TOWN BOYS In preparation for the football game tomorrow afternoon against the pick-up team ot town boys, the local high school squad is being put through some hard paces this week by Coach Hugglns. The school boys are falling on the ball, tackling, punting, blocking and mastering the signals. Except for a brief workout on the part of the team last Sunday, the town team is making no preparation for the game. The complete lineup Is not known; any eleven boys who show up will start the game, and any ollieis on ittiiu will be put in the game to replace tired or injured play ers. The town team is expected to outweigh the school boys several 'pounds, but probably will have a hard j time winning, because of lack of , practice. j The game tomorrow will be called at 5 o'clock, and will be free. The quarters will be shortened, probably to ten minutes each. PLAN FOR WITHDRAWAL READY FOR SATURDAY United Press Berwle NEW LONDON. Conn., Sept. 20. It is predicted here that the joint peace conference will complete a defi nite piogram for withdrawal of the American force from Mexico and es tablishment of a border patrol by Sat urday. The commissioners will announce no details of the program. Mast TouristH Tills Year United Press Service CHICAGO. Sopt. 20. The Western tourist traffic for 1916 will break all i records, excepting the record estab lished during 1915, the car of the international exposition at San Fran cisco. Strike Squad Quell Riots United Press Bernce NEW YORK, Sept. 20. Convinced after serious rioting last night that the street car men do not intend to abandon the strike, Mayor Mitchell today ordered the police to quell all rioting, no matter what the costs. A special Btrike squad, which will travel In automobiles, has been form ed for this purpose, Disturbers, when arrested, will be MONASTIR ONLY 7 MILES FROM SERBIAN ARMY FIGHTING IX THE OI'EX IS DES PERATE IX CHARACTER General Falkenyan of German Staff Tells Coinmamleni to Stop WMto of Supplier, Becatme Prodactloa Cannot Keep Pace Serbian Forcea Capture Hill Which Give Domiiuu tion of Entire Kamakahahra Ravage United Press Service LONDON, Sept 20 Athens report that the Serbians are within seven miles of Monastir, and that the Bul garian and German staffs have evacu ated the city. The Bulgarians nnd Serbians are fighting fiercely in the open territory around Monastir. Cavalry clashes mark the big bat tle against the Teuton-Bulgarian in vasion of Rumania. The British have gained possession of documents signed by General Fal lenan of the German general staff, urging all German officers to conserve army supplies, saying the wastage of supplies by the armies in the Bal kans is exceeding the supply, partic ularly of ammunition. United Press Serrtce PARIS, Sept. 20. Tho Serbians have captured Hill No. 2,625, which is east of Bernla and which dominates the Kamakelialen range. The Bulgarian. forces .violently re-.. sjsted the attack until only fifty men were alle. The French have repulsed all Bul garian counters against Garesnlka. German counters along the Somme also have been turned back. United Press Service BUCHAREST, Sept. 20. The Ru manians were defeated this morning by the main German-Bulgarlan.Turk-ish forces near Enges and Bobrudja. Dnited Press Service BERLIN. Sept. 20. The British and French losses In the Somme fight ing between July 1 and September 15 are officially estimated at from 350, 0U0 to 500,000 men. United Press Serrlee LONDON, Sept. 20. A report from Athens says Greece has sent a note to Germany, demanding the lieleMtTot Greek troops which have been re moved to Kavala. A dispatch from Salonika says the Bulgarians are pillaging Monastir preparatory to evacuating- t. United Press Serrlee BERLIN, Sept. 20. The Bulgar ians have driven the Italians from Nntnico and Peroj, and have repulsed allied attacks on Fiorina. German attack this morning near rieurs, on the west slope of Dead Man's Hill, was successful. Toduy's fighting northwest ot Ha iti favors the Teutons. Oregon Boys Mustered Out. CAMP WITHYCOMBE, Sept. 20. The Third Oregon Infantry will be mustered out of the federal servlco next Saturday, according to announce ment here today. Formed to by Carmen charged with the "commission of a felony." Tho penalty is from five to tuTAniv veam lmnrisonment. The street railway companies re main persistent in their refusal, to consider arbitration of the operators' demands, UplonUts In other Was tries are dally striking in sympatny with the carmen, which 1 encourag ing the latter, and which may Bean a further prolongation of the strike; m will address the meeting. , for a few weoks, I u- 4 .! ,3V ' c