IV,. ! "-ft ' . i MONDAY, HKTTKMPKn I ft, fi THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON W ' - .m L ; v 18 OUR BIG BUYING POWER Has enabled us to get the cream in fabrics and styles from America s best clothes makers finely tailored, stylish suits and overcoats, not affected by war prices. See our Oregon City Cassimere Suits with two pairs pants for Seventeen Dollars See our Fifteen Dollars Suits and Overcoats. See the clever fall clothes from The House of Kuppenheimer and the Royal Tailors from $18.00 to $35.00. Exclusive Agency Patrick Mackinaws Knox Hits Dutchess Trousers Lewis Union Suits Everwear Hosiery Walk-Over Shoes Arrow Shirts G. & M. Sweater Coats Oregon Cassimere $17 Suits Royal Tailors K. K. K. Store-Leading Clothiers and Hatters hhhh hhhbkPRhP TfevH niB w pn Asks for Divorve. Ross Kickerson today filed suit for divorce from Nellie Nlckerson, charg ing desertion. W. H. A. Renner is counsel for Nickereon. ttuy. Supplies. I ouis Dixon, a farmer of the valley south of town, bought supplies from local merchants today. Go to Normal. Mies Ines Elliott and Miss Esther McAndrews left this morning for San Jose, Calif., where they will attend the San Jose Normal school. On Auto Trip. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Hall, Mrs. L. Martin and Herbert Barry left this morning by auto for an extended tilp through California. They will visit San Francisco, Lake Tahoe and other points. Wampler Returns. Louis Wampler, who has been visit ing in Klamath Falls a few days, re turned this morning to bis home near Odessa. Moves to Fort. Vr. I, P. Mnnfvnmprv iiff ttifa 'morning for Fort Klamath to reside ' of importance. Directors to Meet. The directors of Klamath Commer- . -. iciai ujud will meet tomorrow evening ! at S o'clock to discuss several matters President Wilson Accepting ' the Democratic Nominatio n Anglers Have Luck. J. I. Johnstone and T. H. Mitchell left yesterday afternoon at 1 o'clock for Williamson River. They returned about 9 o'clock in the evening with about thirty fine trout. Works for Times. J. D. Gentry, who is "working tem porarily' for the Merrill Times, left this morning by stage for Merrill, after spending the week end in Klam ath Falls with his family. Corpening Visits. Frank Corpen'ng, the Olene mer chant, was in town this morning on business. Goes After Deer. A. J. Wiggins, proprietor of the Keller Cafe, left this morning with M. H. Wampler for a deer hunt in the country west of Odessa. He will be gone ten days. I'.ir M.t.vuells. The Howie garage reports the sale ct Maxwell avtomi Hies to S. F. Ickoa j jn8pect horses for the army, 01 uiene ana vniz uem ana J ClemnVen of Klamath Falls. R Coiiley Gets Deer. Chris Conley, a rancher living in the country west of Keno, killed a buck yesterday. He was hunting with Gleen Beals and Joe Oscar. l.:i es for Los Angeles. Mrs. Sybil Blare left this morning for Los Angeles to Join her husband. She liaB been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mis. W. T. Elliott. Clerk for a While. t John Tipton Is acting as day clerk at the Hall hotel during the absence of Mrs. L.. Martin, who left this morn ing for a trip through California. Old-Timer. Here. ,W. P. Simpson, formerly a rancher 'pear Algoma, arrived 'last evening from Patton, Calif., .with his daughter, JDr. Jessie H. Simpson, for a visit. & V 'Telford Gets Deer. f A fine buck, weighing 200 pounds, was killed yesterday by Ray Telford in? the country beyond Keno. Inspector Arrives. Captain George E. Winterburn of the United States army, arrived last evening1 from Fort Keigh, Mont., to s School Boy Missing. Harry Fonville, 14 years old, has hcn missing Blnce Saturday, when he left his home in Mills Addition, os tensibly to go fishing. About 11 o'clock he was seen at the "free auto camp grounds, and a little later at Telford's boat house. His mother believes he 'has been drowned. The police can find notrace of him. $ BBBBBBBBBBBBBBSSBUtfBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSssflM9W vt MEL! 'S'V "" ittV TsssiJsssssssssssW .ysssssCCtJBB.sssM'sssslsytly "Jr JKTWVB9vKl9SKB9i i '"k " A Ts f"ssjjsrflssssssssssff liBSBBBBBBB JWlaU SBBBsikhlBlSBBBBBk i SBSSlllSBBSSBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSlL. ftvBBBBSW WtM w SBBBuhBBBBBSBBSSSBBK SBBBSSBBBBBBBBU VBBSslsBBHBBrLwBFTsBBBBBm SCLvb1eEJb1bMb-'V SBBBBSBssBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBSm BBBBsV BBBBBBS WAi MI"BbBBBbVi3 vlE,? IsB Jii&BBBBSlBBBBBBilBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK TvSslkMHilaBBBBBBBBWH ,- m- g . rBBsV ' ESBBnSSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBa 'Ji VBBBBBbVsSBBBBBBBBBbHsSBbV IV9LnM vJV Jv6BLILlBBBBBBBsBilBBBBBBBBBBBK Visf'ihWtlHsS'T QHkI JlwXmtfr''' v SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSI ' J4 fTT i 4?' mammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm T g,trV-Jr?sy; 3 w i' f- yf.'.; t' U Z&Wj&& "& i , ! the liullins rIvo h dance. If possible ! By tlila moans 11 crowd will bo pres ent. This Is the great opportunity for j'uitr itate to enter Into Its true urn j .f piospcrlty. I 1 urn talking to from 3,000 to 0,000 iei! at n time In tho Knst at liar becues Kfi nfrnniM fill n nirntlllt? tit a..uv p. .... -r. i Kltlllllltll tfllU I Will lilt tlllTi. Ill I nbotit llftocn days." The Greatest Golf Champion lift, nn TIhhUa.. Ttfltnr... a.mhI1 Tlftllf. UI.C.A ...n.. kt..OTA.l ...!!. (..,. II IJUU riCBtUCUl V 1IDU11 lUIUlHIIf i f.v .uuou nuo .urvcu niii hwu" accepted the democratic pominatton , sunds of enthusiastic democrats from ,1,1 Murilfil Saturday. Mrs. Vesta M. Hall of Yieka nml J. , R. II. Lewis of this city, were married late Saturday riitcriionn by Itov. C. T. Hiird. Mr. Lewis Is an employe of Kwanna Itox factory. The couple will , reside here. ('(union In Hie County Court of the Statu of Oregon, for the County of Klam-I utli. In the Matter of the Estate of Mary A. I Wilcox (sometimes knouii as Mary A. Jones), Deceased !To MiiKKle l.'ail), .1. S. Drown, Ellen j Illnes, Edward Mines, Mary Wll I Mams, Margie Wilson, Ualtlo Brown, Lawsou Illnes, Frames llincs, Bert Illnes, James Mines, Sirs. M. F. Smith. Mrs. Sarah Me Kiulcy, Asbmy Frost, David Frost. Taylor Frost. Mrs. E. M. Cnrbett, Molllo A. Brown and John Dee Brown, her husband; to all otheis unknown, If such there be, tho unknown helm of said Mary A. Wilcox, also known an ' Mary A. Jones, Deceased; j Also all other persons or parties tin-, known claiming any right, title,, estate, lion, or interest In the real estate described herein: I 1 It appearing to tho satisfaction of tills court from tho verified petition of John N. Wan en, administrator of tho estato or Mary A. Wilcox, also known as Mary A. Jones, deceased, on II lo herein, that it would be for iho advantage, boncflt and best Inter est of said estate and those interested llieroln that a portion or tho whole of iho real property of said estate he SSSiSSSSSlBBPBSt TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FURNISHED ROOMS Larsr, ,h, and airy; largo clothos clout In ench room, at $ti per month; othtn higher priced If you wish ihera; trim. sclent TiOc per night; free lmth. One block from court house, at 385 u street. lg.jt HOUSTON'C Metropolitan Amjttmtnti J WMMWV HOUSTON OPERA HOUSE DARK Tta r theater" MONDAY NKillT "THE ltl!CIAL TKHT'' Flvo HccJ World. Feattirlnf Kitty Gortlon . TI'ENIIAY "THE llltt'tHKIt Mutual MnsterplerR WEDNESDAY 'iii.in; iimioi) and iti:ii" Fox Five Heel Feature ? I Cn"",C !;T EVANJ for the presidency at Shadow Lawn, ( all over New York, New Jorsey and N. J., an enormous crown heard him. (other btates. Many prominent demo The spacious grounds of the Summer crats were on the large porches. Leaves for Los Angeles. airs, neriufi Lumminp, wno nas ' r-wwwvivirvwwwwvwww been employed in the Golden Rule etoro left this morning for Los An-i geles to accept a position with the Bullock there. ' & Jones department store 1 Moving Pictures J C. W. Thatcher Will be Here to Talk Road Continued from Page 1 Leave for Ashland. Mrs. 8. K. Ogle and daughter Bes, sle left this morning for Ashland. Mrs. Ogle is going In hopes of relief .marks from rheumatism. "The Crucial Test," a World Film feature, with Kitty Gordon in tho leading role, at the Star T ORPHEUS THEATER Bluebird liotoptay ?sent Ii. J, Beautiful VioMJt Merserwiu f the Stirring Sociological Drama, ("'f "THE GREAT PROBLEM" ' ,-vAn,ArguWnt for Prigon.Reform r f Abo Good One Reel Comedy ! js)IX REELS. ' GOOD MUSIC T (ADMISSION TEN CENTS i. 'PKG O THE RING" opportunity is to come and deliver 1 the messaee in person. will be the attraction j UQa account Qf fmi condltons) theater tonight. This cn route throueh Oreeon. the Wash. Miss Gordon's third appear- lngton Highway Association, com- nnce on the World program, and to by hinod vlth the Tourist Ieague, have I for tho greatest picture in which shu up?n routing travel north and south Street Being Improved. has yet aoneared. Her nart alves her "I yu- From absolutely correct data Con Murphy began work this morn- the opportunities to show that she is secured In Chicago, Boston, New York ing on the grading of Michigan ave-'an accomplished actress, and the man- n"1' Philadelphia, I have learned that nue. This work was ordered by the ner In' which she executes her diffl-!"ast yenr and this year 15,000 cars council last week. Going to Klamath Agency Wednes day afternoon or Thursday morning. Will take passenger for company. Call at Herald office. 18-lt cult roles proves her to bo well versed, navc ueen diverted from your route, l V, 1 Trrr Tnnimr anil ivituHUiiiv '.Z-iiU, Tttursday and Friday JUST IX Our Fall line of ud to the minute Apt Tan.ol.w PiimliU.llAH m.vhhah ' Sunfast Fancy Drapery, Scrims .etc. We will hang them for you artistically and economically. Come in and let us show you our complete HneB. We are sure to please you and satisfac tion guaranteed. 10-tf WILLIS-JOHNSTONE CO. in dramatic construction and also to bu able to perform the most delicate and Intricate roles with the utmost oase, grace and charm. Besides her Is but r. drop compared to tho mighty splendid work throughout the five ocean which Is rightfully yours. lam reels, she has occasion to wear clothcB j coming to aid you In securing your this is a fearful loss you are unable to bear. The tourist travel you are securing "Chick" Evans of Chicago Is now ! roilKldereil the errulput irntf rhnmnlim It Is thorcforo ordered that all per-1,,, ,,,, , , , . ons Interested In the estate of said t" VniteA 8,"tC8 "aH I'1"". '" deceased, appear 11 1 the room. of tho ,,,H W,,,,,IB "f t'1" nmiitcur champlon rounty court, in tho county court 'Bll,, "l Merlon' ' ,5(l' 'ni both house of Klamath county, at Klamath i111" 0,,t'n "ll(l "nmtotir champion of Fells, Oregon, lieforn this court, on tlu' '""""y. Robert Gardner was the j Saturday, tho 2Hth day of October, I nl"l,U3Ur ,llJI"l'loii, and In this tour liMfi :ii hn timii. .r in ',.ii, 1.. .... nainont he was dofendlntr IiIh crown. iroienoon of paid day, and then mid Kv,,l,H' "nvliig von tho open cham-Jtl-ere show caiine. If any exist, why an ',,0"s,lll' '' yT, was out to attach order of Halo should not bo made by , t,,e "loiir title. ithls court as prayed for In said poll- kv"h goir career began in 1B07, tion. . I when lie won the Western junior and The rc-il property belonging to the ,lcr,1,lcglato titles. Ho was Just one ' estate of bnld Mury A. Wilcox, also H,rol0 chlnd Walter llagen of Roch- known as Mary A. Jones, deceased. In CH,Pr '" ,,lu national open tournumntt rnrtlcnlarly described us follows, to- nt Mlol"thlan lust year. Hagen had wit: 90 for tiro 72 holos. In tho amateur 'J he north one-half of tho north- ,)ctrnt' 1- K- "wyer boat him by east quarter, the southeast quarler ", '"' n"d r' '" ,,,jy '" l,, flrKt rou"'' of tho noithcast iiarter, and the A ,ul two lnontl,,, "Bo Evnns o.tt- iiottlieast (jimter of the southeast n",,'"m " "" "-'"niaining tne cream UD.irlcr of tectloii thirteen, in town- of Uln l"'r'HHl''n '" the national open igo thirteen "ia,"S""H'"P touinnmoiit at Mini- mum, iiiuiriiing a -nolo score of 2HH, TIIUItHllAV AND KltllUY Mary I'lckford In "ItlOK LITTLE IWI'INA SATURDAY THE MAN HEIIINI) THE UllTAIS Vitngrapli SUNDAY "TO HAVE Al TO I10LI1" I'nrnmount TEMPLE THEATER Tlie Waters of Hie Irf-tlic," Vitngrapli Drama In Threo Parts "The Mystery of I lie Kaiils," "Home Duel," Comedy "I'Mtho NVhs." MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION PICTURES WEONE80AVI Msrrlll, Oiegon WWVMWWWWi f DR. F. R. CODDARD Osteopathic Physician Suite 210, I. O. O. F. Tempi' REMEMBER I never charge fw oxainlnatlnn and consultation. FURTHER This places you un der no obligation, and you will not bo asked to take treatment. Phone 321. such as she Is noted for. As a whole her work In "The Crucial Test' Is an achievement of which any star may well be proud. We'll Fix Your Auto Auto repair work of all kinds on contract. We guarantee satisfaction. Klamath Auto Co., 1107 Main. Phoue l.nl'lne and Intermediate points. Have 17J. Walter Harvey. 18-3t I au old-fashioned basket picnic. Have real inheritance. I desire that tho' world shall come and see your great' storehouse of scenic wealth. I know it wll fall In love with your country when once they realize its greatness and grandeur. "l'lease anange for a raoetlng at Fort Klamath, with delegations from ship foity-otio south, range 1 uist, of the Willamette Meridian, In Klamath county, Oregon, con-. talnlng lfiO ncres, more or less, nc-' coi'dlng to tho United Stales gen-. urnmoiit survey thereof. It Is further ordered that a cjrny of this order be published for not Ioh than four weeks In the Dally Evening! Herald, a public newspiper, publish ed and of general circulation In K!am ath county, Oregon. Dated September 18 1910, MARION HANKS, 1S-26-2-0-1U-2U County Judge A. K. & A. M. Notice. Special Communication lo. night. Work. Visitors welcome. ALBERT If. LOEWE, W, M. r Klamath Auto Company Does Genernl repair work at con tract prices. Ford work a specialty. All work guaranteed. Give us a trial. 11C7 Main street. Phono 17.T, Wal ter Harvey, " 18-3t Howards Auto Line Now Dally Exetpt Sunday KLAMATH PALLS AND ASHLAND Rswvatlona at Amarlcan HoUl Leave Klamath Fallt i NEW CARS, CAREFUL DRIVERS jrVWrV" '