Itlfl .... .,..iKii'Miii:it i". siiiM oris If W office THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON S-ft FAGS Sheds Erected at New London, Conn., tor the Bremen SHASTA VIEW NOTES rnviTM " ito.u. J'JM.M akkvikw to ' wim. UK WWTKI "IOM NKW ""WK lS1)i!MVsi:.vroi'i,AKi: , no,,ert I!, I"J' of ",0, rflnoscd ruitral iwn ilrn,lB. i nine "" " llU'OI'ent'H now Iiiih ., HrrrfiiMl ''l(,,,,' ,,ml ,.. h'i " "":" ,',""'!" "f ,,,t' Tin' ollleo.t "' '"" """i"' lifiililiiiirlDiH, from oflkt ai nliit'f'ilnn which' ! m'Hvl,lM ,' ,h,B ,,"rt of tUcotmlry l"l' trior bo directed. The wurk if inillHiiK tho Miirvoy ftf (ho linn I" Oregon wjh finished .... Wednonihiy 'iok, when tho few .f, rrmnlnliiK l-twoooi. Korl Hook ind licml ' completed. This .,n n toliil or IM on of lino urorrd. n" "f wl,l,hl Mr H,n,l,or" ilitt '" '"' comparatively ,,lt,x" LiUn huW- w,,h U, MUrV"y of b line completed Mr. Ktrnlioni ran is abc-ntl to set tl'o l"lK " l,ttPr ,1th tho iwii'iiinllMi: of IlKiiri'M niitl eitimatcn. On couipIutliiK tho survey of Iho Oreion Hiich tin' crows wore thon or dered to proceed to Fandango to take up the work of tlio survey there. In upt-nklni; of tint titnrtlng of tlio roimtructloii of tlio roml nt K In ninth Fill Mr. Ktrnlioni states that the ron ton he l beginning tlioro In born.iHo rf (ho flnnnclil Indutemonts offoiod tr that city nml for the prospects of tonnage from every inllfl of tint rend lironntruclloii proceeds. I.nko Conn I; Kxtmlnor. WILSON'S POLICIES BLOWN UP. Charles Evans Hughe !ld huvo ex plotircn with him w hen Ida motor car wis lenrchvd hy n Ciiniiillnn aoldlor, but they wt-ro under the ciindldnte' hat. Mr. Hushes will not thorn off on hli Western tour nnil wmie of Mr. Wilton' iol!i-lon will ho blown tip. New York .Sun. . . . i iBaaaaaaaaaaaab m 111 H?Mi-'Ui . . avir r "'aaii nil ' . H: wJH Will, if '.', m H H i Ull 1 I 2 tkKH .' IfirVirHt H?tsrr fiWwwi.'-iH'irVrfwfci.i.rti I -, HHi HA "I- - V f ,J- ' - -.;' - -- T" .refmM-wnfiw B'lMBlBaHBaEiaBKKllBBWWMBHaaHaBRBMHHaBMaaBBBHaaiBHBHMHH Kov. Hall of Honnnza preached at tho Hhaetn View school housa Sun dry, Itcv, Cowley taking his place at Bonanza that day. -trrr Onn't IMtn lo DdftaM L'nltcd I'reM rti 4 - WA8IIINOTON, D. C Sept. IS. Ambassador llernst'irfl of Qtmnnr Mm. L. H. Miller liii'.a M wnVi r,.r o..,.i,.. nnii ..,i.. i. .ni' rri. ,,..i t...i 1.-.1.1 nu.i.. told the state department today that i ' .uvr..jn, vhhi.i "iu;n; BIIV Will I IV Dll.UWI UVUIU iiviu a i.ic?iiiib - r:icidn few weeks with her dnuehtor,! lost Saturday night, for tho purpose ,u"",any;, w"o occupyinB Bwijum, ' Airs V. ft. Kennedy. cf opening bids on a barn to bo built ,. . . for tho accommodation of horses uned Itcv. Cowloy and wlfo of .Merrill liv ,,,, frm ,.,,. Wa . lunched at J. h. Ilalley' Friday. on pl,or qilllo an ,mproVemcnt. Frank .out., to llononM, where Mr. Cowley j,rciwbrWg0 waH tll0 oweBt ,)1(,,lcr jf?nvo p dcrcoptlcon lectur.c that-o'-cii-t Ini?, ' '"lie American Nnvy on ltj Trip Our school opened Monday with Around the World " Sunday etonlnr. Harry h. Martin and Ila Schaffcr as lh4ubjcit of his lecture nt the samo teachers. We- have added the Ninth place wan "An Kvcnlnc vltlt Sankey." Krade, and with our principal so woll iccoinmendcd, our primary teacher's i The HclplnR Hand Society met at' ability to weli proved list year, our the homeof Mrs. A. If. Hale Wednes- Mhool standardized, and tho com- "ay- jinunlty In RCncral bo willing to nld ' t-ur children In every way along edu- Mrs. Dnvld Jones arrived Friday '., ,.., u. ,., u-i , rem Appalacha, Vu., to Join her Iiiih. onc of tIl0 fim , the co(mly( and feel jliaiid. who came here about a year t,mt wc aro Jll8tlnc(, In bclng proud niiu mi inn i ins cuinaie Keeiiis will conalder void any American loaa to Belgium, with Belgian railroads as security, unless the lons are aa, with the consent of Germany. The V. S. F. C. writes men bead in Oregon titan an other coapaay. Sec Clillcote. 9 While- no aiiiiuiiiH'ciiU'iit Iiiih Ih-cii uindu of, the Allii-rlrnii port In be Bought by (he (Icriiinu iiii-rrhnul hiiIi iiiarliii) Hroiui-n, raid to la- 011 her way to tho I'ultcd State with a val uable firi;o hiii-Ii n tint DfiiUrlilanil biotight, it Is now llrtiib bcllcvi-il she will (loci, at New l.diidoti, Conn. The ovldonro connlstt of (hu fact that hIhmIh hnvo.hcon nio'-tod there for her protection. This pholoKr.'iph shows1 where she will lie. Tin- Ci-riuan liner Wlllchnd, which reached New lindnn from Iloiitoii the other day, will re main alongside tho wharf to protect the uuhmnrlnc. I to be Just about right for him, and some time ago he purchased the litir rls ranch, where they expect to make their home. MIm Schaffer and the Misses Jobea Hive returned from the huckleberry patch, and report the best picking of the season when they left. of it. Class of Kilksie Not Appreciated Says dam lly HAMILTON ; (United I'n-Hu Staff Correspondent) NKW YOltK, Sept. IS.-Since Johnny Kllbnne, tho featherweight Pfudugi', that It's going to he sonic tlino hofoio a featherweight with suf-Ik-'cnl cljtfs to down Kllbaue inal'ea his apl aranrc. There have been few lie Mm HUOHES and FAIRBANKS. champion, hud such an easy time huh xm with the ability of Kilbanc wlnnliiK fiom (leorgu Chaney of llal-un'i hit as well. tlmorv In tholr Ijihor Day bonl at j Thme niu a gicat many light fo' Codnr I'olnt, Ohio, Kllbnne has nn an-j iowcrn In tro country who believe tin ttwe'r to tho talk about his ln-ln a Jiiilo reatherwelght Is Just the man to champion of the "chueiu" class. The j tip I reddle Welsh's crown off hi fact of the mutter Is that Kllhane Is 'head and plnro it hack lo a point Jimt about the elovcH'tt and most ' win te there will be some In versatile champion now lighting. .tie weight cIjph. I'nileiilably he hns procd the most effect I w. Ills ri-dinl Is HUi-irlslugly fnll of knockouts and clean-cut vic tories, It has been sonic )enr since Kllhane won his title from Abe Attell, who nt that time was,icterl.eil its ono'of the cleverest boys who over bnd laid claim to tho title in the ranks which have been graced by sou'e of the uinst famous mitt nrtlt-t 'of the century. Ami Kllbaue had 11 'comparatively easy time outpointing the champion then recognized, j Since tit 3 1 time Kllhane has met every boxer la his claps who has iiihown himself worthy of a chance at tho title. And every cue of them It an gonu down to a crushing defeat. Kll ,bnno oven has stepped out of his class mid has tried thn Issue with some of the best lightweights. Joe Mandot he- HOOK WORM MAY BE ERADICATED micron sk.nt hy imtcd statics y.h iiciut.mi:.t MAY TAIil i..,ixi:s.s oi'T oi-' I'Kei'i.i: ok SIAM DRINK HOT WATER I DCChnr nnPAirAox Says you really feel clean, sweet and fresh inside, and are seldom ill. -lug one of the moat prominent. Seine 'of thu writers gave Maiulot a bit tho Culled I'io.i Service. TOKYO, Sept. 1S. I)r, It. V. Mon tlelion of Now York city is on ills way from hero tl Slam today as n lepie- heit of tho milling, hut a majority of scntallvo of tl o Culled States wai do- tloTii sjld It was a draw, and gmo )tnt tinoiit. to take the lnslness cut of KllhJiit! great credit. It has been unit! n. sinmcjti' hy killing off their over of Kilbuno that ho has avoided Ml)py ()f hooKworms. dectnlii bouts to tiroteel his title 'ph,, tjovcinmeiit of Slim asked liim much the ams us Fieddlu Welsh linn (,, ,1,1 it. After Investigating tho causo done. Well, even If ho hud, there l (,f so much laziness In Slam, the gov- nn excuse. It Is hard In these days ,,rmnorit decided It was tho hoolt- to llnd 11 plme for a light whore a do- worm that caused It, and asked the chilon can be given, hut Kllhauo has wnr (,.mrtniqnl to send a doctor to fought several decision battles, and Eut the country light with Industry none ever has gone against him. 'nnd energy. I Illiclile Mite holl s considered 0110 iir. Meudulson was one of tile heat lightweights, American physicians scut to Serbia to lilm n lilidi class it l'lii ili. ivnliii itnldeniie carlv In lour ami turn Into ana und ' . . ...,....i r i. ...., . ..,. .., ni i i. ..ij. , . . . trimming Wlien pihciiou wan h n-..."- iuin, Alter 1110 11111 oi iiwib'-'"" - iuiii auiiriHU uwaii- l( you. If you nro uccustomed to wuko u., with a coated tongue, foul breath W I.' ; 1 dull ,ii... I,, .. lor tno country s aJS '. "y'r:,m0:.0r' " '""'ibni KUhnno gave tneala jcrwelght. Not iniicli has been heard m!lliu the retreat across Serbia with I -a ti.i.ii. mt',.f,. nlitm-k lin frtml (ft U,,. n.itluwviw tn ii'Kttli tut wno nt. m Illl IMllllU y lvt'M' niii " " niu ithnnuiu if .M.t .iv. .... ... tomorrow mnrnlnc. liiiiniulliktitlvi i. i.i ..iki.uAm.i uuit nf imh i....i "" -" -- , U-lhll Ullin (I IIHIIHICPiMiiv ..-,., -. IHUIVU, "'"'" nrising, drink n gluts of hot wter with n teaspoonful of limestone 1'hoai.hute hi It. This is Intended to Tut ncutinllze and then wush out of mt Btomach, liver, kidneys and thir ty feet of Intestines nil tho Indlguatl- ' wuBie, poisons, eour bllo und tox- .turlnir 11 limit with Kllbuie. Kllhauo in t his right hnud :ienm on O'KeefeV Jnw and Kdd'o took a long sleep. Once Kid Williams, the bantam weight champion, thought he could lli-U tho featherweight champion, and he tried It. Williams took tlio worst iinriJi""' ";lc",13lnf' "wootenlng and' b,MB 1,0 imsalhly could huvo asslnv , h ",u t,,u,ro immontary canal. Unto,! ,i stm stayed on his foot. I (loorgu Chancy begin U roiuo to the front 'niid yell for a match with the rhtimplnn. Ho got It. Ho nlsn got (ho uatinl trlmniliig from Kll hane. And, let ub add by way of n n- 't'oo subject to Hick "Xaclie, hllloiitt uttackH, constipation r ny form ,)f stomach trouble, are " l0 set n quarter oundof llme "one Phoaiihnto from the drug atoro M begin enjoying this mdrnmg ln- Zl "' U ,s ala ht men and men w, try thl8 mmi onthual- Bl"c "Dd k0"l' It up dully. H la a Plend d health roemiro, for It la more 'toportant to keep clean and pure on . . ,M,,ae ihnn on the outaid"hn(.nnii . . wt lite tkln Pores do not absorb Impurl- CHII.COTi: SPECIALS Several good buys on Main street, with very nttrm-tlve Iiicoihoh. A big hit and fJ-room iIiiN(oreil hoiiKe for 91 " oasy (oiiiin. Three hlK IoIh 011 .lobiison avonuo for f:W0 ensli. 0uid t-oi-noi- 011 llth, this nhIo ol Ilea 1 , ,u ",,L "OBoro impuri- IS, J l,, b'od, causing dlsoaao, Wllethebowblporeado, loe Prltielnln nt l.n,i.i..n 1 1.1. i ... -, - u UULIIHIE IIIHIUII IN I t new, ns mllllonB nf i,i .,..! ramil. for $000. Tci-iiim, It. .Tno .. fiwvuw . .,.,, . t...l.tit .wii.K" A untidy "Hi" nnir flirnsu, im Tipperary Gives VVay to New Song United l'm?s Service j LONDON, Sept. fi. (Ily moll).-. "Tlppoiary" lias given way at tho bit llonout to a now scng with a taggy lilt whom thomo Is that tho bullets will nlwii g't tin etht.r rellow. Tlper-ti ' V. through; worn out hy repetition. I Tho mi"' piece ' ; with n bang with thu tiooi.M and (brent ens to bo coico -is popular us "Tipporary" ovcr t was. lliu-o M'e 1 ho werds: The bolls of holl go tlng-a-ling-n-ling, 1 Cor you, hut not for mo. 'Km- 1110 Hie angels bliig-a-llng-ii-llng. They've got the goods for mo, , " JUStnu lint ,,.. j " . nupiru . u aonp cioana, '5.1, n".d froshen th " t vahZi . " ,on8nonrul of limestone 'ffi? act on t,w tomach, liver. g2na bowel,. Llmeatonophoi. 'alai- B? ,nMlen,ve whHe powdar, MjhuMt taateleaa,--Adv. all In alfalM. for 15,00. An MO-an-o trMtt with mhiio llmhff. I Cm rhwip at 9 1, BOO. City iroierty t trade for form landa or timber. Hee Clillcote. s fi. ii.miii. wheie Is thy stlng-a-llng-a- llug? O. grave, thy vlctoroo? S The bulla of hell go tlng-u-lliiK-a-lIng For you, but not for mo, Cast-Iron cook stoves, IU-lnch oven, ?U.,; H-lncli oven, Jll.fiO. Sot up In your homo and guaranteed. WH.I.1S-J0HNST0NK CO. CLOCK TURNED BACK AN HOUR WI.N'MI'IX; STOP CM)CKS KOH AX HOUR TOXK.'HT, AI-TKH HAVI.NtJ STOI.KX AX HOUR OP DAYI.KJIIT Abb SCMMKR I Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Miller visited at Mr. Halley's a few days last week. Prima Donna h 32 United Press Scrvlco NEWARK, N. J., Sept. 18 Maggie Cllne's secret, is out. She is 32, "not one day older." She Indignantly told a Justice so when he queried her. Tho 'ifsb prima donna was In court charged with violation of the traffic laws. Klamath Electrical Supply Company Can nell you supplied and do yoar ELECTRIC WIRE1XO, REPAIRING, ETC., ETC. Cheaper than yon hare ever had It done before WHV? Becaaae our ahop la located at 122 SIXTH STREET and you save the difference be tween Main aad Sixth atreet RENT. Walk half a block dowa Sixth and SAVE MONEY I nltcd Press Scrvlco WINNIPEG. Man., Sept. 18. Win nipeg, having saved a lot of daylight all Minimer-,by Jumping its clocks thcud an hour, -will stop the clocks for nn hour tonight-midnight, and get jack on standard central time once 'note. That moans tho folks hero will Vop an extra hour In tlio morning, .taking up for the hour they lost lat spilng. There is ronsldefrhle difference of iplulnii heie as to whether the plan ,-eally accomplished very much. .lolly glasses, while they last, 4.r.c er dozen. 10-If ' WH.I.IS-.TOIINSTONE CO. WANTO AN EFFECTIVE SYS TEM OF RURAL CREDITS. Wo propose to promote by ovory practicable means our agricultural interests, and we In clude In tills program au effec tive 6ystcm of rural credits. We favor tho wise conservation of our natural resources. We desiro not only that they shall bo safeguarded, but that they eliall bo adequately developed and used to tho utmost public advantage. From Mr. Hughes' speech of acceptance. LAST CHANCE TUESDAY To view the wonderful thousand dollar painting f Oakland. Hundreds of Klamath FaUa aad fflawaath county linvo seen this great wotk of art. This Is the last call. You can see it day or creates Taeaday. This Is your oiK)it unity. Are JMii uoing to miss it und regret? OAK I.AM) WIMj HE THE T.V YORK OF THE PACIFIC. HAY HAVE A POPULATION OF ONE MILLION. THE CITIES AROUND SAN FRANCISCO OBEY THAT IMPULSE AND COME After Tuesday Evening Your Opportunity will be Gone It's Up to You GEO. T. CROMPTON Oregon State Manager sariaMMiB 727 Main Street Klamath Falls Next Door Klamath Falls Music Houm Los Angeles Mayor Quits QUIT MEAT WHEN Rmttmmf'mmmmmmammmtmmmmmmmmmmwm KIDNEYS ER No man or woman who eats meat tegular can mnko a mistake by flush ing the kidneys occasionally, says n well known authority. Meat forms title acid which excites the kidneys, tho- becomo over worked from the strain, get sluggish and fall to filter tho w:vto i.ud poisons fiom the blood, then we get sick Nearly all rheumatism, headaches, liver trouble, nervousness, dizziness, sleeplessness and urinary disorders come from sluggish kidneys. The moment you feel a dull ache in the kidneys or your bnck hurts or if tho4 urino Is cloudy, offonslvo, full of ; sediment, irregular of passage or at tended by n sensation of scalding, stop eating meat and get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any pharmacy; tako 11 tnblespoonful In a glass of water be fore breakfast, and In n few days your kidneys will act fine. This famous salts Is mado from the acid of grapes j and lemon juice, combined with lithla, j and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate the kidneys, also to , neutralize the acids In urino so It no, longer causes Irritation, thus ending Sehastlnn, former mayor of ho An-1 blnddor weuknesa. golos, vvtis taken 11 Bhort time after ho Jad Salts Is inexpensive and cannot resigned his office. A Los Angeles injure; makes a delightful effervescent uowspapor had published charges Hthln wntof drink which everyone against him and gave letters purport-j should tako now and then to keep the lug to have been written by him. Ho kldnoyB cleau and active and the blood began suit for llbol against the news-' pure, thereby avoiding serloua kidney Tills photograph of Charlea E. THE-; First National Bank KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Capital - $100,000.00 Surplus - 14,500.00 A STEADY GROWTH In the Deposits of a Bank la Good Proof of Vitality and Strength HERE IS AN ACTUAL RECORD OF OUR ADVANCE IN DEPOSITS Sept. 1, 1010, $140,380.00. SEPT. 1, 1011, 144.S31.00. SEPT. 1, 1912, $389,182.00 SEPT. 1, 1913, $425,899.00 Sept. 1, 1914, $474,989.00 SEPT. 1, 1915, $538,600.00 Sept. 1, 1916, $684,154.00 We Invite the Public to Study the Frequent Publication of our Reports THIS BANK SOLICITS THE ACCOUNTS OF IN DIVIDUALS, FIRMS AND CORPORATIONS ON THE BASIS OF RESPONSIBLE AND. COURTEOUS BANKING SYSTEM MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM, o paper after ho quit offlco'. complications. Adv. Hs7,f ai'VI "rJ. 'TrTS v' tl l 341 ' -iJ '5 '. ' '- -'3 "A :1MF: 4 WJF& . '-' '3'i.?-'f-iigs?'i. :i.bT VJ .t J.V-..J