'4 W m Hi (- ? KLAMATH COUNTY'S " f OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER 1300 ffl& laiimttuj Iterate KLAMATH PALLS' , OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1916 Price,. Five Ossttp, CARRANZISTAS JOIN VIUJSTAS DESERTIONS FOLLOW CHIHUAHUA CITY ATTACK t-JjjatVVVVVyyYTTtrr1 m ViliVi'iiirVlliiiWVWV SERBIANS CAPTURE BULGARIAN LINES ASAlA'l'v'VWWVMMVMMMVMVMVVWMMMMMMWVMMWWWMMWWV WHAM IIMTHIT I IITV MII.KH DL-i.iiii Tin: i:kmv 1 "" IVtMa AdnillN AIIUmI Nucicium In the Vertern Theater tif llio War TliJ tfttl Mid l)enlriiir( EMrti'il I" Fall Hoon Italian Tnkr Thud Um DcfenMw and Advance to WKhMt TlilrKTii Mile of TrlcMe. Uolted Presa Service SALONIKA, Kept. IK. Tim 8ur tliu bare captured (he Hulgnrluu Int and iccond linen at Kauinklchu Ion, rud are nmr tliu Korblaii frontier. Vailed Press Service DLTTClN. Sept. 18 -The Russians ind'Rucnanlanx In tlm last twoniy tour lionn hate retreated over lift)' ra'lnfroni Hie HulRiirlnn frontier. A blf battle Is expected any ilnj ali'iis I lie Ccriiavadn-Coustntizii ru II roji, which roniicctii lltimnnln ami R iMlt. The TeutoiiH nro continuing tlmlr retirement Into (Ynlnil Transylvania. Palled Prei Service ROME, Sept. 18.- Tho IihIIiiiih mo lthln thirteen miles of Trieste, dc iplte a heavy r.iln storm, which re tarded their progress. Alieveral points tho HiiIIiiiih Imvo penetrated the third line of the Auh. trldelene,nntl Imvo driven the Auh IrUni south of Oppncchlnscllit to llio lly cntrcnclinicniH. failed Prcks Servlro UWDON, Sept. 18. Tho fSrttlnlt l"M captured tho irttm-hoH south of Tl.tpval and aro eltnlng In on the ljr. KlMWhero tli IHIIIhIi have In. I"w.l their pshloim nnd undo tmt ulna. forty thousand ;, mians Imvo boon H td since tho cnewnl of tho nlllo.t "Kle In the .vwt 1IW Prow Service WWDON,Bopt.l8-omo has wire Jd that Knvnhi Iiiih bcon doHtroyoil jt, " Population IraiiBportod to UM PrMl 8crvI(,0 w'R.,8;8c,,t l!i- 'n'c Crouch lmo -?'"t- tiuriiifr,.v, Donl'MMtiit HATCHER C.W.I Will BE HERE ' TOJTALK ROAD EXPECTED TO AltniVK IN WEEK OK TEN DAYS AAMAAArMMAMMAMWWVWWWMWWWWWWMSM Twenty-Five Killed When This Great Span Fell In letter to V. H. Wordctt, National ANmtle of Good Hom1 Hay Oregon In MlkkiiiK 1.1.000 Automobile Yearly lleraiMe Roads Are Not Suf flricnily Improved Tlie, Colonel v Han VMted KliMiialli llcfore. To enthuse Oregon people Into the Idui of Improving their highways, to draw more tourist trnde, Colono! Charles W. Thutchor, tho nntlonal apostle of Reed roads, will visit thU state very soon. He Is expected In KlnniDth Falls In a week or ten d.iyH. In the following letter to William 8. Worden, which Mr. Worden for warded to Klamath Fall, Colonel Thatcher explains tils trip: "I am en route to OrcKm by auto- ' inohllo. I am bringing to tho Klam ath country and your Htato the great est message of modern times. The Washington Memorial highway In the East has outatrlpped our fondest dioims. The only way I can bring you to n full realization of your great Continued on Pare 4 nnd Iihvo captured tho trenched enst or Clery. Violent countcm agaliiHt tho now HrltlHh and French poult long have been repulsed. I'nlted I'reni 8ervlc I1KHI-IN, Sept. IK. It Ik admitted I hit tho Ccrmaim have abandoned C'rrny and Donleeourl and tho posl tloiiH near VormandovlllerH to the French. Tho retreating KuhhImih and Huma iilaim have tnhen posltlon from Hn evn to Tur.lu, ten mlleH nouth of the rn 1 1 road, where they are irotnrln to mitho a Htiiud. 350 Beef. and 47 Males Are Shipped This Week ' ut'.n,l.,,C0t wm wtltiilB moHt ' KiT-T.." B,,lmnolt 'f llvostoclt , y lln& county. w2MVcJf of H,y "rgo tCl .'"o- If not ""My thi. muloa ,n Klamath 'rlrw.y?ar. They were raUe.1 iMawVi . Iy coun,,y. and I Threo hundred nnd fifty head of liholco beer are to bo shipped thin week to Miller & Lux or San Frnn cli.ro by J. U. Ileckley and A. T. Lan Kell, Klamath county buyers for thU coninanv. The beef are Bald to be ex cellent stock, and "were purcliawul from Camnbell Brothers of Lorella, Clinrles Bwluglo of Lorella, Oeorse ilJeal of Lorella. Frank Grohs of tho ,l?lm Rook ranch, Miller Brothers of I.oi'nlln and otbors. Tills stock will yb loaded ut Midland probably Wed- . r ui ' X&&&X&. x - , ' -, .,"w" r'"V V ' it - , -W T K 'N. y &?i&i&iLL k..MU, I -, . r- "f T " - 2i7' fiSSK -V""!.' JUJpiJKJ'Ka&a 5t. ''4'S?5, mrjnM.Smm(.r, Ul MAY MEAN TROOPS -WON'T BE REMOVED Canadian cabinet officers and oin-!nlno years ago, who u 'another Hpan cI'jIh on a gala day saw twt-nty-flve workmen killed when this great cen tral span of the $ 17,000,00a Quebec fell, liavlng resulted In, the death of eighty-four workmen. ' The bridge was built for the purpose of bhortcn-j bridge over the St. Lawrence inverting the railway Journey across tho broko loose and plunged to the bot- continent by about 200 miles. It was torn, 200 feet below. It was the sec- to be used by eight railways, the C. end accident on the bridge, tho llrstl I. H., Crand Trunk, Delaware & Hud son, Intercolonial, Quebec & Lake St. John, Quebec & Saguenay and Cana dian Northern. The principal dimen sions of the bridge are: Length, from shore to shore, 3,839 feet; width be tween buttresses, 1,800 feet; length of central span, 640 feet; height of central span above river, 150 feet. r t; Carranzistas Plan Capture Lower California and Towns United Press Service Carrnuza officials say Cantu Is New London, Conn., whereby a bor- SAN DIKCO, Sept. 18. Five thou- smuggling American arms and aminu- der patrol will be established. Then sand well equipped Cnrninza soldiers nltion for a little army from los they intend to strike. After taking pie near (Itmymus ready to sail for Angeles. Knsonada, they intend to capture Tia Kiihcnadx and take Lower California Carranzistas are awaiting an agicc- Juana and Mcxicala, just over the in- Horn (lovcrnor Cantu. ment or the joint commissioners at termtional line. SAY WITNESSES PAID BY STATE FOR TESTIMONY DKFKNSK LAYS GROUND FOR IM PEACHMENT ' One Witness for Suite Says He Saw Hillings Near Scene of Explosion Itefore It .Ocufred, and Another VILLA'S LOSS REACHES 100 OR MORE MEN Military Men Believe VUUHm Ac complJsIied Desire to Show Carran za's Inability to Control Bandit Sit uutlon In Mexico villa Makes Good Boast That He Would Short "Grlto" on Independence Day. United Press Service s EL PASO, Sept. 18. Executing the boast that he would shout "Grlto" In Chihuahua City on Mexican Independ ence day. General Villa attacked the ELEVENTH STREET PAVING RESUMED HUMPHREY'S CAR STOLEN AT NI6HT (.OVKRN.MENT CONTRACTS WITII.TAKEN AT CRESCENT WJlILK CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS, AMI GEORGE QUIETLY SLEIT WAS CITY WITH GARRETT CURBS AN OAKLAND SIX TOURING BEING LAID CAR NUMBER iUl-175. At last the red tapo of the govern ment has been unwound and that por tion of Eleventh street In front of the urnpvrty of tho United States recla mation sorvfeo is to be paved. J.ny- tng of tho cull) was commenced this morning by W. 1). MlHorsubcontract. or under J. II. Garrett. As soon as the curb has set Con tractor Garrett will begin laying tho rock, and soon will luvo tho street paviid with macadam. The work or Improving nil ol Elev enth street was hold up toveral weeks because- Contractor Garrett could not do business with tho government, be- taiie.) or red tape. Finally tho city contracted with tho govorumont and yien tho city with Gnrrett. Tho mat ter had to go to Denver and bo ap proved byjhlghor officials there. m Confederate Veteran Dies United Press .Service XhW YORK. Sept. 18. Brigadier t.eneial BbbII Duke, u confedcraU vetar.tn nud author of many Dook3 on ii.- fvll War. -llel here Sunday, tie was an officer of tho Morgan raldor Tho Oakland six touring car be longing to George Humphrey '.ns stolen last night at Crescent, accord Ing'to u telephone messago received from Humphrey this morning. Mr. Humphrey drove to Crescent yester day with Joe L. Itingo, nnd stayed there last night, expecting to return this morning. When ho got up this morning and was ready to start homo he discov ered his oar was gono. The automobile was a touring car, model 32, number 321, 175, motor number 31,196, Oregon license, num ber 7087. BOARD RECIEVES MANYPROTESTS LAND AND TIMBER COMPANIES ARE PRINCIPAL OBJECTORS TO ASSESSMENTS AS MADE BY AS SESSOR J. P. LEE After Motor Thieves f United Press 8orvlco' CHICAGO, Sopf. 18, First lessons uro being given to 200 local police In catching motor thieves. Thefts live increasing dally. Protests ugiiiist assessments of portions of their property have been made before the board of equalization now In session. Tho board received . protests In writing during tho past week, and for the next three weeks will make decisions on the protests. Practically all the protests to tho assessments Imvo been made by tim ber companies. Among these aro Weyerhaeuser Lumber company, Yaw key Lumber company, Oregon Land and Livestock company, Oshkosh Land and Timber company and West ern Pacific Land nnd Timber com pany. The board of equalization Is com posed or County Assessor J. P. Loo, County Clerk C. R. DeLap and County Judgo Marlon Hanks. Will Fly Again , United Press Service CHICAGO, Sept. IS. Art Smith, famous aviator, in a hospital hero, said today that he expeots to mako lllphts on the Pacific Coast In three months, He U considering an offer of Japanese financiers to manage u argo ntroplaue factory In Tokyo, , Bremen Expected NEW LONDON, Conn., Sept. 18. Activities of the Eastern Forwarding company on tho pier hero is causing a renewal of the belief that the Bre men is approaching this country. Says Billings Set Suitcase -Down, !city Saturday, marched to the pent- Went Into Satoo and Came o tCn,,ary aei'teIii5r: one of his lieutenants. With Thomas Mooney. Hand to hand fighting In the atreeu" followed. Then the Villtetaa with drew in good order, although luffer- Uuiled Press Service rag heavy losses from cannonadlna- aa SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 18. The & retreated. defense of Warren Billings today be- Carranzistas shot General Trevino Kan Its attempt to show that witnesses b w leading the Villa forcer out for the prosecution had received mon- ' ine city. ey from the state for their testimony. General Bell is reliably informed It laid the ground for Impeaching tes- that 1,500 Carranzlsta soldier joined timony by asking the witnesses if the Villistas Saturday following the they had told others that they would. attack on Chihuahua City. be rewarded for their evidence. It is oxpected that the defense will produce wltnosses who will swear that the state's witnesses told them a reward would be given for their tes timony. , John Crowley testified this morn ing that he saw Billings near the scene of the explosion just before it occurred. John McDonald said he saw Billings place the suitcase where it later exploded, enter a saloon and leave with Thomas Mooney. Errand Boys Strike United Press Service PHILADTLPHIA. Sept. 18. One of the strangest strikes In history be came effective here today when sev eral hundred errand boys, demanding one cent more per package, quit work "Indefinitely." One hundred and fifty Villistas were killed in this battle and ninety v-ounded, according to Carrania offi cials. It is believed the Carranzu losses are qyen greater. Troops of the de facto government are reported as pursuing Villa and his men toward, the Santa Clara can yon. Troops are patrolling the cities of Northern Mexico to preveat-.Mfl, Villa demonstrations. American army -officers here de dare that Villa has a5eomplisb,ed his purpose to show that Carrania" is unable to control the bandHry ot Mexico, it is confidently believed that this will cause General Pershtap's ex pedition to remain in Mexico several months longer.. After the attack on Chihuahua City Saturday, eighty-seven Villistas were capturod, lined up and executed. Wind Saves Aeronaut United Press Service N MILWAUKEE. Wis,, Sept. 18. A wind blowing away from the lake saved an aeronaut here from drown- Commissioner Emerson finds that It Ing when his balloon caught Are and is not the Jersey "skeeter" that bites he drirted soven miles before coming New Yorkers, but a real New York to earth. mosquito. The Wrong Mosquito United Press Service NEW YORK, Sept. 18. Found not guilty The New Jersey mosquito. Much maligned though it Is, Health Registration This Year 50,000 Short in State President's Sister Dies NEW LONDON, Conn.. Sept. 18. Mrs. Annie Howe, only sister of Presi dent Wilson, died Satutday. The president will accofpuny ueriemalns to South Carolina for burial. Registrations in Oregon for the No vember election so far are 50,000 short ot the dotal registration for 1914. Registration books close Octo ber 7th in nl) counties, and unless 50,- 000 voters bestir themselves before then the 1916 registration will fall short or the figure for 1914. Unless n voter Is registered no pam phlet containing the proposed consti tutional cnieudmenta and measures, with arguments, will be mailed to him by fecrelury of State Olcott. Ad dresses of citizens are obtained only from the county registrations keeks, and tho county clerk's weekly ;" Iratlon reports to this oBce. ajr'Va. registered voters who desire 'fto. inhtM ohnuM immndiaielr raatister with the county clerks of the oouatles In which they reside, As sooaW In clerks' report registrations so", office pamphlets are mailed totr1 voters' addresses as given. rt vf A 7 "J; W yj n n. ntnaay. ..' .& ;&w .tfe.. aS?t -&?wJfy . wm-