CTH i wf; V ni 8Hj umftt$ llterald KLAMATH COUNTY'S "Tttt? OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALLS. v e "'.,, OFFICIAL NEWSPAWt ?M I perrRth Vr N. S,(,M,M SELLS KLAMATH FALLS,. OJBGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1916 Price, Fire Oearie - ? OPENS RI SPROULE lAAAMMAAMAAMMAMWWMVVWVM siinf , -i-yyvvvvvxpjTj-ynjYuur. SELLS GIVES ORDER AND LANE APPROVES PURIST KKHI1I.T OF COMMISSION. i Ktl'H VIHIT AH f HpriKtifl "'"I Portion of Wll UuMOn Hlvcr IUlo Junction Art Itttoded In Order Flue Trout Msfcfsg In tfM-r WilHntiinon Itlver b rYrserved I')' Order of United Mile ladlan Ommihtfdoiicr. BISHOP PAODOCK PREACHES SUNDAY MAMMMAAMMAWWMtlVMMMiy 1 I LsB jHsfl P k RS TO LOGGING INVESTIGATES MODOC NORTHERN ROAD WWVWVWVIMWWWWWVM 0atte in f Ae Sties, Photographed from Zeppelin Attacked in England IIIhIioii Hubert I,. Paddock of tlio Kaiitcrn Oregon DIoGeac of (lie KIh copal church will hold services to morrow ronrnliiK tt 1 1 o'clock In Hip Odd Follow hull. Ill subject will be, "How Wo Cnn (Jet Together nrul Mnko TIiIh Old World Hotter." Sunday afternoon a brief service und conference of member of the Kpbtiopal church will bo held In tho rnniu hull. The new parish hall will bo iIImcuhmmI at (hi tlmo. IIIhIioii Paddock I on his way to the general conference of tin KpUco nil church In St. Louis, which moots Cato Bell. The order hai9 I" threeparSjTnto jrearthe WrtMoy"Bccrotarrf'tTic'ln-!.hJoct of marriage after divorce, hortcnlng of tho ton commandments for iiho In tho wrvleo. aro among the titibjoctx to bo coiiHldcrcd. On ncount of tho fact that Bishop I'niUkxk In not fully recovered from a nervous breakdown, no service will no nuld In tho evening. Spracuc ftlvrr ami WllllnniNon Itlv ff tare been opened to logging oer tttoat. Thli information wits re eshrsi lhl morning by William II. Frtsr, agent in chnrgo of Klamath In sist reservation, In the form of an t United States Indian Com brier rraaklln K. Lane. Tbe order opening Kpraguo mid Williamson rUcr in tho Hrst concrete mult o( tbe vlult here hint month or CoamlMloner RcIIh. It U gcnornlly 'H that It I only the first, and Ihnt ity other order of vnluo to the Kbuuth reservation aro to como. Tie order wiy nil portions or KUM ire declared open for logging u4 all that portion of Wllllnmmm Rrrer below Uh confluence with 8priue Kltcr. Ily thl order fishing w sot considered seriously dnmnged, the best rmiilni; Ik In Williamson mer about where It juiim Hprnguo River. , Although thero Ik miiNldornblo vil Mhle timber contrlliiitnrv in won,.,... V Ji River above lt confluence with MBpraiue. thin timber ran onKlly ho MPPed by the preBent railroad to Kirk -L" """ ""Q out from tlio railroad IS WAITING FOR A ; n I ready ronHtructcd, Hence It In be lieved that CommlHHloiier Soil Iiuh tried to prcscrvo tho bout fishing. "I Hiiroly botlevo tho imiiIiir of Kpraguo and Williamson rivers Is di rectly duo to Commissioner Holt' visit IuhI month," kiiIcI Agont Freer this morning over tho long dlHtnuco t'lo phono. "There In no doubt but thnt he Haw many thlugH whilo horo thnt he novor even nunpectc(l before. I think It la reanonablo to anticipate other orders that will mnko for tho prosperity of Klamath county and tho vlMiinth Indian," Worn Tells Views Wanted from Klamath o ' I. 1L . u . roIlowlng letter to J. W. ci.kI nnrlleiilarlv Mm follnwlnc nle. iSh?.Mnl,(,rt K' 8t-"orn. tho teres: I ros builder explain thnvtnu,, . .... .... "iWrltorv tm.i i i , """"i "i'linorama or uinmuiii run mm 4toKlamfl?h i." ,. X ,ro)0,i0, the valloy, looking loiithetwt. them InThe ro,i '" P" Kanith Ike?i.ibwlnf the' mills. li,.rr,n5 ,0 ' Panoramic pho- ken either rron. tho eat or west. SV Wh,ch ' wroto nbout Just YonnR Vn,,oy tBkon eUhor from "'letvlng Portland- Mr V D i11'" eaBt or W08t 8o much of lMn" C?"' Bend volunteers his 'aer'f,,n Va,lejr a" could bo tttken fr0IB Mr mil T fi u" of ''' nutomobllo to "Uher tho north or tho B0"th, Hhow oliuck.,?n a con,i''lernblo portion !,ng Donuna- PterMy from Pboto, i p BecMlry to tako those tho oulh ,n ori,cr to "how the grcn (taitof ..til i "l0 t,,Bt the "",uur "'?" " "," ' f'bibi k ""'""nu promptly will J vnuoy, prcierauiy irum mu .. ' "e Qtlltft n I.. . ......Ik "Territory botwoon tho Klaraath Oleno road and Merrill. "Territory between and Including Merrill and Malta, "Upper Klamath Valley, running from the upper end of Upper Lake to n little north of Fort Klamath. "Sprague River Valley, shoig teirltory from Bly west to n point a our railroad crovs- im -lv mils' )' of b. kfBI ,KUI.V II B.U. K W D A P' .-- v n"on ..: y Promptly, and that Yulnu. This will probably reuulro ,-.- maklnir h i. ... " "irongO'i i wo picture. "Possibly there arc others that will r.renr to vnn who r so much )PltfT Bmi. .. or Klamath Fall. ir'tM.tmi than I am on the general situ- " VIOWB, I Wou, Ig. Blon saBjBjjasApjBjajsBsjaHSHBjajai bBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHaKlB aTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTS PsvLasVasBBBBBBBBBBiHaaiMeaiBBB sVMaaWaasMMaasftUlM ''Fj&'-x hmkgjtmttmmmmmmUgmamgtmjm V:??st& .&rm&? vj&&)r-"'amy&-t;:&z&&; in mmmgm . MmpmmmMsmmimvmMMmgi ... . mil mi i isi i i i i hi iisJaTiifsaM iiriginsr - ' .-wllMwr'Pi.r -; &&&&&' . r- sMrl?? REPORT BY COMPANY r . :;- i SERBIANS ROUT I Thl remarkable photograph w.is indiratcd by arrows. The black and taken from a Zeppelin as It fled from wnlto blotclieH in tho sky vno hull Knglnud pursued by three British 'cited by arrows show wl;oro bombs ncioptuncH In sight mid others above, i f "oil higher aeroplanes buiyt ii; Ibo Tile purHiiitig llrltlHh aeroplanes mo wake of tho Zeppelin. Thu trtnngulnr shnpe In the foreground is thi l:efl of the Kepiielin behind the bridge fiom which the photograph was taken. The box-llko structures at cither s-ide at the rear arc parts of the rudd.;r.i. BULGARIANS ON SOIL OF GREECE VKMZELOS MAY BE NK.VT GRKKK I'RUMIEK SAYS FACTS IX CASE ARE OF IJT TEREST TO HIM Head of Southern Pacific Writes CoasssiBJr to Klamath Coamcaerctal Club la Answer to Dealre.for RosmI Through Merrill' and Malta From . Klamath Falls Indicates WIUijf nesw to Hear Case of Petitioners. That President William" Sproule of Italian Make Several Advances snd'the Southern Pacific company to eea . ( v v : to arguments in favor of bulMIig'tfce - Take 1,000 Anstrians as Prisoners. Modoc Northern railroad ffontKlaBi- Giitmeving MoTement;111 "" " r JsoaiB-B.tfc tjsr , - " . - ,! uvn is eTiaeacea in smwiMveerran , AjrwatiussjM .v.. fiemeu, vmmvmoi, usajuay.. Commercial Club. .The 'letters follow j In full. ; " ' . "Your-letter 5th Instant to bfore me, with its enclosures, expressing the desire of tbe cltliens of your sec tion that a railroad be builf'through geat Galn'Sbice Anted OtTesmive Was Couunenced Last Spring United Press Service LONDON, Sept. 16.. -A dispatch from Athens says Premier Zaimfo haslwerrm ana Ma,m n lno r,ni OI wa anally declined to form a new cabI-Jowned J the Modoc Northern .Ralt- net and again. become premier. . It is believed that M. Venlzelos, tbe pro-war leader, will bo invited to head the new ministry. Committee Finds Farmer s Are Eager to Donate Right of Way ""' tbat ceml , ft "lrK0 oloment, :Ckl,!5,nlMtoi where ! th.'Z, "0t boabl o o. 0 tku .w Wth M". Chonov at Ron "l.u.n!!!5,comotonn under. "taies ZT . of Mr- Cheney V h "i ...... - '"duties? ' - WU1IIJS .. ri7l I1LWI J ASVItS UIJ 'WftaportsM' .tbat u ,a McoodVfmv miles wet of i,UJ ",' thl8 Work eot.jIng to, say, five oi "' yon , . """vimi.i. :. " .. . - ennpaiiv ii .,..., j Kl'-: Tho libt of ol those land nvns farmers of the county, hnvlug just vho havo doiiHted rights of way for ' reached his majority, the Strnhnrn Niilrond continues to To date, J. L. Sporup holds tho rec grow dally, according to the rlgh' of ,ord for speed in nctmlly signing up. vuy commlltcc, which Is W. S. Wlloy. 'After tho committee hnd merely Iden II. K. Wlthrow and It. U. Uradbury. tided Itwolf to him, it took probably Among those at present on the "roll loss than three minutes for ho aud his of honor" seieriil occupy unique posl- wlfo to execute the documont. tlnns. As It becomes moro npparont from To Charles Morton goes the honor. - . - of having contributed the longest sin gle strip of land for right or way purposes. The railroad crosses nlue forties of his ranch ; hence he has donated moro tlmn two miles of con tinuous right of way, or an area ap proximating thirty acres. To Dempster W. Anderson, the grizzled old patriarch of 82 summers ' of Olene, goes the honor of having WILSON WILL ACCEPT THIS AND been tho first public spirited land, ownor to actually sign aud deliver nj right of way deod to the committee. To Ivan Welch goos tho honor of; being tho youngost landed proprietor, iADAMSON BILL 10 BE FIGHT CENTER .1 day to day that Klamath Falls, as well as the entire county, is bound to experience an unprecedented period of development and prosperity in nil lines upon the commencement of con struction of this road, tho people are beginning to be aroused to a high pitch of optimism and confidence for the future of Klamath county. It Is extremely gratifying to noto the team vfork, or, as tho Frenchman would say, "esprit de corps,'' among -the people In connection with this tre mendously important project. , It Is therefore discerned that a tidal wave has already started in fa vor of the carrying of tho railway bond Issue. The people even now are ready for the "big push" on the bal lot box, and apparently there will he no occasion to hurl any verbal broad sides on any entrenched voters for little or no opposition to the measure has developed EARLY CAMPAIGN Football Season Opens. Unltad Press Service BERKELEY, Calif., Sept. 16, The football season of 1916 will bo of!l- Lacclle Leaves. '""""' - ' " '""Iclallv olaced In running order here II. T, Lacelle. who has been en- lowing repeated attacks on these lhl6 afternoon when the Bquad from gaged In advertising work" for Stilts' issues by Charles E. Hughes, Presl- the University of California will meet Drygoods company and K. Sugarman, deut Wilson announced today that he the eleven from the Olympic Club. left this morning for the East. He will accept for hut early speeches as Tills to the first game of the new sea? expects to return late In the fall and tbe principal Issues of tbe campaign son for any college that Is of any lm realde here. (the Adsom eight hour bill and the portance in the United States. charge that the democratlo party w United Press Service SALONIKA. Sept. 16. Tho Ser bians are driving the disorganized Bulgarian force across the Greek fron tier toward Monastir. The Bulgarian lesses in tho last few days' fighting are enormous, not only in men, but in large quantities of guns and muni tions captured by the Serbians. Tho British have crossed the Struma River and are attacking sev eral villages. A combined force of Russians, Sen way company. "Tbe facts stated in your. letter are of course of interest, and ItsJrJendly Intent Is much appreciated. "Have asked our people to look Into the .question for the purpose of laying before me such data as neces sary to determine whether the de sired construction by us is feasible at tbls time, and will have occasion to communicate with you in due course In relation to it." - lino of defense in a final assault, ac cording to dispatches from 'the'!!-" lage of Flers, a'mlle and a half north west of Ginchr. Tbe British are sweeping toward Nefval In1 a great bians and French aro reDorteil to hava movement which threatens to sur- enpturcu norma irom tne suigar inns. United Press Service , ROME. Sept. 16. Tho Italians are attacking on, the Isonzo front from Goritz seaward. The Austrian line has been broken in several places. CHARGE OF DEMOCRATIC SEC TIONALISM AS MAfN ISSUES IN to date, to glvo a right of way, Mr. Welch Is ono of tho young progressive United Press Service ASHBURY PARK, Sept. 16. Fol lowing repeated attacks on these Ytolt in Medford. Mr, men Conwell left this morn ins for Medford to visit a week with nttaoK 'guilty of sectionalism. Here From Creecent. 1 He has planned to make vigorous joa j,, Ringo, proprietor of the on the criticisms by Mr. Crescent hotel, Is here from the north- United Press Service LONDON, Sept. 16. The British center has advanced 500 yards north of tho Foureaux wood, near Oouree lotto, according to a report from Gen eral Halg. In a raid last night the British cap tured Martlnpuch. The British have broken tho third round Combles. General Halg says this is the grnat eBt gain since the first day. of the Sommo offensive. , - United Press Service ' "f BERLIN. Sept. 16 The; Bulgar ians havo been driven, from positions around Malkenldxa by the Serbians. The British gains of yesterday east of the Vardar River have been recap tured by the Bulgarians. "w United Press Service ROME, Sept. 16. The Italians this afternoon captured the I- summit 'of Continued on Page 4 ReversiontoGovernment Makes Lands Not Taxable friends. Hughes of these issues. orn towu ou business. Because many people have inquired why tbe Oregon-California railroad grant lands have been dropped from the assessment rolls, tbe Herald has asked the office of Assessor J. P. Lea for a statement. It has very kindly given the follewing: "These lands. have been under liti gation for years, and have at last been turned back to the, government, an I are therefore no longer assessable. Cpi vi F.or this reason, mors than f 414,600 has been lost to taxation' In the eo,H ty. With these lands., tst rollrjrswMl have been more than WOOltM.a) than last year: but .due to.lhle .... ... .- T AAA lim-1'- M..JT ,uu ,( .jv..,. does not, tnciuae werwwp, ed by tho state T,i! which is yet to be sent In; may not run htffc,tta4gj voiuaiion, uui wm H.UUU.UUU." aJJtlfcat m fc i -.,?! x ? Mm 5. mm ;. EWia- . ? $.. .Jit tin 3&Sa J.. '- &'&&? ..r'i 'i." V4 ww. rKsar-