Wfarx "'"" atff iEumtmrt Mvtatb f Jl H'V'f i i KleteBlli Vir-N. 7 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, JrIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15. 1916 $ v Price, Flva Ooate TV- May Establish Constabular American Troops Must Be Replaced wwwwW)irwwwiiwii ,.,.,., VWinn..uuuuW r 1-.- -i-n.ri.-j UJjsHAYH HOME ARMY Ml'HT to the defense ol Amerlcsn burinoss .j- kkkp peace From Itotli Govern- CbmaiMoneni meats Agw on Reciprocal Cnmm lag of International Border War Oflre Make Pirpniwtiotu for lite jMtiHMtln IVjIbIh. United Prw Service NEW LONDON. Conn.. Sept. 15.- Dlncuinlng the queHtlon of withdrawal man who have teen accuied of .:u tloaabte delli:r. in South Amrrlch. Tho ii cmailon were flril mci!) by mo Arreiiuuu industrial Union Com plaint wan mado also that the Na tional City Uink of Now York, which had Urge dealing In Boutli America, had mado nlinllar chnrgos against cor tain firms In tho United State. I Tho coiihiiI applied directly to the Ktmoril of MlUtU Co Various Htato Argontlno Induxlrlal Union for the itninm or tho iirm nllrgcd to havo lwn guilty of Improper practice. . Officers of tho Union parried with the J atatement that they could not rotcal I tho name of tho flrma, nor could they 'make public detail of tho transac tion complained of. They uggeted of the American expedition In Mexico that the conwul take tho matter uu before the joint commission hero to- with members of the union and que dsy, General Dili stated that Mcx- tlvn them Individually, lean troop must take their place If, The consul question tho practlcnlill tse American soldiers are withdrawn. Hr of audi a method, lie pointed out Both the American and Mexican that the union had made a aerlou comBlMloaera favor a constabulary charge against certain United States pin for patrol of the International ouame men, and declared that In border, with reciprocal right. fairness to all limine men In the Counsellor Polk of the atate de- United States with dealings In South partBeot will be here in a few days America, tho union should submit to tiicus the question of reciprocal proof of tho accusation. crewfag of the border. I Indirectly he Impressed the belief jft-w, , thut'lrtumtbly commercial rivalry ; had failed Pre Service ccmrthlng to do with the allegation EL PASO, Tex., Sept. G. Tentn- I'Hibly. ho wrote. ',ho accusatloni 'th plans by tho war department for "cro 'ue to "compotlfors. who ho- wltadrawsl of the mllltla troops on r'"""J thoy wore compctitDrs, may not tbe border are revealed In telegram '"y o nol'' to taua nn unpreju froa. Washington to every mllltla """d view." Coaasnder. The telegrams aak the T1'e consul has rnnwed his request miaber of car necessary to transport " tho union for mor detail, ise troop to the various state mobll-! luUon points, Reculsr offlcers say It will be sev eral weeks before the troops start i ,jB. It I believed It will take sev 'trai weeks also to more all mllltla to ft state mobilisation points where they can be discharged. Ts request for Information at to AAAMAMWWSi King George Visits Tommy Atkins yfatrol I. 1 'mlmm mm '' mmmmmmmW VSmmmmmBwHsmmmmi BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbI iBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB tj' 4 jBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaVi smmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmml' fiM ssaBBi smmmmmmmmmmfl jBBBBBBBK OkSBK-BBBBBBBBBBBBBl & BWBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB1 fiH , - v'iiJ-V jrammmmmmmmmi F J?ammmmmmmmBS Lmmmmmmmmmmmm1 s mmmmV ?7-smmmmmmmKi ssmmfmmmmmmmmi ' fl - . M'-m: BBaVlaaaaaaaaaaaai H9kW' rlHBBBBBBBBBl BsaSaBBaH mMTT&S .JsHSBslBBBBBBBiaaBBBBBfll BBbHssOH nsmifr'jAsflBTaaSkBBBBBislBBVrM saaaaaaB-'fe.--E?- '- 'r JtSBBBBBaE7BBV9BBBBBBWB I-BBBBbV i-J& 2&2-2I t.-., MilBaisWuBim3aaBaBW5!sMl 0tsa"?yj-PC m King George patting an officer' pet - King Gcorgo of England himself went to Franco to see something of tho great British drlte in the Boaame. These protographs show him he, w as at the front. while wjCA-J...- King George looklog - tatQLia trestcfa Striken Wreck Five Street Cart United Presa Service NEW YCK, Sept. 15 -Five street aosber of cars needed to move the cn operated by strike breakers last villtla U thought to be due to nn n,'nt Plunged down a grade on Win ttr); decision by the" Joint commls- Chester avenue on greased tracks, ten it New London regarding reduc-! cr smashed together, Injuring nine persons. The street railway companies relt erated their refusal to arbitrate with the caxaun. Thouaaada of strikers paraded the streets yesterday In preparation for the mass meeting last night. tka of the border patrol. UN ESS MEN ARE DEFENDED Pope to Make No More Efforts to Bring Peace Br JOHN' H. HEARLEY il Fire Deatrora Home United Preaa SefrlM DETROIT, Sept. 15. Four are dead and two Injured aa a result of a nre which destroyed the Men's In INDUSTRIAL UNIOX OF ARGENM TOE MOVT SUBMIT PROOF OF dllBtrln, omei n branch of the 8nI. CHARGI.M OF QUEHTIO.VAUI.E "EALIXG nv AMERICANS ... CHARLES P. STEWART '""dp'" Htatt Correspondent) xSS A,RK8, Sept. IC.-Tho teo Btstcs consul here ha come v tit Ion Army, here thU morning. Sev enty-five others In the home escaped Million for Freight Cam BAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 15. Pres ident Levy of the Western Pacific railroad started east today to order (1,000,000 worth of new freight cars for tho Western Pacific. Streetcar Strike May Involve 400,000 Men '"fit Service ftoSY(PRK' 8P' ".-With ten Sen T. U0W ,tr,k,n' 40. "fHUn t .",. ,a other upUom SS me,t the UuaU Jf yor Mitchell aid Ue "" " Proy4 frulttoM, the companies stoutly refusing to ar bitrate. Disorders in scattered portions of the city are reported. Despite the condition of affairs, the railway conptnles say the strike is virtually brofces, skmh the subways ad elevate rosea ar ajwdliac tka trsJk. wklck taey eUtas wUl skew tka tka taeatscUTMasa of (United Press SUB Correspondent) 1 i ROME, Sept. IS. Pope Benedict will make no more efforts to end the war until he la convinced that one side or the other la approaching a stage of exhaustion. His holiness is convinced that It would be useless for him to renew feace overtures either now or in the lausediate future. x- Before the allies began their great offensive, when, peace talk was again prevalent la Europe, ine poaun sua mem couna ww, sura wmm m in his last peace suggestions. They were her of Pose Plus' faauws coauaiaaion recerred Tespectfutly by the allied Iter the coduBcatloa of the canon, law. governments, but the Vatican was In formed that the allies at that time Could not 'listen to peace proposals, in view of the Ge.-man Ideas of a proper settlement. it has been rumored persistently in the last forty-eight, hours that Car dinal Qaaparri. papal secretary of state, is about to resign. Under Sec re m of State Tmlcfcchlnl will be Gasparrl's successor It Is' reported. Pletro Gasparrt is 4 years old, and waa crasfe a, cardinal oa Deceatber 18, m?. He-has heU smaay sroav VESSEL BURNS ON COOS SPIT KAMEB COXGRE8S FROM SEAT TLE CATCHES FIRE AT NIGHT, BCT PASSENGER AXD CREW ARK SAVED United Press Service MARSHFIELD, Sept. 15 The steamer Congress, from Seattle. Is a total loss on the Coos Bay spit as a result of Are, which started in the en gine room. The vessel, carrying 434 paasen fcers, sent a wireless to Marsbdeld as soon as the fire started. Tho men sage was received late last night. The passengers and crew wore able io iaua in small Doats. The? re- ONLY LOYAL MEN ALLOWED A VOTE SAYS CARRANZA CONGRESS TO BE ELECTED OCTO. BER FIFTH Federal Soldiers WIU Prereat, if Poa Mhle, Any Demonstration While. Republic Celebrates its Iadepettd cm e Armed Person Are Armrteii and Only Persons Kaovra to Be Safe Are Allowed at Exercises. United Press 8rvtea MfcXICO CITY, Sept. 15. On the malned on the beach until morning, Zl &??Z?' ?i whn thv . hrni. .hi- .i.. "r "'vu Wl '" inoepenaence or The captain of the Congress tVTSSnTtftM ?? report, that some of the passengers BJiT?, "V!" c,econAct died in their staterooms. He says all h Th. " CnBHC '"L''"' rassenger. and every member of the f' Tbe COngrW,s ffleett ta NoTe,n crew has been accounted for. ... . M A. The pasMnger. here are penniless,' .h " ,,, ,Z ' d a wmn- .n-M.i .i M i?ting the cause ofthe coa- - -w alflttitlMMsilIsi will sV . Illkt. - SM All praise the V- .i.: -" . ' w 8a,w as vvniiai i actl take them to Portland. ciolness of the ship's crew, which I made tbe passengers, remain in their rr., ,, a , s wassavu icon a;f9. JAUREZ. Sept. 15. Carranslsta staterooms until called to be loaded into lifeboats. v-tr. AMERICAN SHIP IS TORPEDOED STEAMER COCXSELLOn, VANCOUVER TO UVETtPOOI, IS "SUNK," AOr.DI.NG TO Rr. PORT BY BRITfSlI 1 United Press Service it NDON, Set. 15 --The American consulate steamer Counsellor was tor- soldiers are active today to prevent anupijslBg4urlBg the celehratlog.ot. mmen luuvyeauence. YTOOps are guarding the streets, and Ja'ures and many other Mexican towns are' pro hibiting carrying of firearms. .'' Per. sons found armed are being arrested. nd only persons known to the u thorltles are to be allowed to. attend the exercises in the various towns. I Villleta are reported to be pltla FROM Ing along tbe outskirts of Chihuahua. city. ,.. . . jlTTliflii Villa Doesn't Seek a Fight United Press Seme EL PASO, Tex.. Sept. 15.-6arraa lata officials air Villa has been eeea pedoed yesterday morning, according P0118 ,n the o Clara VegloB. to the vessel's crew, which was landed I "" " uvl u,"a w oiapoamoa to umui. PRINEVILLEIS FOR RAILROAD CENTRAL OREGON TOWN FOR SECOND TIME VOTES BONDS FOR NEW RAILROAD TO MAIN LINE OF OREGON TRUNK PRINEVILLE, Sept. 5. For a sec ond time this year, Prlneville has voted bonds for the purpose of build ing a railroad from this city to tha main line of the Oregon Trunk rail road, near Terrebonne. The vote cast at tho former election a few months ago stood 355 for and 1 agalust the Issuance of bonds. The vote this time stood 368 for and 1 against the Issu ance of bonds. At each election one blank vote was cast. The city coun cil "will pass an ordinance providing for the sale of the bonds. It is understood that by ptwrteus arranfeauat, contingent ubm taa estlea. faaas will ha lanMUaiaiy avaUahle t earry forward tka warklwUi of caaatractlaB. laast this matter Is evident from the fact that no public- meetings were held to boost the proposition, and no argu ment for or agalast was urged through paper of this city, and co other means were used to influence tho vote of the people. WILSON ISSUES SPEED-UP ORDERS TELLS LEADERS THEY ARE SLOW AT FIRST DEMOCRATIC CON FERENCE AFTER DISASTROUS MAINE ELECTION A8HBURY PARK, Sept. 15 Pres ident Wilson, who is here on account of the Illness of his sister, today Is sued a "speed-up" order to the lead ers of the democratic part. The or der was Issued at the first conference of the national committee since the Mala election. Resbrto Indicate that Praatdiat WUsaa has aroused tka at Queenstown today- The firemen of the ship swore to affidavits stating that the vessel was hit by a torpedo. The Counsellor waa a Harrison liner, and -was hound from Vancouver, British Columbia, to Liverpool. She left San Francisco August 1th with a cargo of barley. The British government reported the -vessel as details. A small band of Vllllstas waa routed In the Lacuna district yester day after a four hours' battle. StaaVnts flave SAN JOSE, Spt. 16. The Santa Crux mountain forest fire, which has been raging for six days, Is under con trol. Valiant fighting by student "sunk," and gave no . from Stanford University has saved ' the forest of giant redwoods. "Grand Offensive" Met By a k Grand Defensive By CARL W. ACKERMAN (United Press Staff Correspondent) BERLIN, Sept. 15. The combined "grand offensive" of the allies will be met by a combined "grand defensive" of the central powers, who will swing to the attack when the proper ttma comes. The great war council befog held at the kaiser's headquarters on the east ern front is for the purpose of unify ing the direction of all military move ments by armies of the central pow ers. Since early In the war the cen tral powers have aofed completely la accord with their military Move ments, making It possible to heat oC vastly superior enemy forces, Tka scheme f nailed oceaae aaa aaisasa the result of the present conferences attended by the war chiefs of the four empires warring on tbe allies. Most favorable' reports were brought to the war council from th different fronts. The Austro-Germaa commanders sent word that the lat est Russian offensive around Halitt has been stopped. It was learned that thu German and Bulgarian invasion of Rumania continues to make prog ress, while the Bulgarians are suc cessfully resisting British and Serblam attache la Greece. The capture of the Rumanian fort res of gllsamm Is regarded aa f spe cial tmaaimmee by the German aaal Bulgartaa,jkmmiaaera, Tka Beet tlon h aaBJiiiiid tka key to' Buafca -Si HI ?", I V) J i 1 '-ys L m - R il 'J V.1 n TTf'W 'yf1! U $. a 1 :tJki strikiag. That tka psopls art of ew oi ra lag la from era whore will ha made even mora ef active) aa rest. !, Nu I X ' .... , ..-' f M T I j ' ' ' KSf t