y rf ' KLAMATH COUNTY OfFlClAL NEWSPAPER pi mm- Yei N. "t00 sjerwrth 10 DEVELOP POWER DAM TO BE BUILT AT HEAD OF RIVER WW WW WK OK WATER OPEN. Kto SV.XT MONTH (jMinMrut Plans lu Ur Electricity fim Link River for Pumping Wa I on 90,000 Arrm of lml Above the Wtch Csllfortila-Oregois erttMUMny Want to Regulate (lie Mew of Klmiuitli River. The water of Link Hlvor within the city of Klnnulli Falls nro to bo tMd.and a mammoth dam construct (4 KroM tho head of the rlvor, uc coreiig to tho plan of tho United State reclamation eervloo, mi an Mtaetd by Project Manager J. l. Cm. Tbb I to bo accomplished Vj ketlag the rlsht on the rlvor. The reclamation Hcrvlre tin boon kutlag for soruo time to secure tho tmlsfeat of tho vast water power low going to waste, but on account f lack of appropriation tho govern Met li unable to do tho work Itself, isnmk ft ami- Ore-power for use M tie pump landa under tho project. It ) eattmateil that there nro about 'MM acre of high land at I'lno Grave, Saad Hollow and other dls trlcti, which the government hopes to Irrigate by pumping next your. KM Uaae Itlght. The loveriiment I tumble to do tclop this power Itself, and rather iaimeetbedovclopmont of tho coun try held up, tho officials of the recln sutlon lervlce nro In favor or leaalng tbt right to aomo ono who can nnd wilt use It. Tho California-Oregon Powr company lias been anxious for wmc time to hco a dam conatructod wroii Unk River that would control Ike Jow of water, and thua protect their maminoth plant at Copco, nnd 'bey are ready to nmko u proposition to the lovernment for tho Icnalng of tbe right on this river. Kaglaem Coming. Tbe consulting board of engineer 'r the reclamation scrvlco will moot liKuuuth Halls the flrat week In Oc tober, and at that tlmo will recolvo to for the doming of Unk Illver the furnishing of power for tho wp land under tho project. It la !-Wthat tho present flow In Klnm- River li Irregular, nnd thua the "'"ornla-Oregon Power company la "Mto develop r. uniform power at Mr Wl plant at Copco, nnd thnt If wy lecuro a leaso from tho govern wtthey win construct a dnm acros Jw Wer which will regulate tho " ' wr. They will alio bo en g'W to Increase tho capacity of their Annual Fall Shipments ot Beet Cattle Begins J" ,nnu, '" Bhlpmont of beet J horn Klamuh county ha. start J """' " from now ou until Hr thousands of head will bo sent 2 pWIud, San Francisco and m UMi0iiy ttom Klamath Fall H 52 Mller tho largest N 2 ln CaU,orn. ' "hlP lU "'"'nvo carloads from Mih. mm cattle were bought from ln AGED PIONEER PASSES AWAY MltH. MARIE TULL, WHO CAME TO KLAMATH COUNTY IN 1WM), FOLMIWH HUSBAND TO 11 Kit LAST REWARD Mr. Mario K. Tull, a pioneer of Klamath county, pUHied away Tues day at tho Tull atatlon, In tho Dly country, according to Information re volod hero thin morning. Tho de ceased wuh 70 years old, and camo to Klamath county In 1880. 8he and her huaband, J. L. Tnll, who died In August, 191C, acttlcd at Tull Matlon, nnd for nwny year ex tended hospitality to travelers. Tho deceased was born in Kentucky. Sho Is survived by two daughters, Mrs. James II, Owens of Illy and Mrs. Fred McK.eQdracorjUerrW, ' , . The fuuernl was hold yesterday In l.nkevlow. Itrtuni to Camp. J. J. Nkolle returned thin morning to Nicolto llrotliers' logging camp on tipper Klamath Lake, after n busi ness visit In Klamath Knlla. plant on tho wont uldo of tho river In Klamath Palls. To do this, however. It muy be necessary to line with con crete tho entire length of the canal furnishing water to tho plant. Iiertatni Mnmli l4Uil. Another project of vast Importance to Klamath county, which may re sult from tho building of this dam, Is the reclaiming of about 8,000 acre of government nmrsh land on tho Upper Luke. Along tho shores of Klamath Lake thero lire largo tracts of marsh land, both government nnd privately owned, and it Is probable that tho government land will bo leased to somo company, who can mnko con tructn with tho private owners for re claiming nil or tho marsh lands by diking. All government leases nro held for a period of ten years, and tho land would then probably rovort to tho government nnd bo subject to set tlement. Tt la not known whothor other cor porations besides tho Cnllfornla-Oro-gon I'owor company nre contemplat ing on bidding on tho Unk Rlvor power concession or not. but tho lonso will have to bo granted on competi tive bids. LuuIh Oorbor and Oscar Htownit of tho Brookvale Stock Karm In tho Horsefly country. Charles llorton & Hon of Yonna Valloy furniahod some of theso cattle, wbllo a few camo from IjiiikcII Vnlley. WlllUm Riley will huvo charge of tills shipment. dn the same train today Campbell Brothers of Cblloquln are shipping iileht carloads of choice beef to Gray son, Owena ft Co, of Oakland. Accordng to Louis derber, one of Urn bluest atockmen In Klamath !.....,.. -,n. i.. thU oniintv this venr 'lire ii exceptionally flue condition, itununn KLAMATH W"MMMMM(- W,AM-WWWIWWWWWWWMWWW President Wilson the An enormous Kentucky crowd lit-. the farm whciu-AbriUmm Lincoln was do wncn rrosiuent Wilson was, 1110 cantor of attraction. A beautiful j km 1 1 1 JB 1 gsT VjbMsTi m r- '' .bXibbW. f aBBaiBiBiW jt fyl aiLvv,v.BsarLLLLLLBmVl.l WwmmX V aLiLiH tl LLLLLbiLV ty&yfi CraTO Sag. M Wk tjfejjf .srLffaiaLilniwP Ff xBBBaasTB sbibibibibiVb j"v, P '& jt if iLLkIbibibibV axeBBiBiBiBiBVaBKek Km if P-taxl T 1'?1 DELZELL GIVES DETAILS OF NEW FREE DELIVERY SYSTEM My OMTMAMTKK DKLZKLL Now that our free delivery is lu actual operation, u few points of in formation and suggestions are offered to our patrons. Under present train service tho fol lowing schedule of deliveries will be ebvened: First business delivery will bo followed by tho residential de livery, which will bring tho mail to your homo between 9 a. m. and 2 p. m according to your location on the route. Tho second business delivery will bo made between 5 p. m. and 6 p. m. If aftornoon train is very Into this de livery will not bo mnde until next i lornlng. There will bo no Sunday service Whore orders for froo dcllvory have boon turned In wo have closod your box, aand nipll w.'ll no longor bo placed therein. Your mall will como in tho old way until you order It changed which must bo In writing nnd can bo given to cither tho carrlor or loft at tho office. If you And that you nro outside of tho district lines which you will soon know by tho cnrrlor's route you should continue getting your mail in tho old way as tho carriers aro not permitted to servo patrons outsldo tho limits. Don't neglect putting up n mailbox tat your front door, so thnt tho carrlor need not wait for you to nnswor tho doorboll. Do this at once. Tho boxes enn bo bought nt vurlous stores, nnd vary In price from 15 cents up to'fl or more, according to quality. All your mall should bear your stroot nddress this is very tmport nnt, oven more so now than after nil our clorka nre familiar with It. Notify your correspondents at once to place your street address on nil your mall. It will save you delay In getting your mail, and will avoid much unneces sary trouble at tho office. Gat buiy on any piece of unfinished sidewalk, as service cannot be made to homea where no sldewulk connects, even though you are Inside the dls- Dou't forget that all city mull, FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1916 at Lincoln Memorial building was built to enclose the log graph shows yoifenrclrHfrlpser of the crowd and rreslcIent-Wllson In one of his attitudes. drop lettors, must bcur,two cent let ter postago, instead of one cent, aa formerly. The street letter boxes hnvo been shipped and will be erected as soon as they arrive. Until then no regu lar collections of mall can be mnde. In tbo meantime, mail your letters at the office. Quite likely we will make Borne errors nt first, but with your co-oner-ntlon, we hope to have the service running smoothly in n few days. NEW ROAD NOT TOBE HELPED AT LEAST HIHYVAY COMMISSION (ilYKH NO i:.COUHAGKMKXT r FOR THIS YK.Ut, SAYS ARTI CLE IN lblTLAM JOURNAL Judging from un article in the Jour nal about the meeting this week of ho Btato hlghwny commission tbe pro posed Klamath Fnlls-Bugene-Florence highway will receive very little con sideration, at loaBt this year. After using several inchos of Bpaco tq tell that the commission would recom mend to tho government for consider ation in appropriation aid funds tho Now Kra-Oregon City and several oth er roadB, the Journal says: "A Klumatah Falls delegation ar gued in favor of doing something for the Klamath Falls-Kugene-FIorenoe highway proposition. Nothing waa done." The local delegation mentioned left here Saturday and is expected home this evening. Here From Bewick. Walter U. Cory of Beawlck la spending a few days In Klamath Falls on business. ' -. i HrrnLii ON LINK RIVER Mexican fommissioners Ask Equitable Taxation GERMANY PLANS BIG OFFENSIVE IN THE BALKANS SOFIA SAYS ALLIED OFFENSIVE HAS BEEN HALTED To Save Peronae, Now Being Bow banted With Big Guns, Kaiser Ha Withdrawn From Verdnn Greek . Army Corps Handed Over to Ger mjuuy as Hostages Until Allied Forces Evacuate Greece. United Press Service ROME, .Sept. 14. It lr reported that a conference In Berlin yesterday tt was decided to launch a great Teuton-Balkan offensive. It Is understood that 3(rb,000 additional Germans and Austrians will be used in this offen sive, many being taken from the west iroot arid from the force that la hold ing back tbe Russians. United Press Service BERLIN, Sept. 14. Sofia reports that the neHT.Illed offensive in Mace donia has been halted. Operations ngeinst the Rumnnians arc progressing satisfactorily. United Press Service PARIS, Sept. 1. The Germans are using troops taken from Verdun to choolt the French advance on Peronno. This morning he Germans made teyeral desperate counter attacks, oat all ueio turned back. Freuch artillery on both sides of the Somme is shelling Peronne, near ly cutting off German communica tions. All roads from Peronne are within range of tbe big guns. United Press Service BERLIN, Sept. 14. A Greek com mander has plnced the fourth corps of the Greek nrmy in the bands of Ger many. The corps will be brought to Germany to retain, neutrality. They win bo uermany 8 "guests" until me allies lenve Greece. PARIS, Sept. 14. Tho Serbians are continuing their advnnco on Kalt- matchalon. They have captured Bul- garnn trenches nonr Veternlk and have oarrled the heights of Oatrovo Lake. They nre within sight of Selkesmal- kanldy. BOWDEN RIDES MOTORCYCLE FROSI HERE TO OLD MEXICO From a trip on his motorcycle from Klamath Falls to Tla Jauna, Mexico, Frank Bowden, third baseman for tho local ball team, returned yesterday afternoon, Bowden loft here three vcoka ago with Jimmy Clarke, catch er, who has entered St. Mary's Col ltise. - Bowden says he wasn't shot at by bandits In Mexico, and had no trouble in tettlna- across the border. 'Mrs. BoVden was left at Redding. Bow den will remain In Klamath about two months and then go to California tor tbt winter. ' MyBiiBBMBiBKeijiBBaaBaB -vr J. P. Morgan Interested in Loan. Negotiations :i GIANT REDWOODS ARE EN0AN6ERED BY FOREST FIRE jt CRISIS IS REACHED TODAY IN Ifoy. 1 BisVltsl HJITH FLAMES State Is Sending Men to Fight Fire a Fast ma Tbey Cast Be RecnUted. One ranch Has Beea Saved by Back Firing, Bat Matter of Saving Won derful Forest of Redwoods oa Black Mountain Is Doubtfal. United Press Service SAN JOSE, Sept. 14. Today Is the crisis in the battle of several hun dred men to prevent the 'forest fire that has been raging on Santa Cms mountain from ascending Black mountain and destroying the forest of giant redwoods there. Defeat either for the fire or the fighters Is only a matter of hours. As fast as they can be recruited the state is rushing reinforcements to the fire. It Is believed that back firing lvas saved the Deerlng ranch, which has been threatened for the last few days. The telephone company is patrol ling Its line In an effort to maintain communication to the fire sone. Besides the forest of giant red woods, several valuable ranches, one or which belongs to Mayor Rolpn of San Francisco, are threatened. Horse Raiser Visits. Hank O'Brleq, a horse raiser ot Yonna Valley, Is in Klamath Falls to-1 day on business. I Strahorn Writes About Railroad Construction It the bond election for $300,000 to help build the Strahorn railroad can be held early in October and is suc cessful, work on the road will com mence this Call, and a considerable portion ot it will be built by Janu ary 1st. This Information comes from Rob ert B. Strahorn In a letter to Klamath Commercial Club in answer to two letters received by him from tbe club. Tbe letter follews: "This Is te-acknowledge receipt of your two letters ot the Oth Inst., ad- KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Price, Fire Cento CONCRETE PROPOSITION WITHDRAWAL READY ON Lobbyist Appear in New London to Tell CommissioB What to Do and What Not to Do, and May Be Heard. Mexican Members Want Taxation That Will Not Diacoarage Foreign Development of Resonrcee. , United Frees Bervtea - - - "new London, sept. ilT The" presence In-New London, where the Joint border commission Is in session, of the private yacht of X P. Morgan has caused rumors that the' financier ' will be active in the proposed Mex ican loan negotiations. ' A large group ot lobbyists Is nere," protesting to the commissioners against some plans and suggesting others. The commissioners may hear the lobbyists. The commissioners aro nearing a concrete proposition for patrol of tbe international border and with drawal ot the American force now In Mexico. The commission also Is considering a system of taxation for Mexico. The American commissioners stated at noon that the Mexican members aro trying to secure a more equitable basis of tnxation and one that Till not unnecessarily burden foreign in terests thnt nre helping toward pros perity by legitimate development of the country. , AMERICA YET IS NOT SATISFIED ABOUT CHINA WASHINGTON, 8ept. 14. De spite assurances by the Japanese foreign office in Washington, the ad ministration awaits further advices from tho Amerlcnn embassies in Tokyo and Peking before feeling as sured that the recent demands on Jspan or China do not imperil Chinese sovereignity or affect American rights in the Orient vislng me In regard to the execution, of the Keeler Brothers' contract, and to thank you very much for the same, . "I am very glad to see that it la bs lieved tbe election can be called with" in a month. I hope this may prove) correct, and beg to advise that It tMs and my other requirements of Klam ath Falls, are met early In Ociebef, .. hu wmiiii ladleat. we can aad will begin construction at Klamath ik ii. -thl. foil with a reasonably '"" "- " -.7 . . "j favorable season, would hope to nave si firatf the year." ' Jj& r.rfi r. Hi 3 ; si .- rtV r ""A u ,i &- f, rs Jr ' -i ''IP 4t W"