tfe lEutfttmg Herald KLAMATH COUNTY'S KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER litovrnlh Vr-So. !I,M KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1916 Price, Five Cent PEOPLE WILL VOTE ON FRANCHISE va MAYOR IS AUTHORIZED TO ENGAGE ATTORNEYS y SESSION IS STORMY BUT SUCCESSFUL ONE votk o. co.vm.UT ordinance IS UNANIMOUS CoMnrll lteirci Right " Approvo Cimtnut Rrnwn Today, aI SkmIiI MrHiiijt Tonight lr I" Yet l'n ifrlnlu, mnl Vole of OmiihH on Ci.niriMi In Anxiously Awaited lir IUIInd llMM,(m. Pjr ii tin iiiltnmiti vote, after nrinj firry r,irorlii'8 hail ticon mnde, the clly coiui'il nnt iMMiliiK authorised Major C. II. ''rlslcr (d outer Into a contract l'li Koolcr Brothcra of Denver for lb hniiillliiR of tin- legal problems in volrt'il In lli special election tii bond Khnulli Kails for $.100,000 In help IiiiIIi the Oregon, California & Kant cm rnllinid The ordinance author lilui; Mnnr Crlslor to iln this wnt 1'iwi' iinly after Councilman M, It. lmy rurrlcil IiIh Hlnt to have Insert ei In the ordinance "subject to tho vrprov.-il of Iho ronncll." Ilio contract will tin drawn today lj flollo C. CrocHliock, city attorney, and n member of tlin rallroid rom inlliro rn the election, anil George B. Ke-'br. IiimiiI of tho linn of Keolnr Kmilrtk, lioml buyers. Tonight tho ronncll will hold n special meeting to Wito on the rontrart. The wti of (lie council on tho con trart Ik IicIiik awaited with groat in irent, nt Its acceptance tonight may mcn construction of tho rnml to Ojlry this year, while IIm rejection "nay menu Indefinite delay In I ho bo Rliwlng of work. Tlmt thorn will be both aye mnl nay vtitt'H Ih liellovcd Visits of Espee Heads Indicates New Interest The opinion of Klamath FuIIh peo- J" 8rowlnK HtroiiKor every day, that "'6 Southern Pacific compuny Ih bo- l"mlnic mlelitlly mtorcHiod In Klnm- " county Hi.,,0 Hobort B. Rtrnhom Monnced I.Ih pn to build a railroad " Klamath Falla through Central ,'f01' ' l,"H ,,n' HtroiiBthonod hy tho it t of t. A. tlralmm, freight tranic Mr for tho Southern Paclllc. r. (Iraham arrived yoMtorday and ''rlythlH momlng win, w. Paul Jn and (). K. Rlloy for a trip an ."'0 val,oy bolw"" Klamath lymlMl. It Ih eonlldontly he- Jt Mr. tuahamta mkg ' Kl.,8" ,rB,,,r tHHlbllltloa of the iih co,,,u,'yi ",0 vory th""f Mr ; Ponom ,M" hcroro he his' RSI for bnmni tho raUro35 bMnl,'J.eP0r,c,l l,mt Mr- ham wlli 'n hUmati, until Eniunlay mom 1 ; Is lakon to Indicate that ho H. 2!. . ,UrU,or 1,VC8BnHn8 of fcll, urronuaini Klamath 4AAAAMAAAAAAAAAAMAAAMAAAAAAAMWMWWWWWMWWWWMWMMMMWWmIWMMMMMWMVMWMWW MMWWMMWWWWWSfSfS'VtArfWSA I hy many, yet no ono ntlcmptH to pro dlrl jtlHt how tho volu will bo. Tho Htorni IiihI night, which nun ultncimed hy more cltlzoiiK than could Mud tteatM In tho council chambers, Iiroko when ('niintiliucn M. It. Doty nnil O. I). MutliDWH Inquired why City Attorney Grot-shock, with the help ol tho other llieinliiTH of tho election committee, ioiiIiI not draw tho ordi nance calling for a m ec la I lioml elec tion and prepaid all othor papers. "I take it that the people of Klam ath KiiIIh hi u ory anxious to hcd tho bond iKHiie curried, to see thu bonds validated and work on tho railroad commence J nut iih mkiii iik pohhIIiIo. I take It that any delay duo to technical dufectM in tho transcripts or any of tho proceedings would bo contrary to tho wIbIich of tin people. That Ih why I have rerommended to tho council that expert bond attorneys prepare for thin clcitlon," Hiild Attorney (iroenheck. "Kvon should our committee handle all papers In innnccllon with tho elec tion legally, and maku the bond Issue Bland In court, the very attorneys wIioho servlies Keeler Brothers now offer would have to push on our pro ceedings, and wotihl charge their fee. Klamath KiiIIh mtiKt pay thin, either outright or In tho form of a lowering hid for tho bonds. No bondlng'houHo would bid on tho bonds until theeo Hnmo attorne)H had passed on them. I think these nttornoys Rhotitd Im en gaged now, to prevent any immhIIiIo delay, "The work of examining and pass ing on bond elections Is highly tech nical, and because It Ih, ho few attor neys give It HUfllclenl attention for their word to ho accepted hy bond Continued on Page i Mr. aralinm Ik hut ono of many olhYiiih) high In the norvlco of tho Soutliorn Paclllc company who havo tnltotl Klamath Fal's In tho Inst two montliH. Mom of those ofllclalB havo been here during that time than vis ited Klamath during many yearn prior. Tho Hat Includes O. B. Mc Cormlck, third vice president; John W. Scott, chief pasBongcr agent; MY. TlhbltH, chief photographer for tho entire syHtem; It. F. Wilson, chief of tho advertising department; C. J. Smith, district freight and passengor agont. Tho trip of Mr. (Irnhnin through the country hotween Klamath Falla and tho California line, which Is tho section through which the Modoc Northorn survey runs, follows quick ly after the promlso made by Chief Enirlneor Charles P. Hood of the Southern Pacific to W. C. Dalton, that ho would recommend tho construction of tho Modoc Northern If tho subject wna brought to him by the heads of tho Southern Pacific. FREE DELIVERY TO BE STARTED IN A FEW DAYS POSTMASTER DELELL KXI'IINH HVHTKM ! skn fHONriitlm of All I'ntron of PtMlofllro In Numtorlnjc of llouwrn, I'larliiK of letter llokfw, IteinlrlnK of Klilevnlk nnil Other Itequiro meiilN Two Deli veiled Daily to the MuxInexN llouneN. (Hy W. A. DeUoll. Postmaster) City free delivery of mall will be In augurated within a very few days, nnd It Ik hoped that ovcry patron will b" In readiness for tho service. Your rlieorful cooperation Is expected, so .that wo may make tho service a suc jrcsH from the start. I lu vim r limine numbered? Have you put up a mall box by the j front door? (These little metal boxes ran bo purchased from local mer chants for n few cents.) Havo you had a slot cut In your (fifllro door, so mall can bo delivered In your nbsenco? 1 Ih the Hldownlk In repair to your house? I; How about the street sign nt tho irornor?. If It Is down have It In ! order. Tho llmltK of tho delivery districts were established by the Inspector who nude tho Investigation as to our prc I'liiedness, and while doubtloss later on we will make somo additions, for the present tho lines will remain where established by tho department. If your homo Ih outside tho lines It cannot bo served. The wny to get in to havo all requirements met as to sidewalks, etc., and then later on wo can extend tho Borvlco but not nt piescnt, so It will bo useless to ask for It now. Wo havo been allowed two carriers lo htait with, and tho department will tiansfcr cxperlonccd men from Port land olllco to Inaugurate tho service. These men must havo street signs and house numbors In view. Where re quirements are not fully met with, service will not ho made, ovon though you are Insldo tho dollvory district. For tho present there will bo ono residential delivery dally nnd two business district deliveries. Street letter boxes will bo erected as soon as Jthcy nrrlvo six In number to start with. Their positions has boen desig nated by tho Inspector bh follews: One nt Dnldwln hotel, on Main; One at Hotel Hall, corner Fourth am Main; Ono at comer of Seventh nnd Main, Underwood's pharmacy; Ono nt White Pelican hotel, corner Main and Bsplanado; Ono on 8lxth slreet, at corner of Walnut; Ono on Ninth, at corner of High. City dollvory will call for new di rectory work, and lit this your co-op-oratlon must be given. When direct ory cards are left to fill out, fill them accurately and promptly, and then nd . , ....iik xnrrnanondenta at once of ' jour street address, so that your mall will not bo delayed whllo clorka iook up your nddrosa on letters not bearing It, After the service Is established When the President Took 1 the Strike Before Congress This photograph was taken in the house of representatives Tuesday, August 29th, when President Wilson Tlio president was at the reading appeared before the house and son- clerk's forum, the place he has al ate to make recommendations con- p ays taken when he has addressed corning the threatened railway btrlko. I congress directly. German Submarine is Destroyed by Airmen United I' Scrice DUCIIAKKST, Sept. 6. Tho Ku- maniaus havo captured Soprl-Sccp- (iyorgl, in Transylvania, taking much foodstuffs. Tho Rumanians also have occupied the Uorzcckct region. M ynnulll-thl'p. . .wMMETAON. . Many Bulgarian attacks on tho Tutrakcn bridgehead havo boon re pulsed. Fighting continues along tho entire Dohroiibjn frontier. United Press Service HKRI.IX, Sept. . Tho Germans, and Pulgaiiaiis this morning captured seven works in an attack on Tutrokun, forty' llvo miles northonst of Bucha rest. It Is admitted that tho French havo captured Clery. United Press Servlco AMSTBHDAM, SCept. C It Is re ported here that British alrmou havo destroyed tho Ciermnn submarine Zoo- bruggee and escaped. 1'nlted Press Berrien LONDON, Sept. '6. General Hnlg reports that tho British have captured tho entire Leuzo wood, which Is a mile northeast of Combles. tho rate of postage on drop letters changes to 2 cents, instead of 1. cent, as heretofore. We will do our best to make tho service satisfactory, and trutil the public will be patient with auy early mistakes made. Ice President Marshall was In the chair, with Speaker Clark at his left. The British also this morning weie fuccesbful in an attack with gas on the fortified works opposite Comme (ourt. RANDOLPH GETS 1 TIM 0 YEARS MOTIOX FOB .i:V TlllAli DBMKD IIY Kl'VKBNDAMi KKXNBlt (JIVKS XOTICB OF APPBAIj OF THKCASK J. J. Randolph, convicted of steal ing n steer from Mayfleld Brothers of Crescent, this afternoon was sentenc ed to servo from ono to ten years in tho state ponltentlary by Circuit Judgo Kuykeudull. Attornoy W. H. A. Henner, repre senting Kandllph, gave notice that ho would nppeal tho case. Ronner al loady had moved for a now trial, but this motion was denied this after noon. Purchase Treaty Acceptable WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. 6. Following acceptance by tho sonato foreign committee of the Danish West Indies purchase treaty, the senate Is expected to vote favorably on it today. ELECTION CALLED 8IEHH TO BUILD LARGER GARA6E xi;w bcimhm; by foiid agext WILIi IIK AT MAIX AXD MATH STHKITT, AXD WILIi BEOOxlSO FEET To handle a rapidly increasing busi ness and to get a loactlon on Main street, George Blehn, local agent for the Ford automobile, next spring will construct a tie wbrick garage on his property at the corner of Main and Ninth streets. The new garage is to be 60x120 feet, and will connect with his pres ent garage at Ninth and Klamath avenue. Tho two buildings will give him a. floor space GO feet by 240 feet. Tho Improvements will cost several thousand dollars. Mr. Biehn intends to move his resi dence, now at Main and Ninth, to the property just west of his present garage. rin'KlamathTavenUe. The flTj cava! Ion for this already has been be gun. As soon as the house Is moved the high ground on which it sets will bo moved to reduce the property to the level of tho street. 9,500 SPECIAL POLICE ORDERED WILL I'SK THIS MAXY IF STRIKE OX SUBWAYS OF XEW YORK IS CALLED INDIVIDUAL COX TRACTS RECALLED United Pres.s Service NEW YORK, Sept. G. On account of the threatened strike, which if called will paralyze the subway rail ways of Now .York, the elevated sys tems havo ordered.. 9,500 special po Hcoto bo in readiness. If the strike-is called, tho railway companies will demand an abrogation of nil individual contracts with their employes. Killed by Rriverless Car United Press Service RICHMOND. Calif., Sept. . T. Vaclvlgarl was killed today when his nutomobilo hit a rut, threw him out and tho diivorless car ran over him. J. A. Short was a business visitor in town today from his ranch between here and Olene. Government Ownership of Railroads is Coining United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. 6. William B. Garretson, president of the Brotherhood of Railway Conduct ors, declared today that government ownership of railroads and other pub lic utilities Is surely coming, and that the avoidance of the strike last week was but one step toward that end. MAY BE THIS FALL COUNCIL UNANIMOUS ON SPECIAL ELECTION Light Committee Reports That Cor rectlons and Changes in Franchise as Now Drafted Should Be Made, and AkK for Another Week to Do This Ordinance Calling Election May Re Ready Next Monday. The question of a franchise for the Keno Power company to sell and dis tribute electricity in Klamath Falls will be voted on by the people at an election that very probably will be held this fall. This was decided last evening when the light committee of the council that the matter be ra the council that the matter be re ferred to the people. Following is the report of the com cem mittee: The light committee reports on the proposed Keno Power company fran chise as follews: We have investigated the power plant and property of the company, ajidereadvlsed .of their plans as to future development, etc. We would recommend that the question be sub mitted to a vote of the people at a special election, after some sections were added and a few changes are made to the ordinance. We therefore ask for another week to make the cor rections, at which time an ordinance can be introduced calling for an elec tion. R. J. Sheets, O. D. Mathews, I. R. Struble, committee. After the report was read. Council man A. D. Miller moved Its acceptance and concurrence by the council In the recommendations of the committee. The motion passed unanimously. The light committee and Mayor C. B. Crlsler visited the plant of the Keno Power company last Monday, and thoroughly Inspected It. After doing this the committee felt that per mitting another power company to come into Klamtah Falls was such a serious matter that the council should not take upon itself the decision of the matter. An ordinance calling a special elec tion may be submitted to the council next Monday. It is not known what date the ordinance will set, although the light committee may decide to have tho people vote on this question at tho same time the railroad bond issue Is voted on, thereby avoiding an other election. Pence Men Are Off NEW YORK, Sept. 6. The good ship Mayflower, with the Amerlacn flag flying at her masthead and tho Mexican (lag at hor bowsprit, sailed today for New London, bearing the Joint American-Mexican commission ers to tho first of their conferences to settle the border troubles. President Garetson predicted the beginning of goveromsnfibjrBtrsnlp of raiiroaaa in w ? , Sentiment Is steadily growing In that direction." said Mr. 'Garretson. "Stringent regulation has caused somo railroads to Jose money, and they will look to ttie government for reimbursement. i51Sf,lt ISrtr'jMt rs. f lilllt mt SAW h xl iZ3 ' lit '.. .