1 MI iEttmthtri Httnlh KLAMATH. FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KHenth V.r-N. i,0,M, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1916 Price, Five Cent 1 ' 9 Franchise and Bend Election Are Before Council Tonight An Interesting Session is Expected; Petition Is Up MKCTINO IK NWTW1NKII PIIOM I AST NIGHT ONE Will Investigate New President is-whlm. Co Krno Power Companf In b (VmmlKrr'H IIhimI", ami IUPrt Htj be MjhIp OmiihII Tonight. Onllwwrn for Hiring IkhI Hrnrk ,l'iforHronil Rending, mill Op. pculllnn May IMrlop. Two iiucatloiiH (lint urn roiiHldi'rcd n( vital Imi'orlti lo Hi" pcoplo (if Klimath Kalla will romo tip before tho city council ill Uh meeting tonlKlit. One l the fjuoxtlon of granting the! Krno lowrr company ininruuc in distribute electrical energy In Klam ith Fait; the oilier U the qiiMtlon of hiring attorney of Keeler Brothers, fminclil aitrnlM to IiiiiiiIIo tho legal iroblctriK Involved In mi election at which the people will wt on n bond Istue to help build the Cunt ml Ore ton rillrnad, Tho itatu of the flrttt question In Ihli: The frnm liUe Ik In the Imndii of the light roinml tiro of the council for report. Tho committee limy report vbtnltdeilro, lint It is exported tlmt i report will be made this evening. Whit connection there U between the franchise and tho presence In Klnm- klltlw i STOCKMEN FORM it PARTNERSHIP WON VALPCZ. A report has leached Washington that Itiinion Vnldez haa been Instru- inentnl In getting lnrj:e land conccs- ith Kills of Kidney Sprout, engineer, nlnn for tho Jupaiu'Ke government near (or the public service commlsalon of Oregon, li not known. It Ih believed, however, that Mr Sprout Ih here bo nuselhe franchise Ih before tho coun fil. The franchise was prepared in iccordanco with tho ttuggontlonn of the public icrvlre (oimnlHHlon, nnd Ih uld to be a model. The lUtus of the second quoHtlon b thU: An ordliuiuce engaging nmw iinuiiers, through tnetr coun Ml, tohandlo tho legal phases of tho flection, which are said to bo tech nical ind delicate, panned tho llrHl reading lint week, and IIiIh evening HI come up for the second rending a nnal panaage. Whether or not tho the Panama Canal. Secretary lJn (tint; Iiiih oidercd an Investigation to uncertain whether Valtlez has made tho concession of land to n Spaniard named Fernandez, who Ih the Havana MKent for Japanese silk llrniM. Tho land, approximately 60,000 acres, Ih Haiti to be on Ihn Atlantic seaboard, di reclly opposite the Hay or San Miguel. It mlKht be very valuable to the Japan pne government for tho establishment I itt ft full'nl tmun Ilium E. WALKER AND I. M. MrLE MOHE (XMIIINK INTERESTS TO DO GENERAL LIVESTOCK HUSI VENN HERE AMI CALIFORNIA To do a general baldness of grow In ,T. buying, nnd selling beef cattle, I.iike K. Walker and I). M. Mclemoro have formed a partnerHhlp. Iloth are known iih men of means and an ex perts In the llvpHtock bualncKH. Mr. Walker will reside In Klamnth Pall and conduct the Klamath end of the buslnesss ,und Mr. Mclomoro will re side in Han Francisco and handlo tno California end. MfHMro. Walker and Mcl.cmorc own coiiHlderahlo laud In California, and have leaned u largo acreage In Wood Hlver Valley. TIiIh fall they Intend lo buy about 4,000 or r,000 utock rat tle In Klamath county and Nevada. Fifteen hundred of theo will be fed In Klamnth and about 3,000 In Cal ifornia. The new firm cxpectx to make Its flrnt shipment of beef September 14th. National Socialist Candidate R(mm FoifmS Club to Promote Railroad hittwagaigswgMy Allnn h, Benson of Yonkors, N. Y. n the Hoclalat candidate for president of the United States. Mr. Benson la a oll known writer on aubjecta of po litical economy and hocIiiIIsiii. He has been editor of the Detroit Times nnd the Washington Times. Heorse K. Klrkpatrlck, the candidate for vice president, lives in Newark, N. J. He Is now on a tour of the Western states. Bulgarians Are Fighting on Rumanian Territory THE OLD SCHOOL BELL RANG TODAY IIMIOI-LMKNT IX TIIK KLAMATH FAMJi CiltAMMAH SCHOOLS POH IlllST DAY IS TWO MORE TIIAV 1IKST DAV LAST YEAR With r,23 pupils registered, reg ular work will commence In tho Klamath Falls public schools tomor row morning. Today was taken up nitl' registering pupils, assigning them to gradc3 and supplying lists of text books. The enrollment of 523 Is just two more than enrolled the first day last year. It Is confidently expected that within a week the enrollment will roich COO or more. The number of pupils by schools enrolled today Is: Central, 283; Rlv rr.,ide, 163; Mills Addition, 40, and relican City, 33. At the high school this morning 130 students mapped out the courses for the first semester. Thirty or forty more are oxpected this afternoon. Teaches Women How to Lobby l')iiainlli t'ndrr Mill United 1'rcBB Service ClAN FRANCISCO, Sept. . -- Nine H'Ver. of dynamite, with raps ii'.ul fuse der tho Hardy I, umber company'n plant. Tho police are mystMled ns noun of tho employee of tho mill are i.nlon labor meinliern, ordinance Will he passed tonlchl In mil I'fi.W'linil. were found IhlH inoi'iiinu nil "own, but It Ih iimlcrHtnod that some oppoiltlon to It may develop In the council. It la talked on the Htreeta today "it Councllmen KhectH and Miithown enot particularly enthusiastic about w ordinance, nnd that Councilman "tr, "ln)URh ho Iuih not committed J "JMlf, la Inclined to bo on tho fence. " u DIeratoo(l that tho ordinance the support ()f councllmen Mlilor "d Struble. Should It fall of passage tonight, nt tt another week will bo !oi i,ofor. nn election ran lie called, and possi bly tho beginning of construction of tho road UiIh fall may bo prevented. An urgent rouurHt that the council pnaa tho ordinance will bo presoiitod at tonlght'H nioetlng. Tho rcqueHt Is signed by the local rommltlceH ap pointed to hnndlu the railroad question. Threshing 1916 Grain Crop to Begin Monday Although ono machine began oper-l Alu. Suhrnkoff, n membor of the Hub- wnrk of slan colony In tho Wilson bridge dU- trk t. The grain wna grown by Bahni knff nnd throahed with his own sopa , ralor. Whit, Lak mathlno In tho Mending nnd binding of the grain trothera win hco,lntry and Andrewa baa been In progress for some tlmo, " Mirnn on grain Btack In and now nearly all fields are being cut "rril Motion nil... ... ... . . . . ...... , "W win v.nmr inacnines or win oe soon, wnne grain dhimd itio. ..:. "."" uraihi ::reK' " i Klimih IU1 Krn,n cro of fm eounty III begin next Mo. tnr't m. .u8t 'lay Iamc8 K'"or will teM. ". "'ning machlno Miction. commence CONGRESS VOTES WORKMEN'S ACT MORE THAN HALF MILLION GOV ERNMENT EMI'M)YEK ARE EF FE4TER IIY MEASURE WIHCII I'ltESIRENT WILL SKJN I'nlted I'resa Service WASHINdTON. Sept. 5. Both the senile nnd house today quickly nc cepted the conference report and pass ed the workmen's compensation act This measure offects nearly G00.- ii(M) government employes. l'rcsldont Wilson will sign tho bill tomorrow. riTIZENH TAKE ACTION AT MASS MEETING Offlter of Club nre Horn, Paddock, Harris anil Hold, anil Advisory Hoard In llowne, Broadsword, Hamaker, Sparrentorn and Woods. Committee of Council Will Inter view Mr. Keeler Tills Afternoon. United Press Service tUiltish have raptured twenty-nine SOFIA, Sept. 5. The, -Bulgarians , yi'lages, 41.000 prisoners, lWiCan-: ..,"'" T. .'":.- :- J german forces flghting.n the wet The exlstence.in the French lines of have captured, with the aid of the nonand'many mactt1aeunB,from:.iric . .... - I w-. . . ..... . ' ' . ( Hermans, Hurtbunara and Akkadun lar, in Rumania. Their lines now reach ten miles into Rumanian terri tory. United Press Service HOME, Sept. G The Russians have landed a large contingent of soldiers nt Constanza, n Rumanian port, to aid in the operations against the Bul garians. Tho vanguard of the Rumanian army has cntcicd Hcrmnnstadt, in 'irnnsylvanln. new forty-ccntimctrre guns'has been revealed. They are, playing an Im portant part in tho recent" victories of the French. United Press Service BERLIN, Sept. 5. The Bulgarians hnvo captured Dobrlc, twelve miles Inside the Rumanian frontier. German airships again last night bombarded Bucharest. JOHNSTON WINS FROM WILLIAMS IN FINALS linited Press Service FORKST HILL, Sept. fi. In the national tennis finals played hero to day, William It. Johnston of San Francisco dofvatcd It. Norria Wil liams of Philadelphia two out of threo sets. Johnston won the first sot 0-4, Williams the socond, C-4, and Johnston tho third, 6-0. Yoiiiui Farmer Hera. Jacob Reuck, a promnlent farmer of Yonna Valley, Is transacting busi ness in Klamnth Falls today. KuykeiidallN Home. Circuit Judge D. V. Kuykendall and family returned yesterday from tin auto trip to Willamette Valley, where they visited relatives and friends. From Reaver Marsli. John Knott Is down from Beaver Marsh on business. Hero Front Merrill. W. D. Johnson, a farmer of the Merrill section, bought supplies of local merchants today. United Press Service PETRO(JRAl). Sept. G. Tho Rus. slnns, nre crossing Rumania, and have engaged the Bulgarians In the Deb-; ruja region. ('lilted Press Service PARIS, Sept. G. Herman attempts this morning to recapture ground lost jt'Htorday failed. This ground was on each Bide of the Somme. Since July 1st, the French and ROBINSON KILLS 11 -POINT BUCK HEAD IH FINE SPECIMEN, AND WILL HE MOUNTED FOR W. 1. JOHNSON, WHO PURCHASED IT FROM ROBINSON Que of the biggest deer killed this season was brought to town last even ing by Lionel Robinson, who has been hunting in tho mountains back of Odessa. Tho buck weighed 240 pounds and had eleven points on ono side and nine on the other. The horns on one side had grown into a web, reiombUug the horns of a moose. The head has been purchased by W. Paul Johnson, who has engaged Wal ter Don art to mount It. LEAGUE PLANS NEWSSERVICES FIRST OF SERIES HELD Sl'ND VY AT COUNTY INFIRMARY IIY EPWORTH LEAGUE OF GRACE M. E. CHURCH i t.-,tm;wmmKfmmammmmmmmmmm f . J m g ,T " J f &5h, "'" 1 "s: ,-i, s m To further the work of getting rail . road connections for Bonanza, the Bo nanza Rairoad Promotion Club was organized last night at a large mass meeting of the citizens of Bonanza and the entire surrounding territory. D. G. Horn, director of the Bank of 'Bonanza, was elected president of the club, J. E. Paddock, a stockman of La n gel I Valley, was chosen vice pres ident, Dr. J. L. Harris was named sec retary and K. I. Bold, treasurer. The advisory board of the club Is composed of F. J. Bowne, F. W. Broadsword, J. O. Hamaker and J. L. Sparrentorn and Wm. Woods. This afternoon at 5 o'clock a com mittee from the city council of Bo nanza will meet in Klamath Fills with Mr. Keeler of Keeler Brothers of Denver, bond buyers, to take over ttoe floating of a $30,000 bond Issue to build a branch line from Bonanza to the main line of the Strahorn road, a distance of about seven miles. This committee is composed of-J. O. Ham- aker, mayor; D. G. Horn,, councilman; William' Woods and M. James. New Lnnudryman Here. R. L. White of California has been Witnesses Disappearing United Press Service BAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 5. Ithaa been learned that important witnesses Nond,, vuumcn,e threshing next sections suffered somewhat from the pwcea m iuii cU3rB " py..U1 me nynammnB .-, w.w. .. Th ,. I Tost, during the summer, the dam- laundry. Mr. White Is an experienced out of the preparedness parade o,,t- "rtln n .V10 Bmln delivered to'nge to the grain crop Is said by farm- laundryman, nnd plana many change. rage, are disappearing. One has been Cht , ,,'0rB' nour "'"I wa..er. not to be nearly so grent na wna 'to Increase tho service of the Superior arrested at Anderson, and the police to the laundry, are seeking others. The first of a tcrles of religious soi vices in places out of Klamath Falls was held last Sunday afternoon nt the county Infirmary by tho Ep M.th League of the Methodist church. Tho league plans" during tho -Muter to hold other services from time to time In places whore religious senlc.es cannot be observed, such nn in lobging camps and sawmill com munities. Tho cervices Suudnv nt tho infirm ary wore considered highly succcsss f ill, and tho members of tho league feel that tho Inmates thoroughly (en Joyed them. Mr. nnd Mrs. F. C. Markwardt, who conduct tho lnllrm nry, provided Ico cream for tho vis itors. The mombcrs of tho leaguo who took part In the services Sunday are: L. J. Prather, Mrs. Roy King, F. C. Mar'wardt, Anna Ross, Mrs. Will Wood, Mrs. C. Mnler, Daisy Hayden, K. R. King, Mrs. E. K. King, W. Wood, Mrs. Geo. J. Walton, Margaret A. Upp. Katherlne Upp. Ev C. Rich ards, H. E. Calkins, Morris Mnler. Mrs. H.-C. Calkins, Mrs. C, V. Fish er, Mrs. E. L. Brown, Ida Browne, Constance Fisher, Dorothy Sanderson, Esther Calkins, Helen Hamilton, Mrs. R. R, Hamilton," Clara Calkins, Marie Griffith, Mrs. Glenn Conwell, Ira Griffin, Ida Thomas, M. R. McFerrln, Glenn Conwell. MAUDE YQUNGEHUJ Miss Maud Younger Is the school teacher for lobbying for tho Women's Congressional Union in Washington. She teaches women how to Interview lepresentatives and senators in their effoith to effect the passage of the Susan B. Anthony amendment to the Constitution of the United States. - FIRST 1 BLOCKS MACADAM READY ELEVENTH STREET, BETWEEN MAIN AND HIGH IS COMPLETED TODAY REST OF IMPROVE. MENT WILL BE RUSHED The first two blocks of the Eleventh sticet improvement, between Main ind High streets, will be open for travel this afternoon or tomorrow morning. The fine rock or BqueegdV that forms the surface for the ma- " cadam was applied today by Con tractor J. H. Garrett. The intresectiou at Eloventu and High street has been halt completed, so that teams and autos can turn at this corner. Tho work of finishing the rest of the Improvement 12 being rushed. Litis a Buck. C. V. Curry, an employe of Klamath Transfer company, killed a fine buck nt Long Lake Sunday. Will Make Pictures of New Railroad Country To discuss the question of provid ing, In co-operation with Lakevlew, Bend nnd other Central Oregon towns, complete pictures of the route of the proposed Strahorn railroad, the local lallrnad committees and directors of tl.o Klamath Commercial Club will meet tomorrow with Charles R. Mil ler, local scenic photographer. It ib planned to have made pictures of the right of way, all valleys, tim ber and other resources along the nn- ;tlre 70 miles of the new railroad, The making of these pictures will mean the outlay of a large amount of moeey, but is believed to be necessary ;o show poople the possibilities of the country through which the road is to P(M. Making or the pictures was pro posed by Robert E. Strahorn, builder of tho road, who suggested that the principal communities to be benefited by the road share with him the cost of having them taken. He ha. asked the communities to settle for them selves what portion of the cost ealch should bear, and what portion be should pay It is expected that Mr. Miller will be engaged to take the picture., a. he Is a scenic photographer of ability, and 1. willing to make a price lower than the regular rate a. hit contribu tion toward getting the new railroad, - J &f mm m tlHJ.it wm MK3! raiOT rsBJfi lM4 II KITH 1SK ih 8 m SHti m &. I ffi I II mill last week by supposed.