KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER arte fttmm Herald KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Bv,nth Yr.-No. 3,007 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1916 Price Flva Cents GREECE IS READY TO JOIN THE ALLIES "" PEACE COMMISSIONERS BEGIN SESSIONS TODAY l,wwlw,MMWWWMwwyM IWIWWWMMWIWWWWMIWWIIIIWM CLAIMED GREEK TROOPS DISLIKE WAR ON AUSTRIA ALLIES RESUME THE OFFENSIVE ON SOMME VWSftAWMWVWVWVMWWWWW ZEPPELINS AGAIN RAID LONDON AT NIQHT Rumanians Have Captured Much Tran sylvania Territory, According to Bucharest Bulgarians, Aldtd By GtrmtM, Attacking Along Extensive Front and Are Bombarding Two Rumanian Cities. WEYERHAEUSERS I II KLAMATH OF PRESIDENT AND MANAGER BUT COAST TIMBER COMPANY INSPECT HOLDINGS OF COM. PANY IN KLAMATH COUNCIL LOOKS AI K E NO PLANT LIGHT COMMITTEE IS QATHERINO DATA FOR COMPREHENSIVE RE PORT AT MEETING TOMORROW NIGHT Goes After Votes in the Lair of the Donkey lulled I'rwn Service 1 ...... . Iiltlic u i i ft . I i ' J. I WeyerllllCIISCI. pro llellt of t IC PAWS, Sept I 'Hid (.leeks hnvti accepted nil the tlrtiiamlit of the allies, Weyerharttiicr Tlmhrr company, (let). nd at unco will begin opc-rnlloim S. Long, general manager (if the com- falnt the central power h. Inlleil Press Service IIKUMN, Kept I - -Despite tlm fuel Hint majority or tln Greek troops do not want In Unlit tlio Germans, It Ik expected that Gioeoo will enter tlio arwi (ho side or tln allies iik noon as tier army l completely mobilized. Military iniihoiltlos believe Hint ho- "two the Greeks urn entering tbo war i:isl wlnt (icrniany only with reluctnnei', ' U Tni-oiiin. "icy will Im Inrrccthii flKlitcrt. and, The puity Is visiting the IiIk mw. IH not tuuiiTliill) aid the allies cause. Mills at .Shlpplnglon, Pelican Oily and I A Ikoiiih HiIh afternoon, and tonioriow I'AHIS, Kept j The French and vlll look over timber bidding f U' KnKlMilnd.iy lesiiincd tho offensive on ! company. After their visit hem Ih H'p Kiimnie itlur iiloiut a nix inllnjiiinlplel.il, the pai ly will go to ('inter "". iiii'iiiiipii tine Iiiih been straight-, fake, ntiil finiii them homo, f llfll out. The Kirnrh ;u,. on the outskirts or 1'omblen, and lian captuiod LoForest, Hery and .Siirt-oinnie. The IIiHIhI, k,, I today east of Moquet f,uin, and eaptuted a part of I'lnchy. puny: J. I. Woyorhaousor Jr., F, WeyeihneiiHi'i' and Gootge S. Long Jr. arrived hiHt evening fmm Tacoma to look after their timber Intercuts here. Thin in tho first time Mr. Vc)er. Iiaousor has been In Klnmath rotinty. Until his father, F. Weyerhaeuser, who mw night, loltlldeil the Weyerhaeuser Timber I loinpany, died last year, he lived In the Now he has moved his losldonee To look over the plant of tho Keno 1'ower company at Kcno, the light com mitted of the city council went to Keno this afternoon, and will return this evening. Mayor' C B. ?rinler:fu;j enmpanied the committee. Councllmen O. I). Matthews, It. J. Sheets and Ike .Struble compose the light committee. The Keno Tower company' plant Is being Inspected to gain Information for a report to the council on the mat ter of granting to tho power company a franchise to distribute electricity in Klamath Falls. The frnnchiso was in troduced last Mnnilv, and referred to the light committee for report. Because this Is Labor D.tv, the cnun oil will meet only Informally tonight, and "ijourn until to.v.oin.w ovuning ' I- anticipated that the light commit tee will report on the franchise tonior- Hr , Lbbbbbbbbbbbbb fl ,-t '?' f '(( m i'n i r ' flatssssW I XSeisBBW1 .BbBbbW rflPJBBr .aBaBBBBBaW BBBBBBBBBBBBBBWMBBBBBBBBHeBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaH B9BBaBaBnBaHv?5 BaVBaBBBBBBBflaKaBHiBBBBBBBBBBB! EbbbbbbbbKIbbbbbbTC , BKBaBBBBBBBw9aVlBaBBBBBBBBV(' ''bBBBWIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBeB&Rb'9bB BaaaaHBaBaaaW'BaaaSaB 11 '''njJfalfr LANSING EXPECTS PEACE TO RESULT CHARLES E. HUGHES Inlled Press Service; UlNDON. Sept I. Zeppelins raided won SutuMiay night, dropping wmbs o h0veial piareH. One of tho "Mere was shot down nud destroyed. United Press .Service "AI1IS, Sept. tal, w,.Ull,r ,H ,. JJwtaR miKhiiy with tho now Hilled 5nu,v" " lh flommo. Tho "' are Itupmvlng Ihelr positions. "Monliei.immip,iHbylln! mnana since Sa.urday lorecnpli.ro I0t Ohtons. nuaiAltiJsr.lieluT 4.-THO Human- taro neeupied the entire rounlry I UromHMk. I Tranaylvanla, anil iihll ",M,ul St,u"" ,,m, DwH0k Jh i fiet, ,,,!, ,,,, nulKurlHna an, at- "iir5j 'n 1"',,n re,u,MI "ou" Calhfl,eunemy 'H ,,omblng iHlaz nud ' AlUnd ScTTol." LhrleH Lnn.... ... - - nox nrnn . . ' on or UV0 I,Olf . .--wi'iiei HUNTERS HERE TO GET DEER. DUCKS j MEN FROM BRITISH COLUMBIA PICK KLAMATH A3 BEST PLACE TO GET DEER AND DUCKS TO CAMP AT CRYSTAL To Hpend two or (luce Klamath county hunting doer, J. J. Tracy and II, months In ducks and PROBE COST OF EIGHTJUR DAY SENATOR REED INTRODUCES RES OLUTION ASKING COMMISSION TO INVESTIGATE ALLEGED IN CREASED OPERATING COST I'nlted IVphb Service WASHINGTON, I). C Sept. I. Sen ator Heed today introduced In tho sen tiiu a lesolutlon directing tho Inter Hlalu Commerce Commission to inves tigate the question of whether tho op cutting cost of the railroads of the United States will bo Increased as a lesult of the Adamson bill, com pelling an eight hour day. The railroads claim that tho shorter iny will add thousands or dollars to tho operating cost, and tthcd this nr- Schupp of gtimenl against tin eight hour day. iliilish Columbia arrived last evening. They am being taken today to Crystal Creek by Teirord brothers. Mr. Tiaey and Mr. Schupp will camp nt Cryslal and hunt deer In tho mountains west or there until the duck tieiison opens, and (hen will remain a month or more to hunt ducks. Mr. Tracy visited Klamath hcvpii yearn ago, and found tho hunting to bo Tliey tiled to get nssurnnceH tuiu tno Inleistato Commerce Commission would giant Increases If tho work day was i educed to eight hours. To Take Trip. Hex Lal'rarie and mother, Mrs. II, L. Alexander, leavo tomorrow for Ios Angeles and other Southern California elites on nn extended auto tour. Tliey United Press Service NASHVILU;, Sept. 4. Charles K. Hughes today Invaded tho Solid South. He speaks twice In Nashville today. It is expected that Hughes In his speeches today will fully answer Wll- son's speech of acceptance delivered Saturday. It is understood that Hughes has asked the national committee to speed up the campaign work, as leaders in several .states are complaining at the method of handling the campaign. ESPEE BUILDS 4,000 JEW CARS ARE BEING CONSTRUCTED TO RE LIEVE THE SHORTAGE IN ORE GON AND CALIFORNIA OF CARS TO MOVE CROPS AND LUMBER To relieve the shortage of box cars 'in California and Oregon, the Southern I :iciflc has ordered the construction or 4,000 new cars. On September 1st, 300 of these cars were delivered, and are now available to shippers on the Southern Pacific lines. fca,0O0Jxni:areJiii&J&anu," iactured by an Eastern firm, and are being sent to tho West empty, the Southern Pacific paying the freight fiom the East. Ordinarily new or old cars from the East are not sent West until loaded, but the Southern Pacific is rushing the new cars West empty that they may reach shippers sooner. SESSIONS WILL BE HELD ABOARD MAYFLOWER Secretary of State Say to Reach Per. manent Solution Relatiena of State to Individual and Individual to 8tata Must Be Investigated Says Thia la the Opportunity for Which America Has Been Looking. i Bonanza Place of Next Convention of Rebekahs WELSH, WHITE FIGHTING TODAY BOTH MEN DOWN TO WEIGHT FOR BATTLE FOR LIGHTWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP WELSH IS THE FAVORITE IN BETTING so good Hint ho decided to return and 'expert to be gone about a month. They brine Mr. Schupp. "wRowuur inool, '" "f The Shasta. Ih hero ' silleud tlio local high Hunting Deer. Robert Sloan and A. S. Mack, em ployes or Cnlirornla-Oregon power company, lert yesterday for lUictc niouitluln to hunt deer. They expect in return litis ovenliw will bo accompanied as rar a Gait, Cnlir,. by Harry Dixon, who will enter school there 0t u Spike, Sid Friwlor nnd Lionel noberlson re turned yesterday from Iong Lake, where they killed n spike buck. The seventeenth annual district con ven tin of the Hebekah Lodgo was held In the I. O. O. F. Temple Saturday, September 2, 191(1, and tho following I business was transacted: Tho convention was opened by an address of wclcomo by Mrs. Eflle Cinr celon, Noble Oram! of Prosperity Kc uoknh Lodge No. 101 or Klamath Falls. Following the address of welcome, the minutes or tho last convention, held at Merrill, were read. Flection or officers followed, resulting in tho choice of Mrs. Martin as chairman; Mrs. Jennie Hum vice chairman: Mrs. Parish of Merrill, secretary, and Mrs. Hllah Johnson ol Donanza, Measurer. Among visitors present were Sistor Moss of Slssion, Calif., nnd Sistor Gurdnor or Harrison, Idaho. Sister Nolllo Wattenburg, president or tho Hebekah Assembly or Oregon being present helped to make the meet ing a success. Hor address In tho in terest or the order was beautiful nnd impressive, and enjoyed by all present. The Misffes Lillian and Jo Van Riper favored with a duet, which also was enjoyed and appreciated by all. After the singing the meeting was closed in due form, to meet at Bonanza next year. After the meeting refreshments, were seied, and all present thoroughly en Joyed themselves. MRS. NATE OTTERHE1N. MRS. WALLACE BALDWIN. MRS. WM. WEEDON. Press Committee. WILSON SIGNS 8 STRIKE ORDER IS WITHDRAWN BY BROTHERHOODS IMMEDI ATELY AFTER SENATE PASSES SHORTER DAY LAW United PresB Servlco WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. 4. President Wilson signed the Adamson bill, granting an eight hour day to railroad emplqyes, this morning on the train which was carrying him to Ken- I tucky to open tho presidential cam- At Crater Lake. 1 The railroad brotherhoods cancelled John Cox, driver or tho Merrill stage, tho strike order as soon as the bill motored to Ctnler Lake yesterday. passed tho senate Saturday night. United Press Service COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., Sept 1 Freddie Welsh weighed in at 135 pounds and Charley Whito at 133V to day for their fight this afternoon for i ne lightweight championship or tho s oi Id. Welsh is a 5-to-4 favorite. Welsh backers assert that White men aro asking 3-to-l odds that White will win by a knockeut: the Welsh n.on contend this is simply 3-to-l that White will win. Referee Rocho announced thb morning that If tho fight goes the limit, twenty rounds, tho decision will be mado on points. v HOUR BIT BILL WILSON 6REETE0 BY MANY CITIES United Press Service NEW YORK, Sept. 4. Addressing the Mexican and American members of tho Joint commission appointed to net tle the "border troubles. Secretary of State Robert Lansing today drafted a " permanent, not merely A temporary, solution to the border problem. r-Tfenald to reach aueti-meettUBiiit-aj that it would be necessary to go to the root or the matter, and coaaider the relation of the Individual to the state, as well as the relation of the state to the individual. He told the Mexican members that the American government has anxi ously watched the revolutions in Mex ico, and sought to be patient and wait for a time when approaches for peace would afford a favorable opportunity to adjust all difficulties. "That day at last has arrived. The present conference is a realization of our expectations. I look forward to its accomplishment with assurance that it will settle the questions caus ing irritation between the two govern ments," said Secretary Lansing. Most of the conference will be held aboard the Mayflower, President Wil son's private yacht, which is ffeare ready to sail for the first session this afternoon. MRS. WILSON RECEIVES ABUND ANCE OF FLOWERS FROM PEO PLE OF LITTLE TOWNS ALONG PRESIDENT'S ROUTE United Press Service LOUISVILLE. Ky., Sept. 4. En route to Hodgenvllle, where he will open the national campaign, President Wilson's special train was greeted by cheering throngs-In every city and hamlet. Myriads of flowers were pre sented to Mrs. Wilson at each place. Twenty-five thousand people were here to hear the president speak. BIGBEE WORKS IN FIRST GAME IN TWO INNINGS HE ALLOWED THREE RUNS, BUT LOWDER MILK AND HAGERMAN HAD AL READY ALLOWED TEN Lyle Bigbcc worked in his first game as a fllnger for the Portland Beavera or tho Pacific Coast League Saturday. Bigbee was put in after Lowdermllk and Hagerman had lost the game in the first seven innings. In tho two Innings Bigbee worked threo runs were scored, seven men were walked, one wild pitch wbb made and no strikeouts were registered. It is not believed that this means Bigbeo hasn't the stutt to stay in the big show because Lowdermllk and Hagerman had already allowed ten runs, The Angels simply were having a good day at bat. tt m ! Kilbane Beats Chanty United Press Service CEDAR POINT, Ohio, Sept. 4. Geo. Chaney was knocked out in the third round of a scheduled fifteen round boat here today by Johnny Kilbane. A right to the Jaw brought the downfall oi the fentherwetght aspirant. 1 ft fct lit pi 3 Bi