M Rty iu j?ttfnn IteraUi KLAMATH COUNTY'S KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER "EnthY.r- No. 3,080 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1916 Price Flva Canta : EMBARGOES LIFTED STRIKE IS SETTLED I aaa','i'i'vi !- --rtfv-vjrvjyftrwsfruru-r- MV HOUSE PASSES BILL SENATE IS VOTING HESSENGCn WILL nUSH DILL TO WILSON Hcd of Conductor Cays Eight Hour Hw Will Orlnu Recall of Strike Or. ier-Vote In Mouse on Adamson Bill U Overwhelming Affirmative Sher. man Denounce! Legislation for La. . borOrganlxatlons. Inlti-'l I'rrnn StIcw WASHINGTON I) C Kept. 2. telcr-Al GoYliitk tonight the senate laM-ril lh Nf IiiiiiIh eight hour 1)111 by a tote of 13 I" 2S ESPEE LIFTS THE EMBARGO ON AIL CLASSES FREIGHT ORDER IS RECEIVED THIS MORN INQ BY AGENT BROWN New York Wire Says All Central and Eastern Railroads Probably Will Raise Embargoes This Afternoon, Believing That Danger From Sus pension Monday Is at Least Remote. Local Stockmen Glad at News. Opposes General Falkenhayn; Is Advanced to Chief of Staff CONSTRUCTION Willi tho embargo lifted on piartlc- I'r.ltrd I'"""1 K,'n ,( '' WASHINGTON. I) (' . Kept. 2.-- A. II. finrrt tuoii, prerildenl of tlio rail vi) cnnilurlor. iiiiiintiiici'il this after-1 niionlli.it tlm lallroad brotherhood)) lllcanci'l tin' Htrlki' onlcr iim soon iim ll.eclclit hour hill befoni congress bo- KAMA A If...' 1. till. .til Ill.1l.ttl1lt1l.tlt I ivuuo . ..." ........... ...... I . .. Iknocratlr l.a.lna tiiM President ""' "" r,m,lH ,)f ,,u' ". It In be Wllron Icxlnv that tlm eight hour son-' Hevcd Hint duller of a strike) Monday ale bill ould ho paused before nlRht Is remote. Agent Drown of Hit' South lysn overwhelming vole. Tho senate ern Pacific HiIh morning received tho fxpcctn to vote du tho mcaituro lit G following notlca.tuua J; W. Mctcair, ll o'clock. (vision mip-rliitfndcnt: Tho hotwo of ri'prrxcnlntlvcH passed , 'infective at mice KiiIIik strike cm th Ailainxon hill. piovlillng an eight hargo removed. Resume accepting lour day, taut nli;ht by a vote of 230 all freight as UHiial." to 16. I'rom New Yoik comes n dispatch Political arguments aro notlconblu saying all Kastcin and Conlinl rail In llic illuiiMiloaii of tin- bill In tho ro.ulH probably will lalsc tho cmlim ffiiatr, krmii M'imloi holding rushing goes llils afternoon, of losMiillon Is being iIoiik In fearo of Tho embargo on fii'lKlit. and p.utle. HihmIs by Ilic liiutlii'ilioiiilH. Senator ularly on livestock shipments, was he Herman of IIHimlK Mild: I ginning " lauso wou to loral ship "If wo IfKlidiiln for tailroad cm- pern. I. Ilccklev has onteii'il Iwon I'Iojh r munt do It for rviry labor ly cars for September lit It. and will cipanlzallim Then- will bo no mil to order sevoial more for a later dale IM. WcinlKliI an well wipe Ihe Intel- Ho wuh beginning to fear that he htlpintmnirte lommlxslini out of ex- might not bo able to ship hl.i cattle H.nco." ,,,, A special messenger Miinils icatly to mh the hill to 1'ieHldeiit Wilson for lffflaturo :t!i kooii a It passes (he senile, BOCK Y POINT IS BOUGHT BY SMITH F.ORMER DLY STOCKMAN WILL ERECT SPLENDID HOTEL AT SUMMER RCSORT IN TIME FOR USE NEXT YEAR 2Kocky'lntHiiiinm soil, eon- tVniS ' " JJ to W. W. ..,.. sn.i.h r thlH el.y. k II 7 ,'"1'1 " 'wmy-nvo year J "; Mr. Smith uic,hciI tho kc ii . """ " "'m,y for ,uo . ' tto lmri H..nHi.i, upcim next ? rtt!' "!"",", '-"" ccunirv i . I"m'11 " "'" I1y 'rr o lr,,''lM,0,Hf,,rHl1 K "' Kl.,..,th rounly. It lien HtoSlr,,B?:r',"Bnir..t At"indnt 7 , , ,("'''ntlon Creek. J ' wiKU fill hwf vvm J ' ' M NOTED miLER IS HERE TO TEACH CHEf.rCR HUGGiNS, t'NIVERSITY OF OREGON GRADUATE ANO TRACK STAR. Wit L HAVE CHARGE OF ATHLETICS UlicHtor IIiikkIiih, n Kiadiiate of the UlilveiHlty of Oii'koii. and one of the bent idIIoih ever developed on the I'll ellle Count, arilwd hint evening fioin I'oitliuul to teach in Klamath county IiIkIi school thla winter, lie will teach HiikIIhIi and have cIihik" or all nth let Ich. lltiKKiliH whh developed as a mile man by William I Haywaid. coimlil Died tho Kii'iitcHt tiack coach in the WchI, mid the man who had chaise of the l'aclllc CoiihI athletcH at the Stock holm Olympic KUiucM In 1912. He Kiaduuled fioin the Wnlveitdty of Ore koii last winter, and kIiicd then has been teaching Kchool. At Oickoii he wan u nood Hcholar, aw well an a main Hlny on the track and basketball teaiiiH. mmjmmmMm . .--.. a... .r--.nnnnnnJX)VVAnnfuxAj.nnnn(ru RUMANIANS CAPTURE 6 HUNGARIAN TOWNS ON NEW ROUP MtVJE SOON DALTON TELLS OF CONFERENCE WITH HOOD Chief Engineer of Southern Pacific Gave Much Encouragement to Head of Carr Ranch on Recent Visit to San Francisco Hood Promises to ! Recommend Construction When Mat1 ter Formally Reaches His Office. RAILROADS MAY MAKE J. S. SUE ARE UNDECIDED WHETHER TO TEST LAW THEMSELVES IN COURT OR IGNORE IT AND MAKE GOVERNMENT TAKE INITIATIVE BsassanawE. " jfaitef NmBBr mw-v' jtj s i "rxX V5sj!Ssssn?AJ vi v f rv V3?y irrisrsssssraaKrss; v J - H Kaiser Makes Shakeup When Rumania Declares I'liMed I'ress ,Seilcn (odii) that the k.ii.ser already had or IONDON. Sept. 2.- Kaiser Wilhelm.d led the dlt.mi.sMil of German dlsplo hi i dlsmls-cd (iuaeinl I alixenliai., J math icsponsible for failing to keep dili'f of (he Ceiman Keneral staff, lie-. Kumaula out of the war. cause Kalkenha.Mi was opposed to! fTnltprl Prp Rpr'lrA That the building of tho Modoc i ,.. . Votlliorn i,r- tntrin nlhnr linn tn Innl Mtivnuw, Ollll. . .cimm IUOH.UU- , .. , grws will pass an eight hou. day I?.w their section, Is vitally necessary to for r-,nroad employes, the railroads are the further development and success undecided whether to Ignore the law of Southern Klamath county, was the and force the government to sue, or message conveyed today to the direct-1 themselves seek to restrain the law -... . . . ' from hpnmini? pffpp.tlvp. ors or the Kiamatn commercial ciud, , " ; AUSTRIANS EVACUATE CAPITAL TRAN8LVYANIA by W. C. Dalton and a big delegation of citizens of Merrill and Malln, at a meeting being held here this after noon. Mr. Dalton outlined the results o his recent consultation with Chief En gineer Hood of the Southern Pacific company, and asked the support of the people of the entire county In their effort to show the Southern Pacific the necessity of the early construction of the road. On his lecent trip to San Francisco. Mr. Dalton went down on tho same train with Messrs. S. O. Johnson and Heibert Fleishhackcr, and both these gentlemen urged him to call upon Mr. Hood, when in the city, and explain (he need of this railroad from the standpoint of one of tho large shippers and residents of tho interested section. Embargoes today war-! lifted on all n ; us, restoring conditions tc their normal standing. The price of food stuffs is dropping. Last night wheat advanced four cents. Russians Advance Eighteen Miles Into Gallcla to Prevent Diversion of Cen tral Power Troops Into Rumania. The Greek Revolution Is Spreading, Causing Martial Law to Be Declared in Athens, the Capital. United Press Service BERLIN, Sept. 2 Vienna announces i that the Austrians have evacuated Hermanstadt, the capital of Transyl vania, and SepsI St Gyoery. Resuming their offensive into Gallcla the Russians have advanced eighteen miles, and have occupied Horozanka, i ten miles northwest of Halltz. Their object apparently is to prevent a di version of Teuton troops to Rumania. Russians attacks on Orsova and Her l'ules have been repulsed. MILLION DOLLAR PlANTTnW OPEN FACTORY REPRESENTATIVE OF CHEVROLET COMPANY TELLS OF COASTS NEW MAMMOTH AU TOMOBILE PLANT x ,rn it .ur.twwi J'$ LHtfri(,"H '(. ML jsr xJ raw ON am... m ..' T t "'BWPiaw.-rm- ni aa piilawit flsLtdaViiw .nt3 .:. . -r n. ; iwon'- wE!tffe PSHIV, KS5W3 .. ml w ril"3""TTi.. uy i n mm. . ,n i'""" CATHOLICS MAY PICNIC TOMORROW WSlhcr pcrmltllng, tho Catholics of hiftiommunlty and their friends will tomorrow at McCornnck's giove per Kin ma th Lake. picnickers will lenio the cliiucli ir. 'I'lumn nnt hiivlnc lil'h'.lto 'irlll nn llllfnll In llin omvn 111 DiiscH. Each parly Is expected to pro vldo lils own lunch nnd utensils. sending tioops to the eastern ft out to meet a Itumanl.iu Invasion, acioidlng to The Hague coircspondcnl of the V.x- change Tclegiaph. l'icld .Maishal vou Hlmlcnburg urged that lelnfonements bo sent to Ausliia and won the siippoit of the kaiser, with the icsiilt that troop trains aio now rushing Oct man soldiers to the defense of Trans.v lvanla. The change In the general slaff means the dismissal of thlity (loniian generals on both fronts, tho most rad ical shakeup In any aiiny sjnee tho war began, the correspondent stated. Radical changes In Gorman military and diplomatic leadership were made hy the kaiser following Rumania's tip-' pearance In the war drama as a new I'lii'inv, Dispatches from lleritn icpoil- ed Held Marshal Mackensen In nil piobahlllty would succeed von Hlnden- burg In supreme command of the CITY BEAUTIFUL PRIZES AWARDED PICTURES OF HOMES SHOWING MOST IMPROVEMENT WILL BE SHOWN AT ENTERTAINMENT NEXT FRIDAY EVENING. Who do ou suppose was awarded llrst prize in tho city beautiful con-1 ' test? The judges awarded nil nine prizes yesterday. I I Well, If ou want to know who mado tho gieatest Improvement in their I AiiHlroflcimnn armies on tho Russian 'T? x"'1'11 "Pilnir. come to tho ami Rumanian fronts. Von Hlnden- cu ''' wiicniunineiK ai nous- I iit) fiivnrti lintiui tmvl lrrlHa I' Aianl I Mug has been nppolnted chief of tho Z " V. , , ' """," (.eneral staff, succeeding Falkenhayn, linuiillit lilx liilvanced iil'o. nonornl von Kluck may bo recalled to actlvc'"!:o, .!,,0,nl druinn' "Tho niiiii ' sci vice, and given commund of ono of Mie AiislroCJerman armies that will jit ti'iuiit to stem the Russn-Rumanlaii In vasion of Hungary. Thoio Is no conllrmatlon of a report fmm The Hague that both Foreign Sos. Thcro ou will see tho slides showing the prlro winning homes nnd tho five Birth of n Man. BONDS PURCHASE THE SHEPHERD PROPERTY Another lmpoitunt leal estate deal was consumated ycsteiday when Mr.' .Air..,. inn Tnnnu'nml TTnHnr SnorAfnrv unit Mrs. M. 1.1 llund niirohnRprl tha Zlmineiman tendered their resign- property occupied by City and County lions after Rumania declared war. It Abet met company and Alt & Bodge! bus been learned from Berlin, how- on Main street. The property belonged ever, that neither participated in tlm to U F Shepheid. conference between Chnncllor von") Mr. Shopherd pui chased the fine Ilthmaiin-Hollweg and certain of his j confute residence at Seventh and ministers that followed by a few hours High streots, owned bv Mrs. Bend, tho news of Rumaula's action. ,; Both deals were made through A. a. From Dutch somces It wns reported Bolltnan & Son and Joel T. Ward. Mr. Dalton stated that Mr. Hood told him that the Southern Pacific intended to build the Modoc Northern, and that they had got ready twice to do so, but that tho government had Interfered each time. He was told that the South ern Pacific would build tho Modoc Northern Just as soon as tho unmerg Ing suit was decided by tho govern ment, which might be this fall. Mr. Dalton infoimed Mr. Hood that n lino was of such vital necessity at once, and that the people were so de tei mined to have a line, that unless tho Southern Pacific could make some defl nitc statement, It would bo necessary to open negotiations with Mr. Strahorn for n branch road, In order that tho present heavy cost of transportation of pioducts to markets could bo re duced. Mr. Hood then asked If tho peoplo would bo satisfied for tho Im mediate present if n lino was built this fall fiom Klamath Falls to the Oregon Onllfornla line, and was told that they would. "Ordinarily on a piece of road like this," said Mr. Hood. "I would order tho work done, hut under present con ditions, I prefer tho matter to bo han dled from the other end.' Ho sug gested that Mr. Dalton hnvo tho peoplo of Klamath county take tho matter up with President Sproule, nnd promised to recommend the Immediate construc tion of tho lino when tho matter reached his oftlce. According to Mr. Hood, tho lino when built will follow tho old survey for which rights of way have already been secured. It developes that further develop ment hy tile reclamation service In this section Is being retarded by lack of transportation. At a meeting in Malin According to Fred W. West, factory representative of the Chevrolet Motor company, who is in Klamath Falls, calling, on their local representative, tho Central garage, the new million dollar plant of the company at Oak land. Calif., has been accepted by the architect, and is now ready for busi ness. The factory will turn out 17,000 cars during tho 1917 season, of the three different models. Owing to the in crease in output the model 490 has been reduced $80 in price, and now sells for $570 at Klamath Falls. The model Baby Grand will sell for $900 here. This car has been remodeled all through. Longer wheel base, new stream line body, Stewart vacuum sys tem, Meston-Mltt floating axle, one man top and deeper upholstery. Tho motor has been counter-balanced and speeded up to 3,000 r. p. m.'s, thereby eliminating all vibration. The model "D" eight cylinder valve-in-head motor will revolutionize the eight cylinder world. Cantilever springs are used on this car, samo as the Baby Grand. The wheel base Is 123 Inches, making the car rldo like a cradle. The factory representative extends an invitation to all Klamath ,county eoplo to pay the plant a visit when In San Francisco. A guide will be fur nished, and every effort mado to enter tain during the visit. This plant cov ers thirteen acres of ground, and has U55.000 square feet of space devoted eiiuieiy iu uiu siunuuuB ui umjuici United Press Service BUAHAREST. Sept, 2. The Ru manians have occupied sls.ner towns in Transylvania. Rumanian artillery lis dominating the Orzova-Temesvar rail oad, the princi pal Austrian supply .-cite to Serbia. United Press Service THE HAGUE. Sept. 2. Fifty thous and German soldiers are arriving at Klausenburg, in Transylvania, to op pose the Rumanians. The Austrians have evacuated Mar cbuasarhely, on the main railroad, which carries supplies to the Austrian soldiers in northeastern Transylvania. United Press Service LONDON, Sept. 2. A wireless from Rome says the Greek revolution is spieading into Thessaly and Ehlrus. Martial law has been declared in Athens. I ,m King Constantine is reported to be seriously III. United Press Service ATHENS, Sept. 2. Allied warships have seized several German liners. STEWART TURNED LOOSE BY 60WAN JUSTICE DOES NOT BELIEVE EVI. DENCE AGAINST DEFENDANT SUFFICIENT TO HOLD HIM TO THE GRAND JURY Becauso he did not bellovo thero was sufficient evidence on which to hold the defendant, Justice of the Peace E. W. Gowen this morning reloased J3. T. Stewart, accused of the theft of a motorcycle. It appeared that Stewart telephoned from Olene Wednesday afternoon that he had tho motorcycle, and would re turn, having only Intonded to try It out. While Justice Gowen believed which has heen uncovered bv the drainage of Tule Lake, and now being theie was some evidence against Stew, leased by the government, which 't. he did not consider it sufficient .to IhsI nlcht the farmers declared that eventually will be opened to borne- hold tne aeienaam in jiu unm . grand Jury meets. W. H. A. Renner defended Stewart. they would be better able to pay $50 an stcaders. This will not happen until acre for reclamation with railroad transportation has been provided, transportation than they could $30 Mr. Dunning of Merrill brought with without transportation. The construe- ilm a petition containing the Bigna-' Pleased With Work, t Ion of a railroad would probably moan I tures of 150 residents of the southern L. J. Allen, state agent for the the building of tho east branch canal part of the county, asking assistance Boys and Girls Pig Clubs, is much by the reclamation service. This with In securing the building of the road. ! pleased with the work being done by tho first lift will cover approximately, Tho directors of Klamath Commercial children of tho Klamath rural schools.. 13,000 acres. Thero are also about Club are now outlining a plan or ac- Mr. Alien leu yesieruuy u w 4,000 acres of rich government land, tion to aid In the work. counties. im ' I. 4.ia im i ill'i hi m IWii '$ m m mm ISM inn; t-t m iW m 1 ii" J m ft i ii 11 ?, SI I ,-Ju