t ' ' w ev , (Ely iEttrnuu Herald ....rrwrtO KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KlAr.4, kikWSPAPER iginw" ? 8 &-"'"" KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1916. Price Five Cents TKIKE EXPECTED; EMBARGO DECLARED J WSNVMWWMVWWWWWVW PEE ACCEPT FREIGHT ONIY "SUBJECT TO MAT WON'T SHIP EAST OF OGDEN AND EL PASO LSON SAYS MEN WILL LOSE BY STRIKING NOW ITIE-UP CAUSING ! ennn ddipcq m HURRYING TO HOMES! mmm fACATIONISTS ARE Lhoicsalcrs onDEniNQ ISHABLE ARTICLES PER. In Increase laics when It Ik nr ewuiry . I Inn case wages. United Press Smite NKW YOIIK. Auk CHICAGO HAS ENOUGH TO LAST A YEAR So. i fjiai itu: HiU lUllwar Trainmen Says "No '"r ""1 I'lrt'iiiriKtl mrine, rniiromm in , ....m ii i, uniiv hiiviiilni-liitiMl. Mills Manufacturing Third of Nation' . Ptwtr Under Heaven Dut 8atlfac- .inb.iii:o-n on all perishable rommed-i .. .. lili-H. Thoiinautln of persons on vaea- ... .- n-... ll L " .-.-.. KfylWIWneM Vn ritwni ! Flour and Packing Plants Will Close MtMrhoids Maintain it Ions mid others arc. curtailing vIhHn Conception elsewhere and hurrying homo beforo I tin- liiini'Milliii: tlc-llli. etlltM Hour Day Can Avert Sue-' mmIm Ntit Monday. United Press Hei vice smlM Ni.l Money. FRANCISCO. A.ib So -M.iM """' of the emplnvca of tho. Southern Pa- Um iltif electric linen In the Uast Lay MMTRMSfrvIri 'tciilloiv me members of the rallro.nl WASHINGTON, D. C , Aug. 30. "No ,imUll,r0,,ll(t ,, ,,, ,x,.,iiil lo powemnder heaven besides n imtMno- , t r t k- Umplovcs of the Key Route Itrr Mttltsntnt ran prevent a tl rlfco. , liml oilier eteeirli- lines ate not broth rild Spokennwn Iw, president of ihe'ethood member .7 . ... , . .,, It In understood thai the Southern nontfkeodor Hallway Trainmen. this (,)(cmf o m,(i Mr,. "ratal. lit. elect lie linen and lo pieenl n With the railroad announcing em- Moppage of the fcirv setvlcen iiciohs hujoea on many rniiiiuodlllcn mul Iho.S.in Francisco Hay. lbolmle dealers nnlcrliiK vast ijuan UtlM of pcrlnhl)le ill Helen, both hull tiling that suspension of the roniln In i contemplated, efforts to avert a nlrlko. Monday aeem to have fnlled. President WIIboii Ih exhausting ev- try effort lo rn line the hrotherhoodH lo. Withdraw Ihn Htrllm nrilnr. IiiiIiIIiil- that the trainmen are llablo to Ioho mrtthlnR by striking while rongronn -riiue lu nin r.AniA laddering legislation demanded by BOMBARD TOWNS IN BULGARIA tneproildent. AND HUNQARY WITH HELP OF The brotherhoods Insistently main- RU88IANS CAPTURE PRINCIPAL lata that an rlRht hour day concession' .,,., rt ,.b,tuiinq w prevent tho execution of tho strlkel PA88ES 0F CARPATHIANS order Monday, affecting passenger uh well u freight trains. The first ofTort to rush concessional halation to prevent a strike lostill d In a cIjihIi this moinliiK In tho son t Intemtnto commerce committee, ome republlcnns opposing hnnto In Pwue of bills. Senium- J. Hamilton ll Introduced In tho nennlu n riwo- IlltiOn IMlllIn,. I.. I .1 ...... Iw i,ii- rnnU inn nitTiii wnhlp of tho Interstate Commerce If Strike la Declared Threatened Strike of 6,000 Freight Handlers In Chicago Complicatea the Situation Even Now. RUMANIANS ARE GETTING BUSY CoBmlialon nnd nlliiwlDp the rallrmd Riirln Hulled Tress Hen Ice .AMSTKUDA.M. Auk. no.-Vleiinn wires that the Kumanlans mo bom ImidliiK HiiHllchuli. In UulKarla, and OiHiivo, In Hunuaiy. The HusslaiiH and ItumanlaiiH aie repoited lo have captured the prin cipal Carpathian passes. I'otrocrnd iidmltH that tho Hiwslnns nro ciohkIiik Ittinuiiilii to Invado Ilul- (fulled Presn Service ('IIICACO. Auk. SO. Although it in ninli'il ll.oie l:t eunuch fond ill told sIomkc lo feed I'hiiiign for a jear, the pi It en of food MutTit and livestock mc lo.irlns nkjvsanl today. riacllcall all the rallroadn rcachliiK C'IiIciiko have dcclmeil that they will not handle peilshable couiinodltlcn af llu next Kalurday. A Ihieatened nlrlke of 6,000 frcllit handlers In Chicago Is raiiRlnK further complications, and delay In tho un IpndiiiK of rush shipmentn. TI.e Hour mills of Minneapolis, which iriiuufacluie u thlid of the nation's Hour. Intend to close down If u strike is called, 1'ackliiK plnntn and many ciher linns here rtill do likewise. I'liltcd I'renn Service I'llll.ADKI.PIIIA, Auk. 110. Tho lennslvania lailioad today announc ed that it will handle no fielKht nnd little cxpiens after Saturday. I Sore at Hichcock's Prominence j ITtftftPH aBBaaBvZrlwiWwiSsiuBviBW JBmfts , V'v,,'1' HeBBaaWSIaKfKBlM 'bbbbBj'' ', X wawjwawJwJwJwJwJWJWJiaHaavvtiwJWJv a wjwjwjwjwjwjwjr4''j i A araF aTaTaTaTaTaTB&kzHrEBnlaW BBTaTaTaTaTaTavaKr ? LHi iiA Ml 'LHaLH ' aiaaaaa-aiiaaaaaaaaia kiH-liH . jimiltW..uiamk i mm mn irvm web LK2i M!M&-iJrta Kilf?Bn di':; c&i IT4QpiHJEFi1 (aMaBwawawawaaaawaaMaaMi i na ' 0UN1WAY THINKS WEIL OF KLAMATH PROMINENT ATTORNEY OF PORT LAND SEES KLAMATH FOR THE FIRST TIME AND SAYS ITS SCEN. I.RY IS WONDERFUL REASON IS "ON ACCOUNT OF IM. PENDING STRIKE" 4 Perishable and Livestock Shipment Will Be Accepted Only for Those Points Which Can Be Reached by Regular Freight Schedule by Next Saturday Morning No Fruit Can Be Received From California. "Don't be a bit modeht in praising I liu iccnery of Klnmath; it is great," -ii J Italph Duniway, a prominent at torney of Portland, when in town this mom in j.'. on a tour of Oicpon by auto. "Crater Lake is a magnificent sight, but you people should not forget thai the many other lakes and hlreams and mountains arc rare attractions to tour ists. The country should be seen an nually byliany times the tourists that now visit it." - MrDnulway. is a brother of the, late Willis Scott Duniway, who for several years was state printer, and is tho oungest son of the late Abigol Scott Duniway, pioneer in the woman's suf frage movej.-ent in Oregon. He Is ac companied by his family. Mr. Duniway is an old friend of Captain.J. C. llutenic. He was secrc lary to ex-Governor Lord when Captain Kutenic was stenographer for the state supreme court. lFRAWK - H HITCHCOC , o Tsammp TaT- aamvi tNBOitffPENrtore. .pa. - MtLiajiO w&j aitnnAW "- . 'feftVgggb, StAOOV. UTAH William K. Wilcox, chairman of the republican national committee, has named Frank H. Hitchcock, former postmaster general, his chief advisor in the republican campaign, and also iiinmhor of the advisory committee. the old guard Senator Boise Penrose of Pennsylvania, Reed Smoot of Utah, and former-Senator Murray Crane of Massachusetts. They did not even suc ceed in becoming members of the com mittee. Hitchcock, who Is a free Innce in politics, is not approved by the old Thereby he has angered what Is left of guard. 'nltcd Piesn Service Ni:V YOIIK. Auk. 30. indications nit' that Aint'ilcan international com merce will be paialyzed Saturday tin- let's the strike order In withdrawn. MensurcH mo being taken to prevent in anticipated nnvvai ranted ilse in tho mice or foodstuffs. The lallroadn are prepailng for a long light. Johnson is Nominated Senator by Republicans "ailed Presh Kervlro ' BAN FRANCISCO. Aug. GO.-AI- Z. nK Hl Htm ncomiilole, .r" om2'816 voting proclnuls give Dulled Prosit Sorvlco nlJT " mnm .t8 and Wllllrt H.I HAN HlANtJiHUO, Ilia morning Until It lioinlijtmrlciH con 'coded Johnmin'H nomination. Aug. 30.--The "TT,86 votes for the republican ! early vote In San Finnclsco yestoiduy wnmon for United HiHir uaimrnr.lWHit iiebt. hut dtiiiiiK tho uftonioon tho 'OIMOQ Issued a utaimn n .,.,..' .,..!. u uw,irmil ul the noils. Klso ii -- nthiiiviu iil llinjil Itlllin ihukmivm -" "Main; a Plurality in h Kin, f hiLhm nvr the state the early voto returns in flan was very heavy. - yiumiuy jn ftineUc mwUco h0W JohnBon carried thli "nty by over 10.000. "ft " Service W8 ANQEI.r.S, AuB. 30.At 11:30 United T'rfH Benrlc SAN FnANClSCO, Aug. 30.-I.atcr l,,na from It. 178 lllOClnClU glVO ! Ifooth 90,671 nnd Johnson 113,017. WmSm ,M jLu2bV f'i'af Austria is Invaded by Rumanian Cavalrymen STRONG PICTURE IS ARRANGED FOR 'THE BIRTH OF WAN" IS SECURED FOR ENTERTAINMENT MARK ING THE CLOSE OF THE CITY BEAUTIFUL CONTEST Hiram Johnson, who Is conceded to have won the republican nomination for the United State Senate at the prlmarle held In California yea'.er orlmarle held in fcauiornm .! iu mim.- .-- dav His pltrality In the state will eastern Transylvania, bo close to .0W. I The Austrlnns are Pr United Press Servlco LONDON, Aug. 30. Ilcportn ftom Zuilch say the Itumanlan cavalrv has invaded Transylvania and is now a miles from Heimannstadt. Athens wires inai the Rumanian dec lination of war foicMindows tho resig nation of tho Gicek cabinet. United Press Sorvlco IltiKI.lN, Aug. 30. Austrian fmces havo deleated two Rumanian batul- lions attacking I ho Voicstorony pass. Kvotywheio the Rumanian offensive has been repulsed. L'nlled Presa Sefvlce ROMD. Aug. 30 Tho Austrluns have dynamited tho Tomos pass through tho Transylvania mountains in an effort to check the Rumanian advance on Kronstadt. Doth wings of the Ruman ian fnrees are advancing, threatening to squeeze tho Teutons out of south- -enured to evac uate Kionstadt and Heimannstadt. United Tress Service PARIS. Aug. 30. The Fiench have piogresscd west of tho Vardnr river, In tho Balknns, and are bombarding Struma. The Serbians at Lake Dolran havo lepulsed the llulgarians west of Lake Ostrovo. In the western theater tho French have progi eased cast of Fluery. Else where along the Sommc there Is little activity. United Press Servlco SALONIKA. Aug. 30. Allied avia inis todav dropped thousands of print ed, slips, telling of the Rumanian dec laration of war, behind tho Bulgarian linos. The news was cheered along the allies' front of 140 miles. Tfnltnd Press Service nUCIIAREST. Aug. 30. Zeppelins nnd aeroplanes last night bombarded Bucharest, but did no damage. "The Rlrth of Man," an all-star fea ture, will bo exhibited September 8th ai the entcrUlnriTen.. closing the city beautiful contest. This production Is made In five reels, and features Henry I). Walthall. It U a stoiy of a four-0-i.v adventure of a young millionaire, and is full of inrigue. Musical and other numbers for tho piOE-am mo being 1 1 ranged for by the committee m charge. The entertain ment wit bo given at Houston's opera house, and admission will bo 25 cents. One feature of the entertainment will bo blides showing the winners of tho city beautiful contest. . m ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF INTERIOR VISITS Stephen Mather, assistant secretary of tho Intel lor, ai rived this afternoon in company with E. O. McCormlck. thlul vice president of tho Southern Pacitlc. and left soon utter for Tolnt Clmfort, on Upper Klamath Lake, where ho will be tho guest of S. O. Johnson. Assistant Mathers will spend u short time at Point Comfort, and Uien bee Crater Lake. His other plans nro. not known- I.ocal Agent Brown of the Southern Pacific company this morning received the following notice, from J. W. Met calf, division superintendent for the Southern Pacific: "Effective at once. Place on all bills of lading covcrning shipments of non-perishable freight for all destina tions the follewing: 'Subject to In definite delay on account of tho im pending strike.' "Do not accept or receipt for perish r.ble or livestock shipments destined t(jplnU be ond.JEattlsnja.JJrAQKdoii. or El raso. ix not piace cars ror sucn shipments. Do not accept or receipt; . . for perlhhable or livestock shipments destined to any point which cannot.be reached on regular freight schedule!! by 7. a. m., Saturday, September Zd. Notify all shippers fully.' Agent Brown is orderedJ)yr the Southern Pacific to post at once the following notice to shippers: "On account of the impending striko all shipments of non-perishable freight for all destinations received by the Southern Pacific company lines and its connections will only be accepted 'sub ject lo Indefinite delay.' The Southern Pacific cannot accept perishable or livestock shipments destined to points beyond Portland, Ogden or El Paso, and cannot accept perishable or live si ock shipments destined to these places or to points west of there which cennot be reached by regular freight ttaln schedules by 7 a. m. Saturday, September 2d. This order is effective immediately." Agent Brown has also received the following instructiens: "Notify all passengers that unless they can reach their destinations by Saturday night, September 3d, they may be subject to perplexing delays." Wood-Curtis company, wholesale dealers in fruit and vegetables, has sent out notices to all agents that shipments out of the state of Cali fornia would not be loaded after mid night last night. J. J. Furber, local agent, leceived tho notice this morn ing. The local agency of Swift & Co. also has leceived notice of an embargo. United Press Service SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 30. Tho Southern Pacific and Santa Fe lines today placed an embargo on all ship ments of perishable and livestock to Portland, S.tn Francisco and El raso before Saturday morning. Mrs. Smith Returns. Mrs. R. E. Smith returned this af ternoon from San Francisco, where she has been vlsltlug for n month. Investigate Higher Rates United Pi ess Servlco Washington. D. C. Aug. 30. Tho In terstate Commerce Commission today suspended Us decision allowing jn- ci cased transcontinental rates, as pro posed bv coast-to-coast shippers. The commission will investigate the allow- , ins of higher rates, following a strong ' protest by shippers. , v . - f Mrs. Mitchell Return.. , Mrs. R. A. Mitchell has returned y fiom an extended visit in California, j m di m mi t .1 1