THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON HAQE THRU is .i 200 BIGBEE LEADS Bigger Men Than You Are Wearing White This Summer sifijvies U.NAT.ON.W.LL.CMELDT THIS CITY HCXT Mur,.n r.. MEN ONU BYV LOCAL CXAMIN- ...i..i males i M'ivlnMiiiii-l ml""11 ........ i jiiiiilmilloim will i r,.r , ' . itx .... 1211.' JaWh. "" "":l"'m,,,"""""1 rvlco, W"' ' ' .""' (M , IU,W)) Tkiarr " . . Mllatldl !,U0 '" Tki are . i .rnnrlcii mMm Jl.''""""".' .,iil,..l lollm ..X- Ufnoni)-""' - tflHllOM AB" - - ' (NT. t.Mi,n iH'unim; or Ihltt examination IOlllllII(l' liI 11- lo I III) local f ncnlce xiitnlii II!""'" .. ,...iii,., I. ii l.l. rl!lu ill-inn ,. U'lirtli . ill mfc")"1 . , n L...H III I'll 11 irtsry, w" tn,,hl.ioM..llk.Ml'lHl'y nibybunslex retired while you wall. ., WILMS JOIINHTONB CO. You Never Miss THE WATER - -.- 4 '"- " L. Z - Jstn.'JAMtr . A atN.-joHN.4K.m'. sen. jamm a. '.3.,rANcisCtt ftattjaajtcus.A. IN BASE HITS JOHN JOHNSON RANKS ABOVE HIM, BUT HA8 PLAYED IN ONLY TWO GAMES PERCENTAGES FOR TEAM GIVEN I.te Hlghee, pitcher, did the most consistent hitting of the regulars of (lie local ball team this KC.iKon. His average Ih .170. He takes second rilaco 'only to John Johnson, who has played ' It. but two games. Eddie Bogart, short jftop, rankii next to Blgbee In batting I percentage. I The following Is the way the Klam 'nth IViIIb team hit during the whole season, as compiled by Will Hum: 4in' winrOT L. owtn, urn.. I 'I aver. , A 15 K J. Johnson 9 2 Wgbee 63 22 Uogart 45 10 McCafferty 8 2 Clarke C4 17 Carman 28 C T. Johnston 79 18 Nelson 52 18 Alten eo 10 Palmer -51 C Bowden ..73 13 Jolly 11 0 The United Slates senate, (liken Individually believes in while In the summer time. Here are six staid semi Wenl mid South, who iefus In Imprison tliemHclws In black in a Washington summer. If whlto does not ha thai of the ever) tiny man who bus n hope of going lo Die United .Stales .senate. tors, most of them being from the rni their dignity why should It hurt H 7 30 17 Van Riper Bros. THE HOME OF CHASE A SANBORN'8 HIGH GRADE TEAS AND COFFEE8 Malt-O-Meal, the Instant Breakfast Food, pkg 23c "La Paloma,'.' Mexican style Hot Sauce, can ..............10c Crab Meat, "Midnight Sun" brand, large can .....43c Sardines, "Underwoods," can . ..... .. ...10c "Pimentos," Spanish Sweet Peppers ........... . ...1 Sc Apple Btter, "Heinz," small Jar .. 15c Get the Habit VVMMAA .099 Totals ..537 130 171 South America is Sitting on a Powder Magazine PIONEER MINER DIES OR HEART PARALYSIS Till the well rum dry Suborn cetz Wood;;::: 8TCWART i Colombia and Kcuador brought South Correspondent) ' .Mnrilca to sharp attention. They might easily do what (lie Balknn roup did lo Kurope. Then Is the same reeling thai a : Idespread clash cannot be pteveTUed, (he same cnntllct of Interests, h.imu same picparatlnns, same under too weight of these B CHARLES P. (I'nlted I'.ess .Staff i!l i.NO.'i AYKKH. Aug. l.-(lly jiiill) ."outh America republics to- Ida) mo nittlliK oer Just Hilrh anothet j powder iniigaliie as the one which ex- ! tiloded two years ago In 1'urope. In many ways the situation recalls the I warnings, I situation existing in Kurope just i. r.roanlng standing differences of opinion rela tive to the delimitation of the waiters of the Hlver Hate estuary. ii. . ...I.... r..f n tmpt In Nnrttiorn ITnlteri PrpRH Service null, ill jrmn ... .. . ... ......... ... w. -.. ..-.-.. ... Argentine, and undoubtedly would try j BEDDING, Aug. 29. James Salee, to get It If she considered herself aged 65, pioneer mining man, died late Strong enough to fight on two fronts yesterday of paralysis of the heart, at simultaneously. Ibis home in Bridgeport. Salee opened Such a struggle would be bigger, ter- and sold the famouB Iron Mountain, rllorlally, than the one in Europe. Ex-' Bully Hill and other well known mines, perls figure that the South American He reopened the abandoned Reld mine republics could put the following and made It the greatest gold producer fones Into the field: in Shasta county. Argentine, Brazil and Chile, 150,000. preparations and the same undercur- i. Mil nf Iniiiriiiilliiiiiil lll-fcellni!. If and Phftn 72 f"i22 Mlin Street ' taw" between Venezuela and Peru and when war comes the two principal bel tew ears before the outbreak of the KsiMit NtriiL-nle. The recent hint of' agMSM tJBiMHIH5C3 glW-jj111! 2 skEsm iwJ-, i HHBE.m?s warn m JIBSm mm ESMMrrttefl ArJsK-iLsH - JB ' yi-Jt i-.- iBBB bVbBBw JafaiXlLI each, 450.000; Peru, 90,000; Colombia. Venesiiela and Bolivia, 50.000 each, 150,000: Ecuador, 20,000; Paraguay and Uruguay, 10,000 each, 20,000. Total 720,000 men. Will VOIE ON JOHNSON TODAY Forgot the Pretties United Press Service NEW YOItK, Aug. 29. When Mrs. fannie Schusterman sent her old shoes to the cobbler she left $1,000 in gems hidden In the heels. When the shoes came back the Jewels were gone and the cobbler Is locked up. llgerenls probably will be Argentine and Chile. Not a country In South America lacks a boundary dispute with some other country. Each Is a little Alsace- lirralne. Chile and Argentine had a nasty dispute of the kind in 1898. It reached a point of mutual mobilization. England Interfered and arbitrated. Ar gentine got a large nrea of land in Southern Patagonia which Chile claim ed should have gone to the latter. This has rankled ever since. Chile Is very poor. If she could take by force of turns that land, she might get another portion as indemnity. It would givo her all of South America along her piescnt western boundary as far south . renubIlcan tIckel next November Is as the latitude of the Chubuk Itlvei.1 ... ., (o ,)e decldeij Dy re. vhleh Is about 1,000 miles north ofi .,,, nf nfll,forn.u in the Drimary Cane Horn, and thence to the south-1 ... .. ..,.. viuil. the whole continent from the BIG FIGHT IN CALIFORNIA PRI MARIES TODAY IS BETWEEN JOHNSON AND BOOTH FOR THE UNITED STATES SENATE i United Press Service SACBAMENTO. Aug. 29. Whether Governor Hiram Johnson or Willis H. I Booth of Los Angeles is to make the race for United States senator on the w Howards Auto line How Dally Except Sunday KLAMATH FALLS ANDA8HLAND Reservations at American Hotel Leave Klamath Falls t:30 a. m. NEW CAR8, CAREFUL DRIVERS SLAB, LIMB A.ND BODY 8awt4 to B7 leaftfc. Oar block uo4 la taUTercd direct from shtda, aa4 la always dry. Oac load will coavlnc jim. KLAMATH FUEL CO. n. rcrtfta. Umt. PboM ib7 CHICKENS Friers and Young Hena PRICE3 RIGHT B. P. LEWIS Grand Union Tea Store Sixth and Oak. Phona tUJ Doing Their Share NEW YORK. Aug. 29. While the n ercury was up around 90 yesterday, T. F. Winter of Cleveland, Jack Prose of San Antonio and two Snowa from Boston arrived at the Waldorf Astoria. Words illnot tell theQrm f Schilling's Tea,nor the subtle difference in its four taste-types Eaci taste Japan, English Breakfast, Ceylon, Oolong-is distintl, different. And one of them is the taste that will make you tea-happyf-Jfyou will tend ten cents,we will mail you the Taste Packet the simplest, surest way to pick your kind of tea. It contains four parchmyn envelops of the four taste types enough to make Jive or six cups of each kind. tAJJrtttt A Schilling &f CmPany333 Second Street San Francisco Schilling's Tea hU ihrtughimm nlj. Standard fdekaga, 8-z. nd I Pacific to the Atlantic. This would iiansform Chile Into a moderately rich nation, for Southern Patagonia Is a line cattle country, nnd thero are "(odes of rich petroleum deposits iheie. This would Mean war with Argen tine. Here is where Peru would n't "Into the slt'iiiUi n. In 1879, as a result or war, Chllj vraed the two south ern Peruvian provinces. Peru has been longing ever since for n chance to get them back. Bolivia is an inland country, with an ambition for a "w'lndow" on tm Pacific. Tho two provinces Chile took fiom Peru are bounded on the west by the Pacific and on the east by Bolivia. On their coasts are the ports of Tacnu and At lea. These would constitute a "double window." If Bolivia could get them. Chile probably would turn them over to tho Bolivians to defend from I Vt u. Peru would be too strong for Bolivia, but Kcuador and Colombia would help give Peru a trouncing to keen the latter from trying to enforco claims on parts of the Putumayo rub ber country, concerning which sir linger Casement made a leport a few jeais ago. Patenthetlcally, Colombia claims cettaln territory In Northern Peru, and surely would think the time favorable for giabbiug it. ti.Is. would bo tho cue for Peru's f i lend, Venezuela, to Invade Colombia und secure, a slice of territory Bne covets. North of Argentine in Paraguay, 'ine Paraguayans have lost territory to Ar gentine, and are wild to recover It. Many South Americans believe Para guay could count on military support from Brazil. There Ih no particular reason why ....,... uimiiid be dragged Into such UIURI " " , . . a conflict except that, wedged In be- twoen Brazil and Argentine, sne proo- mv urniiiil bo coerceu mm election today Governor Johnson Is certain to bo In on the finale In November, for he has no opposition as a progressive can didate. If he wins over Booth for the republican nomination he will have one opponent less In the final election, .be ing pitted against George S. Patton of I.os Angeles, democrat; Walter T. Mills of Berkeley, socialist, and Mar shall W. Atwood of Pasadena, prohi bitionist. Pattor, Atwood and Mills lmve no opposition for the nomina tions. If Booth wins today, however, Johnson will run only as a progressive. Judge Walter Bordwell or Loa An coles announced himself as a repub lican candidate, and went so far as to have his name put on the bullot before he decided he didn't want to make the race. Besides tho nominations for senator. iiipn aro eleven congressional nomlna- I Ions of which nine are candidates for loelectlen: John E. Raker, C. P. Cur ry. Julius Kahn, John I. Nolan. J. A. Elslon, Denver S. Church, B. A. Hayes, p if natulan and William Kettner. Baker. Curry Kahn. Church and Ran dall aro ceitaln to qualify for the No vember election. School books at Underwood's pharmacy CHILCOTE SPECIALS Income property on Main street Pays 10 per cent gross on $24,000. Will sell for much less on easy term. A 900-acre stock ranch In the Wood River Valley. It's cheap at $36,000 on easy terms. A big lot and S-room plastered house for $1,000, on easy terms. A fine modern 6-room house, located, for $2,500. Terms. Three big lots on Johnson avenue for $350 cash. A good corner lot on 11th, this side of canal for $600. Terms. Houses, lots, farms, loans, rentals, general Insurance. See Chilcote. 25 tcs''''' 9" -2r Motor Insurance Being made from Asphalt-base crude, Zerolene maintains its full lubricating value atoajt. It insures your motor against ex cessive wear. ZEROLENE ihtjiandardOiliorMotatXjars Sold by dealers everywhere and st all bcrvicc fetation ot tne Standard Oil Company (CiliforeU) Klamath Falls HEADACHE NEURALGIA PI 0t 10 cent package of Dr. Junta' Headache ?owdn and don't Buffer. When vour head aches you slmpl must have relief or you will go It's needless to suffer when you pan take a remedy like Dr. James' Head ache Powders and relieve tho pain and neuralgia at one. Send someone to tin drug store now for a dl- nockaga ot 9 Jr. Jamea' Headach f owdsrs. nn... iS'ai.i In i& few mumenta tou taking a will feel flne-headschs gone no or DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician 8uite 219, I. O. O. F. Temple All acute, nervous and chronic diseases successfully treated. Hours 9 to 11 a. m., 2 to 5 and ' 7 to 8 p. in. T)tina 991 tnxu-irMww-- M hand against Argentine, owing o out-1 asuralgla palu. i ii ii ! 1 Hot Water Each Morning well S ... - 4 : i Puts Roses in Your uieeKS ji 5 r-. ,---" - JsssssssssssB HMBMM ( v . ssV JessssssssssHHssssHBIssWSissSliK'X N.'-.c- L ft t wO VSSSSSSSSSBlLSSsHiSHBBIK' awJmbV V-v V-. :-s "m-:-- l v " ji-, vsHsHfgssWBssH S I i ilHsIs """?w"-: V-"' ; fsHHfPHHHssa x 5 sKlflKlsMtt&flSsflsBHi SsssB ;. ".asssssPfcsv ssbbk-- 5 V ''alf-.:u. ft"-'-, IS Think It Over Successful men without ex ception have helpful banking connections. Th'ere Is do other way ot satisfactorily handling your finances. Open an account with this strong National Bank and avail yourselves ot the advan tages which will accrue. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Klamath Falls, Oregon To look one's best and feel one'a best Is to enjoy an Inside bath each morning to flush from the system the previous day's waste, sour fermenta tions and poisonous toxins before It Is absorbed Into the blood. Just as coal, when It burns, leaves behind a certain amount ot Incombustible ma terial In the form of ashes, so the food and drink taken each day leave Ja-the alimentary organs a certain amount ot Indigestible material, which, It not eliminated, form toxins and poisons which are then sucked into the blood through the very ducts which are in tended to suck in only nourishment to sustain the body. ! if vou want to see the glow ot healthy bloom In your cheeks, to see 'your skin get clearer and clearer, you are told to drink every morning upon nrlslne. a elaBS of hot water with a teaspoonrul of limestone phosphate in It, which Is a harmless means of wbbIj- Inir the waste material and toxina from the stomach, liver, kidneys and , I m..t , il,.i, fllaanalnD aWAAtAnlfll? I 'tract, lierorc putting more food into the stomach. O iris and women with sallow awns. liver spots, pimples or pauio com plexion, also those who wake up with a coated tongue, bad1 taste, naety breath, others who are bothered with hnnilnrhes. bllliOUS BPOlU, CIO 8MHB- ach or constipation, should begin this phosphated hot water drinicing ana are assured of very pronounced r suits In one or two weeks. A quarter pound of limestone pnos ..!... rnata verv little at the drug store but is sufficient to demonstrate that just as" soap ana not wawr innncw nnriflea and freshens the skin on the outside, so hot water and limestone phosphate act on the imiae organs. We must alwaye consider that Internal sanitation is yutly more Important than outside cleanliness, because the skin porea do not absorb Impurities Into tho blood, while bowel pores do. Wnmnn who desire to enhance tn. beauty of their complexion shoujd Just luuejm uuu.uouu., w. . . ' ..i .. AAir ann n !- inauiwi bowels, thus cleansing; sweetening try inis iur --- and purifying the entire alimentary I (Advertisem.nw m fli l CM In It 5 i H.HC im Hi l v n m ii? i ii ta m W in m pi tm am m T53S .IftZ Mil Tfcir ic xft.fl III 11 m PRSl