KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Wt iEutfttttuj Mtmlb KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Hivinth Year-No. 3,081 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 26, 1916. Price Five Cent CRISIS IN STRIKE IS REACHED TODAY BRITISH STEAMER IS SUBMARINED IN THE NORTH SEA ill.TUTJ-Lfl tVnllVll"MJ-Ji,l"i"l" Y 'AAAAMAAaAAAAAMAMAMAMMAAMAMAMAAMMAAMMAMMMMWWWMWWWWWWWWWMWWMWWWWMVWVWWWWVWWWWM ARRANGEMENTS MADE TO PREVENT A FOOD FAMINE BOTH SIDES READY IF STRIKE IS CALLED KLAMAIH REAL ESTATE MOVES RAILROADS TO SUBMIT COUNT EH PROPOSAL liKt TMt Trainmen Will Reject the Ceenttr Propetal Chairmen Read t Leave Washington Tonight, Walch Indicatea That Climax Ha Ceme Embargo on All But Fod If Ctrlke It Called. Il l their 1 ilit ii to place Hi cmlmigo mi i.ll Htlicles except foodr-luftn Hllll (rIM.iililc commodities. Many of the railroad pichIiIciiI sav Hint their men urn opposed lo the rail way unions anil won't strike The trainmen drrlnro llm I most of I ho roi.ds if llm country will be puuiljcil j U it hirlkv Im tilled- ! KLAMATH 10 GET ONLY FEW PEARS MANY SALES OF TOWN LOTS AND FARM PROPERTY ARE MADE DIRECTLY FOLLOWING TALK OF NEW RAILROAD United Press Sen Ice WASHINGTON. I). C , Aug. 2. - The crick In Iho negotiation In prow-nt it rmtlun wide strike ramp todav. A . break wenm rrrtnln. The question may be no tiled tonight, following IVc.t-' leVnt Wilton's receipt tif tln railroad's rrojo-ial anil hi conference with the kro.hnhooilii nficnwirds, but thin now. wenu doubtful. j Rrth nldcK say Ihey arc ready for a itrlkf. The railroad presidents IIiIh morn ln adopted uniinlttiotiHly n counter proposal lo tluil made ) president Wllnon ami miImnIIIcI II this after noon. They declare It In Ihclr flnul propoa. Klamath county rral eslatp In begin nine In inn p. especially loin in Klanv ii tli Falls. TIiIh Ik Indicated in thu deals niadi- dining the last week by local ic.il estate agencies. Tin1 connect Ion between IbeKe liana for of real estate and the Strahorn i'rnllroad movement rannol be told, but III would appear that tbo road docs not seem to be putting a damper on 'things. 1 The follow Im; are deal made MiIh jveek thiough Hi' Clillcole agency 'alene: I l'lc room house and lot 11 with LOCAL FRUIT AGENCY SAYS THAT., ,m f , 10i ,rk j( Shlc Addition. in Miv Mai Seltts. I'our room house mid lots 2 and 3, ONE CAR OF DARTLETT PEARS block 11, Falnlew Addition, lo J. A. Colilfiuith. I-'if room bouse nnd lots 4 and 5, block 2.1, Illllhlde Addition, to Chan. V. i Stewart. Mm, Housewife. If mi want lo can, 'nllPI, for next winter you bad This wonl .1. Kill her, MUCH LIVESTOCK TO MOVE SOON GEORGE SWAN80N PURCHA8E8 OVER THOU8AND HEAD OF FINE BEEF IN SILVER LAKE COUN TRY FOR SHIPMENT The fall cattle buying ban com menced in Klamath county, and noon beef and stock cattle will begin lo move lo California and other points. The big HhlpmentH will be made be tween September 1st and tmowfall. George Swanson, buyer for a big company in San Francisco, baa Just completed the purchase of aboue 1,200 heey from Bratlain Brother, McDon ald H Elder. James Small and others of I he Sliver Lake country. Thin nlock will he started toward Klamath KnllH and Midland for shipment early next month. Mr. Swanson arrived last evening from Silver Lake. Iuils Berber, J. I. Beckley and oth er dealers will begin to move stock next month. Some activity in the sheep business rtjOO.R, place in iae cosniy inia ween, ! when Holbrook Brothers sold 1,000 fine breeding ewes to Alex Fitzpatrick j of I'aisley. BONANZA MAY FLOAT BONDS IS COMTEMPLATING VOTING $20, 000 ISSUE TO BUILD BRANCH LINE TO THE STRAHORN RAIL ROAD t . ... A bond Issue of $20,000 is contem plated by Bonanza to raise money to build the branch line railroad from Bo nanza to the main line of the Strahorn railroad through Yonna valley The money is to be used to buy right of way, grade the road bed and buy ties. J. O. Hamaker, Dr. J. L. Harris and D. O. Horn were in Klamlh Falls yes terday to dee Fred Gleen of Keeler Brothers of Denver, bond buers, but Mr. Gleen had left for Portland. They expect to communicate with him at once. .j It is believed there may be some alight Irregularity with the method of adoption of the Bonanza city charter and it is to settle this point that Keel cr Brothers are to be interviewed. Russians Resume Their Offensive in the East "BATTLE" RAGES OFF NEW YORK IN WAR GAME CONDUCTED BY NAVY DEPARTMENT BATTLE. SHIPS, 8COUTS AND DESTROY. ERS ARE SUNK. CEMETERY BEING KLAMATH WILL HAVE ONLY, THIS YEARS room bouse and lots 6 nnd 7, block 13, Falrvlew Addition, to Mm. I.'llen Dentin. I'our room limine nnd lot 4, block 6, '0IH" i ntlKliiiil town, to Bert C. Thomas. puny, who knows Iho fiult situation j.nr, f nt R, block 6R. Nichols Addl- probably better than any olbcr peMiin , ,,(m , ,..,,,,,, A,nms chambers. In town. I , 2, block 18, Second Falrvlew Ad- riiociopof llailleli penis in uogue aimnl, , willlani l.ubke. any peaM belter buy them at once, was given out today by J. local milliliter of Wood Curtis Twcnt acres of Irilgatcd land In section 20, ...l-fl, lo John A. MeCnll. Hlvor Valley Is ery short Ibis car. and what few can I bluliied fiom Ciillfoiiila aio very, high." said Mr. I'm her today. "A carload of Haillelts, Get Scven ocer. uboiil IMi boxes, will leach hero today wl(n M,V1. n,. bucks to show for or loiuoriow, and Ihey very pi-olmbly (1(.r piWess as liunleM, Kveietl .will be Iho last ieceied (u Klamath j ,,Pnbinok, Ailolph Nllscbelm. l'bil- ll'iillH Ibis pnr." I, Molschenbacher and Moirls Maler. I rue local grocrrj moips sj ""' iptmned last exenliiK tiom ino imi-. 'tuny iecelp a ho or two of peats at j lllollli i.ake country. Maler Is credited ( but I he ear due Stage Arrives. Tho Cramer lioni I'm I land i nl urn weekly. Mill) HtllKC IMIUillK o Klamath Falls nnd arilved last The railroads' pioposal Is a lefusal lo accept Hie eiglit hour day for a rial perlml until after nihil rut Ion and Inveatigalion. They want lo submit oertlmc pay lo an Impartial eoiunils- 'Ion, lln declNlnn to ho effecllvo fr "oonof tho rirsl day of session of tbo communion, One railroad piesldenl said: "Our jropoaal Is holier Ihan Iho brolhei. wwds desene. ir iimv ,i,..,i lib,, n Hierknow wi...t ii. '...... i Um )' "Xl'iesn. KM Ibe most op.iinlsllefeel thai , ,,,,rt "v,,,,,nB w'" ",' '"" "" ', Ur" cm' "lr.lme wl , I, J, . s.Knmen. reaehlnK be.e. Theso pears WPC... There M,,i,oboppbHdo,,,,''' '"' "' "Ml "' ",H"" ,S Ince (be nreKiii,.,.i n,i ... ,., mix. V . " IIIIIIIIIHR IWIII we Mbcotnnillleo of the lallroad pies '"Mi that I he brothel hoods would B0 ccep nrl.il ration The While Houso says 1'iesldonl won win roniinun lo do all In his o prevent a bionk. offlclal ,Kn ,,, ,,ln Iin.Ml(lonl "Hal noon tmlav: "i n.. . "" ranroHils make : ; Prl"osnl tin, lw. but not fnmi PM.U... mn. o v,lHnl1 f",rred loday " "H SecrelHiy ,,f ntoi.)m. L(ni, ,, Corn Not Hurt. w newiniulH. Sweet coin kiowii on t'ongi-r avenio errJ"ydlK,rl(:lt'lmli-nienof the hrolli- villi not Injured by Iho recent frost. today pai, n,,,. rnom ronl HeeordlnK to Henry Nownlinm, an ex- loa bV! ''repHC,1 ,0 Iphvo Washltif?- tonsivo gardener. Mr. Newnhnm has j,??1''"' J two largo patcheH of sweet corn, nun Ike fcUki,he rH,lroH'1 Presidents nor on ench side of Link River, nnd Is hup- wMrhood exeeutlves have ox- Vylnu the local market with hi lio- MnTjJh! be,lef tht negotlHtloni'mict. ,."" lonigiit, MUCH IMPROVED with Kitting the limit. Nllscbelm was unable to mo a buck, or probably ho would hnvo killed one or two, as he is an expert shot. their situation foi p. looks Biggest Deer Yet. (Jcoiro lluinphrt'). demoerallc, can didate for sheillY. lolls of a mule (all deer being killed on August 16th thnt voiiIiik! weighed -t 1T pounds and had 21 points with rour Imssengois. 'ihey nio ii. J. ,w each side. Humphrey huh Stewart of Medford, (.'. Ilermester or moiihtious buck was killed at S.ilem, H. MeKee of MeiirordJind Miss i,,,., n Lake county. Ho did Me,nn of I'nitlmiil. The stage leaes vM, the name of Iho slayer. for roilland lluougli CenlniH WORK IS BEING DONE WITH $"W0 LEFT BY THE WILL OF THE LATE C. S. MOORE, A DIRECTOR OF THE OLD ASSOCIATION l,ong needed improvement of the Klamath Falls Cemetery Is now being done b l'aul Brcitenslcln. The cem etery Is lo be ie-fenccd completely and a new appioach from tho west side made. The old road to the ceme leij from the Irrigation canal will bo closed, and the new road constructed 'from the Kletenth street pavement. II Is also planned lo resurvey the en tire cemetery and divide up the unused giouud into plots. The work of improving the cemetery is being done with $500 left for that ' purpose by the Into Charles S. Moore. (Seorge T. Baldwin, K. It. Reames and Paul Breitenslein. the only local mem hers of tho old Cemetery Association, are diieellng the work on the ceme I err. HUGHES FINOS MUCH INTEREST ADMIRES PATRIOTISM AND LOY ALTY WHICH HE SAYS CHARAC 1ERIZES THE AMERICAN PEO PLE AS A WHOLE United Press Service HKNVER. Aug. 26. "Everywhere 1 bae been on this campaign tour, 1 see evidences of the deep Interest of the American people in the qquestions Involved In this campaign. I find patriotism and an unswerving loyalty thir. characterizes the people of Amer ica." said Charles Kvan Hughes, re publican candidate for president, here toilay. Hughes makes three speeches in Demer todny, which concludes the flMt lap of his tour. He goes to Bstes Pnik tonight for a three days' rest. He i tired, and anxious for rest, but con fident of success this fall. United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 26. A "naval battle" is raging off New York harbor in the naval war game today. Admiral Helms' "defending fleet" is engaged -ginst Admiral Mayo's "at tacking fleet," using 12-inch guns. The" defenders "have theoretically "sunk" the battleships Texas and Ne vada and two destroyers. The attackers "sunk" the scout cruiser Birmingham and three de siroyers. liTe umpires of the game decided (hat the "defenders' fleet" had "anni hilated" the enemy's troops landed on Long Island. BRITISH AIRMEN BOMBARD GER MANS AT NAMUR German Reconnalsance South of Mau rcpa? Is Diipersed by French Troops Today Artillerylng Along Somme River and Attaeks by the Central Fowers Around Verdun Continue With Small Effect. I'nited Press Service PETROGRAD, Aug. 26. The Ru. slang resumed tbelr advance in the Stanislir.i region today, captured Guta and reached Hie f-ources of the t'ls '.r'AzA and Pitt- iivana-Dvorna Rlvori. Negro Is Lynched. United Presa Service RHREVEPORT, La., Aug. 26. Jesse Hammett, a negro, was lynched at Vlvjnn this afternoon for an assault upon a white woman. Parents of the outraged girl pleaded with the mob not to bang the negro. ' Fisher Buys Lot. A deed transferring lots 27 and 28, in block 1, of Idlerest on Spring Creek, from R. C. Spink and wife to Dr. C. V. Fisher, was filed with the county clerk loday. United Press Service .IJARIS, Aug. ?C A Btrong German reconnaisancc on Fill No. 121, no tth of Maurepas, has been dispersed. Violent artillerylng along the Somme continues. The Germans are attacking heavily in the Champagne district and south of Verdun, but with little gain. United Press Service LONDON, Aug. 26. The armed Brit ish boarding steamer Duke of Albany was submarined in the North Sea on Thursday. Twenty-four of the crew were drowned. British airmen last night bombarded the German airship sheds at Namur. One British aeroplane is missing as a result of the borabarrdraent. Here From Roaeburg. Mr. and Mrs. C. 1 Beckley of Ro&o burg aie here for a visit with the for-l . t. 11. . V V TV ..! Iab atal fn m I DELAP AND HAYDEN TO OPEN INSURANCE OFFICE Perry O. DeLap and Austin Hayden have opened an insurance office In the Loomis building, occupying one of the rooms formerly useiby Oneill & Man ning. They will conduct a strictly flro insurance and surety bond bust ness. They are agents for London & Lancashire Indemnity company. Na tional Surety company. Pacific States Fire Insurance company, worwicn nA..-.. ItrntHa.- I 1. MPPKIPV. Stlin Hin I ' T m, rwu'i.v u mock,, f the Union. Orient Fire Insurance company .,- ..... ..j . I'mpqua Valley. londny , Oregon. Hunting at Spencer. rhlef of Polite Bob Baldwin and It. Vance llulchins left yesterday for Spencer Creek for a hunting and fish ing trip. Baldwin Is expected back this o enlng. but Hulchlns will Htny a week. Hunters Return. Lvle Blgbee, Fred Carman, Don Palo iho and Hairy Pelts lelurned last evening Dog fi'om Freldenburg Springs, where they .,nt ' spent a few days hunting deor. Blgbee killed one buck ana carman snoi an other but did not get him. He and Blgbeo trailed tho buck several 'hours by bloodspots, but darkness compelled them to- give up the chase. .. '" ,vent Htrike tbo.railroad tkelr Hl!..8.ay ,bey are confident that -v.. employes" To Sell Dairy Stock. That ho may retire from the dairy will be able to bsulnegs and devote hla time to gen- Seeks Recovery of Money. Suit to recover $474.90, alleged lo be due for two carloads or lumber ship ped from California, was filed in cir cuit court today by T. H. Benton ugalnst the Pelican Bay Lumber com pu.iy. E. L. Elliott Is counsel for the plaintiff. To Round Lake. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Will and fan-il.- and Mr. and Mm. J. II. Lentz loft this lfieraoon for Round Lake and Indian Springs, to spend th.i week end. Tluv aie rr.il.ing the irlp b automobile, and will return tomorrow evening. Ficm Rocky Point. Charles D. Wlllson is down from Hoeky Point, his summer resort on Up.:er Klamath Lake, to transact business. Returns From Chico. Mrs L. Price has returned from t hico. where she spent several days. iV e was accompanied home by her Kisler. Miss Leola Lynn, who will at tend the local schools. and Niagara Fire' Insurance. Seeks to Quiet Title. E. B. Henry filed suit in the circuit court today to qiuet title to land In Orlndale Addition. The Oregon Inland reveopment company, et al, are de fendants. W. II. A. Renner is attor ney for Henry. . From Nuss Lake. I Sam Dixon, who has a ranch in the Nuss Lake district, traded with loeal ! merchants for supplies today. This wheat was lm- To See Crater Lake .... i n n.-n,iiiv wmiani Chevne. ware company, Ale Cheyne of Klamath Falls, am! A.1 ported by these gentlemen, and baa Mcrhcwon. an Insuranco roan of Port- been -found to do well in Klamath coun iitiiil will spend tomorrow at Crater (y.4 They also are erowlng some fine Lhjci'. They will make the trip in , Marquis. wheat. t heyne's car. Raise Fine Wheat. A fine snmplo of Defiance wheat grown by C. E. Howio and F. J. Beldln r ii.o Merrill country la on exhibition In the window of the Baldwin Hard- 1b a nurse In the Haywarrds Central Returns to Hospital. Miss Edna Houston, who has been spending her vacation with her par enlt. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Houston, and sister. Miss Elizabeth Houston, re turned to Haywards. Calif., where she n0Ulh train. m .... . .U r.-n.in.r M nincnmlnl will hold n i . " 'v yisioui n - i wa 1 eynn.i -.bunv.u ... .... .. r . i ........ .... ...a, .... ............. i.ii mm. ... ---. -. - a iln,,. --'-' mi .uiiii-reueo iiv.iimi m muniii uu oiii.va ..... .-.. . ,,. i.,,,,!,.,...,. tn'nf l 9 aw nrranited m i,n.i. ,i. '.v-i, t,n.i of .latrv stock will be Bold. 1st, nmdo a trip on offlclal business to or l trlke In declared. j besides farm Implements. Wno.1 Hlvor Valley thla week. ag learned today that the, 'in auction sale at IiIh ranch two miles Makes Trip. i-..ui .it M..r ill .ui Ri.n limber 4 in. -ruir -! hiii... . ..iiiinaai ral Z. ! ullvt'M ' 'onfereneo hpv IHii.ii - B" nrraf county agrlcultur- After Muletall. fiarrett Van Riper and Ben Mitchell will leave tonight for the country eaat hospital. Dixon in Town. J. R. Dixon was a business visitor in the county seat today from bis ranch south of town. Calhoun, Once Wealthy, Asks for Receivership United PraM itrrlc tn on the Income of his wife' ealai. Kllgore Gets Home. Ed Kllgore arrived home last yester- Langell Valley to hunt muletall .day from atrip to his ranch and heraa i in Ameiope vnuey. NEW YORK- Aug. 26. Patrick Cal- houu, worth $14,000,000 nve years ago today filed his application for receiv ci ship. He declares he is worth only five dollars. ,.,,!..... ...,u II.a Can VrnniUrn TTnlled yraft piosecutlon broke him, and thnt I controlled the largest atwet railways for the last two years ne nas neen uy.in .wue.i... the. f i cater part of which Is now loaL The street car strlks In San -Fran; Cisco in 1907 also had a large part to do with, bis financial ruin. Calhoun once was president of the investment company, wmen I 1 to UK mm I! Mr mm fftfel mmi fhi n . M ? Mi m !f f- Lv 1 :& .V. ! : m m m6 in mm 'tl&ml MfflM tifiim&it vm m ftttKanl Jrlliltff- ml MM 1 iMK ill i-" mu s ia i P zm It m a 1 , &! Ji ftf VI :ftfl SI fl H Kl mi i-. n i m Ui i i ?. I 1