-w fv; JA j- a- A l7i -S (?" V; V X X) fc-rtft KLAMATH COUNTY J OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER liewnth Year-No. 3,07t BONANZA IS PROMISED A RAILROAD & . ' , RUSSIANS DEFEAT imAAAiwiri! NEED ONLY STRAHORNS OFFER COMMITTEE NAIMO TO HANDLE .IT RAILROAD AFFAIRS i lay bmnii Can Have Rail- Ml iirvlca If She Will Oat Right MWayQratfa Roadbed From Bonan, Ml Main Lint, a Dlatanca of Seven and Furnlah Tlaa for tho ranch Lint. Beunia Ih la have a railroad, II will at a branch line from the main Hat of (be Strahorn railroad, leaving ttwaain line near Dairy, a distance of tort Kile from rionansa. This ma decided yesterday when N. it Bogne, chief engineer for Mr. Stra kern, met with a committee at Do- Mr. Btraaom before leaving for Port ai aft farratWdnie rwiiUfeVi aii,lf the people of 'Bonanza would M Ike rlgbt of way, grade the road lei furnish the lien, he would give tkea train servlrc Just as noon n Dairy was reached by the line from KUuaaU Kail. laave no doubt on I he question on whaaer or not nonnnita will acrept tUi proposition. You may feel nsnurrd lhat we will obtain the righl-of way, ande the road and furnish the lies," aW J. 0. ltamaker, secretary of thc. coauBlltee, this morning. The other members of the committee art D. 0. Horn chairman, Wm. Wikki "4 F. W. Broadaword. The commit lit expect to get busy very soon lo Heart the right of way for (lie branch read. The proponed road from Bonanza lo lat main line will make another link to tat road that eventually la expect I to connect Lnkevlcw and Klamath Wm Got to Btavara. Wtk Ntlion, Aral baseman for tlio "Math Kail baseball lenm, hni. JJ a contract to play with tlio nmK team of the I'aclflo Coast . Nelson has mailed hla con wt to Judge McCredlc. It la expocct I that At will report ahortly after Iho WorPay gamca hero. Deutschland Arrives in Bremen This Morning lTta Berries iJiifc. K" 2iTho Hitbmarlno wtHatman Doutachland arrived ut Baa i "tiawn this mornlnc. All Dm rur All the crow L d Knd we,K i Tot VtMHCl waa Hllnhiiu .!... ... y rrr!.encount0'-cd on her return voy! l.nlted Preaa Rervlra Wlai UfferCd no ,nJu''p tfom ono-j, NEW YORK, Aug. 24.-Ro HWpLt. !.,vmes of A'nor.H" ""!' ManH. .- - iiiiunhMi ii.t tiiv - - nu ucHiroy era waited "" MW Bllliik .!..-.. ....! T--H wiminei ior mo ueutac i- i . laMhZ ot caPmrtns or destroy- J"Jf.W aba lighted them and by I ikttfci "nwa mem ana by ,-r . -auvering eacaped them nil, ,J0UB. Auf. Si.-The Bremen that, tha aubroarlna Zwlsa for America a few days SrVJurlng out ahe awaited mJST . "'onlind tliat ahe "V all patrols. gEfrg jEugtttt0 WMW,,,MIWlMM)WMMWWMlMM ACCEPT TAFT TO STUMP FOR C. E. REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMIT TEE ACCEPTS AN OFFER FROM THE EXPREIIDENT ROOSE VtiLT UPEAK8 IN MIDDLE WEST United rresa Rervtee - NBW YORK, Aug. 24. The renub llrnn national Committee lod"ay accept ed the offer of former President 1l llam Howard Taft to atump for Charles B. Hughe. The committee la arrang ing THft'H Itinerary,-' whlh will Include a large number of Eaatarn cltlca. The Itinerary of Colonel Theodora AoatMveU, -fwhov 4e-rtH- atwm? for llvghMn include man engagement nl the Middle Weal, conaldered, aaldo from the South, a stronghold of Wilson xcntlntent. Railroad Meeting Tonight. A meeting of the rlly rniincll, the lorn I commlltrrH on tlio Stmhorn rail rond. and l-'rrd Glenn of Portland, rcH Idenl manager of Keelor brothers, bond t.u.w.r. wit be held thla ovciiIiik In the city hall. At thla time mutter will bo discussed. O. A. C. Men Here. Dean A. II. Cordley and Professor V. U Powers of Oregon Agricultural Col lege, were In Klamath FallH today on their ay to Knatern nnd Central Orn gon lo limped several Irrigation ex- perlmenlH tho latter la conducting thin aitmmer. Asks for I2S0. L. B. Butta filed null In the circuit court today against Benjamin Berk man for recovery of 1250, alleged to bo due for norvlccH rendered. V. II. A. Ilenner l attorney for Bulla. Qraham In Town. Robert Graham, who la operating u ranch near Algonm, waa In Klamath Kalla today to get auppllea. A director of tbo German Ocean eompuny toldiif German nowapupor man today that tho firemen would nr- " . i i - ivn in Amnilcii aoon. Ho aald tho rlvo In Amerlcu aoon. Ho ivhI la now wifely on her wny. newed uc agonta of tho Uermun company operating the aub- . . .. ...... !.,... .....I marine merennnunen, iomhiiiiiu Bremen, strengthens the belief that tho Bremen will arrive here In a few days., The Interned North Oerman woya un WllleUd has been stopped just out er nf Ttnutnn hurhnr. hound for NOW LOU- Am rnn wh.r It Is :helleved tho MVI f ... - -- srjsi ,r:; , at lo. ib, sra land says he Is Informed Bremen will enter Loni LUndSeiroa a ' HUGHES lomorrow, KLAMATH TURK! REPORT SHOWS 2,796 PUPILS ARE IN SCHOOL THE SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT SHOWS HEALTHY INCREASE '' v Klamath Leada State In Per Cant of Teachera. Who Are Normal Oradu. atet Alao Laada In Salarita Paid to Inatructora More than SlfXVMO Ba- quired Annually to Conduct Klamath aunijr otnooi. i . - ...... Two thounand aeven hundred mad nlnety-nlno puplla attended the publlo aclioola of Klamath county during tbe laat term, according to the annual- re; port of County School Superintendent Fred Pelcraon. Juat completed. Theo puplla wero Inatructed by 108 teachers. i'ue .number of ouoila the. year before WttH.4;7JJfc aiaM tl; pHjaik;WkW 99.1 ThW -ejKiwatr'Wcetoe'altfili mimbqr enrolled a'nd In "tenement., ' Anoiner iniurcHung iiicv uituikcu.u ho report la 'that 64 per cent of all tcr.chcra employed In Klamath county arc normal chooI gruduntcs, whereoa the average for the entire atute la only lit per cent. Till la due lo tho fact that teachera In thla county are much belter paid than In any other county In the atatc. Teachera In one room Mchool buildings and .walatanta in larger building received $78 a month on tho ntcrngc. rnncjpais rcceiveu un aver ago of $100 n month. " An incrcaao la ahown In. tho report of eighth grade gruduatca laat year over tlio prcvloua term. Laat year 120 re ceived common achool diploma, agalnat 113 the year previous. The en rollment In gradca above the eighth la 96. to 276 for thcae ycara. ALso the length of tho achool term waa lengthened imhi yeur oy eleven daya over tho year preceding. The number of daya la 168 lo 157. Four new school houaea wero built hint year, although during the prevloua year live wero conatruclcd. To operate tho achoola of Klamath county during (he 1915-16 term $116, 091.11 waa expended, agatnat $101, 167.50 tho year before. When tho an nual report. of County School Superin tendent Pclcraon wua made, $21,160,22 wiim on hand. The total Indebtedness of all school In thla county la $115,152.86, and tho total estimated value of school houaca, grorumla, furniture and apparatus is $298,355. Tho report for 1915-16 includea tho mat of maintaining tho county high school at Klamath Fulls, or uboul 15,000. WOMAN LEAPS TO STREET; KILLED nPRPONDENT BECAUSE OF ILL HEALTH-TOLD FRIENDS SHE WOULD END LIFE, BUT THEY .. Tnicn m niftfiUADE HER. . .vtnriL'a ! 4i PrHltnr a ;Z leaded fVon-th; fifth atory r.n to her ill. . . window of her hotel Mr. Long was despond, dlately killed .... !... nt III haalUi. nor m& wm .h of i.t w Kill. imi."v -' ,m ---- E - - - icif '"" '"" would be safe. I V.I I 111 (I UD B1SKSW FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 19i6. IN .:i . ,)iwWiWWWMiWmwWMWMMMWWW Baitlemp Maine, BridgK Going to MMMTM 3ZBS I K. ERaSM a) Tho battleship Maine is here shown Juat before aho reached the Brooklyn Bridge in tho East River on her way to ne with cltiten, Bailors who have been taken on a cruise for a month. These men are to be put through the Eight Hour It Allowed Increases iiniinH Vrcp. Service luiouiMnTON. n. r.. Aub. 24. The climax In the atrlko negotiations waa .cached this afternoon when the. sub-1 committee of the railroad presidents i. ....in with nil tho nresl- donta to outline a tentative plan of set- iteniont. """",r"" The plan of settlement as prepared ."nr-Mwrt Wilson w opuvnauc e by tho aubcommlttee Includes accept- administration believes there is no ance ot the eight hour day. offset by danger of a atrlke. nasurances that immediate conaldera-j The brotherhoods today made tho Hon will bo given by the Interstate charge that the railroads, through sta Commerce Commission to raouests tor tlor- agents, were "lobbying the na rate Increases, by remedial legislation lion" by arranging with merchants to lv congress, and a permanent commls- have the merchants send a flood of, rlon to settle future railroad labor dls- letters to Washington favoring arbi- nniM. The railroad brotherhoods 'declare there Is no concession by the railroads in thla new plan, because: the employ- will not make the concession of an ere eight hour day with ten hours pay It is certain that the heada of the bigger eastern railroads favor acc.pt- - ar.ee of.tbe plan framed by the ntes cause, After Federal Mediator Chambers .2i - - r2i r sjssrs.s'irB- r-s ItbVweiMeiiU' be oonlerreil tli PrM - 1 iHrraUi A BATHE AT Under Brooklyn Sea With Rookies fBBMSEKS Vl-T T came course of training as the 'regular j.ck tare of the ! ivy. Many soa of wril known men vere among toe rookies. The Kentucky and the New Jersey also carried out many more cit izen sailors. Day Only .Went Wilson ten minutes. After tho ' t .. .MW Phimhurs Prnalffant conference with WMMM.WV., ..-.- Hidden of the Burlington line said: "The situation Is no more hope ul than It has been since midnight. Rath- er. II has changed for tho worse. An- other railroad head said the situation lowei senoua. f . . . 1 MVl.-' . wmuon. May Have 2 Wheat WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 24. Officials of the department of agricul ture declared touavwai as wneai mm fall la possible because of the severe - ... epidemic, of black rust in the North- west thla year. weuvsrs ny. - lbelrrancl.iie.rlllMe.il. BULGARIANS DEFEAT FRENCH AND ENGLISH HUGHES ATTACKS TARIFFJ SUGAR 8PEAKS IN UTAH TODAY WILL SHORTEN VACATION IN ROCK IES TO AVOID REINO IN KEN TUCKY WHEN WILSON 18 THERE United Press Sstric OGDEN, Aug. 24 Charles E. Hughes Included tbe sugar tariff in his attack on the democratic revenue policies this morning. His speech waa heard V l'PUajaV-. i. ' ... tlV -UTM.hi atwuka In Salt TVoPllvt teiimt.tMU "" -l - -" 'Z. - . ..-- t- vas laaseaeed aere' tousrrtnu hi vacation In Bstres Park, Cola.Y"- "T" "X'ZgZIh''IiFZZ' wuuia oe Bnurieaeu uurco u;o iuiiuiu being in Kentucky when President Wil son is speaking: In that state. Hi'gheb will be in St Louis two days and expects to make at least twoirnlch payg the Bulgarians ara; attoek gpeeohes n Maine before taking- a rest nK Serres. tW French juulyGrMlat After his rest be will stump New York. PITTSBURG TRUST COMPANY CLOSES BAD LOANS AND uvtnunnr iWrc... ..... 0.. COMPEL ACTION OF DIRECTORS. HAD DEPOSITS AMOUNTING TO $600,000. Onlted Press Berrle PITTSBURG, Aug. 24. The Central Trust company, one of the most power ful financial institutions in Pittsburg, closed its doors today. This action was necessitated by bad loans and ex cessive overdrafts. The trust company owes deposits of patrons amounting to over $600,000. "Cack" Henley on Mound Cack" Henley, former Coast League twlrler, and the man who pitched. Wil lows to a victory over Klamath Falls at lhat memorable Dorris game last, month, is slated to be. on the mound for Weed next Sunday at Modoc Park, it M leported In Klamath Falla that Weed has made up a $500 pot to hire a good battery tor this game, and that j Henley Is one end ot the battery. It Is not known here who has been en- i ... . . gaged to do the receiving. The annearance of Henley oa me mound probably will make a toloser game than the terrible routing at Weed last Sunday. It la hardly to be expect ed that even such a hard-hitting, club aa represents Klamath Falla this year can, make aeventeea hits o hla henO" KLAMATH FALL!' " OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER - Price Five CRta' MOSUL BULGARIAN ARMY IS ATTACKING SERRES Fall of Thla City Will laoltte Mae, donian Greek Army and Give Btilffars'1 Coveted Territory Athena Says Of.' fenaive la Halted at All Pelnto Zap- pelint Attack British Caaat WHnt -. ' ' r . i Effect. United Press Serrice PETROGRAD, Ana 24. The tlane thla mpralag defeated few, aVvjb' .., eiona of tbe Tarkiah army 1 a afat.4li lUe nemr MessJ. I. TT" 22!!J qf:;tiovst UW wr.itnri. mVJmftlWH auHJ gun iiBnuw oi uaaaaiseiBiaBi wwoawv wwm r w : ' lA. M'A''' 3mmmmm&3&s& 'Tl GaMsi aeivea tha Tlllal.hl BtSVal mMMm , eu ne r rencn aauBntun L fKW River. r .. T,i it, iy An Atheasdis- Trailed Press Serrtca LONDON,,. Ad, 24 'arc defending the cltyt after the Greeks having once retired. b il V. n.lt.iH- atlMMlaliAa Im many nliiM ' the Bulgarian offensive has been bfHed practically everywhere.. The capture of Serres, If effected, will Isolate the Greek troops la eastern Macedonia and give Bulgaria a, much coveted territory. T A wire received later this aXternoev s&ys the Greeks are retlrtaf MBth'.of' United Press Bertie t . PARIS, Aug. 24. Two Geraa -(:eks on SoyecourLfoUowtaS heavy a-tlllery, hare been repulsed by the French. The flghtog was deavantel United Press Sereiee f LONDON, Aug.- 24. Genna 4 uelins raided the east coast of Wand "last night. There Is no daauce and no casulatles. ' A German attack on Gulltemont and an assault on a Hohensollera redoabt, now held by the Engllsh.haTe'beea.re- pulsed. ' Next Sunday ers. Yet Klamath Falls should Ind1. him for several Bare swais, ana nmmm make enough runs to keep Weed hind. W "t. John Johnson, who rapped pot four .,..- kit. aiittriav- will be In the Mayfe Klamath Falls lineup .again aext.Bn t W day, as will Terry M.cCaffeqf MoA r.,...A .-. ur iwn Mows at .Weed. Weed still, has -some 'chanpej.fej. f3 California and Southere.Or.egcW.lHJt jjjsjs3l retain any right; .whatsoever J .i.i uk. n,,mt rtfal. KiamaU FUS'K7r J va.u. ----, rrr-L-g-i tuXXtkW., next UBay- "7'',TW22i. will have ujjdlsBUtf44U4(,tJ,lia' : : L1-..1-- li.i kil'W. auUr'J season. Md;tMt'fciPIWff:J' .W-l siflered taiMMMMm&: -. ... . .iasuMi!'o? gv .taw-va. . I'Jtl rm A I .r , 1 q m --'! n rV-TWfE 4, wm ftu- y m mS to ' ! .. xW K .JAVjtw l . ft vfivM'-- ?',,l: K...wnvis,'&.Tt."i M : km. " t ..,,., f v A'vwr-. i-'