"t"T iT' 4" -' ! Iteralu KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER lhYr-No. 3.077 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1916. Price Five Cents NEW RAILROAD INCITES DEVELOPMENT g 2H lEumuui RUSSIAN TROOPS LAND AT SALONIKA TO AID GREEKS gejMMM1 sss" -insnjtKnjnsr, M COUNTY SODA TO BE SHIPPED HERE ! AAMWWWVWMMMMNMAVMWVMWWMrfMMMWMMWWVVVVVVWVW1 t I AMERICAN SODA PRODUCTS CO OFFICIALS HERE Railroad Men Whd Conferred With President Wilson lonrutxen connultltiK with Mr. Hlr.t horn for everal day about tho build in; of the road. Ho wnn accompanied Inw by John I). RprcrMo. Jr..'pfMl dnt, and F. I Young, mitnnger of llio irnpiny. Now that (here lit a primped of rail About fouilcnn yean, ago r. l Young of I'niHloy wont out lu this de posit nf m called alkali. At ftrttt It did not look prniiiltilng hm n fittutn hole In which to IiivckI money and hiicihI !iIm rThat 100 Ton. of Soda Will11"1" '' IHjrlrowilMlon. but shortly Cycled mai " j ,, K)), fmv ,,, ,ORol0r ,, t,0 Be Shipped Over Strahorn Railroad Orison llornx company wiik organized, . . 'tho opinion of tliemi men at the tltm.' Through Klamath Fall Dally II ( M,,, ,lml ,,, ,(,,,Mt Wi.k valuable Said That Only New Railroad Would for Its borax. I l.lttln or nil) thing wiik done liy Iho rim Ever Ore. glit Development of 0Wm JJor(ijt commny , Iovoj Deposits. ' "lm,, ,,ni' n"1 ""'l' " "hurl ""' "?" was Mr. Young able to Intoiest John ' I). Hpiockles of Knit Francisco to thr M. L ranmi.ii. 1-t.Kin.H.r of Iho ;,'l "'' ' '"" ;'' "' AIK11 .tacrlcan Sod., I'kkIucU ...impii. ,lM?" " ' ovr for fulim. dn- or Billion Inn. nf soda for shipment M ' "ln- " 5 l '" '''' our the new Stratum, n.llnmd. wlirn ' PmjoeH until ho sot ho,.,.. tlU road i bull! lo conned with Ab cl'"'"!i," w,1,k' wh"' "rrf '''" ..NUk.fanond mi-lr. Mr. Kinor- r-xpcrltnentntlon. proclaimed It, one of ill.; muni iiriiiniKnuiQ ..ucyuBI" "nj - whern In bo found!!! 'the United States. It Ik not for 11k borax that tho r1prMM.it In valuable, the chemlstK pnv nnunrod. but for ill. nod a nnl proper- Ham h tJMlitfi ttli tinnai ll linn I 111 tltft ll 111 '""'' " '" "'" ""'"" I (.factum of honiiH and naixir. or any ii-. r: ... .... . . . ... .. .. ., , , inilirr pniuuci in unicii noun run-in rws ronnrct on, Uu Soda company in . , . i , . ... , , . .. ncc'cnnnry fanlor. jnnlnitonllii,i,iriil. dv.dopnit't i ' ' K tbflr proH.r ami II lniiMrriftli The lake ami djiiliilti; notholw rov rflhtlrrnlne.r that lh- wlllbeiblc ,,r nn nira "' "PP-onwtclv r..70O lofMplWtoin i d..v 'IhlB will pro'i- u,:l,' '" ,hr u, ,h,'re nrc' " l5 ,'t ilW ll be Miiri.Ml l. IvlMinnth I'alU lmld. appioxlinntcly 10.000 pothntet II (onelructlon of tl,i ro;..l in brwi ,""I""R the mmu aah. Iho illnniptrrn fio thl end at no plnnnr.l. II w:ll "f w,,l,1 vur' from 25 ' 10 ft',,t' bx" -.oiaoanavat..S!.(iu!llur.M,f inonny PrlmcntH linvn Miown llmt i hooii n In ih dcvcl.mciii of th. d.-pohlln. ' "!' "' I" immnvA fiom th.- pot- ffqiiMtnrd In t. aat h-kIoii. iuIK-h '' n,,' nn "ul w,Ul ,ho mm K,,b" fiom civilization mid Hcltlvmcnt In ,,,,,nc0 of '''I""1 l,u,,' whlch f,,cl UVc county, th.- i h.-r a dry Inko iiu'- l,,",lH ,,,,, ,xi"H " Iwll' H' "" tora. known .h .Kail Lake, nunc. I Mipply In lncxbnuntlblt. Tho valuo of vbich ihcro Is not inoiiKli ti-i and ",1m Product when refined vnrlen up- finvbbpry lo cin i Hindi' or foe.! u w,r,lM J7 l"r ,,,n- ,,H v"Ul" ,n , hkiabblt In II, If allt I lino U Hullai eannot, way ipvitn. bo e.itl- (utnd a drpiwii vimM valim no inau i'l'd. I kJilw, able :a ..mi,u... I Tho company Ik already opciiitliiK II IL I .. . ... . . 1 1 I.. I... 1 " nc wmiiH' i(l ,0 ,.)0( Mi I,, ,, on a mnail Heme, ami ine pnmuf. o i", ioman ould h;ii.'.ii hnl a vant law mi; hauled to llend and ljkovlew by mnaii. jno I'.uiief ecltloi-K In lik Iiuckh ror Kiiipincni. "'inly thouRlit M niknll, and named loily .if inu.l ii:i. u.ke. 8uc for Motorcycle. Allall Ijikc i in hi lis iiilleti not lb' .'uii tu j;aln return of n moloieyclu. ll,C!',nm'"1""" ""' ",,ll'rt nor,l,-,or Hr.. It. .Uier.ed value, was filed It . imhiv), mo mllrt aioitn.i i , ,. , ... . ..,,., ,. Miw.,1 re barren, but ll,u .ln.ii . i. u ...,. "''' '11 ,,,a ,,",,n,nK by A,bcl1' m untold Mduo when refined and Mnmdo UKuliiKt Hay Tut low and (ilen oroujbt to innrke J ti rMtayin-irin-imrftlTi'niMi ii m i in TBBwLMMBBBBMLff!iBBBffj!BTirV- "m ii iml SOLDIERS OF SIX ALLIES FIQHT ING TOGETHER Greek and Bulgarians Battle, Former l.oalng Five Town Greek Reserves Are Called Out Bulgarians and Germans Defeat British and French, Taking French and Serbian Poal tlons of Importance. -SfeES-SBfesSSBS ATHENS, Aug. 22. To Join In the Balkan offensive against tho central i powers and their ally, Bulgaria, Itu1- i:ian tioops landed at Salonika thirf morning. It is believed that even this 'small force will thoroughly demon strate the unity of the allies, not only between England, Russia and France, but including the smaller powers. Italian troops also are dlsembatkln at Salonika to assist Serbia. For the first time since the war opened sol diers of the six allied nations are Sighting side by i-lce. 3 a Upper photo, railway manager, rep ifnenllng l'2.r HjKteniH From left to ikl.' J ( Walker, hccrelnry of Mm . 1. 1' "i. fonfeU'iT" of im.miKer4 W. i- fi.ldon, W'. piiddent S A '. : 11. MiM.iHlel-. Bi'lieial maiiar.ei 'V'i i'5 tnc R Ijike nrle, top low, I. 12. ("row lev, i.Khlhlanl vice picxidcnl N Y. (' , middle low, S. 11. Colter, general man i.Br Walmuli, N. I). Malier, vlro prehl drill N. at W : 1' S. Allbrifiht, Atlantic C.mhI Line, middle rew: I.. W. IJald- win, geneial manager Central of Geer- Southern Itiillvvay; James Itussell, sen (.la. top tow; KIlHha I,ec. asHlstant gen-'1"' i'"'-'Ker Denver & Rio Gradno; C. et-l lunmiger l'eni,hlvnnln. hollow , lnB. Rencntl manager Philadel- ii.w A M Srhnvnr. ten dent v centos- I""" ".-..uniu. " " -'"-" idenl IViiiiMlvania. face partly bidden r"' mnnagcr i.reat iNonnern. .. n. bv hat. 1". W Crice. general wipeiin- ni,,, Sunsct Central lines, and C. K. ion ii or iranspoilatlon C. & O.; A.jK""s. general manager Atchison. To- i!.ni.. iiuwii.inni i.t rnrnii-op si. l jiiiIm . Peka & Santa Fe. ....... .f,, ...-. ... ..w I Jv S..n 1'innclKco, lop row; C. L. Dnrdn.! Lower photo, reiiresentatlvcs L-nnnrnl iiiniincor N. Y.. N. H. &. H.. In 'Railway brothetlioods From left lichl suit: A. J. Stone, vice president1 right: 0. M. Rodger, Mr. Lewis. W.'Kelly. P. U Howard, Peter Kilduff anil Kile; li H. Coapmaii, vice president Jc Lee, president of the Ilrothcrhood F. S. Hvans of Railway Tiainmen; S. Veach, A. B. Ganet son, president of thu Order of Railway Conductois; W. J. Burke, AV. S Slone, grand chief of the Brotlier bood of Locomotive I.tiglnecrs; W. S. Carter, pict-ident of the Brotherhood I of Locomotive Firemen and Engine of men; William Parks, Mr. RIckert, Ucn lo'iy Huddle-iton, W. O. Van Pelt, O V. United Press Service 1 NDuy. Auk. 21 A dispatch front Athens says the Bulgarians and Greeks fcf-ve been flghtlu in the vicinity ol Sefre"rsrnce"yeatSidri'V.,v- " A number of Creeks have been I. fitd and the cozmnjuders have issdfd summons for the reserves. The allies are attacking the Bulgar ians along the entire front with much vigor. Montenegrin forces are rein forcing the Serbs in fighting the Bul garian left wing. It is believed that the Bulgarian right wing has entered Kavala. MEXICAN REVOLT R BELIEVED NEAR LCGALISTAS" IS NAME TO BE BORNE BY NEW PARTY, WHICH SEEKS UNITY AF ALL FAC TIONS OF MEXICO I United Piokb Sorvlco l 'l'., Ii.l.m II... ..... I,.Iiiu.ii U....I fitlitrit-O IllnoVH. W II. ... ........ ,... A.... on M.iniir.1 . .. . ' ', ll. i tiu- ...mm...., " -', - - . I-inil. I U. . itlh. ".- ..... ...... WW I a ..... . ... . ... t -"- "-... MaiHwrd Ik Iho plan on A. Honner Ih atlornoy ,or M..muo. mmi-inr of Intcilor under v "X me American Soda 1'rodurtn Ik alleged In tho complnlnl uiai mo ... .., "WX of Ban l-ninrlHco. of whlrh defendanta took tho motorcycle on former Piesldent 1-raneisco Mad.ro. John II. Bpn-cklea Jr Im Hl.loni. Julv 22.1. ' announced today that effortH aio being Railroad Presidents Appeal to Directors on Strike Questioi Few of Presidents Say Eight Hour Day Acceptable if Federal Control of Railroads is Substituted for State Regulation. United Press Service BERLIN, Aug. 22. A dispatch from Sofia announces that the Bulgarians havo captured five Greek towns. They have repulsed the English and French on the right bank of the Stru ma, have crossed the rier, and are ad vancing between the Struma and tho Mcsta. Yesterday the Bulgarians occupied I Zuezdabiolithea and Bresnltza. The Bulgarians and Germans have defeated both wings of the allied army In the Balkans, capturjng- French and Serbian positions. tr United Press Service) LONDON, Aug. 22 The Bntlsh havo advanced on a half mile front In the I western theater of the war, taking a highway junction nortnwest or ro- zieres. The British have extended their gains lo within 1.000 yards of Thlep-val. Nicke July 22.1. rson Denies That He Tolerates Gambling jimultt throughout Mexico to unite all 'factions of the country into ono patty. to bo known an "Legallslas United Press Service WASHINGTON, I). C, AiU. 2: Following nn all night session In .. ... i i .., i,.v.,m..ni to which Iho presidents ot tho railroads . , 1 0r the country could tench no decision, overth.ow tho Cairanza vernmcnt.jOn. United StatoH secret servico men aro U)(U ()cy wou,(J ml (he 8tr,k(, qllos. watching closely the actions or lend- tho d,rec(ora of the various . - J ... I I. .!.- Ik tttltl I cis of tnc movemeni now uvuik ; country. Wllor llctald; 'nyourlnKuoorihc Rven JOHNSON n, !,..... ... ."ui jn, laic, ,,, .... MtMo II V. - -'U. I IIIIIU t Uar.U .... b . "' "mo )u Hlalo llmt ouu Gil L ;ino.i my ni,,,.,, ' ,w 11.600 mid TO MEET HUGHES not resnoiiHlblo III any way for Iho filing lli.ial.1 holdup that took place, and I tlcslto II lo an aitlclo UHtlnctly undorHtood lt; "' ;:- lug cKinniiKniiieiii is no Kiuuiih j""'i uiwl Ihnrn Ih no Olio Oil Clll'tll. PXCCItt III! him lost outlaw, will gel on tho stand and hwc.ii- iinov over Kuniuieu ." i' WbiiB .i?Hl!lB '" mul to the1 Tho Hrllclo bh ii wholo is k fnbtlca H,",olhlnflhe kind Ih true, that lion wheroln It refers to mo or my "i II no aamhl.n- .... . . . ... i . i- ... n.har manner Hrmlti.,1 ."-"" " iioKor ptaying piace oi ou.iiiwn -.. -...-..-- ,.i,nd stiiteo eonn K ' "V eatabllHhment. and It than a respectable place of bus ness, tor I ii Hod IB ai ta toj MwSrl'.0 'b,nk that 'ln ver and as to me I am n law-abiding Amor- d-i.o f. . I ' P "ju. MfcfT"01!!'"" . MM lean cltUon, and my record In the past jno t .. ot to Wl.. UNABLE roads. Tho boards of directors hivo been leleginplied this fact. Their answers are expected lu Wash- '.HEARING ALLEGED GAMBLERS POSTPONED BY STIPULATION I ' Ileriiiibo It vvas necessary for Dis trict Atlomey It win to be nway from ilxlumath Falls lor several uy, . piellmlnnry hearing of Ell Nlckerson mri unvorni others on a charge of i'ACIUMENTO, Aug. 22. Governor Rumbling wits posiponeu uum ..sii-v Hlinm Jolinson, lepubllcan cnndldato 5Ut by Justice of tne reace .. vv. onator ana cau'ii- uowen mis niioi-nu. tOtnt on the pic-' Tne postponemcni wa iiuioicU i.t ....ii nAt mnnt TiiE.Hrt Attorney Irwin and W. . A. United Press Sorvlco ington tonight and tomorrow it Is' e.x epcted that tho final lesult will bo an nounced by tho presidents. Tho committee of the rtiilio.ul presi dents Is still conterring. Some of tho committee favor neceptnnco of an eight hour day with concessions to tho railroads, including a plan to prevent future strikes by nn Investigating committee, placing of the tailrotuH un ties fedorul Control, and eliminating ftate tcgulation. It is generally believed that willing- ness of tho Interstate Commorco Com mission to grant inte Increases if nn eu.ht hour tiny Is declared has lemov- id ono ot tho principal objections to such a day. Tho feeling in tho East i that the railroads eventually will yield. Tele-Trams fiom business firms ail over ll'ii country, urging tho railroads to iii:uul p.U for aibitration continue v.v po.it tnlo Washington. United Press Service PARIS, Aug. 22. The French have advanced on both sides of the Somme. progressing toward Clery. Trenches southwest of Estress and east of Soye coutt have been captured. 1220 Shipments Liquor Are Received This Year Since January 1, 1916, there has linen i.Tplvnl In Klamath county 1.220 One railroad president stated this ,...,.. ot intoxicating liquor. morning that if public Bentlment Mtp-1 to te recordg of County must give In. j01" ropoits by Wells Fargo & Co. President Wilson is ready to meet , nr.d the Southern pacinc company. the presidents and receive the reports Wells Fargo & Co. has received With 62 snipmema. " rj Ii the many boards of director.' 1.100 consignments at Klamath Falls company J. second with 250 mr j I. lk tvntit i?liHs.iU lli.ntu - -'- "-' -.,- ,. . . "IntheJhLi, ullngabout,0f,ln'J lean cltlion, ana my rocoru ... "-" --" neB , Sncramento to- Konncr, who appears ror mcKerson. a we short time that I hav Mn will bear your Inspection, and I can Ciiarlcs L. uugnts S, tw, .;., sariMsr Sr.wav: "sam-. -SSEEwr- rz v. - wi inn iioiu nr nil tan n a am ! mv iniiiiiii.ii iih -. - . . .. a.. "Mil thai ,7 ... .' "" "" "'...' u.nin.-. The lepubllcan county cuau -" UID I II li lll.llnil. VI 1 .. . . a. ab.. ut.iHAAl , I"fcJ- ka ttx n . . . mtn ele ta ,ne Wor,d( nnd I utii Vl NICKBR80N. lnwn will Pieblde at the meeting. 'chants. George Elliott left this morning for He has Indicated that ne nas no oww ,... -. - B1? with .floud o! ffelght for B.y mer-lthan id, original proposal for - , ment ot the controversy, jdlffoient shipments of liquor to Klam- 'innza. 19 ati Falls and three shipments lo Mid ltnd. Kesldes the above consignments, drug companies of Klamath county have shipped in 1.088 consignments of ethyl alcohol for prescription and sci entific purposes since Oregon wont, ,1,,. iTnriarnrond'B nharmacy leads vii . w ' .. - .- JC rx 1 ' iVtIj - r-.,a wl fisTrl wH.ftV5 fca- '