-n t jM fevmina Iteratf KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER V, mvwtb Yc.r-No. 3,076 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 21, 1916. Fries Five Cants RAILROADS MIGHT MOVE FROM STAND ...,.eu OTHER RAILROAD rgum"" PRESIDENTS ARRIVE Whole Economic Movement of the formulate) a final answer -lo Wilson's pioposnl. In Itio conference with the rullrontl heads Inn provident wiiile nn Impas Moncd i"jiciil to IiIh homers "to l-ei tlio iiilltimilti Miniilni:. mil only for tin l.ltOICMlH Hi tills l-nilliliy. Iml In outer tlio (IciimtulH of (lit) fiillri) BEND GETTING RIGHT OF WHY DEEDS FOR ROAD WORK Itf BEING HURRIED COMMITTEE IN CHARGE BY Tlmii li 'r EIBhl Hour Day'" "y '" mrrl N.UM.1 Chief E,.cut.veBrother-( ( h ncHiK m( ,in htedi Are Patiently Wslllng, Feel- I'li-Hldrnls have reached it point whem II"'. are toady In consider iind 1Jh. , Thiy Hve won vr.i.on -n lH( dft((() mi( ,roIOHnH Eight Hour Day. LBltcd Mt Hervlco WA8IIIN0TON. I ', Aug 21' COUNTY IS SUED BY JOHN I RWIN FOR 1911.10, OR SUM OF FOUR CLAIMS FOR SERVICES IN STAMPING OUT VIOLATIONS OF DRV LAWS The whole rcommili nmxenieiil of the HmMfMitid to point to '" Hunt-hour, djy," Mid Prwldrnl Wilson today. It ' L, no bcllexH Hint tin- demand of. lb rallroadu for aihltniiloii will not A8Kfl molt me prcaiuriu j following Ihr iirrl.il of I he four Inn railroad prPKlilcnlH siittimotieil Saturday, President WIIkoii ml In! all the prrMenln t" tlio White- House Ihlnj illMnoon. Altliouph the- situation Im, , pprcntlr Irrrronrltnlilp. there i.i , .ani.Uk.blr feeling In Washington KUtMih C0M ,, nm,,f ,,r(endllI(, (kit . strike mil He nwled. The , , for,uo ,, , (h0 cr. bratherbooeji arp awaiting the reault ... . , rodent Wilson's attempt si a ruU l0Urt ,w1"y by J"hn ,rw,' "- ellltmml before sctlng Apparenlly ,r,tl "Horney lor Ibis county. Mr. ikejr ire MllnDeil Hint Ihey have won Ir'vln sets lorth lour separate cauiies Wllwn'n aupnorl of Hip eight-hour day. 0 action. in pirate rtalcroen.a Inn railroad Vw ,. m( ()f o pmldnts Indleatp Hint tlio nillrnndii , .. nltbt be moved from thrlr present do- ,,f DB coun'' court ,0 " " '' lilon,indreoiiiiilliiK public opinion t'lmrlw 1). Wynn. Charles A. Otis. Jas on th control cnty. I II. Moore and Kvelyn C. Ilardln for Her- Replrlo lo one or litnulrnlK of We-i .,. M Mcn, by iiHtrlct Attorney pamn from bulnes firm., urging arhl- , Hecurlnif evidence against liitlon. President Wilson said this 0alora of the dry laws or Oregon. Donlailhat mm- Hint iiiPtlioelx hr hH Tho cMmH wcre flIwJ , Juy ,, N. trWtppear lo haw fnllpd In actlllnK allowed by the county court. All four the conlroen.y, hp lx i.iovIiik to r iiiem hvii hi.n alimi in nuniri ilrmsthrn tho prlnrlplo of arhltra- Aiiornev Irwin r.r . v.h.Hhin .i,i. prcKpnt ntiitlon, accordlitK to tho complaint. The claim aaalcned by Wynn Ih for 33f. by Otlie 1272. by Mooro 1167 10. unit l llanlln $75, W II, A. Itcnne-r Ih attorney for crops, i.wi,. move, Oend People Hope to Have All Right of Way Between Bend and Riley Se cured When Strahorn Returns There From Klamath Falls Committee Is Seeing the Farmers Personally to Get the Deeds. Hughes Reading Durand Letter in Minneapolis (Herald Special Service) HKNI). Au. 21.-Thl city IntendH to hap dccdH feigned up for the entire rlKhl of way from Demi to nilcy when Hohert K. Ktmhorn, builder of the pro- jiohciI Central Oregon railroad, ret urn t from Klninntb Kallx. The) ork of getting the farmer and other InmlowneiH Blong the right of n lo Hgn up deedii for thin land linn hi'pn begun with hchI. The committees In rh.tr kp of ndvancing IIiIh work will, cover Ihr territory In pernon. It will J ho the effort of IheiTe men to be able io nay to ir. hi ra Horn when ho re- tiirnn that (he right of way hate been accured. Knnnera Ihioughout the nectlon tra- orrd by the road nrc nlgnlfyinx their wllllngneHH In nlgn the decde, and no1 difficulty Ih pxpecletl in IIiIh regard. Mend Iihh voted bondn for obtaining light of way through tho town, and Hip Hon that ollunlleins tiki one nui)' not arl.-c acnln CoKtrnraenl reporlH Indlruln that If iitrlke In called the Iomh will bo in millions of dollurx Ihrexiuh liuihllllv In more train nnit twtrUtiniiin ,.r..tu I Cropn are Jul ticnlniilni; to uclorifn would be forcwl lo elono throuth Inability In get raw material ndnioveawny Hie nnlxlicd product. t I bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbT? 'Cw7bV m bbHIbbLHi:.:4';;iI I BLVsssssssssskssssssw J'H m SMlBBBBBBBBBBBasssssWlif '?r41a PJ BBBBKBBBBBlBBBBBHB'-i'5i.Si 1 1 ' ill IiIbIIbM 1&iBBBBBBBBlBaBBBBBBBBBBB .-. snvAIBssssssssssssssssB J9Ev 'bbbbbbbbbbbI aaV-7'!,"",,,,,l,,,,TBBBBBBBBB .JSW.NIiA'.VjSM '-J.--, aBBBBBBBBBBl i xrt,'T-'mam WzwJjtu&zfwm i '-': ::::-:rMMmm tim :rt j&IZ "XiniiMrsHMBBslsVslsssssBS SBBBI SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT' ". " CT .'. 7 J, 'dBSBSBBBBBBBBBBBL ,SBBBBBBBBBBBBBr4SHSa ASBBSaSBBBKaSBSSBEaSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV I ir.Kl'wLZammB, I V isMbbbbWbt iirrii wSGkwzB i I 4dslsBBBV;ABlsl2BBBH ' ssssssssssBssv?aawsssssw?ssVBisMSBBa a U BBBBBfiBVBBBVasUIBl X BsVkVsVslBVsVBlHsVFf JslBfsaslBVkWBVB H - - - f ..-, BULGARIANS ARE ON BALKAN OFFENSIVE FIVE ARRESTED FOR GMMG NEGRO WHO CONDUCTED JOINT, WHITE PELICAN PORTER, AND THREE GREEKS MUST FACE OAMBLING CHARGE GREEK CABINET CONFERS WITH ALLIED COMMANDER8 Fighting on a Fifteen Mile Front, ths Bulgarians Are Within Ten Miles of Kavalo Russians Capture Series of of Fortified Positions In Caususus Mountains, and Take Great Many Prisoners. (.'barged with gambling, Matt Cook and Eli Nickerson, negroes, and John Plnioni, A. Dnreocch and John To nctll, ItnllanK, were arrested ye&ter ild information for the arrest of . tw o other persons, who It ia alleged havn been gambling, has been tswom I United Press Service SALONIKA, Aug. 21. The Bulgar ians are advancing south of Fiorina, Greece, on a fifteen mile front, despite a determined Serbian resistance. The Serbs have repulsed a Bulgarian offensive along the Monastir-Salonlkn railroad. j inciu ia luucBsaui BKirmismnK wun j I'nlted Press Service fe, but these men have not been ar- the allies west of Lake Doiran. rested. T'lirt I hfnMtin! Inn n twttne-i ill IKaua ...c ...... 6.ov .. c ATHENS, Aug. 21.-The Bulgarians men was sworn to by William Gildon.Jarc rePortcd within ten miles of Ra the negro who held up the poker Joint valo in their advance on the allies' 'conducted by Nickerson on west Main . r'sht wing. street. Glldon was arrested at Weed The lc,abinet of c Gek Teni- , , . . .. ment this morning conferred with tl- Saturday on a charge of robbery. UiIled commanders because of the Bul ls believed that he will testify against garian advance into Greek territory- h?D ggcfefetursvE This photograph shows Charles ..... . t IIiIh nlHfl will lie HlL-nnl m. h .,. " re an auuionce or lu.oou or his position. Secretary of Commerpo possible. .at ,ho Pnrade Krounds, Minneapolis, nedflcld had denied Mr. Hughes' first milling mo leuer or K. Dana Durand, statement that Mr. Durand -WajTcils- . former superintendent of the cenrnjs ' mlHHe.i from iho fnHnmi nu BRUSH CRUISER Tiilted Prena Bcrvlco WASHINGTON. I), f ' . Auc. 21 (Utr)-Followlni! the innferenen Ilk Prexldent Wllnon. m rallro.nl Prwldtntn went Into nonet session to Seven Killed In Explosion United Press Sen-ice. JACKSON, Tenn., Aug. 21. Soei perptma are dead and two Injured ae n result of the explosion of threo boltcra In it. local factory. The plant whh com PlPlely wrecked and windows for half a pillu nround were broken. bath Falls Wins 14 l 3 in a Clean Struggle Seventei 'w Weillv"l0H?a,"WPrn '"" many""pl y Carman, and scored on a I... .. yCMPlllltl, TllPSn nnllrtd n....,l k.lt t.. ll. u.l Innlnr. 11 In. fourteei nOlloel iiuuma.I tinlt lii IIia uAf-fkti,l Intilnir lllf. iWHHn mn. li. .. . nnii, uniii ... ,..u ..v...... n'-n tadiMt i!i yH of thobeo waa walked by his former college lbe mn, Z , l,,,!,W ,Mlt over but nwle, Tcurck. and scored when J. bits "Ul" Kiner nut six "' wntleman y imi.i,,. i i... .. ..... ,r,w' both teams V ' P "y Jflit ihM i ' "'" ""'Plro waa JW'nrouKhout a, ,.,. H,.B. ImiZJ.. Johnson and Clarke drove ono each Into left field. Weed annexed u score In tbla slant on hits by Sheeny and Crcmer, and a wild throw over third .by Nelson. Three moio runs were reglsteied In Irion I I " jinn inirn uivisiun en eim uiiiun u m mien, M ,,., . 'wiinsi sucn rrnrn mt Kf0 i,0wh by nogurl, IliR- "Wis unlfn, : J 1" r ,h0 KI,UM' bee. McCaffery and J. Johnson. Wood s mediocre lii,, . yM "P' AM no,nlnK thlH lnnin" nor un,u iw i n result of ih ninin, wnen iiikdco easou up anu ai- rlN In ih JTP ,my bo ox- lowed two hits, wlilch netted two three of tho four fet Hint Weed llllS nma nfl nrarl nml Nnlunn hllil Kl"lh Mb I,,."'" ""!rrH' wh,, made Holding errors. iiiht, I (MIICK liful i. . ' n miin 'i'mi..i. i....i .......... . LwwwkonAv.. i.. "vn """ Hul Klnmnlh Knlls kept right on pit- "otprenncel Vt Z ,' . . "'Bb('6 ,n P . Two moro wore added fthew. .. ' " r,"','', ,,y v or the fifth Innlna on hlta by Nelson. iddlllon or im . . Plpbee, J. Johnson anil Clarke. In tho snu. " J0'm Johnston ami -.... . j . . ""tm,, " " Kl!,m,lth F pan when J. Johnson lived on a field- l). u..." " OtTeiiHlio h uroui ... . .-..- m .v til-. "11101100 wan ,i i. i . w error anu umrac, i, juinmnii, m- lWniM, . 'al bnt Ave times K0. McCaffery and J. Johnson hit :? wa nn L .? b,nR,0H''fcly. J. Johnson and Clarke batted T" hit. n,u mtf nnd twice In this Inning, eleven men facing Hhtt field 'u ui . P7P,nned Teurck nd Anthony, who relieved "''IntheMnSn Sltht Teureh before the carnage became W..h , " "neuP nt Aunday . M. iemn.rr.y8ne- is.;::: SUNK NORTH SEA TORPEDOED WHEN ON EXPEDI TION TO SEE IF FIFTEEN GER MAN WARSHIPS WERE IN VICIN- ITY OF WHITE BANK the alleged gamblers in hopes of get ting a lighter sentence himself. Glldon played In the poker games often before the holdup and It Is said E. In which he stated he was forced out had Io8t heavily. That Is the reason generally ascribed for tbe robbery. The hearing of Cook, Nickerson, dlsRIToniBanoccn 4, JQMtti haa been set for 2 o'clock tomorrow after- Kavalo is eighteen miles west of the Bulgarian border. United Press Sorvice LONDON, Aug. 21. Tbe British light cruisers Nottingham and Fal mouth were sunk In the North Sea Sat urday. Tho cruisers were torpedoed when on a scouting expedition seeking to orlfy rumors of the presenco of fifteen Geramn warships In tho vicinity of While Hank. Another cruiser Is believed to hnvo been sunk by a submarine after it had lammeil the underwater boat. ENGLAND IS NOT BLOCK TO PEACE PREMIER ASQUITH DECLARES THAT GERMANY HA8 NOT 8HOWN DE8IRK FOR PEACE AC CEPTABLE TO ALLIES Dr. Loveland Delivers Appreciated Address Treating the subject, "Tho World done until petty dcnoralnationalism is Situation," Dr. Frank Iceland, cele- dit-caided and modern conditions nro brnted pastor nnd lecturer of Portland, jm!," paid Dr. Loteland. gave what is said by many people to bo the best address cer delivered In Klamath Falls, last evening at Hous ton's opera house. Tiemendous mag netic personality, combined with great oratorical ability and unquestionable grasp of his Minjecl, enabled him for an hour and a half lo lead his aurjj ence spell bemud through his elis course. On the cigo of tc.iih one Instant, Dr. Io eland's hearers shook the i aft ers of Iho house with their howls of merriment (he next. His humoious ar raignment of Rev. George H. Feese, W. A. Deliell, Will Baldwin and Dr. It. It. Hamilton, with whom lie has spent the past week deer hunting, was much on joyed. Attention was called by Dr. Love land to tho wt changes brought about by tho inventions of the past generation, nnd tho adjustments neces sary to meet condition of the futuie. "This country has :i million mine fertile acres .than any other continent, nnd 78 per cent of tho fresh water of Iho world," said Dr. Lenolnnd. "Flesh Dr. noon. Nickerson and Barsocch are out on bonds. Sheriff C. C. Low says the district attorney's office and the police department- co-operating with the sheriff's office, are determined to stamp out gambling in Klamath Falls. They have been aware of the fact that gambling has been going on for some time, but delayed making any arrests until such evidence was collected as they be lieved would bring a conviction. United Press Service , BERLIN, Aug. 21. The Bulgarians bave captured the Serbian positions at Malkanlsze Plantna. They have also captured Vichillla, southeast of Florin. ' - ... 3 tv FRAUD CHARGED IN PANAMA ELECTION T T aIu nA wnu 1st I ti1nnn.l ! saws vinuvi t no 11IW UUUtTU U) ., . . - Judge George r. BahUin .Prayer ivalTJ WASHNOTONp D. c. Aug. 21. oire.e, by Rev. George H. Feese A fecrretary of state Lansing today ad. qua. let composed of Mm V. T. Mot- e , u ngcnarges srhpnbacher. Mrs. B & Thomas V. T. )n N'o'pchenhacher and M. R. McFerr n , ,,,j. ,. .., n.i , , , . .of Ramon Valdez as the new prebt- furnished music. i . , . ' i dent of Panama. li is reported that the United States might not recognize Valdez it the charges arc proved. KILLS BUCK HE HUNTED 8 YEARS United Press Service PETROGRAD. Aug. 21. The Rus sians have advanced north of East Kovel, and are progressing in the vi cinity of Toboly and of Rudkacer wische. The Russians bave captured a series of fortified heights in the Dlarbeklr re gion, in the Caucusus Mountains, tak ing many prisoners. United Press Service PARIS, Aug. 21. A German attempt by using liquid fire to recapture Fleury bas been repulsed. The French hold practically all of Maurepas. Artillering along the Sonune is active. I i United Press Service LONDON, Aug. 21. General Halg reports that three German attacks on the Foureaux wood have been repulsed with heavy losses to the Teutons. German attacks northeast of Hull--uch have been turned back. BIG BUCK KNOWN BY TRACK v MADE BY MISSING TOE WEIGH. ED 223 POUNDS BEFORE BEING DRESSED Battleground of Fight Will Be Middle West PORTLAND. Aug. 21. "The fight ing ground in the presidential cam pnlgn this fall is going to be the dls tiict between the Ohio River and the The laigest buck deer that has been Killed this season fell before Robert Sloan Inst week. The deer was Killed Rocky Mountains," said Nicholas Mur-1 four years hence, water und fertile land furnish Iho on Buck mountain, and weighed 22S ,ay nutter, when In Portland a few source of food supply, and this in tuin ! rounds before II was dressed. It Is ,lys go on an auto tour of the United the laigest deer oxer killed in tho states. Vicinity of Buck Mountain. 1 Mr. Butler, who besides being presl- Sloan has hunted this bucWor eight dent of Columbia University, Is one of ( win elections that way, determines tho center of population. Therefore it Is evident that tho great est of our woild pioblems must bn worked out on our own homo ground. Civilization has brought tho world so LONDON. Aug. 21. Answering Iho clmigo of tho German government that ICnglund has prevented all moves for ...iin HitiI hnvo hnnu made since the war began, Premier Asqulth In the close together that no activity In any j hunted, becauso n too on ono foot waa he sees, him battling hU way Into 20 per cent will honestly back Wilson, and the remaining 10 per cent will take a middle road course designed to keep tbe party alive for an exigency That doesn't mean however, that you can take tho Tatt vote and the Roosevelt voto and beat Wilson by adding them together. That is newspaper office politics. You can't It's goitng to house of commons said Germany has shown no disposition toward peace ex ropt on terms dishonorable and humil iating to sonio of the allies. . m MRS. A. D. SLACK DIE8 AT BLACKBURN H08PITAL Mrs. Ida L. Slack, wife of A. D. Slack of Bonanza, died at the Black- turn hospital yesterday' afternoon at 6 o'clock. Mrs. Slack had been 111 for caiH. Ho Is positive the buck no the country's leading repuollcans, aooa Killed is the same ono lie has always not bee Mr. Hughes winning In a walk: portion of it cannot be without effect upon tho rest. "The Script in al passage wherein, nnd contentment is advocated by St. Paul deer while whh commented upon by the speaker, buck. bioKen off. For eight ears ho baa neon the track made by a short toe, never would be shoot another Washington after a stirring campaign in the Middle West. Stlirlng is tho right word there, ac- "w setiin. ' I Aa Teurch was chased to the bench, BoVZ n ,hrc Pitched bais .IT , T , ,r ' L, . The deceased was 52 years of age, nrZ? Wl a nleTll S UUA in bow,B ,n 80Ven nnd ft Th funoral will be held at Bonanza to. .TcUTrr z "E r;r 8nd rccenuy underwent " 'Mllr.a "!f JohnBon. eng m.ver.. H. w.. .ithee .ore. or ills- operation. ""hortfoi- 'Wo socks. Hews. ..1. Concluded on Page 3 morrow uftornoou at 2 o'clock. who declared that he sometimes wlBhos it had never been written. Con tentment and 'mossbackism,' a willing ness to proceed along the old lines of provincialism when new paths must bo marked out, is one of the most serious problems this age has to faco. "In our religious life, the Christian with the flintlock of our grandfathers Sloan has hired mount the head. Walter Donart to on tho track of this bl cording to Mr. Butler, for the prosper ious Kansans and Indianans and Ne- biuskans right now are feeling full and t atisfled, and lethargic. They must be wakened up. "Mr. Hughes doesn't need to worry about the Pacific Coast," he said at bis rooms in the Benson hotel, Carnegie's Condition Feeble United Press Service BAR HARBOR, Me.,'Aug. 21. An drew Carnegie was in feeble coudl-, carry the Coast by a substantial, sta tion when he came ashore today from jorlty. He will get the republican vote his yacht. Ho told his friends that he and probably 80 per cent of the pro- Is attempting to battlo the forces o did not feel sick, but only tired. His gresslve vote "In the country at large Satan, equipped with Mausers and tbe physicians remain within calling dls- I estimate that probably 70 per cent of Gutllng gun. No effective work can be tance. the progressive vote will go to Hughes, ... i be a close fight. - "The trouble is that in the Middle West the people are prosperous with this war-mado prosperity. They are satisfied. They don't care a hang nhnnt npAnanulnnna fnr thft most D&Tt ! And again they have the feeling that Wilson kept us out of war." Tho .ery idea brought Mr. Butler to a halt up and down tbe room. To him the Idea was preposterous. "I think It was God Almighty!" he continued sharply. "Hub! I must say "He will f that I dont thlnlt that Mr. Wltaoa real Ized it I don't think that any presi dent could realize It and do itV-hu those verbal controversies which ho carried on with Germany were almost divinely put together to get tu Into war." If 2 "- tl 'tl 1 ' J V. hi1 'I MJ-fLl r . ? fv. St