"l t lEuntnn Herald KLAMATH COUNTY'S KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Ev,nth Year-No. 3,075 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 1916. Elivcmn .-- ! n.o, vsnwii, ort i unufti , AUUUbi lu, 1916. Price Five Canta WILSON SAYS EIGHT HOUR DAY IS RIGHT COiJ uk THINKS 8 HOUR DAY IS JUST BASIS OF WAGES1 Republican Candidate Has Big Crowds in Detroit -S. ,. MWMMWM.II. , - . WWH. . . .,..,.,.... W., - -.-.-.-L-L- JL L . j TtttaTaHmmmzmrmmi&siaa MORE RAILROAD HLADS INVITED TO CONri.UCNCC IrWrtUte Commerce Commlnslon May Clve Fair Consideration to Tarllf II Eight Hour Day l Adopted Impsr. tlal Committee May Investigate the Effects of Shorter Work Day In In. tret of Settlement. foiled Vtt Service WASIIINO'ION. II ' U Infuitil fioin Hie . Auk 19 statement country. It Ik MIKKCHlnl Unit til" president ll njifoliil mi Impartial loinmlltei) lit, lncMlpti' IIiIh mutter mtil report to concrrim. Kllher Hide I hen will bit illownl lu kin' mil U ii of termination ill the acrtiiiu'iil, ami Invito Iwiulrleii fur ailjuitmrnt. "This lnn m t'tim Id inn u thorough Iy iractlcnl ami riiilirly fair program, irnl I think tlu public has a right In lHCt lilt IKCtptaillO," Mllllt President Wilson. The pmdili at' stnlciticnt n Is mm! alur Ilic various ralliitail irtl Menu hml told lilin that llicy will ron llnui to nk for nrlillrallnn of tint con- win), mill Hint the) illil nut bellevn ,vvr?&fryx;";,TT?Zfil22crsz : Mou.n day :i . ito washing-ion. n c. Aug u, "?&W $&&T$W I'lesldent WII-..I. I I.I,. inurnliiKO &2rf !$& P&B&fiS .ont.memv Mh,.,ii llin tall 4)1 ?M 1ffi SSIJ I.H..IH H...I ll.,. ..,U)..H $WSMmW$m .nml,,,. I ...., ,.oa,.a of ..an 'WAV U f A IM8 4H5WfWP H,:h. ....... ..a,. h a u. ,. rS7r , 'M feM ifl&S;If5& I at .i,'m-i.i r.n ii ur .la t vT f ?&? KAttVhPWzJ&&s ' In all ...IhIIhk ,...Um ,! Wi fcVT. WiHTOCllr I llntiil tin. iomMHHlon Im rlKlit. LSSBr .fcV fcOK-Wj'atJ ar - . , .. asaaaEV aA"SMgr '&i ' aJZ?mKrt&rr'm&M&&mm x !ww Tti' ' 4Hie? ci. wKSrV Vljli Jf jafftJbw DAMAGE FROM HURRICANE IS IN THE MILLIONS RAILROADS, CROPS AND SHIP. PING SUFFER IN DISASTER ! ....ri. ..i umUmii Imkiii'iI IIiIh imilii ..... I........... f, ...' "An iilKhl liinir .lay iimlmili inc. "" " ! . i. ui.... .. it. ..In. fi.lr i tiiiHtdifrii. I V 7 J ,1 ir ii, ..L.i.i lu.i.r1 JKi-nl .or m.rloty, anil hIiuiiIiI ton orate nrii'HHcn If tlm I'lKl. t Hour. ua' '""" I ul. nrlm.1 Iy Ill.tV lll.H tl.O HIIIHlloll of (hit wik In Im itnnn i annul lie i nuiplctnl ultliln cIkI.I l.i.urn " NEGRO ROBBER CAUGHT AT WEED William Cll.lon, tlm iii'khi liootl.lnclt win. I.tiikn tip n poki'i k.iiui anil rob I " 'i ii"' I'Hijrin in mr mi Ml ii.H'ii he hail light to intk Hum to nltm- w,. 'niiim.liij n);,(, MH ,. ,. Ion thin m.in.1 I'l.-Mlil.nt WIIkoii Iiii.i' n.M,., l WitiI I.) J. IKk)ciir, con tlriiltorou.li.il mo. n mil. im.l pi ril-J h, unit plaic D.-put) .Sli.MlrT iliiitu, imkliiK tin in to lonm In Wimli- ,j, ,w. left on tin. noon l.uln to InRtim for II rimfllilllf. Tlllh lirtlllll ....I Cll.lon. im, ulll rnlnr.i IIiIh lwh. I -" - -.-.. .S -I Ktf&V m&MMTMmmmmm xtjrx&jz.vizziz;. V" ." -s- Sii"- ""fci rvjfww z.yy?r?r'sei. ?firJ aJk In olio ini'vlliiK In Detroit Ills flrKt top In I.Ik iirfHldvntl.il campaign tour Cliarlort C. HugheB, the republiein candidate Tor president spoke to l.i.WH) pfiHuim. Tln-y Katlicri-.l about one of the larRe automobile CHtabliHlimcntK to listen to him. The small coveied pah lion in the center of the crowd lnmh Ilic speaker's stand. 30,000 Militiamen Njar BrownivlHe Escape Without Loss of Life, But Tents Are Blown Down Loss of Life Confined to Crew of 8teamer Wrecked In Storm Hundred Mile Belt Is Swept BASEBALL TRAIN LEAVES DEPOT AT i 8 TOMORROW Trenches at Maurepas Captured by Germans folluKH ihu ri'iniKfiilallou of Hie mil ! , I iik ulth tint nilsoner. toul pir-MiluilH now In WiinIiIiikIiiii The telegram fiom Constable, Lock tMlhf) ioiiIiI nit mil) for their nun ,.r sa)s (lll.lon went from Klamath mi' j Tails to Merrill Thuis.la) iiIkIH. and rrwldont WlUon Is determined. In hIii)iI lu .Merrill until noon. Ho then andU- the hltuatimi u may foimu-. walked to a small stallon near limy, Wca new iiriipiwitloii to piesi-nt to hu hit boarded llin train for Weed, both xldM, but It In not bellmed tint .When arrested b CiniHtnblii I.ork Ite mllroiulK will lomeil.t to an flr.lit jwir ifuwit of the nione) anil walthea Lnnr H.ii tinin r...i .. ' ....., unimiiKai.oii o. . xm-i,. round m inn prison ""ju.iiiiun.ion nan in en made. LCAVES WEED ON RETURN C:30 IN THE EVENING AT Spreckles Party Visits Klamath ohn D. S.rrkp-i ,lr, presi.teut of "'f American Soda I'lo.luets lompauy "Ran I'lniirlmo. , Youiik, man- "f'f "f Ihn saiiu iu,, and sev- 'Wlolherainiiipos. a paily w, ,! f"w Mi) fun,, iMkeWiiw, and will ax-Hundi) r..r . South. Mr.rckleslslni,.iesled in nxteti ''rodi(l,.poH , AM ,-H,(0 , ;" iounl, !., , ,, ,K.C -iiuiK dm Irwlns Return. Mr. ami Mrs, John It w In hae iu (.lined fl olu I'oillanil, whole Mis. Irwin was operated upon. II Is be lieved thai her nfTllrtlnu has bcci ie mined, and that luir lompletn ieio- Round Trip Fare Is $3.45, and Admls slon to Game Is 50 Cents Interest In Game Is at High Pitch Because of Record of Each Team, and Be cause Championship Hangs on the Result of the Game. GERMAN GUNS OUT-RANGED VERDUN BATTLE IN Russians Penetrate German Lines at Two Points and Capture Toboly and Prlpct Marsh German Asaults to Northwest of Verdun Are Repulsed. London Claims Important Gains Alond the Somme. United I'rcsw Senile PARIS. Auk 19 It is official!) ad mitted that the Germans li.no cap- The tialn carrjItiR local fans to the Wied Klamath r.illfl baseball k.iuio at .iO Ii Imminent. Shu ii icKalnlnr.. Weed lomnrioxv positively will leave tuied a poitinti or (tie trenebea north welKlit and has a koo.I appetite. Mr.1 (,mollmv morning at 8 o'clock. Jte 'of Mnuipp.is, as a lesult of a Belles of Mini Mis. Iiwln went liuompunled . , , .. , ,, . , , Ki,,i,.mi i-n.in.iis on llie now 1'ionrli .... ..... tin n ni: in the evenlnu llin tl.iln pnsl- vnneni imin.eis on tin new i uiilii linino h) Hi.) roimeirt niece, ftlltiH, - . . ... iiimIIIiiiis. lllsewlime all ('.cumin at- ' " jil.i.ut an hour and thieeiiuaileis nf- Ml. and Mis. S V. Itiliioiu.lis "fi.'i llio khiiui is over. .'ii Aiif,eleti, i.n.ved IiihI iiIkIiI t.) fill i annouiirement was made this M Wina I.ouls or D.i) Ion, Olefin ln- r.nlonioblle. lacks have been lepuNed. Ileav) artlllei)lnK is takiiiK place nt II)llo)-i:saiitein and at Kstiees. (iurman assaullh noithwest of Vei- Tiny slopped a weelc III iiioinlnK by Oscar U. Wllley, sceretaiy uu jlim, i)t.Pn lt.puNfd. In the fklit PIOlU'll). Hunt Crouie, I! i . ,""'"' I. Van lllper will lUlllllIK KlOtlSt). 'I'tnd lomorimv il'o Vosomlt.) on thn wn up. Mm. f Hi,, Klamath Palls Ilaseball Club. iib aiound Verdun the allies am usIhr J6-lnt.li Kims, which throw misMes wcighltiK a ton. The German hi esc guns aie being out-ranged. United Tresa Service 1'irritOGIlAD, Auk. IU, Klght Teu ton attacks, following u heavy bom baulmcnt on Svinchl, have been re pulsed. i;.i.M of Kovel fierce fighting has been resumed after a lull in activities. Elsewhere the ltu.jsl.ins arc press ing their advance. Important positions on l'rlpet marsh and northeast of Kovel hnvo been cap tured. . Along the Stochod Uiver the Ilus- slans have penetinted Ilic German line:, rapturing Tobol) and advanting considcinbly. SUCCESS LABOR AND CAPITAL IS ' SAME-HUGHES SPEAKES BEFORE 1,000 EMPLOYES IRON WORKS United Press Service DALLAS, Tex.. Aug. 19. With com munications resumed, it is isdicated that the hurricane which swept this section yesterday and last night caused damage amounting to millions of dollars to crops, railroads and ship ping. The only loss of life is the crew of the steamer Pilot Boy, which was wrecked yesterday. It is believed that the storm sub sided fifty miles northeast of Eagle Pass. No report has been received today from Corpus Christ!, where it is be lieved the damage was worst No loss of life has been 'reported from Brownsville, where' 30,000 militiamen were camped. Tents of the militiamen were blown down and the men forced to move. The hurricane caused ruin from the Gulf of Mexico to a point 100 miles up the Rio Grande. Says United States Cannot Afford a Prosperity Dependent on War in Other Countries "Country Must Have Contented Workingmen, Who Have a Share In the National Prosperity." It'll itiili:liH foimeil) was Miss Geneva WllU'ihon of Langell Valley. Tho.v nlil i.peml miiiio Hum heio visiting lelallvis. Mr. lltr.iouglis Is a South em I'uclflc I'liRlntin' nl Los Angeles. United Press Service LONDON, Aug. 13. The Biitish. in striking at the Geiman lines along the noi Hi Somme, have made import ant gains along this fiont. They have L.ipluied the outskirts of Guillemonti and aio advancing on a hall mile fiont between Ovilleis and Thiepval. United Press Service ' SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 19. "This tountiy cannot afford to have a pi As perity dependent on war abroad," said Charles E. Hughes, republican candi date for President, in discussing the tariff before 1,000 employes of the Union Iron Works today. "There is no such a thing as success of labor without success of capital, nor can there be success of capital without success of labor. "Thib country musUhave contented workingmen, treated justly, and they must have a share in the national prosperity." Mr. Hughes advocated old age pen sions and co-operation of labor and capital. "We have, everything nature could give to make a prosperous nation, but we must have the spirit of co-operation and get-together," said Mr. Hughes. "This is no place tor idlers. All of us ought to join to make America gieat." Committees Are Named tor Securing Railroad . follroi a "Cy """0 C" (,I0,IHU,-',,. W. R. Wlloy, u local alloine), -mil Ii j 8r"A' L l''avllt mid Dr. It', fuinierly counsll for tho United Slates Johnson, formerly president of n.o rr,"mi,llon o'vli': K llradbuiy, a llnth Commercia, Club h.iv wJ,',inu,r pou,n of Klamath Kails, -ind ""WMIhe comr '"T J" inert II Wllhiow, a member of the 'l,confUrtftr il th0 bont,KI.-nittth County Abstiact company, lrW from ku ut0 bu,ld the " nuve uccn uumod us the committee on 0rctbeck and i . Fa,,B to non, rljtbt of way for tho now railroad, 't Ike le. caulu Bre WH versed I Thoso commltteoa were selected by k.... . ,Bal Problema l.,u...i.. l. ... . .. .!-. ti election i , "in a, v, oiemens, .. it. iieniui'o iiuu v,. m, Mil add who had rhaigo of lianspoilatlon ar-j langements for Hiu game tomoiiovv Vvvo or thieo extra coaches will bo aitarhed to Ihn icgular tialn to ac commodate the fans going to Weed. Iletuinlng u special tialn will leave Weed .at CiilO, aniving heio about it) o'i lotk lomoirnw evening. Tho loimd hip faio will be ViAB. Inlmest lu tho gamo tomoiiovv is keener than that In piobubly any . hiu., .h. a u.,t. wim Tim (lmninlntmliln oi No.the.n Callfornln and Southern lur "f lhu ri,Ht M',lhoUlst ?1XUVU f rv. ........ lu nl ulnlrn l.'ncll Innni linn ! ' OrlllllHl derealed imny team It has played this, Houston's opera house Sunday even wihoii. CoIIobo stars and bush league ?. t 8 o'clock. '1 ho meeting is bo- OR. LOVELAND -SPEAKS SUNDAY Rev. 1'i.iiik 1.. Loveland, 1). D., pas- will make an address at iuf! anangeil by tho local chuiches, in a, bo uni ... '' Jt'"'n h n CrlHlnr, Iho connnltloe hnvlng clinrge Wtlee, u zeal w com-'of till woilt connected with Becmliig tho ralhoad. i-c . .....1III..U I'linninun hrtlll Ipil.tlH. IlliUiitin .nii...v ...., .......... f-l.....,l. -,.. ....... Joe Dalley will iimplio tho gamo to-. mnecuon w,... u .v.mm.u. w.m.. nwuow for Klamath Kails, and Mr. ' cll. bo f,e0' everybody West will umplro for Weed. Both loidlally Invited, aio known as umpires of exporlonco Vr. I.oveland is numbered among nmi ability as officials, who will not, tho two or thieo most noted preaih- Blond for arRument and delays on the era In Poitland, Is a lecturer of wide field. miompanied by Rev. George II. lVChC, roinierly pastor of Uiaco M. U. Lhurch or this city. Special vocal music will bo ren du ed by Mrs. Vernon T. Motschen bacher and Mrs. Beit C. Thomas. Manager .1. V. Houston has oiy gen-! Siemens Discusses Cost oi Railroad to Taxpayer The following speeth by J. W. Siem ens, president of the First State and fiously offeied tho use of tho opera Savings bank, delivered at tho rail- i,i,k. moils fr .Ms ...i.ires.s. The ro'u- meeting Thursday evening, ex - . nlalns Ihn flnnnpiiil nrnhtems Invnlvml in building the proposed 'Central Ore con inilroad from Klamath Falls: JVl.et us look at the financial Bide of "Tthis n speaker will bo Introduced by Judgo Cttorgn T. Baldwin, who has met Dr. Lov eland trequently In Portland. this question. On a bond Issue or 1300,000, at i per cent; this city would have to make vn sl mill loyy, which would bring $18,- 0U0 In taxes to pay the Interest on the Lewie Sells Property. Dr. A. A. Soule, vvifo and baby dnughtei, Lois, left today for San rinnclsco. Mis. Soulo will visit rela tives and Dr. Soulo will start a couiso 1 4l ..III ntmil feftidJ kjlffaml jllflflifL5 ... ..iu mm,."" ..u '""" """ bonds. The assessable value of Klam of women at the medical department th Fa3 ,g Hpnrox,raate,y ,3iooo.000. Klamath Falls bonds are sought after. of Stanford University. K- and a 6 per cent bond would bring us a handsome premium, which would .... .'...... , ,.., i- ,.n....i A C. Lewis has Bold Ms property rant is most imimmic u dcuuuus on Ninth street to Z. C. Kimball. Mr. j Mm for this one Bddress. This Is and Mm. Lewis will leave next week mado posslblo by the fact that Dr. for i-omr Beach. Cullfoinln, lo mukel.ov eland has been hunting In Klam I their liomo. "tn i'nty '01 Ul l,nst week Ho ,8 enerience. and has traveled exten-l uauett van Kier, u. u. WJiuams, rtvely in Euiopo and olsewheie. Ho j Harry Telford and Ray Telford will ( dlvert to the interest sinking fund, Is a brilliant speaker, and Klamath leave tomorrow morning lor a aaya and hejp t0 pay the first year's inter- deer hunt. est. And I do not doubt the bonds would sell on a 5 per cent basis. Only 115,000 would have ta be raised in that e ent, This will mean that each man or Ben Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. Ho mer Lemon will leave tomoirow morn ing for Crater Lake. woman, figuring on 6 per cent basis, who is assessed at fl.OOO, will pay $6 per year as thoir share of this pro posed new Indebtedness, or less than the value of n Scent postage stamp a day. But we also must figure on what tl.o pioposed railway property, not to speak of other Improvements that tho rallioad will bring, will help us to bear this new burden. Mr. Strahorn sa)H that his improvements in tho way of depot, etc., wilt cost In the neighborhood of $200,000, on which he w ill pay taxes, not only to provide this bond interest, but including the balance of the city levy, providing for the different funds, which will brifg the levy up to something like. eigh teen mills for city taxes. Tafclng'tM year's levy. 12 mills, and adding tfci 6 mills for the new bond Issue. Is other words, Mr. Strahorn would pay 13,600 taxes a year to theclty, Mt Continued on Page 4 - it J 1 wKl " 4. j..f -K t .i. .-. j m r , 1 Ti