'TTfljR1 SJP.Hi. '& M IJPZF ' . x -PM ; .y .j- KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Otfje it ntfttg Iterato KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER elty,nth Year-No. 3,073 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1916. Price Plva CnU OREGON CAR SHORTAGE IS SERIOUS WILSON CALLS RAILROAD HEADS TO WASHINGTON LOCAL BOX COMPANY ;subwarine base CUADTCirARQAnAV!111118 onxmi vmtu n un i , BE CONSTRUCTED i PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION BLAMES ESPEE Mo iihippcrH. Mr l.lKht ii'iHIril unit i I Prank Miller nf th commlmdou tuii'il ' lie iiiimliu: fin olllce hkiiIii. and wan' CONFERCRS eil lo initlio ii hIiiivvIiii: .Miiliuj'.'T .Mvdiwuii says that If lln Inn rurti hhoulif ftfi llii iiIkIiI nhlft OCT ASIDE $500,000 FOn THIS PURPOSE Short on Klamath Fall Branch. California Wanti 1,300 More Cart. oinmlialon 6avo Shortaae I An. nual Slioitcomlna of Etpee. ...,,. Im Oienon on Southern Pa jaml tun only leu houin a duy, only clfic Lines It Nearly 1,000 Caro 50 m)f miM). ,.,. WI)1M l)(1 frlKMli liy tin' fiimlhorn Pacific, j "Hence we aiu compelled tci run' . nlulit ami tiny niiil pile up box nlnok In 'every ii(miI( anil cn ru-r about oiirj j pii'inliii'H," wild Miuiiik'T .Mfdowiiu. j Id pin In finiii (In1 public service com- iiiImhIciii show Unit cxclu.ihe of l!ii' 'Klamath Palls branch, the Miiiilhctti I'ai'llli' Ih now tihoil Ul'i cam In Ore gon. Tin ciillimilcil nhoilnKtt on Urn . .l I. !..!,.. II t.. ,11. . I iwiiiuiitu rimn nor in nil i inn. , In a Idler lo (Jenernl .Mutineer Scott of Hit' .Southern PiicJIie at San Finn elifco, In which I lie notions coiiilUluu of affairs Im net fiiilh, the cotumhotlon Tlio llwntina I In company ami many ollar shlppciK nlnnit the Soul!). era Tiirinc linen In OnKn are faring n prlnu situation that may amount loruln liccanre they cannot get freight tarn In hanilli their ptodiirtn. The rtr iborUr.o In Oregon alnne tml.ty amounts In nhont 1,000 cam, and In California the Miinlngi) lit-brtwcn 1,300 ami 1,100 earn, according In Iho 'Kon I" ",rvu-" ''"'"""Hum. jifHi,4 n ,.,,,, i,,,.,,-,,,!,,-,; .leman.l In llw sixteen tlnn Ihln liionlh the fP ,Miilpnieiil, anil lepoiln lecclvrd. Kwttinn llnx cumpituy Iiiih miffereil a rrim, yonr ,.rm,.,ny n,t lent . tliat Hie. rhorlnKO of about forty caw. Tli cum. ,(,,imflll f(ir ,.,, nils lenliory gir-at-puny In now calling for ocn earn a v ,.x,.,.,,( llllr nhlllly In supply Iho niy, ana In leeching two or tltren ,,u, dally. Two were ieeclvj.il yrnleidiiyj fcllirniHiii at :i o'clock ami were teailyl lr. go out lliln morning, The company nays: Prom a caicful review of the slum linn iieie in Oregon we beg to nd!so that Ihe result of our Investigation din- U loadhiK cam In only a few hoiirn after they are trceUcd. "Our ciistoiiicrn In California no thrcalcnlitK null hecnuiui wo are not fumlshlni; thcta with shook ntt fnit ts wp ulinuld," hald Manager Charles Mrdownn of the Kwiuina llnx company IbU mornliiK. "We ate nlmiml nfniM tnannwi'r the telephone for fear each call In uniith.fr lelet;ram ftoui a cin! tuner ci) Iiik for inoie ahooldi. "It PceiiiH thai whenever Wtt receive n empty car or two our riiMlnmcr In Callfnmhi are notlllcd by (hit rallroiul company. I draw ihlx coiicIiihIoii from llif fact that very noon after n car lit uletrackcd neaily oveiy citalomnr lreit ua aklriK tbtil we load the car fur him. "When J, i:. l.iRht f ii, ioitlborn Pacific rompimy called al our olllce ywieriluy He ,, , , f 10 rtuum(n ni read him a letter fiom the piihlln wnrlre conmilMnInn, In which It wild to company hml wilitcn the Houthem acincand noililed that company thai II Wn"1'1 JP licld icnponhlblo for Itiasns The uhlppecH or OrCKon aie faclnt; n verv (ierloim nroblcin. and unlenit ( inoie emit can be bad lo handle the pi-odiieln of the nlnle tunny lndtiHlilit mtiHl clone down, lntKi' nnniheni or J people will be Ihinwn out or emplo- mcnl and neilmw Iosh will be entailed I In cottnciiiii-nci' theteof. Sllualeil, an we are, alinott nolely ilependent upon jlhe Hotilliein Pnclue. company to ban- tile the prodiiilH of the nlate, puttie- nlurly llm wealftn and miuihein pur llfltm theteof, dltuiHtcr, fallttte and Imiilfinpicy cunfionl many of our peo ple uiileHrt HOtni) niolliwl In dovln'.l whifreby catH can he had for handlliu; IbU ptodticii of Ibln alale. The iiciikoh haa now at lived when cam for Mio flhlpinenl of futlt and raln will bo luldcil lo llio cars already necoiinary for the tihliUnent of foiuntry and other I'todiirtH. Nowhein In the entire West, no far ,ia we mo able lo learn, In there Hitch :i comparative car hIkhIiiko an now ex ist h on your nyiitom In thin ntale. '.VnrliliiKtnn, Idaho and other ntatei Ibtiuivbotit I lie Went advlne thin coin- Nnval Dill Reported to Houte Tomof low Calls for Equipping Puget Sound Navy Yardt for Battleship Conttrjc Hon $6,000,000 to Do Thlt and Same At Philadelphia, Norfolk, Botsoi-, Porttmouth, Charleston, New Orleans I'nl'cd Preid Pervtra 'VSIIIN(;TON. I). C, Auk. 17. The ll.ial bill will be reported nut of con ference In the bonne tomorrow, anil pi nimbly will k" t I'lenldent Wllnon Sal unlay. ' The conferen from both bounen thin nfternoon iiKrecd to retain the pro vlnlon to equip the I'tiRet Sound, Phil adelphia. Norfolk, IhiHton, I'ortnmouth. Charlenion ami New Orleiuin navy yaidn for baltlenhlp connt ruction. One half million dollars wan appro priated for a Hiibmarlno and torpedo bane at the mouth or the Columbia lllver. The recoinmendallon for nppoln' mcnl of a commlnnlort to investigate the proponed entnlillnbinont of it sec ond naval academy on tho Pacific Count wan eliminated. Pannage of the naval bill will end the neiiate pail of the ndinlulntrutlon proKram. Pity the Candidate tor Congress A dlioct inquiry rontnlnlnt; three polulcd qucHtlonn ban junl been .sent lo every candidate for congreim, both lepublican and democrat, by Mm. Prank M. HochhIiik, vice pienldcnt'of tin- National American Woman Suf frage Amioclatlon und cliairman of itn conKrennlonal commlllcc. The qties itoiiH are as follews: "Are you in favor of woman suf fniKc?" "If elected will you vote In coiiKtenn lo submit to Uie Males a federal amendment to enfranchise Ihe women of this country?" "If appointed on a committee In v.hoflo jurisdiction nuch an amendment should fall, will you do nil in your i? jVM. wWi&s& r '&&. , . H Ciml Iniidl on Piibo Allies Take Maurepas and 300 Yards Trenches t'nlteu- I'rcs Service I0ND0N. Aim. 17,-In a' flerco f omilng Inst nlKht on a Ihrno mllo heDrltiKi, and French co-opernt-"? Bdvnncpd son ,...i ,..,, iiiniiif; in the altq UiiIImI PreKH Service IUSUMN, Auk. 17. Tho. Hermann have recapluied pohIIIoiih went of the Furcuiix woodn, South or Miiutipan tho llrltlnb and French lont heavily In enKKiwettls litis inotnliifT, The French have capl tired u portion of the llrnt lino trenclieH ul Uelloy Knntorro. French iiltnckH on UsIichh and niil Inh iiltnckH lit OvIHem, Pozleren, and all other ulllcd iihhiuiIIh iiIoiik Ho Ronuuo Imvo been repulneil. JliiHiilim nttuelcH at many polnlH have lismli jilt rtt il SfW Pronnll tri.l.. mi., r. 't .... ii.i ...,l.. i. ..fiiilitra.t '' flit (in , '"" '" uerinann uc uennaiiH mm 'i "i" - fctdn,8 ,,e8,,er,"t''V MoKaln tholr Btiiroobaynn bill In tho Curpalbloii ir.ounlalnu. fenihiw n.i ......... th u" u '"iHiiriiiK Miuirepufi. on -urepiciory road. Advances ro ninrto,...,! . , lBoiiiij. iwoi in initio. Tn. " Ul wp''lory woods. liJET n,,fttK "orthweHt of Co-,,f,laHb((inrei..itvr,i n reimtfcd. 'lli Sli "" "-Vm,nt nrtlllory. the J?" "ln" ,,,0"" MuuropnH, 1 PwIUods, HUGHES FAVORS BUDGET SYSTEM JAYS BUSINESS LIKE METHODS SHOULD DE APPLIED TO TARIFF ADJUSTMENT SAYS CAMPAIGN 'S r-USINESS MEiJ'S STRUGGLE I'nlted Press Service I'OHTI.AND, Auk. 17 In nddrenMnR llm Ad Club yenterday afternoon, Charles K. HiiRbes called the present campalBii a bitsluess men's struggle, and linked I ho support of all business men. In duneiw.sInK tho tariff ho urged IninlneHs like methods, nnd wild ho tn voied a budget systom. "No private business In this country could exist under such organization as I hut under which the national gov ernment In conducted." said tho repub lican nominee. lie declared the American systom of Kovernment was like n watch, (ton ciitelv adjusted, and requiring to be kept In perfect order. Ho said Hint only republican mothods can keep na tional and local affairs up to Htimuniu. i '&?; yfZ? w dm '- n v Kim. '& i jf W Jm M ' SmM c-JJWHUuaijmt-i i-i'uiti.iiiii i f MVm& i JbHHsH I--? '" WWf.! VSssssIbssssH i ifiHBKfi Art? xSsy" BBSBSTlai P V feBBii aa-i EMPLOYERS REJECT EIGHT HOUR OFFER RAILROAO MEET IS THIS EVENINS STRAHORN WILL EXPLAIN HIS PLANS AND STATE WHAT HE WILL EXPECT OF THI8 COM MUNlTY TO GET ROAD CHAIRMEN 8ILENT A8 THEY GO , TO CONFERENCE Believed That Strike MayNot toA verted Because Railroad' Managers Refuse to Give Eight Hour Day a Trial Charge That Proposal for This Is Political Move to Put Off Settlement Until After Election. iKamx.riiitHtBi-f:. MWS. rBAWK tr!W?:s3EYrs!''J!?,!K--v! m na SSSI.NIG Touting State. Mr. and Mm. J. H. Burgard, Cl-irk n.iiiMiid and W. K. Coman of Portland i..n nt noon today nftor spending Inst ..(.hi in Klamath Tails. They ure on n lour of the slate. Chirk nurgard Biadtialed from Ihe University of Ore- C.on last spring, Dirklna Berries, Chris Hamilton und wife are at Iho i....,i,i..i,rrv. nntoh. beyond Crater Lake, to pick the dollcloua frulL power to expedite the passage or such who did not answer the questions to u measure?" Ha satisfaction,, Mrs. Roessing said When naked If tho Intention of the t-uch a course would depend entirely National Association, which has nl- j Oh the action of the convention, which ways been strictly non-partisan, was. will be held In Atlantic City from Sep- lo make u fight against candidates 'tcmber t to 10. EXPECTS TO BUY KLAMATH HORSES C. H. TURNER OF CALDWELL HORSE AND MULE COMPANY WILL HOLD AN INSPECTION AFTER STOCK IS GATHERED GERMANS DISLIKE To buy horses nnd mules from Klam ath county stockmen, C. H. Turner of Caldwell, Idaho, arrived hero yester day and will remain until about Sep tember 1. Mr. Turner is one of tho ATTITUDE GERARD ALLEGE THAT AMBASSADOR REC OMMENDS NO ACTION ON MAIL MUTILATION UNLESS GERMANY REMOVES CEN30RSHIP United Press Service BERLIN, Aug. 17. Influentlon Ger man newspapers are attacking United States Ambassador Gerard on account jof his alleged attitude, expressed In a .confidential communication to the most experienced horso dealers of tho American state department, toward country, and Is connected with Iho'cicrmnn censorship. Caldwell Home and Mulo company of I u ,8 nlleged ,nat Ambassador Ger Caldwell. Idaho, which furnished niorojnni ln reporting the protests of Amor tban $3,000,000 worth of horses to tho ,cnn correBponijent.a t0 England's mu allies hint year. j tuatlng and withholding stories on the This company also has offices ln!war recommended that no action be Rono nnd San Francisco nnd buy stock ; taken by tho Unted States unless Ger- ln all parts of tho West. ninny removes her censorship of war w.. m.. .AU ..lll liAnln i KllU hllfUOU' wr. iuiiioi "-. - Miows sent to America. nt once und nbout Septomber 1, Cup- lain Oeorge Wlnterjmrn of the United ,w H MAS0N MAY BUY j-ai.. .... ...Ill nmlua tn.lnanoii (llO. Biaies unuy . . ..- . KLAMATh RECORD SOON stocK arcumuiuieu. Silltch Out on Bonds. Ralph Salls'ch, charged with purloin- W'h a view ol possibly taklu,; over tho .publication. Will II. Msjii in ,. .,( hnlnmrlnn to J. A. McFtlll. has llVttm ll Sliori opuon on iue ou-..- i..w hL rniennmi on I2G0 bonds, fur- ess and equipment of the Klamth Rec nlshed by Prank D. Kester. of Poe ord, now published by Catherine Valley and J. W. Tyrell of Klamath Prehro. Mr. Mason's option expires at Falls He was boutfd over to, the noon next Wednesday; at that ttme grand jury by Justice Oowen. waiving he will say whether no not he shall a preliminary hearing. mvkuuw "" " m .-.. Robert E. Strahorn. builder of the. United Press Sernea proposed Bend to Klamath Falls rall- WASHINGTON, D. C, An IT. roa'd, will be the principal speaker at , President Woodrow Wilson . at , noon the big railroad meeting tonight n ( today telegrapbed to tne pwawenu ot Houston's opera bouse. Other speak- all lallroad systems ln the United era will be called upon. Dr. E. D. John- Sates, asking them to cohw to Wash son will preside. - ', Ington Immediately. "In nts telegram About thirty local busmese-memnefhesaw "? . . with Mr. Strahorn yesterday afternoon "The discussion ,ot the strike sltua to hear what he will ask of this com- tion has reached .the point where U it munlty toward getting the proposed highly desirable to confer with you." railroad. After he had explained xfbat j This action ol I President- Wilson fol he expected and what he would do. a lows the disinclination of the railroad vote of confidence in Mr. Strahorn and '. managers who 'conferred with the prea- approval of his plan was given. A large attendance ts expected the meeting this evening. at STABBED GREEK IS RECOVERING Gus Lampropulos, the Greek who was stabbed during a fight with George Peter, a Turk, at the Algoma logging camp recently, is not lna serious con dition, and will recover. He suffered l.iscerations in the breast and right hip. Peter fled soon after the cutting affair, and has not been seen since, al though Deputy Sheriff Lloyd Low went to Algoma to try and find him. It appears that Peter drew a knife only after Lampropulos and two or three other Greeks bad attacked him. ldent yesterday to grant an eight hour day, even for a trial. This morning President Wilton and Federal Mediator Chambers asked the railroad brotherhoods' executives how they understood the government's pro posal for settlement? An answer has not been received this afternoon. Mediator Chambers Is furnishing the president with additional data regard ing the effect of an eight hour day on the railroad revenues. He is securing Qata from both sides regarding work ing conditions and revenues. The district chairmen of the broth erhoods were serious' and silent when they went this afternoon to confer with President Wilson. Some of them indicated that a strike may be averted. It is believed. that President Wil son's proposal for settlement Is an agreement between the railroads and brotherhoods for an eight hour had to become effective Immediately, and a derision on pay for overtime held in Continued on Paga 4 Baseball Train to Leave Depot 8 O'Clock Sunday . . Sam Jolly, catcher for the Duns- Lmulr team, and who played a few games with Klamath Falls this season, has been hired to sit on the Klamath Falls bench next Sunday when the local team nlays Weed for the cham pionship of Northern California and Southern Oregon. Jolly will be ready to play any place needed, except as pitcher, but if called upon probably will take Jimmy Clarke's place behind the bat, permitting Clarke to play in the infield or outfield. The train carrying the local fans to the game will leave the Klamath Falls depot Sunday morning at 8 o'clock, and wil consist of two or three extra coaches attached to the regular train. The regular train, which is due here at 7.45 in the evening, will be held at Weed Sunday afternoon until the ball game is over, to permit all Klamath Falls people to return on it. It is now ulated to leave Weed at 5;,45. which aa is expected to be at least forty-five. minutes after the game Is over. , 'irklti la thn nri-nTuroRinnt that Local Agent Brown of the Southern Pacific is trying 19 mane, an ana wuw v San Francisco and expects to be able. tn An Ma TWeiiltMamincAmant Willi oe made in the HWald.as soon a! . 1 n 1- l-JJ',. lk malm Agent iirown in muui-i n " office. f. . 'J The game will be called at J:Sjt sharp, and should be playeaVin twt hours and fifteen minutes, or at 'least not more than two and a bait hours, ft Posters from Weed advertising the - game have been received here. They declare that the game "will be "th hottest battle of the season." TbeU line-up of the Weed team aa given ln the posters Is; ' "f . Teruck and Anthony, pltohorst,NU son and, Morgan, catchers CMwfe ) first; Kaer. V$m& cowan, intra, -urjrww, i-v,(Minwt.-s .,,' ter tsneeny, rui, vmmr, wt4..tjrfe , , J' . V u l .?-" ., ..rf'"" .