Pi m: w w m P" . n 'I "aUATII COUNTY'S JSSlAL NEWSPAPER L- h? netting Herald ELAMATH FALLS' I OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ir , irf: -nm rsTa nv-H-w" KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 12, 1916. Price Five Cents ARBITRATION FAILS-MAY MEAN STRIKE Af mmmmmmmmmmmmAmmmmmmmmmmmmlmmtmvytnjyjyjVynvvulXHJ PROBABILITY STRIKE IS SAID TO BE GRAVE Suffragists Whose Arguments Helped Change Mr. Hughes9 Opinion ONLY APPEAL TO WIl.GON OR A STRIKE WILL OETTLC CffciU of MeJIallcn Have Failed, the Brctberhoede Oatiiu rt Arbltra Iln Never l Salliiarloiy Rallioad Announce! llMtlliirit to race. Nation Wide Strilr PrcBlclnit Wileon Atke Caftftrincr. ' I'Bllnl I'ri'Si H.'iUio NKW YORK. Auc 12 Kclllciiiciil of the controvmy btluwii the railroad Iwibfthoodn and tlnlr citiplnerH HiIh Bfiernoon appear liiipnrwlhle without IB Bppl lu I'renliletit Wlltum or :i ilril. Tli irul)alillll nf it strike be j(fBlll l wry Kriivc this afternoon. All effort of tin' federal mediation koird lo Induce I ln liiiillirliiHXH li ht1 Bfbltratlnli have failed. Tin tnlnmen ay arbitration never brine B MIlSIBCInry H'IIU'IIH'III rtlWIIIIIVII BfJUtlon ha failed, further tiieeMuj! tllb It mediation tmird tiro welied- Blnl for tomorrow The railroad InxM iliat they nr tttdr to far a nationwide strike If tb brolberhoodi cotit linu to refuse In Btbllrat. Tbe brothrrliiNMlH late HiIh nfter- won announced tin lr wllllnmieMi lo ftttfl 1'renlilcnl WINoii'h hivlln'l'i'i to Itirnrrne, In hopes of averting n thikr. They h;i i Mil ict'elved his. Mir, but will ili'lu action If lu iid i'it In confer 1 . 1 1 tliriii MONDAY LAST DAY 10 GE1 SPECIAL UNLESS 1?5 TANC sigh ur ur.. rOflE MONDAY CVrNING FOR opcciai. train io wren onr. cannot lie sccunrn If Hut Kliiltiullt 1'ulli r.'iliil want :i special tialn Ifi WimI on Atlcilit :'Hli, llii ilali' or the Klamath r.ill.i W'cimI hat!elmllr,!iuie for the chnuipliiiiHhip of Nolllii'tii California uml otiiheiu Ore r.oti, tin1)' minil nlgn H liv next Moii iluy evening. MliniiR'T Hay Willi of I lio local leam hiih Unit lllileiH l'."" fniw declare define Motnlay evening Hull H iy will laid- Him Mp. a special lllilll rwiltol Im secured Any person IhIiIiik to sign up Tor tin special train may d ho at Hn I'altn Cigar store or the lleinld otuci No (Ii-khIi Im resulted now; tnciely rutin In ami nay you'll ko. To date nbiMH foily fatiM have hU'ikmI ui. The fnri' will Im $3.15 for Hie rotinil trip. HOLD CONFERENCE AT it E. r lav " vnaBcn ( a f? B-XKZLbte 'k-. .Ki" vH CHURCH PbIIM Prn Hit m WASIIINdTON, I C. Ann. 1 - rrenMcnt Wllxim lum nollllnl icpn- irBlBllvM of ilm four lirollii'rliooi'rt ttil rallroaiU Hint lie wImIich lo talk tllblbera btfnri' a Klrlti. In rtillcil. W,.--w.-m :.JvSWi-rrtV e-urjiiiiiaiujU'j urw'"rojw-iart.'t TVTrr ."-TTrT. Sir unniiiAij nc e lJtJirr w-l lf- MR15.CAHPIJ CHAPMAN CAT I PK. WNA 2Wvv piiij. . ' -- Mm. Cairli Chapman Cult, one of Hio v.onian HUffraRe question than Hie thorn that tho National As.sociatlon llir nlilcitl. If not Hj nblcHt woman In w.nk or nny othcrTi, Mrt; latl, JJr-, Woman SulTrHKo-AHociation would be Hi- Unlli'il SIiiIok. pr.-Hldont of llio rtl.aw ami Mrn. Whiloliouso called on' KlUiSnw, wlth ,,, Htand on le 8UffraKe """ A ' W("',M '"' Mr "Fl';'lHN-wVrkl.cd,,ua. re)Ublican candidato's Aiiorlallim, Or Anita Unwind Sli.iw, urn .inly 17lli, and tirtst-d hint to lu!p loim.T pn-Hlili-iii. and Mm. Norman !. tln wiiiiioii or tl.f rountry In tlieir UrM a-uianccM were lived up to by hlra It Wlillclionse, vlialriiuin of tbo New for the ballot by Rlvlni; an Indorsement tu.tli In l.ia recent teleRram to Senator 'unit malf woman mitTraKe parly, weio of -uftnKe "wllhout any Hiring to It." Sutlierland of Utah, and his Kpeech be- the three whose nrKUiiieiitK did more Mr. IIiigliPH lltened lo them attentive- fore the Women's Roosovelt I-eague at to eanne ChaileH K. IIUKhe.s lo mi' 1 for moi than an hour, and at the the Astor hotel in New York city on noimre hlnmelf for federal action on conclusion of the Interview a.s.suied August lt. WAR ONLY RECOURSE IN CABLE TAMPERING SERRUE HEARING SET FOR TUESDAY ENGLAND DENIES 8HE HAS WITH HELD ORDER3 State Department Sayt It Can't Help Situation, Because England Has a JUSTICE GOWEN POSTPONES? Rlght t0 De,ay or Hold blearame in War Timet Russian Business Man Says America Has Been Cheat ed of About $100,000,000. HEARING OF ACCUSED FRENCH MAN BECAUSE AS YET HE HAS NO COUNSEL Several nddie.HiicM and a rotimltahk' illci'iitudau are hcheduled for the conn f) conference lo be held nexl Mon.liv til ilm Melhoill-it chin eh In the inlet- enl of the lenip.'itniro cailrfe. The con Vliillng Sister. teience will Ix'dli at ID o'clock, Willi Mm. Thomas Stanley of Anhlnml In devotional neil(cn led by Mm. II. A. rnctora llt with her iihier. Minn Kowlo. Ullle Bloomlngcatnp, , H, . Oinibar will npetik on the boy mid lllli ptobletll, and Itev. I.. . ItlcharilH will r.lve an nildnwH on com mtinlty life. Mm Jennie Kemp, male preHldeul of I In Women'rt Chrhtlan At Cprlnfl Creek. Urn. P, M. White and children are muting at Spring Creek. GOLD Hill PLAYS !MiSS DELAP 10 HERE TQMORROWi ATTEND COLLEGE Willi the Injiited membem of tho hual ball Irani much Improved, Kl.un nib KiiIIh Hhonld ro well toninnnw nf lei noon at Modoc IMrk acainHt Hold C'slsyers Home. County Airrlculiiirlnl and Mm. II. R. G'tuyer have returned from a two i'buio trip in Callfornlu. Al 3nn JriBclBco they were joined by Mm I. I Slanott, wuo ,.,( , So,h(.ril P'n of California with them. " m ttl Storm Rogue River. Accord ,0 '" ipclvnl by I.. ItObertBOn. aca ., - ... ii...ii- Ti1l "' ' " "UIIIB wpbone and TeleKn.t., ,..n.. Z , ,on" mv,''1 ,l"!" llvorl UsURht. Tr.e were blown Temperance Union, will conduct tl i,n 'n. IkIIIiik plajem aro ox- rrnmd table. I.unch will be nerved al noon. A S o'clock In (he evening Mm. eKmp will (peak on the titan hrewei't) amendment. J, II, llenulir Klamath for I he week end - In down f i om Port Ram Dixon wan In the county acul toduy from lilit farm near Olene. Mr. and Mm. (' II. Uuderwood re- .HA 1.I . l t . ..!..!. Tl.lt I I'ltlll aotn in iw oiown nil neu lum iiii;iu iihi tbe ir mucn ,rul1 wiih blown from where tho former intended btiycrj' - t week. --.. Overthrow of Carranza Government is Hinted peeled Ihhi evening' by automobile, an cninpauled by a few fans. Chat lei I'tultl, exCoaat Leayuo I wirier, will do the i.uiIIiik for Hold Hill, accoidliu; to lepoitK, and I.yh llltjbee, probably the beat dinger lu the bushea of Hie I'acillc Coast, will iiiiiament the mound for KlamuMi rails. It nhoiild bo a pltchcm' battle, villi Ulghee probably having the edee bocause II hi belovied Klamath Falli hn:i the better hitting club. Anyhow. It nucht lo bo a good game, well worth Hit money. Come out and encouiage the boyt. for the big slrujf gle with Weed on August 20. To hid goodbye to their slater and daughter, Oclavla, who Is to attend Iho University of California, every member of the family of County Clerk C It. Pel.ap gathered at the DeLap home at noon today. With her brother True II. Oel.ap of Richmond, nho lert shortly after noon for Berkeley. Mias DeLap will lake a courso In liberal arts, She expects to take up high school teaching after graduation fiom college. She Is a graduate of the local high school. Today Is the first time all members of the DeLap family have been to gether for a long time, Besides Mr. and Mrs. DeLap, there were piesont Oclavla, her two al3lers, and the tI boys, Trus 1I Perry, Charles, Cheater. Lloyd and Virgil. IS CHARGED WITH STEALING A NOTE Charged with stealing a promissory note and selling It, Ralph Sallscli was an est oil today, and has been commit ted to the county jail. When brought beiore Justice flowen his bonds were frst fixed at $250. but he was unable to give this amount. The Information against Salisch is sworn to by J. II. McPall, a farmer uoai Olene, who charges that Sall3ch stole from him a note for $231 and sold II to Dick lirown, who gave it to Mc Pall, for $C5, keeping the money him mU". It Is said that Salisch pretended to Brown that McPall bad given him the note for services. The crime with which Salisch Is ciiarged la a felony. liccause he bad no counsel, justice of the Peace Gowen this morning post poned until 10 o'clock Tuesday tbe hearing of M. C. Oerrue, charged with Improper relations with his minor daughter. Gerrue has not obtained bondsmen, so is detained in jail. A good sized crowd of spectators, all ruen, gathered at Justice Gowen's of fice this morning, expecting to heat from tbe witness stand some details of the case. It is feared that Gerrue will commit Mileldc if given the opportunity. Be fore being moved last evening from tbe county to the city jail he told Deputy Sheriff Lloyd Low that' if he were put ir. the city jail again he would kill himself with a pocket knife he bad se creted in the mattress of bis celL Dep ii' y Low searched for tbe knife, and found It in the mattress, already opened. He also made a search of Gerrue's person, and in his shoe found a steel wire about eight inches long, with one end sharpened. It is thought the wiro was sharpened on tbe point by rubbing it on tbe cement floor of the county Jail, - United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 12. The state department announces that Eng land "indignantly denies" diverting Russian cabled orders, directed to America, to British firms. Tbe state department has no hopes of relieving the situation, aa England has a right to delay and withhold mes sages because of the exigencies of the' war. America's only recourse seems to be a declaration that England Is "un friendly," which Is equivalent to a dec laration of war. Indians Marry. Justice of the Peace E. W. Gowen last evening performed the ceremony making Harry Clarkson and Amy Jf. Tlce man and wife. Both are Indians. United Press Service CHICAGO, Aug. 12. M. Aspoatni koff, president of tbe International Manufacturers Sales company, esti mates that America has lost about 100.000,000 worth of Russian trade dur ing the past eight months aa a result of alleged British tampering with Rus sian cablegrams to this country. It la charged that British censors on some occasions have delayed orders to America, and that on other occasions have given tbe orders to British firms, although they were directed to Amer ican firms. Ships Cattle. Two carloads of fine two year old beef cattle were shipped this week by J. L. Beckley to Miller & Lux of San Francisco. The cattle were bought j the Band Box, from Ross Flnley and averaged 1,157 pounds a head. ; To Buy Stock. j Mrs. F. U. Patrick left on the noon I train for San Francisco to buy fall and 1 winter stock for her millinery Btore, At Hospital. Mrs. Emmitt McGee was operated upon at the Blackburn hospital es-terday. Visiting Friends. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Cox of Spring field are here to visit friends and re!- atives. Mrs. Cox is a sister of George Humphrey. From Spiinrj Creek. Mm. Chntien I. Roberts and son htivo leluined fiom Spring Creek, where Iney welt camping for several weeks. From Wisconsin. Mrs. II. I. Dopp of Wisconsin is vis iting Mm. CI. A. Krnuse. h & ;J . Herv.ce iJ..0:To)t'Aug.l2.-AKOvo,n. Sliver Tea. 1 ihe Ladles of (he Clulstlan elur.ch will Rive a idlver lea at Iho homo of imi. liniiv nimllto'. First .and I'lno , kneels, ml Thursday afternoon, at 2 110 o'clock. Ft lends and member.-, of illnni Ih not known. II Is believed the ll.n chinch an invited. wealthy Mexicans In America urn able Home From Medford. Miss Kllzabeth Manning returned 1 this -week from Medford, where she I bus been visiting relatives. . Tc Eagle Ridge. Miss Willa l.eonnid left Ibis morn lti, for KiirIo Ridge lo bo the gitesl of Mis. Mary (liifllth, proprietor of Haglo Rldgo Tavern. CITY BEAUTIFUL CONTEST CLOSING To discuss ntrangementa for tho closing of the city beautiful contest, representatives of Iho Women's Libra rv Club and Klamath Commercial Club aio meeting this afternoon ut tho lat ter 's heiidquai tern. Fifty-four homes in Klamath Falls are entered for prizes in the contest. it's a Girl. News has reached here of the birth of a fine girl to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gallagher of Willows, Calif. Mm. James McClure, mother of Mrs. Gal lagher, will leave Monday to visit her daughter. Home From Trip. Roy Moore and A. J. Voye returned yesterday from California, where they went with Judge Thomas Drake. Judge Drake will Bpend some time touring In California. W. T. Shive, who also went from here with the party, re turned Thursday. Retreating Austrians Pursued by Russians Last sin In" lilrtiinvi worn taken of '. offlcl. ,:; r.,,K-..ls:-A n'"' womthy Kmmm in America an. num " TT - - c.... ' ..; . T.. ...i n,U rn . VIM.. "wih tint secret Hnr- In finance a liwoll with noma success. , V Mt ng Mrs. iviooic. i"1"111"1 -" -"i"n- - -- :Tleareghi.,i..,i- .V ""t- in nnnnci. n nmiii wihi miii n ,, n..nlH PnH4 ,.n,i mih i.ueiiin Waldron. daimhtor of .ther nlcluro wl be taken of each. ttiK 11. Bartlett of Now Mr. and Mr, A. 0. W.ldn. and Floyd On tho basis of Implement in gen- '"OIU hum .. P "' "".minimi rJDXIUimi HllSpemeu III nil i"'"l" "' ni. ulm- i KV m nl Mp. riuI Mm. U. J. Kb. nrnl imnenrnnpn. nrlzes nie to bo tulik. . ' u I" uo lived Hint inullnv from Hie Carranza (an sou Anile, en visiuhk mi p. " - - -- .7 Hnlrans ,,lq,nK inZml iJZoCUiUum,', 8. Moor. , wete married lasl n.ghUUt.ieMellio. awarded by the two clubs. inning a revolution lu overthrow Cllv - lM Vttnom b Rl v' R ' ,clm,,l!l-' l.'H'W'A Kovernn,n voru,!ow, , , . ., Attmr lirl(E. M. R. McFerrln and Miss Irene Kri Delivers Hogs. Hv.r currani'thu Hevertl America , ttrn InHliu-! Joe McDonald. IM Hunlor and paily were best man and bridesmaid. Thev Jesse Drew a rancher near ; Hllde- revolution left yostoidiiy for uiuu i;uiiyuu n mi una muntuih ."..m , ..,....., ,w0.v.m, ..,. .. ... w. levlllUllllll nil. il'l""i""J , . .,,., ,.,. , ,.. , (i,n,m nnial.l at Xllillar..! deei hunt. T.'ey will no in iiiu conn- iur u uoucuiuuu mf. ,..... mcj ,- in.t, . bu wm -v .,u...u. uilinm the be bUCkB roam WIIWl turn lliey will leaiue i ui apiuia uiueiu io mupiiuie uua iiu iav It i.tui . """rnment i - mniee: that ttHuy h,v '"" "verul Currana that nevrul Ameiirt ivoluiLP,0m,Hoa ,0 ,nvoU lnn,onll In the threutc 'tb,Zl';ttlM' The extent iy plot. All Amerfal I H taiC UB0 8 revolutlon bnrdor are being exum Wttl anion mi . j....... . i threatened wins crossing tho exumlued as to 'their ttong Mexioan sol desUnatios and-'purpoao in Mexico. tiy I Uie aeason opena Tuoaday morning, j Addition. place. United Press Service PETROGRAD. Aug. 12. The Rus sians have crossed the Zelota Blstritza River and are pursuing the Austrians retreating from Stanislau. Also they have crossed the Czarna Blstritza Riv er near Nadvorna, twenty miles south-, east of Stanislau. I'nlled Press Service LONDON, Aug. 12,-Oeneral Hal reports that this afternoon the Ger mans lost heavily In unsuccessful coun tering north of Pozleres. Two German aeroplanes dropped four bombs on Dover tbla afternoon. There was no damage. United Press Service PARIS, Aug. 12. The French have progressed northeast of Verdun,, and have repulsed heavy attacks on both sides of tbe Somme. Artlllerylng is active at Chenolsa, Vaux and Chapitre, United Press Service ROME, Aug. 12. The Italians have occupied Oppachlsella, south of Qorlt ta. "They also have crossed the Cal lone River and have occupied the west ern slopes of Montenadlogem. Austrian seaplanes have raided Ven ice, destroying the famous church of Snnta Maria. United Press Service BERLIN, Aug. 12. The French hare penetrated the wood northeast of Hem. Other western attacks by tbe allied have failed. Russian attacks on Dubeysek arid v Torsclaaur have been reputeed.. V JijV, . !&.( '&.:& tw