y fV -".- i l v 3tfmftm Herald KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPEK :0,AMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1916. Price Five CtnU l,vinlh V.tr-No. 3.0M ALLIED OFFENSIVE i IN BALKANS READY FRENCH OCCUPY DOIRAN, NORTH or SALONIKA pjtk Siyi WXM0 Allied Soldier. Arc New In Greece Oermans Art With drawing Troopa From Balkana ard Regrouping Them to Meet Change on Eal FTn Mad Uy "U,,IM Drive to the Weat. STANIflLAU fALLEN rnllc.1 I'rt'iw Hon Ire I'M'HOMIAI). A UK. M. -II l tnnounrnl loiilchl that Hif Hun- Mnnri raptured Hlnnlidnu, mi lm- jeiUnl KironclKild , I'nllod I'ttwt SumIcm PAHIS, Am; II - Tin' Pri'iich luivo occupied Dolrnn, which the iiIIIph evac uated In llio llnlknn lotrent. It In l lierrd ihnt thin tni'uiiH tho Iii-kIiiiiIih: nf a ureal ulllul Haitian cirrnnl . AdMpalcli frtuii Allien en)' ti km nl battle Ik hikIiik " H" llnlknn fmnti 1hl I tin- llrxi Important niihilni: In lhat Jttftor iilnro (Ik- allies retreated to Salonika lam IJf'tubr. Itli believed ilml the (liTiimnn lirtvo althdrawn their troopa l other front. Dolrmi Ih thirty cIkM mllen north of Salonika. There la In Ulcere today f.On.OoO nl lld aoldlers. w The French lme rli arrl ilw Octiirwi tiencli earl nf Hill Kit 30. r'nith of Ih" HnmiiK1 the I'loiirh hato clUrtlvi-l) loint.irilil lln dm atnn K)illnnn United press H.'iWrc PETnOflKAM. AU!. II -Tli' litis jflana aio lirldKliiK lint IIIhIiIUii llhrr. (.repamlor) In iidwwirliiK upon Sinn hlau. Tin')' h:iv lapturcd noverul vlt Japes and (,().! mi lln .Scrplh Rlvei' !!) Miil.lui quickly llio IttiHHliwin bare reai hrd llu Diilr-stir River, ton miles frtn Unlit?, u lallroad center My-flKht mll.'i rrnm l.eiuberk'. Their advance rmlaiiKci-H Siiiiillnu ami Mna the way m I.emberK from the MUthWMt, Hulled Press Servlre ROME, Aiik. II. -Tho Aiuil ilium lout mm limn Co,000 men In killed, wound "land captured In llio ilKhtlnn before the fall of Oorllan. Et of Gorllza tho ItnllniiH Imvo reached the I.ublann plains. The fighting on llio Carso plateau Ih stubborn. United Pro u.i.. LONDON, Auk. 11. -This afternoon " Brltlah ndwincod Hlltlitly north t of Poiloros. United Preis Horvleo DEnUN. Aug. u.-HImm attacks by wfc nlllcd dotnclinionlB nnulh of Dol "unaebf.on repulanl, The flerman rnrenn .. i...iln .... If'Uped to conflim to tho nllerod Ruh Ian positions. "alttd Preaa Service CBRL1N, auk. ll.CoiiBlnntlnopl MwincM that iho Turks have enp WW Bnhna, a vmlm town. In their w advance toward Hamadin. Embargo on Asked of Congress tfcU.aPrtS8 8erWce WABHlNaTONpD.O.,Au.n.TUo 7"' A"loa of Muter Bakers j, u - ueuuie ana noute to iTl. r : T ,n 8lbaro on mnrtttm ti m Ihe "MOtion predloU that ,y f aau th prtct of BROTHERHOODS ARE IMPATIENT AQREE ONLY nELUCTANTLY TO POSTPONEMENT OF FINAL PRE. 8ENTATI0N or DEMANDS TO EMPLOYERS I'lllUll I'M'Ht Slit III) NI'.W VOHK. Auk U KullowlriK llio oiullti liihlnii nco of tho nillroful lilnllioilii'OilH, iho fodorul irii'illuiliui Imi.ti.I In rciuly to pri'iionl llio flnul iroM,ililun io ilu oinpliiyorH. 'Die lirnllioiliomU lliln nriniiooii iicroo.t io n 'tloliiy until iniiKirriiM', nl UdiiikIi llio iiIIIcIuIh xiiy Hi" trnltiiuon nr luipnlloni. Tho moill.ilor my H In ImtxinHllilo to net hofon1 tomnrrnw, Rcacue Many Paaaenyeri I itllol 1'irni Sen Ire (MIA'KHTON, Auk II. Tho llrltUh nlfitiiicr Noriunmlli'i. which nrrlo l.oio loiluy, roporlH the iokoiiIiir of Iwotity-nliio porxonx fioiu llfolimttH In Iho Motlltoiriilionn Son nfloi Iho llitlliui cloiinior AiikoIk n loiiioihiotl rocoiit ly Tho piioiH;orii xny It In reported In All: lorn Ihnt ti hit: (loruiun Hiilimnrlno linn lioeu mini: In ihc Modltorranetin Ten Per Cent on Munitions I lilted I'renn Service i WASHINGTON. I). C. AUK. 11. Tho i-ennte flnnnco coiimiltlre todny flxetl i 10 pf r Cent tax on the net productx of nl Iwini ii'itkliiK iiHinltlona or roinpo iti'iit pniH thoioof It lit extlmntPil thftt till i will mine l5.noo.(ifin enrl Will Follow Huohct I tilled Prerf Kerlre W.VHIIINliTON, ) Auk II I'l-oHhlt'iit Wllnon phwirt to Htart IiIh fnin tnnllnenlnl rninpnlKii trip bo tweon Septoinbn 16lh nnd October Int. He vlll vIhII Snn Pninclncn. Senntor I'hehwi of Cnllfurulii l helpliiK to nr iniiKo bin Itlnermy, which will Include iiiiwi) cltli'H vlidtotl by Hughes Wireless From Bremen? I'iiIIiiI I'rexn Rcrvlco Ni;V YOltlC. Aliu U.-WlreleHS htu iloiin reimit ieeiliiK moHnaROH lli(tili Ins about n tlenunn wireless station.' Ono mesMMit w sinned "Dreman," I vlni; her 0"lt on as thirty miles (.ff Sandy Hook. There was no Informa tion as to her destination. German olllrlals of the merchant submarine be lieve the report Ih n Joke. urglar Locks Up Bellboy t'nl led ITphs Service SAN FRANCISCO. Auk. 11. A bur i:lar thin lnornliiK locked the bellboy 'and porter at the Grand Union hotel In 'diffeient rooms, took 1110 nnd os leaped. Uo threatened tho employes ' i!lh his Rim whon they attempted to fiuntrnte his plans Oet New Car, .lames A. Gordon of the While Pol iiiin nmnite, and wife, left this morn I in; for Medford to et a now uutomn bile. Tliwi McCoi illicit and family, Mis. Mniipen and daughter and Glen Mc Cot mirk nnd wife huvo gono for a two weeks' outlnn tilp to tho northotn pan of tho county. Wheat is biead will rise beyond the reaoh of the average consumer. I Simultaneously with this petition from the bakeprr-Vice Chairman Hur ! ley of the federal trade commission Is an miiu n rhltaan in investigate tho i'- " w f" """''- .'.-':.".'... increastd pneas tne auwera un u" agreed uyos. E ISONZO IS TOLD CAVFHNS IN CAR80 PLATEAU WHFPF Alia-rniAMa i ncn i CHOKED WITH TONS OF DEBRIS I ' AND DODIES t I I ' I nltvtl Cn i ferlce , HOMi:, Auk. II. Tho vennor Ik now ' penulttliiK puhlldttlou or hoiiio OIh tmtcho roIulliiK to the boKlnnlnK of ! llio lnoii7o oITohhIvo. Tho drlo hn 'kiwi Hhortly nfier dnybienl; Siinilny, with a ntendy hall of Italian mIioIIh for In period of nine houm iiIoiik twenty i mile front, exIcmlliiK ilown the Ihoiuo ; to tho Ailiintle Itnllnn niHhli' In the upper Adriatic Kiiundron suppo toil tl.e liiml iwilllory with a hninhardment I of the AUHtilnu lift uIiik "Nil Hlll'h ItWO'iUHplllUK (.IHI.'lltlo nf file eer before hmi been wltnoHHod on the lliill.in front," wliod one Itnllnn lolienponiU'iit "Hn iololtt woie the liiceHMiwit cintli(imliolllo phouomen.i pioiliired by the Hy. mIicIIs Unit housett i In the Oorll? plitin Mi'io tth.'ittoioil or 1 1 ollnpiod hole Ihrouyh force of tho koIniiiIc nnwi The iiiouIIih of Mint r:ioinn on the ('nrno plateau In which thiiUHiwidH of AUHtrlun troops him houkIiI Khelter, Mere choKeil hy tmm of debrlii and on verted Into living lomb. "At 4 o'clock In (ho afternoon the order wim Riven for the Infantry to leave the trenches, Tho Hpcctnclu of Hume hardy wsirriorn na they bounded forth to the fray tocalled the hernei of U-Kendary lore. TbotiHanda of their front ! i links wore round their helmeln n floral k:ii laud, Hpcrlally woon by the women 'of Thlene. Schlo, Voranllcii nnd Vlccn- 1 rn. With Iho mining war cry of "Groat Italy Forever'" they bounded nrror.'i the dalo'i at the bridgehead and flintier down prnlud tho llnei of the ( itmo plateau, ciiKaclnK in hand-to-hand hIiiikkIch. At tho head of the main forces run men hoarliu; aloft big Mhlte dlricfl mounted on Klemler Kray green polea ho as to guide the (runners in lifting their range as the Infantry nthaneed " HUGHES MAKES EIGHT SPEECHES SPEAKS AT HELENA TONIGHT. DECLARES DEMOCRATIC TARIFF IS WITHOUT A PRINCIPLE, DE CLARES CANDIDATE United Press Sorvlce ,' IHSMARK, S. 1).. Aug. H. Charles K. Hughes, republican nomlneo for preildent, makes eight platform speeches today betwoon here and Hel ena, where he speaks tonight. His volco Is husky. Referring to his vlows of tho tariff, lie said, when speaking hero today, that "the democratic party la without a princlplo In tariff making." ' Hughes declared that the purpose of his campaign trip Is to explain his visions regarding tho presidency. t ., - Ooea to Eugene, J. J. NIcollo of the NIcolle brothers logging camp on tho Upper Lake left this morning for Eugene on business. From Round Lake. I Mark Deal purchased provisions '.here today for bis ranch In the Round Lake district. A. O. Colson nnd family and Will Allen Imvo gone to Huckleberry Moun- tuic. They will be gone a coupio or weeks. Mis. L. Louden is having an addition built on her homo, In Mills Addition, this week. Mrs. M. L. Millar and family are In from their ranch for a few daya. r nAM vt.n tin KnAn nn the sick list for a few days, is able to be at work again. OFFENStV What the Canadians Found After British Drive nmu.mvmmmfMAMritmm!inmmtimfwn'ei'iyv-iaiimmmmKS.i "ii 1 OP3rj!y n i? S?23W m il."-:.;."-. r -7.." y -?i. y - r - ' z ?!?. et&m .. ji rr aTtrMiiriirT """ Hero Ih one of the traglo results of tho British drive. Canadian troops found this gruesome scone when they charged German trenches during the drive. Dugout No. 33 was occupied by German soldiers, got away, but one Some of thorn was killed nnd i&? ' .w'immv ft'lOT'ltfll I Vavricka Tells ot Malin Railroad Boost Meeting By KAREL VAVRICKA Piesident Malin Rtdlroad Club . uist Saturday n committee of five, c noting of A. Kal'.ni, Frank Zumpfe, Kiel Vavricka, Anvjr. Potrasn! uid M, V Stiistny, from Mulin, made a spe cial trip to Klamath Falls to interview Mr. Strahorn, tho railroad builder. Up on the strength of that conference, a meeting was cnlled at Malin Monday afternoon. After tho Wnter Users Association meeting was over, tho iallroad meeting took place. ICarel Vavricka was elect ed president of the Malin Railroad Club and M. M. Stastny was elected Hocietary. Tho conurltteo explained to nil piesent the main points of the conference with Mr. Strahorn. These points were as follews: That the railroad, if built, will fol low the west side of Lost Rivor until Merrill is i cached, and thence over the government land near Tule Lalto to Malin; that the road will bo bu h' only tlirougn mu i-u-upuruuuu ui um people affected by It; that the people of Merrill, Malin and south of Klam ath Falls are to construct the roadbed for stock In the company; that the road will be completed and service effected within six months from the date when the plan Is ndopted. Several other points were brought out at the meeting, such as the cost of tho undertaking and tha real need of a railroad to this community. No one present was scared by the cost, and nil present felt a keen need of nuch a de velopment as a railroad, At a meeting a voto was taken to see how many were willing to con struct a part of the road bed, and four fifths were willing to do their share, Some were willing to take even a mtlo of such construction. The Malin Railroad Club is certain that the Maun community will be able V . Ty5EVs ' ;.-vr. i wa) A. ,.hm .at r' rrmmmmr (., i, ., , ,u.j. - ri - ? Y K?A'4' there he lay In front of his door, with ruin about him. The British shells had done their work. This is one of the first photographs to arrive, show ing scenes In connection with the mighty British Germans. effort against the l to construct the road bed to Adams' ( Point, and if Merrill people can take enro of tho rest of the construction to within six miles of Klamath Falls, where the proposed line Is to Join on tho Olcne-Klamath Falls line, the rail 1 road is a certainty. This road will not conflict with the Southern Pacific only that it will run through tho same alley. The reason for this new rnlliond is self-evident: tho people want n market for their products nnd a quicker means of out let to tho outside woild. Tho country,! too, justifies the development of a rail road. r I Before tho meeting adjourned tho r. ..... ,.. i...n.oH J nn.irv Mor. sti..i.iui; .. ...J ...... ......w. .- ..- v - rill people of tho action at Malin, and to got definlto plans from Mr. Shra horn, after which a community or gen et al meeting is to bo called. Notices of such meeting are to bo posted. Tho meeting then adjourned, every con,orted actlon the rallroad a member piesent feeling convinced that centainty. PRESIDENT W. C. T. U. TO HOLD CONFERENCE TOMORROW Mis Jennie M. Kemp of Portland, state president of the Women's Chris tian Temperance Union, will meet with ...-.I .t,..i(e.wt,,..,.1 noon at 2:30 o'clock, at the Christian church. She Is a woman ot ability, nnd comes in the lntorest ot the tern - perance cause. Titers will be a county conference Monday from 10 a. m. till 4 p. m-, In the M. E. church. At 8 p. m. in the same place Mrs. Komp will speak. John Fry and family have gone on an auto trip to Medford and vicinity, to be gone a few days. Lj2t -' xt. " m 'ti02S,l'!",. . T,mr .t 4a VwMKRi' t& "x- Sim TALK PARK TO PARK ROAD IN SEPTEMBER ENGLAND DELAYS RUSSIAN CABLES CHARGED THAT ORDER8 FROM RUSSIA TO AMERICAN FIRM8 HAVE BEEN WITHHELD BY ENG LAND FOR ENGLISH FIRM8 1'iltcil Press Service PETROGRAD, Aug. 11. Ambassa dor Francis today suggested to the Russian government that a direct ca-j ton (secretary, a representative of the bk be laid to America. .American Automobile Association and RusMnn officials generally favor the a representative of some motor mag-!(,a- . azine will be In Klamath Falls aome i time next month. They are to leave United Press Service . Yellowstone Park September 1st, and WASHINGTON, D. C. Aug. 11. Fol-, will make a tour of all national parks lo-WnR the United Press story of the n the Rocky Mountain region and om piopoied Russian cable. It is learned the Pacific Coast, that the state department Is Invea;!-' The park to park highway is expect gi.ting charges that England is with- ed to be built by the national govern holding Russian cable orders sent to tnent, and Is the same road of which this country. , R. B. Marshall, superintendent of na- Sevoral American firms have protest- tional parks, spoke when in Klamath cd that England has been delaying or ders for them. They charge that on many occasions the English govern ment has Riven the orders to English firms. If these charges are proved, they constitute a flagrant violation of Amer ican rights. Mexican Shoot American United Press Service N NOGALES Aug-JX An ajrlnaj Jhn reached here this morning says How-ttion. After making a careful Inventory ard Elbrlght of Fresno, Calif., a mltMga)r' the expenses involved in a trip of was shot by a Carranziata on July l,rthls kind, we'flnd that It will be necet at Hermoslllo. The trooper was ezon-' sary to ask your town for 150. Consld- erated on the ground that Elbrlght was trying to rob the Mexican. Is Oldest Elk United Press Service SAN DIEGO. Aug. 11. O. B. Stough, age 98, last evening was initiated into the Benevolent and Protective Order, of Elks. He is the world's oldest Elk. Celebrate Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. John D. Gentry will celebrate their twenty-third marriage anniversary at their home as 613 Wash- iuston street tomorrow. Only a few friends will be. present Mr. and Mrs. Gentry have been here only tl-.ue from Los Angeles. short New Minister Here. Rev. W. H. Cox and family, from Yuma, Ariz., arrived here today. Rev. Cox comes to take the pastorate of the Emmanuel Baptist church. There will be preaching in the library building Sunday at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Rev. Cox comes highly recommended from hh former pastorates. hoy La Prarle, one of the Ford men, ht sold a car to A. D. Addison of Mt. iJr.ki. This Is the second car sold In that immediate vicinity the last wee. , .., .v I ! . West and family started for tho ,iil.tolMmF mlill vmlanln M. C. Gerrue Arrested for Attack on Daughter Charged with rape on the person ot his own daughter, age 16 years, M. C. 0errua wag n last evenlng. He W. brought before Justice B. ( Oowen this morning and his bonds set . at f 1,500. Being unable to give bonds . in this amount he was committed to tho county jail. His hearing Is set for tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. Gerrue was arrested last night on complaint of neighbors, who were dis turbed by much noise In the Gerrue residence. It is said that at this time Gerrue was beating his wife. After he was arrested Mrs. Gerrue talked to , neighbors, and 1st out the isfomaUoa B008TER8 LEAVE WYOMING SEP. TEMBER 1ST To Visit All National Parks of the West to Promote National Highway Connecting Them Co-Operation of Klamath Is Asked In the Movement. Expected That Meeting Will Be Held When Promoters Arrive, i To Interest Klamath Falls In the pro posed national park to park highway, Gu3 Holm, president of the Yellow stone Highway Associatien: L. L. New- Falls last Monday. In a letter received yesterday by Mayor Crisler, Mr. Holm aayi: "Secretary Newton and I were in structed by the meeting held her re cently to promote a national highway, rnnneotlne un all national narks of tha West to take such atepa oa or ton next month as we should find neces sary to ralle funds. We have listed all or the towns on tne nignway, ana Bar wud -them ajejeerdtagr to thr-ofa X erlng the size ot your place and the tnv portance of this matter to it, yon should not find that this amount will work a hardship upon you, and we will j endeavor to give your people facts and figures during our visit there wtuca will show them that their money has been well Invested. "We are writing this to you with the request that you turn it over to the parties who will appreciate the im portance of it, and who will give It the proper attention. We will leave the to your discretion, selection entirely . but would suggest that you would let ! us know at once their names and nd- dresses. If you think it advisable wire us at our expense. "I can't Impress you too strongly with the importance of immediate ac tion In this matter, as we must leave) here before the first of next month if we are to complete the trip this year. To postpone the tour would mean to retard the progress of the highway to that extent which would be costly. It is our aim to interest all of the states sufficiently before election time id or der that they may make provisions to take advantage of the federal offer to aid in road building." From 8 wan Lake. Fred Coleman, a farmer ot Swan Lake Valley, bought supplies ot local 'merchants today. vhlch resulted in his being held on a charge of sexual relations with a minor child, his daughter Leone. Oerrue is 40 years of age, and is a Frenchman. Although the information against Gerrue, which was sworn to by' Chief of Police Baldwin, charges hum only with attacks on his daughter, High born say that members of hie family told them that Gerrue for some tiae has been profiting from the bfdy of bis daughter. Several Greeks fo Iran City are said to have peM itemm to oerrue, who, it n said, .tew We J. ,.VI.. I tk. ' ' . , -v daughter to them. .-- t -f- Although the atrl Is mtaet) aoM ef -,'1 .SI fl i $& .. .A' rw '" . Itj .r.W