Sty? iumttuj IteraU. .t.lrilie LAllATHCUUw o ?. ..tUODAPRR UAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER, j KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1916. Price Five Cents office Yrtl-No."7 PDBURST MAKES 15,000 HOMELESS 9AMA0I ESTIMATED AT THREE MILLION DOLLARS H--ft Are "vd ,0 D' IHI Towns 'Ars Obliterated an AHSulktlnai In Thlrty-MII Zone De-y-Otbfli of Homes and Hu m ledlti Floallna Down the 20-YEAR TIME MAKE PAYMENT OFFERED AGAIN Notifying Charles E. Hughes of His Presidential Nomination URNS VOTII BONDS FOR CENTRAL ORIOON RAILROAD lionds In the nniount of $ 126,000 for J too purchase of a depot iltn and tor-i mlnal for the proponed Btraborn mil road have been voted by Ilurns, nr-' cording to a dispatch In n Portland paper. ( It In said that Hie bond liwue carried by n very law majority. TIiIh evi dence I ho wlllliif-nenti of IluniH, an In true of other Central Oroj-.on towns, to do everything potnlble to Kt the pro noted railroad. i 1 22 FARMER8 ON KLAMATH PftO. JHCT AFFECTED 6pecll Act of Congren, Signed July 26th, Glvee Olfer of Twenty.Ycar Paymint Conttructlon Charges to Delinquent Farmer for Six Months. Enables the Wnter User to Dlitrlh. ute Their Payments. ninel PreM Service HtWTlNOTON. W. Vn.. Atur. W. MUta taouianil icoit are Hl.cltor )M letV. following a cloudburst ye. UtUl ortr Cabin freek Valley. The 0NIU n relieving lh' sufferera with tad tad tend. II Ik MtlnuKd I linl llm ilwnh In CsMa Crwk Valley. I'alnl freefc Vol lerudAlonR Coal Itlvor have cnune.1 CREW s HJUI 01 i,W."i'. I Hwdrfdn of iruplii ore believed to ttdtsd. Only thirty bodies have been' rNSTfrfd. All baUdlng li a thlil) mile voiii fcst bl il ft ro) oil. Miiane of ink anil debrN are II out Inn down' .i. 1L.I. nitov At (lnllllwllln (llllll. I ub vniv i... ... .......,-.-..--, -- NEED TWO YEARS CLASSIFY LANDS OF CRUISERS AND EH. PERTS GATHERS NEAR ASH. LAND TO COMMENCE CLA83I. FICATION OF GRANT LANDS AHIII.AN1), Auk 10. -The hotel Aim- Tin' twenty-two water tiseis on the Klniiiiiih piojcct who two yearn ujro ill not n will then selves of the twenty, j ear extension In lime of paylm; eon 'ilriietlon rniin of (lie pioject have, been Kiniilnl nix nmnthii In which to (.il:e niUanliice of tlio extension 1'ren. Idem WIIhum nli'iKcl on July -filh n Hpe , rial act pt'iniKlliiK thin extension of t time; the act applies to nil rvclnmn tlon proJeclH condurtrd by the govern ment. HecitUKe It watt believed ten years w.ih too Mhorl a tlinn In which to pay 'I he inn cntiMrurtlon conl which had ; September 21, I!) 1 1, nil eXloiiHlon of 5 ad bodies were discovered ; hprc. ,u,ftunUl(rt(, for cmr f)f J- ZZZVmXZ ciiiIkitk and timber experts who will user who enred to have the oxtcnnlon. undertake the classification of the i These farmers wete given twenty j)ro.'cri In which to pay thnt portion of I the ?30 construction eoKt, which had not already been paid. In most caos , thin bnlHtice was $18 per acre, four vision of the United Stales Innd office, payments of $3 each having already Ik here to pemonnlly nuportlne the on-ibeen made. Twenty-two water users litbllHhment of !),.. rnmpa eiu.t of A-h-n"l,11,,K fi 'Kr ,p,lt of 1, lanJ unJer i lie project, reruneil to pirii up for n tkm flmtlne debrili. I Hiatal townt hato been obliterated Hlnllroada dmtroyed. Batneii are cllndnK to the bant MhMM, wltlm; for the furloun wn im to put by. Ttemllllla lx preeiitliiR loullnr of i Md bulldlliipi. railroad jn-ant Innda In Oreeon, renin a acene of unuaunl activity. ImuIh l Sborp, chief of the field di luted Piew Berrien C1ARLE8TON, V Va., Auk. 10. UteUvkex roiifnu- the limit of life to niiM men u-lll hn mil tn i twenty year extension. In the crow which la now i. . .. . . .... -.. ". ill. i cnn. tv.v v.ny i i or iin ou juniD Bccuoii oi me act UlMl(ablnCrwklliy. ,mWt mmt of ,h, ,,. romlns'Brnntlnic Iheae water uacra alx months Innd. work i la otbrr dlhlrlctH affected' were tilt to eicipe. Ike tate-.t sd Icex place the dead nt afty. NMB SUSPECTS ARE ARRAIGNED WlllNOS ONLY GRINS WHEN IN. MCTMENTS ON THREE COUNTS from Portland. According to Mr. Slmip the crw facen a job which will probably take two year. The rrew will work north from the Callfornlii-Orciron line. In which to take advnntago of the twenty yenr offer la as follews: "Thnt any person whose land or en tiy has heretofore becoino subject to the reclamation law, who dexlres to , Focure the benefits of tho extension of Cenvlct Eecapes .the period of payments provided by thh I'nlled Preaa Sen Ice 'act shall, within six months after the HHDDINn, Aur. 10. John Eukcr, a lasunnce of tho flmt public notice here lonvlct, escaped from the convict rond under nffectlns his land or entry, notl ramp nenr here Inat night. He la tho fy tho secretary of tho Interior In the alxllt convict to oscapo from this camp manner to be prescribed by said sec in the last three weeks. William Snun- rctnry of tho Interior, of hla accept- les, who escaped last Sunday, been captured atv Anderson. i Explosion Kills Twelve AMI READ TO HIM BEFORE t'nlted Prwui genlct) JUOOE CAIANIQH Iiik mice of all tho terms and conditions of this net, and thereafter bla lands or entry shall bo subject to all of the provisions of this act: Provided, thnt upon suflllccnt showing; the secretary of the Interior mny, In his discretion, permit notice of acceptance of all tho VkHtd ! s,.rvce IAN FllANCigco, Aug. 10. Moon- T.wwaDiux Hillings and Nolan were of a mile, Mingled before Judbo Cabanlsh thin Watt Welnburg'a caso wan con "a until 8aUirdny, those of tho oth- islll Tuesday. Mooney's request . rwijwuemeni or two weeks wan eaMd. MICIIEZ, British Columbia. Auk. 10. Twelve nro known to bo dead as a result of an explosion In mine number terms and conditions of this act to bo three here this forenoon. Ughtnlni; filed nt any tlmo after the time limit atruck the signal Are. Igniting; gas or . hereinbefore fixed for filing such ac- dust. Rauidam were thrown a Quarter rcptance snail navo expired, conai. Honed, however, that where tho ap plicant for such acceptance Is In ar rears on construction charges, he shall nt tho time of acceptance pay such In stallments of tho construction chnrRO Flour Soat Wracked United Press Service HAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 10. A en bleirram announces that tho steamer ns he would have been required to pay MOOney SSVS he has tint nnJlnnmlnln on rimtn In Eneliml from llBd bo accepted tills OCt Within tho Wj counwl yel. I Portland, Ore., was wrecked as she time limit hereinabove fixed, plus tho WH l nonchalant, and only! was entering 8t. Michaels strait, In penalties that would havo accrued h Maud when Uie Indictment arnlnnt tho Atom Islands. The vcbso! had n . he so accepted, and such applicant J Wi read. He was arraigned on, big cargo of flour, which It Is believed -? CMIatS. will h . tntl loan. Prominent Democrats to Speak Here Monday .. -By w-A- Diim 1; rTTMWl oampalan of lata k. 2fiIOtb count'r u t4 for oday avwlng, August 14tb, ff W T. H. OrmwfoM of L 2 m 44rMi our tiUcetu la be- J . Miner and Mr, Crawford 2 known Ortgonlang, and art iJJiaoBg tht bNt of Oregon's jSTJJJ. Thi AjMrioaniMB ooulaU (JjJcttMloBl of m jtWical &'i3?.w MRMtt ta .z:t w awa aiata or MMvaawlff the American people. K you arc a shall thereafter be upon the same status that he would havo beon had ho accepted the provisions of this net within the time limit hereinabove fixed and thereafter tho lands or entry of any aUcb persons so filing such notice of acceptance shall be subject to all the provisions of this act." Republicans Won't Quit United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 10. The republican caucus today declined tho proposal for an adjournment of con gress In September. It Is Intimated that the Illiteracy test Immigration bill will not be Included in the democratic UI.I..J to k. Kuklitnl" VAtl Will Kit ""-" tf - . .kl. AaMtnt flAMBMil glad to bear taeat speakers, and irprosrum n ""u " -"" you art opposed to bis idea you will llt,bnown erU,.P 8n be a broader man or woman to hear nknB!" PaJ these speakers defend tht admtol8tra.nedPre" SerT,ce .. . ines speuen oeiwoa uw juu.m qalVESTON, Aug. 10. An unldsn. jSu iin i jiii imi i hi i mi n itmmmmmmmmmmmmttimmammnim SBH C iiAKPINO RUSSIANS CAPTURE TOWN OF CHRYPLIN 10,00 ANTELOPE SAID TO ROAM IN LAKE AND HARNEY COUNTRY AL80 18 ALIVE SAGE HEN8 WITH Game Warden Ramsby Returna From Eastern Oregon Trip for State An. telope Can Be 8een Everywhere FRENCH FORCE8 ADVANCE HEM WOODS TO Austrlans Flee Before Italians, De stroying and Abandoning Their Sup plies Artlllerylng Active Around Verdun, But Infantry Attacks Have Ceased German Air Raid Is Frus trated by French. United Press Service PETROORAD, Aug. 10 The Rus sians have captured Chryplin, a rail- way station three miles east of Stan I Islau. The right wing of the Russian With Field Glasses Go Into Nevada ' forces have reached Monasterzyska. In Winter, Where They Are Not Pro. tected by Law. SENATOR WAR Charles n. Hughes, republican ran- Probably more than 10,000 antelope are to be found this month In Lake, Harney and Malheur counties, accord ing to Deputy Game Warden Carey j Ramsby, who returned yesterday with j ce siceiton and E. A. Cress from a trip to tho country east and north of Lakeview. Warden Ramsby made the trip to get an estimate of the number of antelope in that section of Oregon. Senator Warren O. Hardlns. chairman! "In the co"try In Warner Valley I I, CHARLES E. HU&HE5 dldato for president, van formally notl- of ho republican national bonvenUon and east just over the range from niiu cnnirman ui uie noiiucauon com- " vuuuy, we saw uneiope ni- the most any time," said Warden Ramsby this morning. We spotted the antelope with long range field glasses. "Of course we did not make a count 1-ed of his nomination at a very large niltlee, was jmotocranhed with meeting In Cnrncglo hnll, New York. ' candidate during tho proceedings. on the N'isnlof railway, twelve ml lea northeast of Stanlslau. The Austrlans have crossed the Bis tritza River and destroyed the bridge behind them to prevent pursuit by the Russians. The Austrlans are prepar ing for defense on the left bank of the ataulslau River. The Russians today nil.-nnced a few miles toward Worokty. Price ofFIour GdesUp $2 a Barrel in a Month United Press Service ROME, Aug. 10. The Italians are continuing their pursuit of the Aus trlans who were defending Alsorizza. au aviation station six miles north of Coritza. The fleeing Austrlans are being bard pressed by Italian Infantrymen, de stroying and abandoning their sup plies. With the fall of Aisovizza, over zL 000 prisoners were taken. Thousands n( Italians who had been held by tho pro- j-of-'the- antelope, but. there are..twoJ.Austr(aps hadlved for weeks esder- runununj iu mm country woo say mail rrouna. wnen me iwuan iroopd en at the right time of the year they can- teied the city the imprisoned Italians lead a party to where 10,000 antelope rushed out, cheering the victors. can be counted. I do not doubt their word." ' Most of the antelope go south Into Nevada In the winter, according to I Warden Ramsby. Antelope can be killed in Nevada, but in Oregon they are perpetually protected. Warden hat this year's wheat crop will be 'Ramsby says the people of Lake and about C45.000.000 bushels, or a de-- Harney .counties are much displeased United Sen-ice CHICAGO. Auc. 10. The whotesale price of flour today advanced 50 cents oieasn from last year'.- crop of 358,-' wttn the Oregon Jaw, because they feel a barrel, making nn advance of $2 in 000,000 bushels. the lust month. i , Tho bakers of Chicago are consider- Hilled Pres Sen Ice ing replacing tho nickle loaf of bread WINNIPEG, Aui;. 10. Tho provin- with a slightly larger ten cent loaf. ' clal bureau of cropa estimates that the! Tho wnciit pu at tne fiock exennnso cauauian wneai crop uns year win oe is a whirlpool of excitement because of one-tbird less than tho crop of last the aee-snwlng of prices, and conflict- year. Ing rumors about probable changes United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C. Aug. 10. Tho department of agriculture estimates United Press Servtco CHICAGO, Aug. 10. September wheat closed today at 1.44. Decem ber wheat closed at 1.47H. SCOTLAND PEOPLE (HUGHES IS AFTER AT EAGLE RIOGEi FARMERS' VOTES they should have a right to kill ante lope inasmuch as they are plentiful, and spend a large part of the year in this state. The country' east and northeast of Lakeview for miles and miles is alive with sage hens," says Wards lam by. "We killed all we could eat, and without trouble could have killed many more than we could hare hnuled home." EXPERT SWIMMERS AND TENNIS URGES UNITY OF THOUGHT IN CHAMPION AL80 ARE THERE. AMERICANISM, AND 8AY8 MEX SWIMMING AND DANCING EN- ICAN SITUATIONS QRIVIOU9 JOYED GREATLY , SPECTACLE Several poople of prominence are United Press Service rusticating at Eagle Rldgo, according' FARGO, N. D., Aug. 10. The ar- to word from there received this morn- rival of Charles E. Mughes here has ing. One family, Mr. and Mrs. B. Bar- occasioned an influx of thousands of nett and daughter are from Scotland. fler9 Miss E. Ream of Alameda, who also Is staying at the tavern, is champion Grand Fork8 today- woman tennis player of Alameda. ! His cuporters bopo to socure for him Dr, Joseph Novitzsky of San Friin- the support of tho powerful Farmers' Cisco and Miss Loretta ShUltZ of the Non-partisan Leairue. same place are swimmers of much, hblllty. Other guests are Mr. and Mrs. i ..... ,. Hapv,rn Uinnkenourg or nomeiey ana n. rt;ei Explosion Kills Four United Press Service CHICAGO, Aug. 10. Twenty per se ns were Injured, four fatally, this morning when a short circuit caused tvo explosions and set fire to a street car. Passengers in the car were thrown Into a panic, and 'the doors being jammed, many were trampled under the feet of other. - Italian cavalry cyclists have t:resed further east of Goritza. United Press Service PARIS, Aug. 10. The French, have advanced to the Hem woods, despite heavy rains. German attacks south of the Somme and east of Altklrk have failed. There has been no Infantry activity around Verdun today, although artil lery firing keeps up ceaselessly. The German aeroplanes attempting a raid along the Somme hare been rovted. United Press Service LONDON, Aug. 10. This afternoon tbo Australians progressed farther northwest of Pozleres, consolidating their new positions. The Germans are bombarding allied petitions southeast of the Troaea woods. Blacklist Reduced United Press Service WASHINGTON. D, C. Aug. 10. The state department announces that three American firms have been removed from the English blacklist since the American protest was received. Hughes Will Speak in : Portland on August 16 of Los Angeles. Swimming is much enjoyed at Eagle GRAND FORKS, Aug. 10. Addres- 'i.. . , , . ,. I tilled cruiser, believed to be a British every yoar-aro more and mort oom-j""" xRUJarIne raerchantman ox- ing to be independent uunsen. ,". . ,,. m.v .oemmt for Ridte. as Is riding the waves behind a' he started his campaign tour. Hughes at 7 a. m. on the 16th. nm venvu uviv, .. ... --. -.... -- ...... (Herald Special Service) PORTLAND, Aug. 10. The repub lican state central committee la mak ing elaborate preparations to handle an Immense throng on the occasion ot tie forthcoming visit of Charles B. Hughes, republican candidate for pres ident, who win speak la this city on August 16th, at 8 p. m. Mr. Hughe and his party of twenty-eight, includ sing his first audience of farmers since, ing Mrs. Hughes, will reach Portland us attend the political iL'SSS or lib. presenc. of tho British cruiser, democratic-let us hear the treat aw i ..,.,..... ot 'Ji !?iJ!?l""2! h 8 Newton and party left this HS WW IB W WHI " w ww vi , , . . .. -llnt,,, hnnrt ' luonuos w mw v.-- .,,.-! motor boat. On cool evenings dansing J enjoyed. Coattaufd oa Pa9 4 Crater Lake after huokleberries. McFall Visits. J. E. McFall was In .town today frvm his farm near Olen to buy provisions. urged protection for farmer a well' w mu wm be held either as for f aetonr workers at " " h aippodrome at a. for factory worker. TwenUath and Marshall streets. The He urged unity ot thought in Aaoranawywln accommodate about ",000 Icanlsm and called the Mexican sltua- neosle and the hlDDodrome 10.000. and tlon a grevious spootaole. U tkt Utter hulUlag eaa he pat la i ti condition soon enough It probably will be used by the committee. Mr. Hughes' schedule calls for stop in Oregon only at Portland, Meaford. Ashland- and Roseburg, but NatkiaaL. Committeeman William and the stab committee will make an effort to have the scbftdule changed so a" tQt give Salem, Albany and Eugene loat a few minute each. V ' At the Portland meeting State Chair man C. I McNary will present Gover nor Witbycombe, who wall latrodaep Mr. Hughes. r Only the Hifhe party aaaatertiw ot the Uto and oeeaty coaiawtteeii will have seat oa the etape, , , CoBtiauei oa fape;v - v TV. if . .