el 4 1 aU? Suimttui ...tiATII COUNTY'S KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ,. NEW8PAPKH ,.V..r-No. 3,065 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1916. Price Five Cent Hmtlu RATER LAKE PARK EL BE IMPROVED SAYS R.B.MARSHALL FORMER LOCAL ' MAN ARRESTED General Pershing's Men at Colonia Dublan Building for a Long Stay MMMVMm.TtMl urauhtw MTIW.IM Lmintinoent of parks VI ITS CRATER LAKE ...ii. cl.niilil Ur Mill) to Siyf Mri !" WiMr, !Ht Should be Built lo Wiut Ulnd, Another Hol.l Should K lullt, and All Roidi In the Park Ihiuld Completed and Hard Bur. (iced ! " P"nnnc' uk ewyoii" '" W "'''' "''' w mutt My, Klamath l a wiuiihTttil tatur, and I bound l bfeoim! II jolly treat ncoiilr renoiv nam ' Uinlall. luperliiHiuUnl of iiiiiioiril (ark. it! iimmlitr. mi .Mnmmm net il Cietrr l-niie nununj eeiu"K . A Hehell ii'l 1,rri1 ,',,,,,, "ml troujbt to Kl.imnth mil" eitieriiiy. iiWion Hip noon ti.iln for Califor nia to ronllnm' Mk lour of iln itnlloiinl kirkJ.f llr ITnltf.1 Hlaloj IVM III" nalltiiinl I'-'.h of I 111 rmaiir utt In ImiMiHi'inriil," ild swerlaleiuHil Mnitli.ill "III U liter Uktl'iiktlio i-iil around lit tin 1 1 la I completed, In Unit ul IoahI two MWrlralt down to the water will b lOMtnirtM. anil I hope m are a pm- imi bridle frnm the ahon' of Hie lake isWImdliland. Another hotel should Ulolbe park for the iirrnmmodatloit Utulton; Il would be kikkI to havo font iort of a place on tlio Inland, riett people mlfbt any overnight If ttirdld not wni to walk bark to the totet na the tint lh xntn day lliov trot lo ll.e Wand. Alolberoadi In fiali'i Lake Park lire lo I bird nuifared, ho mm run Imlk around the like without Iji'Iiik Ifooibfrtdlu dint Ttxwrklop.nl; milloii.il hlr.liwite U not nidi! dream rw wine people ililnk lb day In not for dlrilanl heii i pktdJd roid lll conned every im- 'tail pirk In I ho United siatea. Von- fit ran thin ice all the parka lu ono Mn, Mopplnp a week or ten days hleirt, and trawl In comforl, TV fact that n very large port Ion Mbe people of I hi' ITnlt.nl Hint o la the JUat. a lout; dlrlance from iiiohI rf the stllonal parkH, Ir. one of Mm Mil muni why our parka are not wlted br more people Thin draw tak vlll b overcome as tlio Wont In mW by more people ami the beauty f wr ptrka becomes more widely liown la tut Gait. "The tlmt will ronin whan niml r.t toWMflMwnl nununlly abroad " wrin tourlHtrt will bo spent nl i Thli muat bo no, beeaunu nt will tbe world rompnrcn with Crater -, wauw iho Alpi do not affen ' ltb iho ffcllnif iimi .m nanler iimi, U4 utimo there Ix only one1 y0" "" Colorado In the' fH'NE PHEASANTS ARE UEA0 IV DEPUTY STOUT FortMitM .. . mi. iuut, i.iuiicrio piion. ,. """,r"n,,"- Jwenty-rour tout Ti :..' K" "" l,,e wrrm ifcSlJSJ b rt" ' 'ected by o 1 1 ri (' t i ii n onuuiim m i NAME OF THC VICTIM IU NOT KNOWN MERE Reported Here Tint the Shooting Took Place at Hanicn't Home at Thrall After hani.cn Had Refuted to Drink With Man Sought She riff 'a Protec. tlon, Ic a Report, But Thl I Later Denied. A-coritln: to word nirtiil by (' T Oliver, Irn llniiren, fornieilj ,t roit. dent of Klanmlli (Oiinij, wn nr rented Hiiturdity nt Tlir.-ill for lioolliin nn mi known nmn. The dory HOt-i tlml lluiicin sun! bin wife met ii drunken man botweeti Tlirnll and Acer Hntunlity afternoon, that the irmn ntopped tbein and aaked them lo have n dtlnl:, that lUnnen if fuced, and vOien tho man bocauis In nultlDi that HanatB atruck hl oe tha head with the bull end of hl biir.jy whip and drove on. the man llirowlnt, Ihreatn at him bm ho droe away. Han Hen Ih tuiltl to h.ne a m It nl a deputy Hheriff In accompany him homo from Auer. but that tho deputy refURed When Hansen nnd hln wife inach'.M homo II In Hnld he found the mill nt hln hoiiie with a run, In n melee that followed It hi nald llnnxeu Krabbed a Mitt which Man In the houxe and hIioI the man through the bienat. Hnuxen Immediately called up the Hheriff at Yreka, It la reported, and tho Hheriff came to Thrall and arreatcd both men The bullet did not kill the man, no far lie in known. Ilaimen formerly lived near Kero. where he still owiib a ranch In partner ahlp with C. T. Oliver. i l J - C...i.. ..... ,J.i J .J urvtvrvc port WfVf atif' . ' ' t - 'y' '' ii AX-hJ8 uEswaBkHaBHbMr-filri. - '". .0MBawlSi iTi ' I. i ' TiTij TBr IBHiT' ttttiiiinrBEii RUSSIANS CONTINUE THEIR MARCH INTO CENTRAL TERRITORY STREET SPEAKING IS NOT ALLOWED ORDINANCE PASSED BY COUNCIL BY THREE-TO-TWO VOTE 18 OP. POSED BY COUNCILMEN DOTY AND MATHEW8 ;l ALLIED VICTORIES AMOUNT TO LITTLE TODAY Kuaalana Advance on New Seventeen Mile Front, Capturing Tlumaca and Many Prisoners Clvlllana Have to Evacuate Lemberg Before the Case's Men Germans Take Works- at Thlaumont U-ej, r ri" '. cmr. ?- j"?ri '." rr. H."irari4Cjsis uzzmmvrsTimfztyistaKimMTis&m auiuptNJz -&& m vrr I'hotOKruphi) panned by the i-emmi of Ina running for a dccp trench they lov rr picture shows the troopers the war department In WiiMhlnalon in- have du; near their tents. These work building adobe foundations dlc.ile that Deneinl IVnihliiK Im prepu- MencheH havo been ao placed that In their tentB. The walla are being con It.; for a long- may nt Colonia Dublan. . oe of a surpriue attack by Mexicans vtructed in a form good, enough for Ihme plcturon al.ow troopora practlB- the men could easily ruuo cover. The ioug occupation. N x for With Councllmcn Miller, Struble acd Sheets voting yea and Councilmen Doty and Mathews vollnc no. the citv council last night passed an ordinance prohibiting speaking on the streets of Klamath Falls. The ordinance was fathered by Mayor Crisler and Intro duced by Councilman Miller. The ordinance says that no public; speaking, sermon or discourse shall be'. delivered on the .streets or at any oth er public place in Klamath Falls, ex cept the city park. It Is not stated in the ordinance whether or not the court house park shall be construed as a city paik. There Is land in Mills addition and a tract south of Klamath avenue and west of Fourth street which are city property, and are generally consid ered as city parka. 94 Per Cent of Trainmen Vote for National Strike ARMENIANS EAT DEAD COMPANIONS TURKISH DIPLOMAT SAYS PIC PLE LIVE ANIMAL LIFE, CRAWL. INQ ON THE OROUND TO FIND ORABS ANO HERB8 United Press Service 110STON, Auk. 8. A diplomat high In l he service of Turkey, tits cabled Hint tho Armenians have been forcod lo eat tholr dead companions. Lack of food ban driven the Armen ians to an animal Ufa, In which they crawl on the ground desperately hunt ing fqr grasses and herbs. STRIKE FAVORED M08TLY IN EASTERN DISTRICT Strike IHIIoved Improbable Trouble May Dc Arbitrated, Although Broth, erhooda Say Decltlona of Arbitra tion Board Usually Are Unaatltfac lory Conference of Owners and Em ployes Adjourns. United 1'iesa Son Ice NEW YOIUC, Aug. 8. It waa formal ly announced today that 94 per cent of the trainmen of the United States voted to strike, If a atrlko is neces sruy to secure the trainmen's demands of the in 1 1 roads. Leadeis of the employes nnd of tho .employers say thero is only a annll possibility of a at) Ike. Tho three otb et brotherhoods mo Inclined to follow the switchmen and nsk for arbitra tion of the trouble, although they R.iy that tho decisions of boards of arbi tration nrs usually dlsratisfylng. Tho brotherhoods announced today that they will opposo the Interstate Commerce Commission as an invest! f.alor, so lug that the commission Is not equipped to handle and has no SUNDAY D BIGGEST power to settle disputes between the trainmen and the railroads. eighty-four per cent of the trainmen in the Western district favored a strike, according to the official count. Of the trainmen In the Eastern dis trict 85 per cent wero for striking and 93 per cent In tho Southern district oted the samo way. Following the announcement of the vote, the conference of the brotn erhoods and railroad owners adjourned until toomrrow. The railroads are busy among themselves discussing the vote. Mil Team Will Play wamath Falls Sunday cm aSn,. 7, we' wm be n W Ism. '. W"1 noW a tame for 1U,,bM "Muled. . ttat Odd. gyj wlu N titi'onalhened bvthe best players from I the Medford and Grants Pas teams. The regular lineup will play for Klamath Falls, eicept that Terry Mc Caffery of McCloud will be In Qinger Greenwood's shoes at second base. Nolaon will be at first, carman will go back to right field and either Altea or Palm r will be U tae left gardes. ANOTHER PARTY TO VISIT HERE 8AN FRANCI8CO MILLIONAIRE 18 SO ENTHUSED OVER KLAMATH. THAT HE 18 BRINGING. ANOTHER' BIG PARTY OF FRIENDS Herbert FleUbhacker, one of tho blgge capitalists on the Coast, will, arrive here this afternoon with another, big party of friends for a two wecki' violt at Point Comfort his Pelican Bay summer homo. Mr. Floluhhacker recently spent I wo woeka on tho Upper Lake, and he Is ho enthused over tho sconery and other attractions of this action that he Is re turning to show some of bis friends what Klamath county has in the way of of a touriBt and sportsman's para dlso. Those four weeks visit of Mr. Flolshhacker to Klamath la the long est vacation that he has taken away from his many business interests in a great many y. DAY CRATER LAKE 455 VISITOR8 REGISTERED THAT DAY MEETING HELD IN EVEN. ING TO HEAR TALKS BY PROM. INBNT MEN Sunday was the Digest day of the year at Crater Lake in number of vie lion. Four hundred end ntty-seven visitor registered at the park head quarters, 257 stayed at the park hotel Sunday evening, and 101 automobile bi ought people to the lake. The large numbor of visitors was partly duo to tho presence of the ed itor of Oregon newBpspers, who came fiora Medford, where tho state conven tion was held. The people at the hotel gathered uound the fireplace Sunday evening to hear talks by R. B. Marshall, superln. lendent of national parke; Will O. Steel, superintendent of Crater Lake National Park, Robert e. stranorn ana otbtn. " . YOUTHS-SENT TO REFORM SCHOOL N JUVENILE JUDGE HANK8 SENDS THEM CHARLES F. DE LAP IB DEPUTIZED TO DELIVER THE YOUTHFUL CULPRITS EUGENE HIGHWAY BOOSTERS HERE ARRIVE THIS MORNING AT FOUR O'CLOCK, AFTER BREAKDOWN. MEETING TO TALK ROAD THIS AFTERNOON Judge H. W. Thompson, Clyde It. Seltz and O. W. Griffin arrived this morning from Eugene to talk with local men about the proposed Klamath Falls to Florence road. A meeting wtth the Eugene men Is being held this afternoon. Mr. Thompson, Mr. Seltz and Mr. Griffin left Eugene Sunday morning, and reached Bend that evening. On their way from end Monday the rear aj el of their car broke and they were delayed several hours, reaching here at 4 o'clock this morning. The acci dent occurred when the Eugene men were at the crossing of the Crescent read and the road from Crater Lake to Kirk.. Bremen Is Sunk United Press Service BERNE, Aug. 8. A dispatch receiv ed this afternoon says the Berlin Tans- b'.'.at announces thathe submarine nii chuntman Bremen, lonni1 for the i United States, was sup); In the Atlan tic ocean through an accident to ber machinery. Jack Meigs, Howard Hughes and James Moore, local youths, left this morning with Deputy County Clerk Charles F. DeLap for the Oregon State Training School, near Salem. Juvenllo Judge Marlon Hanks signed tho order seudlug the boys to the school. It is saidtaat tho youths have bean causing annoyance about town for soma time. Meigs is a son of Mrs. Helen Clauson of Htldebrand, Hughes Is a son of Mr, ami Mrs. Jack Hughes, and Moore, Is a'son of Mr. and Mrs. Jama) Moore. The boya and Deputy DeLap were driven to Ashland by- Chief of Police Baldwin, and from there will take the train to the reform school- Here From Merrill. N. S. Merrill, pioneer rancher of the community which bears his name, Is in Klamath Falls today on business. t'nltpd Press Service BERLIN, Aug. 8. Vienna announces that the Austrian squadron returning from raiding Wolfetto, engaged an Italian cruiser and sir destroyer oa August 2d. The Italian vessels wer hit repeatedly and withdrew. The Aus trians wero unharmed. Much submarine and aerial activity is taking place around Durazzo and la the Adiartlc Sea. The Germans have retired to the Tlumacz Ottynia line. A strong Rus sian offensive is developing, parties larly south of the Sereth River. There is no change on the Somme. Lnlted Press Service PETROORAD, Aug. 8. It is oBchtf. ly announced that the Russians have) captured Tlumacz, ten miles south of Stanislau. They have advanced aa terlally on a newj seventeen MsjDejJtV fehitve," capturing many FrlsosVotriT"" United Press Service ZURICH, Aug.8. Delayed Buoha rest dispatches say that Austria has ordered civilians to evacuate Lemberg, because of Russian advances. United Press Service LONDON, Aug. 8. Resuming the of fensive, the British have advanced to the outskirts of Gulllamont The Germans are bombarding the) Pozlere positions. There were no infantry attacks. United Press Service PARIS, Aug. 8. It is announced that the Germans this morning captared the Thlaumont works after terrific as saults. Fighting continues. German attacks on Fleury have bees. repulsed. The French, co-operating with the) British,"have progressed on east Hill No. 139 as far north as Hardeconrt German counters east of Momara have been checked. United Press Service ROME, Aug. 8. It is announced that the Italians have captured the Gorltsm bridgehead, taking 8,000 prisoners. This is the most important Italian victory of the war. The Austriaas have resisted capture of this posltiom for more than a year. Simultaneously with the capture of Gorltza, the Italians took Mounts botino and Mlchele. Foreign Cruiser Seen United Press Service MARSHFIELDr Aug. 8. CaptalB Micbaelson of the steamer Hardy re ports seeing a mysterious cruiser etf the Oregon coast yesterday afternoon. He was unable to identify the vessel to Interpret the lookout's signals. Wilson to Open Campaign for Presidency Sept. 1 Mrs. C. E. Richards has returned from Soring Creek, where she spent a 'week rusticating. United Press Berne WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 8. Ad vlnors to President Wilson say that the president has agreed to open bis cam paign for re-election September 1st, regardless of whether or net eongress has adjourned by that time. I President Wilson eyaihe will aooept ,Ue KutMB tMUB M tfca OB oft which the campaign will be fought if the re publicans continue to eansUiksi tkto Question. , x- x His speech of acceptance) of the) 4t ocratlc nomination la peuetleally plated. In It he will answer eritMaM" of the administration, and will eMo tte ' 1 achievements of the democratic ada ,iUsiltfinfUlgrtiaejKMa. i .Ml .SJ,VJ V f . $1 -,